The New 0REG6N STATESMAN, Salaa. Oregon. Friiay Vender, llaxclitt. 1923 u 13 cLasxrrxs ADmiuuo Btesiar Httou, per Has- -toe 48 Ha Blnimuai tktm) - Cliind AdvsrtiiiBg. per lis, tte Classified Advertising, par has . - tunes ... , .i SOe ClssiUied Advertising, -per Uae -,- times ' n .. .1 ;. e Om noa to, daily ,ase,s Saaeay ' . par Um I, f BUSINESS OPP. WORK FOR YOURSELF, i - BUSINESS LOCATION v NEW modern store room for rent, Iooutre pnone azzj. STOCK; FIXTURES and FURNI TURE. Living room in connection. Low -SrSa&JleS 451 Court Street ' Oround Floor. WILL aell S yr. Tease .concrete build. Inc. Rent $15.00.- Bids. X044 feet.' See Mr. Ward. 1585 Portland Road. - '-- FOR SALE Real EsUU GREATEST Trading MTUMDon en properties s listed (or exchange. Every kind oX property, every pries, ovary to- exactly, if yoo would like to trade your property today, come la today. 8. M. EARL. Realtor ICS a Liberty Tel. SMI nm hals Attractive Falrmouat HIS Boom Built ly owner - . ARTHUR RAHN Phone 188? or 489 n t u1 A TM tm a Wbititv nt tuwn. 4 moms newly decorated. tine east front-tot. sises. e oowi, f icr to. to- Include Interest. SEE M today. w m r.n a RPVwnRST a ca. - 131 Si. liberty. Street. - Phono Sift. ..jyirTPii iw-i--r-M-i r ""i" . . . - . WE HAVE a garage and oerviee station- In the city limits. A good buy at 8000.00. 4 ACRES And buildings at $ just outside, tne city umiia, jl oar i ACRES It miles from Salem. i nil. off Pacific highway. On good county road. New buildings. A snap at e. .; - SEW strictly modern 4..rooco, house at $100.00. See UOs, ' r WE write all kinds of Trikurance. Let ut write your next insurance. J. F, Ulrich Co. - j Realtor- 8 ii N, Com'L St. '-J?r rrel 14 TIflTISE BAROArNS S LARQE rooms, gurage. woodshed, mrner lot. bath, streets-paved. Price $1,150. siuu casn. - - - . . NEW. 4 rooms, nook, fireplace, hard wood floor, bath : with shower, garage, paved streeta Priaa $21 W,: wlU take C,r SOCOUJFSKT SOV First National Bank Building IDAHO farm . and city - property. Terms. See owner at S7S 8. Winter. v MOVING TO FARM Will sacrifice good home on .excellent let In good location. Garage, garden, water, lights. we 1. First offer of siouv gets it Terma Brokerage allowed. ,j Owner, 1110 n. l&tti st4 ptone 24. 6 ACRE fruit tract, goad fire room house, good well and spring, outbutld feiga t ml. 8. of Salem. Fbon SIF1S. FOB SALE Beantifnt home over looking' Salem. Fruit acreage. Terms, phone 1C93J, owner. SUMMER STREET CORNER OWNER has moved from Salem and v-rites us to sell his fine home at ftreatry reduced price. T large rooms, full basement, garage. Beautiful lawn ant shrnbberr and shade trees. Price ifc tw. we win do pieasea to snow wis. SEE Mrs. Ellis with LEO N. CHILDS CO.. Realtors t".0 State Street. Phone 17 87. WHT PAT RENT? ROOM house with fireplace, street roved and said. Only tlJfr with SIM rali. balance $2t per ssonth. Including interest. 4 ROOM plastered bouae. good, lo cation. $1400 wfth fltt cash. . . i ROOM boose on paved street, pay be paid, for tl4tt With t cash. l.rX N.'CHILDS CO, Realtors I2 State Street' : Phone 17JT. 2 ROOM modern cottage at Nesko- In, fully furnished, view of ocean, boy tills en your own terms. Attractive t res. modem borne north, new and best of const ructieo, very at tractive with extra large living ra, fireplace, tea ea easr terms. WINNIE PETTTJOHN IT sooth High Street tllit. FOR a 4 room bungalow house and nook : large living room, two bed rooms, kitchen, basement, garage. $lr down. . . $:23t. FOR a 4 room bungalow house and nook, 2240 South High treet, full concrete - basement, fur imoe, fireplace. . garage on large tot. This Is real buy on good terms. 1000. FOR a new room English trpe house, modern la vry way, base t"71,t. furnace, fireplace, pavement paid Good terms. , ' tiSOt. FOR a real homo on South Commercial st- large rooms on one floor. fin lawn, rockery and an kinds of shrubbery You wOl buy this house if you want a good home. Good terms. ........ WE have a few real farmers, who want to buy farms from tt to ICO a-res In It or II miles of Salem : but they want good land, What have roo t offer? . - . ., . t PRIVATE money to loan at ol V. 'OHNSONT Jt DARK 29L. 8. Bank Bldg. Phone M7. A PTB9T 1... . .... t. F:ilem on highway, fully equipped and "iaking money; win exchange for farm storked and equipped. ,- 3 ROOM house on pavement north Salem . $180. mortgage. WU1 trade evinity for lot. - r.'f ACRES, close to Salem. $8000. ill trade for apartment- bouse . to around same value. - t vfi S?? P'aJTd house on east ?.b-iI,u tot ;t17? J Jaortgage $l(0t ; I'J 1 raonln. TradI?giilty for loU SERVICE station and grocery store highway south ; mortgage flitt. Tie equity for . amaU .bouse any- change for house in SitMawi ' . :0 ACRES close iSsatem far tV . '','V .,morta .0OtrExciia for '.. EARLE u,w 16 8. Uberty Phono 124S WANTETlRs-n I Frfata ' - -1, j, njUUt FARM WANTED FOR . w,--ww.ww eAOn .,.WAI!nL fm m nan a as a otw y:; -,i'r:i-yilTi i not. g in ooama-1 or a oanrain. ..J A. C. BOHRNStTKrvr - lT y. Com'L St . Salem. Oregoa EXCHANGE Real Estate 20 ACRES dark soil an under Mow. mues east, iwmrortaess n. nouae, garage, woodshed, barn ; trade for city residence.- " ! 23 ACRES ander Blow T miles out fair house, barn, oliicken jieoae to fi room house, garage, basement. furnace, fireplace, pavement. Part to trade lor amau tarn or smauer nouee. CLEAN mdsa, stock to trade for modern 4 K. nouee. GEISER REAL ESTATE 441 Court 8treet EXCELLENT value. It acre lo cated $-4 miles from good town, all in cultivation, good buildings, electric lights, and water system.- family or chard, clear of Incumbrance. .. Will trade for small house in town would consider any nearby town or Salem. H. a SHIELDS ' 381 State Street Phono 17S4. EXCHANGE E have a new 4 room modern house, "price $3250, to exchange for . larger house about same value. Will tak old house if modern. . SEE Thomsson with - . LEO N. CHILDS CO, Realtors 820 State Street - Phone 1727 will take In trade income prop- ?H'op .re" WeU Improved fruit tract, good soil. apt. house trade for small ranch or other income property. Houses . of all descriptions for sale or rent.5 GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE ' . " 484 Court Street - eWeaeOM ?ZT frw tiouae, miltabl for 1 change tor acreage. Phone S492M. EXCHANGE Heal Estate WILL exchange new T room English cottaire close In, (or . Portland prop erty hmnm imM. - ONE acre south with unfinished house trade (or North Salem prop, ertyr tilt Cherry avenue,- t, - ACREAGE ACRE Small bouo-$10t down-Price- OltiO. Cloae bus and school, south, t i jf BBCKE a HEXD RICKS r i 183 North High Street - 20 ACRES In' heart of bean section, with irrigation. Crop contracted an ad vance. Will take aha re ef crop a down payment O. E. Snider, 411 Masonic tempie. eaiem. Oregon. ONE gore all In orcTiard. three miles out on Portland road, small bouse and garage, $8250. " . F. u wood. ; r, V . 811 State Street IRRIGATION land, cheap water. ? acres, S rnu house, electric lights, milk route, school bus. Only $2415. $10. down; bal. terms, -v - ; , C5 ACRES, t plowed. S a. fine bot tom, some timber. S rn. house, spring water, on - river. cows. calves, chickens, turkeys, aU for $37tt. tltftt down. Writs C E. Taylor. Stayton, Oregon. A GOOD BUT $4.500 $4tt CASH -17 1-S ACRES. On good gravel road. All in cultivation. About to fruit aad berries, cherrlea, - pears, apples, prunes, grapes, strawberries and rasp. berries. Creek. - Good 7 room bouse with water system, large barn, machine shed, poultry bouses, etc. Price 4.S0. $400 cashj easy terms on balance, will consider Salem residence In exchange.' ' TRIANGLE REALTY CO. -421 Court Street Ground Floor. 6 A. chicken ranch near - highway. Mdga. and fruit. $1000. terms. S5 A. farm, fair bldgx all la cult. can oe trngaten, ftaee. 23 A. farm near town, good-bldgs. 7 A. fruit. t400t. easv terms. 2 EXTRA good farms near Salem Tor income nroDertv. FINE Income property Salem paying gooa terms or tsjee iarm. SEE our list before buying. - PERRINE 4k MARSTER3 Gray Baildiag .- FOR SALE $K acre. IS miles norrn 01 saiem on gooa road. - about half good timber, running water, lit tle beaver dam landt no buildings, $80 yvr wrv, xiiin run, F. U WOOD 541 State Street aoosobsta)ssassJBaaasBw RVA t.f . FATtu nismru l1,inA ?u ta croP 00 mkt. road t iuur innu smaii unvn. S room bouse in good condition electricity O. K. lit WITT nil .Edgewater Phone 1I4S -BEST BUYS IN FARMS .1PP.P Alert CUATT niLTia 209 A nvwl UJ . :i ... storked crop, implements futty equlp- horses, tractor. Everything goes. This ... A 'FIVE ACRE SNAP -$80 GOOD L.VND. SMALL BLDGS ON naret nuil tuiu a d 5a' arasre" running water, price liViTPn . ... r .1. . . . jhiics cue- on garden .road best of soil has 4 It. ho"8, barn, chicken house, woodshed. . i' Lut irees. rnce Srfio.. ror quick oL Bjay terms. Wortli $1000. - "w -a.. A AIVAI ,t' lr sTIlJ--- LOCATED on highway, stock, crop K oiays. -rtce f . " ,,si A XsVDvr ttrrt OWNED by a witlow unable 4o run BIX ,X2JR .FARM of ... i bechtel Or sears lf you want the best for least money: mFbrn ,,J!LSulrmtUm- tw acre, orchard. . iu", wiib piumoingL cood barn anal s,ih.,rui- IT?? "VT wi7"! lectrlc all buildC inff?'i A1- 01 000. cash or " wvurma nome. , - F. L. WOOD 841 State Street FOR RENT esaoObABbo4abjBja 22(0 Nr.tphoeAr!." w- -1-1-1 11.11." I.IIIJIJ . S A. tract. H mL K. of Salem ; house, "orn.wster system. $2S.M. ', -vS5 Vrrlu toooee. water was, f M.VV. a?s3ea7s W. G. KRUEGER Realtor 117 K. CemT. P1ue 217, FOR RENT Houses WflR RRMVlM. kA . V ' Willi, ... .' ? BECKE HENDRICKS 1 Korth High Street THREE nurn . . V furnished, per month. Phone i-nnninn.n.iuu . n rt r- umiwwi or nniurnian. z-,.. y"1 "" "'. lirepiaee, . at kitchen, ga'age and taunury '"" 1 J'"1 - --1-i-iiii-iim.ruunji I KITS 'tufv . . : . Jargs airy rms. Frigidaire. - Westina- . "V""' garage, shade trees. Near state house. -. . .WINNIE PETTYJOHN. - AiaiKoutli JHl4fli Street $30. Garava. K mnma iiiir ...a I- teeping porch. i BECKE et HENDRICKS r- 183 North High Street MODERN 1 room htmmw rsftM!;,m erpiu: . i. ..... fxrTjTjTj rwwns wun oatn. 4 s. zist street. . . . . . . . - . -1-i-ii-n-tj-i.i-uuUU i. . - tYID' a t.rrw 4 roon house. Highland arts. A MWini kiuiak X'L. .a. - .wwn sswBr9 iUl It . 4 i.U as rnuin IWHMM. .WAII st- 4 room house. Jefferaon stT twi iiwse, oouin 14UV m rVsism hAllgsk T iimI A room house. North Capital m Mnm iwuias Vai s a . ' t room house, furnislied tt. l$th 25.00 SEE . ISO North Commercial FOIl RENT Apartments eesssasaeisssaWasabs aTlTRrTS fTstTT. 4 -a.. ea m APARTMENT for rent We'll rive S year lease. Melvia Johnson. 820 U. s Bank Bldg. Phone . ' wwoxixtmin ii ut --in ii m ni j NEW Englteh eottage for rent close bu Phono llliM. s , Polly and Her Pafe AGOUPLADPS OH BeLT? HrS PAtJTS pfcRPTULLVOrJ .$10.00 . is. oo . C abas ..t.l M. iO.fV 18.00 A aUk - 2 V. VII FOU RENT-Apartinente wwMwri AMBASSADOR APTi 2 room fur. and onfur. ; one S roum fur. apart ment. Radio and refrigeration: plenty of beat and hot water. Nicety fur nished. Garage or free parking. Cool In the Warm weather. SSt N. Summer 1973. --. 'i : f-i- MeeweewemwwMMeie NICE, furnished apartment, beat, light, garage. $2a.0trphone $43. FURNISHED apartmeafcSU Sooth Cottage. Phone TtU. M NICE, furnished apt. t Union. BUNGALOW apt, partly furnished. Inquire 47 MiU street, pboao 284K or if44 $:.. rWAMMMMIIMMMMIWWlMml UNFURNISHED 4- room apt, bath. $10.00. Furnished $ rooms, bath ana sleeping porch : first floor. Steam heat, garage or parking space j$Z7M9'' -. 'Sleeping rooms and single apts. two blocks from state bouse. 34$ N. 12th at. Call afternoons or evenings. Phono PRESCOTT APARTMENTS. 1004 Oak SC. near Capitol building. Furnace beat. Adults. iwwwwwwiMMweeeMms : FURNISHED apt. and rooms, cheap CLOSE IN I room furalshed apt. urouna itoor, garage, stuu ewwewMwweeweMwwwt MODERN, with radio. Two S-room apartments at the Stratton. One fur nished . and : one nnfumiahed. 7t N. winter, leu ii:h. LIVE STOCK and POULTRY CUSTOM hatching and baby ctilcka. Expert service. -, Guaranteed qnaUfy settings and hatches twice each- week. watca our Sunday display ad. - Phono-IS IF2. -. . Leo Hatchery BABT CHICKS Every Tuesday; at the Oregon Capital Hatchery. 210 North Ml th street, near Highland school ici. stsb. . i FOR SALE USED CARS . . STANDARD C 8TUDE - DUPLEX phaeton S pass. In very gooa conaittan jo aay guarantee ana service' has new paint Job.' The .book value of this Studebaker is $47S. Our prfce reconditioned and guaranteed is 14 . litsv term, tsee it tooav. LOpen evenings Closed- all day Eas- Loder Bros. 445 Center St. Salem Phone 480. .Graham Paige Sales A Service for Jdarton ana JriK uounties. SEE THE NEW - ' i ; OLDSMOBILE - , THE FINE CAR MADE FINER ? . -. USED CAR BARGAINS , READ THESE OVER 1028 OldsmobHe, 4 door jSedan $1,000 1028 Oldsmobile Coupe $000 1025 Packard 4. door Seaa.; $800 1027 Oldsmobile Deluxe Rdstr$00 182$ Whippet Roadster $4St 1825 Buick Glass. Inclosure Roadster , , fgQ 1925 Buick 4 Door Sedan s 193 utdsmobue coupe $3I 1925 Overland Glass , Inclosure. Touring , $328 1328 Ford Delivery (Inclosed) . 8100 Jewett Sedan , , . ff 1926 Overland S door Sedan 275 Maxwell 4 door Sedan $285 FORDS ; Sedans Touring C o u p a AU Prices. 19 Other Good Running Automobiles Jt-ricea from s to $300. J CAPITOL MOTORS, too. . 350 North High Street WHITE TRUCK and TRAILERS . Gas Oil Urease S torage and. .V.-..-cvr ' Renalrins: Come In and Ses the 1029 Oldsmobile Too can buy a bigger ear but not a belter ear. THE PRIfTE ' i h HAS been reduced on that little Overland 4 door sedan. ' Hera la a small 4 Soar asden whbn has bad exceptional care by its former owner aad is. In A 1 running condi . xmno m . teoay ana try- it out. xmm fna is ,. emy f i.vs en easy Open evanlnra Cloaa all dav Vjtmtmr cwniHjr, . - Loder Bros. A AC 4rasdsjabss flts!a - O.lsa Bk ifl - "w v s-seasoat AUVUf WWW Onhsm Patca SwJa n4 Srrlea for ua .rots viranuM, i- " i ibTsaTbrsrijrvXXo XEFENDABIaR ITSKI TRUCK Du a Tvr ms ... ' PRICED RIGHT Grahant 1 Ton Screen ' '23 Cbev. 1 Ton overloads 28 Graham Six, 20x5 duals '87 Graham S Ton four duals '2 Graham 1 T .A. witli duals . BONESTEELE MOTOR COM PANT 474 & Commercial Street - Salem, Ortgoa Phone 423 or Evenings 68F12. - McKay's for Used Cars with aii O. K. that Counts ! 1927 Pontiac Coupe 1925 Chevrolet Coupe 1927 Chevrolet Coach . 1928 Chevrolet Coach ..$525.00 285.00 425.00 (25.00 475.00 650.00 - ii I -t nevrolet Truck 1023 Chevrolet Cabriolet Douglas McKay K :l lChevrolet Co. I! 3fN.. CommerciaT Phone' 1802. ' "-' . '.-' -1 i . 1 '- lYVtlL. gPttfkgl tMn9anAtt4.tlAta at eb KaVs O.VEIUAND- 4 cri i door 4. sedan, good running condi tion almost new rubber wire wheela, cut down to make 1 tnulr All fA - a tft Ford Coupe 192$ model car, v' i-r. running shape, but a bargain m t m r- ma Ford Coupe 192$ Motor, good ruooer license in A 1 shape ' . TRWKP ... v. .in &T!21 . i . . ' w ,u iiui ni iuu hi .T viTn ooia ns is. iTice jow te attract quick sale. Be. them today. Open Evenings Closed all day Eas ter Sunday. - . f ... . Loder Bros. .1' JJC Pant.. Oft ' O.l. ,'. . . . Gmuam-Pa Igs Sales and Service for . ir.. . .a yi-il. &, -uuiwu wm rum uniauta FOR QUICK 8 ALE 1927 srthwiM. wup. j-ikhw . - s i Ajcrrs ths AMlLLIOKl T1ME TTVSriTErJ rr. Bin. hs claims. hs TUmmv is THOUGHT CLAimOT6& Olstt Cy THEM RtrD AMERICANS! T a. FOR SALE Used Cars '" ir nri'iii'iriiirut U Vick 1927 Oakland Landau ll!lif.J,Uwr" fui tiu: u into 4 . equipped, including;; uvnk;,m license -t , Ts ns 192$ PontiacCoacn f T..rubbTi n.5."h ,at new rvvocri inna vol cbanical cooditioa; !$: license 1927 Pontiac Coupe &x--Qs ' .- Bumpers; 1ty0 new overstse tires; flnlslfaad -uphotsterins: A 1 ; motor la fine condiUoo, 1029 license , , . ' '"M'.M .927 lntlac Sport Sean ; ' ' Fully ralpped; excepttonany fine mohair upholstering f lms run 4 - i but very Uttla; real value ; 12$ license; prico $$ 1927 Whippet 6 Coach ; Well eoulpped: new balloons; finish like aewj In fine condition m every respect; 1020 license ----- . . . ,.Tl-4Tg;oT 1926 Oldsmobile Coach I " V : J ' Bumpers front and rear: an metal trunk ; new rubber: finish Ilia new; orator over-hauled; 132 license , - - - - . 1 027 Chevrolet Coach . . .- : Motor over-hauled j finish 100 new; fully equipped ; baa tS per' cent new. rubber; 102$ license . . ,, 421.00' 11925 Overland Coupe New dueo finish; f9 sew balloon tlreo; several extras; la A 1 mechanical- condition; 182$ license ; Late 1923 Studebaker Light 6 ciatbi, tt yewr motor A II 7. per 1926 Ford Touring . Top. curtains and upholstery A 1 ; balloon tires; motor In fine shape 105 00 Fhoo 1841 Hlfrli at Trade f VIck Bros. f ' "The House That Service Built, If Price Sells Used Cars YOU WIIX BUT ONE HERE. OUR CARS ARE RECONDITION ED AND REFIN1SHED. AND WE GUARANTEE SATISFACTION. 1925 Ford touring, balloon tires, '29 license, $75.00. - i r . 1927 Ford touring, lot of extras. 1927 Ford Coupe. ' 192$ Ford Coupe. 1920 Ford Touring. . ' 1923 Ford Coupe, a snap. 1928 Ford Touring. - 1928 Whippet Cab Coupe. . iszs wmppec troupe. 1927 Whippet Coach .' 1928 Chevrolet Coum. 1927 Chevrolet Coach. 1933 Chevrolet touring, 1929 license. $50.00. 1920 -Dodge touring-! 1923 Dodge touring. 1927 Buick Coach. 9 2 8 Essex Coach. - 1927 Nash C, Standard Sedan 192$ Oakland Coach. 1923 Studebaker 4 Pass. Coupe. '21 11 cense, $150.00. ? 192 W. K. 70 Sedan. 1924 Chalmers Coach, new paint, over hauled. $250.00. 1024 Ford Coupe. 1020 Dodge truck priced to sell. ' 1928 Overland $ Coach, a 4 00 AO 1925-Overland 4 Sedan, $228.00. 1928 Buick 4 Pass. Coupe, $185.00. Used Car Center ' Operated by--' 1 VALLEY MOTOR CO ALFRED BIL- uinusust attrroK CO., ANDER- eon mvTOK TO . Marlon A Liberty Phono Xtlf. ....... ........... . . -in.-.-uwm Bargain Hunters Here's Your Chance 19;r-Buick S-dooir Sedan New tirsa license -A, 1 me. - chanically -, , $880 to 1928-OakhuMl Sport Sedan .e t-Wlro Wheela Orlatnalfai. ....' L,ke pew-flcsnaa . $59.00 .iTZT- "ia-- eaan New Tires ..,.''. LicenaeOrlglsal finish .x- 27t?orycvuV mcak . WIro wheels, new fires new ' ,.frst series, finish like new 721.00 127 Pontlao Deluxa coupe " a good on- - , tM9 MAJfT f' : tnodelg tt on alWt ST iT?. good, from $40.00 vp???. T State Motors, Inc. "' ukukuu miM. .jrnonb 1000. . ........ --,-,-n , v1nrLn mnnj-ijj A Ford Dealer Sells Used Cars at the Low- est Prices. Here is the Proof 1 1937 HtipmobHo Cotips, rumble " ma rouna Bite 1927 Nash Coach worth $1500 7 Our price, trunk and all $100 1928 Whippet 4 Door Sedan al- un siTuiK ii sway "t , , , uta illi S1?10 VouP. Uo new. jm. WWkV 1 w ' " " HWVt . one family car very well ore. ouica seaan, newruboer t served . v ' .TI WOK AT THESE BEFOREYonBU Y v uc iiut-ur vo. 27S Center 8t TsL 189S - - - . Pettylohn's Used Car Clearance .Sale No w in Progress ENTIRE' stock of. rlno' used cars at t Exceptionally Low t--p:-::yi Prices 1 Prartl&I1v ill b.Vu .i nodels to aeiect from. Set them to- F. W.ettylohn Co. ICS N. rVm'l tUr P.f.v.. Nash , Automobiles Dealars sudoral Trucks After we sell wo ervo." - - 'ti'C-- id4 ITMAT5SI IWVW.IIf m V0OT XCI X1 AlLUS BLOOB D 1 PERWKJS. FOR SALE Used Cars ii'i'iriTnrniTnrinnru'ij'UTjTaJuu ju jiJijul" : l-f I -'".J -t A1.' . i;;tiH;' 'H oU ' ' '4- I - H t .' ' I -n f i J Sedan ''iHii.t. - s-v raevers4xtwraBdrin, A 1 m i;.o Reo's Used Cars J!!5 Studebaker 4 dr. Sedan . .$1050. . 1800. 1928 Nash Special Six Coupe 1925, Rickenbacker 4 dr. broug ham 925. 575. 300. 67 r. 200. ' 600. COO. 194 rimln RiuH.. 192$ Studebaker Sedan 1925 Ford Tudor Redan 1927 Hudson 7 pass. Sedan 192$, Studebaker Victoria 19.?7, Re? T&. dump truck. This truck has been thoroughly recondition ed and has been used one season only, we also bave seven other good used trucks. Reo Sales & Service Co. 339-347 North High Street WANTED-lUsed Cars - - " - --n-irriin.iuijLiri.n.n.a CASH paid tor Fords Klker Ante. AUTOMOBILES MERRILLS garago AumsvUla, Ore. Ga oils,-' Urea,- accessories. First class mechanic All work guaranteed. Located in old Spear building. Service with a smile. ....... ,. ..r -i-i-fi-n-n-injTju, RELINE your Drake a to bold wet or ury. mt xe till Star. IS FITZG E RALD-S HER WIN MOTOR Co. MONEY TO LOAN I-- ------- - Winn luuxn SHsAnaaMi ptopity loaas OH per yf- nioauuy payment straight loans, lowest rates. Mat. Insurance Co money for farm i HUDKIN3 a SAN FORD, Inc. Mi Storo Building. Pbona 3218. PITT AMD TliVa - . Baaaonablo Rates No Delay STATE SAVINGS AND LOAN .' ASSOCIATION t08- first National Beak BkUt. raono eei Cirr AND FARM loans at lowest raise, issst terms eDuuaaata. . our insurance department offer yoa ax. art advtee and oanke In all lima N -. BAWKIKH A RORIcnTR - TM. 1437 " SOS Oregon Bldg. . JTKUISJtAXt rARK LOAN P. L. Wood. 841 State anves. . SALARY and collateral loans. Re pay able in weekly er monthly install. eaeabV GENERATi FINANCE COR PUKATJON. FUst Nari Bank. Tel 1200. WANTED Private SRoaey for farm muw. o Btmww several appucauoas en band. Hawkins a Roeerts, lac. ! KJl lUU HNS, Private Money to Loan ON FARMS ANI CITY REAL ES TATE, LOWEST INTEREST RATES. . BERT T. FORD FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDG. ' FARM LOANS Pteary or money to loan on good farm security. - City Loans W are loaning Prudential In surance com Deny money on city real. oencea ana Business pro; party at t on, Hawkins illdlag. . Der sent, blue a commissi a Roberta 266 Oregon Building. MONEY LOAITEO OK ATTTOS Contracts ReQnaaced , . arrange to reduce your payassata. -.V . You .keep the ear." - v Cor. Uberty 8C ;and fmtt ' lzi . - - tiaiam. ura. WE have prtvato money ror- real ae tata loans. . Straight and Installment loans on dtr m-oner. . JTarm . Inui at 4 ploa eomnilsslen, Realtor . ut s. High at. ' - ' WANTED- , BROKER9 will romliltr tar finan cing, stock Issue ready .for immediate public presentation. Aeroplane, indus trial or mining preferred but will give consideration to new issue from respon- siote parues. -r orwaro cocuptoto par ticulars bv mail onlv ta M J. WalWv a Co. 13& Church at. New York." WANTED Slalg Help UNUSUAL opportunity - to baioina connected with a live-wtre real eotats selling concern; SEE John Werner, SOS North High. Mast have car. BOX LWTi L i GP" "tT." .1 ' v . ' 'c ivr ITa I ! ' s : ' -. " . T - r - 3- " rl -ir -r--r r-iT Turn liiwi jii 11 . s. .. WANTEDFemala Help nKAjiAinx omooor wora cor laoies wanting to turn their spare time Into money. Aoaress tex us. ota NEAT.-atmearlna' woman -avar ft years: housework, board, room and sal ary, inquire goo I, tugn. :xo a. m. f HELP WANTED WANTED Experienced w e a v s r a appiy at uregoa sAnea Mius, oaiem, Oeegoa. '.v MISCELLANEOUS r FURNITURE PACKttNG for ship ments. Clese Powers Furaiture Co. , j WTNDOW washing, yard den work. Telephono 1518M. and gar- TV ANTED Used plaaoa. In ' ex change on Radios, phonographs, or fur niture. IL L. Stiff Fnmiture Company, HOME GROWN ornamentat shrubs, fruit trees; grape vines, etc.- 2040 Ne- oraaca ave. Aieorga Scfareiber. ' - CARD .reading;' crystal -gazing.' Call 285 7M. : ; . -. ... J;. -i FOR SALEUisc. AeakabsebjeAaassOesbsasjaaaasB FITRNITURS UPHOLSTSRlNfl aad repairlag. GieOo Powera Furniture FOR 8ALEM 183. ... . . , service call 0 FOR SALE Cheat bay. Albert Lie cfaty. Pre turn. Oregon. ROLL top desk. Underwood type writer for sale. 1684 Ferry. FURNITURE, canned fruit. . one milk goat. Floyd Reeves, Aumavllle, Oregon. v. . . WILL sacrifice Singer electric saw. Ing machine. 648 N. Church. - ALMOST new, walnut finish dining table, t chairs, .full leather cushions. snap. lit tieunont. none ZtZOJ. . TEK thousand- Etterburg strawberry plants for sale at 12.50 per thousand. 1085 North Cottage. ONE Roister console model radio for sale cheap - In perfect condition. $100. takes It. Oregon Finance Cor poration, 209 Masonic- building. Tele phone zisi. W.J. LEE SON 433 Ferry Street SEEDS In bulk and package. Dairy feeda. Poultry feeda -and specials. KERR A TRIANGLE BRANDS. WANTED BUTTERFAT A EGGS. WE PAY EVERY DAY. WANTED MISC. Wanted FOR California S car loads of num ber one Dairy Cows : FRESH or coming ' fresh. Also ten Guernsey bulla Some first Calf heifers, fresh or coming fresh. Address :' Leslie R. Smith " ' Hotel Senator CARD READING errata! ksxIbsl CaU 3867-M. -." CAPITOL BARGAIN and Junk bouse 106-146 Center. TeL 89$. AU kinds of Junk bought and eold; Raga Sacks, Bottles, Barrels. Hides. Pelts, Wools. Furs, Tallow. Caacara Bark, Grape Root. Pitch. Peppermint Oil. all kinds of Iron and metal everything from a needle to a locomotive. , POEMS Set to music. Master. Craft Song Publisher's, Seattle. Saddle Horses Wanted WILL pay top prices for sound gen tle saddle horses weighing around a thousand pounds each. The Hunt club riding academy. Goodman's Gro cery. 3448 Fairgrounds Rd. Phone. Sa- LOST AND FOUND - - - -I-,- -i m -ij-Li-ti-u-uwui. nMWt2' 2?.yinf SIU UD U begS. rxBttm m - - .u.,.1.. . i, .1. on 18th or Center sc. old model Ford mm w iui ami, newara. sirs, uate Paraoaa. 187 tt. 11th.- FOR SALE Wood ' ,- -,n-lrt , - DRY FIR a OAK i Wood Coal & Fuel Oil Can-aa at for prices. We give measure, good quality aad good Larmer - Transfer & Storage ' ' Tel. $3t GOOD WOOD at a reasonable price. Wen seasoned second growth fir. Aleo well seasoned old fir slab aad - In side wood. - PROMPT DELIVERY Phone 1643 ' Fred E. Wells zs bouui uwrro etreet GOOD DRY WOOD oak and fir. Phono IStFls. Robert Fromm. Rt 7. if J - -- - - - -i-ii-irirniriixruuvjjJU ir MILL wood at $3.75 per toad. It- Sad FIR at 83.60 per load. . ?i TRACE Y8 FUEL YARD , " .. winm.t - FOR .DRY - FIR -WOOD 4 ft. . or oxwed Call C D XJery. phone - . . s if - GOOD DRY wood for 'you H A GOOD. DRY Be con a growth 4 ft. per cord. t cord lets, $6.76. Phono 3711W. ..." . BjeaPbaMe4asbebjeAj0 GOOD COAL DRY WOOD PROMPT DELIVERIES -. HILLMAN FUEL CO. TCUSfUUN 1150 .-.. - . -i-i-uKrui.fri.ft TJMV II In Akl ft awil ...I. fhr and maple. ... .JI.WJ U HARBAOGH -tSS Hlghlaad Ave Phone 1990 . FOB SALE Wood of all - kinds. M. D. Mayfield, pboao tSFS. TT eabsWieibsbtbejOJOeaaebj1 GUARANTEED DRY Wood coal. toi. as. naiem jraet co, its Trade. eaPBOssestJBanabjeo . DRY tad Fir 4. $8.00. if, $ Good oak any Jsngth aad old fir dry EST fiALEM WOOD TAR8 4 (Cord zooasuro a square deal) -Pboao 1148. ThiS a aw stf . ,iv I I - - ' ' - GENERAL DIRECTORY ATTORNEY AT LAW O, W. EMMONS, td floor, Oregoa BMf. uonerat mractKo. A'nooe ieis. AUCTIONEERS F.N, Woodry IS Tra. Salem's leading AocUoaees mnm irumituro uimr Residenco aad Storo . ; ' lilt N. Summer St ; Phone 611 COL A. L, 8TEYENSON onc- tiowear. xi rearsr eKDerteace in o wuiametto vauey, tor oaiee or nr- ranswBaeats ae V. A- Doerfler.- tana advisor. First National Bank, SaWm. mono or wrtte, a. z, Buvensoo, vor- valibv. ureses, -: v- -tnt-i ... j . n H. Fa Woodry and Son . ' The) AUCTIONEERS Who SeO i atv BIt-DiwrinV,i f;ca5 : '""-'' i'..- Phone. 75 . . t 'i"1' j ' St feara Kxaorleacs---'.:"5'1- - ' ELECTRICIANS R. - n. " Rarton Nationaf Batteries Starter and r geneistor work, c SOI South High. ... - -E. U. WELCH " i , eT vwtrlt. iMnMotiw? flvlneea and auppliea. Estimates , furnished, lots . So. .Commercial iot Phone 3501-M. ---- - - NOTICE OP SHERIFF'S SALE OF FORECLOSURE Notica it hereby given: That by rirtae of am Execatioa aadT order of aala daly issued oat of the Cir- cait Court of the Stata of Oregoa tor the) Cottaty of Marion on the f th day of March, 192t sad to me directed, upon a iodtment and decree dnly yendered by f taid Court on the 23 rd. day of Febru ary. 1129. la. a. certain suit then pending: In said Court 'wherein S. r, Kennedy and Cora V. Kennedy are Plaintiffs and John William son and Myrtle Williamson, his wife, are Defendants, wherein the Plaintiffs recovered Judgment against the Defendants, and by which Execution and order of sale I am commanded to sell the1 real property in said Execution and or der aad hereinafter described to satisfy the judgment of the Plain tiffs, said Judgment being in the sum of $4000,rt0 with interest thereon from .May, ir192S. at 7 per cent per annum until paid; and the further sum of $74.40 with interest thereon from August 14. 1928. at per cent per an num; and the further . sum of S 2 7.00 with interest thereon from November 22, 1928, at 6 per cent per annum; and for the sum of, 9400.00 attorney's fees; and for; the sum of $10.00 costs and dis bursements. an1 the accrued costs upon said Execution I will on Saturday the Cth day of April, 1921 at the hour of 1:00 P. M. of said day, at the front door of the County Courthouse at Salem, Marion County. Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bid der for cash in hand on day of sale all the right, title, interest and estate which the Defendants or any of them or either of them had, subsequent to the Execution! of Plaintiffs' said mortgage here in, to wit; May . 1927. In and to the mortgaged premises and every part thereof, the said real prem ises hereinbefore mentioned are described as follows, to-wit: All ot Lot 1 in Block I la the Highway Addition to Salem. Mar lon County. Oregon, according to the recorded plat thereof on file and of record in the office ot the Recorder ot Conveyances for Mar io County, Oregon. Said sale being subject to re demption la the manner prirlded by law. Dated this March I. 1929. , , f O. D. BOWER, Sheriff of Marion County, Oregon. L. D. BROWN, Attorney for Plaintiffs. Mch-8-lS-22-29Afi NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF EXECUTOR - Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly ap pointed by the County Court of the Stata of Oregon for' the Coun ty of Marion as Executor of the last will and. testament and estate of Emma A. Byars, Deceased, and that he has duly qualified as such executor; all persons having claims against the estate of said decedent are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified, to me. at my office at 203 Oregon Building. Salem, Oregon,' within six months from the date of this notice. , :'' . , ' , - Dated at. Salem, Oregon, this 29th day of March.' 1929. , RONALD C. GLOVER, j Executor of the Jast will and tes tament of Emma A. Byars, De ceased. ''-.' ' . $ v ' Mch. 29-A-5-12-19-2I NO LAWYER'S NAME , . . . - . . . v x . . r Jersey Growers ;i To LleetlApril 15? At Chamber Here The Oregon Jersey Cattle club will hold a meeting Friday. April 5, at the Salem chamber of com merce rooms, according to an an nouneemeat recelred Thursday front H." Oliver Buxtoik, secretary. The meeting; wtn open at 11:00 o'clock In the forenoon. . By Clitf Sterrett '7V W ' t8 llATrERr ELECTRICIAN ?U:Batiiyu4l t -; Service Station i intomAltiA WlAvitM 1 VIck Bros. High. St atiTraae BICYCLE REPAIRING LLOYD K. .RAMSDEN Columbia Bicycles an drepeieiag. 887 Court. CARPENTER CaRPKNTKR Builder. Moras ana. clalty. Pleas and apectOcationa free with work. Reliable; Reasonable. Uevy or contract, Tel 1UL CHIROPRACTORS DR. LLOTD L. HOCKETT, Physio. - 94$ K 5thtf Tel lUS-W ' Dr. Ol L. SCOTT. PSC nbitnni4 SSt N. Hsrh. TeL feL Res. 8164-1. DRS. SCHOFIELD. Palmer Chlro. asna "J"taVi DOCTORS Z. ri At .rifiv t n uAn.M.w. Is MivoVlan. nhon ilfT ssa hi hk. ertyt - " "..."', , IXCTRICIANS ' HAL1K - ELECTRIC CO. Electric contracting and repairs. ' Electric Xixtures a.nd auppliea. : t Ph. S -. 441 N. Front FLORIST aJWirtsct twc at r. . Olsea a. Ceort a High SC. Tel, 80L CUT' f1wra. wmMIkv w..n ... . funeral wreaths, decorationa C V. Breitbaunt. ftorUt. ti Kt.t. cT. Tel. 880." 7 -' T W"T" , INSURANCE WU A li'RUVV ' .... tual inaurance. 437 North 10. beleav , WARREN F. POWERS , T J fa a nH 1 1. I . Tel. lei: .tt : r-'rrT? 1 - 219 V. 8. Bank Bldg. ANDERSON a RUPERT mtPmx aw . esaaey- U4Vw - 1 189 & High . TeL 1844 BECKE A- HrvllR ir-wa , lt9 N. High TeL 181 RICH U REIMANN ' t G?JnlU Insurance. Loans SIS N. High St. let StS WILLAMETTE INSURANCE AGENCY SIS Masonic Bldg. TeL 9S8. LAUNDRIES THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY " THE WEIDER LAUNDRT Telephono S8 S88 a High .CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY The Laundry at Pure Materials" Telephone io . im Broadway MATTRESSES 1IATTRE3SES RENOVATED by the Capital City Bedding Co- S08t North Capita, called tor and deliveVoaV AU Work guaranteed, TeL 19. MUSIC STOKES FOR RENT N'aw pianos, H. L. Stiff Furniture Company OEO. C. WILL Pianos, pboao. graphs, sewing machine, sheet mnse and plane studies. - Repairing phono. oewing tnarhlnea. 0S3 Stat WTCg gggpas NEWSPAPERS eu IB srkipr & . M lem Ageney. The Ace. T.L aia PAINTING . PAINTING and papertianglng. Chaa Bennett. Tel.-1811 UK 7J Wilbur. PAPER HANGING PHONE GLENN Adams for house decorating, pa par hanging. Reliable workmanT. . ' ' KAL80MININQ .wf Iferlng. Prices reason- J11" Alex- ander. . lofsic'1110 IMtperlng. Tel.' PLUMBING .P.LUMBiNa, frtntxdr-n; reason able prices. A. L. Qodfrey. phono 405 W. PLUMBINO aad general repabr Work. Ura bar Rrom lis hJT 1 tZEiZ TeL SSt. PRINTING tmn CP a fTrf-XTEto r " PWata programs, hooka or aay Alod r", m , us oiatesmaa cbLoof?"11 & C00 RADIO TY1H ssrvswriy Mipttnaa AeA, w kUjECTBlCAL bHOP. 81. Coixrt W .11 -4IS. . - . - : .STOVES ftTYlVmTiZ sarsfr atAua au.n.8K. an& for sale, rebuilt and reabd. AU kinds of nwn mrtrm. fr. : pi hi, bop baskets and hooksTjogaa hooka, - ttelem nce end Steve Warira 2S. Court St. Back of Busick's. , 7 TAILORS ; o.V D. H. MOSHKR Tailor (er man aad rrasai mmm . At A as. . . . w s w WW SOtU ... '.TRANSFERS'. GAPTTATv f..- ... a78L--S.DUouuTifr: Wardinai and atoraa m, wi. i.T! 7-T1. our rates. - , ", - . TT PATTERSON Transfer- Iui .a longdlstanco haullag. Phono SSt. - ; TRANSPORTATION Yelloweiy Pioneer ay:;' .H.'-Vtv. : , S ' ' .... ; m . : r- a. Syftcta; flTARM Angeles, fit; 8aa avaaaitA at 0 A a 0. ... Franciseesr Saeramento, -. Depot BUg hoterphone7rr VETERINARIANS TJOOTOR VT CI irM.Wu . ariao, residence TtS S. ConVL Phone -VIOLINS HiNnuirm mv .. .. dollM arid ..Lin,T "M- 2,P5Ll"ab,"J'r HWtSi I ylur old -.-v.. .0.,,1,0 nojustmenta " tSSt South Commercial ; LODGEROSTER i p. F.' Meets every Wednesday even ins at T II) ft'-li. . vi W"S. Bi JT-Temia' corner of Court and e. kA sjwl ebj - 1 - 'S1frr. -Wee W0j ait . tDeWsMSBe? W ST-faefAfcMi .