The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 29, 1929, Page 11, Image 11

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    Aether Contest Soon No re
turns bad been received. n to
ninnXn afternoon in the tTTtlniC
contest held Wednesday at Eugene
between ue xusene ana ewm
hin rhrtol. A. return contest will
be held April 11 when Earene
amateur - and; nonce .learns - com
hero to compete with the- local pa
llia: Knnnt faculty members who
will accompany the Lane team are
Miss Bee DeGood and Miss Ger
Mii. TvtriiB- ThsM lnter-sehool
contests haye been held , tor sey-
ral years to five tne pnpus
-work-out- in PTOarationor tte
state contests to beheld later at
Saee on Injury SOas Bailiff
Vegan action in wcu
Thursday against the state Indus
trial accident commission to col
lect money ne oauM
for an injury stained January
14 when he was working with a
woodsavf. , HIS claim was turned
m. , ii tli a - accident
commission. . The accident took
4 J - AVI. A . V -
plaee January -iu jw..
nr.iv TTlffH School Df.
Edward Lee Russell win address
. boys assembly 'at the senior
hieh schiol thU Friday mornln
wf lti. .rA J i
during tne acuviiy ycww
Russell addressed the boy last
4 til -al1r mot with SUCh
enthusiastic response that Princi
pal J. C. eison uwuwHiwi--rlted
him to appear again this
week. 1,
m.y. shaw Iftva divorce
decrees .were handed down here
Thursday by Circuit Judge MeMa
ban. They were as fallows: Eva
Tyrer aj Vj: J
Sergeys vs-Leon Ser-rys; Dorothy
r.tii Hubhsrd ts.5 Vester Hub
bard. Grace Todd vs. Thomas J.
Todd and Frank Opits vs. Gladys
opi(tir It
Cornelius' tilled Marlon Cor
nelius was brought to Salem
Thursday from Albany where he
was apprehended on a warrant is-
. . . .v.ail with
suea at &aiwnu xio " .
fttkToti lAini S2S worth Of
copper and tools from the Oregon
Electric lineman's nousw ouw
night- 3 1 ' "...
Auditor Reports The annual
auditor's report was filed with
the Marlon county court- here
Thursday, showing IS38.85I.0I on
hand a the beginning of this year.
Total cash receipts for 1928 were
$2,451,857.37 and disbursements
were 82.329,431.18 ; : 4
German Student Tlslts Miss
Louise Huls, student at the Unl
yerslty of,Oregon was speaker at
the student Y. W. a A. Thursday
afternoon at Willamette nnlver
mita He tAni& wu 'Political and
Social Changes in Germany since
the War." Miss Huis nao a doc
tor's degree from the university of
Berlin, but is studying education
al methods In America.
To. MccX at Hotel Members of
the Marlon County, Veterans asso
ciation who are going to the meet
in? atWoodburn Aril w are asked
to Ihe .Senator Jiotel ter
minal at 9 o'clock: lhat morning;
At least. 18 persons will be nec
essary for the chartering of a
stage. i X, . -
Makinjt . Posture Tests Mrs.
Grace Wolgamott,v supervisor of
ph v3ical education In the grade
schools, is now completing, the
first posture check of the present
semester and will haye her final
report ready In another week or
SO. -:U.;.;iK'::.yi-i:-
Visiting Sister Miss' Beulah
Braltzka la here from; Everett,
Viuh. t remain oyer the week
end yislting her sister, Miss Ruby
Braltzka, R. of the cnua neaiyi
demonstration nursing staff. Miss
Beulah is accompanied by a school
chum. w..., .'' 4. V-;ii
Leonard Arrested J.;W. Leon
mrA ncn VnrttiFront street, was
arrested Thursday afternoon on a
charge bt taking the ngm ox way
frnm annthAP motorist. The Other
motorist happened to : be George
Edwards, city tramc omcer.
Vnim rwv Til Cecil Ware,
eight-year Id bon of Mr. and
Sirs, jucnara ware,
ti9 wa taken to tho Deaconess
hospital Thursday for medical
care. . ; - ; W'-'" i
U1t.V4.nni ' 01. iJ. -
Biinkhorn, county milk anil dairy
Inspector, will talk on -"Milk Qua
lity Testing" netflra me eignui
grade class at Woodburn today.
Falls to Stop Wells Tallman.
411 Oregon building, was fined
85 in municipal court Thursday
for failing to stop at a through
street intersection. ' .
Portland Woman'' Here Mrs.
Mamie P. Brown, Portland artist.
Is spending a few: days yislting
friends here,- She is a guest at the
Marlon. - "-"y-t ;
Medford Folk TisJt Mr. and
Mrs. a a Darby and Mrs. Jessie
Mlnear are Tlsitlnr la the city
from Medford. ; r v f t
fm4 Danj Exeapt KsUaj r -.
- .. Wet ,
4tittraan. otluni
tl3 Sa CoasMreUI av ;
- :. i. UwaW f h '
Ths AtMciU4 Praia it ssahMrfsly
ratitlad tk for publicaiioa
U Mil eiipatchM eraditad U IS
at stWrwis cr4it(V im lata pa par
a ajaa to U local MVS paUUM
svukui omen
Paeitie Coatt " Eapraa tatlrag
trtaar W. Btrpaa. Ie SaaaHtr
Sl Portia l Biaraa BMc-m
rnadtesr SIX Wattora Padns Bldff
s AsgsMis.
500 ' .
"Par AQ lpartaaU
bt4 a th Pas OfflM ta SalMS,
Oragoa, sa seea4 slsss suttea.
tvBscurnox katu -
ltA isseriptfon Sates, a Asvaaes
t S,UL 0rroa; Paiiy bb4 8aaT(
euL Ua. SLS&j S M.
IT:.' 1 f.w 400' KUraWa
JJJMH S.00 fa t 7W la
T City Carrier
SS tsat moniht f 6.09 jest.
Doctor v WreckedA - d a n
driyen by Dr. Bertram Woods of
Portland skidded from the high
way north t f Ramp's. Corners
earlr Thursday xnornlngr' and
toned orer twice, Dr, Woods re
eelyed a broken arm and minor
injuries. His wife was bady bruis-
ea. They returned to Portland af
ter treatment in Salem, abandon
ing a trip to Los Angeles on which
they had Just started.
Miss Wilson to PottTanil Mfis
Muriel Wilson member of the
high school commercial faculty.
will go to Portland this week end
to Tislt with Miss Cecil Graham,
now teaching at Oregon City but
a teacher in the commercial de
partment here last year. Miss Wil
son this year succeeded Miss Gra
ham as faculty edrisor to the Jan
lor chamber of commerce. ' : , v
- Tie for Club Head Forrest
Holliday and Fred Blatchford re-
celyed a tie yot for president of
the science club at the high school
in the elections Thursday morn
Ing. Another rote will be taken
today. Gertrude Wlnslow was
elected secretary and Richard Ba
ker treasurer of the groap. Mrs.
R. W. Tavenner is faculty advisor.
- . . ; : .1 h . if . v
Interesting Class Held Salem
women who attended the Thurs
day setclon of the Home Hygiene
class were treated to an interest
ing exhibition of the technique of
bathing the Infant child. Other
phases of child hygiene were -also
demonstrated and discussed. Miss
Martha Harrison; R. N is instruc
tor of the olass. - - .-
Bad Check :- Charged Charged
with having, written a check with
out baring suliicint funds in the
bank to cover if. Roy Dixon was
brought Into Justice courthere
ThVtrsday, The case was continued
until today at 2 p. m. Dixon be
ing released on his own recogni
zance. - : ;.
Apprataement FUed Inventory
and appraisement was filed in pro
bate here Thursday in the matter
of the estate of the late William
Elmer. The estate is valued at
8340.88 by Bobey S. Ratellffe,
Winifred R. Herrlek and C M.
Litwiller, appraisers.
Permit Issued A log hauling
permit was Issued by the Marion
county court Thursday to W. R.
Stevens. The permit entitles him
to haul logs over the Stayton-Me-
hama road, the Mehama-Elkhorn
road and the Fern Ridge road.
Gives T B Jalk ("Tuberculosis
as a Citizen's Responsibility:, was
the subject of an address by Dr.
G. C Bellinger, superintendent of
the state tuberculosis hospital, at
the First congregational church
In Portland Thursday night ..- :
Oil Men Baadnet Sixty, mem
bers of the sales and managerial
staffs of the Union Oil company
gathered at a dinner and business
meeting held Thursday ntght at
the Marlon hotel.. C. E. Tostirin,
district sales manager of Portland,
was in charge. ;
Baseball Group to Meet A
meeting of all persons interested
in the county high school baseball
tournament has been called by J.
R. Bidgood of Hubbard, chairman
of t3 committee, for 10 o'clock
Saturday morning. The meeting
will be held in the circuit cour
rooms at the court house.
. . Salemites Make Record Two
Salem students. Miss Nancy Thiel
sen and Ronello Lewis, made a
grade of II or above in all their
winter term classes at the Uni
versity of Oregon, according to the
honor roll list Just published.
Front Labish Center D. R.
DeGross and O. G. McCloughry
members , of the Labish Center
school board, were Thursday call
ers at the office- of . the county
school superintendent. :
Dr. Doney Accepts Invitation
President Doner, of .Willamette
university has accepted. an invi
tation to give the commencement
address at Grants Pass high school
this year. The commencement
will be on May IT. . : -
... ..; .. . . . .. y5;" -
Miss Wlnslow Wins Gertrude
Wlnslow won the final tryout atJ
the high school Wednesday morn
ing and -will represent . the local
school at the district reading con
test to be held Saturday In Albany.
. .Girl Havo Picture The mem
bers of the Girls' Numeral club at
the high school had a group pic
ture taken yesterday afternoon for
the Clarion; high school yearbook.
Blls&boi-a to Address
John E. Biinkhorn,- dairy and food
Inspector, will address the eighth
graders of the Woodburn school
today en "Milk Quality Testing."
' Kelsoa IB J. C. Kelson; prin
cipal of the Salem high school,
was confined to his homo Thurs
day with a severe cold and may
not be able to report to his office
today. -'- -
' Teacher SO Miss Sarah , At
wood, Parrlsh Jnnior high school
teacher, has been absent the past
few days on account of a severe
cold. V f ' :-V
fn tt Tsris. wsflaar Iiimi
Smitaatt Tiaa Wa taaar
glaaaas . scaiast . kraakaga.
119 If, Conunerclal St,
Pprtland-SsXesi Twica Dail.
Float mmH Tiado nts. ' L"
,-. Becoming Effective March IV 1911 .
. Ittl rrsca. AHiT. CcrrsHb. Est
Also continued service to
Ashland nd
V1 ' ... v Daily Berries to
Call KCD Fcr
- 80s Bona Here Mr."' and Mrs.
L Ow Doidgo of Junction . City,
routs three, are parents of a boy
born at s local hospital March 18,
and Mr. and Mrs. I W. Peterson
of route one, -Independence, are
parents of s baby boy bora here
March 18, according to birth cer
tificates filed Thursday with the
county health officer.; -
Submits to Operation- -Jsmes
B. Potter. 145 Marion street, sub
mitted to a minor operation at
ths Deaconess hospital Thursday
morning; . c :
Goodwin In Portland E. C.
Goodwin, local Insarancs agent, is
spending two days In Portland on
business. . " ; ..- -
Fox tn Oorvanb William W.
Fox. rural school supervisor, was
a business -visitor In Corvallis
Arnold to Speak
To Ad Club Next
Thursday at Noon
mmm , ,"-a .
Perry B. Arnold, business ana
lyst and sales counsellor will ad
dress the Salem Ad .club st its
meeting next Thursday. He comes
to Salem well recommended as an
education, chantauqua speaker,
sales manager and executive.
Realtors of the city, who meet
the same day, will be Invited to
attend the Salem Ad club,' accord
ing to a motion made by Dr. Hen
ry Morris . and approved by the
- - 7:1 Fleener ' . "
r Trrlan AMaxine Fleener died
Wednesday evening at the family
residence, 119 North 15th street,
at the age of 17 years. Besides her
Barents. Mr. and Mrs.- Damon
Fleener, she Is survived : by one
sister, Wilda Fleener. . Vivian
Fleener, was a member of the
First Presbyterian church and a
senior at Salem high school. Fun
eral services saturaay at p.
m. at the Rlgdon 'Mortuary, Rev.
N. K. Tally officiating, Interment
at Cityview cemetery, where the
Rainbow Girls will hold graveside
Paul Farrington died In this
city Thursday. Survived by his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Far
rington of. Eugene: one brother.
Austin; and three sisters: Margar
et Farrington of Eugene; Mrs.
Ruby Goundry of Rochester, N: Y
and Mrs. Lou Hoffman of Port
land. Remains are at Rlgdon and
Son mortuary Funeral - services
will be held in Eugene ;
; . . . ' Sanger -Funeral
services for Mrs. Ther
esa Sanger, who' died at the home
at 4859 Fir street March 24, will
be held Saturday at 8 p. m. at the
Clough-Huston parlors, the Rev.
R. L. Payne and G. Schunko offi
ciating. Interment will be made at
a later, date at Memphis, Tenn.
She Is survived by her husband,
Robert Sanger. Also, a daughter,
Mrs. Margaret Pennington of
Memphis, Tenn.
3eUrcft iHemon'al
A Park Cemetery
. ,. '.
with perpetual care
SX ... -ki -
Large PermyEiTCT.itJso
I Small Bird Eggil
Special for Friday and
-'irr Satirrday I ft 'M:
lesb Blade in Setttk
I - -:
L.-25c a lb, or-- -:
Two lbt. for 45c
Only at
: :' Drnj Store,'
1S5 V. Ostml. SC Phoao lw7
The Cvftfbaal Candy
' Stars of Salem.
: - Fenslar Axencyj
. . . ,' .
aU points sonti of Salens,
way points
Above JTownS
Yowr Motor Completely .
Overhauled. 2-3 regular prices.
Fitzgerald Shcrwia Motcx Co No.
Liberty at Chemeketa,
Boantlf ml Easter Ulies are
Arriving st The Flake Petland.
Dr. Jsrlrsoia ; "
407 Court. Phone 1248.
Choice Assortment
Of Easter plants, Olson, Flor
ist. DaQer tMmmo- . -sJ
Every night 8:8 ts 8 st tH
Marion hotat.
Fnrnltnro . Upbolstcrer 1
And repairing . Giese-Powsrs
Furniture Co. .
Gl W. Emmons Annonw
. Opening Of a law office on 3rd
floor of Oregon Bldg. Phono 1649.
FIFTY "Used Piano Bargains'
Stiff Furniture Co. ; ,
Get Tour Easter UDles Now
At The Flak Petland, 36 cents
per bud or blossom.
For Sale or Trade . .
The Black Cat restaurant. See
Roth Grocery Co. ,
Easter Lilies Special
The Flake Petland, 38 cents,
bud or blossom. '
Old Time Dance
Crystal Garden every Wed. and
Sat. night.
FIFTY "Used Piano Bargains'
- Stiff Furniture Co.
Choice .Assortment '
jOf Easter plants,-Olson, Flor
ist. Jost Arrived
A new shipment of St. Andrsas-
burg Roller Canaries for Easter.
C. F. Brelthaupt, Flor
: ' D
V it 1
Ls --7
1 K-Pj-
, ' ' - - c -- - j . i ? . i i
. mlmmlmmammtmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm MaM. mmm
''I t t 'rr I
osnr pram -iEin
nil 6
Aurora H o st to District
Gathering; Extensive
. Program Planned
a Promptly at 1:0 o'clock Sat
urday afternoon. April f, at the
L O. O. r. v hall in Aurora, the
session will open for the ninth an
nual gathering of Pythian Sisters
Of this Oregon in district No. 2.
The address of welcome will be
delivered by a member of Una
temple of Aurora, the response
being. given by Ross Templo'ot
Portland. - ' -. ,
- Charter to be Dropped
Following the formal opening,
the afternoon session will be tak
en up .with - exemplifications of
draping of the charter by Rose
temple of Portland, report of In
Flowing for East
See C. F. Brelthaupt for your
potted plants and cut flowers.
Special Easter Hostess Cakes
Something new at your grocery.
O. W. Emmons :
1 With offices on the Srd floor of
Ore. Bldg. will engage In the gen.
eral practice of law. Phone 1649.
FIFTY Used Piano Bargains'
- Stiff Furniture Co.
Thomas Bros. Band
Mellow Moon every Wed., Sat.
Block. Wood, Shed Dry
Wood. coal. Salem Fuel Co. Tel.
18, . . ,
Pottery Hakes Ideal
-Bridge Or bifthday gifts. For
Inexpensive gifts visit our giftry.
. Pomeroy A Keene.
& Stetson Hats
& Nettleton Shoes
Van Heuseh Collar-Rite
y Dress Shirts ,
. 1
, J,
vestigating "committee J and - the
ballot by Phalena temple of Port,
land. Installation of officers by
Arlon temple of Hubbard, and the
report of questions by the law
committee, and resolutions by the
appointed ' committee. . There win
be three educational papers from
the visiting: temples and three en
tertainment numbers by ths hos
tess temple.
Dinner at 8:S0 O'clock '
After ths dinner, which is to be
served at 6:30 pjn. by Una temple
of Aurora, mnsle will be furnished
by the Hubbard high school or-
Uhestra, followed by other .enter
tainment features. The evening
session will be opened by Una
temple, the ladies initiation by
Mary Todd temple of Portland as
sisted by the staff of Orphia also,
of Portland, the Knight's Initia
tion by .Wanna temple of Hood
River, assisted by the staff of Ft.
Dalles of The Dalles. Both staffs
will srivm extra floor drills. The
I closing ceremony will be exem-
pined by una tempie;oi Aurora.
A large attendance is anticipat
ed, and reservations for the din
ner should be sent immediately to
Clara Will at Aurora.
Btiilding Goes on
With 4 Permits
Issued in 2 Days
Building activity continues its
early spring spurt, with four more
permits issued in the last two
days. They include; ,
Charles Vick. dwelling at 1746
Lee street, 82700, L. J. Post con
tractor. 1
Melrln Johnson, remodeling
garage at 1376 Summer street,
8500, Barham Bros.
Mrs. Fred Melntire, garage at
1485 South Liberty street, 8800,
F. M. Harrington.
Marie B. Wyatt, repair dwelling
at 1580 Center street, 8500, A. E.
" 1 ii.'
In Smart Hart Schaffner and Marx:
Spring Clothes
Pride in your own appearance is reason
enough for dressing up for Easter. Pleasing .
the lady in the case is another. She knows the
world judges by appearance. She wouldn't en
joy having the glances of approval that greet
her new Easter outfit, change to commisera
tion when they turn to you. So, dress up for
Easter for the lady's sake and for your own
DiQkens Blues Malacca Tans, and Scots
Greys are the Spring Colors by
JEvery boy should look his best on Easter day and "Tim's Store is the
boys' -favorite place to trade. Every boy reads the magazine sent" out
by Tim and Tim knows what boys" like. A special department ' for
boys, "Bishop's Boys Store." . ,
Boys' Two Long Pant
Boys all wool ' two-pant suit?,
neat patterns, beautifully tailor
ed. Special for;4
this week',;.. L.
end UcoZzn EZHg Cio?o
Two Principals Pick Fault
Jn Letters Replying to
The entire Salem high school is
suffering because 5t ths unsports
manlike conduct of a certain ele
ment in the school, and Inasmuch
as Medford teams have been booed
and hooted consistently while in
Salem that student body Is con
sidering discontinuing athletic re
lations until an improvement in
spirit Is seen, B- H. Conkle, Med
ford high principal said in sub
stance in a letter received by Wil
liam Liljequlst. The letter is in
answer to a frank Inquiry by Lil
jequlst, Salem high student, as to
the where and whyfor of the local
school's unpopularity over the
state. - -
Principal Harry Lindahl of Til
lamook, in answer to the same
query, condemned the prevalence
ofsmoking . among . Salem high
boys as he had noticed it when
Salem rooters were in Corvallis,
where he was principal two years ,
nntil this year. Lindahl wrote
that as a large school Salem
should be particularly careful in
placing Itself opeu for criticism'
and pointed to the fallacy of sub
stituting force for reason.-?
Several other schools which !
Dr. Edith V.:
Osteopathic Physician and Sur
geon, specializes In diseases of
women and children
Office 423 Oregon Bldg.
Phone 778 Res. 991R
ress Up
Hart Schaffner
& Marx
Suits and Topcoats
is Dress up Day for Boy&v
Boys' Oxford3 f V-'
Bostonian r "Juniors" T are the
shoes boys like. Ask any boy y
X7her.he likea to get his new": ?;'
shoes. Therein be but one an- I"
swer Tim's Store, of course. :
Newest Spring ' . . . Va ' "
Oxf orrij - ' .. : ec A) U
participated in the recent tourna
ment, have replied to LUJequlst's
letter In much ths same tenor
with the exception of MeLough
Un which took a neutral ground.
Slm jhMge '
Is Moving Into :i
; 7ft (New ' Home
The Star Exchange, located for
the last three years In the Argo
annex building on North Commer.
elal street, is moving; today into
Its new. location, on the corner
of Chemeketa and Commercial
streets in the old -T. M. C. A.
building. ' " - ? '
A policy of expansion will be
followed, several, of the furnish
ing lines handled by the company 1
being increased now that larger
floor space is available. A. Val
chok and Son are proprietors of
the store. . . , .-i
Late 1922 Ford Coupe In fine
condition, Rnxtell axel, several
other extras, 1020 license.
Price S95.00. . -.
"The Hosuw That Service Ballf
4 .-s
: 4
' Established
. - s . -iT-.f - '- .J' . 1 , ..