10 FUTURE FABMERS OF II Crabtree Replaces Old "Ag Club" With New Association - SILVERTON, , Mar. - . -According to Warren E. Crabtree, instructor In the Smith-Hughe -vocational agriculture In Silrerton schools, 23 members naa signed ap for the newiy organized sign school club, which will be known as the "Future Farmers or Amer- "-lea."- - The dab is a reorganization of the -Ag club." The Silrerton group hare filed membership with the state chapter and the state. In turn, la affiliating with the na i4ional organization. "The Fntare Fanner more jnent," says Mr. Crabtree, ."is the ;outgrowth of a natural demand for such type of . organization '.among boys of high school age, .Brer since vocational tarlning In jRgricnlture has been established In the, high school there . has been : recognized a need for: a type-of Ladvantage of the natural instincts let boys of the adolescent age." There are four degrees in the club which are: 1 Green hand 2Future farmer; 3 State far- laser and 4 American farmer. I Miss Lillian Block, technician .for Dr. R. E. Kleinsorge, is spend' ing sereral weeks in Salem, dur ing Dr. Kleinsorges - absence in the east, taking a special course -In the Hollister-Stier laboratories .Miss Block is working under Dr. T. R. Fletcher. - Ill-Luck is That Of Boy Who Steps On Large Nail I Mil PIONEER, . March 27. George Ramp had the 111 fortune to run a nail through his foot las week. The same week, while he and Ward Manning were burning out a fence row. Ramp severely burned his linger. A. Woods, who formerly resid ed at the Harrison Jones estate, and George Ramp sold 600 sacks of British Queen potatoes to the Oregon penitentiary for 85 cents a sack ungraded. Parker sville is Scene for Visit PARKERSVILLE, March 27. Mrs. John Ramage and daughter, Miss Gertrude Ramage were din ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Brown last week. Dick Harrison recently purch ased a truck from Joe Zellener. XO. 74 fijnepiis of Annual Statement ef Ike Central Surety and Inmranee Corpora tion of Kansas City, in the State Mia aenri, on the thirty fin t day of Decem ber. 1928, made to the Insurance Com missioner of the State of Oregon, pursuant to law CAPITAL Amount of capital ttork paiI ap, 81,- eoo,wo.co. IXCOM Net premiums receired during the Tear, 11.883,140.84. Interest, dividends and rent reeeired during the jear, S89.993.35. Income from other sources received during the year, S80O.463.19. Total income. $2,773,597.38. DISBURSEMENTS Net losses paid during the year In cluding adjustment expenses, 9808,646.63. Dividends paid on capital stock daring the year, $100,000.00. Commissions and salaries paid during ne year, fooi.i42.tii. Taxes, licenses and fees paid daring the year. $47,983.48. Amoant of all other expenditures. Viae.eav.yu. Total expenditures. $1,751,812.88. ASSETS Value of real estate owned (market vaiue;, none. Value of storks and bond owned (mar ket value), $2,284,043.00. Loans on mortgages and collateral, ate. f ojo.vbsv.: j. Caen in banks and on hand $280,292.18 Premiums in course of collection writ- ton amco Sept. 80, 1928, $438,142.92. Interest and rents due and accrued, $43,238.89. ToUi admitted assets, $3,582,507.69. LIABILITIES Groat alaima for losses unpaid, $377,- vez.av. Amoant of unearned premiums On all MtstaMing risks, $869,830.42. -r Duo for commission and brokerage, 110,St27.I7. All other liabilities. $176,071.20. Kurprus. 91.142.996.51. . Total liabilities, exclusive of capital tOCK r 91.UUO.UUtl f 2.682.30 BCSIXESS IN ORKliON i'OR THE YEAH Net premiums received during the year, 10.37J.78. Losses paid during the year, $3,203.84. Lessee incurrea during toe year, f o, S53.72. Kama of company The Centra Surety aa insurance vorporattoa. Nam of president Fred W. Fleming. Jtasse of secretary u. M. yeetwia. XO. 78 ' fiyaopals of Annual Statement of Tbs Mercantile Insurance Company at Amer ica of Kew York, ia the State of New lark. en the thirty-first day of Decem ber, 1928, mado to the Insurance Cesn- saisaiensr of tha State or Oregon, pur- eneas so taw: CAPITAL, Amoant of capital stock paid ap, $1.- wa.vvu.vu. INCOME Ret premiums received daring tha year, 13.937.726,91. Interest, dividends and reata received dnriag the year, $245,270.69. Inoomo from other sources raeoired Caring te year, $37,690.23. Total income. $3,510,687.83. DI8BCRSEMENTS ,- Net losses paid during the year Wind lag adjustment expenses. $1,459,918.20. 1 mm Dividends paid on capital stock during tha year, None. Commissions and salaries paid during the year, $1,026,613.01. Taxee, licensee and fees pai during ike year, $144,688.87. - Amoont of all ether expenditures. f9M,l07.17. . Tetal expenditures, -$3,016,077.25. ASSETS Vara of real estate owned (market Value), Mil. Valoe of stocks and tioads owned (ntar- aes vaiae; $e,028.i9.06. tew on mortgages and collateral, etc il. Cask In bonks and an band 1340.114 67 Premiums in course of collection writ ten since Sept. 80, 1928, $521,239.02. Interest and rents dee end- accrued. 1 f09.3SB.W3. Re-ifnrance reeoveriM. $11,810.68. . Tetal admitted asset. $6,971,051.48. LIABILITIES Groca eiaime for losses nnpaid. $299.- A meant ef unearned nremromt oa an entstaadinf risks, $3,193,918.65. . 2oor eommisalea and brokerage. All other liabilities, $219,147.67. Total liabilities, exclusive of capital Stock ef $1,000.000 $3,785,158.22. BUSINESS IN OREGON ' . FOR THE TEAK Net vmaiaasa received daring the year, -.19.T09.8L. . L-eses paid raring the year, $7,830.95. mA'V taearre daring the year, S 7,-'-.S50.25. , '. ' Kaaae ef compear The Mercantile la SBrsaoe Company of America. - . president C. F. Chancres. - rf aeerrtaiTRebeTt Nevboalt. 5,ut?,rT eetdent attorney for serriee i ant TT ' ast eX,a 1 it a . Missouri River Plays Tricks oh ! Rescue Parties BISMARCK, N. D., Mar. 28. (AP) The Missouri rlyer today played "trleks" on half a, hundred men who flirted with death In an effort to relieve flood conditions in Bismarck and Mandan. : While army engineer directed a crew of men In placlaj dyna mite on a gigantic gorge at Huff, south of here, the lee jam began to more out and for half an hour it appeared that the danger of a serious flood was orer. The gorge suddenly re-formed, however, and tonight apparently was as solid as ever and the water was rising at the rate of half a foot an hour. Women's-Club is Back After Ten . V ... .....!.. Days Road Tour The women' glee club of Wil lamette university returned to Sa lem Wednesday night after a 10 days tour mostly thronch western Washington. The territory includ ed in the itinerary was new, but me crowas attending the concerts were large. Some of the best au diences were had in some of the smaller towns. The itinerary in eluded Portland, Castle Rock, Bremerton, lfossyrock. Rent, Ta- coma. Bremerton, Port Orchard and WashougaL 1 " Twentv.two vrnmen msa tits trip under the chaperonaee of Mrs. Frank D. Lesser. The major part or we journey was . made during the university spring vaca tion t o have a minim am loss of scnooi time. Wife Satisfied With Mere $600 Per Month, Said SAN FRANCISCO, Mar. 28. (AP) Although she requested 82,500 a month alimony. 8600 for the same period Is better than nothing, Mrs. Edith Botsford de cided today when she accepted the latter sum as a "temporary" proposition. Her husband, Fred L. Botsford, president of the United Commercial company, charged in a divorce hearing that Mrs. Bots ford "threw away half a million dollars In the last six years." INJURED BABY DIES PENDLETON, Ore., Mar. 28. (AP) Lawrence Perard. 19 months old, died from injuries to day he suffered when struck by I train yesterday. 'Bern' ZobeFs Service Station Remember our greasing service includes free Vacuum Cleaning of upholstery. Capita at Market -V 1 w fj jMgjj to h 1 J 3 1 I y ' v I n " yCSHSPPJNG STREET TRY THIS PLAN to put dollars in your pocket and miles in your tires - - - " " ' V .... No matter what quality tire you use, if your tires are used under-inflated and then brought up to full inflation, only a comparatively short time will elapse until your casings break inside; while the same tire, if kept to within three to five pounds of the required pressure will run thousands of miles farther. Also, it takes less gas to propel a car with properly inflated tires. -p . .- . . , ' ' We will be glad to inflate your tires every time we put gas in your tank, and with our new improved "DIA MOND U" HIGH SPEED TIRE DEFLATOR the job costs you only a few seconds of your time Richfield Products ; Kelly Tires and Tubes - 1 Triangte Seryioe Station COTTAGE, EmPPniO A The New an 'iil TO i PUPILS PIONEER. March 27. The en rollment of the Manning school baa dwindled to six, due to the recent exodus of families to other communities. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Fuller and family haver moved from the C. T. Brlxie place to WoodburnV Mr. and Mrs. George Miles have moved from the Ralph Harper place to.-Brooks. The Nel son family have moved to Wa conda.': iiv ' ' i Mr. . and Mrs. - Robert Meyer hare moved into the bungalow on tha farm of C. A. Hoover, where Merer is employed. Mr." and Mrs. Ward Manning in company with Mrs. Manning' par ents. Mr. and Mrs. Elns Stevens, motored to Estacada. Sunday, where they were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bateson. It has been learned that Mr, and Mrs. Henry Rasmussen are tha parent of a fine baby boy. Mrs. Rasmussen will be remem bered in this neighborhood as Opal Loren. - " Mrs. Chloe Holden called on Mrs. Alice Barnett Sunday. Mrs, Holden had Just returned from a two weeks visit to Myrtle Point, where her father, A. L. Buell was very ill. As Mr. Buell was improv ing, Mrs. Holden returned to her home in Keizer Bottom. During Mrs. Somen's absence, Mrs. Bar nett taught at the Mission Bottom school, where the former is the regular teacher. . Mr. and Mr. Howard Booster entertained at Sundy supper in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O'Xeefe of Park City, Utah. Other guest present were Mr. and Mrs. Mark Snow and daughter Helen of Portland, and Mr. and Mrs. J. Catsforth of Gervais. ur. and Mrs. O'Keere are on a month's vacation- trip. They made a tour through California and came north to visit relatives. Mrs O'Keefe and Mrs. Snow are both sisters of Mrs. Cutsforth and aunts of Mrs. Booster. The group met at the Cutsforth home the same Sun day. ZE1 SOCIETY IS TO MEET ON HL 3RD ZENA, March 27. The Zena Missionary society will hold the regular monthly meeting, Wed nesday, April 3,- at the house of Mrs. Charles McCarter. Mrs. V. L. Gibson will be assistant host ess. Mrs. w. N. Crawford, Mrs. James A. French and Mrs. Wal- FAEGEOraM EOAD m OREGON STATESMAN, Salem. Oregon. Friday Mornir. March 29. 1929 : - ' " sWsnJafJ6J99Jsnmmmmna - ! ; : 7 . ter B. Hunt are the program com mittee. 4 ' Mr. and Mrs. E C Higgins cele brated their 24 th wedding anni versary Sunday. They were guests at a dinner given in their honor by Mr. Higgins cousin and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Frank McLench of Lincoln.. s ' Mr. and Mrs. J. Fred Purvine entertained Sunday for Mrs. Charles Bickner of Oswego, Vern Barkley, Portland, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brooks and daughter. Miss Mona Brooks of McCoj. Miss Evelyn French of Salem, was a weekend visitor at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. James A. French, of Zena. Jfeeld has perience Utarting, -f tnA': I S1- il . mil CcnttCe?, ott Cottttcrro CLERK'S SON HELD (I Fill PORTLAND, pre.. Mar. 28. (AP) Harold Grutze, 19, son of the chief clerk In the Multnomah county auditor's office, was held responsible for the deaths of Eu gene J. Morris and Louise Herbert by a coroner's jury today. - Grutze drove the automobile which crashed into the rear of an Oregon Electric freight train ear ly Sunday morning here. Four JFTERhirccyci of con- stant experiment. Rich- vr producedTnew high f 'Compression fuel that we be- C j'hevejMiipassesany on the . market tOGv!ViVthis fuel we r havededfETHYLColffor even an advanced spark in! Stvl pound, based on our own cx-)r 'low compression motors Rich-; jra -pii and the eiperienceSf i countless autombtivefengi-; 1 manse inH miAMnliiMHMM e-l. vvw uu 1UMSUMVIIUU9 - UlsH ? UUU1CUUCU Ui WllU UXUlUdXV & , Ethyl is the only genuine anti. gasoline. i Richfield Ethyl is the answer to Jm Almost "universal demand forsuper-owered, instant f instant accelerating tfjissupeTfuel 'will give in- DS CMFIE JLID Oils persons were riding in the front seat of the "car. The coroner's jury decided Grutze was negligent in driving. v Following the accident the youth was arrested by police oh a charge of Involuntary manslaugh ter. His case is scheduled to be heard in municipal court April 10. Suffering from shock the youth did not attend the Inquest., Thirteen witnesses were sum moned by the coroner. H. L. Grif fith, police traffic investigator, testified that immediately after the accident he smelled the odor of liquor on Grutze's breath as did other members of the party. They admitted, police said, drinking wine. creased specdand power every car, it is an absolute cessity in thenewer type compression motors which are constantly growing in number. With increased compression' (field Ethyl delivers an unpar flSt; alleled performance - ..J. Jt .i7.J.1- .J:. thiUl in soeed and nnww J1 performance so outstanding that von will immpHtflu ri. ize it is the world's finest compression gasoline! At 'and gold Richfield Ethyl pump! COMPANY 0 . 1 . Mrs. Reba B. Nelson of oak Grove testified that the car speed ed past the automobile she was driving and smashed into the rear end of the train. Jail Burns Do wn Killing Prisoner KETCHIKAN, Alaska. Mar. 27. (AP) --George Alexander, bro ther of C. J. Alexander of Seattle, general superintendent of the Alaska Pacific Salmon corporation arrested on a charge of being iir tnvfratpd. was burned to death to day when fire destroyed the inside to ne- high onc3; C . high any mm. OF CAXIFOHNIA ' H CoJ of tha Ketchikan city Jail. The belief as expressed that Alex ander .started the blaze himself although patrolmen at an inquest testified they had searched him before placing him in a cell. Zeppelin Passes High Over Vienna LONDON. Mar." 28. (Thurs day) (AP) A dispatch to the exchange telegraph from Vienna early today said that the dirigible Graf Zeppelin passed over the Austrian capital at 2:50 a. to. She was heading west and bucking a strong head wind. ii cicpacno SS03 1, - Z, ,'