The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 19, 1929, Page 7, Image 7

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    The New OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday Morning. March 19. 1929
Stock Prices Weaken After
See-Saw Movements
f Throughout Day
NEW YORK, Mar. It. (AP)
Control of th stock market
hlfted btwea opposing faction!
In a moet confusing manner today,
-wltn the Bear gaining the ad
TanUge In the lart hour, when
call money began to tighten.
Profit taking was heary through
out the session, particularly In tho
radio sharef . the old Blocks losing
49 points of 103-pound gain of
uat week, but operations for the
advance aided by merger and
tock splitup rumors, met with
marked success In various sections
of the list, particularly In the cop
pers, rubber, railway and office
qulpment issues, and specialties.
Call Money Higher
The expected stringency in call
money this week, resulting from
the sending of the Income tax
-wv. the, banks for payment.
Ca7V .
made its appearance with an in
crease In the rate irom 10 e p
cent. Time money held firm, with
practically none available under S
per cent.
The old radio shares fell hack
to 500, while the new shares aold
at one time below 100, but closed
at 101. Victor .Talking machine,
however, which is being consoli
dated with radio, mounted. more
than 24 points to a new top at
200. M mm
Baldwin locomotive soared 1
points to a new 1929 peak at 2R.
on rumors of a four-for-one split
up and revival of reports that the
-..tton-Vihfr interests are plan
ning to merge It with Westing-
house. Otis elevator, axso men
tioned in splitup rumors, shot up
15 points to a new high.
Metals Show Strength
The non-ferrous metals were
Muntir itTonz. national lead
mounting about 10 points to a
new top at lt. and Greene Can
' adean gaining new high ground
with a lump or more man pomie.
Anaconda, Nevada, Miami and
Kennecott also tallied new peaks,
hut reacted toward the close. U. 8.
Steel lost more than a point, but
Yougstown sheet ana, tune ana
Foliansbee both gained new high
Underwood Elliott Fisher sold
up about 6 points to a new top. A
similar pain in national cash reg
ister revived talk of a merger of
these companies, but this was de
nied by Underwood officials. It
was stated that Underwood's earn
ings are running at the rate of
about $10 a share this year. Bur
roughs adding machine also reach
ed new nigh ground.
NEW YORK, Mar. 18. (AP)
An executive meeting of the di
rectors and paper committee of
tha American Newspaper Publish
ers association called to consider
news print priees and contracts,
tended today without a public
statement of its result.
"The entire news print situa
tion was fully discussed," said I
B. Palmer, general manager of the
association, "and a. statement will
be prepared as toon as possible
and issued to members in the form
of a bulletin.
"Meanwhile the committee sug
gests to the membership that con
tracts for a longer period than the
current year be not entered Into
without serious consideration and
study of the future of the news
print market
The purpose of the meeting, Mr.
Palmer said, was to "consider con
ditions resulting from recent an
nouncements by manufacturers of
a price somewh? t higher than naa
been expected in some quarters
and the offering of five year con
tracts by one of the major pro
ducers. XO.
rnopii, Bf the Annual Statement ef tae
Banker Life Company ef Dee Moines.
In the fltii, of Urn, on tee tairtr-firrt
4r of !.. Tr,hr. 1828, made te the
aura n- Cav.misaiener at the Stat ed
Or?OB, pursuant to lawt
CAPITAL . - -Aaennt
at capital atoek fM , none.
Total premium - income (o tae year,
Interest, drrtdradt an rente reeetTed
during tba year, $3,203,033.61.
ini-ome from other soarces received der
tar tha Tear. 1.341.945.41. . .
Total laeooie. S3T.538.215.S5.
Paid for loase. endow meats, aaaJUaa
end surrender Taint. ll.511.9MJtS.
Divideai paii to polieyaolders darinf
the rear. $3,510,200.81.
Dividends paid ea capital stack darinf
tfco yaar. none.
Commission and rstariee paid dariag
tie year, S4.85fl.S56.85.
Taxes, lieenae and fee paid daring
tha yaar. 8771,724.04.
Amount of all ether expenditures, fl,
44.150.78. Total expenditure. 23,498.029.J8
ASSETS Talue ef real estate owned (market
value), 13.157,036.10.
Value f stock aad bond, ewned (mar
ket or amortised value). 318,787.388.31.
I.aBa on m.ri -- end collateral, etc.,
Pr-miam aotea aad policy leeae, $15,
06.018.01. Cae ia bask acd ea hand, $ 1,488,
81.41. - .
Set - aaeont rolled aad ferred prem
ium, 4,728.905.06. t
Interest and rent a doe end eeefeed,
Other starts (net) leva n oa -admitted a a
eat miBBs $658,132.07. ,
Total admitted art. 3118.419,417.04.
Xet reserre. $103,105,130.50.
Oroii claim for lossee unpaid. 31,123.
93.00. All other liabilities. 9.557.517.83.
'oating-nry Becerre. $4,623,080.71.
Total liaKilUiea.-exeluaive e4 capital
etafe: 0f Kaee-Sfataal Ce- $118,410.-
BrstKtss i Oregon
wreae premiame received Caring the
7ar. $429,966.61. I
, Premium and dieidenda retaraed dur
; the year. $39,771.53.
Leasee paid duriar tha year,' $115,477.
Nam ( company Beaker Life Com
pany. Same et president . B. Kollea '
Name of 8rrta-r n V. If ill .
Rtatnterr reicat etteraey fer eerrke
Exact Authon ty of High
Education Board tobe Piit .
' The Portland Oregonian
declared Sunday- that a proposal
will be made to Oorernor Patter
son Wednesday by Prank J. Kil
ler, member of the Normal school
board of regents, that a strit be
Instituted to determine the con
stitutional points raised regarding
Senate Bill lit, or the Bell
Schulmerlch measure which cre
ated a board of higher education
to control the nnlrerslty, the State
college and three normal schools.
The Oregonian will say that if
some of the contentions are cor
rect. It is within range ot possi
bility that a special session of the
legislature may be called to un
tangle it.
Friendly Suit Wanted
"Miller, former senator and
for seTeral years a member ot the
public service commission, sug
gests that a friendly suit be start
ed with a member ot each of the
three boards of regents as plain
tiffs. Although Gorernor Patter
son and State Treasurer Kay are
quoted as expressing belief that
the millage for maintenance ot the
Institutions has not been dis
turbed by the law and does not
affect the six per cent limitation
pro-visions. Mr. Miller says that a
cloud has been raised orer the
Bell-Schulmerich bill and that the
best procedure is to take the mat
ter into the courts to ascertain
what's what. It the courts are
not appealed to now, someone in
the future may inaugurate a suit
which may botch up the financial
and taxation program of the state.
PORTLAND, Ore., Mar. 18.
(AP) A confession of Blurton
Baker, Klamath Indian charged
with the murder of BidweU Rid
dle on the Klamath reservation,
was introduced la the court to
day la the process of Baker's
trial. The government rested its
case late this afternoon.
Testimony of the defense, which
probably will take two days, will
attempt to prove that Riddle was
struck down by Baker after he
had chased and endeavored to at
tack Mrs. Baker. Riddle and Bak
er admittedly had a quarrel.
The government contended that
Baker slew Riddle at the scene of
the fight and then hid his body.
Perry John, another Klamath
Indian, charged with second de
gree murder in connection with
the killing of William Ward,
white, at Chlloquin February 7,
was brought into court today but
the trial was sot. for Thursday.
The murder, it Is alleged, oc
curred following s "drinking
40 Kiwanis Pairs
-Invited To Go To
Portland Meeting
No less than 40 couples are ex
pected to represent the Salem Ki
wanis club Tuesday evening,
March 26, at an inter-club meeting
to be held in Portland according
to word received Monday by Ralph
Cooley, president of the club here.
Salem Kiwanlans will hare 30
minutes in the program In which
to advertise the convention here
next August. Already special
stunts are being arranged for the
evening with the Idea of providing
an entertainment which will show
the clubs of the state how well
Salem is preparing for the summer
this noon by the Great De Zito
Watch these beautiful cars respond
to every touch of the blindfolded
" dver.
Highest State Court
Six Per Cos Ievae Cited
, "Among the various conten
tions made is that the bill repeals
the millage voted by the people
and authorizes a lory of 2.04
mills, which Is the total ot the
present millages; that by doing
this the legislature placed the
millage within the six per cent
limitation and it this is true, then
little money will bo left for the
rest ot the stats activities, such
as the penitentiary, hospitals and
other institutions: that the bill
carries an emergency clause,
which is not permissable on a tax
measure. These are but several
ot a number ot points raised.
'"The legislature intends to con
solidate tho schools under one
board and have this board- handle
all the funds, but the bill is said
to have been so carelessly drawn
that its constitutionality is in
doubt as well as its effect on the
Starr's Attitude Omitted
"Friends of the Oregon . State
college are quite content with the
directorate as It stands, as at
least six of the nine directors are
supposed to incline more toward
the college than the university.
"Already there is a scramble
for appointment on the full-time
state tax commission. There are
to be three commissions, one of
whom will be Earl Fisher, present
tax commissioner. The dalles pf
the three commissioners are speci
fied in the law; one is to handle
valuations of utilities, another the
valuations of all other taxable
property, and the third la the fi
nancial officer. Governor Patter
son would appoint John H. Carkln
on the commission it Carkln
would accept, but there are two
good reasons which make such
appointment impossible. The first
Is that Carkln doesn't want the
place, as his law practice pays him
better, and the second is that he
la prohibited from holding an of
fice which, as a member of the
legislature, he created.
Ben Wert Is Applicant
"Several county assessors are
active applicants for a place on
the commission. A. A. Anderson,
of Deschutes, has his hat in the
ring, and Ben F. West, former as
sessor of Marlon county, has the
support of the republican county
commission ot Marion. Frederick
W. Skiff, long associated with a
department store in Portland, is
the choice of a number of Port
landers who are clrcnlarizinr
members of the state board of con
trol, recommend him. . J. B. Cole
man, assessor of Jackson county
and a member of the property tax
relief commission, would have
plenty ot backing if he wants the
position. Hiram U. Welch, as
sessor of Multnomah, is also In
the eligible list, if he wishes to
submit his name. Henry E. Reed,
former assessor of Mnltnomah,
and one ot the leading students
of taxation and assessment In
Oregon, is being mentioned, but
it is not known whether he would
accept. Charles V. Galloway, for
mer state tax commissioner, now
In the banking business in Port
land, a member of the property
tax relief commission, would be
the choice of many."
Fgqit Growers "Attention
Sacrifice Sale
Producers Cannery Stock
Insures Good Prices
Call 1 75 S. High St Phone 534
Will be used in the
n i
Hih Street at Trade
m service on
- 7 :-
PORTLAND, Ore.. Mar. IS.
(AP) Lieutenant Jack Rose of
the Mamer Flying service, Spo
kane, announced today that an air
passenger and express service be
tween Portland and Spokane will
be started within the next two
weeks. e -
Two planes will be placed In
service, he said, making the trip
in two hours and forty-five min
utes. The fare will approximate
the regular railroad fare plus Pull
man charges. At first single mo
tored planes will be used, he said,
but if business increases two new
tri-raotored ships will be used.
An office of the Mamer concern
will be opened here in the next
two weeks. Rose said.
Famed Old Hotel
Razed by Blaze;
Insurance Lacked
VANCOUVER, Wash., Mar. 18.
(AP) Fire Saturday destroyed
the St. Francis hotel, the oldest
hostelry in Vancouver, which is
the oldest town in Washington.
The fire started about 10:30
from an unknown cause on the
second floor and spread rapidly.
Salem Markets
Treat Trotta '
(wholesale ejuouulons)
gpplee, f. aad .
Oregon Rede, flood Bi-er
Yellow Newtown - -
Bananas, IK
California, crate ,
Dromedary, 80, 10-oa. pkgi 6.50
Balk Hallow:. !a . .tS
Cona'a Pitted, eaee ; 4.50
Orapefruit, Arls. ease 4.54
Florida, ease 4.2565.25
Comb honey, new crop 4.7 5 (rf 5.50
Lomoaa. CaL 5.00 & 6.2$
Oraagea, liarels
100'a ....
(Wkolesale Qnotstioas)
Seed Potatoos
Early Rere, lb.
Early Ohio, lb.
Earlies ef AIL IK
Artieheka, dox.
Pea. Calif, lb.
Greea bee at, Calif.
Sadiahea. CaUl.
Greea Oaiona, The Dalles, do, bo 60
Hear ts, do, baacbaa 1.38
Epiaach. Calif. U. f
Spiaack, crate 3,00
Banana - .,, , ..0
Hubbard, IK
Carrots, local. Back, H.
California, crato
Brnssela Sprouts, Calif, lb.
Kata bags a
Cauliflower, Calif, crate 1.S5
Bunched vegetables, pet sea, nonceee
Carrots 80
Beets 0
Taraioa 0
Local, Barbanka .
Vak. Gem No. 1
Ta. Gems. No. 2.
Sonthern Sweets, crate.
Garlic, lb. :
-" ' -fc v.
Peppeee, Florida, free. IK ,, ,25
Tomatooa, Mesaeaa lag .0
Saw 'e .,. , . . 4.64
Xe. i .w
Coiling; local 8.50
Letteee, leiperieJ valley, erete 4.04.5e
Rhabarb. axh crate 8.25, 3.852.33
New potatoes, lb. ,. 17
Calf aeemL SS Ike,
Patry feed, toa ... ... , ,
Scratch, turn
Cera, whole, toa
. Cevekaa aad gretad
Kill ram, tea
Eras, to
Otay-s Meo)
-edimati i
ler .
Otay-g Price)
Rooeters. eld
Hea-iee JL
Medina .
Sfriacera, large -
VegetaMee end rmta
tBariag Prieaj
Petateea, eerv
Tamna. ml i at
Oakma, ewt. a if
faraaips, IK .01
Ple faee aad fllloel l.OO
Khobar a, IK n
Priata -
Grata aad Bey
. Buying price
Wheat, westers red, tn. .1.05
Soft white l oa
Oat, gray. bo. .as
fthite. Bo. .57
Husky High Grade Chicks of the Popular
Breeds AH Bred to Lay
Imported St. Andreasberg Rollers
"The Canary with the College Education"
Selected Easter Rabbits
"Something New Every Day"
The Flake Petland
273 State St.
i ' " i., ' 71
This is a special Clubbing Rate a nd is Continuoujs
from month to month by Carrier service to subscri
bers in Salem District. This complete 24 hpr news
papei service for little more than the regular price
of either paper. Under the new system the carrier
will deliver and collect fo? both newspapers. To se
cure both newsnapers at this rate notify y our car
rier or phone either office.
Oats aad vote. ,
-S3. OO
Clerer. ckeieo ,
Kye erase-aad cheat
(Baying Prieee)
Cowi' .
Stesrt, top .
Teat feott
Balls, good-
Hogs, top
BeaTy sowa
8priag la be
lt Q 14
- u
-08(9. OS
Ewe, tea
(Baying Price)
Hogs, top
Veal, top
PORTLAND, Ore- Mar. 18. (AP)
Hay bayiag prieee: Eastern Oregea tint,
ithy, $I1.502J; do Taller, S1T0
$17.50; alfalfa. $22.S01; elerer.
$17.00017.50; eat hay. $18.00(318.50;
straw. $8.00 ten; telling prices $$ ton
PORTLAND. Ore- Mar. 18. (AP)
Milk raw mUk (3 per cent). $2.55
ewt deJirered Portland less 1 par cent.
Hotter (at. statioa tie; track, 46c; de-U-ered
at Portland. 4743e.
Poultry (Baying prieee) Alire.
heavy hens, orer 4tt iba c; medium
heat, 3M to 4 lbs.. 21e: light, under
3ft lbs., 18e; ;springa. 262sc; broil
era, 32c; ducks. Peking, 26g28c: col
ored duck. 1820c; turkeys. No. 1
hen. 3031c; toms, 3334c; cspons.
33 35c
Potatoea New ewt.. Gem. No. 1
grade, $1.401.50; fancy Cems, $1.40
PORTLAND, Ore.. Mar. 18 (API
Cattle aad ealrefc opening fully act ire.
Telephone 656
General Markets
New Oregon Statesman
215 So. Commercial Phone 500
l-he'-roraand-': il eieffF
Salem Office 127 No. High Phone 939
Wrrj. Delzell, Agent
few reed steer. 35 cents aider. Xe
ceipta cattle 310.
Steers (1100-1SOO Ihe.) reed 11.1 5 f
12.O0; de (SSO-ltOO Iba.). goad 11.754
12.25; de 800 and Bp), me&nn 10.75
J 11.85; da eoaafcoa 8.00 10.75. Heif
ere (850 lee. down) gaed 10.35910.50:
de eeeaeeea 3 (50 010.35. Cows, food
3.00(89.50; de common te mediant
7J5j8.00: de lev eaUer 8.50 7.35,
Bella (far Hags sxeladed), geeC beef
8.0083.00; de catter te aaediiiai 7.00 Q
8.00. Gal-ee (500 lba. down), saediaat
te ebeice 10.00Q 13.50; do eall to com.
men 3:50010.00. Tealers. milk-fed,
toed te caeiee-13JS0le0; de mediam
13.0013.50; eall te common 3.00 Q
13.00. Me4 repeeaentotiee ef limits el
quality within the grade.)
Hogs Opoaiag alaw; taeelpte ST70,
iaelaciar 133 direct.
Heary weight (J5O-350 Iba.), mediam
te choice 10.00 Q 10.75; mediam weight
(300-350 Iba.). mediam be ebeice 10.75
11.75; light weight 1 80-300 lba.),
mediam te choice 11.75 13.00; light
lighu (130-1 80 lb.), medium te ebeice
1 0.75 Q 13.00. Packing aews, rough end
smooth 0.00 Q 10.00; alaaghter pigs (70
180 Ibh.), mediam te choice 1 0.505
110; feeder aad stecker pigs (70138
lba.). mediam to .choice 10.35 11.10,
(Softer eily kegs aad roasting pigs ex
elade la.ebeee e.eetatieas).
Sheep and ' lambs Talking eronnd
steedy; receipts 470 sheep.
(Following quotations ea full wooled
baaia): lamba (84-92 lba.), good te chioce
14.00fil8.00: mediam te choice (93-100
lbs.). 12.00 18.00; de (all weight),
cul lte commea 11.00 13.00. Yearling
wethers (110 lbs. down), mediam to
choice 10.0013. 00: ewe (120 lba.
down), medium to choice 6.008.00; to
(12(V150 lbs.), medium to choice 5.50(3
T IFE insurance constitutes
the greater part of the
property left by a large majori
ty of decedents. Unfortunate
ly, most of it is payable to ben
eficiaries in a lump sum and
soon takes wings.
A life insurance trust with this
reliable institution will safe
guard your insurance for your
Ask our trust officer for
further information.
Ladd & Bush Trust Co.
T.50; (an welgbts), eull te eeeimon
3.00050,0. ,.- ;
' ' ' : SAXBtT :
POHTlWD. Oro Mar. 18. (AP)
Dairy exchange, net prices: batter : ex
tras 43; etandards 44 prime lirste
48 h : nrsta 43. ggs: exirss z;
f irate 33:
aedfa extra 32;
firsts tU
POBTISI. Ore- Mar. 18. (AP)
Cask grain: wheat big bend blaestem,
hard white 1.47: soft white 1.30; wt
era white 1.30: hard wiater 1.17; north
ern spring 1,17; western red 1.17; eete
No, 3-38 tb. whIU dO.OO; berley No.
3-43 lb-. W. 87.00; cere Net 8 east
ern yellow, shtpmeat 40.00 ; milt ran
ataa&ard 29.00.
CHICAGO. Mar. 18. (AP) Detptte
aa unexpected decrease ef the Vetted
States wheat risible supply total, and
notwithstanding unfavorable crap ad
rieea from Kaaaaa, wheat raleee todar
suffered a aetback. Selling was baed
largely ea the faet that prevailing wea
ther ceaditiene are good for wheat
growth, aad that the dome tie wiater
crop outlook taken ee a whole appears te
be aupieioua.
Official announcement of stocks er
wheat in United State country nulla and
elevator was made after trading today
had ended. The total of theae stock is
about 8.500.000 bashels else tha a the
latest prirated forecast.
Chicage cloaiag quotation en wheat
totar were aerToua, 3-8e to le a aaabat.
i.,,. nm finished 1 1-So te 1 5-8a
off and oats He to 7-8e down.
a " ; "