Hie New OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday Morning, March 19, 1929 Program h hernia e.xce, n 17 By Comm. Club mwmai unity V ENTERTAINERS NTIGHPS Salem and L Independence Musical Organizations Present Attractions ZENA, Mar. 18. (Special) me Zena Community club held a nutting of utfusual Interest Fri-- March 15. at the.Zena school ho;i'e. The program was In two rations, the first part being in ,-liai Ke of the Rer. H. G. StOTer of Ilia Knight Memorial church ol Salem who made an apology for the cast of the play. "Dutch De tectives", who are all students at he Willamette uniyersity and acre unable to come to Zena and put on the play as planned because it studies. Mr. Stoyer was assisted hy Miss Myra Gleason, Lawrence Deacon and Donald Allison, plan. 1st. t , The first number on their pro cram was a Yocal selection. ""Loye Came Calling" by the trio: Key. Stover, tenor; Lawrence Deacon, baritone, and Miss Gleason. alto. As an encore Miss Gleason sang "Little Green Lane Goes Wind- ,nfA rutins: finale for their! splendid musleal program the trio sang "Whispering Hope" and af ter hearty applause responded with "Love's Old Sweet Song." !r. Stover, upon being requested by Ralph Scott, president of the tlub. gave a talk on "Community Spirit.1 saying in part, that al though' community spirit may ex ist in any community It does Bot necessarily mean that every one should think alike. Progress lies in the fact that all do not think on the same lines. He il lustrated his point by quoting from a Salem paper of March 15 which told of grocery stores com bining buying power in a com munity spirit. In closing his re marks he told of one small town in which he had lived where the people joined two old church bnUdings together and eleven de nominations were represtnted in this federated church. At the conclusion of his re At the conclusion of his re marks the "Moninde quartet" of Indpendence, under the able di rection of the Rev. E. G. Ranton, Kave thi second part of the pro gram: Vocal number. "Coin to Shout All Over God's Hcbcn." by the quartet. Rev. Ranton and ReT. Williard. first and second tenor, and Mr. Kelly and Mr. Anderson, first and second bass. As an en core they sang. "Carry Me Back To Old Virginy". Mrs. Anderson was the accompanist. The next number proved to be interesiinK to young and old alike. :(r. Ranton played "Old Kentucky itoine" on a musical instrument iiade of a common broom and . -iK;ir box combined and for va iHy flayed, "Home, Sweet Home", on a hand saw, the mel ody running from a high note to lieconi.- almost inaudible. The versatile player next gave two se lections on a harmonica, without touching the instrument with his thand. lie also played, "Still My Darling You Shall Be," with variations on another harmonica of diifi.ivnt key. Mr. Anderson favored with a bass solo. "Rocked in the Cradle of the Deep." Mr. Kanton and the Rev. Willard favorably impressed the asembly with a duet, "Come Unto Me and lie t." The Moninde quartet gave "The Wayside Cross" and encore, "N'Kht is Drawing Nigh," it's closing number. Rev. Ranton, then played Beethoven's "Minuet in G" with original variations on the violin. He next demonstrat ed his ability to play the violin in any position by placing it behind his back, on his shoulder. up3ide down and also with the bow held between his knees. lie then renuesterf Ralnh H. Scott to come forward and play the vinlin And told him to lUst move the bow across the strings in any motion ana ne wouia linger the strings The music which resulted from this unique playing was niniy sausiactory, cringing round after round of applause. -Mr. Scott heartily thanked those who put on the splendid program. A cafeteria lunch was served In the basement at a nominal charge. Mrs 1. V Matthews Mm. W. W Henry and Mrs. Wayne -jb. Henry were in charge. The program committee includ ed W. W. Henry, Walter B. Hunt, and W. N. Crawford.- At ' the short himlnooA mMttnr wltfoli nrfu seded the program Mr. Scott ap- iomiea as program committee xor April 19, Ralph C .Shepard, J.-'S. Hiatt, and Ryron Purrine, and as refreshments committee, Mrs. Guy H. Taylor. Mrs. Albert Den ham and Mrs. Jesse Worthington. Mother Goose Bazaar Is Given . By Church Group SILVERTONTMar. 18. (Spe cial) A clever and unique enter tainment was given in the Chris tian church on Friday evening in the form of a Mother Goose ba zaar. Mother Rnns rhrmM worn shown in pantomime during the program. Artistically arranged tables displayed needle work for sale. Luncheon was served. Party Given By Miss Whitlock L SILVERTON, Mar. 18. (Spe cial) Miss Gladys Whitlock en tertained a group of friends at her home on Friday evening. : Bridge as In play at two table during the evening. Those present In cluded: Misses Alma Alrick. Vio let Crofoot, Lillian Bloc. Magda lene Herr, Mae Jones. Catherine Gaylord, Louise Whitlock, - and rs. Whitlock. At the close of h evening delightful l: refresh ments were served. - , THE OUT HOME TOWN rS srHisy rr ! MINSTREL SHOW IS BIB SUCCESS 1 Hubbard Community Band's Entertainment Enjoyed by Large Crowd HUBBARD, Mar. 18. (Spe cial) The concert and minstrel show given by the Hubbard com munity band at the city hall Sat urday night was a decided success. A big crowd, including many out of town guests, greeted the play ers. The stage decorated in white with shamrock and Oregon gripe lent the St. Patrick atmosphere and made a gay background for the performers. The half-hour concert by the band with Dr. A. F. de Lespinasse, director, was enthusiastically re. ceived. The concer tc!osed with the selection "Alexander's Ragtime Band." During an intermission Dr. P O. Riley entertained with Irish oke3 and anecdotes. Several "Buckeroos," in costume from Molalla led the audience in rous ing cheers for Hubbard commun ity band. Following the Intermission the sixteen black-faced comedians and interlocutor, Cobie de Lespinasse, opened the minstrel show with the song, "Hail, Hail, the Gang's all Here." " which was followed by snappy solos, duets, choruses, drnces. Jokes, and recitations. So loists were Mrs. Coble de Lespin asse, Dr. Ethel Riley, Miss Helen Knight. Miss Marie de Lespinasse, and Miss Anita Bevens. Dr. de Lespinasse accompanied all solos and choruses at the p'ano. Specialties Many Specialties were "Kinky Kids Parade," by five children In cos tume; "Stealing Chicken3," by Harvey Moshberger: wheelbarrow stunt, by Helen Knight and Marie de Lespinasse; dance by end men, Wilma Dick, Frances teffler. Hel en Knight and Marl? de Lespi nasse. to the tune of "The Gay Cabbelero." sung by the men's chorus. Franklin de Lespinasse, Bcp MilTeY. Melvin Mitts, and Har rey and Ed Moshberger. The clos ing number was "Bridget 'Flinn' with Mirs Anna Knight as Bridget. Mrs.-. Coble de Lespinasse as mo ther and a women's chorus la cos tume, members -of which- were Mrs. Louiso Crimps.' Mrs." Lor en a Duncan, Miss DorothySchbll, MIS3 Jpouelirie Diekt and Miss -Anita Beveni-ii r.s .'. ?! HOME TOWN GREETS ''FIGHTING JIM" is i$ u .... After 18 years la the' senate Jamea A. Heed, Missouri's flgttlnf warrior, has returned to his homcin' Xansas City and private' life. As he stepped from the train he was greeted by throngs ef friends said a' hand, and tears dimmed his cles as be accepted their tribute. 1 THAT WINDY AUCTIONEER BY CAREFULLY TIMING HIS BLOWS, KEPT THAT OLD DRIED Raincoat in frot'of the Rack-t STbStJ PERFORMING Saint Patrick's Party Staged At W Edwards Home ZENA. Mar. 18. (Special) Saturday night Elnora Edwards entertained with a merry St. Pat rick's party at her Lincoln home. The rooms were prettily decorat ed with daffodils, green and yel low crepe streamers which extend ed from the corners to the center, and shamrocks. Those who won prizes In the' St. Patrick's games and contests were Versa Smith, Ira Fisher, Thelma Walling and Carroll Hunt. Part ners were chosen at the lunch hoar. The guest group Included, Mary Hackett, Verna Smith, Jua nita Walling. Thelma Wailing, Harold French, Robert Crawford, Lira Fisher, Vernon Smith, Lowell Purvine and Carroll Hunt. E E SILVERTON, Mar. 18. (Spe cial) One of the prettiest wed dings of the month was solemnized on Sunday at four o'clock in the Christian church, when Miss Mary Egan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Will Egan, became the bride of Ernest Kleeman of Salem. The bride chose white as her wedding gown, and was attended by Miss Merna Schroader, who wore a dress of soft blue. Mr. Gil. bert Ceyes of Eugene acted as best man. Following the ceremony, which was read by the Rev. Livingstone, fifty friends attended a reception held at the Egan home. Six of Mrs. Kleeman's school associates from the Eugene Bible school as sisted "Mrs. Egan in serving. Mrs. Kleeman is a graduate of Silverton high school, and has at tended the bible school in Eugene for nearly two years. Gervais Woman Salem Visitor GERVAIS. Mar. 18 (Special) Mrs. Rose Strawbridge went last week to - Salem where she will spend some time as. go est at the home. of Mr. -and Mrs. - George O'Nell. Mrs. Strawbridge has been suffering with neuritis in her an' kle for'seVerardays.- V-j v --..::;:;: i x Nil EG1 T W Stanley FOR TWO HOURS ToDAY E GERVAIS, Mar. 18. (Special) Mrs. G. T. Wadsworth and Mrs. Sylvester Manning will be hostess es on March 20, to the Womens Missionary society which will con vene In the church for Its regular monthly meeting. Mrs. Charles Moore and Mrs. Don DuRette, will have charge of the program. Mem bers -and f riends are Invited. Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Manning entertained with a dinner recently in honor of their son Kenneth Manning's 16 th birthday. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. L. Jepsen and children of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Aspinwall of Woodburn, Donald Manning of Portland, and Cecil Manning of Corvallis. Mrs. E. Schelecter. who has been quite ill with pneumonia, Is now on the road to recovery. Recent guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Sawyer were their son Lewis Sawyer and fam ily of Silverton. Lewis Sawyer is slowly recovering from an acci dent in which his eye was pene trated by a piece of steel while he was working near Silverton. It was feared for some time that he would lose the sight, but he can now see the light and can see ob jects faintly. Miss Florence Nesheim Given Birthday Honor SILVERTON, Not. 18. (Spe cial) Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Ne sheim entertained at dinner on Sunday in honor of their daugh ter, Florence, whose birthday ras March 17. Covers were laid -for twelve at a one o'clock dinner at the family home. Those present Included: Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Krenx, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Barnett. Miss Muriel Bcntson, Miss Evelyn Reed, Ed Reed, Miss Elma and Florence Nesheim,' and the host and hostess. Five Tables Oi "500" Are Played At Recent Party GERVAIS, Mar. 18. (Special) Five tables ..of 5 00" were , in play at the 8. D. Manning home on Tuesday evening when Mrs-S, fl. Manning, Mrs. Perry Seeley and Mrs. C. R. Moore were host esses for the regular semi-monthly meeting of the Gervais Five Hundred club. The rooms were decorated in keeping with the St. Patricks idea which was also carried out in the refreshments and prizes. High score went to Mrs. Louise Lam berson and M. D. Henning, and low to Mrs. William Alsup and Carl Stewart. . Hew 'often does a house need paint? It depends on the paint used. According to the figures Ot a cost chart at the Weller Hardware and Paints Store cheap paint lasts not. half, as long as quality, paint such as Patton's. Sun-Proof Paint, and. In five years, costs $110.09 more than a Quality Job in the first place. . .;:- tj,. ' -' 'WELLER HARDWARE ' I 'AND PAINT STORE 428 Cowrt SC TeleplMwe SjBO Ml SOCIETY EOT DESDAl C.E. BOOSTER RALLY IS HELD About 60 Endeavorers Meet at Jefferson; State Con vention Talked JEFFERSON, Mar. 18. (Spe cial.) At the Christian church in Jefferson on Saturday night the county C. E. officers under the direction of Basil Zell. the -lookout and extension superintendent, sponsored a booster rally. Salem, Silverton, Turner, Pra- tum, Marion and Jefferson were represented. About CO persons were in attendance. The social period was directed by Ddris Godsey, tle social de velopment chairman. Then about an hour was taken by the county officers, each giving a brief out line of his particular work and giving helpful Ideas for the local societies. Special announcement was made of the Dr. Landivtl. meet lug which is to be bald at the First Christian church in Salem Wednesday, March 20, at 7:45, and of the state C. E. convention to be held in Salem April. 18 to 21. Harmon Garrett, the .convention booster, led the Endeavorers in some peppy C. E. songs, and after- j ward light refreshments were served. 7th, 8th Grades Entertained At W. F. Brown Home HUBBARD. Mar. 18. (Spe cial) Mrs. Waldo F. Brown was hostess to the seventh and eighth grades and Prof. Arthur Meyers or the Hubbard school with an Easter party at her country home Friday night. Initiation of the seventh grade was the special even of the eve ning, after which games were en Joyed. Delicious refreshments with wester favors were served by the hostess. Baby Daughter Dies Suddenly ZENA. Mar. 18. rsWun Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Shinn. for mer Lincoln residents, but now residing in Salem, suffered a great loss when their little 17 months old daughter, Jessie Eleanor Shinn, died Friday night after less than a week's illness. The little World's, en dura-ice record for women IT was in January that Louise McPiuirirJge Thaden, using Assodated Aviation Gas oline and Cycol Aero Oil, set a women's world altitude recordrsoaring nearly 5 miles above Oakland Airport in her model A Hisso Travelair biplane. C Again this daring aviatrix has established a new record for women. She successfully ma neuvered her ship in this thrilling attempt to remain in the air long after all -previous women's world endurance records had been shattered As m the janufi placed her reliance in Associated Aviation Gasoline and Cycol Aero Oil. The tired but happy girl stated after her record feat : . "Your products per- " v" formed perfectly and J was sure of them every minute I was up. You can rightfully - claim "More Miles to the Gallon" for your gasoline and "Endur ance Beyond Belief' for Cycol motor oil." . Aviators and motor ists everywhere en-n dorse these Sustairi ed Quality products. Great Northern Seek California Entry. IMp H girl is survived by her parents and an Infant brother. The funeral was held at Rigdon's parlors at 1:30 o'clock Monday. Mrs. Shinn taught in the Lincoln school several terms. Mrs. L Stewart And Family Are Guests of Honor HUBBARD, Mar. 18. (Spe cial) Mrs. L. A. Beckman was hostess to a reception honoring Mrs. Ivan Stewart and children at her home Friday afternoon. Daf fodils were arranged attractvlely about the rooms. Miss Elizabeth Rasnick assisted Mrs. Beckman at luncheon hour. The afternoon was spent In con. versation. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart and children, Jimmie, Buena, and Richard, recently moved to Hub bard from Salem. Attendance Big At "500" Party Given by Yeomen SILVERTON. Mar. 18. (Spe cial) The members of the Yeo man lodge held a "500" party at the R. N. A. and M. W. A. hall on Thursday night. Five tables were In play during the evening. High score play was won by Oren Buell. and Curtis Lovett received the consolation prize. Mrs. Hanna Ruffer was chairman of the host ess committee, which served re freshments at the close of the evening. This time "Louise Thaden stays . up twenty-two hours,, three minutes, twelve seconds using only, one hundred sixty-two gal lons of Associated gasoline and four and one-half gallons of Cycol Aero oil !" . amy ft. Mi khiiiI Ml emar Mb IMalaa, fc iimmi a a. am ;-. "iM.-. . "imTmm rM iemml tritam MaalMa m MiJIim Ml MJlgiMl MS7S'a?r t MHaMty ill Mlat 1. u aaUas Bl "aiiiinii aM iniaf- m in iiia M mm rriiM)! " mim 11,1 ' 'M,i m e Mm w M mm mm M M MlaM Mt Mt " MMMM MM4 M I MMBI MMMMMS Ml M Ml MMM1 M M HMMM iMf mm mm mtmt ' m-TmHs) eMsHveVtssM VbHbbbbI v y VASSmW afwasrwwMjw Thre Important rail arttrlea will b created If tha Interatata- Com merce Commission ap proval ' the application of tha Great Northern railway to extend into California ' to connect with tba Western Pacific The proposed 200 miles of new railway (shown by dotted lines) would afford a shorter route between the Northwest and California, competi tive rail facflitiea along the Pacific Coast, and a direct route between the Pacific Northwest and lower Uisslssipi valley states. OFFICER OF 0. E. S. TS AT GERVAIS, Mar. 18. (Special) Mrs. Carrie Jackson of Baker, grand conductress for the juris diction of Oregon, and deputy to the grand worthy matron,, Be?s Setters, 'paid an of ficial visit to Gervais chapter, O. E, S. No. li8, Wednesday afternoon and eve ning. A school of instruction was held in the afternoon for the officers, at which all the officers were pre. sent. In the evening a special meeting of the lodge was held, and the grand conductress Inspected the work of the chapter. At the close of the meeting, Mrs. Jackson was presented with a gift from the chapter. The pre sentation was made by Mrs. Scott Jones. Afterwards refreshments were served In the dining room of the lodge hall. While in Gervais Mrs. Jackson was the guest of Mrs. G. T. Wads worth, worthy matron of the Ger vais chapter. From here Mrs. Jack son went to Canby to make her visit to the Canby chapter. ' TILLAMOOK FOLK VISIT SILVERTON. Mar. 18. (Spe cial). Dr. and Mrs. Smith had as their guests on Thursday night, Mrs. Pearl Robinson, Mrs. J. E. Lamb and Miss Frances Byram of Tillamook. The three visitors are teachers in that city, where Mrs. Smith has formerly taught. Thurs day was visiting day for Tilla mook teachers. -. -. . -. V .--(-..v-v - f - - 4V.:'-?:, VII IS ASSOCIATED OIL CO: . , , ...... - -V. ' .-,-: . Refiners and Marketers of Associated Aviation Gasoline, Cycol Aero, Oil and other "Sustained Quality" product , : REBELS DESERT Hi IT FEDERALS CANTIAS. Zacatecas. Mex.. Mar. 14 (Delarert The rout of reb-" el General Urbalejo here on Maiib 10, as announced in Mexico City the following day, came after si battle of an hour and a half in which 22 were killed. The story was told the correspondent Joday by two officers of the faction thai deserated I'rbalejo. obliged- him ' to flee, and then turned the vil lage over to the federals. These officer were Lieutenant Colonel Ad rien Morales Salas. who was second in command. of the 39th reglvient and Major Ui Murphy Domiuguez, medical of ficer who wai attached to the Urbalejo forces which at that time numbered 12. Both officers now have ben attached to the army of General Calles and are moving up to his headquarters at Rio Grande, aacatecas, tonight. (The headquarter have been fur ther advanced since this dispawh was filed). Gordon Cops Title Of Whole Orient MANILA. Mar. 18. (AP) Billy Gordon or Portland, Ore., won the featherweight boxinj; championship of the Orient here tonight by d?fatin? Lew Pasion, Filipino of Manila, in fifteen rounds. DILJID Grippe Flu .Take no chances with a cold! Take BILL'S CASC ARA-QUI NINE and stop it in a day! HILL'S combines the four necessary helps in one: 1 Break erp Um cold, 2-Checks the fever, 3-Osa the bowel, 4 Tooes the ayatean. mil's CASCARA-QUININE In th RED BOX. AH Drwriwi . o o o o 1 . -.k : V M PAOT - w i