The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 17, 1929, Page 8, Image 8

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The New OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon. Sunday Morning, March 17, 1929
Plans Each
Week For Yon
to Inspect
News if This
rjbcal Building-
( :1a
iVow The Modern Lock
Doors Lock Without Keys
No home completely modern without Schlage Button
Locks. To lock just press the botton in the knob To
unlock just turn the knob.
Let us give you prices on these new modern up-to-date
locks for your new home. -
SoUecm IHIai?cl70i?G S
Phone 172
Consult us before building.,
We will buy a lot to suit you build and fi
nance your home for a small payment down.
A corps of competent craftsmen coupled
with years of building experience enable me to
serve you in a pleasing manner.
Phone 2254R
If you are considering raising money
on a real estate loan you will derive
very definite benefit from a consulta
tion with one of our officials, who are"
quite accessible and most willing to .
' serve prospective borrowers.
Hawkins & Roberts Inc.
205 Oregon BUg.
r m M
lOtaoose Now
between v
floor cleaning dmiisry
r" . - and -
You T won't be long in .making up your
mind after you see our varied assortment of
Armstrong's linoleum Floors. Here at rea
sonable cost you select charming modern"
, floors v . . floors that, once cemented down,
make you wonder whyyou ever put up with
; the old, scratched-up, hard-to-clean floors"
you used to have.. rr(.;r r :
And our Armstrong's Linoleum . Floors al
low you wide range of choice in 'all the latest,
.modish colors. - You can select smart floors
of brown or green Jaspe, vari-colored marble
squares, embossed inlaid designs' with real
texture, striking Arabesq . . a new low"-
priced floor with little, heraldic . designs
spotted, at interesting intervals.
S Come in today and see these floors, - or
phone 29 for our representative. He's glad to
call with samples, f i . .
y.n ttl
:-'"-.?'iM;rnTnvr m - " ;-
CkU for cos of -tb Beratlfal JZoows Book, s jroar jtext-
trip downtowa, fo wfil Had M weH worthwkflo. . -
120 N. Commercial St
1790 North Capitol
If If Hnllll UK I III
;sorj gives out
$55,000 Outlay to be Made
in Lovely House for
South Salem
Construction of a residence on
Falrmount hill which, including
the ralae of the property and the
cost of landscaping, will - cost
sdmethinf like f 55,000, was made
certain Saturday when O. F. John
son, owner of the store building
on , State street occupied by Ka-
foorr's. entered into a contract
with Carl Bahlburg to erect this
attractlre home on the half block
which" Mr. Johnson owns on Fir
street between Lincoln and Le-
The residence, of consistent
Georgian-Colonial type, has been
designed by Clarence L. Smith,
local architect. , Its beauty will
be greatly enhanced by the land
scaping which will take adran-
tage of the already attractlre na
tural setting. The house wiU be
ot brick.
Rooms Spacious
Rooms in the new house will
be exceptionally spacious. In, the
UTfng rooms plaster and wood
paneling will predominate. Every
effect in the - interior har. been
planned with the idea of erecting
a fine home, the rooms being ar
ranged to afford attractive views
of the surrounding country as
viewed from Fairmount hill.
r While construction work wUl
begin Is expected
that the entire spring and a large;
part of the summer time will .be
needed for the completion of the1
work. The new home will be oc
cupied by the Johnsons about
September 1.
The ancient industry of brick
manufacturing Is more interested
in national legislation at this time
than It ever before has been la
its history.
Brick Iff trying to have Itself re
moved from the free list, and se
cure a duty on foreign brick which
will equalise the wide difference
in the cost of manufacture ia Eu
ropean countries as compared to
the cost In this country. Unless
relief Is secured from congress,
the thousands of employees of
hrick plants in this country wiU
be reduced to something like the
standard of living prevaUlng in
the competing European coun
tries." The best Information obtain
able is that In Belgium the range
of wages paid In brick yards is
from 85 cents to SI. 2 6 per day.
In American plants the average is
about $5 per day.
It was proven before the ways
and .means committee at a hearing
on free list recently that building
brick made in Belgium and
brought to this country by Bel
gium subsidized ships could be
laid down in New York several
dollars below the actual cost of
manufacturing brick on the Hud
son river.
LOS ANGELES, March 16.
(AP) Indictment by a federal
ryand jury of Dr. I. C. Citron on
charges ef wrongfully supplying
Alma Rubens, film star, with nar
cotics was described by govern
ment officials as the "first major
blow" against the narcotic traffic
la Los Angeles.
The Indictment lists 20 narcotic
prescriptions dating from Septem
ber, 1928, as having been issued
by Dr. Citron, and intended for
Miss Rubens, although they bore
other names.-including that of the
actress mother, Mrs. Theresa Ru
bens. It raarged that the narcot
ics' were not necessary for the
health or well being of Miss Ru
bens. The- actress recently was
committed ' by court order to a
state hospital for drug addicts bat
so far has been receiving- private
treatment ; under- the supervision
of her mother and her; husband,
Ricardo Cortex, a fflm actor. - .
v.- '
n; ';r? ' 5 i-?
Constrnrtlon starts mi once n this
1a 'fa VilMn - -
r -
IT 1
I r
" ' -
V ..- . -"-T- . J
- r
ir i&aiS
TJit Trfw ar .
Favored At All
By Professors
AP ) Opposition to "hell week"
as practiced on campuses through
out the United States was voiced
here Friday by western deans of
men in annual conference. They
did not pass resolutions against
the practice which they dubbed
childish, archaic and sometimes
vicious, but agreed that encour
agement given to its gradual elim
ination probably will result In
compute suppression as the na
tional Inter-fraternity council Is
also against it.
Election of officers tomorrow
will end the two-day conference.
Japanese Vessel
Towed Into Port
Badly Crippled
HONOLULU, March 16.--(AP)
The Japanese steamer Victoria
Haru. towrngrthe disabled schoon
er Marechal Foch, arrived here
Friday. Fourteen crew members
and six passengers were aboard
the Marechal Foch, which lost her
rudder 700 miles from Honolulu
while bound from Papeete to, San
, The Foch, formerly the Fisher
man, recently was sold by Zane
LGrey, the author, to Father Em
manuel Rougier, owner of Christ
mas island.
When payment of salvage has
been arranged, the Victoria Maru
will proceed to Japan.
Buried Fortune
Is Unearthed By
Desert Children
SAMARA, Russie, Mar. IS.
(AP) Treasure . the value, of
which was estimated at several
million rubles, has been excavated
by children from a colony border
ing os the Sarovsk desert. The
valuables consisted of old diamon
studded Icons, gold coins and oth
er precious objects.
; It is -supposed that the treasure
was buriad by manks from a local
monastery mt the beginning of the
revolution. ...
1 jfrff
noot.. puiHrl'
aT i - w - rKLV : n
Beautiful Home to Rise Here
CeorsjbintOblesilat stinctare to Iwreried; for O. F.
Corner, Not Bungalow Home
A distinctive design whh t wen-laid-out plan providing good ventila
tion. This home would make an excellent design for a corner lot
w5by-C5anU thevloc f it could be bmlt on any
1J5mf5Tna?onJJ?J.thU Pln may be had from the Real Estate
Editor or The Cleveland Publications, 1095 Market Street, San Francisco!
Trade Practices on Sale
Of Petroleum Need to be
Changed Belief of A. A. A.
At the same time that this brief
was filed, the A. A. A. served no
tice that every available means
would be used to give a thorough
siring to the case for the purchas
ing public before the stamp of
federal approval is definitely
placed on the selling program of
the petroleum industry.
Settle Help From Code Now
An analysis of the proposed
code, according to- the A. A. A.
brief, discloses that its adoption
would accompUsh little or nothing
to eliminate the undesirable prac
tices and conditions - that have
mUitated against the Interests of
the purchasing public and which
have eulminaied in a lage volume
of national resentment.
Particular attention Is called to
the fact that the code does not
propose any remedial measures for
the prevention ot the short sales
of gas and oU which now amount
to a levy ot more than $20,000,-
fOOO a year on the car owners; to
PORTLAND, Ore., Mar. U.
(AP) Pledging to devote the re
mainder of his life to paying f 250,
000 to depositors of the defunct
bank of Kenton of which he was
president, J. V. Burke, under sen--
tence to eeven years in the state
prison for misapplication of bank
funds, Friday filed petition for pa
role. The filing of the petition and
accompanying personal pledge to
make restitution followed closely
on receipt of official word that
the United States supreme court
had refused to hear the appeal,
holding that no federal question
was Involved.
Burke was convicted In circuit
court here a year ago. Besides the
prison sentence he was fined $2.
500. The total deficit to depositors
in the close bank amounts to
about $250,000.
Parole by the court and execu
tive clemency are the only remain,
ing possible ajenues of escape
from the enforcement of the sen
tence. It was expected that the
mandeie of the court would bs for.
warded to the state supreme court
at -Salem, April 1 and that com.
mitment of .the former banker to
the penitentiary would follow, f
! I ' . , - . - .. .. : . .,-..
.3" -Vl
the stabilization of prices which
now vary like a kaleidoscope In
areas where basic conditions are
the same; the excessive number
of stations and pumps which tend
to increase the coat of doing bus
loess and the price to the con
sumers; to guarantee that the con
sumer gets the quantity he pays
for; or to afford cooperative or
ganizations of cltlxens the savings
through Joint purchasing that the
code would give to commercial or
ganizations; The A. A. A., In its letter to
Commissioner McCullough, e x
presses keen Interest in any pro
gram to stabilize the great Amer
ican oil Industry but points out
that the following Issues should
be considered In the code:
"1. What wiU the proposed code
do to prevent the great variety of
prices which prevail in almost ev
ery territory? ?
"2. What will the proposed code
do about posting an exact state
ment as to the quality of gas sold
at each station, as well as the
"3. What will the proposed code
say about the possible restriction
in the number of gasoline stations
that are established at present in
such numbers in many commun
ities as are scarcely warranted by
the business offered, the excess
number of which undoubtedly
adds to the cost of doing business?
"4. We note that the proposed
code would prohibit the public
the opportunity of purchasing gas
oline upon a cooperative' basis at
a net saving. Those to be favored,
according to the code, are those
strong commercial organizations
which can establish charge ac
counts through written contracts.
0 m
When You
Plan To Build
- 18N. High
Your Building Site
, We Also Have
New Homes For Sale i
; Useful
f and
f Does your home look as at
tractive on the outside as it
does on the inside? ;
A hundred people see the
exterior of your home tc
every one that sees the in
terior. ' . .
- A complete and. varied 7
'assortment "
Rcrncri jBccttic
For the first nine weeks ot
1929, orders for lumber exceeded
production by 13.8 per cent and
shipments were 0.4 per cent more
than cutting, according to studies
made by the West Coast Lumber
men's association on the reports
of 143 major mills in the Douglas
fir region ot Oregon and Wash
ington. Mill stocks were two
tenths of one per cent under those
reported as of January 1 for 143
Identical mills.
Production for the first nine
weeks-of 1929 for 216 mills re
porting to the association was
1.399.123.925 feet, or 33.1 per
cent below the weekly operating
capacity of these mills for the
Mazzard cherries, seedlings
5c and Up each
Sales YarJh East side
of Armory
Office at gas station.
Will trade fruit trees
for wood
Over 20 years in business.
Phone 330 or 1775M
is made of lead, zinc, linseed oil. turentine and
Sold subject to chemical analysis and Guaranteed to
contain no water, no benzine, no whiting, no adulter
ants whatever
Paint with Monarch because it covers more
feet per gallon.
Specify Monarch 100 Pure Paint and Martini
Pure Varnish and
Paints and
286 N. CWl. St,
- - JL z5
m y
If you are buildino;
class materials. .
' '"'
It always pays in the
If we furnish your ; lumber and : buildinl .
materials you can be-justly proud of the
results, as we carry the best, - -. . P. ,i .
Distributors of Johns Blanville Asbestos and Telt
f Shmxfcs-. ft
: ' v .. "
.S02M01 -
capacity of these milll for the
period. Production, Orders and
shipments for 200-mlills for the
week ended March 9 were report
ed to the association is follows :
Production, 177.S79.361 board
feet; orders. ,189,789.189 board
feet; shipments, 168.461.660
board feet.
VIENNA. Mar. 15i (A P)
Members of the American colony
participated today In the 104th
anniversary of the blrtjh of Johnn
Strauss, known throughout the
world as "the Walts pKing" and
composer of the famous "Blue
Danube Walts.
Modern Homes Are More
Beautiful When Papered
1 nave a large assortment of
new artistic wall decorations.
You will enjoy seeing them.
Get my free sample book
Ipr ?
afcl raittt
and no substitutes.
know you have the best
r" Phone 639
or remodeliiur use firs
- . - ; 'V 1:, - , '.
long run.- .
'. ' 1
- Phc344 .