The New OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, 4 Oregon; Sunday Morning, March 17, 1929 15 READ, MARK, AND INWARDLY DIGEST THIS PAGE-VALVE! " . . ' - 3 t 1 FOR SALE Real Estate JXJUXTU"i "' - " " e orse- mm m LESS THAN $1800 A COZY iSAle 3-room bungalow with garage tor the your "JP1- nai-ment down will handle this. Etu W BOHRNSTEDT. Rltor ii7 Com! St. Salem. Oregon oseeeooeos'''' mm . - - 9 Iftir kAm with 4 fUMJM mouern gai-en paved street Will take ncre 5 in mu1 value. $3500.00. l-ROOiTfaome tii North Salem large lot aSw chicken house fruit and tiWiSTnne garden ground. Sacrifice prROOMn.odern Engllsh.type house. EAT. BI V at $3300. No trade. 'ROOM modern bungalow. Urge lnCA?Rks Se river bottom land. I miles from Salem city limits. Mod- improvements light, water sys tem 'price now 88000 WJU take some ACRefalr improve Roberts with ANDERSON' RLERT Realtor i dn Hinh St. Phone it. 11 - --r. " ' . ,., Hvmr ro mi kitchen and two bedrooms. Sin It Karaite and one double garage on t.e lot alone is worth $1400. oooa '""ibo. FOR a 4 room house, nook bh garage, oak floors on living , , , ,al' $200. down. . "00 FOR a 4 room house, base mnV furnace, fireplace. $250 down. SJ600 4 ROOM house, nook, baee rn'nt furnace, fireplace, garage and " floors in iving room. $300. down. J6;o 4 ROOM English type home. Kr .ikf ik room. basement, furnace, noplace.' gaTaKe. oak floor In living nl ,m 30U down. . 5 hiwll English type home, basement, furnace, firt-p .lace. J ualt floors in 2 rooms. $J0 down, will t"'lS4T5o!'a6 ROOM English type home, nook bailment, furnace, "replace, garage, oak floor in 2 rooms. $400. d'Tl'aO. ROOM house on OxlM lot in Ind prndenee. Oregou. will trad for a farm up to $6ou0. and pay cash difference. $.)00. Private money at t1.-. ' MKLVIN JOHNSON DARK S: IT. S. Bank Bldg. Phone 657. V.Y buying your lot or home site now Doiit wait till the building boom sr.trts. We have choke lots with pav ing paid fr. SSOO. Yes we have for $100 each: take them all other lots $6i0 $750 and $1000. $2000 for best "f.KOIITEL OR SEARS Sl State Strcvt. ; OWNER, builder new, completely modern ti room house. No upstairs. ill uk lot. used car or furniture on f.rst payment. lS'-'O Wilbur. TOUAY'S BEST BARGAIN ENGLISH style, house with large li-. ing room, dining room, kitchen nook, Z liedrooms and buth on first floor, larse attic suitable for 2 rooms, full luwrncnt, furnace, fireplace and gar :.e Oak floors, tapestry papeved walls, I,-, of built ins and nice lawn. Close J ki school in N. Sul-m. You can t dup-liV-ite it. l'rice f::sT5 with suiall pay ment down. bal. like rent. Mrs. Kllis with UKO N. OtllMfS CO.. R.-altor J2i State Stiv.-t I'lione 172.. l.-, kl-L lit itSlI W1TVS $1400 with-$100. or less down, and z) per montu buys: -. , i,,rir in Tist S.ilem. S Room house near Grant school. 3 Room cottage near Walnut Park. S Rhi:i lniuse nar Highland school IF you want real values in a reas-o:-.abIy priced home, let US show you ' 7!ko N. rriir.DS CO., Realtors 3.) State Street Phone 1 STOP LOOK IJSTEN 4 RM., modern house only 2 years oM. Hdw. floors, furnace, full base flowers and shrubbery. Paved street. In good now district, two blocks rt'iin car line, jiuuu.uu auwo. imuw $::;i).00 first mortgage at 'r, oi in 1 Ml See Mr. Possehl. 2U8 North High t-i . Saleui. nmdii-v in s Winter street home 4 rooms newly dfcorated. fine east front lot. $1500. $50 down; $33 per m. to Include interest. SEE us today. W. H. GUABHNHORST & CO. It I S. Liberty "Street Phone 61i a Sl'BL'RBAN nome such as you I i been dreaming about: a modern I ise. lots of fruit and berries; poul- t y house and garage : 225 filbert tree". i-ven 600 egg incubators. or quiCK su! only ..,..oo.uu. A. C. BOI1RNSTEDT I'.-iltor Loans Insurance li: No. Com". St. Salem, Oregon. .". ROOM house. 114 S N. Com'L 12, l" 00. Easy terms. Phone 1194 J. WWWWWSMXWX . WW MOIUCRN HOME SIX RX)MS in Hollywood district. 1' ill cement basement, piped furnace, laulwjod flors, 3 bedrooms. Lot 50x 1 i. A bargain at $4800. $500 cash. Will consider lots or closed car for PJrRrANGI-E REALTY COMPANY 4il 1'ourt Street Ground Floor I 'OCR room stucco house close In rtt. North Liberty street has two bed rooms. Garage, furnace and paved street. House nearly new. Small down pajment will luindle.' balance monthly liiur rent. Price $J700.00. i SEVEN room tinfinished house buy it cheap and complete it yourself, lvsigned for furnace and fireplace, moilern throughout. Iee street. Good opportunity for a carpenter or build-e-. Price f2.000.00. GOOD five room modern stucco hxise. Large lot with good shade trees. Can be handled on easy terms. Locat ed on North Front street. Price $3500. IF Interested In any of these prop erties, see Mr. Nelson at Ladd and lt ih R:nk 0 GOOD Income property on lilghway ; consider trade for clear house and lot. S. W. c'r Statesman. NEARLY new English type house, iv rooms, bath, breakfast nook. Strict ly modern, hardwood floor, fireplace, fttrnace with sawdust burner, electric range, full cement basement. Garage. Corner lot, streets paved, fine lawn, rherry trees. In growing section, near Leslie school, east front. Price $0,000.. 00 terms. Would consider smaller place for part payment. OWNER, 1795 South fhurch street. ATTRACTIVE modern bungalow. Excellent location, hand decorated walls, lawn, shrubs, lattice fence, fur nace, fireplace, garage, and every thing If taken at once $5300.00. Plione 34;J. - WANTED Real Estate WAS'T 350 to 1000 acres foothill grating land. Owners only. State price, terms and location first letter. Box 70S, btatesmaa. WANTED TO RENT 5 or 0 ROOM modern house with lawn and small garden. Must be neat and clean for family of three adults. Ph. me 341. EXCHANGE Real Estate TRADE equity In four room house. eiht fruit trees, for car. George G. Harms, 144 cnerry avenue, - - -i iir i - -i-,-.-.ii-ifwir'wrinjrtjLilXit FOR SALE 640 acres farm In N. Dakota. Good buildings, or will trade for Oregon farm in Willamette valley lose to Woodburn or Springfield, Ore., f more information, write JOSEPH ADAMSKI Kildeer, North Dakota FOR RALE or EXCHANGE 10 ACRES 2 4 MILES from Salem. vi gfHd gravel road. 5 acres under P'.ow. Emit, berries. 5 room plastered i-u-.galow, wlttr basement, furnace, el 'ricity and water system. Barn, "'.Itryhouse and garage. Pries' $5500. v; ' exchange for modern Salem home, :'v.:t same value. TRIANGLE REALTY CO. -l louit Street Ground Floor HAVE a new enclosed Ford car t true as first payment on home mfiM 1 evenings. EXCHANGE Real Estate Jnrtnixiion'..-"i"i-."i-r EXCHANGE 10 acre farm bottom land, fair buildings, good road, S00. Want a home In Salem up to $3500. FOUR room plastered house. South Salem, for house in North Salem up to $1080. THREE room bungalow for ft larger one up to 93500. SEVEN room house, modern. East Salem, for smaller house up to $3500. P. L. WOOD 341 State Street GOOD OFFERINGS FOR EXCHANGE BEAUTIFULLY LOCATED MOD ERN 7 room home with 14 acres 4 miles from Salem, near Pacific high way on good gravelefl road. 10 acres In walnuts, filberts, cherries and oth er fruit. 60 bearing Royl Ann cher ry trees. Electric pressure water sys tem, lights, btnement, aawdust bur ner attached to furnace, modern poul try house for 500 hens, running water In pasture. Owner lost his health and can't care for place. Will exchange for Salem residence or APARTMENT HOUSE. FARM IS CLEAR. 2 good Salem residences, good loca tion, pared streets, all clear, one Is a 6 room modern new house and gar age, $4500; the other 7 rooms, modern, except heat, garage, $4500. Will ex change for farm. For these and other good proper ties for sale and exchange, see WELLS TALLMAN 411 Oregon Bldg. Phone 737. ACREAGE 0ssMsMMMMssMMsSssWs1 SMALL FARM BARGAIN 21 A. all in crop, on mkt. road 1 milea from small town. room house in good condition electricity 1 a. logans. Price 1200. O. K. lieWlTT 1313 Edgewater Phone 1C43 ACRE Small house $100 down Price $1630. Close bus and school, south. BECKE A HENDRICKS 183 North Hlzh Street iij-xrijnjnjjnj'M''V' -ii" J m SPECIAL BUY $3700. TEN acres of good land all under cultivation with small hous. barn, located 4 miles east; li cash, balance terms. W. H. GRABENHORST & CO. 134 South Liberty Street SUBURBAN HOME $1500. 13 ACRES. 5 acres bearing orchard, seven ncres in oats and veatcii, well located 4 miles south near Pacific highway. New 4 room house, just completed. $50. down : balance easy terms at ' int. MOVE RIGHT IN, VERY attractive seven room bungalow, modern in every' detail, with full cement basement, furnace, fire place, oak floors, double garage, elec tric water-Rv?fm. two barns, running water. BEAUTIFUL SHADE TRESS. Terms, or will take part trade in city propertv. SEE W. H. GRABENHORST & CO. Realtors 134 South Liberty Street Phone 515 FARM BARGAIN fT.'OO. GOOD 0 acre farm, best of soil, buildings. 16 miles from Salem. $1500. down will handle or owner will take clear residence tip to $3500. SEE W. H. GRABENHORST & CO. 134 South Liberty Street 5 ACRE SNAP OWNER leaving state. Must soil his beautiful 5 A. tract; very1 best of soil ; all cult. Some fruit. Small house, woodshed, deep drilled well. Price cut from $1500 to $965. Most ideal for a chicken ranch. MY agents will show von SEE BECHTEL OR SEARS 341 State Street Room 4. MR. FARM BUYER I AM leaving state. Must sell mv 68 A. farm fully equipped at sacrifice price. Will sell on Monday or Tuesday for $5S per acre. A farm that Is really worth $100 per acre. Good land, good 6 R. house, barn and out bldg. Well and spring water, stock crop and Im plements. Act quickly to be lucky. My agents will show farm ?EE BECHTEL OR SEARS 341 State Street Room 4. LOOK $4500 REDUCED TO $3750. FINE J acre tract with good 6 rm. house, barn and chicken houses, beau tiful fruit and shade trees. Only l; mile from bus line East. This is a real bargain for $3750 with $500 down, or will take small city trade. SEE Mrs. Ellis with LEO N . CHILDS CO.. Realtors 320 State Street Phone 1727. 10 ACRES. 2 miles east of Salem on gravel rtxid. All in cultivation. $2, 300. $500. down. 4 ACRE just outside city limits, t room plastered house, garage, elec tric pump.i$3500. Will trade for Salem home of equal value. 2 4 ACRES. 2 miles from Salem. room plastered house, large barn, elec tric pump, 2 chicken houses, all kinds of fruit. Price $5000. Will trade for small house in Salem. , 45 ACRES, 14 miles of Salem, room house, barn, all In cultivation, well and creek. $5000. Will trade for small house, lot or car. 50 ACRES near AumsvIUe, 45 acres In cultivation ; family orchard, 5 acres prunes, 3 acres berries; ( room house, large barn, on good road. Price $S500. Will trade for Salem property. 04 ACRES 4 mile of Woodburn on paved road all In cultivation, small liouse. large barn and granary. Price $10,000. LOTS in all parts of Salem, and priced from $175 to $2500. $3000. to loan at t'i. KELVIN JOHNSON or A. L. DARK 330 V. 8. Bank Bldg. Phono $37. ACREAGE BARGAINS SMALL PAY MENTS. EASY , TERMS 14' ACRES 1 acre logans, some strawberries. 4 room house, double garage, electric lights, well, good road, just off paved highway. Price $1S5D, $150 cash, balance $15 and Interest monthly. 27 ACRES 1 acre rocky, balance In cultivation. 4 room unfinished house, woodshed, garage, small barn, on pave ment, 7 miles" from Salem. $2400, $500 cash. 20 ACRES all cleared, at small town, all fenced. C room cottage, barn. coop. well, electric light a $2600. $500 dowhj az aik au in cultivation, moo em $ room house, garage, electric lights, on pavement, live stream, close to Salem. $10,500. SOCOLOFSKT A SON First National Bank Building 37 ACRE farm part crop In mad plowing mostly dons good buildings. good location, for rent. ELLIS OR BROWN 403 State Street 5 ACRES, good house, barn and poultry bldg. adjoining Salem. $2160. Small cash payment, balance like rent. 10 acres suitable for subdivision, only $2500. Valley Land Co., 104 N. Liberty. Polly-and Her Pals 8. 111. -.-.lilt , - II II N I - - - - ' in ZfctS RV rOatTirtc? f L Zifll k ' v".".V . . ,-V ' r -V ''.v.. .... - 0a." n.i.r.t...A.i,cJJii"'""t- ... mmmml , - . 1 '"!..'" " 1 1 ' ACREAGE CO ACRES, fair Improvements, SO acres In cultivation, good fences, a real good dairy ranch, clear of Incum brance, will exchange for city prop erty, or sell on easy terms. $3 ACRES fair Improvements. 17 acres ' In hops, 70 acres cultivation, running water, & real good ranch at a very modest price clear of incum brance, will take home in Salem, and give terms. You'll be surprised when you find the price I can quote you on these places, all and let me tell you about it. H. C. SHIELDS 381 State Street Phone 1784. FOR SALE SMALL ACREAGE ON EASY TERMS $700. ONE-half acre located north, near city limits, city water and elec tricity. $10. down, $10 per month. $700. ONE-acre all in bearing ap ples located southeast of MdClniey school, $50. down, $10. per month. $1000. SEVERAL one acre tracts lo cated south not far from bus line, $25. down,. $10. per month. $1000. FIVE acres east near, pared road. $50. down, $10. per month. $1(00. FIVE acres with new barn, on paved road, near Swegle school. $50. down, $10. per month. $2750. BEAUTIFUL fire acres all In bearing orchard, located three miles south on main Pacific highway, a dan dy place to build a home. $350. down, balance easy terms. Real Estate and Fire Insurance - W. H. GRABENHORST & CO. 134 South Liberyt Street FOR SALE 4 A. close In. Good house, andQther buildings. Price $3300. Want an oTfer. SEE Homyer with W. G. KRUEGER Realtor 147 N. Com'l. Phone 217. FOR RENT MASQUERADE costumes and wigs. 2260 N. 5th. Phone 1947J. FOR RENT TWO fine acreage tracts, rent reas onable to right party. Choice 10 a. cozy 5 R. house ; has 3 fine poultry houses another one of five acres with plenty of fruit; also fine for chickens. SEE BECHTEL OR SEARS 311 State Street Room 4. FOR RENT HOUSES & APTS. Partial list from our rental dept. 4 Rooms, South 12th $15.00 4 Rooms, 909 S. 25th 15.00 3 Rooms, 2430 Lee St IS. 00 4 Rooms, 1410 N. lith 20.00 Rooms. 1535 Trade St. 20.00 5 Rooms. 1195 B. & 15th 22.50 5 Rooms, 1795 N. Cth 22 50 8 Rooms. 1082 Oak St. 25.00 6 Rooms, 4 80 S. 14th 25 00 5 Rooms, 1163 Marion - 30.00 5 Rooms, 1909 4th 35.00 9 Rooms, 1280 4th 35.00 7 Rooms Chemeketa St 40.00 ALSO bungalows for sale, $100. down, $25 month. Price $1600 aqd $2. 200 -to see them see BECHTEL OR SEARS 341 State Street Room 4 FOR RENT Houses FOR RENT Furnace fireplace $30. Garage. 5 rooms and glassed in sleeping porch. BECKE & HENDRICKS 189 North High Street FOR RENT Large bouse close in $50 11 rooms. - BECKE ft HENDRICKS , 189 North High Street 6 modern room house furnished and garage $30.00 5 Modern room house furnished, and garage 28.00 3 Modern room house furnished, and garage 13.00 5 Room house and garage 25.00 3 Room house 12.00 Phone 1365 J. THREE room cottage for rent. Part ly furnished, $9.00 per month. Phone 13 90 J. FOR RENT furnished or unfurnish ed 3 room Court-hdw. floors, fireplace, built-in kitchen, garage and laundry Immediate possession. Fuone 1643 or 424-R. 5 ROOM house modern kitchen, full basement at 415 N. 21st street. Phone 479R. 4 ROOM new, modern house, fur nished. 1420 N. Commercial. NEW three room house, -electric range and fireplace. Call 150 E Bush. C ROOM house for rent 564 North Church. $30.00. FURNISHED bouse, adults, 5 rooms, modern, fruit, large garden, well wat er, automatic pump, walking distance, pleasant home, reasonable rent. Call forenoons, phone 2140W. S ROOM, furnished house. Fruit gar den. Cheap to responsible party. 755 Bellevue. FOR RENT Apartments Ambassador Apts, t Room furnished. 1 Room unfurnished. Radio and Refrigerator. Children Welcome ISO N. Summer 1171 BUNGALOW apt. Palmer Court. K. E. Roberts. 947 Mi'!, phone 284R. NICE, furnished 2 and 3 room apts. 510 Union. "FOR RENT." 3 and room fur nished apartments. 689 N. High St. Reliable, adults only. Inquire 676 N. High street. FIRST FLOORJieated apt- 210 N. 14th or 1335 State. FURNISHED and unfurnished 8 room apartments. Virginia Apart ment; 9 i. uuertr. WELL furnished 2 room apartment. 2201 Hazel. Phono 1933W. AAMAAAMAAAAMwVVwVwVVMWMWWWwl FOR RENT Downstairs furnished apartment. 4 rooms, private bath, gar age, phone, light, water, $35. 290 No. 18th st. Phono 157CM. APARTMENT Larg. beautifully furnished 8, room comer apartment Save $10.00 os) Jiext 1 months by tak ing bow. Lessee Jesvring town. Ambas sador Aptsw 650 North Summer. APARTMENT for rent. We'll glva S year lease. Melvin Johnson, 830 U. 8. Bank Bldg. Pbono 037. v FOR RENT ROOMS NICE well lighted room, walking distance. $12.00. Also garage to rent. Phone 5 MM. LIVE STOCK and POULTRY Better Bred Better Hatched Baby Chicks Pay Bigger Profits If They com From Better Breeding Stock. Wo are Specialists in Breeding Better Single Comb White Leghorns. Now Booking Orders for Triple A. grade Accredited Hatchery Baby Chicks for April and May delivery. Write for Breeding Catalog and prices. The James Gage Breeding Farm. Novato Marin County California 19 MONTHS old Guernsey bull registered. Fresh cows and springers. Elmer Wood, Brooks. Oregon. W. L. CHICKS FROM STOCK IN SPECTED. BLOOD TESTED AND CERTIFIED by Dr. Floyd H. White. Order your Spring chicks now. A. A. ELECTRIC HATCHERY Petaluma. California CUSTOM HATCHING at 3c per egg In 1000 lots. Expert service. Book or ders early. Phone 133F3. Lee's Hatch ery, Salem. Oregon. CUSTOM hatching and baby chicks. Expert service. Guaranteed quality settings and hatches twice each week. Watch our Sunday display ad. Phone 133F2. Lee Hatchery BABY CHICKS Get your chicks from a plant that specialises in expert poultry breeding work. Our winnings at poultry shows Indicates the qualify of our stock and our ability to produce this quality for you. Secure full infor mation from our new catalog. Remem ber 13 popular varieties. Lloyd A. Lee Hatchery A Poultry Breeding Farm. Route 0. box 115. Salem. Oregon. FOR SALE Cows. Holsteins and Jerseys: also registered bull. 7 miles E. of Salem, Garden Road. Inspiration,; Point. 128F22. FOR SALE Used Cars Used Cars 1923 Rickeobacker 4 dr. Brougham 1925 Ford 2 dr. Sedan 1926 Studebaker 2 dr Sedan 1928 Nash Specint Six Coupe 1927 Reo 3 yd. Dump truck (pneuma tic tires.) Also 6 other good used trucks. Reo Sales & Service Co. 337-347 North High Street - Prices that Cannot Be Beat ' '27 Clirvsler 70 Sedan $950.00 "26 Chrysler 6 Rdstr. 575.00 25 Chrysler 70 Sedan . 595.00 26 Study Bargain - 600.00 '25 Buick 465.00 '25 Star Rdstr 150.00 27 Oakland Sedan 635.00 OTHER cheaper cars, $30 to $100. Fitzgerald Sherwin Motor Co. DODGE ROADSTER $300. THIS car has 90 rubber and has been carefully reconditioned and is in in A 1 condition. Reo Sales and Service ? 37-3 4 7 North High Street SEE THE NEW OLDSMOBILE THE FINE CAR MADE FINER USED CAR BARGAINS READ THESE OVER 192r'OIdsmob!le, 4 door Sedan $1,000 1928XidsmobiIe Coupe $900 1925 Packard 4 door Sedan $900 1927 Oldsmobile DeLuxe Rdstr..$600 1928 Whippet Roadster T$450 1925 Buick 6 Glass Inclosure Roadster $450 1925 Buick 4 Door Sedan $425 1925 Oldsmobile Coupe . .$375 1925 Overland Glass Inclosure, Touring $325 1928 Ford Delivery (inclosed) $300 Jewett Sedan $300 1925 Overland 2 door Sedan $275 Maxwell 4 door Sedan $265 FORDS : ' Sedans Touring C o u p e s All Prices. 10 Other Good Running Automobiles Priced from $50 to $200. CAPITOL MOTORS. Inc. 350 North High Street WHITE TRUCK and TRAILERS Gas Oil Grease Storage and Repairing Come In and See the 1929 Oldsmobile You can buy a bigger car but not a better car. 1928 Whippet Cab Coupe $550.00 1928 Whippet Coupe 625.00 600.00 izs Whippet Coach 1928 Whippet Sedan 1928 Chevrolet Coupe 1927 Chevrolet Coach 650.00 625.00 423.00 '550.00 19 2S Oakland Coach 1927 Nash Standard 6 Sedan 575.00 1926 Willys Knight 70 Sedan 850.00 1925 Paige Brougham 775.00 1924 Star Touring 95.00 1923 Ford Touring with ruxtell 85.00 1921 Buick Roadster 123.00 1925 Overland Touring 133.00 1925 Overland 4 Sedan ,. 275.00 1928 Overland 0 Coach 435.00 1928 Ford Touring , 175.00 1923 Ford Roadster 05.00 1924 Overland Touring, bargain 25.00 1921 Big 6 Studebaker touring -. 126.00 Used Car lot Marion ft Liberty streets. Alf red-Billingsley . Motor Co. Plume 1460. '"'--'---''' -i-ii-n-inru-iri i.n.rvxna McKay's for Used Cars with an O. K. that Counts 1928 Chevrolet Cabriolet 1927 Chevrolet' Coach $425.00 425.00 1920 Oakland Coach 495.00 650.00 685.00 1927 Pontiac Coupe 1927 Pontiac Landau Sedan 1928 Dodge Coupe : 450.0ft 430 North Commercial Phone 1802 Douglas McKay - Chevrolet Co." 48$ N. Commercial Phone 1801. FOR SALE USED CARS CHRYSLER SO COUPE .$475. THIS car has never been repainted, has all! its original tires, and looks like new. Drive it and compare It with others, licensed and ready to go. Reo Sales & Service Co. 837-317 North High Street 0JSS4SlslWs v Spring is here. The Open Road is Calling You. Come and See these Cars which are priced so low at Valley Motor Cor Fords 1920 Roadster with ruckstell axel J. $210. 1920 Touring 183. 1924 Tudor Sedan 175. BUICKS 1927 Standard Coach 825. 1925 Master Six Sedan 675. DODGES 1921 Delivery 90. 1922 Touring 135. 1921 Delivery We will accept any fair Offer. WHIPPETS 1928 Sedan original tires are still good 485. 1927 Coach Been In careful hands 375. Valley Motor Company Center and Liberty Streets TeL 1993. . Salem, Oregon VwVVwwAAAAAAwwywVVwVVVVVVywVt 5 DAYS FREE TRIAL 30 DAYS GUARANTEE SPECIAL until sold Overland Se dan, only run 10,000 miles. Finish and mechanically A. 1 $275.00. (OTHER BARGAINS"! 1925 Essex Sedan 1928 Essex Coach 1926 Typo Hudson Coach i 1927 Essex Sedan 1927 Pontiac DeLuxe Sedan 1927 Pontiac DeLuxe Coupe 19 27 Oakland Sedan 1926 Dodse Sedan 1926 Essex Coach 1925 Chevrolet Sedan 192 4 Hudsoa Coach 1926 Type Essex Coach 1927 Ford Coupe Wire Wheels 1926 Chevrolet Coach 1925 Overland Sedan 1924 IXirant Roadster 1924 Ford Touring 1922 Studebaker Special 1923-Hudson 7-Pass. Touring Open Nights ft Sundays s State Motors, Inc. High ft Chemeketa Sts. Tel. 1000. Fine Used Cars . 1927 Nash Light. Sis Coupe, new tires $625 1926 Buick Coach, fine car $750 1926 N'ash Special Coupe $695 1926 Buick Standard Sedan $90 1926 "Nash Special Coach $695 1927 Hupp "6" Sedan $850 1927 Olds De Luxe Coach $675 Other values as low at $50.- See them today. Nash Cars Federal Trucks 365 North Commercial Phone 1260 "After We Sell We Serve" F.W. Pettyjohn Co. Nash Cars Federal Trucks 365 North Commercial Phone 1260 "After We Sell We Serve" WANTED Used Cars CAS II paid for Ford Elker Auto. AUTOMOBILES AAsVvWwwwMMAAAAAAAAwwWWW . MERRILLS garage Aumsville, Ore. Gas, oils,' tires, accessories. First class mechanic. All work guaranteed. Located m old Speer building. Service with a smile. RELINE your brakes to hold wet or dry. Save 20 till Mar. 16. FITZGERAXD-SHERWIN MOTOR Co. Liberty at Chemeketa MONEY TO LOAN BUSINESS property loans 6 4 per cent. Res. loans monthly payment and Straight loans, lowest rates. Met. Life Insurance Co, money for farm loans. HUDKINS ft SAN FORD, Inc. Miller's Store Building. Phouc 2218. CITY AND TRACT LOANS Reasonable Rates -No Delay STATE SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION 703-8 First National Bank Bldg. Phone 457 naiem. Oregon CITY AND FARM loans at lowest rates. Best terms obtainable. Our Insurance department offers you ex pert advice and service in all line. HAWKINS ft ROBERTS (Inc.) TeL 1427 205 Oregon Bldg. FEDERAL FARM LOAN . F. I. Wood. 341 State Street. Private Money to Loan - ON FARMS ANT CITY REAL ES TATE, LOWEST INTEREST RATES. BERT T. FORD FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDG. SALARY and collateral loan.. Re payable in weekly or monthly Install ment. GENERAL FINANCE COR PORATION, First Nat l Bank. Tel 1200. FARM LOANS Plenty or money te loan on good farm security. City Loans Wt are loaning Prudential In surance company money. on city resi dences and business property at rr cent, plea a commission. Hawkins Roberts. 206 Oregon Building. 10 PER MONTH per thousand pays Interest and principle. William E. Moees, 451 Court St., TeL 2218. X HAVE $6000.00 private money t loan on city or country property. Will divide. E. A. Rhoten. 814 U. 8. Na tional Bank Bldg. IXte. iS A WASTE OFTlM&fJ MONET TO LOAN WANTED Prtva te motv for farm loans. We have several applications en nana, jtlawkiu uorerts, inc. 205 Oregon Bids. MONEY LOAHEO OK AUTOS Contracts Refinanced Arrange to reduce your payments Yon keep the car. P. A. EIKKIt Cor. Liberty St, and Ferry Phone 121 Cslem. Ore. tate loans. Straight and installment loans on city property. Frm loans at 5 plus commission. ANDERSON ft RUPERT Realtors 19 S. High St. WANTED Loans WILL give good security and high Interest for $1500 for three years. 1105 Oak street. WANTED Salesmen MAN between 25 and 05 to act as manufacturer's agent. No Investment necessary. A man with selling exper ience, or willing to learn; who can com mand respect and who is willing to work, will find this a permanent bus iness, with an Income of from $175 to $125 a month. Wrlta to the Cof field Tire Protector company, 72 Stengie Bldg.. Dayton. Ohio. SIDELINE Salesmen To . sell a weedless fish, bait to dealers and Job bers. Every dealer a buyer. Good com mission. FENNER BAIT CO., Oxford, Wis. VwwAMWwVwVVMMMwVewWWWWMwWVw GUARANTEED SALARY AND COMMISSION SELLINO NEW SPE CIALTY TO "RETAILERS. ENOR MOUS OPPORTUNITY. LIBERAL IN COME FROM REPEATS. ROLAND. CEDAR RAPIDS. IA. FEDERAL DISTRIBUTORS GET BIG PAY ! NO capital or experience reeded. Territory being assigned. Write for application blank. FEDERAL PURE FOOD CO.. 2301 Archer, Chicago. SALESMEN for Jive real estate or ganization. New home site tract being opened by lunch and lecture method. Must have car. See Mr. Daniels, 20S No. High St.. Salem. WANTED Male Help UNUSUAL opportunity to become connected with a live-wire real estate selling concerp. SEE 1 Jolin Werner, 208 North High. Must have car. WANT man with closed car to do special work for live wire organiza tion, good pay. See Mr. Daniels, 20S No. High St.. Salem. WANT two men solicitors for going concern. Salary and commission. iee Mr. Daniels. 208 No. High St.. Salem. WANTED man who knows farm life to travel in country. Steady work. Good profits. McCONNON & COM PANY, Dept. B182. Winona, Minn. MAN wanted, reliable, energetic, well acquainted in his locality. No in vestment, rso experience just your time. Big pav. FARM AND HOME PAINT COMPANY. KatSas City. Mo. WANTED Female Help WOMEN TEACHERS WANTED TO TRAVEL During summer vacation. Interesting work along school lines, congenial teacher companions. Salary to start, railroad fare paid. Give age, educa tion, details of experience in first let ter. Address COMPTON CO., 48 W. Oak St., Chicago. $12.00 DAILY selling new table cloth. Washes like oilcloth. No launder ing. Free sample outfit. Jones, SOS N. Clark. Chicago. . DIRECT REPRESENTATIVE $8 daily showing most wonderful Spring MARY ROSE Frocks and Lingerie Free start now! RODASI-CO., 526 Ro dasl Bldg., Cinti, Ohio. WANTED Situations MAN, experienced office worker, de sires position as corresponding secre tary, file clerk, time keeper, stock room, etc. Reliable and willing. Best references. Box 67. Statesman. WANTED 5-oung lady wishes office work for afternoons or typing by the hour. Box 90S, Statesman. PLAIN sewing at reasonable prices. Phone 2422J. 506 S. 19th. MISCELLANEOUS FURNITURE PACKING for ship ments. Glese-Powers Furniture Co. FOR SALE Misc. WANTED Used pianos. In ex change on Radios, phonographs, or fur. nlture. H, L. Stiff Furniture Com pany. HOME GROWN ornamental shrubs, fruit trees, grape vines, etc. 2060 Ne braska ave. George Schrelber. O. A. C. BARRED Rock hatching eggs, 15 for 75c. 2315 South Cottage. Phone 2535-W. FURNITURE UPHOLSTERING and repairing. Uicse-Powers Furniture Store. FOR SALEM Scavenger service call 167. Pianos at only a fraction of their former prices: WAS NOW $550 Hallet ft Comston $ 60 $376 Walters $ 95 $(00 Emerson $150 $500 Conner $125 $300 Henry F. MiUer $225 $400 Raven $ 70 $(00 Player Piano $175 And over 50 other good, used piano. Small payments If desired or will rent and apply rent on the purchased price If you buy. TALLMAN PIANO STORE 335-396 South 12th The Home of the Baldwin nrViVV,YVVuVuViAfl FOR SALE Three large cherry trees, ready to set out. Call 1(95 Broad way. Phone 122SR. TURKEYS ! TURKE'fS ! TURKEYS ! 400 mammoth Bronte beauties. Bred for laymr vitality and else since 1919. Toms and hens for sale or te let out on shares to responsible people. Hatch ing eta and baby turka Chae. F. Sim mon, R. 8. Box 140. Salem. Phone ftri4. WASTE CJT- M6 ..s ill ' H I FOR SALE MISC. AsOesejAAsAsseAeeMes1MVeAsVMess RABBIT fertiliser. Ed Price, 1073 7th street. USED Baby Grand piano. Only 8 months old. Is as good as new. Orig inal cost $765.00. .Will sacrifice for ijsa.ot casn. llJti rrorway street. aeeseseeseeseeepese PIANO FOR SALE at a big dis count. Guaranteed first class and will take In your phonograph or other mu sical instrument as' part payment and make easy payment on the balance to suit any one. For location and full particulars write te C. F. Hendrtck Factory piano adjuster, Logan Transfer and Storage Co- 2(18 PacU- io avo., lacoma. wasn BACHELOR, $8. with $50,000. Would marry. K. Box 19(4, League, Seattle. Washington. WANTED MISC. "-TjijYVsT"siiOi's WANTEDr Quilting prices $1.60 $1.75, $2.00 and up. Mrs. William 11. Addle, 157 w. Miuer. 1 - i ------ i-,-. -irwfi ru-irui CARD READING, crystal gazing. Call 28&T-M. SOMEONE to give bulldog a good home. 1960 Broadway. CAPITOL BARGAIN and Junk house 105-145 Center. TeL 898. Ail kinds of Juuk bought and sold; Raga Sacks, Bottles, Barrels, Hides, Pelts, Wools, Furs, Tallow. Cascara Bark, Grape Root. Pitch, Peppermint Oil. all kinds of iron and metal everything from a needle to a locomotive. PERSONAL STOMACH ulcers, gastritis suffer ers, get rid of your pain ! QukTt relief guaranteed. o diet: aluable booklet sent free. Ugda Medicine Co, 2437 Da kota Bldg., St. Paul. Minn. WOULD YOU MARRY "girl 22 7 $35,000? Will inherit $30,000 ; Widow 40. $78,000? Photos-descriptions free. Club. Mrs. Warn. 8377 W. 4th st Los Angeles, California. MARRY IF LONELY: Join "The Successful Correspondence club." Re liable; descriptions free. Box 556. Oak land. California. LOST AND FOUND FOUND Fur lined glove. Owner pay for ad. Call at Statesman. FOR SALE Wood ' JXrVW " DrV FIR & OAK Wood Coal & Fuel Oil Call nn liff for rrlro W r-i - rt rmvl measure, good quality and good ser vice. Larimer Transfer & Storage Tel. 930 GOOD WOOD at a reasonable price. Well seasoned second growtli fir. Also well seasoned old fir slab and in side wood. PROMPT DELIVERY Phone 1542 Fred E. Wells 280 South Church Street GOOD DRY WOOD oak and fir. Phone 130is. Robert Tomm. ut. 7. 16" MILL wood at $2.75 per load. 16." 2nd FIR at $2.50 per load. TRACE Y'S FUEL YARD Phone 2S5 FOR DRY FIR WOOD 4 ft. or sawed Call C D. Query. Phone 127F21. THE BEST wood for the money at Tracy's Fuel Yard, phone 2985. GOOD DRY wood for you D. A. Larmer. Tel 1898. teseeeseese FOR SALE: Wood of all Jtlnds. M. t. Mat-field, phone 72F2. 16 INCH wood. Call 91F22. GOOD COAL DRY WOOD PROMPT DELIVERIES HILLMAN FUEL CO. TELEPHONE 1855 DRY 16 in. old fir, second growth fir and maple. C. U HARBAOrGH 833 Highland Ave , Phone 1999 GUARANTEED DRY Wood coaL TeL 13. Salem Fuel Co.. 752 Trade. GOOD, DRY Second growth 4 ft. $6.00 per cord. 2 'cord lots. $5.76. Phone 271 1W. W0 WWWWWWMWMWWWWWMI1I GOOD, dry, second growth fir. $6.00 delivered 4 ft. length. Phone 2349W. , TREASURY DEPARTMENT. Office of the Supervising Architect, Washing ton. D. C March 6. 1929. Sealed bids will be opened in tills office at 8 p. m., April 10, 1929, for remodeling and en larging of U. S. post office at Salem. Ore. Drawings and specifications may be obtained from the custodian at tbe building, or at this office in the dis cretion of the supervising, architect. James A. Wetmore, acting supervising architect. M 13-15-17. I GENERAL DIRECTORY AUCTIONEERS F.N. Woodry . It Yrs. Salem's leading Auctioneer and Furniture Dealer Residence and Store 1(10 N. Summer St Phone 611 COL. A. L. STEVENSON auc tioneer, 28 years' experience In- the Willamette Taller, for dates or ar rangements see F. A. Doerfler, farm advisor. First National Bank. Salem. Phone or write. A. L. Stevenson. Cor vallia, Oregon. H. F. Woodry and Son The AUCTIONEERS Who Sell 'Rite- Down-Town" Phone 75 20 Tears Experience BATTERY ELECTRICIAN Battery Service Station Automotive Electricians VickBros. High St at Trade TeL 1841 By Cliff Sterrett in& LOST, Nl:TM& LAST .TW&KiT years: ry-rri )1 .rJ. i mm ELECTRICIANS R D. Bartoo-itNatlonal Batteries -OlATt0r tarwft mTMkmt-tAm svAvir mm,m NBouth nigh r " E. L. WELCH ELECTRICAL contractor ; ruturee and, supplies. Estimates furnished. 1581 M.8 Cummecl,u Fbone ELECTRIC cos tract! ng, fixtures, supplies. Good ft Dennison. 1151 Wal ler. TeL 19J4. i BICYCLE REPAIRING . LLOYD E. BAkMSDHN Columbia, Bicycles an drepatWng. l? Court. CARPENTER CARPENTER Builder. Home spe cialty, puns andj specifications free with work. ReUabfe. Reasonable. Day or contract. Tel. 2766. - CHmOP&S.CTORS DR. LLOYD U HOCKETT. Physio, tnerbplst 945 N. 6th St, Tel 1S59-W 9-?rijk- COT?S S80 Chiropractor. 26 N. High, TeLjj7. Res. 21U4-J. DRS. SCHOFIELD. Palmer Chlre practora X-Ray jua K. c. M. New Bank Bldg. j DOCTORS . O-.ALTMAN.fM. D., Homeopath. k Physician, phone 147. sn a. .uh. erty St, ELECTRICIANS HAL1K ELECTRIC CO. Electric contracting ana repairs. Electric fixtures- und supplies. Electric ranges aud washers. Ph. 2 46i rront FLO&ISTS FLOWERS I'OH ALL occasions-. Olson's. Court ft iJ'Si J?i.. Tel. 8U1. r- CUT Flo wet k. f-eddhig bouquets . funeral wreaths, fecorations. C. F. Brelthaupt, tlonsU 612 State Street. TeL 3S0. I INSURANCE WM. A. PERSE Agt.. Farmer Mu tual Insurance. North 20. Salem. TeL U12-M. 3 WARREN F. POWERS - Life and General Insurance TeL 607. 219 U. S. Bank Bldg. ANDERSON? ft RUPERT General insurance 169 S. High i TeL 1(14 o BECKE ft JJIENDRiCKS 1S9 N. High TeL 1(1 1HCH L. flEIMANN General Insurance, Loans 219 N. High St. j TeL 8(6 WILLAMETTE INSURANCE AGUNCY 316 Masonic Bldir.-i Tel. 988 LAUNDRIES THE NEV.' SAiEM LAUNDRY THE WEIDjJlt LAUNDRY Telephone 25 jj 263 S. Illge CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY "The Laundry of Pure Materials" Telephone 16 i 1264 Broadway MATT2CESSES MATTRESSES RENOVATED by the Capital City Bedding Co., 3030 North CapitoL Called fo and delivered. AU work guaranteed, i Tel. 19 MUSIC STORES FOR RENT New pianos. U. U Stiff Furniture Colnpany. GEO. C. WiIl Pianos. Phono graphs, sewing machines, sheet muae und piano studiesi Repairing phono, graphs and sewing jmachiues. iZi State meet. Salem. NEWSPAPERS THE PORTLAVn TEM.'j:riu.. lem Agency. The jAce. Tel. 39. PAPER HANGING PHdVE (It V W A ,1 . , . r i ....... w u. .LSI IftlUlf decorating, paperliAngiug, timing, etc. Reliable workman KALsdMINING PAlMTfN'C n:in.rln. u.. - - . ......... . . i v . ivaauii" able. Rets. Phone 219 HJ. 4. M. Alex ander. J FAINTING, tinting, papering. Tel. FLUMliLNt. PLUMBINO tnii.ilrln- r... able prices. A. L. Godfrey, piione 495W. PLUMBING aad general renele TeLk650raber Brf U)iny' PRINTING FnR KTiTtnvrpv - phleta, programs, .books or any kind of printing, call .t the Statesman Printing Department 215 S. Commer cialTeL 600. J RADIO FOR every purpVe, for every purse All standard eises of Radio 1nh. EOFF ELECTRICAL HOP. 835 Court oi-. i. . a STOVES STOVES and Steva reoairln Mtov.a for sale, rebuilt 1 and repaired. Ail kinds of woven wire fencu. fane and plain, nop baskea and hooks, logan hooka. . Salem Fence and Stove Works. TAILORS D. H- M08HERI Tailor for man and women. 474 Court St TRANSFERS CAPITAL Cltv Transfer Co til State St Tel. 928. Distributing, fer wardlng aad storage our specialty. Get ewr rates. ( i i PATTERSON Transfer. Local and ' tone-distance hauling. Phone 880. TRANSPORTATION Yelloway Pioneer i - . . , ; ' STAGES. Lot Angelee. 1$; Sae PTaectoeo. Sacramento, $1,60 r Seattle $4.60. Depot Bilf h hotel. noewTO. ' ( i '"TiANDMADE, old 'rare. H. IL Mas dolins and stl. guitars. al4 strings and . supplies, exchanges. Bring me your old wreck. Repairs. .-Scientific, adjustments, . PINCKNEY e 1960 South Commercial j LODGE ROSTER : CHEMEKETA LODGE NO. 1." 11: Ot O. F. Meets eirery Wednesday eree in at 7:30 o dutk: third floor of L O. O. F. . Temple. eorner of Court And . . . . - - u . DOCTOR f- X Morehouse, i . erun. reside TCc2 . J 1610. Office 0- v'C Cpm':-Pl : i - tiigu streets.