The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 13, 1929, Page 7, Image 7

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The New OREGON STATESMAN, Salem. Oregon; Wednesday Morning, March 13, 1929
Answers to Mothers
God could not be everywhere;
therefore He made mothers.
Jewish Proverb.
My little girl Is eight years old
and weighs OTer 100 pounds. She
Is tall and large-framed. She Is
a very neaimy,
happy and bnsy
child and
I srood eater of
all f o o d s. I
hare Peterslsed
myself and lost
85 pounds, so I
I know how to
Ibalance the
y diet, etc., ana
A feel that my liU
' M 4.1 la -r tr
ly fed. She had
.her tonsils and
tuwtmrftnSJU m o t e d -when
about three years old and has
gained flesh since. Some hint at
thyriod trouble. Do you think I
bare to fear that and to hare her
examined for it. Should she hare
swimming, skating and dancing,
or would you let it go with just
the regular exercises?
I jsarcai
ing their. patients begin active ax
erclse- of the abdominal vail two
days after labor, while the patient
is still In bed. These are con
tinued after the patient get up,
and are Increased. They not only
help prevent the relaxation ot the
abdominal wall, but they help the
uterus to go down to Its normal
size and keep It In its normal
pOSitiOIl -, ; -.;'." ';--'
We hare an article on abdom
inal exercises..,
Sditor'a Not: Dr. Peters cannot
diagnose, nor sir personal advice.
Tour questions, U of general inter
est, will be answered in the col
umn. In turn. Requests tor articles
must be .accompanied by a fully
self-addressed, stamped envelope
and 2 cents la coin for each article,'
to cover cost of printing- and hand.
' ling. For the pamphlet oa reduc
ing and gaining, IS cents In coin,
with fully self-addressed, stamped
envelope, must be enclosed. Ad
dress Dr. Peters, la car of this
- paper.
SILVERTON, March 12. (Spe
cial) Miss Fern Anderson and
a Portland friend motored to Sll
verton on Sunday to spend the day
with her gransWcents, Mr. and
Mrs. Manley Haskins of South
First street. Miss Fern Is grad
uating In May from Immanuel
hospital, where she has been tak
ing nurses training.
Your littie girl la probably over
weight for the same reason that
you were overweight, Mother, and
that is that the is overeating for
her needs. Yes, she should have
swimming, skating and dancing,
it she can, and increase her other
physical exercises, too. Of course,
it is always wise to; have a check
op by a physician, occasionally,
where there is any symptom of
disease or not, so I would have
her examined. With your experi
ence fii reducing your own weight,
you will know how to reduce hers.
It is important for a fat child
to . have her weight reduced, lor
overweight, as well as under
weight, makes children more sus
4vtib'le to diseases. Besides, the
fat child is at a disadvantage with
her playmates and may be made
unhappy from their Jibes.
It Is very important in reduc
ing children's weight that only
candies and other sweets, starches
and fats are limited, for the full
quota of growth foods should be
taken every day. -The reducing
pamphlet gives directions which
may be applied to children.
Striae Gravidarum
"Since the birth of my baby, I
was left rrith whitish lines on my
abdomer. Will these marks ever
di- ' MRS. C."
.ex known as striae
gravidarum. (Striae means lines
or stripes and gravidarum means
pregnant.) They are due to
stretching of the skin and thin
ning out of the under layer,' with
the formation of scar tissue. Once
they have appeared, they will al
ways remain.
These striae may appear after
any great stretching of the skin
in heavy, pendulous breasts, for
Instance, from overweight, or from
a large tumor. "
Striae gravidarum can largely
ba prevented, according to Mc-
Pheeters, by persistent dally mas
sage of the abdomen, begun
around the second or third months
of pregnancy, with some lubricant,
such as cocoa butter or oil. (It
is the massage that is effective).
Then the abdominal wall should
be supported by a properly fitting
support. It must not be tight,
however, for wearing tight supr
ports predisposes to the weakness
of the abdominal wall.
Exercise of the trunk muscles,
especially those that are taken
lying on the back by raising the
legs, or the body and Walking on
all fours, also strengthens the wall
and helps to make an easier la
bor. Obstetricans are now hav-
If A HIISTT A . n Maroh 1
tAPj Three men were found
dead in a bedroom here today ap
parently from the effects of fumes
escaping from a gas stove.
Peter's Adventures
- Drake, at this point la his
story. ; drooped his head and
sniffed sadly. - '
' "I shall never forget as long as
I live- how I came ujRm my poor
father one winter's day. Mother
was getting us children ready for
the long fly south and we were
to start that very afternoon, but
we couldn't ily far with empty
stomachs so father went out to
find us some food.
"Cold weather had driven the
snails and water Insects deep into
the mud for warmth, and father
had to dig deep to get them. He
had a hard time of it and on his
last trip he stayed In the water
too long dear old dad he was
determined not to come back to
us 'with empty beak. If only he
had! .
"Jack Frost caught sight of him
digging In the shallows and told
Ice and Ice crept upon father, and
before he knew it had spread its
trap.. When at last father had
dug out the snail and tried to
wade back with It to shore he
found he couldn't more his feet.
"Father struggled and strug
gled and quacked for help and all
the neighbors went with us to try
to get him -out It was no use!
He was sealed tight In a cake of
ice and we had to stand there and
watch- him turn Into an , Ice Bird
without doing a thing to aid.
"How dreadful-." exclaimed the
boy. Drake nodded his head.
"TerrlWe," agreed he. "None
of us ever got over It. And every
one of us made up our minds that
if we could possibly help it we
would never let Ice catch us un
awares. Neither do we trust Jack
Frost we know that as soon as
he appears, trouble Is soon to fol
low. "If Ice doesn't hurry up close
upon his heels Snow does, and that
is just as bad. Snow delights In
blinding us so we can't find our
way and then leaves us to the
aiid m
: vl i
t - I
0 iTs. 1
Every bite of food you eat MUST
be digested, and the wast J matter
eliminated. That's sure; If your
stomach Is sluggish and old. from
the excessive acids which keep
eatiag away the gastric Juices, you
must dissolve them, or you never
will be free from indigestion, sour
risings, bloating and drowsiness
after you eat. -
Get a package ot Pape's Diapep
ain from your nearest drug store
and chew one of the tablets after
meals. Instantly the distress Is re.
tiered. It dissolves the acids,
weetens the stomach and you win
have an appetite again like you
had when a child. :
All tdrug stores have Pane's
DJaperaln. More than . Slmillloa
sHMagas are used a year.
(o)nnnsEs :miw
t . i a a- m
1 t V
. a sr s
aercles of whatever prowler may
be about;
Drake stopped talking ; and
gased at the sky. - Peter, however,
wanted to hear more.
' "So when you woke up that
night not long ago and found Jack
Frost was having a party," he re
minded the bird, "what did you
. "Took to our wings, I ald,"
said Drake, sharply. "Dear me, I
do wish my folks would hurry.
They stopped off to see some rela
tives while I came on to visit an
old Uncle and ther wera to meet
me here this afternoon. I do hope
noming has happened to them."
. MIA MA, Fla.. March 12. (AP)
Vice-Presiaenr Charles Curtis ar
rived hero tonight to spend sev
eral days at the Miami beach
homo ot Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Las
HELENA, Mont, Mar. 11.
(AP) Joseph K. Toole, 78, Mon
tana's first governor in statehood,
died here today after a heart attack.
Lunpheon Given
Folk Attending
Farm Conference
DALLAS. Mar. 12. (Special)
All ' who attended the closing
day of the Farm Week conference
held in fie county court room las
week, were tendered a luncheon
by the Dallas chamber ot com
merce and the Klwanls club Fri
day. The luncheon was held la the
dining room of the Presbyterian
church. There were 80 guests.
Youthful Forger
Will Be Confined
SPOKANE. Mar. 12. (AP)
Doyle McRae, who police said vic
timized many banks In Pacific
coast cities by forgeries, was sent
in tha atata reformatory for three
years today. Papers found on Mc
Rae Indicated that through, a fort
ed letter ot credit ho had beea able
to past worthless checks in Klam
ath Falls. Ore Longvtew, Wash.,
and Seattle, Wash Oakland, and
West Wood, CaU
Al Christie's
' Yacht Defeats
Rival at Races
(AP) la a thrilling battle of
sails and seamanship In which
neither craft gave any quarter or
missed o trick on any part of the
eleven and one-halt mile race
course In Los Angeles harbor, the
Heather, owned by Al Christie,
with Sterling Jeffers as skipper,
won out by "a nose" over O. K.
Hunsaker's Pirate, with Walter
Hubbard, Jr., at the helm, in the
third day's program ot the nation
ol. midwinter yacht meet.
She'd Tell About
Hickman Jailed
LOS .ANQKLX3. Mar. 12.
(AF) An echo of the ease of
WiUlaai Edward Hickman, who
wjls hung at San Quentla prison
tor. murdering 12-year-old Marlon
Parker, was heard In municipal
court" today. Mrs. Eugene McMU
len Martin, who was arrested last
October for writing letters invit
ing the parents ot the slain girl
to attend a public meeting at
which she would "disclose the
truth about the Hickman case."
was found guilty on two counts of
outraging public decency. She will
be sentenced tomorrow.
Mrs. Martin, who also sent the
invitations to many prominent
film folk, cancelled the meeting
as the result of police interference,
but the officers had difficulty in
dispersing the large crowd which
.had gathered at the hall doors to
hear .her.
NOTE We cannot -buy Wain
to sell at these prices.
Odds and ends in Gordon
silk hose with self i rTA
toned shadow clox. tP-M-e 1
Aa exceptional value are these Ca
det, Gordon, Granite and Onyx
Pointer hose of pure thread silk.
They are full fashioned and come
in service and chiffon, weights.
Many light spring shades are in
cluded in the lot but not all sizes
in each (1 OQ
shade -. PXoVc7 v
Infants mercerized rayon hose in
the light shades. A very .special V
number in odds " Tfa
and ends : -V
Not every size in every shade
but every pair perfect
Three quarter and full length and
half sox, all silk, silk or silk and
rayon. Sizes for all kiddies in the
group but not every size O PJ p
in every number . OfJl
Kiddies full length silk and rayon
in the spring shades, odd sizes and
numbers to clean ACkg
- rev
out :
Three quarter and full length all
silk hose for kiddies. Whites and
tans, while they
remain .
Kiddies full, Jength mercerized
lisle ribbed QKn
hose" L .0JC
And while we're cleaning house we are going to put an end to some
odd numbers of gloves that will fit into many ladies spring ward
robe necessities. -
I1.C0 win buy a pair of genuine lamb skin, full pique seams, light and dark
shades. There are about twenty-five pair Well make a 31 ff
clean slate ot it for-psr pair..... ..wxeUW
$1.85 will buy a pair of cape skin, or kid gloves, plane or out seams in dress and
sport styles. Aboat. twenty pair of tbese to clean up. QK -
Light spring shades and ONLY..... tj?Xei7tJ
82J5 wfll buy a pair of French kid or gllp-oa pigskin cloves. These are odds and
ends and we do not have every elxe In each shade. QO QE
We win clean them out at.......................... ....Jie7J
Quality llerchcndisc
"Popular Prices?:
March Clearance
Berkey & Gay
and Other Well Known
Brands Included
The arrival of new spring shipments will find ns crowded for display
room, so we are offering some very fine Dining Room Suites at Urn
time, at prices far below the regular values.
Nine Piece Dining Suite
By Berkey & Gay
S 60 Wellington Suite, beautifully decorated in oils, large esposed
urfaces in finely matched veneer panels of American Walnut; eight
foot eitension Table; 68 Inch Buffet; 36x60 China Closet with dec
orated doors: Five Dining Chairs; One Arm Chair, all chair seats
covered in fine $420.00
Tapestry yfaw.ww
Eight Piece Dining Suite
By Berkey & Gay
$407.50 Elizabethan Suite, large pedestal style suite in combinations
of Walnut and other fine woods, drawer fronts in finest walnut
burls. Eight foot extension Table; 66 Inch Buffet; Five Dining
Chairs, One Arm Chair, all chair seats covered tQA3 AA
with Tapestry OUO.UU
Just a Few of the
Remarkable Reductions
All the following Suites consist of Buffet, Extension Table,
Five Pining Chairs and Arm Chair, all suites finished in
- $202.50 Eight Piece Dining Suite $151.50
$199.00 Eight Piece Dining Suite ...$149.75
$135.00 Eight Piece Dming Suite .....$1 12.50
$148.50 Eight Piece Dining Suite ... $109.50
$176.50 Eight Piece Dining Suite $133.50
$224.25 Eight Piece Dining Suite......$137.50
Occasional and
$14.50 Pull Up Chair with upholstered
seat and back in assortment of Jacquard
Velours and Tapestry, 6Q QC
Now . . i ............. . .... . 'OsJ
$10,50 Auto Seat Rocker, choice ot several
Jacquard Velour seat coverings, all hard
wood rocker finished in browa 07 7 C
mahogany, now .... ......... ..... Plel1
$18.00 Wing Style Living Room Chair,
with cane seat and back, all solid mahog
any frame, just a few at this 1 7 71?
price, now, .......... Vl-IJ
ManyJine rugs to select.from, in all sizes, and in all makes of rusrs, Axminsters, Wiltons, Fibre Rugs, Ovals,
Rags Rugs iand Runners, be 'sore to visit this department before making a final selection.
Spring Draperies
Cretonne, a regular 50c
value now selling tor 80c
the yard." And many other
bargains. :
340 Court SL
. Fibre Furniture
Three 'Pieee Fibre) .Suite,
consisting: of a -Davenport,
Chair and Rocker with fuU
spring seat and cretonne
T?u... $670