The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 13, 1929, Page 6, Image 6

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- K-
Elks Compliment
Their Ladies
The annual Ladle Night at
which the Elk's lodge will be hosts
at the Elk's dab Thursday eve
nine March 14. is .expected to be
the outstanding social event of
the lodge year.- Various croups
from other cities are planning to
attend. Elaborate entertainment is
being planned for the 3000 folk
.who are expected to enjoy the
'Elk's hospitality.
, , The -committee on arrange
ment, which Includes P. D. Qnis
enberry. Earnest Bonesteele, and
Frank Deckebaeh. Jr.. are wors
in to the end that this affair will
be the crowninr achievement of
the rule of the Exalted Ruler,
Frank Durbin.
The decking of the entire club
: with flowers, and a number of
unlane features, is in charge of
the florists. Brelthaupt and Olson.
An eight-piece orchestra will play
In the main room downstairs dur-
lnr the open house hour from 8
until t o'clock. During this time
the iroests will be inirlted to play
any of the card or billiard games
In the club rooms proper while the
lodge meeting is in session.
Shortly before 9 o'elock the
Elk'a chorus will present the pro
gram of the evening between the
Informal hour- and the hours for
dancing which hare been arranged
to begin at 10 o'clock.
Pupils from Mrs. White's danc
ing Bchool will dance a group of
feature numbers during the inter
mission of dancing.
Miss Houston
Is Complimented
Complimenting her cousin, Miss
Peggy Houston of Latrobe, Penns
ylvania, who Is visiting here, Miss
Florence Power entertained at an
attractive affair in her home Mon
day evening. Carnations in shades
of pink were, prettily arranged
about the rooms in combination
with clever St. Patrick's decora
tions. 1 -
Included in. the guest group
were Mrs. Kenneth Power, Misses
Grace, Elm a, and Jean White,
Miss Robie Laughlin, Miss Kath
erine Everett, Miss Beatrice Lock
hart, Miss Frances McGilvra, and
Miss Mary Jo Wagner.
After an evening of varied en
tertainment, Mrs. Frank Power,
assisted by Mrs. Kenneth Power
and Miss Florence, served the
guests with dainty refreshments.
'The Noble Outcast"
Will be Given Again
The home talent play "The Noble'
' Outcast," given by the members
of the Fairview Community club
last Friday evening, was so well
received tnat the play will bef
given again Saturday evening,
March 16, for the benefit of those
who were unable to attend last
, week.
The. cast is as follows: Gerald
Weston, Mr. Turner; Colonel Mat
thew Lee, Del Need ham; James
Blackburn, J. M. Sehon; Jack
Worthington, Albert Needham;
Mrs. Lee, Grace Sehon; France,
Margaret Turner and Sadie, Clara
. " The literature, seetion of the A.
A. U. W. will meet this evening
' at 7:30, o'clockMn,the public li-
Drary.- Members or the c!ub are
; enjoying the reading and dlscuss-!-
ing ot the stories about Oregon by
; Oregon' writersr"'aar their study, for
a snore time. - - .
It's Growing!
The shoulder-length boh 1 tak
lag a re-.l place among fashions of
tne noar tor the younger set. In
many nign schools and colleges,
PDNA fs.
more than halt the girls are let.
- "ting their hilr.rm w
style is vara
York City girlrt as shown In above
' -paoiograBh of Hiss Ediu. Rhb
'iMT.ATuiii u.isrooxiyn. .
I -lMf?a Raho'e savs: "I m certain
"-r IT delighted' thar; fzu-l m' liali
; have found a way to keep It easily
r manageaoie - ana attraeuve. My
hair is , every so , much fluffier
i and - roof e vigorous than it ., has
been for a long time., And It is
tree from all traces of dandruff,
now. I attribute its Improvement
f to tne method I am using to care
, ' for it. It's so popular amonx. the
. girls in my eet. All we do it put
, a little Daaderine om our brushes
whenever we ; use them. This
- makes my hair so easy to dress
any way I Want It and holds it in
rf 'place 'as X arrange-: it, Danderine
1 . - soother my scaltf and keeps it and
; my hair, so clean, : I don't need to
. shampoo more than twice a month
' now. And all, my friends admire
the way it i Brakes , my . hair : so
t r bright and rsarkltag . ; v . :
i .. Danderine does more-to-bring
out the natural, color, the gleam
i and .lustre j of yotir hair, than
l shampoos or brilliantlne. It re-
; moves that oily' film from it, gives
it new life and lustre.. It cleanses
, -y and- Invigorates the ' scalp ; . helps
; " overcome dandruff.. Danderine if
; delightfully, fragraneed: isn't oily,
u doesn't how. All drug sto-cs have
"fce gsneroos tic bottle. adr. ' 1
OLIVE IL DOAK, Society Editor i
-.-'.3' 'Wednesday
Leslie Can-Do "At Home"
with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Lin
foot to friends and member
of chareh, 7:S0 o'clock.
Lady Eagles, potluck sap
per, - C o'clock. Fraternal
Temple. ' '
W. H. If. 8. Jason Lee
church at z:S9 o'clock with
Mrs. C. XM. Roberts, 1015
Shipping street. . t
W. F. M. S. First M. E. at
2:30 o'clock in church par-
lor. v . " -
SvMt Hrfar lnh wfth Vra
M. F. McCall on Wallace road.
Comfort club. First Spirit- "
nslict 'ehnreh meets at S-OO
o'clock with Mrs. E. B. Wood-
ward, 1.S70 Fairmonnt avenue.
Ladles Social Circle Knight
e Memorial church all day meet-
W. H..M. 8. Leslie M. E.
church at t o'clock with Mrs.
8. W. Sclee, corner of Liberty
road and Hanson avenue.
.. Nile dub 10 o'clock at Ma-
sonic temple. :T ..:
Ladles Aid Christ Lutheran
church at 2 o'clock in church
Guild of American Lutheran
church at 2:30 o'clock in
church parlors.
Ladles Night Salem Rotary
club at Hotel Marion.
Salem Teacher's association
general meeting in high school
auditorium at 4 o'clock.
W. M. S. First Presbyterian
church at 2:30 in church par
lors. ,
Literary section of A. A.
U, W. meeting at 7:30 o'clock
in public library.
St. Paul Guild with Mrs.
O. P. Thayer, 744 North Cot
tage street.
Amaranth meeting at Ma
sonic temple.
B. A P. W. reception for
younger, business and profes-
sional women; Lausanne Hall,
t o'clock.
-Thnitflj TirlArn rtnh with
Mrs. Clifford Farmer,
Brush College Helpers with
Mrs. George Meiers.
"An Old-Fashioned Mother"
playing at I. O. (X F. hall.
Regular business meeting
of Women's Benefit Associa
tion at 2 o'clock in Fraternal
Ladies Night at Elk's club.
Kensington club with Mrs.
H. J. Moore at 1330 Center
Elementary Child Study
group meets at 7:30 o'clock
on 10th floor First National
North Salem W. C. T. U.
at 2 o'clock with Mrs. Mason
Corner at corner of Jefferson
and North Cottage.
Hal Hibbard Auxiliary U. S.
W. Y. social meeting with Mrs.
John Seymour, 1425 North
Auburn Community club
business meeting at 8 o'clock
in schoolhouse.
Woman's auxiliary St. Paul's
Episcopal church with Mrs.
C. F. Turner, 1785 Saginaw
St. PatHrk' nrnmm at 8
nVWIr In Y. M. f A. lohhv.
M. C. A
Phone 2010 for A. A,
luncheon reservation.
A. A. fJ. W. luncheon 12:30
o'clock at Marion hotel.
Light. Bearers First M.
church "nt 2:30 o'clock
church parlors.;
Miss Byrd to Appear
With MacDowell Club
Salem music lovers are Indeed
grateful to learn that Winifred
Byrd will appear with the Mac
Dowell clubln concert Saturday
evening, March 23, at the Grand
theatre. : Although Miss Byrd has
been in Salem during the winter,
there have not . been very many
opportunities for Salem andlences
to hear -her, , and so it Is with an
especially pleasurable anticipation
that -Salem folk . await the Mac
Dowell' concert, 'supported by .an
internationally- know arust. i .-. ,
,The .MacDowell ciib 'cfibius of
thirty voices wilt be heard in only
classical choral numbers at this
sppearance for which they have
been preparing for quite some
time; .' r - -
The Guild of , the American Lu
theran church will meet in the so
cial room of the church this after
noon. Mrs. Gustav Ostirn and
Mrs. Childs Clare are hostesses for
the afternoon. A program of mu
sic and business has been pre
pared. ' -. f i i r j 'j'ii-j it
1 dress.
vr that keeps
yjy -dyed look j
tber keen their
your money if yon dont agree Diamond Dyes are better dyes. .- -rr : ;
Tbt. toktit tockaoe oi Diamond: Dvcs is the oririnal Il-ourpose
dye for any and every kind of nuteruL It will dye or tmt silk, wool, ;.
cotton, linen, raron or any imxtnre of materials. The blue packaff , ;
is a special dye. for siUe. or wool only. With it you can dye year t
j valuable articles of silk or wool, with results equal to the finest pro ' f
, f essional work. When you buyremember this.' The blue package tajc .
sOk or wool only. The white package will dye every kmd of goods, . f
. including sOk and wooL Your dealer has both packages. ? . .,
i i "'ATJr.',n'rivTriTfrrnTiT!a
Educational Program
Given by a & P. W.
' A most Interesting. phase of the
National Business and Profession
al Women's week as it is being
celebrated In Salem is the voca
Uonal and . professional talks
which are being made by members
of the club before various school
and younger business girl groups
this week. These talks are in line
with the aim. of the club "Better
Business "Women."
The gist of the topics discussed
is the requirements of some pro
fession or vocation. The club mem
ber presenting the requirement is
a person who knows from experi
ence what It takes to fill the po
sitions, of which she talks.
Tuesday Mrs. Louise Horning
Miss Grace Gilliam, and Mrs. Flor
ence Irwin, spoke at the Capital
Business college, each speaking on
some of the requirements of the
business world and the knowledge
required -to meet -these require
Dr.-Wary Purvine, Salem physi
cian, spoke before a group ot nign
school Girl Reserves, as did Miss
Medora Manthorne. assistant su
perintendent of the Salem general
hospital, and Miss Cariotta crow
ley, supervisor of Salem's elemen
tarr schools. Dr. Purvine empha
sized the duties of a doctor's life
and the preparation which it re
quires. Miss Manthorne outlined
the course of study required for
nursing, told of the various posi
tions open in this line, and what
the physical requirements oi me
girl aspiring to be a nurse should
M Mi Crowlev snoke of the
work of the teacher, the require
ments, physical attributes, and the
vind of service wnicn snouia De
On Thursday evening the Bus
iness and Professional Women's
club will receive at Lausanne Tn a
reception for all the younger bus
iness eirls of the city. Hostesses
for. this evening are Dr. Mary
Purvine, Miss Olive Dahl, Mies
Josephine Shade, Miee Grace
Elizabeth Smith. . Miss Rachel
Bayne, Mrs. Ethel Gibbons, Mrs
Mvra Shank. Miss Cariotta Crow.
ley. Miss Grace Taylor. Mrs. Lil
lian Van Loan and Miss Irene
Harrington will serve at the tea
tables during the evening.
Knight Memorial
Circle Meeting Today
The Ladles Social Circle of the
Knight Memorial church will hold
an all day sewing and missionary
meeting in the church parlors
Wednesday. The bazaar commit
tee will serve luncheon at 12:30
The hostesses will be Mrs. V. H.
Ritchie. Mrs. Maude Pointer. Mrs,
Charles Eyre and Mrs. Harry
Ross. Reservations for the lunch
eon should be made with one of
the hostesses. After .luncheon the
missionary meeting will be held
with Mrs. H. L. Braden serving
as leader of the mission study on
"The church in town and in the
eountrv." Mrs. Avis Martin will
be devotional- leader.
One ot the most interesting pro
grams which has been sponsored
this year by the institutions de
partment of the Woman's club was
that given by the Joseph Benner
musicians at the school for the
feeble minded Sunday afternoon.
One slight change waa made in
the program when it became nec
essary for Leo Dumler to play in
place- ot Dalbert Jepsen as had
been previously announced. Fol
lowing the program which was
very enthusiastically received Mrs.
Smith, wife of the school's super
intendent, served attractive re
Miss Peggy Houston, popular
visitor in' Salem this week, was
entertained at dinner at the Beta
Chi sorority Monday evening. Miss
Houston recently graduated from
the Birmingham school for girls.
She will accompany her mother,
Mrs.' J..D. Houston; the house
guest -of Mrs. ,E. T. Barnes, on
their way to make an extended
visit in California, , . 1
-Canton . Capital,' No. 11, ..will
sponsor the play,- "An Qld-Faah-
ioned Mother" which will be pre-.
sented In the I. O. O. F. hall
Thursday evening, March 14.. The
presentation is a benefit perform
ance given by a group of the young
people : from the Pratum M. - E.
church. : -
Dr. - Lleyd Mott was a Salem
visitor over the -weekend at the
home ot his mother, Mrs. W. ' S.
Mott.- Dr. Mott Is a physician at
the Veterans hospital in Walla
Walla. Washington.
Words won't dye a
Or coat.' or sweater. It takes
real anilines to do that That's why Diamond.
Dyes contain from three to five times mora. j-j
miiii-cy uuua muj vuicr uji vj m. urn icm. r
It's the anilines In Diamond Dyes that do the
work;, that give the colors such brilliance ; -
them, from giving things that re-.
from spotting or streaking. .; -.J
niezx ume yon nave ayemg to oo, rry uuaaom
Dyes.'' Then - compare results. See how soft -'
new-looldngr the colors arc Observe how ;
brilliance. .Your dealer will refund n;
Perfect rcsu
Ladies Night
The Salem Rotary club will en
tertain at their annual Ladies'
"And when a Lady's In the
case, you know all other things
give place" is the toast ot the Sa
lem Rotary club to the guests at
the annual Ladles Night at which
the club will entertain in the Mar
lon hotel this evening.
The program of the evening will
be as follows:-
Singing of "America" ,
Invocation ........ Fred Taylor
Song "That's Rotary Ann
Orchestra -
Song .....;.,. "R-O-T-A-R-Y
Song .... Columbia Male Quartet
Club singing
Song .... Columbia Male Quaret
ciuo singing
Song .... Columbia Male Quartet
Song .... Columbia Male Quartet
Address . . Major Cassius R. Peck
Song .... "Good Night Ladies
MacDowell Concert
Pleases Audience
Piano pupils of Miss Frances
Virginia Melton and Miss Helen
MacHirron of the Music depart
ment of Willamette university
presented a versatile and charm
ing recital ot the compositions of
Edward MacDowell in the univer
sity chapel of Waller hall Monday
Outstanding interpretations were
numerous in proportion to the
numbers on the program, due to
the fine technique of the stu
dents and the interesting variety
of the compositions themselves.
The quietness of the mood as ex
pressed in the "Cradle Song,"
Played by Grace Henderson, and
the delineation of nocturnal com.
munion with the provocative
moon lady In "Moonlight," played
oy Lucille . Cummlngs,- especially
seemed to win the audience. The
smoothness and strength of Eliza
beth Boylan's lnternretation of
Hexantanz" was especially not
able, as was the wlnsomeness of
Shadow Dance." played by Lois
The monumental "Polonaise.'
with the Irresistible throb of the
dance, was played with finish and
understanding by Rosalind Van
Mention should also be made
of the fine work of Helen Price,
Wendell Robinson, Marie Dunlavy,
Evelyn Lin d berg, Margaret Schrei
ber, Arthur Schwarg, Adlna Ber
gen, Doris Corbin and Helen Mc-
Mrs. Roberts Hostess
At Bridge Luncheon
Mrs. T. A. Roberts-entertained
the members of the Tuesday
bridge club and a few additional
guests at a dainty St, Patrick's
luncheon at the last club meeting
of the season.
Mrs. Ercel Kay was awarded the
high ecore honor of the season's
play. Mrs. Keith Powell won sec
ond high and Mrs. David Eyre re
ceived the .guest prize, j . ,, '.
Special guests for the afternoon
included Mrs. Karl G. Becke, Mrs. j
Paul Hendricks, Mrs. John J. Ro
berts, and Mrs.: David Eyre. The!
members of the club include Mrs.
Dan Fry, Jr, Mrai W. Connell
Dyer, -Mrs. Harry Hawkins, Mrs.
Frits Slade, Mrs. Ercel Kay, Mrs.
Prince Byrd, Mrs.! John H. Carson,
Mrs. Frank Spears, Mrs. Mac Ho-
fer, Mrs. Keith P6 Well of Wood-
burn, and the hostess, Mrs. Rob
erts. Mrs. Prince Byrd will start
the' season of bridge tea's for the
club Tuesday. : .
The Little Light Bearers of the
First Methodist church will be en
tertained at a party in the church
parlors Saturday: afternoon; from
2:30 until 4:30. Mrs. R. D. Bar
ton will assist Mrs. ; AVA. Lee dur
ing' the afternoon 'and Mrs.' Wal
ter Mlnier will have charge of the
refreshments. . - v : :
r Regular, $3J0
- Just 27 sets of ruffled curtains (5 pieces to
. 'feet) ta this lot Beautiful rayons In jlch
iis, lustroo affecta. Plata rose.' light beige.
j and blue. Valance, tiebacks and tiro cur-
tains. These would sen regularly at 30
u (Balcony J -. -I
Portland Celebrates f
Grand Court , . .. , k ;
- TL assual meeting for Oregon
of the Order of the Amaranth was
held in Eugene Friday and Sat
urday of the past week with rep
resentatives from all over Oregon
in attendance. The court opened
Friday night with a banquet at
the Osborn hotel , with some 100
guests present, to do honor to the
outgoing grand royal matron. Miss
Margaret Howatson, and incoming
grand worthy matron, Miss Min
nie Kl ass man.
Many guests stayed over for the
Saturday proceedings which in
cluded the grand welcome at the
Masonic Temple extended by Carl
ton Spencer of the University of
Oregon. Election of officers was
held Saturday afternoon at which
time R. Dell McCarty of Portland
was elected grand royal patron,
Mrs.Jennie C. Smith, of Portland,
grand associate matron, Guy H.
Smith, Portland, grand associate
patron, Mrs. Louise Pierce, Port
land, grand treasurer, Mrs. Fran
ces Hnrleburt, Portland, grand
secretary, Mrs. Macll Beck, Eu
gene, grand conductress, Mrs.
Maude Bailey, Portland, grand as
sociate conductress, Mrs. Verlle
Ellis, Salem, grand trustee for
three years.
The next annual meeting will
be held in Portland at the Sunny
side Masonic Temple, on the sec
ond Saturday In March. 1930.
Following-the election of offic
ers an Impressive public installa
tion was conducted Saturday night
at the temple before a large and
appreciative audience.
Among those going from Salem
were the royal matron of Hana
Rosa court, No. S, order of the
Amaranth of Salem, Mrs. Minnie
Protzman, J. B. Protzman, past
royal matron, Mrs. William P.
Ellis, William P. Ellis, associate
patron, Jay B. Hewitt and Mrs.
Hewitt, and J. Burton Crary, roy
al patron.
Rachmaninoff Wins
High Appreciation
Sergei Rachmaninoff has won
for himself new laurels and a
deeper appreciation from the peo
ple of Portland as is evidenced by
all the praise which is being given
him so unsparingly by those who
heard him Saturday night in his
Portland concert.
One thing that won the hearts
of many was the value of his pro
gram. In other appearances here
he has played rather popular of
ferings, bfit this time he seemed
to have decided that, the west
could, appreciate a genuine con
cert program and he . gave It to
them with the result, of wild and
persistent ovation, which compli
mented both himself and the au
dience. Persistent reports have it that
Rachmaninoff was much better in i
this appearance than he has ever
Ifs on now and
t -
- f .: J
-a ,c, ?y
been. The baly regret he seemed
to stir in his "audience was that
the program ended so quickly, and
that he-himself did not seem to
be bo strong physically as in his
last appearance in Portland..
His Beethoven and Scriablne
numbers were the favorites of the
evening. Following is the whole
program as he played It, He gave
several encores in addition to this.
Sonaie, opus 109. Beethoven:
Vivance me non troppo. Adagio
espressiva; Prestissimo. Tema con
Papillons, opus 2, Schumann:
Sonate. opus 35. Chopin: Grave
Doppio movimento, Scherzo,
Marche funebre. Finale, without
Barcarolle, No. 6, Rubinstein.
Fairy Tales, Opus 61. (Manu
script), Medtner.
Etude-Tableau, Rachmaninoff.
Toccata, Ravel.
Prelude "La Petite Fille aux
Cheveaux de Lin", Jar dins sous la
Plule, Debussy
Etude, D-flat major, opus 8,
Prelude. F-sharp minor,-' opus 12,
Etude, D-sharp minor, pua,
" .
Luncheon Bridge
For M. P. Club
Mrs. D. X. Beechler and Mrs.
H. E. Crawford were joint hostess
es for the M. P. club at the Elk's
club Monday with a one o'clock
luncheon which carried out the
St. Patrick motif in every detail
and with a very attractive effect.
Following luncheon bridge con
cluded a hanny afternoon. Mrs.
E. W. Peterson won high score.
Mrs. Wells was a special guest
for the afternoon. Members of
this club are Mrs. Arthur ITtley,
Mrs. M. C. Petteys, Mrs. Frank
Crawford, Mrs. Ci C. Chaffee, Mrs
C. C. Page, Mrs. W. E. Peterson,
Mrs. Lou Grote, Mrs. Ralph Allen,
Mrs. Charles Pratt, Mrs. Lee Gib
son, Mrs. Wayne Henry, and Mrs
Harry Crawford, and Mrs. D. X.
The Hal Hibbard auxiliary of
the U. S. W. V. will be entertain
ed by Mrs. John Seymour at her
home, 1425 North Winter street,
Friday afternoon. Mrs. J. H. Ar
nold will assist Mrs. Seymour dur
ing the afternoon. This will be the
regular monthly social meeting of
the auxiliary.
There will be a general meet
ing of the Salem Teachers asso
ciation in the high school auditor,
ium this afternoon at 4 o'clock
At this time Dr: Nelson Boffing
of the University of Oregon will
speak upon the topic of "Teaching
Profession as Professional Con
Mrs. D. A. Laffoon and two
children are the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. W. .C Conner, at their
home in South Salem. . Mr. Laf
foon is a business man of Cottage
Grove. .
going strong j
5f Wall Paper Sale
I have broken lots, close-outs and rem
nants a plenty I have very little
room for the
New Spring Wall Papers
Just Arriving
Big bargains guaranteed to those who
can hurry, right in
new: spring designs
Another big assortment ot rcyon, lace and net panels
In this sale at tlM that are outstanding values. rOood -substantial
quality, well made, sew patterns and very
popular. -CThoaM yoor new eprtoT rjsmels from Uils
big showing Today.;. (Balcony.).- .
IV . 'I
: - r
I If I
Bridge Tea Entertains
Eastern Star Members
Women of the Eastern Star en
joyed an unusually happy after,
noon at the Masonic temple with
Mrs. D. X. Beechler Tuesday af
ternoon. Bridge and "500" at
some ten tables occupied the ma
jority of the afternoon, Mrs. Al
bert Smith won high' score for
bridge and Mrs. Ida Babcock won
high score in "500."
Late in the afternoon Mrs.
Beechler was assisted in serving
an attractive luncheon with St
Patrick as the dominating influ
ence in color and design for decor
atirns. Assisting Mro. Beechler
were Mrs. Charles Miller, Mrs.
Frank Csawford, Mrs. Ralph Les
ter, Mrs. Harry E. Crawford, Mrs.
A. L. Stelner, Mrs. Leon Barrick,
Mrs. Josle Lafore, Mrs. Grace Dil
Hon. Mrs. Fred Gibson, and Mrs.
F. E. Mercer.
. The Woman's Home Missionary
society, of the Leslie Methodist
church are to meet with Mrs. S.
W. Selee at her home on Liberty
Road and Hanson avenue this
afternoon at 2 o'clock. The pro
gram for the afternoon Is to be
In charge of Mrs. Rhoten, Miss
Faith Priday and Mrs. B. E. Otjen.
The Misses La Verne and Con
stance Kantner motored to Port
land for the Halliburton concert
and are .remaining for the Rollin
Hayes concert tonight.
The Auburn Community club
will hold Its regular business
meeting at the Auburn school
Friday, March 15, at 8 o'clock.
The hemawa Indian school orches
tra will be the entertainers. Re
freshments will be served.
The Nile club meetsat the Ma
sonic Temple today at 10 o'clock.
Luncheon will be served at 12
fc Ij'H i I. m i J
You've wanted a
Possessing these Qualities of
Beauty and Utility
THE Haverhill is our most popular bed daven
port, not only because of its graceful design
but also because of the remarkable ease with which
it is converted into a bed One simple motion is
all that is required. No mattress needed Space
for ample bedding right in the davenport. The
Haverhill" is a Biltwell davenport, which speaks .
volumes for its durability and comfort, ' -
One of our feature numbers,
unusually low in price "
Our Usual
19 SETS OF'-
Regular $45
Cloacg out 19 sets of fancy trunmed yofle
c-artains 5 pieces y set) that cell regu
larly at .43 for only g3.eXa4Thcse are
. pliia and fancy: rufflss. ivalcnc and tie
barts. With spring hcusraltaTilrtg aar ncar
l--d It na jay you to lHaereoverr
Today. - (Balcony.)
fSffWV' . T'.'i-
T L'i TTTjia W,'"-l 1 w s.raa
o'clock. Hostesses for the day art
Mrs. David Wright. Mrs. - Bert
Flack, Mrs. Albert Smith and Mrs
Dunsforth. .1' - ;- :- -
uses a cuD of
in boiling ham
A famous Jook give bh
recipe .
A man, famous among bis friends
for his fine cooking, was we h
secret of his delicious boiled ham.
He gave this simple recipe: Pet a
coptul oi sugar in tne waicv J
boils an average sise bam. Also r
one-half cup of vinegar. Try this V
'and sec how much it un proves the
taste and flavor of the bam. ' 1
Every, good cook knows that ,
there is no snhstitate for sugar
in improving the enjoyment of..
other foods. Whether in prepar
ing fresh vegetables, fruits or
meats, sugar is the secret of suc
cessful cookery.
Sweetness is nature's perfect
flavor. It is Lso the cheapest nu
triment that you can boy.
Health from eating good
foods, flavored to please the taste.
Beware of extreme reducing diets.
They are dangerous. Eminent
medical authorities warn us that
permanent injury often results
from starvation diets.
He sure that vou and vour chil
dren are properly nourished. Eat
enough of varied foods, sweet
rncd for enjoyment. The Sugar
Easy Tormft
z -f N
V.. jy.piit
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