Th New OREGON STATESMAN, Salem. Oregon, Wednesday Morning, March 13, 1929 yj Ix)calNewsBriefe . . l-s A ts rriln was mrnvteA to Nick Pramatlas and promaa by Governor Patter Inhere Tuesday. The two pris. Zrl . hare been confined to the Sn county Jail for he pa, four months, completing a Jail ,ntence imposed when they were fMid guilty on a liquor charge fiacres. Tine, of ISOeach imposed at the time of sen And the tines have not been aVi. They are to pay $15 a month un! r the terms of the parole. T Talk at Junior Highs Miss vei..ra Manthorne, Miss Beatrice Wa"on ad Misa C"10" Crowley will address the girls of Parrish or high school Thursday after imvn at on o'clock on Trioua to ifcttons for girls. Miss Josephine Sile. Miss Crowley and Dr. Mary PTrrvine will speak to the Leslie tsior high girls the same dy. The meetings are a part of the feaslaesfl and Professional Wom an's iogram In observance ot na tion r.l B. & P. W. week. Wheel Off; No One Hurt W. 1H May, veteran night watch at the Salem postoffice, may be a rood driver, but he's not always rwonsible for what the rear , ' i.. . V I - - r An RftCentlV aS W l' IV VI V " be was returning from Dallas, the a a, V mam inrn. rsr wneeis iocaa, ia T el squarely around in the road, and when again headed for Salem was minus a rear wheel. No one was injured. Ifc-pairs Under Way Extensive repairs re being made at the Ambassador apartment building, reports J. R. Haight, member of the firm which owns this building, who was in Salem this week. New "stair rails hare been installed and -work on the lawn and Interior painting will start soon. Before summer weather arrives a sprink ler syEttm will be installed on the roof to cool the building. rlmrch Game Off The young men class- of the Leslie Meth--4;t rhiireh will not play the frim of basketball which had Ci scheduled for Friday nignt ai Y M C. A. This has been dls- mtlnoed because of the basket ball tournament. Vitaphone Man Here J. M. Mc Ferlan, Vitaphone engineer from nreles. soent Tuesday in Sa lem servicing the Vitaphone at Bligh's Capitol theatre. Mr. mc Farlan etated that Mr. Blign has one of.the best Vitaphone instal lations that le has ever neara. ( liimncy Fires Many The Sa lem fire department was called out three times Monday to extin guish chimney fires. They were at 19.-5 5 North Fifth street, 45 North 18th street, and 1625 South High strte?. AY. Y. G. Meets Sterling chap ter. W. W. G. of the Calvary Bap tist church met Monday evening at the church parlors, with 16 membsrs present. A potluck din ner, program and business meet ing occupied the evening. From Valley View Daplina Hunt, clerk of the Valley View school district, out from Silver ton, was a caller at the county school superintendent's office stlar. i l!in;1s Inspected The Marion rwnr.y court tooK a irip imo me thern Dart of the county Tues day to inspect roads that will be m?de a pan of the coming live yer.r road building program. f lVrmit Granted A permit to haul logs on the Charlesworth road was issued here Tuesday by the Marion county court to Cum min:; and Parry, a partnership. Iiirorce Allowed Final decree of divorce was handed down in circuit court here Tuesday in the yise of Mary A. Fendler vs. George X. Fendler. Default Ordered Order of de fault was entered In circuit court here Tuesday against the defen dant in the ca-te Grace Todd vs. Thomas J. Todd. Lights Imnroper L. H. Lane, 735 North 15th street, was arrest ed Monday night by city traffic officers on a charge of driving an "automobile with only one head light. Fi! t Stop L. C. Shepard, 222o Breyman street, wa arrest ed Monday night on charge of failing to stop at a through street intersection. Kimball Trustees Meet The vSoard of trustees ot the Kimball A School of Theology meets today in Jartland. President Canse will be a Portland for the meeting. Ai li.-son Released Wayne Ach son. local bootlegger, was re leased from county jail here Tues day after serving a three months 'sentence. isuu Daily Ept Monday y Ffttattsman IBnMifftng Co. 21 5 So. Comaarrial St. Member of fh. ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Preaa it exeloa'valf witnled to tba au lor pablieatiaa ot til news SispateB. credited to it or tt otherwise credited in taia sapor ad aito to tba local irews aUaM tl Member . BUSntSSS OITXCBS Paeifie Cou Repmeatativeo' -Art our W. 8traa ,1m: faurile Traieiica: Bit Weaters. Pariri. SMr.. Xoa Anijlen. - - - TELEPHOKE ' 500 1 ; To All Departroeala Eatr1 at Uo Poit OfUeo ia Balm. Oregon, aa aeeotU eUa Biattor. iwicurnoi uni "W 'aHaal VamfcM . Vo Aoaaa W K.A Ofe u. ia ak 2 35; 1 fear 4.0. Elaonaora M fl?X' r ko- 5 00 for 1 yatw la I 37 ettr pan ai 'I' 80 aawatki .09 a aat. Dirorc Aaked Suit for divorce waa instituted in circuit court here Tuesday by J. G. Turner ag ainst May F. Turner. Ha alleges that she hit him ia the face, breaking bis glasses, swore at him and otherwise mistreated him. Oa March 4 qX this year she left him and went to Junction City, he al leges, and Its went after and brought her back. A quarrel took place on the return trip and they separated and have remained sep arated since then, he declares. All property rights hare been settled out of court. Wierd Sights Seen Strange as tronomical sights witnessed late Monday night by Salem townspeo ple were described Tuesday as sodiacal lights by some authori ties while others held they were electrical phenomena caused by streams of electrons sent out by the sun. A ribbon of pellucid white light was stretched across the sky. being brilliant at the apex of the sky and fading into invisibility at the horizon. Study Group May Materialise Teachers in the Salem schools who are interested in forming special study groups for the remainder of the year will meet at the senior high school Thursday afternoon. Miss Laura V, Hale of the senior high is chairman of the committee on special study, the meeting be ing called to ascertain how many teachers are interested in such a procedure. T. W. C. A. Board Meets The regular monthly meeting of the Y. W. C. A. board was held at the Y. W. Tuesday, followed by a luncheon meeting. Miss Pauline Schaedler, national finance secre tary for the northwest region, who is here on a two-day visit, was a special guest at the meetings and addressed the board members on finance problems. To Address Supervisors Dr. Nelson L. Bossing of the Univer sity of Oregon will address the supervisors of the various depart ments in the Salem schools at 3 o'clock this afternoon at the sen ior high school building. Dr. Bossing will address an open meet ing of the teachers' association at 4 o'clock today. Parents Guilty Mr. and Mrs. Edward D. Moore pleaded guilty in justice court Tuesday to a charge of not sending their child to school. Sentence will be Ira posed March 20 by Justice of the Peace Small. Meanwhile the de fendants are at liberty on their own recognisance. Appraisement Filed Report of inventory and appraisement filed in probate Tuesday in the matter of the estater of the late Willis M. Hubbs lists the rael property at $19,500 and the personal property at $11,329.49. Appraisers are M. G. Gunderson, C. A. Reynolds and Florence Bentson. .Handle Plymouth Line-Fit zger- .ald-SherwIn, auto dealers, are con tinuing the Plymouth line in Sa lem, they announced this week. The Eonesteele Auto Co. is also agent for the Plymouth line of cars, both agencies handling them In the Salem territory. To Talk on Milk J. E. Blink horn, sanitary dairy and food in spector, will address Miss Martha Harrison's class In Home Nursing which meets at the senior high school this afternoon. He will ap pear on "Facts about Salem's Milk Supply." Irish Musical Friday Irish songs and Instrumental music will be the features of the St. Patrick progam at the Y. M. C. A. Friday night. William MeGllchrist, Sr., will gffer several numbers he picked-up while in the islands last summer. Humorous readings are also scheduled. Budget Drawn A tentative budget for the Kiwanls convention which will be held in Salem this year was drawn up at a meeting of the convention committee of the local group Tuesday night. Russell to. Hubbard Dr. Ed ward Lee Russell of the child health demonstration" will give physical examinations at the Hub bard schools today. Title In Issu! Suit to qulet tl tle was filed rn circuit court here Tuesday by Frances Skonetzni ag ainst Relnhold Phillip and a long list of others. Repair Planned John J. Rob erts look out a permit Tuesday to alter a garage at 680 Ferry street at a cost ot $1000. Speeding Charged Paul Fuhr er, Salem route 9, waa arrested Tuesday night by city traffic, of ficers on a charge of speeding. Mr. Medley in Town John Medley of Medford is a guest at the New Salem. Robert Goetz Visits Robert Goets. superintendent ot Silverton schools, wss in the city Tuesday. $4.95 for tho Veat Torto reading leoaea Examination Tree We insure your :. glasses- against breakage. THOMPSOX-GLTJTSCH ' OPTICAL CO. 110 X. Commercial St. -'r S In Oae Cherry trees - -" ' S varieties In one branched ' ' tre , Campbell Kkrly grape vines -The early, nig Mus kind, tie Munger blackcaps, large plants 3 for 25c Strawberry plants Rhubarb Nat, Fruit, Shade Tress pkabct raos. KtmucaY 340 N. Liberty Mar Cewt . Teachers links Record Tues day morning was the first halt day In more than two weeks that all teachers of the Salem high school have been on the job. Principal J. C. Nelson reports. The record was broken at noon, when Miss Naomi Taylor of the English de partment went home ill. - Miss Holt Returns Miss Beryl Holt, head of the mathematics de partment at the senior high school is again in charge of her classes after several week's absence, dur ing which she has been convales cing from a major operation. Health Unit to Meet The Mar ion county health unit win hold its regular monthly meeting at the Gray Belle this Wednesday at iz o'clock. Two Clinics Tosiav Dr. Ver non A- Douxiaa. of the health dem onstration will conduct toxin-anti toxin clinics at the Haresville and Brooks school's today. Hills From Jefferson Mr. and Mrs- Jack. Hill, farmers residing in theJeff erson vicinity, were bus Inessrisftors in Salem Tuesday. Make Const Loot Mr. and Mm. Frank Miller and son Arthur and daughter Gladys made the loop trip to the coast Sunday. At Hubbard and Silverton A. C. Bohrnstedt and E. A. Rhoten made a business trip to Hubbard and Silverton Tuesday. Be Sure of Tour Milk Supply The Salem Sanitary Milk com pany sells the best quality of milk that can be produced. Our milk is bottled under the most rigid sani. tary conditions possible. Don't be fooled by price. Demand quality milk. Phone, SI 6. Genuine f 1.75 Cov'd Baking Dishes, special $1.00 at Gahls dorf's. 325 Court street. Save at Gleae-Powem Dissolution Sale. Now on. The greatest furniture event ever an nounced in Oreeon. Terms or Cash. Furniture Upfaolstcre And repairing Glese-Powers Furniture Co. Dollar Dinner Every nisrht S:io a a v Marion hotef. Thomas Bros. Band, Mellow Moon JSvery Wed and Saturday. Have You Tried Our New Salem Maid Ice Cream? It's so different. A smile in ev ery bite. Order a Shamrock cen ter brick for St. Patricks Day. Salem Sanitary Milk Co. Phone 316. Furniture Auction Sale Next Friday 1393 Center, 1 p. m. H. F. Woodrv & Rnn ara tho auctioneers. Pottery Makes- Ideal bridge or birthday gifts. For inexpensive gifts, visit our giftry. Pomeroy & Keene. Old Time Dance Crystal Garden Every Wed. and Sat. night. Public Notice Due to the Statesman's error in auction ad in Sunday's paper I want, the public to know that I have nothing to do with the auc tion sale as advertised for Friday and that I am not connected in business with any other Woodry. I have only one store which is known as the F. N. Woodry Auc tion market and is located at 1610 N. Summer street. Phone Sll and established 1916. F. N. Woodry. While They Last $1.75 Pyrex Cov'd Casseroles, $1.00 at Gahlsdorf's, 325 Court street. Card of Thanks Mrs. Mary Fane, widow .of the late Edward Fane, wishes to ex press her heartfelt gratitude to many neighbors and friends who so kindly assisted her during the illness and at the death ot her husband, Edward Fane. The Span ish War Veterans and Forester of America of which Mr. Fane was long an honored member are es pecially mentioned for their kind ness and floral offerings. Dr. Edith V. Witzel Osteopathic Physician and Sur. geon. specializes in diseases of women and children Office 428 Oregon Bldg. Phone 77$ Res. 991R Itching Eczema Healed We honestly believe CRANOLENE the cranberry cream, will -heal any case ot eczema or other skin trou ble. Come ia and let us tell you about It. Use one jar, and if you are dissatisfied, your money will be refunded. Price $1. PERRY'S DRUG STORE . - 115 S. Commercial M S i M - V I 3 VU . py V Sec wFobakaL20 w Find It Here j 1 3 ' 9& HOTEL . CONGRESS POntLAIlD, ORCOON PING PROJECT LARGE 1FJ 1929 84 Blocks Already Petitioned and Prospects for More Work Loom Pavink operations in Salem this year will be extensive although the mark of 14 S blocks made in 1928 may hardly be equalled ac cording to Street Commissioner Low who to date has received pe titions tor 64 blocks of paving to be laid in the .city this summer. Further petitions expected by the end ot spring will bring this mark well above the normal amount of paving. Low believes. Work started this week when two crews began operations, one excavating curbs-on North llth street and another ' running " a grading machine on South Sum mer street. . On the program for paving this summer are the following streets ' Bakar (or lath) from Mark at to Mad iaoa, 5 or S blocks. Eigtitoaatk. from Market to Stata Fair rrounds, block. Grant, from 17th to 18th, 1 block. Madison, from lTth to 19th. 1 blocks. McCor, from Mark to Hood, Sbtocka. Norway from Baker to lTth, S blorks. Korway, from 17th to 18th, t block. Tilo road, from Capitol to Warnor, 2 blocks. Balmoat, from Cottar to "Win tar, 1 block. E, from Cbureh to Cottaf. 1 block. North 14th, Xrom D to Nabraska, 1 blocka. . Giiaaa, from Liberty to Fifth, t blocka. High, from Dirision to Broadway and Liberty, 5 or ft blocka. Kay. from 17th to lth, 3 blocka. Church, from South to HirhliDd. or 4 block. Columbia, from Front to Commercial, 1 block. Front, from Columbia to Gaines, blocks. Laurel, from Sprue to Locust, S blocks. Market, from Commercial to Front, 1 block. i Myrtle, from Highland to Pine, block. 8pruee, from Cherry to Brooks, 2 blocks. Breyman, fro ml 19th to 23rd, . blocks. Widening Church from Mill to bridge. Cottar, from Trade to Mill. Kearney, from Commercial to Liberty, 1 block. Summer, from Mill to Bellsrue, 1 block. Wilson, from Commercial to Liberty, 1 Mock. Daridson, from Cross to Howard, 2 block. Elecrtie. from Berry to Tew, 1 block. Rural, from High to Tew, S blocka. Summer, from Cros to Howard, t block. Wilbur, from Summer to Berry blorks. Winter, from Hoyt to Electric, 1 block. Tew, from Croix to Howard, 2 block;. OBITUARY Fisher C. A. H. Fisher, 83, died March 11 at the home at 1211 Broadway street. Survived by his widow, Mary O. Fisher; four daughters, Mrs. E. J. Ward and Mrs. F. Wilt sey of Salem, Mrs. A. W. Hittle of Onawa, Iowa, and Mrs. F. G. Ar thur of Los Angeles, Calif.; two sons, W. W. of Salem and W. F. of Onawa, Iowa; and one sister in England. He was the father of the late Dr. E. E. Fisher. Funeral ser vices at 1:30 p. m. Friday from Clough-Huston chapel. Interment Cityview cemetery. Andrews William Andrews, 7, died Tuesday at a local hospital. Sur vived by his widow, Lida N. An drews, five children: S. A. An drews of Niagara Falls, Canada; Bertha Tison of Roseburg; Wil liam, of Lead, S. D.; Mrs. Elsie Wilson of Portland; George of Sa lem; five stepchildren: A. C. Car ter of Fresno; Sam'Carter of Oak land, Calif.; Mrs. G. C. Doan of Toledo; Mrs. L. L. Sloper of West Salem; Mrs. Josle Watson of New port; and one sister, Martha An drews of San Francisco, and sev en grandchildren. Funeral ar rangements later from Rigdon and son. rHinjifittimiRuiiat SCHAEFER'S Laxative C. P. C. Pills Aids in keeping stomach and liver and bowels in a healthy condition v For Use in Constipation fc : PRICE 50 CENTS " - ' - - -. , IMade in Sates ;;.; ' iS; " " '" T " -?. Schaefer's Dra Btotv Tfce- Original Yellow Front -Drag Steve 1VT St. rw SmwaBwaawBiwp an a, m a wssw " Thirteenth, from, Mission to Sural, t block. - - Uniraraity, from Sural to city limits, S, blocks. Waller from II th to a. P. right of way, S block. Alleys: : Block 1. Eois tnoVWdiUon. X to Bel mont. Block 4, Oak addition, to Belmont. Block S, Boberta addition, 12th to ISth. 161 CDUGAES BAbGED IN STATE THIS 101! A. total ot 111 cougars have been killed in. Oregon by hunters during the current year, according to the reports ot the state game commission. This, means that $4,025 has been paid out in boun ties. The trusty rifle of Joe Dhooghe of Molalla has accounted for 11 cougars. These were killed on the Molalla river and its tributaries where there are . a large number of deer. William dark of Oak Ridge has killed seven, Ed Clark of the same place ' five, ' Harry Wright of Glide has accounted for five; George -Wr Ramsey of Esta cada has killed five and' F. L. Pope of Jewell and Tony Erlebach of 'Tiller have each slaughtered four. . Fred Arrner, the .state game commission's predatory animal ex terminator has been busy in the Cow creek game refuge, and has killed 12 cougars. Arzner has a number of trained cougar dogs and spends his entire time in ha n ting and killing the big cats that prey upon deer and other game animals. Dr. Nelson L. Bossing of the University of Oregon school of educatton will address an open meeting of the 'Salem Teachers' association this afternoon at 4 o'clock at the senior high school auditorium. Dr. Bossing, who spoke here recently at the Y. M. C. A., will talk on "Teaching Profession and Professional Con. duct." The meeting Is the second gen eral meeting of the association this year, Dr. Sanford MacDonald, president of Philomath college, having addressed the group ear. lier In the yearj Miss Amy Martin of Leslie Junior high is chairman of the committee securing the speaker for today. R. W. Taven ner, assistant high school princi pal, is president of the teacher group. W. E. Scandling Added To Staff OfBelcrestPark Addition of W. E. Scandling to the staff of the; Belcrest Memorial park was announced Tuesday by J. H. Laidlaw, a brother-in-law of the former who comes to make his home in Salernj after an extended residence in San Diego, California. Mr. Scindllng's wife and young oon iiave also removed here and will make their home in the Royal Court apartments. Mr. Scandling for the past 12 years has been district manager of the Walton N. Moore drygoods company with headquarters in San Francisco. AUCTION Friday, Mar. 15, 1 P. M. At 1393 Center St. Corner 14th & Center 1 electric VlctreU and records this machine cost IIOQI mo ll a I r davenport reversible cushions, new, 2 duofeids up holstered in Baker cut velonr, 1 daofold upholstered in leather, 1 day bed, 1 mahog any table, 4 Azminster, 9x12 rags, like new; small rugs, 14 yards of new stfr carpet, Axmlnster; 1 Colombia phon ograph and records; 1 5-plece Irory bed room suite with flk floss mattress and coil spring and bow foot bed like new; 1 dining table and chairs In : eek, 1 mahogany dresser, 1 walnut dresser, 2 walnut Sim ons beds, coil springs and SO lb. felt mattress, new; 1 It piece oak dining room suite, 1 oak library table, 1 walnut library tablet 1 hoover electric vacuum cleaner, seven occa sional rockers, 2 oak rockers with leather seats, walnut rockers upholstered .in .ve lens, oak halltrae. eak hall .rack, dinner wagon, 75 qto. of home canned fruit, garden tools, and many other arti cles. Partys wanting furni ture should attend this sale as it Is a very fine offering. Don't forget the time and place, 13AS Center, corner of 14th I and Center Friday, March 15, 1 F. M. and has been moved to this address for the coarvenleaiee of the public Mot point Electric Ravnc, Drop Head sewing machine, wood and gas range com bined. Also the property 80x1541 tt-, 8 1 room house, cherries and walnat trees. If not sold will bf rented. : : Terms Ca3h Jtrs, Baker nd Mrs. Mortis HT. Woodry 6 Sonl . arc the Asctosooera $n charge 211 N. ConVL St, . Kite Dewn.Tewm for year algsnlsm II. OF D. ETJUCflTOR WILL SPEAK HEBE urn his COIfflEE HI Legion Getting Ready For Big Conclave Here This Summer Committee members to serve the American Legion in Its annual convention here have been an nounced by H. G. Malson, execu tive secretary of the commission of ten which is handling the con vention. C. B. McCullottgA, state bridge engineer, has taken a place on the commission, succeeding Frank Durbins, Jr. The committees are: Convention committee assess ments to date, as" announced by H. G. (Fod) Malson, executive secre tary of the commission, include the following: Housing Cliff Irwin, Frank Cain. Heine Schmahl, Jesse George and Paul Hendricks. Finance Carl Nelson, Lloyd Rigdon, Fred Slade. Fred Lam port. Otto Kubln, Jacob Fuhrer, Walter Kirk, Roy Simmons, and I. W. (Doc) Lewis. Registration Ted Irwin, Earl Paulson, A.' M. Vincent, P. D. Qulsenberry, Karl Steiwer, Gus Wysong, Alexander McGee and R. S. Raiffe. Entertainment Vic. MacKen xle. Col. Tom Rilea, Major Joe Schur. Oliver Huston, A. C. (Bid dy) Bishop, W. J. Brastau, Her man Brown, James Goodwin, E. H. Hobson, Roy S. (Spec) Keene, John J. Rottle, King Bartlett, Graham P. Sharkey, Bert Victor, Barney Wright and Charles Elrey. Transportation E. E. Birch, J. H. Brady, Ted Endicott, E. P. Thorn, Sterling Smith, George Thomason, George Averett and Major Elmer "V'. Woo ten. Publicity Gus Hixon. C. K. Logan, H. R. (Rufe) White. Don Wiggins, Gus Wysong, W. H. Pau lus and Ralph Curtis. Drum corps Karl Hinges, Onas Olson, Maurice Sawyer, Roy Stew art and James Young. DEBATE TIE WILL BE This afternoon a dual debate between Newport and Dallas high schools will be held at Willamette university to determine the cham pionship of the mid-Willamette district. In a similar debate held ladi week at Corvallls, the nega. tive teams of both schools won, and left the title undecided; the debates this afternoon are for the purpose of breaking this tie. The first debate will be held at 3 o'clock In the. recitation room of the public speaking depart ment. The second debate will be held in the same room immediate ly following the first. Ray Lafky and Roy Harland of the Willam IB DEC DED HERE TODAY 15 COATS Very Specially Priced at A brilliant collection of coats dis counted in price because of an enorm ous special purchase. Last minute success of smooth supple woolens, basket tweeds and kasha, y All of the new shades so high in favor. Sizes 13 to 44 This special selling event to prove to you that Kay's is the place to buy Coats. - Coats Dresses Millinery On. ette university, debate squad will be chairman for the debates. Judg. es announced Tuesday were Prof," F. D. Learner, Leland Chapin, R. M. Gatke, R. A. McCully, Roy M. Lockenour and Dean Roy Hewitt. Each speaker will be judged on a point tfr percentage basis. This provision has been made in order that in event ot a tie In team rat ings, individual scores may be added and made a basis for surer decision. Crowd Gets Free Bulbs Bui Takes Other Goods, Too Nearly 1000 Salem townspeople availed themselves of opportunity this week to secure free bulba at the Belcrest Memorial park, J. H. Laidlaw reports, but at the same time the visitors made away with a valuable shovel and a number of rosebushes which were to be planted in the park. Mr. Laidlaw Due to the Statesman's er ror in Auction advertised ment in Sunday morning's paper I want the public to know that I have nothing to do with the auction sale as advertised for Friday, and that I am not connect edinbusinesswith any oth er Woodry. I have only one store, which is known as the F. N. Woodry's Auc tion Market and Furniture Store, located at 1610 N. Summer street. Phone 511. Established '16 . F. N. Woodry believes these articles were tak.ea by mistake and would appreciate their return.. ))(())!&: ' h o LL anmWtnnnhW aw - mm 11 111 'MP'11" 4PSlPi We have a 1027 Whippet six: conch well equipped1, new rub ber, 1029 license and a fine "car in every respect f or S445.00. nnr "The House ThU Service Built" Nate? D Y a.