The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 13, 1929, Page 4, Image 4

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    The Copperhead V
M wmmmmx mm . u" mwrnm
is !
Too Hasty a Penalty i
SALEM and Willamette university, for twelve years spon
. sors and hosts for the state athletic association's bas
ketball tournament will; he unfairly penalized should that
tournament now be moved to Portland as a result of pre
cipitate action Friday night by an unorganized, unresponsi
ble group of Salem high students.
The state board must not forget that the idea of a state
tournament started here in Salem when in 1917 Coach R. L.
fiatthews of Willamette university, staged a valley tourna
ment which later developed into statewide proportions.
These 12 years were times in pioneering; the first tourna
ments did not draw the crowds or prove the financial success
of those of recent years. A debt of gratitude is owed this
community which would be ill-paid by hurried removal of
the tournament. . -.
Yet state tournament officials have due cause for cer
tain indignation that Salem high school be so unsportsman
like in its defeat Friday. We would call attention, however,
to the fact that the "riot" was not an organized affair rep
resenting the student body but rather a flare-up which
accompanies youthful chagrin at a defeat hard to bear. More-
i!1 over, there may have Deen cause, ueiure m "
es were decided upon for Salem high to maKe proiesi. xne
team had twice defeated Chemawa, and Chemawa had twice
defeated Oregon City.
The point, though, that the play-off tournament, once
agreed upon, should have been carried through and its re-
rn h rra.fnllv adhered to. is without argu-
ment. Students of Salem high erred and their poor sports
manship is not to be condoflea.
m. uc iVinr Timxr ia fnr Salem hicrh school, officially,
to make due apology to tournament officials for the ungen-
tlemanly acts oi rnaay dikuu uu men w-,-c-by
appearing en masse at the games this week, rooting for
Chemawa. If this is done the precipitate action of Friday
can be forgiven and forgotten.
Philosophically viewed, Salem's elimination may work
for the best interests of the state athletic association. Be
cause of its size and strength Salem high has been a contin
uous winner and a superiority complex has resulted. Now
that this mental bubble has been burst, some of the self-satisfaction
of the local team wiU wane.
But our primary contention is that the city and Willam
ette university should not be penalized for this outburst.
The tournament, begun and developed in the heart of this
valley, centrally located, with splendid facihties for tourna
ment play, and a beautiful city to play host, should remam
in Salem. State officials, we trust, wiU agree with this view
when the flurry of last week has subsided.
The President Changes Beds
.. it..! Ty :
A LIVE news note from the White nouse says mavricsi-
A dent Hoover, after trymg lor a nigm or two w Ket
sleep on the regular White House bed, gave up in despair
and had his own oea Drougnt uuwu aiih r
street. Tne question might be raised whether the presi
dent's restlessness was due to the cares of his office or to
the hardness of his bed. Perhaps, like the rest of us, he
simply preferred the bumps of his own mattress, to which
his body had grown accustomed, to the softness of the couch
which the nation provides for its executive.
"Uneasy rests the head that wears the crown." And
the president, more powerful than most any monarch may
indeed have worries that follow him when he reclines to
sleep. How to distribute the jobs to all the original Hoover
men. How to satisfy the anti-saloon league, the labor unions,
the grange, the protective league, party committees, the
senate, Mexico, Russia well how much sleep would you get
Now the secret is out why Coolidge preferred to go
back to Northampton. He was weary with trying to sleep
, , ;Lj rtst.iKiaod if vos nnf. of the auestion
on ine Dea proviueu. avui.k v -- , f
j MnffMo Konao nf the fear of the wrath oi
the director of the budget. And of course it would be too
expensive to ship a bed and mattress from Northampton to
ttt..- i c rvHricTo "difl not choose to run" because
t- -i fmm nernlexities of office, lie can
laugh when he reads the news item because he knows just
knnt Vio-rl tViat hod was.
Our presidents do not do like Kaiser Wilhehn I who
throughout his reign slept in his palace on a soldier s cot.
They are not military men inured to hardships of camp and
march. We do not blame Hoover for ordering his private
bed. If there is anything a president needs it is restful
sleep. We hope gets it if he has to go back to the old
bedroom, too. --
Oregon s Railroad Development
THIS decade is proving one of the most active in the his
tory of the state so far as railroad progress goes. It is
not so active of course as in the 80's when main line con
struction was being pushed. But the present period is
marked with a revival of construction which was completely
suspended with the outbreak of the war.
The news of the week is especially stimulating. The
transcontinental lines have agreed one by one to reduce the
running time of trains between coast points and Chicago by
some five hours. This is a great victory. Only a few weeks
ago the assembled railway executives pronounced it utterly
impossible all but one. President Biidd of the Great North
f,A fc n1d da it: then the others fell into line.
Viu avumu aaw w , -
Now news comes that the examiner has recommended
to the interstate commerce commission that railroads should
t : j -tovm rvanA ti Hrescent. The report
urges that the O.-W. R. & N. be selected as the road to do
the building, which will cost about $9,000,000. This road
has been urged by residents of central Oregon and by the
state public service coinmission. ' It will give a second east-to-west
line through the state and open op a vast area" in the
' The Southern Pacific is tieing the Klamath Basm to its
eastern line by way of Alturas and the Great Northern seeks
to make a new north-south line by extending south to meet
ine western a . ... 0 . ..
i nrv: rwrwtn weidnt mnv have an ulfenoritV com-
nlex" outsiders recognize that Oregon is just waking up, that
its development in the next decade and quarter century will
be rapid ana intense, jvutuiam -
stride now wnicu vuc icat w vv,
Drol fnrveTS and Discarded Unifcrms
A N ex-draftsman in Vancouver, B. O, has inherited a title
2V and estates in Scotland and is on his way w aaim inem.
va .MiiiirM i the title of "hereditary
StT.: IZZl hcof Scotladr It doesn't matter
that the royal house of Scotland has been extinct since the
. i v.a fain-nrtr VintiqA nf KnirlancL the title is
stiU something to be passedalong, along witj to other
titles. The royal carver was. doubtless a high of f lcial in his
dar and the higher the title the less carving the wearer did.
We see too that an enterprising newspaper nan .wants
, '. . ... iv. ir-i-m mKaT. -fitro hntmM3A lodora uniforms at a
. lO sell me jirnn wvo - : V, v.;M
Price. Now the Mexicans would make a fine fighting force
in K. of P. fun regalia. Tney migni nave w 7
. A xi.- wi. m ,ttrtn th hrasa buttons of the
Trousers ai wc -r TiZ:x.i ..vA
long-tafled coats, but the uniforms ought to frighten or make
' . . . I Jail aamU r-
' ico is more so, but we all fan ipr uues ana "3
tw a. 'j4. ..ftAmattwi m rAstff. , Anvthinsr to
'!?JiSSSaKL Tht7tt. rdaon there
Ji' rWeycaa h office and uni-
an rma croerr. , fut WMn CMfge nmi
Bettr Brown, dancer, goea ridlns I Cha motioned him to join her,
with . a friend of dancin rr I . portion
um ns ner i.R oiwwatwi i -
Hdnt. Andr Adair, who drive her, I fiorrfi!" aha aanounced.
doea not com to tho hospital to I .
" jatm mj n aw waa liiq iumv
provoa or nar aancing. pay nr 1 tuoOKnl rou wen uoujulu..,
pltai bUls. and makes her caahtor to ,,.,. .. :
.WwK I -iwas. but something came up
suited from tha accident. WhUe work-1 which made It lmpOSSioie ior axr,
1.. rtm Harris ah taJrea a bna- I ... . . r vv,t I
i v. wwMw 1 omi.t. . r wwn m K. uuua www.
in- with rlea over a contract se-1 ma " Shu handed It &CX083
cured tout nis wire arriwa on ""a I 7. .t,i r.r Vim tn read
'That Is wonderful," agree
p.pnrpa diTerted from hia inquiry
as to why she left. "You can hare
mux nosition badt II you use
.m aiwin for vou. Betty, you
know. Our lives are llnkea ior
.Uirt I hpHT.
- " " .,J
"Yes, George, you are w wu
ot narann in th WOrld. iUl
a' t A.
liVa irr nnea more, ui
auuiu - -
m tiiRt co on as I bare, attend
ir,., tn th cash at dinner time
That will leave me the entire day
to hunt another position, xi snoum
not be hard with this letter to rec
ommend me."
"Just as you prefer," he said.
Betty was glad when some minor
him awav from the
to hi a nd ended the conversation
After breakfast she wairea 10
. J ' a. 1aW in
thinir lariAnaiT over her affairs
Cha nraa much diacouraKed and al
most ready to teu ueorge n.n
wmiii mrrv him wnenever
DU9 - ar
be wanted. She smiled in spite oi
trnnhiA- Reoree naa nevr
.nil Via (im iHavhArared
Bettv went back to the res-
had received her letter or recom-
man dation from the kindly Mr.
Smith. She was eating her break-
him a dollar. Toy Que waited un
til she had gone and then called
up an Oriental friend down town
and ordered a dollar's worth of
bananas. When they were dellv
ered he stave them all to a farm In
mate who had beea wishing he
might have bananas
Thna If iamA about that when
Tor Qua died he had a funeral
somewhat different from other
Chinese funerals. His closed eyes
did not see the white men gather
ed at his bier. His dead ears aiu
nnt hear their klndlv words.-Their
could only saiisiy
Who's Who & Timely Views
Uniform Requirements in Federal Contracts
Co&CTt.sman from MlchigaJi
T At . c rnntaa tu born in Laoeer
conatr. Hieaina, December 3. 1S75. He
attended the UniTrrsity of Michigia and
recetTed aa L. I. B. degree. From 1899
to 1903 Be praencea taw ai uapeer, inn
published the Lapeer County Clarion nntil
1VZ3. Ui w law tiers oi ine Mtenigan
...1. ..-.i. I.. k... ...linm TT. w.I
elected to coDgrest in 1913 from thecT-
eata Micairaa district ana net oeen r-
eiectea eaca term since;.
mHE bill to establish uniform
1 requirements for government
uiuiifviDf wuii;u wm uii a.bfc
ed upon by the 70th congress, will
De revisea ana
reintroduced in
the next regu
lar session of
I Intend to
reintroduce the
revised form at
the December
session of the
new congress.
and to press it
for enactment
by c o n g r e ss.
Meantime ?rob-
ablv the lnter-
A a a rtmental I (1 Cramton
hnarA in the hnreau of the budget
which formulated the bill, will
give it further study nd make
such changes as may seem neces
The government does a business
1 1
- I
of 4,fl00,000.00d a year, which
necessitates an almost countless
number of contracts. The draft
ing of these contracts, the safe
guarding of the rights of individ
uals under them, the construction
of the terms of these contracts ly
the comptroller general of the
United States, alj are much more
involved than they should be be
cause of the special laws as to the
making of contracts in one execu
tive department of the govern
ment are different from the law
requirements as to contracts in
other departments, ana sometimes
differ as between bureaus of the
same department. .
For a same special purpose
there may be varying laws in the
different brancnes or tne govern
ment service.
The purpose of my bill Is to se
mm n niformltv as to all depart
ments of the government estab
lish ment fn the making of con
tracts. That would ensure a more
definite aafee-nardtne of the inter
sta of the rovernment by using
the common, well-known stand
ards. It would make it much
easier for indivldaals to do bus!
ness. because they will become
more familiar with the govern
ment requirements. It would sim
plify the work of the comptroller
general in construing contracts.
It's the old, old song
Sung to the old, old tune, with
no variation and little result, be
cause aociety is chained to tho
dead oast of precedent; the blind
leading the Wind by labyrinthian
paths that have no outlet ana omy
slight upward look.
w v
"It is essential to catch more
criminals, but it la certainly no
wise to . confine nine-tenths of
nam fn institutions which merely
make Imperfect men still more Im
Ti Ti
riita la the emnhatie conclu
sion of the report made by a ub-
eommittce of the national craw
commission following an intensive
study . of propagation of crime
through the Jail and otner
tutlons for short-term offenders,"
a rfinnaieb. from Eugene, add
ing: rThe Bcb-committee, of which
Dr. Arnold sesmett nan. preaiacm
of the University of Oregon, is a
member, it headed by Frank O.
Lowdea of Illinois ana ineiuas
nationally known scientists ana
X visa conclusion. The prisons
of the United 8tates. for bota
short and long term Inmates, are
largely breeding places ior more
nrtanitara and neroetrators of
greater crimes.
This involves the greatest ques
tion Wore the American people.
Soma ont has recently estimated
that our crime bui is tea buiion
dollars a year, is mounting
proportionately faster than any
other major charge against the tax
funds of our people: making up
stupendous totals that are lost
"without a trace after being
checked out.
a -.
Worse than all this, this great
charge represents heart breaks
more terrible than those caused
by the grim reaper of death. The
Innocent suffer nor than the
For everr trace of tears shed by
men and women behind the pris
on bars, there is a shower of salty
outpouring by tneir innocent vic
tlma and their relative! and
friends on the outside. The inno
cent suffer with the gdilty, and
suffer more grievously.
Crime commissions and their
sub-committees meet and receive
reports and make conclusions, but
the reforms they start are few and
of little moment. This is a field
worthr of bur hfrheat statesman
ship in handling, and of concrete
acta In the war of riehtinftr wrencs
rather than the mere wringing of
Hands over tne terrible conaitions
found and reported upon.
Mere vindictive Banishment is
as f ntile and ont dated as the duel
m the feud or the aettlne anart Of
cities of refuge. It is a relic of the
barbaric past when humanity was
emerxinr from the status of tho
care man with the club andthe
stones of execution, and the rack
and the cross and all the rest, oi
the methods and Instruments of
Is . V .- i
Cfrniaaiton owes to itaelf the
duty to put behind it all the meth
ods and philosophies or tne care
dwelling past; with "aa eye for aa
eye and a tooth for a tooth."
But it Is a long road. Vengeance
is slow to giro way to reason and
mercy; Fortunatey, Oregon is on
the right road, leading to reform
atory treatment instead ot vindic
tive punishment; according to the
wise dreams ot the men who la
their constitutional convention in
Salem wrote into the fundamental
law of the state the declaration In
favor of the higher and better
way. -
V : . :
"And Oregon is fortunately sit
uated, with developing industries
that do not Interfere with "free la
bor which is the rreat bugbear
ot prison reformers is most other
Editors Say:
It was an interesting debate
held at the Majestic Thursday
night when Judge Ben Lmdsey
and Dr. Norman Tully clashed on
the marriage question. In fact,
there wasn t mucn ciasn ior mere
isn't much difference between the
two when you can get each of
them -to ' concrete definitions.
Judge Llndsey paid Dr. Tully a
men comnliment alter tne debate.
As it was not in Dr. Tully's pres
ence, we win repeat it nere. ie
said he was one of the few min
isters with whom he has debated
and he has debated hundreds of
them, who did not rely on sob
stuff, a tremolo ston. the 'Bible
and a lot of ecclesiastical hokum
to win his audience. Dr. Tully re
lied on reason: anoke disoasison
ately and endeavored by argument
to answer the propositions laid
down by the distinguished Jurist
and world's leading authority on
domestic relations.
And while we are paving our
respects to Dr. Tully, we wish to
aav that we aonreciated tne attl
tude of local ministers and otners
usuallr concerned over matters of
this kind. Not only did they not
make the town ridiculous br nro-
testing against tne aeoate as nas
happened in a great many other
nlaces. but manv showed a toler
ant. onen minded disDOSition to
Dear tne suDjeci aiscussea ny turn
ing out to the meeting Corrallls
trihntea then
their own desires to do the fitting
tning. Hut all VI ul ua l uci nwuuiv,
. . . r t an1 tharo- I .mancail tn her in BO DiaDT WOTflS I
by had given back to him some- But she felt she knew George and
nis ways so wen; u w j
ing for the opportunity. a no
needed was a little ehcourage-
On at least three occasions ne
had approached the subject. She
had diverted him. knowing she
srm id not refuse him. but want
ing to put off the time as iong
ah could. George naa cenaiiuj
stood staunchly by on every occa
i v on aha hart neeaea a
she imagined she could sense
the workings ot that slow, metho
dical mind. He was waiting ior
her to exhaust this desire for sec
retarial work Just as he had wait
ed for her to see tne tony oi uaa-
dng. Perhaps he thougnr. u sne
had exnerience with teople, she
would be more able to appreciate
him and his life.
The inevitableness made Betty
Impatient. She felt to some degree
at fault for dancing in Mr. smua
office, hut Justified herseir: any
nfhar Hri would have done tha
a m thine: under the circumstan
ces. Mr. Smith had not tnougai
aha wsa wronCT
She determined to mane gooa
at the new work. She had pieasea
Mr. Smith; there were other nice
mon In business to whom she
could make herself necessary. She
nrtoA n m tn the corner, dut a
paper and hunt another position.
Th Heln Wanted column show-
od onlv on advertisement which
- r . . t
looked like a gooa prospect.
was for a stenographer and typist
in an Insurance office. As usual,
it told applicants to call at nine
At the office it was eviaent
thev were exDerienced employers
a a aoon aa she entered she was
handed ablank to fill out. It
seemed to cover everything, but
Its wording did not maxe it nec
Marr for her to tell that she had
been a dancer. She filled it out.
nimed It. attached her letter of
recommendation, and toox a seat
thing of that which he had radia
ted. That counted. Morning: rseg
ister, Eugene.
The three bir events ot the
week: The Inauguration; the
spring fashion " opening; and the
return from Salem ot General
Joseph Singer and Colonel C. C.
rhnnman. The return could have
been placed first of these import
ant happenings, but the desire to
riaa. in a rradnal crescendo to a
rousinz climax induced the new
reporter to place the return where
it la. The crowds that gathered
to meet and welcome General
Jnspnh Sinter and Colonel C. C
nhanman were nutre ana vociier
ous; they raised cheer on cheer
as the heroic pair descended from
the car that seemed to pant wun
the iov and excitement or having
heen the Instrument by which the
general and colonel reached their
native heath in happiness ana
comfort. The reception commit
tee, as usual, was headed by Sen
ator George Joseph and Senator
Joseph Dunne, who had mapped
nut the nroceasion through the
principal streets ot our fair city,
which was beautifully aecoraiea
with foreet-me-nots and full-sized
portraits and vignettes of the gen
eral and colonel. Tne lormer roae
in the auto between Fred Gilford
and Chief Jenkins. Mr. Gilford
without his hood, and the chief,
however. In fall uniform: coionei
r: n. Chanman was in a Rolls-
Royce, between Senator Joseph
and Senator Dunne, while Senator
Hall ocennied the seat In front.
Tha ahaanra frnm t h A narade Of
Mayor Baker was tne suDjeci oi
fierce comment by some of our
lovai citizens. "The Big Sizzle."
remarked General Joseph Singer
to Senator Joseph: "he's arraia
we'll cop the cheers."
Colonel C. C. Chapman merely
said 'It la a snlendid sign ot an
awakened and aroused citizenship
when a parade of such tremendous
Tne One. Chlneae vender ot
flowers and cigarettes for manr
years on the streets of Salem and
Portland, died the other dar. His
funeral was attended by two form
er governors ot Oregon ana oy a
rood manr Caucasians. Tou see
Toy Que was not only an unusual"
Chinaman , but an unusual person
for any nationality. He had a hab
it of aeatterinsr verbal sunshine
with his flowers. He was a friendly
soui witn a memory ior xaces ana
hie tneenuona amlle and cheerful
words went to the heart of many
a first time customer ana maae
him a regular patron.
Put hia read v amlle and klndlr
pigeon-English sentiments by no
means constituted Toy Que's sole
manner of exnressina nimseir. ne
never had beard the injunction to
"sell what thou nast ana give to
the poor and he probably would
not have understood it la those
words ff he had heard it. Never
.theless he lived under that precept
follower thouzh he was not of the
one who uttered It and follower
though ho was of Confucius or Lao
Tse or Buddha possibly of all of
them. Toy Que, himself poor, gave
to those who were poorer not a
part but practically ail of what he
rathered aa he went. He earned a
good deal of money from time to
time. Out of it he fed himself mea
gerly, clothed himself in nonde
aerint rarmenta and regularly scat
tered the rest in cnarity tnrougn
the years.
So long and consistently did
Toy Que pursue his plan that each
succeeding year's end found him
in possession ot exactly what he
had begun it with and that was
nothing at all. Tou see he follow
ed again a teaching he never had
read or heard, which Is to "take
no thought for the morrow.. Nat
urally as that time came upon him
when from. access of years and
rheumatism Toy Que could only
go forth and sell infrequently he
found himself in possession ot less
even than would supply hl pany
needs. They let Toy Que go to the
county farm. He was not formally
"committed." He was allowed to
go. and come at will, and so,
though '. leas and less frequently.
Toy Que still sold flowers on the
streets and gave away tho pro
fweala. One dar after he had. be
come unable to get out at all a
when a parade or sucntremenaous ther
proportions and such prodigious P" occasions a yc
enthusiasm can be held In Port
land without tho presence of
George Baker."
The Big Foozle," said General
Joaenh inrer.
At the banauet. General Joseph
Singer and Colonel C. C. Chapman
told how ther had saved uregon
from the evil forces ot the power
The tentacles of the giant oc-
tonus." said General Singer, in a
fine gust of eloquence, "were Just
closing in on our beloved state.
when I and
"Me." said Colonel C. C. Chap
man. "Yes, you rendered noble
help, continued the General,
"when I and Colonel C. C. Chap
man dashed to the rescue and
saved the situation."
Colonel C. C Chapman respond
ed to the toast proposed in his
honor , by Senator Joseph, and a
glorious day in the history of
Poftland came to a fitting close
with -the singing ot "Auld Lang
Syne." Portland Spectator.
uTnmx vnrt democracy
Democrats don't know whether
to rejoice or feel beaten because
Mr. Hoover has appointed W. D.
Mftrhell to be attornev-eeneraL
Mitchell Is supposed to be a Dem
ocrat and that tickles them, on
the other hand, he has not voted
On two occasions a young lady
came out to ask for one of the ap
niioanta hr name telling them that
they need not waitThey would
be sent for if needed. Another
ffiri was called to come into an
inner office: a few minutes later
Bettr followed by request.
sh wm riren dictation and a
tnine- aneed test. At its conclu
ion aha was told that she was sat
isfactory. She was asked if she
could go to work at once and assented.
The girl who had her In charge
took her to the stenographic ae
nartment and introduced her to
it. had Mtsa Atkins, who was
hriak. curt and businessiixe. ror
ty typists worked In this room, a
aunervisor passing constantly up
and down between them. &ne.iooa
ad nvr the trnista' shoulders and
frnm time to time gathered up
their work and inspected it. Bet
tv waa hardlr seated when sne
oam to aav: "Go to Mr. Mont
.nmarr'l office for dictation. I
Will snow you
She led her to another oincc.
Rettr seated herself besides a man
who began to dictate letters with
out looking at her. She too rour,
and as she passed out was direct
ed to another office, where sne
took two more from an equally
absorbed and Indifferent man.
Back at her desk she transcrlD-
1 flee, where lunch was supplied by
the company at cost.
Cha aaVad this Ctrl abOUt the
work. Only the president ot the
company had a secretary. nea
other officers wanted a stenogra
pher they pushed a button and one
was sent in to uem, '
e-iri was not likely to take dicta
tion from tho same once a week.
Everything .was so systematized
that stenograpners . wm
went overy day, there was little,
if any, prospect of advancement.
Betty finished out the afternoon
In the office. When she went back
tn the restaurant for her dinner
she asked George to wait a bit
with her after dinner.
He came to her desk and sat
down on one of the stools when
the rush was over. Betty again
.had occasion to smile at the spite
ful way In which the head wait
ress slammed the door as she went
out. George did not seem to notice
it. however, so Betty said nothing.
She eznlalned conditions in the
Insurance office and asked George
his advice about staying.
"I don't believe I would stay.
he said, after weighing the mat
ter. "I can see their reasons for
arraneinsr their work in that way.
but it eliminates all possibility of
any stenographer making a name
for herself or getting any promo
tions. . Report for duty in the
morning and explain your reas
ons for not staying."
His advice was in line with Bet
ty's own feelings, so she followed
it. The efficient Miss Atkins told
her she was sorry. Her work of
the day before had been satisfac
tory. Finding Betty's mind was
made up, she told her to come
back on the first dav of the
month and get her one day's pay.
Betty was again part of the
vast armv of unemployed, and so
much discouraged that she did not
try any more that day. She was
again undecided if it was worth
while to eo on. She was inclined
to go back to the restaurant, take
up her position as cashier, and
await the Inevitable.
As she strolled down the street.
however, she met Jimmy Smith,
her late employer. He Insisted on
takinsr her to a soda fountain with
him. When they had ordered, seat
ed at one or the small tables, he
told her how sorry he was about
the occurrence in his office.
But I am married to her. vou
know," he ended pathetically.
"I understand Derfectlv." sooth
ed Betty. "I blame no one but my
"Have you another position?"
he asked.
She exDlained to him whv she
left the position in the insurance
office. He thought she was right
about it. and said he would keep
his eyes open and see if he could
not find her a place.
"I wtah I could sae you now and
then," he sighed, "but. of course.
can't. PeoDle misunderstand so
easily. It seems impossible for a
married man to have even a per
fectly innocent friendship with a
girl. I sure do miss you in the of
fice, Betty."
"Not half as much as I miss the
office, Jimmy." She felt better
about using his first name, now
that he was no longer her employ
er. "I have never been as happy
anywhere as I was in your office."
"You weren t happy before you
came there? ' he asked, in sur
"No, nor now! I am getting des
perate. I guess IH have to get
married!" She laughed to take
the conversation out of its serious
'Oh, my gosh! Don't do that!
No matter how desperate your
straits, don't do that!"
They laughed, and at her sug
gestion he left the place alone,
lest they meet his wife and get
him Into more trouble.
!- X ( I
fnr a Democrat for oresident since I . .... .. t. .kAiild Tha laet
- . . I an u tui auv . . - -
ibik w ni.n wnmn inniriia I rial l - .
ur( u.u " w -
hfl roted - for nrosoeritv instead.
nn the other hand.' Hoover is go
ing to turn tho prohibition en-
. ... aali a aa
forcement over to xaitcneiu i
Mitchell fails, as of course he will,
they know then that It will be
blamed onto Mitchell's Democracy.
So. the Democratic politicians are
not as happy as they might he.
Oorvallis uaaette-TUies.
letter was hardly finished until
she was sent to another man. who
dictated to her for an hour; le
gal matter and difficult. When tho
luncheon hour came the gm at
the next desk told her to come to
tho cafeteria conducted by the of-
Old Oregon's
Town Talks from Um States.
mam Oso? Fatlaers Bead
. March IS. 1004
A lone robber made a bold at
tempt to burglarise the C. J. Kurtz
home, chloroforming two of the
women "at home. He was scared
away before ho secured any loot.
Mrs. J. A. Good was unanimously
chosen n resident of tho W. C. T.
TJ. Mrs. F. 8. Holt is corresponding
secretary and Mrs.. M. W. Rhodes
w. Malaxed record In r aftcretarv
and Mrs. C. W. Scriber reelected
Waste Your
We will be glad to go to
your place and pay the
f all ratae. We want
Bags, Paper, Metal, Etc
Salem Junk
" Co. .
820 IT. Cotsunerclal St. r
Phone 493
Western Lady
Has Right Idea
Vor nvcr fiftr rears, nhraidana
hare recommended It and mothers
all over the world have recognised
this tine old medicine as tho stan
dard remedy tor those ills of child..
hood, such aa; biliousness, sallow,
"broken-out" ! skis,' constipation,
nervousness. Indigestion, fererlsh
neaa no annetite or enerrr. etc
Children lovo the rich, fruity taste
of California ng syrup ana weir
whole eratem : benefita . from its
gentle influence. It Quickly purges
tne cniid s system oi au waste; it
regulates the Vowels and stomach,
and gives these, organs tone and
strength so they continue' to act
normally, or their own accord.
A Waalani Maltlf Mh Dlul
a.w.vaa. , , ..www
C Stenger. 421 Clay St, Topeka,
Kansas, says: "My little aaugnier.
Ellen, suffered from eonsupsuon
nntll T thona-ht her atomaeh and
bowels were weak. Then we start
ed her on California Fig Syrup.
Soon she began picking up ana
the hasn't had a bit ot her old
trosblo since. She's a strong,
healthy gin now, doing splendid
work at school. I giro her a little
Fig Syrup At regular intervals.
now, to keep her appetite up ano
bo suro ner system is clean.
Always ask for California Fig
Syrup by. the fall name to protect
stores have it. Four million bottles
yourself from imitations. All dms
used a year shows IU popularliy.
U form.:- . lv:; . , , , .
a s ,'i . . , v - . w .,- . 1 .:. - -
uilty. . ...
states. ... .
lady called at the farm ana gave