The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 13, 1929, Page 2, Image 2

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    The New OREGON STATESMAN, Salem. Oregon, Wednesday Morning. March 13, 1929
Starts atElsinore Saturday
Reinforcements for Insur
rectionists at Torreon
Fail to Arrive
(Cwttlnud From Pag 1.)
Augustlno Olachea. These bad
been part of the forces of the
rebel General Fr a n c!sco M an to.
Bebel Leader Determines to Find
Oat 'Whether He Has Army
With- Which to Fight
NOGALES, Art., Mar. 12.-
(AP) General Francisco Manzo,
Mexican rebel army commander
la Sonora, secretly left his Kogales
headquarters late today by auto
mobile for Naco,. 0 miles east.
where a large body of his rebel
troops turnsd against him early
Uday. When but part iray to the
border town General Man so and
his. staff officers turned back to
Kogales, announcing upon arrlral
that they saw nothing dangerous
at present In the Naco situation.
; In leaving Nogales to make the
survey for himself General Manzo
for the first time tacitly admitted
that he put credence in reports of
the defection of his troops under
' General Augustinoj Olachea. The
reports, which came from Bisbee.
Ariz., across the border from Naco
as well as directly here from Naco,
stated that General Olachea had
taken Naco in the name of the
Mexican federal government.
Forres Were Intended
To Help Hold Torreon
The mutinous forces, reported
is numbering about 1200 Yaqui
and Mayo Indians, had been des
patched from here by General
Manzo. who was sending them
eastward in Chihuahua to rein-J
force the rebel army about Torre
on. Coahuila. Instead General Ol
achea halted at Naco, attacked the
rebel garrison and seized the town
In the name of President Portes
Announcement of an intended
attack upon Nogales subsequently
was made by General Olachea, who
declared the federal forces of
General Belardo Rodriguez, gov
ernor of Baja California, who aid
ed him wfth an aerial attack on
the rebel stronghold.
Unaffected Troop
Arc Ordered Back
'vices received at rebel' head
qur iers here indicated that part
of the troops Manso was sending
into Chihuahua had left Naco and
proceeded eastward of Agua Prle
ta. before General Olachea and his
men professed mutiny. General
Francisco Borquei, Sonora rebel
leader, was at Agua Prieta today
where he was reported to have
turned back the unaffected troops.
Two other battalions were halted
at. Del Rio, on the railroad be
tween Nogales and Naco. Both
groups of rebel soldiers were de
clared being held in readiness to
combat any attempt of General
Olachea to lead his professed fed
erals in an attack upon Nogales.
After placing the Agua Prieta
troops in petition to keep Olachea
bottled op in Naco, General Bor
quei was reported by his head
quarters here to have left Agua
Prieta by motor, en route to No
gales to confer with General
Comprehensive List of Sug
gested Improvements is
Made Public
Wit. lace BeeryB first alLtalkJe, "Chinatown Nights"
this week at the ELrfaore
which starts
Jean and Fritz do Their Stuff
in Fanchon and Marco
Act Today
I) .". . .i (mi Upsets
Ff-vis of Rebels
Mexican rebels have been taken
In the rear by the sudden, drama
tic defection of General Augustino
Olachea and his 1500 Yaqui and
Mayo Indian troops at Naco, Son
ora. South of Bisbee, Arizona.
General Olachea, who had been
considered as a rebel, announced
Tuesday that he would march
' again st the rebel stronghold of No
gales. Sonora, after having dis
patched 400 of his men to take
Agua Prieta, SO miles farther east.
Five hundred rebels were said to
be advancing against Olachea's ex
pedition to Agua Prieta.
Celles Continues
Msrrh Northward
This unexpected blow to the reb-
el cause outweighed In dramatic
effect the northward march of the
main federal army under General
Calles which was ahead of sched
ule in "its advance asalnst the reb-
x el'headquarters In central Mexico.
"General Olachea's description of
his moves might be Interpreted as
forming part of carefully laid fed
eral plans, by which he was to pre
tend sympathy with the -rebels
and to come out under his true
federal colors only .when a cru
cial moment in the campaign had
: Naco is in the heart of v rebel
territory. It was said that Ola
chea's coup had been carefully
planned. The general himself ex
plained that although he had pro
fessed sympathy for the rebels he
always had been loyal to the gov
ernment. Rebel Morale
I Hit Hard Blow
Chief significance of his defec
tion is psychological rather than
military. It strikes the revolution
ary moral a solid blow la the
back. From a military point of
view, Ilchea's position Is some
what precarious. The general said
he relied on aid from federal air
planes If a tight began at Agua
Prieta. His forces can be useful
only in an advance on Nogales,
which he was reported to be plan
ning. Olacheaa hoped for support
from General Amenta, operating
both Nogales and hitherto con
sidered a rebeL.
, t Rebel troops were concentrating
more and more heavily at their
Torreon headquarters, said dis
patches from a correspondent of
: the Associated Press who accom
: - panted rebel troop trains south to
'Torreon from Juarez. 'Vif':
- '.' CRASH FAT4-.1;V
PORTLAND, OreMar. 1?.
(AP) Hugh Haynes. 2 5. died fat
a hospital today from injuries suf
. fared whtf his automobile crashed
Into an Oregon : Electric train
, Monday. 'Police said they found
, liquor In the automobile and In
Haynes' pockets. -
A brother and sister act which
has repeatedly won the statement
from critics that It is one of the
funniest acts' on the American
stage today, are Jean and Fritz
Hubert who are being starred in
Fanchon and Marco's "Hotter'n
Hot" which opens at the Eleinore
They are known for their orig
inal drunk act which has caused
more than one prohibition agent
in the past two or three years to
rush back stage In theatres to in-.
vestigate the whys and where.
fors of perfect impersonation of
two inebriates only to find that
they drink orange juice and occa
sionally tea.
Orange, Juice Potent
To their preliminary rounds of
orange juice and tea they now ad
mit, after careful questioning, that
small blacks are now among the
drinks they Indulge in and but.
termilk to add variety, bub only
in the afternoons.
The decision to vary their liquid
refreshments came recently when
thev were asked hr an enterpris
ing statistician to estimate how
many gallons of orange Juice they
had consumed- In the last two
years. On compiling this record it
was found the number of gallons
cot up around the thousand mark
. . .A At .
auu iney quii counting ana oegsa
figuring. '
Other Stars Seen
In addition to the Huberts
many other well known artists are
included in the bill. Irving Rose,
contortionist well known for bis
"Crazy Elbows" dance. Erik Bye,
noted concert baritone, returns to
the Pacific coast for the first time
in two years. He will be remem
bered by music lovers from pre
vious concerts onjthe Pacific coast.
Others are Franklin and War
ner. Jacques Ray, Marguerite
Miller and the famous Hotsey Tot.
sy Beauties. On the screen Charles
(Buddy) Rogers will hold forth
in his latest Paramount picture
"Some One. to Love." Talking and
musical acts will also be Included
In the program. Today's matinee
will be at popular prices.
Prosecution Of
Tax Expert Put
LOS ANGELES, March 12.
(AP) J. Marjorie Berger, worn
an Income tax counsellor of Holly
wood, Indicted by a federal grand
jury here today on 24 counts of
alleged fraudulent aid in prepar
ing income tax returns, was
claimed by federal officials to have
defrauded the government of more
than 11.000,000 In recent years.
Several prominent film stars
may be named in-conspiracy, In
dictments. United States Attorney
S. W. McNabb announced.
Anne Nichol's famous stage
play, "Abie's Irish Rose" has been
transplanted to the screen by
Paramount and equipped with
quality sound, featuring four im
portant sequences with talking.
A beautiful musical score has been
prepared for the picture by J. S.
"Abie's Irish Rose" will open a
four day run at BUgh's Capitol
theatre starting today matinee,
and running continuous shows svU
the rest of this week.
Charles "Buddy" Rogers, Nancy
Carroll, Jean Hersholt and J. Far-
rell MacDonald carry the import
ant roles with a superb supporting
cast also featured, Including Ida
Kramer and Bernard Gorcey who
appeared in the original stage
show In Its remarkable run of
five and one-halt years in New
The four talking sequences are
features of the production that
will long be remembered. Nancy
Carroll's singing and dancing with
"Buddy" Rogers at the piano is
one of the highlights of the pro
duction. Jean Hersholt, In an in
tense dramatic sequence, will
startle one with his emotional
The Capitol has a well selected
line up of short fillers with this
program consisting of the Fox
Movietone news which features
Herbert Hoover's inauguration at
Washington, hear the voices of
Mr. Coolidge, Chief Justice Taft
and many more important men,
also the greatest parade ever held
In Washington. Vltaphone Acts
headed by Kitty Donner, the little
Scotch miss, will complete the bill
to rnn at-the Capitol all this week.
CCob tinned From Page 2.)
trachoma and tuberculosis experts
and SO more physicians provided
with automobiles.
Construct several sanatorium
schools to provide for tubercular
Indian children now out of school.
Employ Indian girl graduates
of nurses' training schools on In
dian reservations.
Provide an appropriation to
purchase dairy stock, barns, and
feed to furnish at least one quart
of milk per day for all Indian
school' children.
Provide . reimbursable annronri-
nation for construction of new
homes for Indians and improve
ment of old ones.
Indian Property To
Be Disposed Of
Enact legislation to wind np the
affairs of the five civilised tribes
in Oklahoma, to dispose of their
property, and to administer law
and order more accurately on In
dian reservations.
Engage more and better
equipped and paid educational
leaders to supervise and conduct
Indian schools.
Encourage Indians to have focal
organizations for self-improve-ment.
Establish community bath
houses and laundries in thickly
populated Indian communities.
Alter existing allotment laws
and make no further allotments
on reservations under the present
Enact legislation for relief of
Indians who are wards of the gov
ernment, but who do not reside
on Indian reservations.
Merritt said that while his rec
ommendations "indicate consider
able need for additional funds,"
he believed that the "funds now
appropriated by congress are eco
nomically, judiciously and effi
ciently administered and more has
been accomplished for the Indians
of this country during the last
eight years than ever before In a
similar period.
"With the help 'of your com
mittee and congress " he said.
this progress can be Intensified
and made permanent and out
Auto Hits Train;
Man's Skull Hurt
PORTLAND. Ore., Mar. 12.
(AP) Hugh Haynes. 25. was In
a hospital Monday suffering a frac.
tured skull received early today
when his automobile crashed into
an Oregon Electric train. Police
said the found a pint bottle filled
with moonshine on his person and
also broken bits of another bottle
In his coat. The automobile was
badly damaged.
74 Year Old Mining Prospec
tor Rescued by Group
of Young Boys
(Continued From Pan 1.)
A tale of heroism came from
snowbound Mount Almagre, 15
miles from the famed Cripple
Creek mining district of Colorado,
where a group of high school boys
banded together to rescue Frank
Nelson, a 74 year old prospector,
from the log cabin where he has
been marooned without food.
Heroic Work Is
Performed by Boys
Word of Nelson's plight reached
here last night and the boys, who
are experienced mountaineers,
plodded through waist high drif ts
and blinding snow to reach mm
One boy In the party was sent
back at noon with word that Nel
son had been found safe but in
a dying condition. The boys de
vised a litter to carry him to a
hospital in Colorado Springs and
were making slow progress on the
return Journey late today.
Mountain passes In the tier of
statea in the range of the Rockies
were checked with snow. Cripple
Creek. Colo., was cut off by rail
road from Colorado Springs,, out
maintained communication with
the world by telephone.
Wyoming Hardest
Hit fa Tears
The storm, accompanied by low
er temperatures, was reported to
be the worst In years in central
Wyoming. From 18 to 24 Inches
of snow fell in the territory be
tween Cheyenne and Laramie and
12 Inches was reported in the vi
cinity of Casper, the rich oil cap
ital of Wyoming. Yellowstone
park was covered with a three
inch blanket.
A group of 12 members of the
Sigma Alpha Epsilon basketball
team of the University of Wyom
ing encountered huge snow drifts
in traveling by automobile from
Cheyenne to their homes in Lar
amie. Highway department work
ers rescued the party today after
the travelers had been reported
hours overdue.
(Continued From Page 1.)
broadcast in the past few days
that the event would be summar
ily transferred elsewhere at the
last minute.
Assurances Seat
Portland Papers
The Salem chamber of com
merce Tuesday sent the following
telegram to the four Portland dai
ly newspapers and to the Medford
"Regardless of rumors, citizens
of Salem, high school student bo
dy, service clubs and chamber of
Matinee 25c
Night 85c
Kiddies 10c
W ti
I I - . I a. s.
w i m w -am m
ETtiLi j 4J
umconmm saclamo
sstm ra
Vii phone Fieteres That Talk Like Living People
S)a w I
Best Shows Salem Has Ever Had
Herbert Hoover's
To Your Door Steps By
Fox Movietone Mews
BligiYs Capitol
r r Theatrev
-aU this week f
(Today's Feature)
It's bliEtr
than tbe heart
of humanity
Hear Nacr Car.
roll etna "Bose-
mary"..hear Jean
Hersholt taiK ana trie
marvelous tnusle
7 JYr X
mi sum t
Baddy Nancy
and Jean Hersholt ;
NOW ON THH SCREEN! Ifs powerful appeal
'drew It. . people to the stage play. En
hanced and tnoreased a hnndref old. Xxrtm I Com
dTl Drama! TTh Most Perfect Star
Krer Written I" Enacted by a soastercast,
; Including1 - actors from tfa original piar.
Jeaa Hersholt. Charles (Baddy) Bof-
ers ana Nancy carren. THE si;.
mat. .
; moyietoxe news '
S S S T? 2 .
Herbert Hoover Inaugurated
itaphone Pictures That Talk Like Living People
and too, the greatest parade erer. held in. Washington.
Presented over FOX MOVIETONE NEWS.
commerce . hacking' state basket
ball tonrnament 100 per cent.
Bnt the fact remains that the
ticket sale la considerably behind
that of last rear, and nnleas the
receipts equal the tonrnament ex
penses, the event will probably he
awarded to one of the state
schools, or to both of them to
be conducted alternately.
There Is a considerable number
of excellent seats left. All eeats
are reserved for evening games.
Thursday morning the sale of sea
son tickets will close and from
that time on. It will be possible to
purchase reservations for single
evenings. There will be at least
1000 good seats available each
First round games in the cham
pionship series will be played, in
addition to the two tonight, at
9:30 and .10:30 o'clock Thursday
morning, and at 7:30 Thursday
night. Games in the championship
series will also be played Thurs
day night at 8:20. Friday at 9:30
In the morning and 8:30 at night,
and the final game at 8:30 Sat
urday night. -
Consolation games will be play
ed at 3:30 and 4:30 Thursday
afternoon. Friday at 9:30 and
10:30 a.m.. 4 and 7:30 p.m. and
the finals at 7:30 p.m. Saturday.
(Continued From Page 2.)
be made in the bureau heads of
the Interior department. The res
ignations of Charles H. Burke as
commissioner of the Indian bu
reau, who has been under the fire
of members of congress recently.
Is to be accepted. Together with
that of Commissioner Winfield
Scott of the pension bureau. Mr.
Hoover has not yet decided who
their successors will be.
Hurley Has Brilliant
War Time Record -
Hurley, who succeeds Charles
D. Bobbins in the war department
post served with distinction In the
World war as a major and later
as a lieutenant-colonel, particlpat.
ing in the Alsne-Marne, the Meuse
Argonne and St. Mihiel operations.
He was a delegate to the republi
can national convention In 1924
and chairman of the Oklahoma
state convention In 1926. During
the campaign last year he was a
leader In the Hoover forces of his
In his new position, Hurley will
be in charge of the mobilization I
of industrial resources for nee in
time of war. His predecessor, Rob
bins, had expressed a desire to re
turn to private Ufa,
Jahscke- Strong
Hoover Sapporter ,
Jahncke has long been promi
nent la the shipping and ship
building Industry and played an
influential part in the Hoover
southern campaign. He is a native
of New Orleans where he amassed
a fortune through the Jahncke
Drydocks company, and became
well-known locally as a yachts
man. He is president of the re-'
publican clvb ef Louisiana. Like
Bobbins, his predecessor. Theo
dore Douglas Robinson, wished to
retire from public office.
Moffctt's reappointment was
recommended to the president by
Secretary Adams of the navy de
partment He has been in charge
of the bureau of aeronautics for
two three-year terms and it was
thought advisable to keep him at
the post until the five-year naval
aircraft building program has
been completed. "...
JEAN and
inr c
vrv n
Irving Rose
Erik Bye
Jacques Ray
'The Hotsy Totsy
Charles "Buddy" Rogerin i
Paramount Talking
'Apartment Hunting
Coming Saturday Wallace Beery First All Talkie
Chinatown Nights"
Tires foir the new Ford
are specially
to give long wear
.WHEN the new Ford was designed,
it was immediately apparent that
a new tire would hare to he made
to match the car's performance.
It was distinctly a new problem,
for here was a car with quicker
acceleration, greater speed and
more braking efficiency than any
car of similar size or weight.
' So that every Ford owner might
be assured of maximum tire mile
age at the lowest cost, the Ford
Motor Company devoted many
months to research and experi
ment in conjunction with the lead
ing tire manufacturers.
As a tt result, certain definite
specifications were developed for
tires for the new Ford. These
specify cords of certain strength
and. texture, a large volume of
tread and side-wall rubber, sturdy,
non-ekid design, and reinforced
plies for protection against bruise
breaks---all the strong features of
construction formerly considered
for only the largest tdraa.
x Great care also was taken to
Secure the best riding qualities in
connection with the transverse
springs and Hondaflle shock ab
sorbers used on the new Ford.
Though the Ford tires are 30 x
.50 in size, they have the' resil
iency and air space of much larger
tires because of the drop center
rim of the steel spoke wheels.
Another unusual feature of the
jiew Ford tires is the provision
for balancing the tire assembly
Every tire is marked On the side
wall with a red spot to show where
the valve stem should be when the
tube is inserted. This is just a
little thing, but it assures a uni
formly high standard of tire per
f ormance at all speeds.
For best results, the tires on the
new Ford should be kept inflated
to an air pressure of 35 pounds
and checked regularly to insure
this pressure all the time. This
is important. Low inflation breaks
down the side-walls of a tire. Dy
causing overlfeating, It also de
stroys the rubber that acts as, an
insulation, with consequent sepa
ration of the cord.
At the end of each 5000 miles,
-when yon have the front wheels
packed with grease, It if a good
plan to have the wheel alignment
cheeked. This will prevent the
possibility of premature wear of
the tires.
When punctures come, as tiiey
will with' anv tire, you w2l find tha
Ford dealer prticiJrlv wslV
equipped to make repairs quickly,
and at small cost Sea him, too,'
for replacements. Then von wTl
be sure of getting tires buit
specially for the Ford car accorjl-'
, ing to definite Ford specifications.
Ford Motor Company
f 1