The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 10, 1929, Page 8, Image 8

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    (The New OREGON STATESMAN, Salem.' dregon, Sunday Morning Mareh 10, 1929
1 '
airs in
the S
Sororities Are
Busy With
THE sororities on tie Wlllam
ett campus have been busily
engaged with a rarlety of
S&r . activities daring . the past
week. j
f The Beta Chi annual banquet
la honor of the newly initiated
member at the dray Belle Thurs
day evening was an attractive af-
fair. Places were laid for thlrty
' six at tables centered with 1 daffo
dils and yellow tapers. Miss Leila
Johnson acted as toastmlstrees for
the evening. Toasts were given
! by Grace White, Florence Power,
'. Norabel Pratt and Beryl Hale. The
new members. In whose honor the
; banquet was given, included Joe.
phlne Albert and Eloke White of
Salem, Helen Cochran of Albany.
Wllma Buttles of Wenatehee,
Washington. Beryl Hale of Hon
taque, California, Lucile Shultz of
Portland, and Frances Smuuin of
i Friday night the members and
pledges ot the sorority enter
, tained at an Informal party. Earjy
In the evening the group attended
nte theatre ' In Independence, re
turning to the Shanghai for Chi-
Niase refreshments. Professor and
Mrs. Frank Learner and Professor
and Mrs. Cecil If onk accompanied
the group. Places were laid for 80
'liThe Beta Chi have elected the
fallowing officers for the com In J
year:. . Kainenne Everett, presi
dent; Florence Power, vice-presi
dent; Frances MeGilvra, manager;
Emily Brown of Medford. trea
surer; Louise Brown of Portland,
recording secretary; Helen Me-
Pherxon ot Portland, correspond
ing secretary, ana woraoei trail
of Portland, sergeant-at-arms.
The Alpha Phi Alpha sorority
Initiation banquet was an event
of Friday evening at the Spa
where the 8L Patrick's motif was
tarried out with green tapers, ear-
nations and favors. Mrs. Ha Com
stock acted as toast mis tress and
toasts were made by Georgia Fair
banks, Dorothy Gordon, Georgia
Striker and Helen Stiles. The new
members include Helen Stiles,
Lois German, Helen Hanke and
Elizabeth Ogden, all of Portland,
Martel Scheldt of Everett, Wash
ington, Josephine Conn of Dayton,
Lois Oliver of Pendleton, Estel
Chaaey -of Marsh field, and Muriel
White, LucJle Cummings, Gladys
Taylor. Ellen Jean Moody, Maxlne
Ulrica and Helen Breithanpt. all
of Salem.
. The Delta fm sorority is en
tertaining Mildred Martin and
Lillian. Burkland. debaters here
for the week-end from the College
of Puget 86ond. Miss Burkland
is the newly ejected May Queen
at C. P. S.
Student R e crt a 1
Of MacDowell
Mrs. Clara Pomeroy, general chair-
man of .National Business and Profes
sional s WomenweekV titration W
which begins today, and a member of
the program committee.
t A piano recital of Edward Mae-'
i Dowell's compositions will be giv-
en Monday evening. March 11, at
8:15 o'clock in Waller Hall. This
will be the first of a number of
recitals which will bo given by
the music students of Miss Fran-I
ees Virgtnie Melton this spring.
; The program of the evening
i consists of the following num
"Burlesque'' Helene Price I
"Bluett" Wendell Robinson
"Hunting Song.. Marie Danlarjj
-rne Hungarian .... urace Hen-
I derson
, J.To a Water Lily" . . .Mabel Hill
"Cradle Song". .Evelyn Lindberg
"Shadow Dance". . .Lois Fellows
"Deserted Farm" and. "Will o
the Wisp.. Margaret Sehreiber
"Ridaudan". . . .Arthur Sen warts
"Witches' Dance" Elisabeth
"Autumn" Adtna Bergen
"Marionette" ( Prologue-Sou-brette
- Lover - Clown-Witch-Villlan-Sweetheart-Epilogue)
Edith Findley
"Manillas".... Helen MePberson.
"Scotch Poem".... Doris Corbln
"Moonlight" . . . Lucile Cummings
"Elfin Dance" and "Polonaise"
. ..... .Rosalind Van Winkle
This student recital ' is to be
even for the purpose ot in trod ac
g the works of MacDowell and
will be a preUminarr to the ar-
is .V- y ...-, . - - - .i..', r
tV v t s t"
x f
Mrs. Isaac Lee Patterson, who is chair
man of the state D. A. R. Champoeg
Memorial committee, for the aid of
which memorial the Salem D. A. R. is
entertaining Tuesday.
ine i cnt lweiiers
win oe a preuminary to the ar-l a . rr km t- r i
tisU' ruclUl of selections by Mac- At t U8t M. XL. L-hurch
XToweu to be given la Waller Hall
on taw opening night ot National! The Wright -California Player
jsusk ween, tjhs seeend concert I will present "The Tent Dwellers'
wm give uoejer the ausnicesiat the Wrmt MpUmtit hmrh
mi iM aieiwriq soetety, for the Monday evening. These pUyers.
"T?ww'. vwmJr it is said, compare well with the
tbn TseenT enaeerr is
. the public.
worth an
I IV i
ona ana iMews
a Phong 500 OLIVE DOAK Society Editor
of Varied Cliib Activities
t v:- - vj -1 ""4
lev ' -w.
f vV - "? '- .--, V-"t-i
- (' r
x m Yf-i
ieent ennsert Is open to leading actors in the Mission Play
Jtaraasisea te be well of CaHl ornU.
' Thoxplay is a fourct drama
;Mra. Albert Hostess
O. T. Bridge Tea
taken from the history of the tent
awauers as it is told by Jeremiah
the thirty-fifth j chapter, later
I woven with a charming romance
las the story unfolds of the -srom
Mrs. Vonn is. Albert waa host-lise gjran them centuries before
as te the members of the O. T.I The fulfillment of the promise Is
cm tu a- raw additional guests I ravaaied as the Christ.
at a prettr bridge tea In the Al-1 The mystery and beantr of the
bert heme on North Winter street (oriental autnoor life is well nrav
Friday, afternoon. Pnasr-wlllows I nested and the stare scttlnr under
ana speiag i nowers In shades of I too sauied airectloa -of ' Mr.
yeHow were used artistically abootl Wright is-rolorful and afteetlve.
ine rooms. 3 ITlie Wright PU vers have for s
Tho spacial guests of the after-i long thne devoUd themselves al
neon Isrtnded Mrs. Isaaa Lea Pat-1 most exclusively- to sacred dramas
terson. Mrs, Louis Bean. Mrs Jen d their long experience Jn this
Poaglas Mlnto, airs. W..H. Daner.Kleld enables them to give .a beau-
Ura. K. " . Bragg 'and Mrs. Hal I tlfnlly sympathetle rod reallstlr
O. ration. The dab Jn embers in-1 presentation
dnde Urs. fi. r rmu li r nTir i -e ?e
u. Tatauaa. lira. TJ. o. Shroler.
firs - Russell Catlin. Mrs. Frsnk
W. SpencerMrs. T. T. Geer. Mrs.
Thomas B. Kay. Mrs. Charles H.
Kooertson, Mrs. .John. L. Rand,
fUK Seymour Jones and the .host
urs. Albert. :
p. e :, s .
ion Auxiliary
Holds Convention'
The American Lesion Auxniarr
win hold the convention: meeting
of District No. 1 at -the Klk'-a club
WUUam UcGQchTist. Sr.. and E. I
Cook Patton 'furnished a nleaslax I the masieal vramm Ar th
program at tha fathers' and sons' noon. r ' r .
banauet Friday ay ening sponsored Representaaves from tha chap
by ; tha Cangretatlopal church, ters at SllTerton. Dallas. Newberg
About ( 9 faihers ajid. sons war MeMrnnrllle. Amltr. Sheridan
r resent at Ue ' affair for which I Monmouth, and Salem will be pre
H'a.'W. B. Hanson wag in charge, (sent for the afternoon.
Wedding of Interest
Salem friends will be interested
to learn of the marriage of Kath
arine Judy, daughter ot the Rev.
and Mrs. Clayton Judy, to the
Rev. Thomas McCamant. son of
Judga and Mrs: Wallace McCam
uc ot roruaad.. Tha ceremony
toon place in the Rev. Judy'
church at Plymouth. Idaho, baforr
large number of frienda. The
Rev. Judy was formerly, pastor of
me Jtnignc Memorial church here
during which time Mrs. McCam
ant gradnated from Salem High
seaooi. prior to hir mtrrtin
Mrs. JfeCamant was a mwmbar ot
the Junior class at Whitman Col
Immediately following the cer
emony the younr couple Jeft for
unungo where the Rev. McCam
ant Is pastor of a suburban church
una . Mrs. . McCamant will finish
aer college course:
e ' .;.
San Souci Members
Guests at Ficke Home
. : Mr. and lira. Paul Tiekm enter.
tained the members of tha Sn
Souci club at a "BOO" nartT . In
thefr home on Center street during
ine past weea. - -v.
Tha guest; group Included, Mr.
and Mrs. C. B. Anderson. Mr. and
Mra. L. M. Case, Mr. and Mrs.
O: X. Dancer. Mr, and Mra. WO.
nam Hoses. Mr. and Mra." Floyd
siegraund, and Mrs. T. WlUlam-
Prises for, high Scorns went to
Mrs. Moses, llrs. Desear. Mr.
Tasa and-Mr. Siegmund. -
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Champoeg Benefit
Bridge Tea
Miss Carlotta Crowley, who will speak
:jn connection with- the Na-
onaixelebration of Business and Pro
fessional Women's week. Miss Crow
ley is a member of the publicity com
mittee and a hostess for the Public
Relations banquet and for the recep
tion to be given- at Lausanne hall
Thursday night.
Americanization Work
Given Explanation
By F. W. Park
"QROFESSOR F. W. PARK of the state department of
X Americanization spoke before the Salem Women's club
Saturday afternoon at the regular meeting in the clubhouse,
460 Worth Cottage street, giving a very- definite idea eon
cerning this important factor in educational work.
Prof. Park told his audience that there were 14 million
foreigners in the United States today, and he continued, "We
have a very real responsibility toward these people. We
must aid them to be good American citizens." 'To do this,"
said Prof. Peck, "we must first encourage these people to go
to school and then we must furnish them schools to go to."
So far as the schools are concerned Prof. Peck said the
school districts took care of that in most cases. He pointed
out the fact that Americanization work in Salem was being
carried on very successfully
two nights a week under the
direction of the Y. M. C. A.
secretary, C. A.vKells. These
si asses are required from
many miles around Salem, ac
cording to Prof. Park.
But when it comes to fur
nishing the encouragement to go
to school the matter la more civic,
pointed, out Prof. Park. This is
generally, done by organlxstion of
Americanlsation councils compos.
ed of members from different local
clubs. "Through these councils."
said Prof. Park, "the needed en.
couragement is giren."
The course of study for these
Americanlsation classes is general
ly reading, history, and dries. "So
far as arithmetic is concerned."
Prof. Park said, "the foreigner is
quite the match for anyone."
During 'the business meeting of
the club Mrs. F. O. Bowersox re
ported for the committee which
visited the Children's Farm Home
this last week. This institution is
the main project of the county
federation of clubs. The Salem
Woman's club is planning a bene
fit for the home in the near fu
ture. A second report waa from
Mrs. F. A. Elliott concerning the
tuberculosis meeting which
held In Salem, February 26 and
A communication was read
which announced a department
luncheon honoring Mn. Sadie Orr
Dunbar recently appointed chair
man of public welfare department,
and dean of department chairmen
of the general federation of Wo
men's eluba, the luncheon will be
Marcn 29 at the Congress hotel,
Fortiaaa. All club members are
cordially invited,
The Saturday meeting of the
Woman's club was under the aus
pices of the American citizenship
department whose chairman Is
Mrs. B. H. Bragg. Mrs. Bragg in
troduced the speaker of the after,
Mrs. Susan yarty, chairman of the
hospitality committee for the National
celebration of Business, and Profes
sional Women's week in charge of
public relations banquet at the Marlon
hotel, and of the reception to be given
at Lausanne hall Thursday evening.
B. & P. Women
Will Address
One very definite way of put
ting themselres before the public
has been adopted by the Business
and Professional Women as a part
of the celebration of National Bus
iness and Professional Women's
club week In the United States
beginnlng-with March 10. Speak
ers from the club membership
will address various organizations
and schools daring the week. The
speaklns: schedule as cow planned
Is as follows:
High School,, Tuesday Dr.
iary a. .purrine win speak op
professions emphasizing medical
profession; Miss Medora Man-
thorne. on requirements for nurs
es, Carlotta Crowley, on require
ments of teachers.
Parrish Junior High School.
Wednesday Miss Manthorne on
nursing. Miss Beatrice Walton on
secretarial requirements, Carlotta
Crowley on teachers.
Leslie Junior High School.
Thursday Miss Josephine Shade
on requirements of secretarial po
sitions. Carlotta Crowley on
teachers. Dr. Purrine on profes-cott.
Capital Business College, Tues
day at 9:30 Grace Gilliam on
banking and office requirements
and Mrs. Louise Kezar Horning
on secretarial requirements.
Dee Hines Is
Birthday Host
iJee nines was nost to a group
of the young folks in celebration
of his own birthday recently at
bis home. The evening was spent
with games and music. Refresh
ments were served at a late hour.
Guests for this party were Viola
Duval, Esther Gardner, - Gladys
Powell, Ruth Powell, Elrlna Kas-
bert, Thelma Kasberg, Opal Har-
land. Ruin Richie and Betty Paul,
Roy Wilson, Roth Powell, Don
Patton. L. W. Drake. Burton Ran
dall, Ellsworth McClarey, Paul
Patton. Lester Fawk. W. C. Cook.
DeLoss Paul. Mr. and Mrs. WM-
liam Powell. Mr. and Mrs. J. M.
Martin and Dee Hines.
Dr. and Mrs. Carl Gregg Doney
were hosts for a group of Univer
sity folk recently. Those enjoying
this evening were Prof, and Mrs.
Lestle Sparks, Miss Lois Latimer,
and Prof, and Mrs. Jerald Pres-
by the social committee of
the D. A. R., Mrs. John Orr
chairman, will be hostess at the
school for the deaf Tuesday after
noon for a benefit bridge tea
sponsored by the local chapter of
the D. A. R. The returns from
this benefit will go . toward the
establishment by Lhe state Cham
poeg memorial committee of
which MraIsaae Lee Patterson is
chairman, of a pioneer log cabin,
a replica of the former cabins
which housed our worthy ances
tors, to be located at Champoeg
Fifty tables have -been aold to
date. There will be a tew more
available for those who are late
in making reservations. Score
cards, corers and pencils are to
be furnished by the guests. Those
who have Jnst made reservations
are Mrs. U. G. Shipley, Mrs. E. L.
Loose, Mrs. -Wood and Miss Zoo
Stockton. Mrs. J. R. Allgood has
charge of the reservation from
Playing will commence at 2
o'clock.. Many guests are comlne
In Just for the tea hour which will
be between 4 and 5 o'clock. Many
out-of-town guests will be enter
tained at tea.
Mrs. Susan Varty
Hostess r
Honoring the committee who
has cooperated so graciously with
her during the preparations for
the Business and Profninni
Woman's Public Relation's ban
quet and the Lausanne hall recep
tion of Monday and Thursday
nights Mrs. Susan Varty will be
hostess at her home for a Sundsr
evening social evening.
Those on this committee and in
vited for this evening are Miss
Slgne Paulson, Miss Merle Dim-
mlck. Miss Carlotta Crowley, 'Mrs.
Hector Adams, Mrs. Lillian Van
Loan, Miss Edna Purdy. Miss Ireno
Hsrrington. Miss Julia Webster,
Mrs. Aline, and Miss Josephine
Miss Signs Paulson will assist
Mrs. Varty in serring a late sup
Mr. and Mrs. Babcock
Hosts at Bridge
Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Babcock en.
tertalned with four tables ot
bridge In their home on Stewart
street Saturday evening in honor
of Mr, and Mrs. A. N. Bryant of
Vancouver, B. C, who plan to
make their home here.
The guest group included Mr.
and Mrs. Bryant, M. and Mrs.
Wlllard WIrts, Mr. and Mrs. Her
bert Hiuser, Mr. and Mrs. Saun
ders, Mr. and Mrs. David Wright.
Mr. and Mrs. Brock and Mr. and
Mrs. Lea. O. Smith,
; e
Dr. and Mrs. H. B. Morris have
as their week-end guests Prof.
Monroe Smart. James Hoyt, and
son Kenneth, all from OregoC
state, college. '
Mrs. M. F. McCall
Entertaining Niece
; Mrs. Marie Flint McCall is
tertaining her niece. Miss Mary
Elisabeth Crary, of Marquette.
Michigan, at her. country home
Mian Crary. who has recently conv
pleted Aer course In the Marquette
high school, plans to make an ax-
tended visit here. MrsMeCall will
entertain the members ox tha
Sweat Briar club Wednesday-after-
nooa In honor of her niece.
Members 1 of tha club Include
Mrs. M. C. Pettys. Mrs. Ray Bin-
egar. Mra. James Zmlah, Mra. S.
9. Moll. Mra. C. C. Page, Mrs
Ralph Allan, Mr. William Stod.
dard, Mrs. W. C. Franklin. Mrs.
F. E. Mereer. Mrs. C. C. Chaff ea.
Mrs. Karl Kugel, lira. Arthur Ut-
ley. Mrs. Corydon Jslodgett. Mrs.
Kd Pratt. Mra. Lou Grote. Mrs. A.
R. Buna. Mra. Nina Adams. JUas
Nellie Taylor, Mrs. J. Crabtree,
and tha hostess Mrs. McCall.
e - a e -
Informal Bridge Party
At Court Apartment ;
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Bid wall en
tertalned with aa Informal bridge
party -at their apartment at the
coart Saturday night. -
Those making the guest group
for the evening ware Mr. and Mra.
John. Orr, " Hr. and. Mra. Bert
Flackii Mr. and Mrs. B, H. Bal
dock,. 2Ir. and Mra. fc. B. Ling.
Mr. and Mra. Adoiph Ifelscn and
Mr. and Mr. Gay Irwin.'
Tha business and prof ee
tlonal wpmh. whether
Urge or small, kndwa tha
seed ot rhythm in fJgnra
lines. She is carefully fit
ted In aa Artlstlane founda
tion garment; which moulds
tha figure so as to bring out
the Smart lines ot tha new
Sprrng "trock.
Howard Corset
I . ' 1
-1 W -, 1 : , --vcT -
C I ' Just a bit of crushable straw, but with what power to
JP ', u 1 j charm, to add chic, to flatter! nttirnr ti4Thtly it
r$6v ' . 4 L I swathes the head in a f asdnsting manner. Smart with j
MiVvSya Uilored dothea, and equally smart for dress.
bjk ...Baku .
K -5EJ .:::SS. , -m
... Imported Hentf v
... Baiibimtl . ; V.v'.
These are the straws that Fashion has approved.' And
the styles? To convey an tde& of their modern new- '
ness let us say that here one will find hats down in the -
- ack nd P m th front. With plane wins .. . . ;
.UP 011 d...witha lonrar lap on then
c4her;. . ; dozens of them . each managino; to--- ' : I
V be different;-; ft-y; -K'-- f r - ;A Zr--;:'