The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 10, 1929, Page 6, Image 6

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    The New OREGON STATESMAN, Salens Oregon. Sunday orams; Kardttl0v-lt29
Wright Players to Appear at
First M. E. Church at
. 7:30 o'clock
A religious drama. "The Sha
. dow of the Cross," will be riven in
the First Methodist chore h Sunday
evening, beginning at seven-thirty
o'clock.-This will be a dramatic
portrayal . of the conversion of
Mary Magdalene to the Master
and her devotion to Him in' the
'fare of opposition, and. will be giv
en by the Wright flayers of Cali
F.our scenes will be given In the
drama,' each one showing events
In. the closing days of the life of
Christ, or "In the Shadow of the
Rename Givew
A brief resume of the story fol
lows: Mary of Magdala changes
her robe of scarlet for a robe oi
white and nresents her box of pre
j dons perfume to her Master. On
' the dav of the crucifixion the
group who watched at the Cross
wends its way from Calvary to tne
citv and meets Barbabbas, the
murderer. On the day of the res
nrreetion he professes conversion
to the new faith and becomes a
follower of the Xazarene. The
message, of Easter brings great Joy
, to the hearts of the disciples.
- vf ' Bperial Maolc
! , Special music will be given be
tween The scenes by a quartet.
eonsfcttar of Lillian Scott. Mar
Jorlo Miller. RcHln Stayner and
John Gilhausen. They will sing
-The" Old Rugged Cross." and
TUonjh Your Sins Be as Scarlet."
Roaald Craven will sing as a sold,
"Tne Holy City."
Monday evening, the Wright
Players wilL give a second pre-
gram under f the-1 auspices of the
Ladies' Aid society of the eburen
at-the church. Thia will be "The
" Tent Dwellers" and will show the
devotion of John Mark, one of the
early disciples, to his Master.
mm baptist
Regular Pastor to Conduct
Meetings; McMinnville
'4. "Man to Assist'
A two-weeks series of special
meetings will he held at the Cal
vary Baptist church. In the old
Orand theatre building, beginning
Tuesday. March 12. The regular
pastor. W. Earl Cochran, will di
rect the campaicn and do most of
the preaching. Rev. J. L. Whirry
of McMinnville will aceist with the
sermons the second week. No ser
vices wilrke. held Monday and Sat
urday night."
" Topics Told .
Topics for the meetings as an
nounced are as followed: March
It. "The Results of Being a Chris
tian:" March 13, "The Devil's
Advantage;" March 14. "rive
Testa Applied to Our Faith";
March 15. "Three Crosses"; Mar.
17. "Our Escape," and "Was
Judge Llndsey Interested In the
Future Homes of Our City or His
Percent of the Gate Receipts?" as
a prelude to the sermon "Anchor
ad"; March 19. "Why Jones Went
to H-tU -from Salem.' March 20.
"Dead Works Made to Live";
March 21. "Taking Stock"; March
12, '-The Results of Disobedience."
Knoar ounoay
The final sermons In the cam-
naien will be preached Sunday.
March 24.' when the subjects will
' "Which Wav. Shall I Take?"
and "How I May Know I Am a
Christian." The meetings are open
to the public.
Special must by Josepk Benner
and his musical group will feature
the services at ' the Calvary Bap
tist church tonight, beginning at
TMO o'clock, Tne program pinuw
by the- group includes: - -
Little Symphony No. ' It.'
(TJencla). violin, duet by Dalbert
Jepsea- and Charlea Navornik. ' -
Elsgy fAmanl), piano solo by
Helen Banner, v ; .
Adoration'IBorowski), violin
solo bv Charles Navornik.
"Pralsds in -O Minor." (Rach
maninoff), piano solo by Helen
"AngU Valeea" (Zamecnik),
violin duet by Delbert Jepsen and
Charles NadvornDx.: I
Cathedral Meditation" (Lem-
ard) trio by Dalbert Jepsen.
Charles Navornik and Helen Ben
ner. .. . v--.
i Junior Choir
In Corvallis
The Junior choir of the First
Tresbyterian church will go to
Corvallis tnis evening to give
concert in the First Presbyterian
church there la exehaage for the
- appearance of the Corrallls ' Jun
ior singers hera early last Decern-
; ber. . "C ' s :- -"
William Wright : Is director of
the . choir. Miss -. Lucille Cum
min gs of the senior choir will ae
company the group 4 to the Ben
ton city to appear as soloirt. - y -
' Rev. Father Back will broadcast
ever KIX. Portland, at 7:30 p.m.
Sunday, March. 10. Consequently
there will be no services is St
Joseph's -church on that evening.
The lecture will be under the ana.
plcei of The catholic Truth So.
t .- ;
' -f ttletj ot Oregon:
Thirteenth and Canter streets.
Church" school at If? ft a. m..
nu tiu dvui uuer, luyauiiviiueoi.
preaching services at 11 a. m. ana
8 o'clock in the evening.
EpwoVth League at 7:13 p. m.,
P. J. Sehnert, pastor.
(Foil Gospel)
Corner- 13th and Ferry streets.
The interest , Is. growing- daily. In
the special . services now la . pro
gress under the ...leadership of
Rev.- A. E . Stuernagel, widely
known evangelist.. Bible expositor
and author. Subjects of vital im
nortance are being announced for
the coming wees. Tne. evangelist
will speak Sunday at 3:00 p. so
on "The Threefold Manifestation
of the Spirit at His Advent"; In
the evening at 7:30 on "The Gate
way into - the Kingdom"; and
Tuesday -night on "The Founda
tion .Experience in Christianity.
Sunday school is at 1:45 p. m.
Roy C. Ferguson, superintendent
Special singing with orchestral
accompaniment at . each service.
Come and bring your friends.
Earle V. Jennison, pastor.
S5 Ferry street. Sunday
school at S:45, Walter Wells,
Morning preaching service at-11
o'clock; special -music and good
singing. The subject of the mes
sage by the pastor will be "The
Faith Which Was Once Delivered
unto the Saints."
The young peoples' meeting
will be at 6:30, Lawrence Rich
leading. The evening preaching
serrice begins at 7:30. "Slip
Away and Talk with Jesus." will
be sung by Mlas Elverta Mlnton.
The subject of th.e evening mes
sage will be "A Sure Foundation".
Mrs. Glenna Jays will lead te
Tuesday evening prayer meeting
at 7:30. Bible study and prayer
meeting Friday evening. The
public is invited to all of these
services. J. O. Minton. pastor.
One block south of Center on
19th. L. D. Smitfi, pastor; 1249
South Commercial, phone 2940.
Sunday school at 9:45 a. m.; Live
Wire children's choir ill sing.
Morning worship at 1 1 o'clock.
ermon subject, "Tne Battle ror
the Soul." Rev. Miss Louise Pin
nell will sing a solo; blessed gos
pel singing; fiery preaching.
Young People's meeting in tho
evening at 6:30, Miss Thea Samp
son, presiding. The Juniors will
meet at 6:30. Mrs. Alma Smith.
supervisor. All children welcome.
Evening evangelistic service at
30. Happy song and praise ser
vice. Professor Hoffar in charge.
Prank Litwlller will sing a solo.
Sermon subject. They Turned
Back." Evangelist and Mrs. Earl
V. Wilde, who held a campaign
here In January, will be here
Monday evening at 7:30 and will
sing several, numbers. Wilde
will preach.
Prayer meeting Wednesday eve
ning at' 7:30. Young People'f
prayer and Bible study Friday
evening at 7:30 at the home of
X. J. Blevins. 2050 Market street.
Church street between Che-
meketa and Center streets. Rev.
P. W. Eriksen. pastor.
"There s a Far Away Land by
the male quartet. "The Cross and
the Conscience", sermon by the
nastor. Anthem. "At Calvary's
Cross" (Ackley), - Bloomenberg
and choir.
The Sunday Bible school at
9:45 with a complete graded sys
tem reaching all ages. Max Oehl
har. superintendent, with Mrs. C
M. Byrd 'head of primary depart
ment. Arnold Kreuger. Y. P. di
vision and R. C. Appke, adult de
partment. . - .
At 7:30 the large church chor
us will again sing by request.
"I am a Child of the King,
solo by Edward Ostllnd.
Sermon, "Lord Teach Us To
Pray," duet: Mrs. J. Albert Shol-
eth and Mrs. Ray Johnson.
Luther Leagues at 6:30. The
Ladles' Guild will meet Wednes
day afternoon at 2:20 o'clock.
Mrs. Byrd chairman; ifr. P. W
Ford Memorial
Board to Have
Important Meet
The, official board of the Ford
Memorial community church will
meet Monday night at 7:30
o'clock, with forward steps In
the church to be the particular
subject for discussion, reports the
pastor. Rev. Meredith A. Groves.
The Epworth League of the
church will present their play.
"Safety Flrrt for a second time
Thursday night at the Commun
ity ball at i . o'clock. Proceeds
from the entertainment will be
applied to the League's subscrip
tion to the church carpet. - Ten
persons take part in the play, M.
J. DeLapn. Is directing.
Bojefs Novel
v is Sermon Basis
"The New Tern pie, a novel by
Johaa Bojer, which Is considered
by critics a vital contribution to
modern . religious and secular lit-
eraturo, will form the basis) of the
sermon today, of Rev. , Martin F.
Ferrer, at the Unitarian church.
Bojer's works art simultaneously
printed In different countries of
Europe and the United States, as
his Interpretation: of life has uni
versal application. ,
The Business Girls Bible class
of the First Methodist church trill
meet with Miss Lydla Bant Tues-
day evening at the homo of lira. I
A. It. Fuikerson, Route 4. -
v -.. . a i ,
Eriksen In charge of pro gram.
The Ladles quartet will sing and
Mrs. Gostar Ostrln and Mrs.
fl SFI0. f1SM will tlA linalMiM
lOT the day.
State and 18th street. Rev. A.
L. Heine, pastor. German ser
vices at J: 45, English services at
11 cciocK. . suoaay scnooi at
9 : 40, Miss Martha Batterman,
Luther League devotional meet
ing at 7:30 p. m: Cholf meets on
Tuesday - evening beginning at
7:30 for , weekly practice.. Ger
man lenten services Wednesday
evening at 7:45 o'clock. Satur
day religious school at 9:00 a. m
..The Dorcas society meets Wed
nesday . afternoon In the church
parlors for the regular monthly
meeting. Mrs! C. Gronke, Mrs,
E. Hoffman and Mrs.. A. Kehr-
berger. are the hostesses.
Corner - Chemeketa and North
17th. Pastor, O. E. Erskine;
residence. 268 North 17th street;
phone 100 8-W.
Services at 11:00 a. m. and
7:10 p. m. Rev. G. R. Stover will
bring the morning message. The
theme of the pastor's sermon in
the evening will be "Devil-
prompted. Prayers."
Sunday school at 10:00 a. m.,
O. R. Strausbaugh, superinten
dent. Christians Endeavor, 6:30.
Clyde Strausbaugh, leader.
Mid-week prayer service Thurs
day evening at 7:30.
Corner Marlon and Liberty,
Robert L". Payne, pastor. Fred
Broer, Sunday school superinten
dent and director of music. Louise
FInley. organist.
Sunday "school at, 9:45 with
five i departments. Morning
preaching service at 11 o'clock
with sermon by the pastor.
Three Young People's Unlor
meetings at 6:30: evening preach
ing service, 7:30 p. m. Special
music at both services.
Prayer meeting Thursday eve
ning at 7:30.
High and Center streets. D. J.
Howe, pastor, residence 765
North v Cottage. Mr. and Mrs.
Clayton E. Jackson, assrstantk;
residence 967 North 5th.
Bible school, 9:45 ar m. Pre
Easter campaign is now on In the
morning worship at 11 o'clock
Bible school, on 'The Law of Pro
gressive Development", by the
pastor. Anthem, "One Sweetly
Solemn Thought" (Ambrose).
Christian Endeavor at 6:30 p.
m. and evening services, 7:30
o'clock. Sermon, "The Impor
tance of Obedience," pastor.
Special music, anthem, "I
Heard the Voice of Jesus Say",
(Thomas),. by Victor Wolfe. Spe
cial music, solo, "He Will Hold
Me Fast." (Harkness). Zelma Ar-
nett. .Violin obligato, Marie
Corner .North Cottage and D
streets; O. W. Rutsch, minister;
G. Schunke. assistant minister.
Sunday school at 9:45 a. m., Sam
Schirman, superintendent.
Service 11 a. m. Rev. G.
Schunke in- charge of the services
both morning and evening. The
evening service beginning at 7:30.
Regular mid-week prayer ser
vice at 8 p. m. Wednesday.
Corner Chemeketa and Winter
streets. 4Rev. Norman K. Tally,
D. D., pastor. Church school at
9:30 a. m. Classes for all ages.
II. E. Barrett, superintendent.
Morning worship at 11 o'clock.
Perm on by the pastor, "Church
Prosperity." Anthem, "O Come
Let Us Worship. (Hlmmel).
Christian Endeavor societies meet
at 6:30.
Evening worship 7:30 o'clock
Sermon, "Blessed to Bless," Dr.
Tully. C. W. Reid will sing. VThe
Heavenly Song," (Grey). Regu
lar mid-week meeting .Thursday
at 7:30 p. m. Study of the pro
phecy of Isaiah, taking for this
week the -sixth chapter, "Isaiah's
Call and Consecration, All are
Invited to attend the services.
"I Believe In the Holy Catholic
Church" and "Baptism and the
Holy . Communion as Religions
Symbols will bo the morning and
evening sermon themes, with Rev.
H. C. Stover in the pulpit at both
boats. -
Sunday school at 10 a. m., C. C.
Harris, superintend it. Christian
Endeavor at 6:45 p. m. A mis
sionary story in the morning ser
vice by Caroyl Bra den. Anthem by
the chorus choir In the evening
service. "Still, Still With Thee'
Missionary luncheon Wednes
day at 12:30 o'clock, followed by
a mission study class led by Mrs.
H. L. Braden. Young Married.
People's dub .meets tor suppei
Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock.
Church located at 19th and
Ferry streets.
Will broadcast -their Bandar
morning services from 10 to 11.
through : KTBR. ; Bible study In
the afternoon as usual from 2:20
to 4:30 at 1160 Broadway.
Fraternal temple ori Center
street between Liberty and High,
Service this Sunday evening at
7:30 o'clock. The regular pas
tor. Rot. Llla M. La Valley, will
deliver the lecture. Topic, "The
Divine. Power." Special music
and mesages. A circle will be held
from 6 to 7 p. m.
, v CHRIST : . i
Court and 17th streets ; B. F.
Shoemaker, minister; 844 North
18 th street. Biblo school. , Mrs.
Frank Marshall, superintendent;
9:45 m. m. Morning worship, 11
a. m. ' - i '
v Christian Endeavor and junior
meetings 6:30 p. m. Song ser-
and sermon 7:30 p. m. Sub
ject. "Christ at .the, Door Aid
society meeting at church Wed
nesday afternoon. - Mid-week
meeting -Wednesday 7:30 p. m.i
Corner ; of Liberty and Center,
A. P. Layton, pastor. Bible
school at 9:45. L. L. Thornton,
the Spirit." -
Christian Endeavor at 6:30.
Topic, "How to Become a Chris
tian." Leone Wheeler, leader.
Worship at 7:30. Subject, "The
Auditor." -
Prayer meeting on - Thursday
evening at 7:30. G N. Thomp
son, class leader. -. ,
Church street - at - Chemeketa.
Rev. H. Duncan Chambers, rector.
Fourth Sunday in Lent. Holy
Eucharist at 7:30 a. m, in the
chapel. Church school at 9:45 a.
m, in the parish house- - . ,
Morning prayer with music and
sermon at 11a.m. The rector will
be out of the city. The mid-week
lenten service will bo on Wednes
day at 9:30 a. m. but the 7:45
P. m. service on that day will not
be held.
Corner Highland and Church.
Edgar P. Sims, pastor. Bible
school at 10. a. m., J. M. Gard
ner, superintendent, and Earl M.
Beckett, assistant superintendent.
Morning worship at '11 o'clock.
Subject: i 'Parable of the Treas
ure." The Junior C XL at 6:30.
Minnie Beckett, - leader. Senior
C. B. at 6:30. Evening services
at 7:30 p. m. in charge of John
(Jack) Trachsel. Trachsel will
also bring a special message in
Prayer meeting on Thursday at
7:30 p. m. A special invitation
to all who do not regularly wor
ship elsewhere.
held In the Christian Science
church, corner of Chemeketa and
Liberty at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m..
the. amo . service beg: petod
In. win, evening., "Man, rwnj be
the" lesson topic.
Sunday school classes for pu
pils up to the age of 20 years are
held at 9:45 and 11 o'clock.
A reading room for the public
Is maintained at 406 Masonic
Temple each day from 11 to 5:30
o'clock except Sundays and holi
days. The Bible and all author
ized Christian Science literature
may . bo read, borrowed or pur
Wednesday evening meetings at
8 o'clock include testimonials of
healing through Christian Science.
Cottage and Chemeketa streets,
Rev. Martin F. Ferrey. minister,
Church school at 10 a.m. Graded
instruction. Devotional services at
11 a.m., subject of the sermon,
"The New Temple" based on the
study of Johan Bojer's novel of
that name. Mrs. Martin Ferrey
will sing, "The Publican." with
Mrs. W. A. Denton at the organ.
St. John's Lutheran
North 16th and A streets
(block north of Old People's
Home) H. ,W. Cross, pastor, Sun
day school 9:00 a. m., English ser
rice, 10 o'clock; German at 11:00
o'clock; Bible study 6:30 p. m.
Midweek Lenten service Wed
nesday evening, German at 7:30;
Thursday evening English at 7:
Choir rehearsal Thursday eve
ning after service. Ladles' Aid
meets Thursday, March 14 at 2:00
o'clock at the home of Mrs, Her
man Persey. Mrs. George Peper,
Inunanuel Baptist
Corner Haxel and Academy
streets. Sunday school at 10 a. m.
Preaching at 11 o'elock by Bro
D. 8. Turner. At 7:30 in the eve
ning Bro. C. D. Saucy will preach.
Thursday evening at 7:80 the
mid-week prayer and testimony
meeting will be held. Friday eve
ning. Young People's meeting.
First Congregational
"The Incentive of Hope" will
be the Sunday evening sermon
subject at the First Congregation
al church at 7:20 o'clock. The
seiiaon will bo Illustrated by the
moving picture, "X Ship Comes
In", announces the pastor, Rev.
Charles E. Ward. The church is
at the co in ex of Center and Lib
erty Streets.
Subject for the morutng wor-
srup at 11 o'clock, will b "The
Path to Freedom. Sundav school
begins at 9:45 o'clock, F. H. Neer
directing. There are classes for
U ages.
Sherwin Williams
Everything In'
Building Materials
Call on 'Us for
j . Estimates
3495 12th
Telephone 813
Wall Board
The weekly fellowship of praye:
will, be held Thursday night at
7:30 o'clock, with "My Church
to be the subject.
Saturday evening March. 16. at
7:30 o'clock a moving picture en
tertainment will be given by the
Junior high school girls of the
Sunday school. Features will in
clade a comedy and Colleen
Moore In "Irene."
- - Reformed Chnrch
"To Keep oneself Unspotted
from the World" -will be the sub
ject. of the English services at
10:30 o'clock this morning at the
Reformed church, corner Capitol
and Marlon streets, of which W. G.
Lienkaemper j pastor.. German
services at 11 : 1 S . o'clock . on the
subject, The Way of the Cross,'
lu observance of the Lenten sea
Sunday school will begin at
9:45. with F. E. Kruse . superin
tending. Rehearsal for the East
er cantata at 2 o'elock this after
North Winter and Jefferson;
Harry H. Gardner, pastor, 860
Jefferson, phone 223 4-W. "World
Sympathy" at 11 .a. m. and "Di
vine Love, Human Interest at
7:80 p. m.
Special music morning and eve
ning under the direction of Mrs.
Sheldon Sackett; morning, "I
Love to Tell the Story", and eve
ning, "O Sing Unto the Lord.'
Sunday school 9:46, H. B. Car
penter, superintendent. Young
People's leagues meet at 6:20.
Our opportunity to, grapple with
the problems of onr day. Adult
forum at M 89 for the older folk.
Cottage prayer meetings by ar
rangements of tho various groups
any time convenient but Tues
day is considered tho bast time.
Choir practice, devotional pro
gram, Biblo classes and mission
study on Thursday evening be
ginning at T:to.
Corner State and Church. F.
C. Taylor, castor, 636 State street,
phono 174. Margaret K. Suther
land, director religious education,
phone 872.
e Francis00' C
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Services -at 11 al m- and; 7:30
p. m. 4 Sevoon topics. ;"The Jas
stont'd1 in Prophecy. VA Lenten
study of Isa. 53, by the pastor. In
the evening four-act religious
drama,. ''In-the - -Shadow of the
Cross." will be given by the
Wright California plftyers.
. Special music: Miss Ruth How,
The Prayer Perfect". Steason.
Anthem, "God Is Love", by Shel
ley. Ctarch schooi : classes for all
ages. H. F. Shanks, superinten
dent. Epworth leagues: University
chapter, Paul Geddes, leader.
Topic, "I Promise. First chnrch
chapter Bible study led by Mrs.
J. R. Trindle. Junior high chap
ter leader,, Leslie . Mankex. Topic,
"Adventures in Christian Living."
Junior church: Church annex;
Josephine Evans, leader.
Corner Highland and Cbnrch.
Edgar P. Sims pastor, .residence
Maple avenue. John (Jack)
Trachsel, a student at WllUam
ette university, will preach at the
Sunday evening service at High
land Friends church, and will also
bring a special message in sons
(Methodist Episcopal)
West Salem, corner Girth and
Third. ' Meredith A. Groves, pas
tor, residence 975 Edgewator
street, phone 1S41-R. Services:
Snnday school 10 a. m., Lester
DeLapp, superintendent. Junior
league 11 a. m., Mario Sebern
superintendent. Morning service.
11 a. m. Rev. Joel R Benton
will preach. Subject, "Does It
Pay to be a Christian?" Mrs. J.
M. Hamby and Doris Hamby will
sing. -
Intermediate league 6:30 p. m.
Mrs. J. R. Benton, superinten
dent. Senior league 6:30 p. m.
Subject, "Paths to-Peace." Eve
ning service 7:80. Sermon sub
ject, "The Unpardonable Sin," the
pastor will preach, vocal duet
by Mrs. Ralph Sebern and Mrs.
J. A. Oossor.
Choir rehearsal for the Easter
music will bo on Tuesday night at
7:30 o'clock. Preparatory mem
bership elass will meet at 7 p.
m. Wednesday. The Bible study.
aerli--i--- n any
OD one. -
r" - Jordan ,
T. J
of many Phflco owners In
a M thm
$T 1 )L -J t U in miico 01 R
I 4 11 I Console . W ll
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1 It I I 3 ' th LmI gvi svtioS atria, fll 1H
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.BaJLv to .t Sb 3 Prtlr aMtrhaS. I fi&I
(Un1u) rn J It Hi
( FrMaj (Ttaiaf
. Pcnno
prayer and praise service will be
hd at 7:30.
Grand theater building, corner
Court and High streets, W. Earl
Cochran, pastor. Bible school at
9:45. W. T. Jenks. superinten
dent. Preaching servlcei at
10:50 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.
Senior and intermediate B. Y.
P. U. at 6:30. Senior leader,
Stanley Walker; topic, "How to
Become a Christian". Intermedi
ate leader, Clara Jane' Harms;
topic. "Taking Sldeo with Jesus".
Rev. Cochran will use for his
morning theme "When Is Re
rival Needed? "There will bo in
anthem by the chorus choir, "Jes
us of Nasareth Passeth By",
Hammond, and a solo by the pas
tor, "Tis Jesus", Harknese, af the
morning service.
In the evening tho theme wil
Ue "A &arch for Reality", with
special . music by Joe Benner and
The trustees of tho church will
meet Monday .evening for. their
regular, conference. The Wo
man's Missionary society will
meet st the church Friday after
noon at 2:20. Mrs. S. R. Slater
will b the leader of the book re
view and. Mrs. G. E. Rob will
have charge of the devotions.
Fifteenth and Mill streets. Pat
rlk N. Dahlin, pastor, residence.
1996 Trade street. Morntng wor
ship 11 o'elock. Sermon topic.
"Unlimited Power.
Church school at 9:45 a. m.
Miss Esther Erkksoo. superin
tendent. Evening services: 6:30.
Intermediate League meeting In
the church parlor. Miss Marian
Hultenberg la the leader. The
topic Is "How we get our money."
The Senior League will dlscusp
"Paths to Peace". Mrs. Alt a M.
Gentry Is the leader.
Week's activities: Monday eve
ning the young people of college
and high school age will meet at
the church for a social meeting.
Tuesday evening the Intermedi
ates win enjoy., tbplr, social eve
ning from 7 until 9 p. m. Tues
day afternoon the Ladies Aid will
meet at the home of Mrs." L. Rn-
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H. Ii. Stiff
tha tttr"
PlkJIc Br arcry
die, 2145 State street, for regular
meeting. AU members and
friends are Invited to attend.
Wednesday evening tho regular
mid-week meeting will be held.
Tho topic wiU "be "The Elements
of Worship. . Thursday evening
tho Ladles Aid win serve a dinner
at tho cjiurchifrom 5 to 7:30 p.
m. Saturday, tho Pioneer ciud
will moot at 1 o'clock for a recre
ational period at tho Y. M. C. A.
At the same nour the Friendly
Indians will bold their meeting.
Tho story .hour will be held from
2 to 4 o'clock at the church. This
Is for all tho children under 9
years of ago. - Mrs. Gentry and
Miss Andrea Ipsen are In charge.
"The Cbnrch hi Rnarlewood"
A cordial Invitation to all to
attend the Sunday school at 10
Lesson. "'Baptism and Com.
m union." Morning worsnip ll
m. Sermon, "The Gospel to
Every . Creature." Special music.
Junior Christian Endeavor 2:30
p. m., MISS Derma nuciema u-
perlntendent. senior cnristian
Endeavor at 6:80 p. ra. Topic,
"How to Become a Christian." "At
the Crossroads" is the subject of
the sermon for the evening ser
vice at tho 7:30 hour. Miss
Catherine Beardslay will sing.
The annual meeting of the wo
man's Missionary society will bo
held at tho chrfrch Tuesday. March
2. at 1:30 o'clock. Mrs. Jesse-
Loter Is tho president. There
will be annual reports given and
election of officers held. Indus
trial Missions In Africa Is the pro-
gram theme.
Mid-week - prayer and Bible
study -service Thursday at 7:30
p. m. at tho church. As a part
of our pro-Easter Christian Life
campaign cottage prayer meetings
will be, held on Friday night at
7:30 at the homes of Mrs. Hannah
Yarnell, 1215 North 16 th street
and J. C. Hill. 638 North 20th
street. Everyone Is welcome.
Prayer services will also be held
on March 19, 21 and 82. The spe
cial services at . the church will
begin on Sunday, Marsh 24; which
will bo Decision Day in the. Sun
day school. Easter Sunday is
"Join tho Church Day."
on the
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