The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 10, 1929, Page 5, Image 5

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    The New OREGON STATESMAN. Salem, Oregon, Sunday Morning, March 10, 1929
' ' " ' ' - , : ' :.- - - "
Marion County
if ear
Maternal Death fl at e as
Well as Infant Mor
tality Cut
With the work of the Marion
county child health demonstra
tion, narented by the Common
wealth fund of New York, well
Into its fifth and last year, a re-
Bume of Its accomplishment ai
least so far as statistics tell them
has been prepared from the or
fice of Dr. Estella Ford Warner.
director since last fall.
While the work of the demon
et ration is probably known to
most persons through Us program
among the school children of the
county, figures on the miani
death rate and the maternal death
rate rereal the effect the. health
work has had In another channel.
In the first four years of the
demonstration's services infant
deaths in the county hare been re
duced by nine per 1000. In 1924,
the Fund's first year, the lnfani
death rate was 64.7 per 1000 of
live births, or one in 18. The next
year, deaths numbered one in 19.
in 192, one In 21. and Iast yeai
one in 27.
Maternal Death Rate Down
The maternal death rate was
decreased in one year from .6 In
1927 to 2.2 in 1928. Findings
among the maternal cases in
which some educational work wa
done show that in the county at
lares the deaths hi 1927 were 7.6
pfr 1000, but in instances where
the mother was under prenatal
nursing supervision, with medical
care and where a nurse and doc
tor were in attendance at birth,
with the nurse continuing in serv
ice for a period of 10 days, not a
single death resulted.
Other figures on the point ot
birth, show that the death rate i
highest under one month, with
34.3 for the county at large. In
cases where the mother was under
prenatal supervision and had care
for 10 days following delivery, the
one-month infant death rate was
but 20 per 1000 live births. Still
births in the county at large num
bered 4 5.7 for the one-year per
iod, while among the mothers uc
der doctor's and nurse's care,
there were nq still births.
The point of the foregoing fig
ures. Dr. Warner points out while
granting that educational service
is not the only factor In the reduc
tion of infant and mother mortal
ity, is that the program to educate
the eipectant mother to the value
of fiood nursing, medical supervis
ion and how to care for herself
has had a remarkable influence
on both infant and maternal
death rates.
Thyroid Treat meat Helps
Findings on the physical exam
inations which have been conduct
ed among the school., children
present some . interesting figures
and some that give cause for re
flection on the school activity,
both from a curricular and extra
curricular Btand point. The ex
aminations show that in the two
groups under which thyroid con
dltions are classified, adolescent
and diseased, there is a decrease
in the adolescent type between the
ages of nine and IS, while in the
age group of from 13 and. over
there is an increase of the dis
eased type. In the adolescent
type, the decrease is from 37.2 to
28.6 of the total examinations.
while in the other type the in
crease is from 10.7 to 14.7 of the
total examination,
Heart conditions in the two age
groups, nine to 13 and 13 years
and over, show that there are
more In the older group, with an
almost alarming Increase from
1.8 in the younger to 5.6 in the
older. Underweight, too, is
more marked defect in the high
school group than in the elemen
tary pupils. The general under
weight of elementary children has
shown an Improvement, with a de
crease of 28.5 to 19.8.
Startling as it may seem, the
yural school children show a great
er percentage of underweight
than do those cf the city, witn
17.5 the figure for the former and
15.i for the city, group.
Dr. Warner's theory of the
hysical showings made in th
school examinations, where even
under a health nrnmm ) nnii
'wis UDhill. in cnhot.nltilW K-.,
' I W t UV.
ui m mo ugures themselves. Sho
believes the poor showinsr among
the pupils can be attributed to the
"unhealthy" hours and foods, to
the undue stress on social life in
and out of school, to the heavier
studies at school and the still
heavier extra-curricular nrottram
all of which fail to allow time
for good rest and wholesome
Eye Defects Cut
Some results of the child health
program, more encouraging than
the thyroid and heart condition
findings, show a decrease in the
visional defect of from eight to
nve in the age groups; In dis
eased tonsils of from 35.9 to 33.6:
and in dental' care from 42.2 to
Under the demonstration's edu
cational program, an average of
6000 examinations of children of
an ages have been given yearly:
an average of 5.000 vaccinations
ror smallpox have been given each
year; toxin-antitoxin or diphtheria
immunizations have been about annually; and dental exam
inations have also averaged 5,000
i Disease Reduced ' .
Results of the
in the communicable diseases sta
tistics, which show- that from
1925, when there were J95 cases
of smallpox, this disease has" been
reduced to 19 eau tn mi vn.
WSS. when there were 18-deaths.
. .immunization vi hmn in t
v yer which program, is reflected
A l - . . . -
year .there were 23 cases, but
there has been no death from this
disease since June, 1927. Ty
phoid cases, have been decreased
one since 1925, when there were:
but nine cases. A. rise was noti
ceable In 1926 and 1927, how
ever cases developed In hop yards
here and their history showed ex
posure; outside of Marlon county;
.The. educational program with
regard to milk la told thusly: In.
1925 a surrey made by the state
dairy and food commissioner
showed 70 per cent of the Salem
milk, supply to be dirty, 30 per
cent fairly clean and none clean.
In October. 1928, six months after
the employment of a dairy and
food Inspector for Salem through
the offices of the demonstration,
the survey was repeated, with the
report showing no dirty milk, 20
per cent fairly clean, and 80 per
cent clean. " '
(Special); The Woman's club
held its regular meeting Tuesday
in the clubhouse. After the bus
iness meeting,' at which the pres
ident. Mrs. George Carbray, pre
sided, an interesting program was
Judge B. F. Swope told how
bills are presented and passed up
on by the state legislature.
Camp fire girls representing
different groups gave short talkl
on their work. Those who took
part were Laveta Bullock, Ruth
Raymond, lone Moore, Hasel Rash
and Caroline Bristline, and Miss
Marian Barnum fheir truardian.
Clarence Qua'rtier played three
numbers oh the violin accompan
ied by Midge Hewitt.
Mrs, Joe Rodgers was m guest
for the afternoon.
; The soup kitchen has ceased
operations having served the
children in the training school for
about 16 weeks.
The Independence Jersey calf
club was reorganized this week
with Mrs. Hugh. Hanna as leader.
The Parent Teachers associa
tion will meet next Tuesday in
the training school. The little play
"The Budget Ghost" will be put
on by pupils of the borne econom
ics class, of which Mrs. Alfred
Geyer is teacher.
Mrs. Carrie Smiley and daugh
ter Ernestine made a trip to Eu
gene for the week-end to visit
Mrs. Smiley'a niece, Mrs. WUII3
Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Moyer and
son spent Sunday In Falls City at
the home of Mrs. Moyer's mother,
Mrs. Jennie Cobb. e
Herbert Rueff made a business
trip to Portland Wednesday.
They played games after which"
they were served ice cream and
Alfred Cook who formerly lived
in Independence, visited base
March 18 is the date set for
the operetta "Windmills of Hol
land" for which the training
school children have been practic
RICKEY, Mar. 9 (Special)
County Superintendent Fulker
son visited the Rlckty school a
few days ago. She was well
pleased with the interest the chil
dren are taking in the care of the
new school house.
Several pieces of playground
apparatus have been erected re
cently. Dr. Brock of the child health
demonstration conducted a den
tal clinic at the school house
Mrs. D. A.' Harris, who U ill
wtih rheumatism at the home of
her sister, Mrs. D. Simmons of
Salem, is slightly improved.
Mrs. and Mrs. George Edwards
were Salem visitors Thursday af
Mrs. H. ,Y. Mgee of Scotts
Mills is spending the week at the
home of her son. M. M. Ma gee.
Mrs. t. D. Dickman. who has
been visiting In Portland, re
turned home Thursday.
Roy Crabb's bicycle was stolen
Wednesday night while be was at
tending a basketball game at the
Parrish school.
R. Hoots and son are clearing
some more land oh the W. J.
Culvln farm.
Active Building
Season Started
As Spring Opens
RICKEY. MaT. 9 (Special)
With the opening of Spring, build
ing activities have begun in earn
est. s r
A house has been erected on
the La Branch' e tracts. Excava
tion is being done for a house on
the Childs tracts. Dan Miller,
who lost his house recently by
fire. Is rebuilding. A. W. Bine
gar Is building an addition onto
his house, and Harold McMUlen is
erecting a modern brooder house.
- If Bladder Weakness, . Getting
Up Nights; Backache, Burning or
Itching Sensation, leg or groin
isins make you feel old, tired, pep.
teas, and worn out why not mae
the Cystex 48 'Hour Test! Doa't
give up. Get Cystex today at any
drug store. Pat it to a 48 hour
.est. Money back if you don't soon
!eel ; like new, full of pep, sleep
veil, witA ! pains alleviated. ' Try
Interesting Meeting Held by
"Zena Missionary Group x
on Wednesday
ZENA. Mar. 9 (Special) An
unusually -Interesting meeting of
the Zena Missionary society was
held Wednesday. March at the
home of Mrs. Jesse Walling. At
the March meeting each year of
ficers are ejected and It is always
a no hostess affair. Mrs. I F.
Matthews, president, opened the
See ting by reading several verses
scripture, followed by devo
tional led by Mrs. W. T. Scott,
Mrs. W. W. Henry, secretary,
called the roll which was an
swered with Verses from the
Bible. Mrs. V. I Gibson, treas
urer, gave a report for the year.
A donation of five dollars was
ordered sent to the Japanese mis
sion at Lake Lablsh. Mrs. Ralph
H. Scott, chairman of the nom
inating committee, reported that
the officers of 1128 had - been
nominated to succeed themselves
and a. motion to that effect was
made and carried. "
Officers reelected were Mrs. L.
F. Matthews, president; Mrs.
Charles McCarter, vice president;
Mrs. V. I. Gibson, treasurer; and
Mrs. W. W. Henry, secretary. Mrs.
Matthews appointed Mrs
W. N.
Crawford. Mrs. James A. French,
and Mrs. Walter B. Hunt as pro
gram committee for April 3.
A motion was made and carried
to buy hymn books for the soci
ety; Mrs. S. H. Barker to pur
chase them with funds drawn
from the treasury. After a gen
eral discussion on the advisabil
ity of having an attendance con
test this year, the two youngest
members, Mrs. 'Walter Brog and
Mrs. Clarence Merrick, were sug
gested as leaders, the decision to
he left to Mrs. Matthews. Mrs.
Charles McCarter thanked the
members of the society for the
olant sent to her when she was
ill. A card of thanks was also
ent by the G. H. Crawford fam
ily. Miss Dorothy Shepard gave a
reading from James Whitcomh
RlT&y'a "Wet Weather Talks" at
the conclusion of the business
meeting and Mrs. Ralph H. Scott
read a community-song, "Sing-along"
and suggested It be adopted
as an opening song for the mis
sionary society's monthly meet
ings. The meeting was closed
by repeating the Mlzpah benedic
tion in nnislon.
During the soeial hour which
followed the losers in the atten
dance contest, under Hie leader
ship of Mrs, J. Fred Purvine.
erred - refreshments. The St..
Patrick motif predominated and
made candles wrapped in
nronk green were used as
favors. Mrs. L. F. Matthews,
president of the society was pre
sented with a flowering, potted
plant by the losing side as a
mark of appreciation for her
splendid woTk during the past
year. Mrs. J. Fred Purvine made
the address of presentation.
Twenty-two members were
present Wednesdayt Guests
were Mrs. L. M. Purvine of Sa
lem, presides t of the Ladies Aid
or the First Presbyterian church
who was the president of the
Zena missionary society for sever
al years, -Mrs. Alice Judson of Sa
lem, Mrs. E. C. Hlggins, Miss
Dorothy Shepard, Mlsa Marjorie
Walling, Dolores Brag, Dorethy
Wilson, Helen Hunt, Barbara
Scott, Wllma Crawford, Helen
Kane, Jesse Walling, Harold
French, Ellis Walling, Ardon
Shepacd, Sammy Joe Barker.
The Spring Valley Community
club met at the school house Fri
day night. March 8. for its regu
lar meeting and program. A good
crowd was present and a large
number of members of neighbor
ing community clubs were there
The club decided to make the
April meeting its last for this
season. Committees were ap
pointed by the president, Vivian
Stratton. as follows: entertain
ment, Beatrice Simklns, Sadie
Schubert, Lorine Walling, Irene
Windsor and Velma Eberly; re
freshment, Frank Windsor, Mrs.
Belle - Slmpklns. Mrs. Phillip
The following program was
given in charge of Mrs. Seymour
Wilson, Mrs. . Frank Matthews
and Mrs. DonneJ Crawford; reci
tation, "Oh WatermiUion" by
Doris Windsor, vocal duet given
by Miss Golda Martin and Miss
Velda Martin.
Recitation. "The Plaint of the
Camel, by Olive Stratton, a one
Waste Your -
We will be glad to fo to
your place and pay the
foil value. We wa,ni'
-i- XUgsJ Paper, Metal, . Etc '
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xf S20 W. Commercial St,
w:--i-:;i'ri"n': 493.; -
Saffron A Kline
act play, "Pirates' given by mem
bers of the Zena Missionary bo;
clety, Mrs. Frank Matthews, Miss
Dorothy Shepard, Mrs. Donnel
Crawford, Mrs. Seymour Wilson,
Mrs. Fred Purvine, Mrs. Will
Two numbers by a trio: violin,
Mrs. Helen Amann; - piano. Miss
Marian Zinser; saxophone. Miss
Margaret Livesley, all et Salem.
They gave "Song of India" and
"You Tell Me Your Dream."
Recitation by Gladys Crawford.
Our solos which were very
much appreciated by the audience
were "O Sole Mio" and "In a
Wee Little Home I Love" were
given by Mrs. Robert Wyatt of
SaJenu Mrs. Wyatt was accom
panied at the piano by Mrs. Long.
A two-act eomedy "Love and
Doughnuts" was given next. Char
acters were: Oliver Jonathan Jack
son, a widower, Frank A. Smith;
Jonah Capsdell, -a simple minded
youth, Arthur Durham; Frank
Ray, a mischievous youth, Vernon
Merrick; Mlsa Ellen Elder, an el
derly maiden, Mrs. W. R. Ed
wards. Two solos "Bobolink"
and "Nothin' But Love" were
given by Ralph Scott of Zena, ac
companied by Mrs. Seymour Wil
son at the piano. "Happy Days
and Lonely Nlghta" was the clos
ing number giVen by the trio.
After the program everyone
went to the basement where a
cafeteria lunch was served by the
committee, 8. 8. Wilson, l. F.
Matthewa and V. A. Stratton.
A vote of thanks was given by
the club to those outside the dis
trict who have so generously giv
en of their time and talent and
an honorary membership waa ten
dered them.
Oregon's Greatest Furniture Sale
SifflOinig HHinm Snoutteo
$65.00 DINING SUITE Buffet,
Extension Table, Four Chairs
$205.00 Eight Pieces ITALIAN
fet, Table, Four Chain
$129.00 Seven Piece DINING
GROUP in Walnut Table and
Four Chairs with Velour Seats
$52.50 "Birchfleld" Loose
Tanestrv and Velour.
$119.50 Mohair DAVENPORTS
Spring Filled Loose Cushion Seats '
$87.50 Jacquard Velour DAVEN
PORTS Choice of Coverings,
BirchfiekT Quality
$122.50 Large size "BirchfieM
Jacquard Velour. : . -
EDcaipsirilec -
Size 9x12 Seamless Axmlnster
1 1.CYT CIiaIm nf natterna and
$25 Five Piece Ruffle
Choice of three colors
32J0 size 9x12 Seamless Tapestry
Brussels RUGS Large choice of'
color, and patterns .
Values up to $1.75 in DRAPERY Materials if r -
Damasks, Madras, Silks and other VL' Jl'fl
Fabrics, per yard : XJKJU
: .
$30 Panel NET CURTAINS Nicely ,
made with Fringe ends,
1 , Opens Evenings
HUBBARD, March 9 General
Ruck, NoJ 89 .Woman's Relief
corps, met at the I. O. O. F. hall
Friday afternoon for a regular
meeting with the president, Mrs.
Edna Mack, in charge. As Mrs.
Susie Ott conductor, was absent,
Mrs. Sadie "School officiated. In
itiation was held for Mrs. Amanda
The president requested the
executive committee, Mrs. Susie
Ott, Mrs. Ella Stauffer. and Mrs.
Cora Smith, to Investigate - the
cost of flags to be placed on the
streets In the business sections of
Hubbard on patriotic occasions. A
paper, "Flag Etiquette" was of
fered by the patriotic Instructor,
Mrs. Maude Bidgood. At the
close of the meeting . luncheon
was served.
RICKREALL. Mar. 9 (Spe
cial) The Rickreall high school
1929 vod-vll will be given In the
high school auditorium Monday,
March 11, at 8 p. ra.
Cook Patton of Salem will en
tertain with a magie aet and a
variety of vaudeville numbers will
be on the program.
The proceeds will be -used for
high school equipment.
on Hundreds of Items for the Home
- V
. . Xjf
per panel
The Rickreall high school girls'
basketball team will play the
Monmouth high school girls at
Dallas Wednesday night. March
IS. This game will determine
the Polk county girls' champion
ship. Monmouth and Rickreall
tied at the game played here re
cently so the "Dallas floor was
the' neutral court . decided upon
to play off the tie. The boys'
teams will also play on this date.
Joe KasbergeT of Mt. Angel
will referee.
The play "All a Mistake" re
cently presented here by the
grange, was staged at Wells
Wednesday night. The play was
well received by the audience.
Saturday Morning
Classes Now Rule
At State Campus
Saturday morning classes, are a
permanent part of the Oregon
State schedule and not an exper
iment to be tried oat during the
spring term, according to E. B.
Lemon, registrar. The adminls-
We honestly believe CRANOLENE
the cranberry Qfeam, will heal
any ease Of eczema or other skin
trouble. Come in and let us tell
you about it. Use one Jar, and if
you are dissatisfied, your money
will be refunded. Price fl.
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(Contract goods excepted.)
'$1.00 SPLINT
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by: Appointment ,: - Phone 464 .''
tratlon council has passed the' rul
ing requiring full schedule J in
cluding regnlar Saturday morn
ing classes for the full year. As
many classes as the schedule com
mittee considers plausible are be
ing arranged for this spring term
to start the new term.
Batehajn Leaves
Soon For Job in
Spokane Outfit
Having accepted the manage
ment of a large Spokane concern.
H. C. Bateham of the Floral Gar
dens on the Wallace road ta dis
posing of his stock so be may be
able to take up his new line of
work in three weeks.
!' 7o Epil.p.y, Fit, filling SirknMi
! do matter mow bad writ
me today withaat fail. Attack, stoppc
'r 'S i ""T cum. NO NARCOT
ICS a hanaral drag. Satiifactlva or
money brk.
Dr. O. M. Simpson
1885 W. 44th SC. Cleveland, O.
Mutual Savings and loan Association
A Salem Institution Organized la 1910
Place your savings With us
Let us finance your home on weekly
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(SflnammEpei? Gcbmups
CHAMBER GROUP in Walnut AAA gtkd
v-,ty -d ch-- $69.1111
$158.00 CHAMBER in Combination (TiglgK "B tP
Walnut Bed, Dresser and Vanity JK5yJ J Q
$129.00 Three Piece CHAMBER
GROUP in Decorated Walnut
Large size Dresser, Bed and Chest
$218.00 Large size CHAMBER
GROUP in Combination Walnut
Dresser, Chest and Bed ..-..
LfivOimg IEtoausm Pfiesec
$16.50 Mahogany finished Spindle
back Winsor CHAIRS or ROCKERS
$220 Period DAVENPORT TA
BLES in Mahogany finish, four leg
style . ,, '
$26.00 Hinged Top Spinet WRIT
ING DESKS in Mahogany finish...
$15.00 Upholstered AUTO SEAT
ROCKERS Mahogany Finished .,
$32.50 Mahogany finished TEA
WAGONS with removable glass
servings tray . .J.j, ... ..
$25.00 Double Deck COIL BED
SPRINGS Full or Twin sizes
$15.50 Four Pieces ELECTRIC PER- OTJ Ifnf?
COLATOR Sets, Including tray and VLj-fl
sugar and creamer .-.'. . Ju nXJKJ
$9.00 All Wool AUTO ROBES
tractive plaid designs..
$9.50 Solid Mahogany Book
END TABLES Nicely finished..-
- -: . t . .
Bateham since 'coming to Sa
lem as florist for the Oregon fctate
hospital five years ago, has had
a wide field - of endeavor and,
leaves many friends.
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No matter what you have tried, or
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. mw ucii year. inert
were-41 cases and oB4tdaaXi-XASt
Cystex today. Only 80c adv. . ..