The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 10, 1929, Page 11, Image 11

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I TdkciiktHscdezdUevoici
the Day itt Metoraft and
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Stores Cemnmra: tiers ci
The Farm ad Fidi
Automotive Information
The New OREGON STATESMAN. Salem, Oregon, Snndaj Morning, March 10, 1329
Croat Margin of Progress
Exhibited at Recent
Motor Shows
Steady Engineering Progress
Back of Great Advance;
Oldest Name Leads
i E
Tty C. AV. CHfllTHnX
Oi-iwral Slale Manager, Baick
Motor cqmpaay
No one attending the recent
automobile shows could escape
tlie conviction that ths motor cars
now being -offered jto the public;
ar by long odds the finest motor
cars ever built. Na matter from
what angle they are viewed ap
poTanre, performance, ot dur
ciriity the automobiles for 1929
fh'jv; tremendous margin of
progress over those of any other
yar since the industry's Incep
tion. All this is probahlv mly natur
al, for never has greater attention
l'en focused by manufacturers on
thp one objective of making motor
rars better." The manufacturer
has no choice in the matter, for
the public has learned to Judge
automobile values accuratf-ly, and
the demand for real va'.ne in re
turn for the public's, dollar eas
not be disregarded.! ' j
Chanjjp Xot Irogrr9
And progress In greater Talues
wis evident on all sides, at the
shows. Progress In motor car
appearance la engineering de
ii:n and in every other phage of
- eitor car value.
A fact which we have long rec
ognized at Bulck, and which has
guided the whole process of de
signing and building our cars, is
that more change does not neces
sarily represent progress. Because
this la trie, we have adhered con
sistently to definite principles of
chassis design and the valve-in-head
principle of .engine design
which Buick not only pioneered
hut developed over 25 years, and
to numerous other features long
asuclated with Buick cars.
The teadency to seek the real
f ets bearing on every situation
be found pervadtag. t)ie in
dustry today. It has spurred the
.'velopment of such facilities a
"Mi famous General Motors prov
ground, which , jnt roduced
r w and at the time of -its es
tablishment higher appreclatlor
f th lengths to which manufac
turers should go in preparatior
of thrtir product. It has account-
.1 ery largely for the tremend
ously Increased dollar-value rep
resented by the cars at this yearV
-hows as compared with those, of
s.jy. five years ago an increase
r amazing.
Performance Strc e1
There Is. in " many direction,
evidence of continued effort to
ward performance an item of
value which we have always con
sidered paramount, particularly
when interpreted fb Include en
durance. The fact; that "sixes, a
evidenced by volume, very near
ly monopolise the industry today
rontains within itself full justifi
cation for the assertion that motor
:ir values for 1929 will be far
: nI away greater than ever be
fore, and that six cylinder car
win ad In greater volume than
-or before and the recently-not-
i attention to the comfort of
rivr and passengers has obvi-
i usly be""n continued in prepara
tion of virtually all the new can?
Speaking in the lij:ht of care
ful observation at th shows
well as with intimate lcnowl
t'.lge o fthpjadvances embodied in
Mry element of our own 1929.
t's value, it is possible to pre-!u-t
for the cominb 12 months an
ra of unprecedented acceptance
i motor cars a period daring
vhich their usefulness will attain
ii -w p.'aks. and the service they
r:nlr become more tcdiepensable
' i'an ovr.
iMpS? MUM wp u .B
rz?J Wv--- nn
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wl IrS& 'A'AVk
i nn. ii i j; m ---- j J J
Johnny Koc shown seated at
the wheel of his new Oakland AH
American Six sport roadster, woo
the shot-pat for America at the
Olympic Games in Amsterdam
last year. Congratulating Kuck on
bis new car is shown Herman
Brix, of Seattle, Washington, who
took second place in the same
erent. Kuck purchased the Oak
land when he risked Los Angeles
recently. He and Brix are great
"buddies," and plan to do pkanty ol
travelling in the new car, which is
the second Oakland purchased by
the champion.
3ft if ifi Sft 3ft 3f 3ft
T. T Trippe. president of Pan
American Airways, Inc.. announc.
'1 today that CoL Charles L4nd
"frifji will pilot a plane from Mex
i -a City to Brownsville. Tex., Sat
urday morning to Inaugurate the
orporatlon's latest air mail and
passenger route.
On Sunday. Mr. Trippe's state
ment said. Col. .Lindbergh will in
auhurate the first south bound
service over the route, leaving
Brownsville at 10 a.m. and ar
riving at Mexaco City at 3:30 p.m.
The statement adde dthat offi
cial of both the United States
and Mexican governments 'nave
1 -o invited to participate In the
flights, and that programs have
been arranged in Brownsville and
Mexico City to celebrate the be
ginning ot the naw, service.
Stadebakar commercial e a r
sales ia Janaary 1929 were Jnore
tiian 4ohate the aalaa, lrr Che name
period la 19tt. and the largest In
By A. W. Koebler
Secretary, National Conference or
Street and Highway Safety
EdHor's Note: Th follow hwt
le third ot a Tle of prcbi1 artl-cl-s
Jeltnc with u otlfn-wllf ef
fort to pritmote traffic Bafetr and
relor the chaos which lias been
produced hy lrk of uniform and aoi
entlflc lawa ifovemtng- tln operation
of motor vehteles.
Reckless, inattentive, and in-
eompetutve anving or motor ve
hicles is costing many thousand
of lives annually in the United
States, the more or less serious
injury of half a million people and
property damage estimated a t
hundreds of millions of dollars.
Motor vehicle law has as a major
purpose, safeguarding life and
property by the regulation, disci
pline and education of operators.
The national conference on street
and highway safety consequently
regarded the drivers' license act
as the one providing: Its proposed
uniform code for states with
A driver's license law, with cx
aminatlon of new drivers, proper
ly administered by a centralized
department (that of the state ve
hicle commissioner or department
created by the first act of tlie un
iform code) may be expected tc
have a material effect on motor
vehicle fatalities. The seriousness
of the traffic problem is shown In
the fact that even in the states
that have gone farthest toward a
solution of the problem, traffic
fatalities are still on the increase.
Nevertheless, as compared with
states not having a license law
with mandatory examination.
Federal Truck
Gain Forcasts
Good Business
With truck sales generally ac
cepted as an accurate index of
business conditions, the announce
ment of the Federal Motor Truck
company that sales were 33 per
cent greater than those for cor
responding period In 1928, la con.
sidered significant. Although this
increase is credited partly to the
generally optimistic outlook.' other
factors Involving the Federal" bus
iness in particular "are cited by R.
W. Ruddon, general manager of
the Federal Motor Truck com
pany. , ' ,:
Chief among the latter vera the
successes scored by the new .'Fed
eral A-4 and 3C, two trucks of
2 and 3 Vt ton capacity respective
ly, that met an insistent demand
for moving heavy' loads rapidly.
Their speed, braking systems, ease
o control and handsome appear.
aaee made them immediate Cavor-4
Ites. - " ," . "-
Tae extensive two story addi
tion which aria Ul lMtl aajmare
f eet X Oor ayace ta tan jffs4aral
factorial is rapidly aeartnf eom-
those having such a law show a
20 per cent better showing since
the passage of the law, accord
ing to a study made by statisti
cians of the national safety coun
cil. 18 Ixm-cst Age
Such a law was the ideal of the
national conference and in the
framework constructed for the
benefit and guidance of the states,
the following salient points are
found :
No person shall drive a motor
vehicle on a highway unless licen
sed by the state vehicle depart
ment, except those driving road
or farm machinery or operating ai
official vehicle of the United
States army or navy.
Non-resident over 16. licensed
at home, are exempt; If coming
from a non-1 f cense state, they may
drive their own cars for 30 days.
License is not issued to persons
under 16, or chauffeurs' licenses
to persons under IS; nor to habit
ual drunkards, drug addicts, the
insane or feeble-minded, those un
able to understand signs In Eng
lish, and tho.e afflicted with such
physical or mental disability or
disease as to prevent reasonable
control over a motor vehicle.
When the law is first enacted,
all persons who have driven for
one year without an unfavorable
record may obtain a license within
three months on written applica
tion but without examination.
Thereafter every new driver must
first obtain a temporary instruc
tion permit; good for a limited
period when accompanied by a li
censed operator then, within 60
days, fill out an application for li
canse and pass the examination
which includes a brief oral test on
the rules of the road and a dem
onstration of driving ability.
To Convictio:". Import
The commissioner may require
re-licensing not more than once
every three years. Chauffeurs' li
censes must be renewed annually.
All courts shall report to the
state vehicle department all con
viction's for violation of motor ve
hicle laws and may recommend
suspension of license. The depart
ment must revoke licenses in case
of manslaughter in operation of a
motor vehicle,- driving under in
fluence ot liquor or drug, perjury
in connection with the motor ve
hicle laws, conviction of reckless
driving: three times in a year.
failure to stop after an accident.
any felony in a motor ve
hicle was used.
' Tire aepartment may suspend a
license If It believes that one of
the above mentioned offenses' has
been committed; that tha driver
has recklessly or anlawfuHy. con
tributed to an accident; or that
he is incompetent to drive a. me
ter Tehide ax Is a habitually
lees, or secUs-eni driver
nartmeal may suspend. revekH
Famed Uniontown
Hill Easily Topped
A man from Cleveland. Ohio
was ascending the famous Union
town Hill of Uniontown. Pennsyl
vanla, in his Studebaker President
eight. As the car was going over
the crest, his wife turned to him.
and in all seriousness asked
When do we come to the steep
The Studebaker Champions, a
brilliant 30 piece radio orchestra,
broadcasts on the NBC chain every
Sunday evening at 10:15 eastern
The first eight cylinder bus
chassis in America has just been
brought out by Studebaker.
'r-; , 'w4 -v i
5 A
' vv M
In order to render a better service to the people of Salem, the Fry Drug Store of 2 SO North Com
mercial street hare Just purchased from Harry W. Scott. Harley-Davldson dealer, a new Harley-Davld-on
package truck. This machine will be used to make speedy delivery of everything in the drug line
to the patrons ot the Fry store. Better service to the customer is the aim of Mr. Fry in adding this
new modern delivery equipment.
Side Roads of West Coast A bound in Scenic Beauties
3f 3f 3f ' 3( 3fm
The car with the Spokane label
turned the corner and came out
suddenly onto Chuckanut drive,
above the sparkling blue of the
sound. Away across the water the
green of Vancouver Island showed
oft a?alnst the base and to the
southwest Mount Olympus lifted j mopolitan lot. we westerners h
bin lordly head above the pine-ciaa
Olympic peninsula. A gentle breeze
brought the good sea air up to
the drive. Down at the foot of the
cliff the wavelets played among
the rocks.
The driver, whose garb pro
claimed him one of the prosperous
farmers from the great inland ba-;
sin. took off his sun-browned
straw hat. moDped his brow and
sat gazing at it all.
"My!" he said, after a while.
'Ma, did you know there was any
thing like that?"
"No, Elmer." rejoined his plump
and graying spouse. "I didn't. Pull
over to the edge and let's set here
Now this is representative of the
west, for, bodily as we proclaim
uareives a traveled ana a cos-
not yet learned the beauties that
our magnificent home contains.
Not even the broadening Influ
ence of good highways, comfort
able motor cars and reasonably
priced care, such as Durant. plus
the urge to travel have educated
us to our mountains and gorges,
in the words of the once-popular
song, we don't know the half of
it no, nor a tenth of it.
Go where yon will, in any state
from the Rockies west to the Pa
cific. and if yon can find one man
who can truthfully say he's seen
all of even the major scenic won
ders his own state holds, you'll be
luckier than the famous Oreek
who took a lantern to aid his
quest for honest men. You'll need
more than a lantern; yon might
better take a searchlight.
The welkin has been made to
echo a number of times with cata
logs of western beauty-spots and
the praises thereof, but the Sun
day afternoon driver out for
Jaunt can turn off the beaten path
at almost any crossroad, and with
in half an hour, find something
which Isn't in the books, which no
body considers specially notewor
(Continued on page 18)
The development of the auto
mobile from its early form to the
present offers one of the most in
spiring records of engineering
achievement in Indcstry.. accord
Ins to Wallace Bonesteele of the
Marion garage company.
The evolution of the jrMefn
motor car has been Wrought pri
marily by steady engfnrrins pro
gress." he declares. "There have
been other factor. Ir.rk of which
would have seriously retarded the
rrowth of the infant industry, but
the engineer has been consistently
in the foreground.
'In reviewing th history of
this amazing propress it is Inter
esting to note how consistently
the oldest name In transportation
stands forth as the originator and
sponsor of many improvements
which are taken for granted In
the car of today.
Pressed SteH Used First
"Studebaker engineer were the
first to make extenive use ot
pressed steel for lightness and
strength In many parts of the
car. They were tne nrst to maw
six cylinder motors with single
castings for the cylinders, or. as
we now say, with cylinders cast
enbloc. They were first te de
sign six cylinder cars to sell for
less than $2000; first to produce
a car with crown fenders, and
first to produce a car In which
molybdenum steel was used.
Studebaker aws first to use
cord tires as standard equipment
on a car selling for less than 32,-
000. and first to use plate glass
windows as regular equipment in
place of rolled sheet glass which
distorts the vision.
"A Studebaker metallurgist was
the Inventor of one of the most
Important and widely known steel
alloys used In modern motor car
construction. Studebaker wan
the first to use was. in feet, the
inventor' of the internal 'hot
spot' for Increasing the efficiency
of carburetion.
May' Drive 40 When New
"Later on, Studebaker was the
first quantity builder of quality
cars to adopt the armored steel
body for strength and safety.
(Continued on page 18)
Ml-tfW ! I W lift
B "
Widen Your
v w Mm m' -BBW mmm -aw
Business Area
"T7llri Package Truck dclrrery you
; reach out farther for business. You
handle profitably phone orders from
new residential districts, suburbs, and
customers who have moved.
Let us prov to you that this swift, easily
parked unit will tot right into your deli
needs, and will save you at least 5f per
over any other delivery vehicle.
Xt1I'iii nn a r yfcfc m j1 i s'aaV
very I
trile I
Harry W. Scott
147 Sooth Corasnrrrisl Street
1 Here's the Iff "
(of " Mi" .
the new
WEARING pneumatic tire yet pro
duced !
Oversized in every way!
Nearly 10 more air capacity I
tread of an ordinary balloon!
More sidewaH protection!
More rubber between the plies I
Each tire actually REGISTERED
by the Kelly factory, for your pro
tection. Intended for the man who want3
the finest that money can buy.
Here IS a tire!
Come in and let us show it to you.
Open 8760 Hours Each Year
. - A A
. ------ " ' Jf - II;- ,
ft I
The Station with ft Clock
Center and Liberty Sts,
Btuaaaaker hUtory.
pleUaa ! . - '-c
Cestiaaes! aa sage IS)
-a ,r-