The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 09, 1929, Page 2, Image 2

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Temcheti "if or
1 0 Rechosen for Posts in
High Schoof, Eight for ;
Grade Jobs
WOODBURN. March -Ten of
the present-teachers- In the high
school ' - and eight of -. the grade
school In addition to Saperlntend
ent V. D. Bain and Principal Har
old Aspiawall. were reelected at
the meeting of the school board
- Wednesday rerenlac c iri ;Vv
: The high " senool ' Instructors
elected; were Ronald Burnett, ag
riculture; Ava Connor, general
science ' and domestic art; Pearl
Emery, ; commercial; Milton Onu
la pp. mathematics; Helen On las,
general and domestic science; -Virginia
Mason, English; Mande.Mo
chel, English ;T!P. Otto, science;
Helen "' Washburn. English - and
physical education; and' Ray O.
Wolf. civic, history and athletics.
r Those from , the grade school
were Mabel Ballard, Myrtle Clark,
Margaret Davenport,. Ruth Holt,
Nellie liulr, Lola Newman, Mary
U -ficollard and Fern Wadsworth.
Malting City Beautiful is r
Topic at Much Enjoyed
Monmoufli P. T. A. Meet
Knight Memorial Church
Salem Comes to Put
V on Comedy
(Special) One of the best plays
ever given at North Howell was
The Dutch Detective." which was
put on at the Grange hall, March
1 J by the young people of the
Knight Memorial church In Salem
i A rood crowd testified with en
thusiasm that they were well
pleased with the evening's enter
tainment. Lunch was served to
the players. -
Mrs. Sid Cutsforth of Sods
Springs. Idaho, and her Infant son
are spending a few weeks with
her. parents. Mr. and Mrs. A.
Bump. ', ------
Mr: and Mrs. George Mcllwain
drove over the Roosevelt highway
Sunday ' and report wonderful
roads, scenery and weather.
t Mr. and Mrs. Funnemark of
Portland . anjl Mr. and Mrs. -R.
Ramsdon were ainner guests si
the C. E. Waltman home Sunday,
Attend ImtalUtUm .
Among those from North How
ell, who enjoyed the -1. O. O. F
and Rebekah visitation at Monitor
last Saturday night were Mr. and
Mrs. K. D. Coomler, Mrs. WlUlnm
Oddie. W. H. Steven. Mr and
Mrs. Tom Bump and Mr. and Mrs.
Archie Wlesnpr.
- Lewis Sawyer and family of 811
verton called on relatives here last
t a . . , 1 1 .
njtnt litat week end with her nar.
. ents here. -
Dinner guests Sunday at the C,
E. Mcllwain home Included Mr.
' and Mrs. William j Mcllwain and
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Mcllwain and
i family of Salem.
. The Home Economies club will
meet at the Grange hall next
Thursday afternoon at two o'clock
: to do some necessary work for the
degree team. Grange meets March
ft. at 8 p.m. A good attendance, at
"Both; meetings a urged.
A. larra number of North Howell
people attended the funeral ser
vices for Mrs. Marie Woelke Sun.
day in :Jthe -n Gervals . Catholic
ehurch,:i:::;;;i;:;?:ji; T-.:
ran goes
LINCOLN, March " t. Naoma
Merrick, five-year-old daughter of
Mr. and.Mr. Ivan Merrick of Lin
coln was taken to the Salem uen
eral hospital Tuesday where she
underwent a major operation.
' Mrs. Elbert Bradford of 'Salem
and two sons. 'Robert and Louis
were visitors Saturday evening
and Sunday at the home . of her
parents. Mr. and Mrs. E. EBuck-
lei. Other guests at the Buckles
home Sunday were their daughter.
Miss Rachel Buckles and Mr and
Mrs. Charles Welch, all of Salem.
Mr. and Mrs. Ahrtn Madsen and
two children Robert and Richard
Madsen were recent visitors at the
home of his mother.. Mrs. M. J.
Madsen who ' had as additional
guests Mr. and Mrs. Victor Mad
sen . and daughter Colleen. - Miss
Lily Madsen and Henry HJorth.
Lions Club Quartet
Umr at Tfnnrnmith
ciaij one of. the most pleasant,
prouiaoic meeungs or the Tear
was enjoyed by the Parent-Teacher
association In the auditorium of
the training school. Tuesday eve
ning. March S. A number ot mem.
bers of the Independence P. T. A.
were guests of the local associa
tion. Numerous other friends
came to htar the principal speaker
of the , evening. R. W. Gill of
Portland, who stressed the tact
that beautiful- flowers , and well
kept lawns are the most, conspic
uous advertisements of any city.
Mr. Gill began his Informative
address with definite .details on
organic and mineral fertilisers.
He warned the ambitious amateur
about working ground while itls
too wet. He touched on annuals
and perennials, making an espe
cial plea for the former; and gave
concise formulae on lawn grass,
and lawn upkeep. . Dahlias were
snother point of Interest. - and
during this discussion Mr. Gill
preferred a gift of 50 bulbs of the
various dahlia varieties to the
Monmouth training school for the
Informal flower - gardens which
Miss Cora Turnidge. principal,
had mentioned earlier In the eve-:
nlng in a brief outline of what
the - school will attempt in this
years planting.
' Program Interesting
A number by the training school
orchestra, directed by Mrs. Flor
enoe Hutchinson: and an Interest
ing paper by Mrs. J. S. Landers
on. helping the child, to fit into the
civic theme, preceded Mr. GUI's
appearance on the program. !-
Miss Turnidge stated that trees
have been donated by the follow
lng individuals and groups to be
March 13 and 14 Set as
Dates for Big Event
in the Community
STAYTON. March . 8. March
13 and 14 the f-H local leaders
train ins: school will be held at
the home economics room In the
Stayton school. Mrs. L. A
Humphrey of the Crown mius
will have charge of the baking
and the public is Invited to her
classes, v.
The 'morninr classes will begin
cookies of various kinds wilt oe
made, i In the afternoon from
1:30 nntn 4:00. cakes win be
Mrs. Humphrey's demonstration.
On the second day Mrs. Humph
reys will aemonsiraie ana maae
Hrht bread in the forenoon and
aulck bread In tbe aiternoon
Those attending . these classes
should take along a note book and
Practical Topics Up
The . sewing classes which are
under the direction ot Miss Helen
Cowgill. assistant state club lead
er are for leaders and one mme-
ber ot each sewing and home-
making club. The N forenoon of
the first day will be taken up
with presentation . of lessons.
darnlne and patching; the after
noon to deeorotive stitches, appli
cable crocheting, stenciling, etc. .
On March 14 underwear. In
eluding garments' made In division
1 will be studied ana m tne aner
noon baby garments and the com
olete costumes will be the sub
set. '-Ti-;.;, ;-;
Those attending , tho sewing
classes should be supplied, with
needles. 70 white thread, sharp
scissors, tape-line, note book and
pencil. rj.
planted this spring on the training
campus. Each eritie with her
group of student teachers will give
one : President Landers has. given
one and. Mrs. Landers one: the
Modmouth Civic club has riven
three, which are to be living me
morials to the three departed pres
idents of Oregon Normal school.
Mr. Campbell. Mr. Ressler and Mr.
Ackennan. At the session Tuesday
evening the P. T. A. voted two
more trees .which completes the
quota required for: this year's
planting. The trees will be Nor
way maples, of uniform slse.
S2nd Birthday Feted :
The social part ot the P. T. A.
evening was spent In the domestic
science rooms, where a short but
Impressive ceremonial was held In
honor of the original P. T. A.
founders. A birthday cake com
memoratlng the thirty-second an
niversary of tbe organization, cen
tered a prettily decorated table.
and candles on same were lighted
by the following: Mrs. F. E.
Chambers. : Mrs. Mina Cornelius.
and R. B. SwensOn. past presi
dents of the Monmouth P. T. A.;
Mrs. S. Dletrlck, past president of
the P. T. A. n hi refr mhroeom
the P. T. A. in her former home
In Kansas; Mrs. D. P. Lamb, pres
ident of the Independence P. T.
A.; Mrs. James Gentle, president
of Monmouth P. T. A.J Mrs. F. E.
Mnrdock. secretary, and Mrs. S.
C: Halliday. past secretary. Fit.
ting tributes were expressed by
each of the participants.
Simple refreshments were serv
ed by the m6t(ers bt the children
in Mrs. Wltherspoon's department
directed by Mrs. F. E. Chambers.
The founders' day anniversary
cake was cut and distributed am
ong the guests.
Miss Florence Beardsley, Mrs
A. H. Craven and Mrs. J. W. Til
ton sponsored the program. Mrs.
James Gentle presided.
mm M . ' - . M H .
iirnraifniPttJEFERSO mm
MIL MI II llllll 1 IIL1IL.I . -
''w" ;.'"- -( ...n iiiiilii-ii -r- " ' J''.":,-,''"r, -
JEFFERSON Inarch 4. Pupils
and ! teachers of ,the Jerfersaa
school enjoye'd a treat, when they
were - afforded the privilege , of
hearing the inaugural ceremonies
at Washington, D. C, Monday.
Through the kindness of A. B.
rHIns, hardware merchant, an elec
tric radio was . Installed tor, the
occasion. . '
, Mrs. Kate Warner and grand
daughter, Lola . Mangls, . were
called to Vancouver, B. C. to he
at the - bedside ot ' Mrs, . Esther
Mangls, who is seriously 11L Mrs.
Mangls la a daughter of Mrs.
Warner. . i-'ZZ ' V-?y s'';
The many treinds ot Mrs. Frank
Wled , were shocked to learn of
her death at the Good Samaritan
hospital la Portland Wednesday
aoou. She underwent a major op
eration Saturday morning, from
which she did not recover. V. -.
Tom . Hampton, .city, mail car-
-ceird wrd that his sister.
I Wesley Underwood,, passed
r at tho Albany General hos-
1 Tuesday.
fi Stayton After
U. L. McCormack
i . v
T ATTO N, March 8. -Tom
dine and "Buck" Lnellea of
heton who came into the
j-light prominently last win
vhen they captured Hickman
in tqwn Tuesday. This time
-wur- after ; B. L.- McCom
t. who came here not long
from eastern Oregon. It Is
I there are . four ': charges
ist McOormack ia the round
ountry. . . . ,
(Special) Pupils r of the Salem
Heights school put on an excellent
program recently to rslse money
for- th dir piano fund.
The primary grades under the
direction of Mrs. McCoy-gave a
clever presentation of "The Sleep
ing Princess. Junior Trugent as
king and Ruth Speaker as queen
were charmingly dignified.
. The third and fourth grades,
under the direction. ot Mrs. Zosel
gave the appropriate little playlet
"Socks, Sir." with Paul Jones, ap
pearing very military as Col. Ba-
con.- Songs were also offered by j
the girls ot these classes.. , .
The four upper . grades under;
.the direction of Mrs. Booth and
Mrs. Wlecand presented "Uncle
8ams Visit" with a east ot SS
Donald Webb, as Uncle Sam and
Bonnie Polk as his daughter, Miss
Columbia, visited the "Old Lady
In the Shoe." Audrey La Duke.
Uncle Sam's bwn soldiers appeared
in a drill, followed by the sailors
hornpipe. -
Folk from many lands called on
Uncle Sam, each group . giving
characteristic folk dances. Uncle
Sam and Miss Columbia were ac
panled by a group of American
beauties who sang tor them. Two
dancers in Uncle Sam's party gave
an - excellent exhibition of soft
shoe dancing.
- The program was brought to
close in a beautiful setting ;
all of the students singing
Star Spangled Banner.
t IttEEHI, SAlffi
- - '
Clever Announcement Made
at Affair Given In SO
.verton Home . ;
Plans. Made at
Dallas for New
Work This Year
STLVERTON, Mar. 8. (Spe
cial) Mrs. S.. A. Gay and Mrs.
WUuam - Moo res, i were hostesses
to a group ot twenty-five friends
at a lovely afternoon affair at the
homo of Mrs. Gay on Oak street,
Wednesday afternoon. Coming, as
a surprise to the friends, was the
announcement of tho engagement
of Miss Mary Egan. daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Will Egan, to Ernest
Kleenan of Salem. The event was
cleverly announced on- tiny cards
hidden. In little pocket of the
place cards.1 Spring -flowers were
used profusely In decoration.' Miss
Egan has named March 1? as the
bridal day. !
; . Boys Sloes Farm
. Charles Hings of Sllverton has
recently bought through tho Home
Seekers agency, the W. H. .Moss
farm near' Seaside. In' the deal.
Mr. Mora took the Hings property
on south Water street. Both fam
ilies have already - taken posses
sion. . i 1
Otto Lee, of Ferguson. Mlnn
spent several days in Sllverton
this past week. He has returned;
to Minnesota, but expects to re
turn to Sllverton, with his family
in the near future. L. D. Evenson,
ot Calgary, Alberta,has also spent
a. few days In Sifrerton, In view
of locating here. He has returned
to his present home-with the in
tentlon of moving to Sllverton
within the next few months. Both
men were favorably impressed
with this district.
DALLAS, Mar. 8. (Special)
Circle C of the Presbyterian
church was entertained at the
noma of Mrs. Willis Slmontoa on
Washington street, Friday after
noon. -
- A short business session
held and ..plans for tho coming
years work were made.
Refreshments were served at
the dose of the afternoon.
Attending were Mrs. - Joseph
Gloth, Mrs. Emil FehueL Mrs.
Charles Smith, Mrs. Frank John
son, Mrs. w. U. . Fuller, ana Mrs.
R. m. Thomas. :- - .
"Open Session" Held by
Women; Many Visitors'
in Attendance ;
- FRUITLAND. March 8. (Spe
cial) Mr. and Mrs. Noble An
drews have Just returned from a
business trip- to southern Oregon.
Due to tbe a-rowlng demand tor
hU "Noble French" prune- tree.
He. delivered a bill of trees am
ounting to 8880. He also received
very good prospect for 1009
more trees this fall. His trees are
selling .very well at his rural res
idence in this community.,
The Frultland basketball team
won its fifth game, out ot a pot.
ilble seven.- this week, from the
South Salem Friends. Bill Girod
starred for the -victors, with ten
points o his credit. The game was
very close all through the game
and ended 84-18. " -
. The Christian , Endeavor will
bold Its business meeting at Mrs.
Anna alrod's home on 17th: and
Ferry Saturday evening at eight
FRUITLAND. March 8. -Mr.
and Mrs. Bert Smith of this com
munity are motoring to Myrtle
Creek to visit with relatives and
friends. Mrs. Emma Runner is ac
companying them . on . their, trip.
They are to stay with Mrs. Smith's
sister who lives in. tbe downtown
district. There will meet a numebr
of their other friends and rela
tives. .They will return Saturday
evening. . . ,.,"'
Stanley Fagg who has : been
orklng for the Pacific. Telephone
ft Telegraph Co., Is going to Klam
ath Falls, whero he will continue
work with, them three weeks the
work will bo completed . and- be
returned to CorvalUs for a period
6f two months work there.
Miss Allen, tho song. leader of
the Evangelistic ' servicesr 'spent
the evening at Zllssr Daisy Lam- j
berts. ' They are expected to -visit
in' thecommunltytocy. and en
courage- all they caa to attend tho
service for the renslndeof ta
week, . .
WOODBURN. March 8. Many
outside women attended the
Woodburn Woman's club "open
meeting" In tho library Wed
neaday afternoon. - Miss Elnora
Thompson, of the extension de
partment of the University of
Oregon and principal speaker ad
dressed the members and guests
on social service as applied to
young people.
Miss Mary C. Campbell, an In
surance expert, and Miss Kather-
lne Powell, city librarian, also
spoke briefly. Tho latter com
mended the Woman's club on Its
purchase of books for the library.
Mrs. Pauline ' Bain and Mrs.
Jack Hanson sang two numbers.
"Out of the Dusk" and "In the
Garden of Tomorrow" and little
five-year-old Robert Holcomb gave
two readings.
DALLAS,' March 8. The fol
lowing cases have been filed for
the April term of circuit court:
Knight Adjustment Co. vs. W.
R. Gregg.
George Allen vs. Harley Calease
and others, foreclosure. '
Merchants Credit Bureau vs.
Frank Moreland.
John Koeneke vs. Elmer C.
Stewart and others, - foreclosure.
Mr., and Mrs. -F. H. ' Johnson,
370 North lth street,-are par
ents ot a baby girl.' bora .Thursday
afternoon at" the Salem General
hospital. ". '' V',---
SILVERTON, " March 8. -The
Imjnsnuel Lutheran "Young poo
pies society met at" the ' church
Sunday afternoon where, they held
an Interesting program. Dr. d. E.
Tinglestad, president of the Pa
cific Lutheran college, at Park
land, was the principal speaker.
C. J. Towe gave a short talk.
music was furnished by the choir,
under the direction of Miss Hen
rietta Flnseth, and by Elsie Jor-
genson, who rendered a piano
solo. Readings were given by Miss
Hannah Olsen and Mrs. Hartvik
DahL Refreshments were also
Hammonds Have Daughter
Word has been received by
friends of Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Ham
mond, formerly of the Sliver Falls
Timber Co., ot the birth of a
daughter to them. Mr. and Mrs.
Hammond are now in California.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerimonte, form
erly of the Silver Falls Timber Co.,
were Sllverton visitors the first of
tho" week. '
"Her Husband's Wife" . Is
Title of Play; Cast Al
ready at Woric :
STLVERTON, Mar. - 8. (Spe
eianTha faculty of the senior
high ochool Is now rehearsing, a
three-act comedy "Her Husband's
Wife.- written by Av JB. Thomas,
ta bo riven In the near future.
The east includes Walter Arhuth-
not. Violet CrofooL O..W. DeLay,
Jerry Gunther, Blanch Jones and
Mrs. Anna Powell, warren cran-
tree will be ta charge of tho ad
vertlslnr. and Miss Fay Sparks
will dlrect.the musical part ot the
program.---iv: .:;"--..;.js:
Mr. and Mrs. Warren craotree
and Miss Catherine Oaylord were
In Portland to attend the Spealght
lecture and exhibition of European
photography, Tuesday night.
. , Brutstt Flro Alarmo -A
brash tiro on Thursday after.
noon In the yard of the Watson
home on oast hill endangered the
barn and out buildings to such
an extent that tho local fire de
partment was called . to keep the
flames under control. Very little
damage was done.
Clarence Reed ' of Sllverton is
2 .. l ta-ra With U1S
mother at her homo In AJbany. .
Mrs. Hugh Walkup and chU
dren are leaving 'Sllverton Mon
day for Albany where they will
Join Mr. Walkup in their new
home there. -- , - .
' r Sorprise Mrs. Wattwp
in honor of Mm. .Walkup. the
ladies of th Congregational
-lV .arnrlal hiir St her hOUtC
Tuesday afternoon, and prosente.
her with many ioveiy
chiefs. Lovely wfreshmentswere
brourht and serred by the guests.
nHf MtT.riri women" wore
present. - ' . ;- '
At Fruitland Are
All Well Attended
wnTTTTLANDf Mar. (Spe
cial) Evangelistic meetings held
at the church by Miss Allen and
Rer. H. O. Fogg have been weu
ttndad and aulto successfuL The
meeUngs wfll bo held at:80 each
evening for the remainder of the
Mk with the exception of Satur
day night which la given as a rest
night for th pastor and song
leader. 1 . .
Curtis Bell, formerly of this
community Is visiting relatives
and friendt her. Sh will return
to her home near Corvallls Sat
urday, evening.
31 AT
SILVERTON,' Mar, 8 ( Spe
cial) Members -of the Delbert
R seven Post American Legion, en.
tertalaed th business men of Sll
verton at a smoke at the armory
Monday night. Over three hnndred
attended the get acquainted meat,
log, whieh was followed by a
luncheon. BS. A.- Sewell wsn chair
man of the committee In charge.
' -The Coolldg McClaine bank has
on display the Spafford trophy
loving cup whieh, : was presented
to th Delbort Reeves Post at the
national convention In Houston.
Texas. This cup was given by the
past national commander to the
moot activ post In the district,
and was received by Carl Moser
for the snvrtoa post.
Topic For Meet
STATTON. March 8. The P.
-. & m a.
T. A. meets.on atonaay nigm ana
"Safety-First" program is to d
observed. r Guy Mauney win reave
few remarks on in suoject a.i
ther will aiso o an ouia
speaker. Th uplls ar maklne
lttractlv "sarety-iirsi picrs.
Church Survey
To Be Completed
- . -
The North Salem church survey
begun lsst Saturday by members.
-of the Jason Lee church under di
rection of Dr. C. I. Andrews of
Kimball School of Theology, will
be continued this Saturday, and If
possible completed. Workers will
start the canvass of homes at. 9
o'clock In the morning. Last Sat
urday nearly 400 families were
visited by the various teams and
some interesting data relative to
church attendance secured.
Vltnpbone Pictures thai talk
like living people.
; Last TIMES today
First Talking Picture
"Red Hot Speed"
A great -talking comedy,
with plenty ot laughs
VltaphosM ficts
Talking News
llatiaoe only, "Tsrus," the
. " chapter play
World's Talking Premiere
Showing : j.vr'.
A Diamaof ,
Con flirt Between,
the Old and the
With Jean. Hersholt, Lina
- Basq'uett and : Rlcardo "
-Cortes T, ;
Our beautiful modern home on 975 Belmont Street, be
tween North Summer and CapitoL
Reasonably priced;, some terms. v
, Selling because we are moving to California, to. talc charge
of land. holdings.
Five roons downstairs; 3 bedroom vpetair yet snaflsdehed;
fireplace; furnace ; fall cement
Large lot So"xl22 Excellent lawn; window boxes; shrubs;
garden spot; choice young fruit trees; grape arbor; lattlo
- fence; garage; driveway.
Ton can bay direct front vs. . :
We Invite yov inspection. -
Phone 242W. Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Vide
. ..With, . W
. .Louis Lorraln 17, (
f- Pyde SUvonson :' -
One of - the greatest : hits from the
screen's greatest cowboy star
; -glffilBAY- r,""P"'li
: XX , : hurtles you into the excite- I ' Noveltv A Ja U
I f mentof abafflinn; mygteryl Broad-: nro - y If,
jlh ,wy' most beautiful show-girl "TCi '
'7' naorderedt Seven persons sus ISSQST i
. , pected. Strange cluea exposed for " ' wtS Aet ! 7
I , . youl You hear the rigorous third ' L6lS WILSON ; I '
I i degree. You hearj CYoa See! 1 A - - -
-Every, word, every ju:tion Jn :the . : V- s' "BvSra.-. lb
Dine's famous story: on the ALL- 1 . D 1
TALKING screen, i : - " .nz I'
- i x,-! i r '-N, Eve-50c I