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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (March 6, 1929)
- ! The New OREGON STATESMAN. Salem, Oregon, Wednesday Morning, March 6, 1929 READ 'THIS PAGE" FOM VALUE-YES, AND INTEREST, :-TO(& . . ' 1 S'i I- J CLASSIFIED ADVEXTXSZKa Kesdinff sotiees, per li 3 lis mi imsat charge) .lassiiied Advertising, pwr lis ?lmaified Advertiaiag. per Um 15a Ida 20 SOa tu Clasrifiad Advertising, par 11a a tlnM I - On mo-th, dsily sad Suaday par Um 11.00 BUSINESS OPP. tt?TTSAPTfrTICII n Vtrfl imm SOL r,orepowert 1 have powar site ditch dug, 2 Large old turban wheela steady (low water year round on pad high way 15 mile from Salem, 2 ml. from R R. Ideal for Firm. Mfg. Exclsior mill or anything where powar or water la needed. Alder, ash. balm, oak and (lr accessible. Modern nous nearby. TATI1R Stayton. OtvMO i ;J STOCK, fixture and furniture, llv- Ing room In connection. Price $760 ' CaTRIANGLK REALTT COMPANY : Court Street . , Ground Floor Tyjt FOR SALE Real Estate m -- .yft,ftiiftft " www www. J lW.IUI U m l,n. .A i.ft 1W . .i nl.w & PV. M HWk. fT?rr. urn, shmba, walks, drive, -gar- age. garden, berries and everything. Oak floors, fireplace, basement, bulit tns to spare. Build for home. Owner leaving. Phon 3778. ,i000000001000000000P0fl0000 HrraaTANTIAL house. exceDllonal creek location, low price. No trade. leaving soon. Address box t 92, States man. FOR SALE 4 ROOK bungalow with basement. East front lot near Leslie school, for only SZSes with fZV cash. See It to day. SEE Mrs. Ellis with 1 LEO N. CHILDS CO.. Realtors 220 State Street Phone 1727. A BEAUTIFUL new fully modern English type bouse. This homo Is one that you will lika when you see It. Lo cated In choice section of Salem oa A ream. Will sacrifice or trade for Portland house. A business buMlng on Htate street. This Is a genuine bargain for 04000.00. Sea It. 66 ACRES, 10 acres under plow. A good all around farm at a Map iOi $:soo.oo. v . , WB writs Fire, and Automobile In surance. ' ' J. F. Ulrich Co. Realtors 9 N. Com'L Street Tel. 1S64. STRICTLY modern bungalow, four ruuma. naved street, east front good residence district. 02750. and we will take a rood car as Daymeat A good four room plastered bouse, large lot, good view. $1600. Kasy terma. THREE room bouse, paved street, eaat front. 01500. for a larger house about same price, NEW strictly modern English type house. on pavement, 05500. For a cheaper bouse. F. L. WOOD 341 State Street OOOD 4 room bouse and garage in Newport. 91500 take Salem acreage. 7 ROOM bungalow and garage, pair ed st. Sacrifice $2800; $200 down. S A. RIVER bottom land; bldg.. fruit, qui ok sale. $1500. terma 35 A. FARM near Salem. 7 a. ber ries, cherries, bldgs, timber, springs $6000 take residence. SEE our list before buying. PERRINB A MARSTER3 211 Gray Building CALIFORNIA for Salem Hava a modern home with electric lights and WestlaghouM electric range. Its acres, large poultry house. Want Salem borne or acreage. My California prop erty is dear, oom owner J. A. WHITE 42S North High WHAT? A nearly new plastered 4 R. bungalow, one block o school Must be sold 01 100. 00. Call F-rkner. wltb a aa.avir4 junnoun as V 810 V. 8. Bank Phone 02?. fa wii t rni.-rirwwiri-iiri-i . v - SNAP aW jA 1 CORNER 37fe-117 with 10 WrthtHjie, cloae la on 8. Com'L stre rm. street for !r7'1K Mrs. Ellis with LEO N. CHILD3 CO Realtors S30 State Street Phooe 1727 GREATEST Tradrng organization on the Pacific Coast. We have over properties listed for exchange. Every kind of property, era cation. We can mat Bnoe. every 10- your eachangs exactly. If you would ttke M traae your property today, com in tooay. bh.K a. M. EARLB. Realtor ICC S. Liberty Tel. 2241 $6000 SUBURBAN HOME for $47S0 BEAUTIrTJL half acre tract. Prac tically new modern room bungalow ; electric lights, bath, totlet. septic sew r. electricity, water system, basement, double garage ; full bearing fruit trees, cherries, apples, prunes, peaches, shrub bery ; on bus line. Just outside of the city. No city taxes to pay; living In the country with city privileges. Owned by a widow. Too large a home to take care of. reason for selling at sacri fice price with good terms. SEE my scents please BECHTEL SEARS TUCKER St 1 State Street Room 4. KOR SALE Nearly new four room bungalow, paved street, east Salem, fine location, $1800. F. L. WOOD 241 State Street m m m - i in. L-iijnjnjinjnjuijjn-riiuLfl fi$00. FOR a new 4 room bungalow. , fireplace, garage and paving $100. down. 13000. FOR a bungalow, 4 rooms and Wok. basement. furnace, fireplace. H ; JfiraKe. close In on E street. $200 ,375- FQTt new bungalow. S room. amc ior i more: moaern in every way, a sacrifice sale. $5250. FOR a strlcUy modern Enr lih type home; good location. $500. down. 760 FOR a fine new home on E and N. Summer. $1000. down. $2000. private money1. MKI.VIN JOHNSON or A. L. DARK 320 U. S. Bank Building " . . . W K U.W JIWW floored jattLr. ih.t ... i 1 1 . L large rooms, hdw. floors, furnace. xirepiace. twst construction, corner lot on creek. Owner must gT up hams and will sen for $250. WINN1B PETTYJOHN, Realtor , ' 175 South High Street FOR SALE Modern borne of four rooms on bus line, full cement base ment, furnace, wash trays and garage. Pav-ed MT" "nd cement walk. $2250. $00 -cash. Balance to suit. W. G. KRUEGER 1 1 7 North Com'l. Street TURKU WONDERFUL BUYS S ROOM cottage in E Salem with good lot. street paved, walks la and IMld. Price nnlv tiinn , ,w mt fti w.i to per month including interest at W fJ . . 5 ROOM cottage close to State street dm tnt Ins. good plumbing and elec ?C., ?u' 'c reduced from $200$ to 01400 for quick sale. Liberal terms. IMMEnilTSI i . m ?!f?iow ln N- Salem. E. front lot tiii20t- ""ltn 6 nlc oak trees In l.. wiui uiu aown. Dai. e rent, or will take vacant lot as FOR good buy In homes SEE tid10 N r'LrS CO, Realtors W0 btate stret-t Phons 172T. FOR SALE Real Estate BARGAIN In S. Winter atreet home, 4 room newly decorated, fine east front lot. $1500. $56 down: fit per mo, to Include Interest. BEE us today. W. H. GRABENHOBST & CO. 1S4 a Liberty Street Phone SIC. 2 ROOM house, paved street, $1500. Terma- - BUSINESS lot close In, N. front, $2500. Terma ... BUSINESS corner cloae In, has In come, $7000. Terms. FURNISHED and nnfurnisnea houses for rent. GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE 4S4 Court Street 10000000000000000000000000000000 I ACRE fruit tract. Vood fire room bouse, good weU and irirc. outbuild. Inga. C mi. S. of Salem. Hmm IIF11. . FOR SALS " Attractive - Fairmount H1U Bonw Built ly owner ., . - ARTHUR RAHN 1 Phnn HIT or lit TOU CAN NOT DUPLICATE ... THESE SXAPS-1 THEIR LOSS TOUR GAIN, ICO A. timber, $C5 per acre. $100. DOWN, 4 R. Price 10. A REAL VIEW HOME KOAft WORTH SS500 has S R. m .vf K. m 1 I ill I flirri1 A Set! - FINE 60 A. IL'inriSL 1TAB.M. S6SVV, SLOCK, crop. BBpwmenw. S A. SNAP $1000 cuiti. iuiia woll heat noil nMc aork arTRimniN HOME $2950. CLOSE! In on- pavea -roaa bus line, a rooms, Dasement. water aya tem. Easy terma - . BEST BUTS AT BECHTEL SEARS TUCKER 241 State Street Room 4. EXCHANGE Real Estate Duouuxiuirij-irnn.i-u-1rifii-ii-n-i- - -- BALE or trade for Salem home 15 acres buildings., crops, adjoining crty. T10 North High. WANTED Southern Oregon prop erty for house and lot In Salem. 2710W.!ffl mKmlt hmiHW in axrhansie for IS acres, close In. P,hone 24I2M evenings. BEST TRADES IN CITT suburban, farm property. S4S0O. new i double constructed bun galow. S rooms. "Trade equity for lot or a cheaper bowse. CLOSE IN SUBURBAN IIOM.K $8500. BEAUTIFUL 10 a. tract Modern bungalow, barn. Trade for good borne In the cKy. BEAUTIFUL 2B A. FARM $2750 Best of soil. Bungalow R. has electric lights, barn. poultry houses oa paved highway 4 miles north of Salem take home in Salem as part pay WHAT HAVE TOU TO TRADE t FOR equity $2200 home FOR equity. $1800 home FOR equity $8750 farm. 25 A. FOR THE BEST TRADES SEE BECHTEL OR SEARS 241 State Street Room 4. aaaaWaaaa CALIFORNIA for Salem. Will ex change my modern home near River side. Cal.. for cottage or acreage near Salem. My property is tree and clear. .Sea owner. J. White. 475 North High street. This is something good. WANT TO TRADE home in Salem for small place. Will assume some mortgage. Call or address Mr. Stew art. 208 North High. SWAPS S ACRES .adjoining Aurora with nice Uttle cottage to exchange for Sa lem un to $2,500.00. DANDY Improved 6 acres at Hub bard to apply on 20 to 40 acres up to $4,000.00. A. C. BOHKNSTJSin: Realtor Loans Insurance 147 N. Com'L Street Salem. Oregon. EQUITY in house In Oregon City to trad as first payment on houae or lot la Salem. Box Tio. statesman. ACREAGE MALL FARM BARGAIN 21 A. all in crop, on mkt. road 1 k miles from small town. S room bouae in good condition electricity I a, lagans. Price S2C0O. 1212 Edgewater Phone 1843 NO DOWN PAYMENT REQUIRED I WILL take second mortgage for my full equity In one acre tract with modern a room house ir sold within 1$ days. Price $5780, mortgage, $2200. BEE. Mrs. Ellis with LEO N. CHILDS CO.. Realtor 22$ State Street Phone 1727. FOR SALE A real farm bargain, 12$ acres Just outside small town, bot tom land, new bungalow and barn, f 56 per acre. Easy terms. 40 ACRES river bottom, land, part In hops, lots of timber on ' good road ; want an oner. TEN acre tract three an Ilea out, os paved hlgnwax. ail under plow, good sou, bungalow. $&uo. A HOUSE and loTln Newport to ex change for acreage. F. L. WOOD 211 Stats Street ONE a era with 0 rm. house, electri city, water system, fireplace, wired for electric range, iruit house, email Darn, rabbit hutches , chicken houae and yard. $ bearing cherry trees, variety berries, grapes and family fruit. Good solL $2000. WINNIE PETTYJOHN. Realtor 175 South High Street FOR SALE A c-ood 180 acre farm. hottom land. 11 miles out. S10.000. A 40 ACRE farm with is acres or BEAVER DAM hind, a snap at $7o. t U, WOOJJ 241 State Street VwVMwwVwMwVwwVVArwwwwwwwwwww ACRE Small house $100 down Price $1650. Close bus and school south. BECKE ac HENDRICKS 123 North High Street i RANCH FOR SALE SACRIFICE for cash at your price. No trades. WUl sell all or any part 100 acres Irrigated 10$ acres under cultivation. Mostly alfalfa; six room bungalow. New chicken house, sheis si stern. One and three quarter mile from Redmond. BIDS accepted to March 2$. l2t. I reserve the right to reject any or all bids. O . A. NEWSOME (Owner). Redmond Hotel. Redmond. Oregon Polly and Her Pals 61MME THE- RE5T5EATW THE HOUSE My FAMILY'S AxA SO HAkIG "THE- EXPtMSE! OUT ACREAGE 14 ACRES for $5000. 4 acres in or chard and nuts. Small house; good soli.. Easy terma Exchange for city property, or service station, or camp ground. -. ...'.."'- TWO 4$ acre farms equipped stock ed and making money good buildings and equipment, cows, horses, bens and feed for the stock. A reasonable cash payment; balance can be paid from the milk checks. . IF you are a real dirt farmer with $6000 gold dust, buy this 122 acres of . fertile dirt with good buildings, some orchard and a real money maker. SEE STEGNER or NELSON x- 2TS State Street ; STOCKED EQUIPPED FARM SO ACRES, on good gravel road. Benton county. 45 acres under plow. soms timber, good T room house, large barn, poultry houae, garage, ull line farm machinery, 2 horses, 2 cows, 2 heifers 7 uga. chickena Prlca $57&0. Terma. Consider small acreage near Salem for part. TRIANGLE REALTY CO. 421 Court Street Ground Floor A CHEAP COUNTRY HOME : 10 ACRE tract on good road, close to school, fine set of bldgs., water sys tem. - electricity available," beautiful shade trees ln yard, one acre bearing filberts, C acres mixed fruits. Price $000, or will exchange lor saiem home. JJEO N. CHILDS CO.. Realtors 220 State Street - . Phone 1727. FOR RENT MASQUERADE costumes and wlxa 2200 N. 6th. Phone 147J. BOARD A ROOM $30.00 per month. Phone $11 J. YOU can have a house built to stilt mall payment down, balance like rent. Restricted district. Phone 249ZM, eve-ningh.- FOR RENT Houses GOOD S room bouse. 423 South 17th. $15.00 month. 7 ROOM house, partly modern, 205 South 18th. FOR RENT Two furnished houses. and several unfurnished. F. L. WOOD 241 State Street FTTRNISHRn eottaffa t nwima inH bath, garage. Phone 2621-J. 1710 Court street. ROOMED furnished house. Adults. No dogs. 251 N. Cottage street. Call at 227 N. Cottage. 4 ROOM furnished bungalow. Ad ults.' 415 N. Cottage. Phone 1677R. FOR RENT- 4 room house, also fur nished houM. Call 1540 Stats street. 1 f a iiaOiisOiU"tlw FOR RENT Large house close in $50 11 rooms. a BECKE HENDRICKS f9 North High Street FOR RENT Furnace flreplace-- $30. uaragsr-a rooms and glassed in sleeping porch. BECKE A HENDRICKS 189 North High Street FOR RENT or for sale new V room houM with acre of ground and fruit. Two blocks from bus and school. Call owner 1270R 1435 Marlon. FOR RENT furnished or unfurnlah d S room Court-lidw. floo.-s. fireplace, built-in kitchen, gaage and laundry. Immediate possesion. Fhons 1642 Oi 024-R. FOR RENT Good four room house at 100 Luther street, $10. F. L. WOOD 241 Stats Street den. walnuts and some fruit. Walking room house, garage, large gar- distance. $20.00. Phons 1727W. 2 FURNI8HED and some unfurnish ed houses. Mel v In jofanate, Phons CS7. FOR RENT $28. FURNISHED, coxy 4 room bungalow at 1646 Mill st. has 2 bed rooms, bulit-lns, bath, garage. Rent has been reduced from $20 to $28 for a good tenant. UNFURNISHED $ R. HOUSE $26. HAS 2 bedrooms, lot of built- in , basement, furnace. Located at 480 South 14th street many otner va cant bouses for rent from $12.50 to 6S. ' BECHTEL SEARS TUCKER 241 Stats Street Room 4. FOR RENT Apartments FURNISHED apt. $6.00 and up. Call at 4K Union street. Furnished 2 room front apt. Light and cheery. Furnace heat. Close In. Reasonable. Phono 1766R. FOR RENT TWO or three room furnished apart ment. 1000 South Church St. Phone 2524W. FOR RENT Modern, unfurnished close ln can't beat It for price, $30. 00. Phone, electric range, staam heat and hot water. Furnished. Phone 2165J. . FURNISHED and unfurnished S room - apartment. Virginia Apart ments. S79 N. Liberty. THREE ' rooms, neatly furnished. apartment, furnace heat, private bath. 545 Court Street Phone 1057. CONVENIENTLY located, strictly modern six room lower flat. ' Phone 11. t' FIRST FLOOR apt. 1325 State St. Ambassador Apts. '.. S Room furnished. 2 Room unfurnished. . Radio and Refrigerator. . Children Welcome 650 N. Summer 1T1 BUNGALOW apt.. Palmer Court. E. E. Roberta. $47 Mi'!, phone 284R. NICE, furnished apts.. 590 Union. HERE'S A SIpJGLE bc)x-seai;just n r f- f HUSBAM1 CALLE i OF FT FOR SALE Used Can A New Slant on 1$2$-Essex Coach 1027-Eaaex Sedan 1827-Essex Coach l17-Pontlac DeLux Sedan 1127-Pontiac DeLux Coup 1027-Oakland Sedan V,. l$2-Dodge Sedan l20-Chvrolet Sedaa l$24-Hudsoo Coach 1020-Type Essex Many other good buys In our stock, some as low as $50. TERMS State Motors, Inc. Hudson a Eswx High a Chemeketa Streets LIVE STOCK and POULTRY CUSTOM HATCHING at Se per egg ln 1000 lota Expert service. Book or ders early. Phons 12SF2. Leo's Hatch ery, Salem. Oregon. RABBITS WANTED W a 1 1 a c e Road. R. 1, Box 22. BABY CHICKS Get your chicks from a plant that specializes in expert poultry breeding work. Our wlnnmgs at poultry shows indicates the qualify of our stock and our ability to produce this quality for you. Secure full infor mation from our new catalog. Leroem ber 13 popular varietlea Lloyd A. Leo Hatchery a Poultry Breeding Farm. Rout S, box 115, Salem. Oregon, CUSTOM hatching and baby chicks. Expert service. Guaranteed quality settings and hatches twice each week. Watch our Sunday display ad. Phone 123F2. Lee Hatchery 20 HEAD of horses and mules, har ness and wagons; reasonable price and fair trial. Dam Sherlock, rear 232 South Church, corner of Ferry. FOR SALE Used Cars SEE THE NEW OLDSMOBILB THE FINE CAR MADE FINER ' USED CAR BARGAINS READ THESE OVER 1923 Oldsmobile. 4 door Sedan $1,000 1928 Oldsmobile Coupe $900 1925 Packard 4 door Sedan $900 1927 Oldsmobile DeLuxe Rdstr....$600 1928 Whippet Roadster $450 1925 Buick 8 Glass Inclosur Roadster $450 1925 Buick 4 Door Sedan $425 1925 Oldsmobile Coup $275 1925 Overland Glass Inclosur. Touring $225 1926 Ford Delivery (Inclosed) $200 Jewett Sedan $300 1925 Overland 2 door Sedan $276 Maxwell 4 door Sedan $265 FORDS : Sedans Touring C o u p s s All Price. 10 Other Good Running Automobile Priced from $50 to $200. CAPITOL MOTORS. Ino. 850 North High Street WHITE TRUCK and TRAILERS Gas Oil Grease Storag and Repairing Come In and See th 1929 Oldsmobile You can buy a bigger car but not a better car. PETTYJOHNS BETTER VALUES AT LOWER PRICES 1929 License Included 1927 1926 1927 1928 1926 1926 1920 1920 1926 1927 192$ Chevrolet, new tires Studebaker Sp. Coach Nash Light Six Coup .. Nash Spe. Six Coach Hupp "8" Touring Nash Spe. Coupe Buick Std. Sedan Nash Spe. Coach 450 650 696 1046 695 695 890 096 $50 $25 S50 Hupp bedan Nash Light Six Sedan Chrysler 62 Sedan OTHER good values as low as $50. Look them over today. F. W. Pettyjohn Co. 26S North Commercial St. Salem, Ore. "After we sell we serve." Dozens of 'good cars Overhauled and Priced Low 1927 Chevrolet Coup wlth rum ble seat . $4 IS. 1925 Buick Coupe, excellent condition .-. $525. 1922 Maxwell Rdater., new sport paint $146. 1926 Dodge Bros. 2-4 ton panel ..$460. 192S Buick Master Six. 7 pass. Sedan . $676. 1922 Dodge Touring $136. Also 2 Dodge Deliveries at $125. FORDS FORDS FORDS 1924 Sedans $176. 1920 Touring New Pyroxglln -finish $85. 1524 Touring, new Pyroxglln finish $ $5. 1923 Touring, extra good tires ..$ $5. Ford truck, new rubber $146. Valley Motor Company ReoVUsed Cars 192$ Nash Special six coupe 1926 . Rlckenbacker, 4 -door brougham. 1624 Dodge roadster 1926 Studebaker 2 door sedan fully equtpped including trunk. 1925 Ford 2-door Sedan WE also have ten good used trucks prices ranging from $100 to $2200. Reo Sales & Service Co. ' 337-347 W. High Street USED CARS At Actual Wholesale Prices Late Models STATE MOTORS INC. Ifiirlsnn fioigr 'Tiltf4kii4AM Hlh at Ohemeket ht Phone. 1000. 1922 FORD COUPE for $46.0$. 416 N. 21st street ff svawJ ; - 'kJWrr jmmZ M90m - , . . . - , , .. FOR SALE Used Cars Used Car Buying $715.00 $586.00 $550.00 tits Oft $525.00 , ; $ois oa .$5 15.00 ,1 $1B 00 i. $326.0$ i $2 26.00 Coach 1127-Ford Coupe Wire Wheels $240.00 1926-Rlckeabacksr Touring . ..$248.00 Distributors Phone 1000. VnAiVsrVVarVVM"rrVir McKay's for Usect Cars with an 0. K.that counts 1927 Chevrolet Truck $47.00 1927 Pontlac Coupe 650.00 1927 Ford Touring 225.00 1925 Star -Sport Touring 160.00 1928 Chevrolet Cabriolet 665.00 1923 Dodge Touring 150.00 430 N. Commercial Phone 1802 Douglas McKay Chevrolet Co. 430 North Commercial . Tel. 1802. WANTED Used Cars CASH paid for Forda Klkor Auto. WANTED 1 928 Ford Coach will give 1925 Ford Tudor in fine shape and pay cash difference, ' this week only. A. G. BENDER 1 3-4 mile east of Monitor. AUTOMOBILES RELINK your brakes to hold wet or dry. Save 20 till Mar. 16. FITZGERALD-SHERW1N MOTOR Co. Liberty at Chemeketa MERRILLS garage Aumavllle, Ore. Gaa oils, tires, accessories. First class mechanic. All work guaranteed. Located In .old Speer building. Service with a smile. MONEY TO LOAN BUSINESS property loans 6ft pet cent. Kes. loans monthly payment . and straight loans, lowest rates. Met. Lift insurance Co, money lor I arm loans. HUDK.1NS SANt oRD, Inc. Miller troButKUag ISA LAKY and collateral loana, Re payable ln weekly or monthly install ments. GENERAL FINANCE COR PORATION, ivust Nai'l Bauf. To 1200. Private Money to Loan ON FARMS ANt ICITr REAL ES TATE. LOWEST INTEREST RATES. BERT T. FORD FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDO. FARM LOANS Plenty of mone to loan on good farm security. City Loans We are loaning Prudential In jurs nc company money on city resi dences and business property at IH per cent, plus a commission, ilawklna A Roberts, 205 Oregon Buidlng. MONEY LOANED ON AUTOS Contracts Refinanced Arrange to reduc your paymanta You keep the car. P. A. EIKKtt Cur. Liberty tit. ani Ferry Phone 121 Kalam. Ore. DO you need money to build or re finance your loan? Payments 110 per month per tlupiaand Includes low in terest. We can lower your payments. WESTERN BOND A MORTGAOE CO. UcKv 4k Uulry. 341 State St. "Phone SOS WE have private money tor real ae tata loans. Straight and Installment loans on city property. Vm loans at 6 plus romiuisslo, ANDERSON RUPERT Realtor 119 & High St CITY AND FARM loans at lowest rates. Best terms obtainable. Our Insurance department offers you ex pert advice aod servlc in all lines. HAWKINS ROBERTS (lac) TeL 1437 SOS Oregon Bldg. CITT AND TRACT LOANS Reasonable R tee -No Delay STATE SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION 703-$ First National Bank Bldg. 46T Mai em. Oregon FEDERAL FARM LOAN F. L. Wood. S41 Stat Street WANTED Private nanT tor farm loans. W have several application on hand. Hawkins a Robert, lnc, 80S Oregon Bldg. WANTED Salesmen WANTED Experienced auto sales man to sell popular priced cylinder car ln Salem and vicinity. Salary and commission. " Address letters to box 600. Care of Statesman. Applications arui D kept confidential. ATTRACTIVE PERMANENT POSITION IS open to an industrious present able salesman who is accustomed to a good Income. Experience not necessary. Refer ence required. Call before 11:30 a. m. 716 First National Bank Building WANTED in Salem territory. A man to represent an old established concern. Hard work and- long hours are required, but personal training and help is given. Marrid man between th ages of 30 and 45 preferred. Suc cessful men make $300 and up per month. Reply confidential. Box- 871, Statesman. , WANTED Male Help TWO mn in each county with cars to sell for us in th country and trad for produc. Mak good wages every day. Writ Harpers, Dept 380. Fair- field.' Iowa. I J FSa' 0i I WANTED Male Help NEAT ajMMaiinar slnai toudc 21.25 . fori . tiaaallna; loh tm ora Washington aad Montana, Experience unnecessary, but must com of good address. Most b a worker, moderate salary to start SEE Mr. Cofar, Marion Hotel. $ to 11 a. m. today. WANTED Female Help EXPERIENCED clothing and man wanted. Address . box 648, car Statesman. ADDRESSING ENVELOPES at horn, spar time. Earn substantial pay weekly, sxprinc unimtessai j. Dig nified employment for honest, sincere persona Marshall Mfg. Co, 2022 Mont rose, Chicago. . " LADIES ARE you looking for a chance to make some real money where you will enjoy your work? Applicants must be neat and alert. .Experience not neces sary. We will teach you our buslass. SEE Mrs. Leavenworth before 11:00 a. m. 713 First National Bank Bldg. WANTED Situations PRACTICAL nursing or general cleaning. 246 D street Phone 47W PERSONAL GOING to Seattle with a car ln a few days. If you want to go a Ions phone. 794. MISCELLANEOUS FURNITURE PACKING for ship ments. Gleae-Powers furniture Co. FOR SALE Misc. FITRNJTUR3 UPHOLSTERING and repairing. Olcae-Powera Furniture store. WANTED Used pianos. ln ex change on Radios, phonographs, or fur. nitur. H. L. Stiff furniture Com pany. v FOR SALEM scareoger service call 167. O. A. C. BARRED Rock batching eggs, 16 for 75c. S3 15 South Cottagu. Puone 2635-W. GOOD Monarch range. Inquire 940 North 20th street FOR SALE One ton of loganberry wire in good condition. Price 2 cenU per lb. John S. Marshall, Route 6, Box 102E- Garden Road. Salem. FRUIT GROWERS ATTENTION : Producers cannery stock for sale, spe cial discount for quick aale phone 534. FOR SALE Three large cherry tree. F. L. WOOD 341 State Street PIANO FOR SALE Will sacrifice my piano for cash it taken by March 15th. May consider terma Write Box 438. Salem, Oregon. YELLOW Newton apples, good cooking grade special 75c box. NICE pack Johnathans $1.10 box. ROME Beauty, extra fancy, $1.40 a box. FRESH apple cider dally. PURITAN CIDER WORKS Phone 2374J West Salem Open Sundays MODERN Hot Point range reason able. 646 "E" street WANTUD MISC. CARD ItEADm :ail 2867-M. CAPITOL BARGAIN and junk bouse 106-146 Center. Tai. 298. Alt klndi of Juuk bought and sold; Rags, Sacks, Bottl. Barrels, Hides, Pelts. Wools, Root Pitch. Peppermint Oil. all kinds oi iron and metal everything rrom a needle to a locomotive. LOS A AND FOUND LOST Police pup four months old. leather collar, chain snap. Answers to nam Fox. R. B. EYERLY. $40 North Commercial. LOST Wallet containing currency and Rotary receipt ln name of B. W. Johnson.' Reward for return to States man. FOR SALE Wood .( DRY FIR OAK .Wood Coal & Fuel Oil Call m us far Dries. We give good measure, good quality and good ear vice. Larmer Transfer & Storage Tel. 930 GOOD DRY WOOD oak and fir. Phon 130F16. Robert Fro mm. Rt 7. 16" MILL wood at $2.76 per load. 16" 2nd FIR at $2.60 per load. TRACE YS FUEL YARD .. Phon 2985 1 000000000000000000000000000 FOR DRY FIR WOOD I ft or sawed Cajl C. D. Query. Phone 127F2L GOOD WOOD at a reasonable price. Well seasoned second growth fir. Also well seasoned old fir slab and In side wood. PROMPT DELIVERY Phon 1542 Fred E. Well 280 South Church Street THE BEST wood for the money at Tracy's Fuel Yard, phon 2985. - 0000000000000000000000000000000k GOOD DRY wood for you D. a Larmer. Tel 189S. FOR SALE: Wood of all kinds. M. D. ilayTlaldphon 72F2. lVNCHwooXall 81F22. rii "it rnni,vuijvvi GOOD. COAL DRY WOOD PROMPT DELIVERIES HILLMAN FUEL CO. TELEPHONE 1856 DRY 16 In. old fir 4 ft fir. ash and maple. r? rr wa tjt Arrnrr 888 Highland Ave Phooe i)9 Vfe (SOTS! THE SOSSlPSaOP people a5-: "TH&THEYIL FOR SALE Wood GUARANTEED DRY Woodcoal. TeL 13. Saiem ITumi Co a2 Trade. OOOD. DRY Second growth 4 ft. $6.00 per cord. 2 cord lots. $5.75. Pboae 2711 W. SEASONED oak posts and 1$ In. wood. Phone 88K6. I GENERAL DIRECTORY AUCTIONEERS F.NaWoodry 12 Tra. Salem's leading Auctioneer - aud Furniture Dealer ReaMeaee and 8tor 1610 N. Summer St - Phon 511 COL. A. L. STEVENSON auc tloneet 28 year experience in the v uiamctt valley, ior dates or ar ransanMnts see r . A. Doerfler. farm advisor, lrst national Bank. Salem. rttone or writ. A. L. it even son, cur valll. Oregon. H. F. Wcodry and Son The AUCTIONEERS Who Sell - Rite-Down-Town" Phone 75 20 Tear a Experience Salem Markets lrh Fruit (Wholesale ejaetaUonl) Apples, f. and 1. Jonathan! I.qO la!irioaa .: 1.7(3.60 Sp'tieaberg 1.00 Oregon Km1, Hood River 3.40 Yellow Nawtown . 1.50 Bananas, lo. -if bataa Uromrdtrj. 30. t0 a rtr. 0.75 Bulk Uallow!. 1 .1$ Cana'a Pitted, eaae 4.76 Grapefruit. Aria, eaae 4.50 f lorid., rasa 5.00 Cemb hoary. aa eras 4. 75 (2 3.50 Lemons, 4t luges. 100's 12 176' 150's SOO'a 21Sa 1:52 290's 4l Cal. .8.50 7.00 Navali !5.25 8.2S ...75 0..5 a 3u 5.00 .00 .q , 8.25 Vt:?i (Waoletsle QsotiUoai) Artichokes, co, Peaa, Calif, lb 1 l ...13 ...MS .... ...8( .60 Green baa as, Calif kaJUhas, Calif Hot honie. Walla Walla dreen Onions, Dallas ,doi. bu. ... terry r Hearts, coi, bunebaa California, craia .. Spinach, ?4Valif, ll Cauath ilanan. lioWfn .. .Delicioua 1.35 0.00 iO 04 04 04 04 05 OS 8.50 05 03 1.76 iiaaiah, lb. Hubbard, lb. .... Marbletaead Carroti, lacal, sack, lb . California, erate Parsnips Rutabagas - Cauliflower, Calif., crate ... Bunched vesstablaa. oar sea. baachua Carrot ..40fiJ .00 liaeti 40 Q 00 Potatoes Local, Burba nit i 1. 10 Yak. Gams No. 3 1.10 Klamath Falls 1.8 Sweat notatoas -, ..07 Garli. la. .28 Peppers.- Florida, green, lb. - .40 Tomatoaai Mexican lut. 8.25 Local hothouso atancarda 8.60 Onieoa No. l'a 5.25 No. 2'a 4.00 Boiling, local 4.00 Lettuce, Imperial valley, rrata 8.50Qj."o Rhubarb. Wash, crate ... 3.00.2. 75 $2.00 Naw potatoes, lb 25 Fee (Rat II quotatloa) Calf nasi. SS lb. 1.35 . Dairy feed, toa .48.00 Scratch, toa 50.00 Cora, whole, toa 45.00 Cracked and groaad 47.00 Mill ran, toa .. , 04.50 Bras, tea .4.00 teg ah 50.00 With stilk ; 36.06 Eccs (Bayiag Prloa) Standards .3 31 lladtua VsgeUblas ana Yrniu (Barlag Price J Piitca, ewt 1.00 luraipt, ewt 1.60 Onions, ewt. 4.40 Paraalpa, lb. . 03 Carrot rack , 1.50 Cabbage, ewt a S.0O Aaplea. face aad flllad 1.0 Rhubarb, lb. U Poultr fBuyisg Pries) Haavia Madiaot UghU Sprinfsrs, large Stass Rocater. eld . Battens (Wbelaaala) Carte ua .40 47 V .47 4 Prist BatUrfat Batter . (RataiD rPrinta , 40 Cartons SO Oraln aad Hay iBujrtRg pricai Wheat, western red, oa. 1.0S Soft white . 1.04 OoIm. gray, ba. : 06 WhiU, ba. 57 Barlay. toa Z -...0U Hay Oat aad vetch Clover, choice .22.00 .22.00 .18.00 Rya era as sad cheat Uvea tack (Buying Prices) Oows .05O.08 Steers, top Teal, good . Boll, cool 11 .loo.i -07HO.08 ..- lo$4 07Q.07V . IS Hoga, top . Heavy uw( Spring Lambs Wetnsra .060.00 Ewes, top OS Draaaad Msats (Baying Price) Hoga, top 14 ..U(a.l8 Vaal, good CRTCAOO OBAUr CHICAGO. March 5. (AP) Wheat price, tumbled down nearly 5a a bash el today compared with yesterday' a top fig area. The fall went hand ia has .with evidence that etorage-roon hare for craia has become filled almoat to the. limit, and that offering of wheat to be transferred t Chicago from terminal market aoath wet are as futile so earrylojr coal to Newcastle Closing quotation o wheat war heavy 2 l-4a te Stt an rower. Cora fiaishad 5-8a ao la dowa sad oats He te la eff. By Cliff Sterrett - AL - 23 3.24 .97 BATTERY ELECTRICIAN R. D. Barton National Batterl starter aaj arenanator war a. South High. Battery Service Station Automotive Electricians Vick Bros. High St at Trade Tel. 1241 ELECTRICIANS E. L. WELCH ELECTRICAL contractor: fixtures and supplies. Estimates furnlahed. 'Ji tmmrclai st Phon , , 2561-M. , ill BICYCLE REPAIRING LLOYD ML RAUSDKV rvl.nti Blcyclas an drepairlng. 387 Court CARPENTER a arij trtf-sj LrxfxruTJxnjxrijsX''Xi CARPENTER lluliuer Horns an. .. clalty. Pians and specifications tree "' with work. , Reliable. Reasonable. Day if w contract Tel. 2736. CHIROPRACTORS DR. LLOYD L. HOCKETT. Phjslo- meraptst 945 N. 6th St. Tel 1SS8-W Dr. O. L. SCOTT. PSC, Chiropractor, . .. 2a6 N. High. Tel. ai. itea. 2104-J. - DR3. SCHOF1ELD. Palmer Chlrov ai.V practora X-Ray and N. C M. New , a s gsitx. DOCTORS L. G. ALTMAN M 1 Hnmwinath. 1 ' lo Physician, phon 147. 296 N. Lib- I IJ Oft. DOCTOR W. G. Morehouse, vataria- . arlan. reaioenc 726 3. Com'L Phon "iv. vsiiice a. umh i. mono iiy. ELECTRICIANS HALiK ELECTRIC CO. Ulectrlc ouAtractlng and repaira jJJa:ti ic fl-tures and supptlea ectric lange ana wasltera h. 2 4(1 N. Front FLORISTS I LOWE&j FOR ALL occasions J sib a. Court A High at. Tel. 801. CUT Flowera weddlnir bouaueta -. iunural aruaths. decorationa C. F. tiieitti-upt, liOiiat, 612 btate btreet Tel. 380.. INSURANCE VVM . A V I.: H si K: IT Airt , tual Insurance, 03i' North 20. Salem. V4. flt-W. WARREN F. POWERS Life and General lnaurano. TeL 607. i 219 U. S. Bank Bldg. ANDERSON A RUPERT General Inauranca 169 S. High Tel. 1644 BECKE A HENDRICKS 189 N. High Tel. 161 RICH U RKIMANN General Insurance, Loans !19 N. High 8t Tel. 866 WILLAMETTE INSURANCE AGENCY 315 Masonic Bldg. Tel. 982 LAUNDRIES THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THE WKIDRR I.AlINnnV Telephone 25 2C3H. High CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY "The Laundry of Punt M.t.rlal." Telephone 10 1264 Broadway , MATTRESSES Mattressrs REK-nviTcn k " Capital City BadJlng Co., 3030 North t-itpiiot. uuiaa ior ana aeiiverea. AH wora guaranteeo. -jei. is t MUSIC Slt)RES FOR RENT Nmmi nl.nna It , f . Stiff Furnftur Company. 14 GEO. C. WILL Pianoa I'hnna. graoha. sewlna maehlnea sheet muaia '' ' and piano studies. Repairing phono- r grapns ana sswmg maenmea iz btat . , , treat Salem. NEWSPAPERS THE PORTLAND TELEGRAM 8a. lem Agency. The Ac. Tel. 639. PAPER HANGING PHONE OI.ICNN IHmn. e lecoratlnaT. DaDerhanarlnar -tlntlnar mtn Reliable workman. PAINTING. tlntln. Danerlna. TeL 1-OiSM. PLUMBING PLUMBING and renalrlnar: reason. Abie prlcca. A. L. Godfrey, phone 4 96 W. PLUMBING and general renair work. Graber Broa. 16 So. Liberty. A CI. .... PRINTING FOR STATIONERY, carda nam. phtet. programs, books or any kind of printing, call at the Statesman Printing Department ' 215 S. Commer cial TeL 600. RADIO FOR every purpose, for every nurse All standard sixes of Radio Tubes. wrr kical s hup, 83 Court St, Tel. 488. - STOVES STOVES und stov reDairlnsr. Stowaa for sale, rebuilt and repaired. All kinda of woven wire fence, fancy and. plain, hop baskets and nooks, Ibgaa uooas. BtHem renc ana otov work. law v-ourt nu. imck oi ousick'A TAILORS D. H. MOSHER Tailor for men women. 474 Court St - TRANSFERS CAPITAL Cltr Transfer Co 218 1 Stat St TeL 933. Distributing, for- I aarding aad storag our specialty. Get -our rat. . TRANSPORTATION Yelloway Pioneer : - System - f f 8TAGES. Los Angeles. $18; San Francisco,. Sacramento, $13.60; Seattle $4.60, Depot Bllgb hotel,- phone 743. VIOLINS HANDMADE, old rare. H. M. Man- I dollns and stl. guitars, all string and . supplies, exchangea. Bring me your, old wreck. He pairs. Scientific adjustroeiua ' -; I960 South Commercial LODGE ROSTER CHEMEKETA LODGE NO. 1. I. O. F. Meets every Wednesday even ing at i :s oetoca; intra rioor or i. ul O. F. -TemKbs, corner .of Court and 4 4 i : ,v