The New OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Wednesday Morning, March 6, 1929 kocal iNe Shnbbery to Hospital The Sa lem General hospital has benefited from, some Innovations being made at .the . wide front and the north parkins 1 of the Clough-Huston f aneral parlors. The many pieces of shrubbery, gome of whichTiad gro,wn,too large for. the apace, have hea dug np and the parking will be. planted to a lawn for the time, being at least. Most of the shrubbery was given" to the hos pital, and included cyprua trees. Juniper laurel, holly and yew. Shrubbery between the walk and huidlag; was not removed. The amsU piet at the corner has been filled with large rocks, a feature of, which, Is a bird bath. It Is the plan, to bang a bird house on the light post on this corner. Zaliks to Teachers Miss-Mll- s dred Smith, with the National So ciety tar the Conservation of SigAt, .talked to Miss Crowley's claaa at the senior high school Tuesday after school. In addition ta the. class, primary teachers and members of the nursing staff at the child health demonstration at tended the lecture on the conser vaUon of sight with special refer, eoce to the school child. Hewn Iiiangarailsn Pupils of the Leslie Junior high school were enabled, to hear President Hoo ver' Inaugural address Monday through the courtesy of the West ern 4Auo Supply company, which installed a radio set In the as sembly room. The set was in use alL day, and a special assembly was-held to hear the Inaugural ceremony. Yonths Sentenced E. O. Tay tor who pleaded guilty to stealing br??B parts of machinery, was ."Ha fenced to serre fire days In the Marion county Jail when he appeared before Justice of the Peace mall Tuesday. Walter Wil liams, his partner, was conTicted aa.i given a 10 day sentence on a similar charge. Men Asked Salt to establish a mechanic's lien was filed In ctr , ruit court here Friday by the Ga. f hriel Powder and Supply company , aainet S. O. Robinson and oth- er.. The sum of $608-08, plus "'Vb'st and attorneys fees, ts in volved. Suit TransferredThe case of RmaldTE. Jones ts. I. M. Bales transcribed from the Salem f istiee- court to circuit court here Tuesday. Reason for the change that the title to real property was involved. Justice court uot ha vine Jurisdiction over such mat ter. (;irl to Bwrrells Mr. and Mrs. K. H.'Burrell, route seven, box 2i.. are the parents of a five and three-fourths, pound baby girl bom TueFday at the Salem gen eral hospital. License Asked Applica tion for a dance hall license was filed with the Marlon county court here . Tuesday by the Hammond Lumber company of Mill City. The company has operated a dance hall license at Mill City for several yars. Senator Victimized -Senator J. J. Bell of Eugene reported to the police Tuesday that a set of law booked-copies of the session laws, a private account book, a supply of letterheads and letter files ware stolen from his automobile while it was parked near the state- house. VLU High School Miss Beryl " Halt, mathematics teacher at the SaUm high school who has been absent for several weeks while re cuperating from an operation, vis ited the school Tuesday for the first time. Mrs. Cecil Monk is in charge of Miss Holt's classes. Principals to Meet Principals and i supervisors of the Salem schools will meet with Superin tendent George Hug at the high school Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock,, when general plans will be discussed. Payne Conducting Revival Rob ert. L. Payne, pastor of the First Bp'it charfch here, is at Fossil, Urw.. where 'he is conducting a aeries of revival meetings. He ex-Qcts- to. close' hia campaign there Saturday." Toxin-antitoxin CUnic Dr. Ver rmu a. Douglas of the Marion county child health demontsratlon will eocduct toxin-antitoxin clinics 1 r r . in! Brooks, Perkins and Hiyesville schools today. . liurgUry Reported The Texa ft co gas plant was entered by a burglar Monday night. It was re- ? p jr'wad the next day to the pollee. A leal her coat and a slicker were' taken. KtmmIc Speaker Leo Friede of Partlaad will be the speaker at th R:ary club luncheon today, r-UatisK interesting facta concern ing hia recent tour of Africa. Ileum Daily Kxrapt Maaday by statesman $nblihjna Co. 2i5 So. Cowmareial St. - Mmbr of tb AS.SOOiATKD PRESS ' Tkm AMKUtd Prrtk ia xelua'Taly entitled to th for publication of i: cm atvtoh credited t it er ot af. rw,, credited Hi thia Papar o4-'M to the local aowa pabfiakee Sfombar . bviirii omeu Paaifi Coaat !UpraBtatiTa- itttii W. Stjrpaa. lac, Soearity aide.. Portland ; gaaroa Bid., Baa CMiae: til Aftaatara FacilM Blda, K-a Aaralea. TELEPHONE 500 Far All DapartwoaW EBana at tba Post Off tea ia Salaaa, Orasoa. aa aae d elaaa aiattar. Matt aabacrijUea Eat, tn Asvaaae Wilkin Or(oa; Daily aad Haadar, -t 1 an a u at at. a a.a&l rear aJ0. ElaewWa ft Ma. ar 9&.00 far 1 yaar la aavaa j Br Olty Oarriae 60 caata a aioata ; St.00 m raar. Briefs ws Here to Hold Inspection Major Albert J. Jones of the 7th Infan try, Vancouver Barracks, conduct ed the annual Inspection of Com pany B, 162nd Ilnfantry, of the O. N. 0. Monday night. It will be some time before results of the inspection are known here, as the major's report goes first to the area headquarters and then to the national department before the Guard headquarters here learns of the showing made. Captain Paul T. Burris Is- in .command of the 16 2nd. Gtris Leaarae Meet Order maintained, or not maintained, during the assembly periods was the principal item of discussion at the Tuesday morning meeting of the Girls : League of the high .school. The girls agreed that they would try harder to aid in bring ing up the general tone of the student meetings. A speaker rep resenting the Business- and Pro fessional Woman's club will talk to the league at Its "next meeting next Tuesday .-. a part of - the week's program the business women. 8 tart on Man Taken George Bunch was arrested at Stayton Tuesday by sheriff's deputies from Salem. He was held in the Marlon county Jail Tuesday night and will be sent to Portland today. He is wanted there on a charge of at. tempting to commit a felony. De tails of the charge were unknown here, the warrant having been Is sued out of Portland. Remonstrance Piled Remon strance against establishment of a ceunty road from the Pacific highway to Sunnyslde fruit farms, as petitioned for by H. H. Smith and 44 others, was filed with the Marion county court here Tues day. The remonstrance carries 52 names and is headed by Mary E. Rees. Woodry to Hood River F. N. Woodry, Salem auctioneer, will go to Hood River Thursday to con duct a sale of registered and grade dairy cows. Mr. Woodry will return to Salem Friday. Bail Forfeited N. L. Kraxber ger of Oregon City forfeited $10 bail In municipal court Tuesday when he failed to appear in an. swer to a charge of speeding. Lights Improper Charles Goldsmith was arrested by local police Tuesday night on a charge of driving an automobile with Im proper lights. Daughter to Hills The daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Elmore E. Hill, born last Wednesday at the home at 61 Thompson avenue, has been named Marilyn Mae. Visits Rural Schools Mrs. Mary L. Fulkerson. county school super intendent, spent Tuesday visiting the rural schools in the Mill City vicinity. Returns to Work F. N. Wood ry. lo 10 North summer street, who has been 111 for the past week Is again able, to be up and to at tend to his business interests. Martin Visits H. L. Martin, former owner of the Salem Va riety store but now of Portland, was a Salem business visitor Tuesday. Divorce Asked Charging that she deserted him February 19 of la? year, Lee R. Sythe brought u for divorce Tuesday from Rose Sythe. They were married in Port land April 12. 1921. Find It Meire Save at Qleae-Powem Dissolution Sale. Now on. The greatest furniture event ever an nounced in Oregon. Terms or Cash. Furniture Upholsterer And repairing OlescPowers Furniture Co. Hollar Dinner Every uigbf f:t0 to t at tba Marion hots'. Kat at CLeary's Where good food Is served. Trade In Tonr Old Radio for fSO On a Kolster or R. C. A. Rail ola at the Eoff Elecyic Inc. Thomas Bros. Band MellowMoon Every wea. ana aiuraay. Farmers Day A art Ion Kat. At F. N. Woodry Auction mar. ket. Summer St. Dissolution Sale Xow On The greatest furniture event In the history of Salem. Buy now and save. Cash Or Terms. Giese- Powers. Old Time Da Crystal Garden every Wednes day and Saturday night Caah Or Terms Giese-Powers Dissolution sale. Buy now at the greatest furniture event ever announced in Oregon. Blxr Auction TonUrht At F. N. Woodry's Auction mar ket. Summer St. Keixer School Play e March lath. Ticket sale Doc Lewis' Drug Store. Adults 35c; Children 15c. Guaranteed Shed Dry Wood Coal. Tel. IS. Salem Fuel Co. ; Pottery makes Ideal Bridge Or birthday gifts. For inexpen sive gifts visit our giftry. Pome roy and Keene. ' v'-;;' Card of Thanks We wish to thank the many friends of our mother and sister, Mrs. Luclnda Hall, - for floral of. terlngs and for tbetr sympathy In our bereavmant. Mrs. Mary De PetT Mrs. A. L. West. Mrs. Bsrt Wolf, Mrs. A. R. Qlger. Robert LOMRT. Opinion by Justice McBride Upholds Circuit Judge L H. McMahan , The state supreme court Tues day held for the plaintiff in a suit brought ' by the Mutual Benetit Health and Accident association ot Omaha, Nebraska, to enjoin the state Insurance commissioner from cancelling: tta license to transaat bualnesa in jOregon. The opinion waa written br Justice McBride and affirmed Judge L H. McMa han of the Marlonoounty circuit court. I The record in the case showed that the olalntlff corporation has approximately 84 agenta operat ing in the sUte of Oregon. Tne volume of business transacted in th state waa reflected in the last annual tax ot the company which tn 1927 amounted to $10,451.27. This tax waa baaed on 1 M per cent of its premiums for the year 1927. But One Issue Considered TtiM la Kut una nueatlnn in volved in this case." said Justice McBride in his opinion. "That Is whether a mutual Insurance com- Danr organised legally in Nebras ka may. upon compliance with the orocedural matters required by the Oregon Insurance laws, carry on the business of health and ac cident Insurance In this state. "There Is no question but that the company has complied with the Oregon Insurance laws. The court is of the opinion that It can be licensed in this state. Other opinions handed down by the court today follow: J. B. Parrish. .apQellant. vs. W. A. Kotthoff; appeal from Marlon countv : action to recover dam ages for beach of warranty in the sale of certain kind of rye seed. Opinion by Justice Rand. Judge Percy M. Kelly reversed. Frank A. Heltkemper. appel lant, vs. R. W. Schmeer et al; appeal from Multnomah county, suit to enforce restrictions affect- inz. residence property. Opinion by Justice Brown. Judge Lewis P. Hewitt affirmed. Judge Tazwell Reversed State of Oregon ex rel D. M. Nayberger. vs John F. McDonald et al; appellants; action in con tempt of court. Opinion by Justice McBride. Judge George Tazwell re versed. United Artisans Life as sociation vs Oddfellows Home, ap pellant: appeal from Multnomah county; suit to recover unpaid oortion of a benefit certificate is sued to Henry L. Koester. amount- ine to S935. Decree reversed in fa vor, of Oddfellows home. Opinion by Justice Bean. Judge Robert K. Tucker reversed. Carroll Agee vs. H. L. Chaplin, appellant; appeal from Yamhill county; action for damages for Dersonaf injuries in automobile accident. Opinion by the couit. Robert G. Morrow affirmed. Oaklev Smith vs H. L. Chapm, aooellant: appeal from Yamhill county; action for damage? for personal injuries in auiomounc accident. Opinion by the court. Judge Robert G. Morrow affirmed. Petition for rehearing denied in State of Oregon vs John Smith. Motion for additional time allowed- in readjudlcatlon of water rights of Deschutes river. J BE ENDED SOOH Experts on Revision to Sub "mit Their Final Plans in Near Future parts March 5. (AP) Ex perts engaged in revision of the Dawes plan for reparations pay ments are indicating to their fend that thev hone to reach definite figures toward the end of this week and certainly by me De ginning of next. Their desire is to conclude the heavy work before Easter and to take an aajourn mnt for a few days before re turning to draw up the final texts of their recommendations. Their deliberations have reached the ocumentary stage. Pa nor a were tn the course of nrenaratlon today and will be completed tomorrow morning which will set forth the provis innaT ronclusiona of the three sub committees. They will, however. contain several blank spaces rep- raaantinr conversations upon which conclusions have .not yet been arrived at. This ia especially noticeable In the case of questions dealing with the three classes of payments. Into rhiK it now aeema to be unani mously agreed the reparations will be divided unconditional casn, conditional cash and deliveries In kind. A large portion of the document will deal with the trustee organ- Inm the formal name of which has not yet been determined. This er-ir-inlrfni which was devised by Lord Revelstoke. British banker, aud bis associates, according to present conceptions, will be a for midable Institution. Thn nlenarv session tomorrow afternoon was 'expected to be a long one. Women Urgent in Demand for Work Of Y. W.Bureau More than three women a day annllad for work durlnrv February. according to the monthly report from the office of the employment bureau at the Y. W. C A. issued Tuesday. A total of 194 girls and woman sonant lobs, with slightly mors than a third of them placed. er It. Applications ror neip were 10 mors than the a am bar placed. DAWES PUN TS Loses Purse And Adds to His Bad Luck It never rains but it pours I B. W. Johnson. Linn county representative who halls from Monroe, suffered along with his 59 fellow members when grang ers Saturday night made legal moves to prevent the $5 daily ex pense grab. But Monday the next blow came. Somewhere, some time after the session adjourned. M. John son lost his purse and the 7I It contained! A thorough search was made- a careful one but nowhere could the purse be found. So Mr. Johnson wss forced to go home Tuesday without the ex. pense money or the purse. His name is embossed In the wallet and therein Is a member ship for the Corvallls Rotary club. Mr. Johnson Is offering a re. ward for the return of his purse. 'DUMMY' IS VOTED DELIGHTFUL TALKIF Dopey and Blackie and Cooper and Rose, were no match for Bar ney Cook, who stepped straight out of a detective yarn on his first case for the Banning detective ag ency last night , at the Elslnore theatre In "The Dummy," comedy-melodrama all-talkie. Barney rescued the beautiful little girl with the golden curls from the kidnaping gang of lower New York, i won the $25,000 reward, and received the detective badge as "big as a spadej from the hands of the chief of detectives himself. Barney, played by Mickey Ben nett. is the typical small boy, and there Isn't a match for him. By his pluck and bluff and tight he surprises Banning, who looks like we know detectives ought to look, into giving him the Job. A plan is arranged by which the kidnaping gang captures Barney under the belief that they are obeying the orders of their boss. Barney, who pretends to be a deaf mute, gums up the gang's works, and convinc es Big Bluff Doney. the Irishman member of the gang, that you can't "trust nobody no more." And bedraggled Rose, otherwise Zasu Pitts. Dopey's sweetheart, in her tremulous voice, who's said all along that she "didn't feel right about this," tells them she "Just knew something terrible was going to happen." Mickey's role as the scrappy youngster who has to act dumb and stolid, while he's boiling in side, Is cleverly portrayed. Zasu Pitts furnishes laughs with every inflection of her voice, which te orpplloit on the Dhotonhone. Ruth Chatterton. mother of the kid naped girl, is the realistic beauti ful and dumb mother who allows hnraelf to be hoodwinked by the detectives. There are low speeding cars, pistols, and the shack In the Catskllls. found by a plot of the road Barney has managed to leave in the detectives' path. Rverv bov and girl, man and woman, who likes detective stories liked detective stories. will thrill over this one. H. How ard. Earl Anderson is Now Sole Owner Oi Bindery Here Annnnneamenx made this week by Earl H. Anderson states that he has purchased the IntereaU of Fred D. Thlelasn In. the Capital City Bindery, 475 Front street, on will continue the business at the same location under the same name. Anderaon 'for many years has hn active in the business. The establishment is an old one, dat ing back to 180. the year of us onenlnr. General bindery work la conducted by the firm. OBITUARY Rdwarrf F. Fane died March 4 at the age of 76 years, at the fam ily residence. 645 Gaines avenue. Besides his widow, Mary Fane, ne i. c.rvtvad hv two steochlldren. Mr. Fane Is a Spanish-American war - veteran and a member of the Foresters of America. Funeral aarricea at 2 o'clock Wednesday afternoon at Terwllllger's Funeral home with Rev. J. J. Gillespie of ficiating. Interment Lee Mission cemetery. Byars Emma A. Byars. died in Salem at 1:45 o'clock Monday morning March 4. at the age of 86 years. She is survived by the following children: ! C. L. Read, Roseburg; Effle W. Dunlap. Salem: Mrs. . W. Thorn nson. Salem: W. F. By ars, Goldendale. Wash.; Dr. Al fred H. Byars. San Dieco. Calif.; and Mrs. Ronald C. Glover, Sa lem. Ftoneral services Wednee day 'March 6. at 3 p. m.. at Rig- don and Son's mortuary with Rev. Fred C. Taylor officiating, Inter ment Cltyview cemetery. ,fwua ii COMPLETED FORM Leaders Session March 11 to 16 Says Fox SUBJECTS ARE VARIED Trained Leaders Coming to Do All Instruction Final plans for the training schools for leaders of 4-H elubs to be held ia Marlon county "dur ing the week of March 11 to 16. inclusive, were announced Tnes dsy by Willlsm W. Fox. rural school supervisor and county club leader, and Include three schools Instead of the two at first planned. The first school will be held Monday and Juesday, March 11 and IS. at the high school build ing In Woodburn: the second on Wednesday and Thursday at the high school In Stayton: and the third Friday and Saturday af the Salem public library. The train, ing school in Salem has been es pecially arranged for leaders who are also teachers, so all teacher leaders of the county are urged to The school Is designed to give Instruction to club presidents and leaders that will be helpful ip club work throughout the year. Baking will be taught by Mrs. L. A. Humphreys of the Crown mills and her classes will be open to the public. Miss Helen Cowglll. assistant state club leader, will conduct the sewing classes, open to leaders and one member of each sewing and home making club. The program for the first day of each school Includes: Baking, cookies from 9:30 to 12 and cakes forenoon, presentation of lesson, from 1:30 to 4 o'clock; Sewing: darning and patching; afternoon, decorative stitches, crocheting and stencilling. The second day for the baking groups Includes: Forenoon, light bread; afternoon, quick breads. Sewing: forenoon, underwear and baby garments; afternoon, the complete costume), with special at. tentlon to dresses. MRS. ROBERTS WILL FILL HUSBAND'S JOB Mrs. C. T. Roberta Monday was elected superintendent of the Ore gon Employment institution for the blind In Portland to succeed her husband who died yesterday. A permanent superintendent will be elected at a future meeting of the board of control. Dr. R. E. Lee Stelner, superin tendent of the Oregon state hos pital, was authorized to transfer a number of patients to Califor nia. The hoard indorsed the appoint ment of Dr. J. O. Matthis as as. 9 let ant physician at the feeble minded Institution. A report ftled with the board by Dr. Steiner showed that 13 Ore gon hospital patients were trans ferred o the United States veter ans hospital In Portland on Feb ruary 36. Fourteen patients died at the state hospital during Feb. ruary. Eight ot these were more than 70 yean of age, while six were over 50 years of age. Fulop Opens His Tenth Store; Big Advance is Made Fulop's tenth store was opened this month at Longriew with an open house held from 7 to 10 o'clock in the evening. Earl Mat hews Is the new manager of the store according to 'Horace Trotter, manager of Fulop's store in Sa lem. The Longvlew store marks the tenth In the Fulop chain, new stores having been opened recent ly at Belllngham and at Klamath Falls. -The Salem store, opened lit tle more than a year ago. was the third location in this rapidly grow ing chain. ITCHING ECZEMA HEALED a We honestly believe CRANOLENE the cranberry crsam, will heal any case of ecsema or other skin trouble. Come In and Jet us tell vin a turn t it ITaa-ona 1ar. and if you are dissatisfied, your money - . m -n, a 4k will m rerunaea. rnct PERRY'S DRUG STORE llOVS. Commercial SALEM MERCHANTS WE WILL FINANCE YOUR TIME SALES CORRESPONDENCE INVITED THE WOODS CO. 510 WILCOX BLDO. " PORTLAND, ORE. SCHOOLS Edward Fane Will Be Buried Today; Was War Veteran Funeral services for the late Edward Fane, who died at his home 865 Gaines avenue Monday, will be held from the Terwilliger funeral home Wednesday after noon at 2 o'clock. Mr. Fane was a member of Hal Hlbbard camp, Spanish-American war veterans, having been an of ficer in company K, 2nd, Oregon. He also served in the regular ar my during the Indian war. Rev. J. J. Gillespie will have charge of the service and burial will be in Lee Mission cemetery. State Grange Executive Com mittee Members Back of Move. Says Jones The suit now pending In the United States supreme court to test the validity of the Oregon law providing that additional agenta for insurance companies shall pay an annual license fee of $600. or iginated In the Marlon county court here some time ago when the Northwestern National Insur ance company of Minneapolis, brought suit to compel the state Insurance commissioner to issue a license to an agent in Portland under the 2 annual license fee. The circuit court held for the company, whereupon the state in surance commissioner appealed the case to the state supreme court. The state supreme court re versed the decree of the lower court. The company then appealed to the United States court for fin al determination of the suit. Woman Falls to Street, Suffers Fracture'of Hip Mrs. E. H. Kennedy, 196 W. Washington street, suffered a frac tured left hip Tuesday morning when she slipped and fell on Lib erty street near the Cosmopolitan store. Mrs. Kennedy has been un able to explain Just how the acci dent occurred. Whether she sus a.Ted injuries other than the frac tured hip and bad bruises had not been ascertained up to last night. but her condition Is not too en couraging. She will be confined to her bed for two months or more, it is now believed. She Is the wife of E. H. Kennedy of the City Cleaning works. Flu" Keeps Lady At Home for Week CLEAR LAKE, March 5. Miss Claire has been confined at the Coilard home In Mission Bottom with the "flu" during the past week. She returned home Tuesday from Salem where she resides with her grandmother, Mrs. Sarah E. Jones, and attends the senior high school. Claire Is Improving but had not recovered sufficiently to return to school aMonday. Dr. Edith V. Witzel Osteopathic Physician and Sur. geon. specializes in diseases ot women and children Office 4 28 Oregon Bldg. Phone 771 Res. 991R JUDGE BEN LINDSKT BIRTH CONTROL AND COMPANIONATE MARRIAGE Debate between Judge Ben B. Lindsey Former Denver Juvenile Judge and Dr. Norman K. Tall Salem Armory Wed. Evk, March 6th 91.50, f 1.O0 75e ' . . Patton's Bosk Stars SUIT FROM HERE III U. S. SUPREME COURT 1 1 S-lsiaKMaaS L (WHIN STUMS ST MillS If ET Salem Groups'Serve Refresh- ments at- Gathering on Sunday The Joint meeting of Lutheran students Sunday at Corvallls was a success, about ISO being assem bled at College Garden, with strong delegations from the Nor mal at Monmouth and the Univer sity ot Oregon. Dr. O. A. Tingel- ad. president of Pacific college. Parkland. Wash spoke eloquent ly on "Keeping America Chris tian." and the. choir of Central Lutheran church. Portland, under the direction of C. Anderson, gave three beautiful selections. Three Presidents Attend j I The presidents of the three stu dent associations, Theimer weiaon of Eugene, Victor Sather of Cor vallls. and Miss Irene Jorgensen of Monmoath, were present and each one spoke briefly but tren. chantly on the necessity of reli gious campus work. The three students who had represented the associations at the Spokane con ference of Lutheran students in January gave short talks and ad vocated an enlargement of the service. Miss Lulu Caverhill, Miss Margaret Michaelson, and Mrs. William Schoeler enriched the program with vocal numbers and Miss Margaret Anderson accom panied tke soloists at the piano. ' The Dorcas society ot Christ Lutheran church. Salem, and the Ladies' Guild of the United Luth eran church, Salem, donated the refreshments which were served free to all students and visitors present. IDE An Interesting account ot the work being done by a former Sa lem boy. Dr. C. S. Simklns, now professor of anatomy and embry ology at the University of Tennes see, is contained In a recent issue of a Memphis, Tenn., newspaper. Dr. Simklns was graduated from FRUITL AND NURSERY offering Big; Reductions on ' FRUIT TREES Maszard cherries, seedlings 5c and Up each Sales Yard East side of Armory , Office at gas station. Will trade fruit trees for wood A. J. MATH1S Over 20 years In business. Phone 330 or 1775M Wc Want JUNK Rags, Paper. Metal. Sacks, Iron. Bottles. Hides. Pelts. Wool, and anything which you have to sell. Three Trucks at your Service Capital Bargain & Junk Co. H. STKIXBOCK, Owner 145 Center Phone 80S By the bridge amimeitts SHRIIS ACHIEVES W RECOGNITION uritifiL AFTER the sale has been closed and the order delivered you still have to keep . ' " as' your customer satis fied .with your prod uct. One way of doing this is by ' personal calls ... the other equally effective meth- od ts with good print ing. We are fully prepared equipped with - modern you of part of this burden. i , Come In and let us show you some examples of printing that clinches the sales argument i effectively. ,t . Jrv V - r - Statesman Publishing: Go, .Telephone B00-r the local high school la 1914 and was a popular member of the younger set. He is the , son OL. Mrs. Belle Slmkins of SaJem , route one and nephew of J. E. Simklns, IS 10 Market street. The article tells how a corres- pondence carried on between Hindu instructor and Dr. Simkihs ( has' resulted In revealing much concerning the Indian Uxard, ca- . lotea, about which little Is known. Work in the field of embryoltfgy has brought Dr. Slmkins interna Uonal recognition. Dr. Slmkins was graduated from the University of Oregon, after which he took an advanced degree from Harvard ; finishing there in 1919. He visited his mother here last August. O ff i c e Building Manadates Come From Washington The stats supreme court Mon day received mandates from lbs United States supreme court la the case of the Eastern and West ern Lumber company to restrain Governor Patterson and other members of the stats board ot con trol from borrowing S600.00 from the state industrial accident commission for the construction of a state office building. The mandates will be sent to the circuit court. All of the courts ruled against the plaintiff corpor- 10 n fi'rrr MML.miM Ws have a 1925 Overland Coupe, well equipped, has 1920 license and In fins condition for $245.00. "The House That Berries Built" Schaefer's NERVE & BONE Liniment For the Relief of Rheumatism, Sciatica, Lumbago, Painful Joints, Gout, Cold in Chest, Inflamed Tonsils, Neuralgia, Insect Stings, Swellings, Inflamation, Sore Feet, Toothache Manufactured by v. - v Schaefer's Drug Store 185 N. Commercial St. Phone 107 The Original Candy Special Store of Salem Penslar Agency DON'T Waste Toer JUNK I We will be glad to p to; your place and payHUe. full value. Wowantty ! SACKS- 1 Bscs, Paper, Metal, Etc. fin 1pm Jiirik Co, 820 X. Commercial St, V ' Phone 403 J1 usiass wsat n Maw M with effective ft by knowledge and facilities to relieve own uiuyu HalL - or M. -