The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 06, 1929, Page 4, Image 4

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    C.A. Spsagus
Earl C. Brownlex
Sheldon F. Sackett
'Salem, Oregon
: Wednesday
March 6, 1020
' " A New President Speaks .
FTlHE Inaugural address of President Hoover is a succint
JL - and piercincr analysis of the problems of our national
life. Thanks to the radio a larger percentage of our people
lenow the substance of the inau crural than ever before. In
millions of homes and offices and stores the American peopi
"listened in'. The inaugural becomes not just a Washington
affair but a great national ceremonial. r
In crisp, clear language the president states the prob
lems of the day, states his attitude toward these problems,
and with commendable humility of spirit bespeaks the kindly
A-l. ..U A '3 'A J it 11 J
loierance ana support oi gooa citizens ana invoices me guiu
-ance of Almighty God. " '
The' greatest danger, Mr. Hoover says, Jies m disregard
of law. This is only in part due to the enactment of the 18th
amendment. Foes of prohibition have been blaming the
18th amendment for the whole body of crime. President
Hoover is correct when he .says: "Many influences had in
creasingly complicated and weakened .our law enforcement
organization long before the adoption of the 18th amena
ment." " ' ' -
The reform so urgently needed lies in the reorganization
of bur enforcement system and in the judicial system as well
so that the ends of justice may not be thwarted by subter
fuge, delays and technicalities.
The president sounds a hopeful note when he emphasizes
the importance of education and other agencies looking to
the well-being of the masses. Drawing leaders from a limit
ed class has wrecked, civilizations ; the stability of America
rests on its ability to refresh our leadership by drawing it
constantly from the general mass.
The president urges adherence to the world court but to
stand clear of entanglements of the league of nations. His
hope for world peace measures up to the ideals of his private
faith when he says: "Surely civilization is old enough, sure.
ly mankind is mature enough so that we ought in our life
time to find a way to permanent peace. He. hopes through
sound methods of conciliation arbitration and judicial settle
ment to build up a structure effective for world peace.
The president indulges in no flowery rhetoric His ad
dress is cogent, compact, stimulating. It reveals strength, a
mastery of himself and a seasoned grasp of affairs. Ac
knowledging the responsibilities of the high tasks ahead, he
does not shrink, he moves forward to undertake his duties
with confidence tempered with humility.
Tomorrow at Whiting
FTtHE public and the press has sadly missed much of the
A point m the case of CoL Robert W. Stewart. The popu
lar view has tied him up with the Teapot Dome oil scandals,
whereas from all evidence now disclosed Stewart had nothing
to do with Teapot Dome. The Continental Trading Company
deal which Stewart was mixed up in, has no connection with
Sinclair's acquisition of leases to Teapot Dome reserves. It
was a separate affair entirely, from all that is now known,
but in its way it was equally corrupt. Sinclair was busy de
frauding the government. Stewart and his three fellow-buccaneers
were busy defrauding their own stockholders. The
way the two deals got connected was simply that Sinclair
used some of the bonds he had gotten in the Continental deal
to pay off Fall.
The question at Whiting tomorrow is whether the pres
ident of a corporation shall be permitted to take private
rake-offs on company business, at the expense of the com
pany and its stockholders. That was what Stewart did. It
is a question of commercial honesty. Stewart bought oil for
his company and by use of the dummy corporation charged
his? company 25c a barrel more than was paid to the produc
ers? of the oil, the profit, less expenses going to Stewart.
Stewart made his own case that much worse by his down
right lying on the witness stand, escaping, perjury charges
only through technicalities.
" The Portland Journal, which has harped on the oil scan
dals for years, in its usual partisan manner, misses the point
. about the Continental Trading company deal, the same as
other editors have done. John T. Flynn, writing in The Out
look confirms the view of The Statesman in this language :
"The transactions which I have narrated had nothing to
do with the oil scandals. They came out merely as an inci
dent of the probing of those scandals and because the trail of
tne ugly deal by a strange mishap happened to cross the
trail of the other.. Mr. Rockefeller is asking the elimination
of Col. Stewart because as the purchasing agent of the Stand
ard he went into a deal with others in which the Standard
was made to pay an illegal profit of twenty-five cents a bar
rel on the oil it bought and because Col. Stewart kept this
business a secret from the board of directors and then turned
, up seven yr plater with part of these profits in his posses-
j"" lanation wnicn strains creauiity.
jrest is keen m the verdict which the stocK
..Jard of Indiana pass tomorrow at Whiting on
3 . of Col. Stewart. The question is the elemental
one'of plain honesty in business.
Another Addition to the Family
I ' 111 1 i ! - J
I Passed! Up
1 ..iirDfAu 11
by Cntrl Prw AssociaOoW, Ibe.
Pastor and Judge to Debate
THE armory has been the scene of many pugilistic en
counters. Tonight it is the arena for a different kind of
bout. Weighty arguments will take the place of heavy
punches, and mental gymnastics will be the substitute for
foils and parries. Our own Pastor Tully makes the venture
of slaying Judge ,Lindsey's fierce dragon of "Companionate
Marriage", with the judge on-hand to ward off the attack.
Judge Lindsey has been saying his piece for a year and
longer; This is Dr. TuuYs first debate with him; but the
- pastor has the advantage of knowing just what the judge
will say. The real mystery of the debate will be the line of
argument which Dr. Tully will follow, n he follows the con
ventional lines of ecclesiasts then the judge will know pretty
much what he has to say too.
' We venture the opinion that many people are going to
be surprised at Judge Landsey's program. Some people will
, go expecting to hear something racy on the subject of sex
and sm. They will be fooled. They may also expect Judge
landsey to advocate free love and all such. Agam they will
be mistaken. We do not think bur conservative Salem folk
are going to be shocked at all. They will find that Judg
-Lindsey is looking at marriage in the light of modern condi
; tions and. largely from a sociological viewpoint. If the pas
tor looks at marriage only from an ecclesiastical .viewpoint
then it will not be a debate at all, because their speeches
won t clmch. t
Judge Lindsey's own definCion of companionate mar
riage is that it is a "legal marriage with legalized birth con
trol and the right to divorce by mutual consent for childless
couples usually without alimony." He says -that his program
proposes to "legalize, stabilize and direct certain of the cus
toms, privileges and practices of modern marriage, practices
which are already m widespread use but which have no legal
ized status." ; ..
There will be sharp thrust and swift parry tonight. It
will be no parlor discussion. Dr. Tully is keen of wit and
ready of tongue, and the judge will find a man in every way
worthy of his steeL -
After the debate is all over we may offer our own views
of the old, old problems of marriage and divorce as projected
into public interest through the Lindsey proposals.
A Spokane woman who got her husband by the want ad
route lost him because she kept on answering-matrimonial
Edward A. Filene, Boston mer
chant, predicts that the American
business man and industrialist
will in the near future reverse his
traditional position and come out
for a lower tariff.
American prosperity, he de-
declares, is coming more and more
to depend on a successful disposal
of our surplus production. This
surplus, he says, can be sold to
Europe in jig time if we lower
our tariff walls so that Europe
can also sell to us. He sees, as a
result, a lower cost of living for
the United States and a lower
production cost in American fac
tories, with consequent -gains to
both the American worklngman
and the American manufacturer
and exporter. ,
Undoubtedly, there will be many
to disagree with Mr. Filene's di
agnosis. But it is worth consider.
ing, at all events. It offers a new
method of approach to one of the
oldest issues in our political his
tory. Eugene Guard.
Editors Say: Who's Who & Timely Views
Evidently a "steady sit' wasn't, what -she
. . Thus far deflation of the stock market, boom is merely
compression, xne rerxund carries tne averages still- nign
Herbert Hoover today was for
mally inaugurated as president of
the United States. It would not be
strange if, before his administra
tion Is done, he should beceme one
of the greatest of American pres
idents. It would be a good deal
stranger if his record should prove
but mediocre.
Mr. Hoover brings something
new into the presidency. He is the
first really technical man who has
ever been elevated to the highest
office of the country. Others have
been military leaders, professional
men, politicians. Hoover won his
Way to prominence first as an en
glneer. His training and back
ground are those of an engineer
It is an Intensely practical voca
tion, one that teaches the need of
exact knowledge in proceeding to
ward a definite objective. As
toria Budget.
American Financial Policies Explained
Oo&grvuman from Faniuylvuil
(Loula T. Ifera&daa wa bora Troy.
Pa., July 25, 18T8. Ha was adackted in
the poblie achooia of that eitr mad m. com-
mareial collar. Barinninr aa office
boy la the first National bank at Can
ton, Pa., at the are of 16, he gradually
rose to the office of president, in 1918.
He was elected to conrress ia 1915 and
haa been re-elected every term since, from
the 15th district. Ha la a Bapablicaa
and hie bom ia ia Canton.)
THE Federal Reserve system, as
now Interpreted by its man
agement is operating as a
central banking system and is so
regarded by the central banks of
issue of the major countries of
the world.
This develop
ment has been
brought about
under the . di
rection of the
Federal Re
serve banks, by
the new and
unexpected re-
s p o n s ibilities
placed on the
system as the
result of the
war and the
movement of
the world's fin
ancial center from London to New
This cooperation, however.
should b limited to gold move
ments and stabilization of ex
I refer to a trend away from
government, state, municipal,
mortgage and bond Investments.
zotss r. -
I doubt if anyone in the United
States could correctly state
whether brokers' plans are too
high or too low. Partial payment
sales plans have developed into an
important element in the whole
industrial, economic, and financial
All of this development, which
has been so essential to our suc
cess as a nation, has made us the
world's most influential country,
we having not only excelled in
the production of national re
sources and financial leadership,
but In the standard of living, rais
ing It to' the highest letel of any
country In the world. This could
not nave neen accompusnea ex
cept for this thing called Ameri
can genius. This entire develop
ment, starting as a speculation, or
which at the time that Alexander
Hamilton landed in this country
looked like a speculation, has de
veloped into a very sound Invest
It seems to me, however, after
giving very careful consideration
to this subject and the 'attractive
ness of the New York money mar
ket as it has been observed during
the past year, that the money
market could be somewhat im
proved with little danger of in
creasing so-called speculation by
reducing the discount rate, which
would remove a possible burden
on industry, commerce and farm
ing in the United States and thus
enable our Industry to compete on
a more favorable basis in the mar.
kets of the world.
Despite the criticism from many
quarters directed against the pres
ent session of the legislature, the
fact remains that a rast amount
of constructive work has been ac
complished. Also, a minimum of
legislation that might be termed
senseless or unnecessary got by
the- senate and house,' and much
of that either has or will receive
the executive reto.
An honest effort has been made
to bring about tax reform InOre
gon, through passage of bills pro
viding for equalization of assess
ments. Imposing an' excise tax oa
banks and similar financial insti
tutions, a tax on Intangibles, and
last, but not least, an Income tax.
Dalles Chronicle. .
Old Oregon's
Town Talks from The States.
Our Fathers Read
Bits for Breakfast
By B. J. Hendricks
March 6, 1004
Fred G. White, one of the most
noted fraternal lectures of the
country, will be In Salem next
week to meet with the Modern
woodmen of America. E. L. Irvln,
Frank F. Toots and Frank A. Ba
ker have been named as a commit
tee for the reception to be given
"Teachers In Marlon county are
actually Hying on $15 a month
for the year and unable to save a
dollar, according to a report sub
mitted to the Principals' club. Su
perintendent Acker man of Salem
conducted the discussion.
men were blown to pieces in the
itl J..1 . j.t. iM j it.i. s ! 3 wr 010
er. aim? peuuuiura uieury may sun ue suuuu uuu uia is uiue nop yard of a man named Burton
consolation to the starved bears.
from an explosion of dynamics
Yee; that's right
"a .
Mr. Hoover deserves the com
mendation he is getting for being
the first great leader to put the
observance of the prohibition law
where it belongs
With the drinkers the patrons
of the bootleggers, without which
their occupation would be gone.
So the president asks the drink
ers to Hooveriie, and go the lim
it. He got away with this once,
when everybody thought he could
not, as the reader will remember.
a W
'It Is a long step from a Salem
real estate office to the American
white house," says the Portland
Journal. Yes. But there are a lot
of men in Salem real estate offi
ces who would measure up to the.
ob; and a few women, too.
If the hooverixing campaign
can be put over with the patrons
of the bootleggers of the United
States, a lot of money, can be
saved on law enforcement; to say
nothing of reducing the prison
population and raising the long
evity rates of this country, with
a thousand other attendant bene
James W. Mott. well known at
torney and Oregon legislator, has
moved from Astoria to Salem, wltn
his family, having purchased the
Milo Mathews home at 1910 South
High street. He Is opening offices
on the top floor of the First Na
tional bank building, In the room
Just vacated by Col. E. Hofer and
sons. Mr. Mott was a member of
the Oregon legislature from Clat
sop county In the sessions of 1923,
1925 and 1927, and was a candi
date for congress from the First
Oregon district in the last repub-
which h,d been thawed out In a
pall of water.
Mean primary campaign. He has
been' what may be termed a
stormy petrel of Oregon politics.
He came to Salem with his par
ents. Dr. and MrB. W. 5. Mott, in
1889; was raised in this city; at
tended the University of Oregon
and Stanford, graduating from
Columbia university. New York,
in 1909; engaged in newspaper
work; commenced practicing law
In Astoria, and in 1918 closed his
office and enlisted in the navy for
the World -war. Going back to As
toria and entering practice again,
he was elected city attorney.
a "a
Mr. Mott wrote 'the law abolish
ing fish wheels; saved the state's
third largest industry from ex-t
tinctlon. Fought this issue through
two terms of the legislature, and
the United State supreme court.
He fought through the legislature
the Astoria fire relief law. He was
the author of the first Oregon re
forestation law; the bill making it
obligatory for -fishermen to b
American citizens; of the 1925 In
surance revenue act adding f 300.-
000 to the state's revenue. Mr;
Mott has been on one side or .the
other of erery big legal fight OTer
fishing on the lower Columbia for
several years.
m V
William P. Kills Is to hare of
fices with Mr. Mott; having for his
specialty public utility matters.
Mr. Ellis started with the Oregon
public service commission as of
fice boy; then stenographer, and
was promoted to examiner, then
secretary, then . attorney of that
body." During" the four years de
voted to the legal work of the de
partment, Mr. Ellis handled suc
cessfully some of the most Impor
tant litigation affecting ' Oregon
during recent years; involving
freight rates - on farm products,
the cross-state railroad, construc
tion cases, and numerous other
cases involving r corporation - and
Interstate .commerce law. Mr. Ellis
Is a graduate of the law depart
ment of Willamette university.
Betty Brown, dancer, finds her pro
fession bring her In contact wltn
many undesirable men. It also drives
away old frienda of the daya before
thf. rimth or ner lamer anu rauura.
Of tha Oeorire Harris alone, re
mains. An automobile accident In the
car of Andy Adair, the petted son or
wealthy parents, leavea ner in n;
hospital with a dislocated knee. It Is
Harris, not Adair, who pay ner vuir
and looks after her. Harris stives
Betty work In his restaurant one
determines to marry him wnen ne
asks her, althoug-h It la duty, not love,
which prompts her. Betty has an op
eration on her knee, which will cure it
but the bill Is much larger man ant
can pay.
BETTY was much disheartened
at Doctor Clark's bill for five
hundred and fifty dollars.
She had paid her bills at the hos
pital out of her scanty savings,
and had less than sixty dollars
in the savings account which she
had started at the advice of
George Harris. Her first thought
was to go to George about the
matter, but he had done so much
for her, and her obligation to
him was already so great, that
she felt she could not let him
pay this bill.
She was due to go to Doctor
Clark's office that afternoon for
a treatment. She would ask If
she could settle the bill in small
payments. At the office she was
told by the doctor's secretary
that he wanted to. see her that
afternoon, and to wait when her
treatment wag over.
When she was in his office he
said, In his blunt, blustering way:
"Let me see your knees!" He sat
down before her. Betty loosened
the fastening of her stocking and
pulled It down. "Both of 'em,"
he said. "I want to compare!
them." He felt both knees care
fully, bent and straightened them, j
and had her walk up and downj
the room. "You are all right
now. You need not come oacKj
any more." He turned back and
was about to put his finger on
the buzzer to call another patient.
"Doctor, I want to see you about
your bill," began Betty, timidly.
She had it In her hand and he
reached for it.
"Bill? Bill? What about my
"It is for five hundred aud fif
ty dollars. I have only a little
money in the bank. I want to
know if I can settle it a little at
a time until I get it all paid up?"
He made a mark on tho bill
with his pencil and said: "Take
it in to my secretary. She at-.
tends to all that sort of thing
ana wni arrange ii wltn yoa.
It was with trepidation that
Betty went to the secretary. She
did not like to confess that she
could not pay the bill except a
little at a time.
"The doctor told me to see you
about this bill," said Betty. "1
have only about fifty-five dollars
in tne Dans, i want to arrange
to pay It a little at a time."
-uouia you pay as much as
fifty dollars as a first payment?"
asked the secretary, smiling.
"Then look at the bill!" She
handed It to Betty as she spoke
The doctor's pencil had scratched
out the five hundred dollars and
left only the fifty. "Fifty dollars
is all he charged you. I made
out the bill for his usual change
He had not seen it until just now,
when you showed it to him."
"Oh, I must go back and thank
him!" exclaimed Betty, delighted
"If I let you go back in there
to thank him he would swear at
me for a week!' laughed the sec
retary. "I will tell him, how
ever; then he will only growl."
It was a light heart Betty car
ried back to the restaurant. When
she told George her experience he
said: "That -was very fine of th-i
doctor. It shows how ready every
one is to help a nerson who is
trying to get along in some legiti
mate way. Remember how nice
ly the president of the bank treat
ed me. Working here instead of
dancing brought you this good
Betty bit her lip Impatiently,
but did not reply. George was so
set in his ways that she found It
difficult not to be Irritated at
times, but he was so sound In hl?
friendship, and so kindly in an
emergency, that she could never
quarrel about anything he said.
"George, I want to talk with
you about something. Can you
come to the house tonight?"
"I'll drive you home when we
close," he answered. "We can
talk in the car. It Is difficult to
talk at your house with all the
little Hogans around.
When the restaurant was closed
she got Into the car with George
As the head waitress passed out
of the door, Betty Imagined that
she -held her head a bit high and
spoke her "Good night"" sarcastically.
George drove as carefully as'
he lived. As he passed one of
the parks he. turned the car in
and parked.
"George,", began Betty, "you
era navinr me more than I am
worth. I also think you are pay
ing me all I can ever hope to get,
and that I should not stay where
there Is no further opportunity
or advancement.
"I have not oeen paying - you
more than you are worth", an
swered George, gravely. "There
is a limit to what I can pay a.
cashier because of the nature of
the work. That is academic
however. I cannot expect you to
stay with me If you have a bette
opportunity elsewhere, although
I hoped to have you with mq
"I have nothing in particular in
view, and no intention of leaving
von at nresent." ueny iriea to
steer the conversation away from
the personal. "But It seems tc
me that I am wasting a lot o)
time. I don't go anywhere in the
evening except to an occasional
moving picture. I have few men
friends and fewer women friends.
I know there are business schoolat
where I could loin night classes.
I want your advice. Should 1
take up secretarial work In busi
ness college at night? I wish I
had taken it Instead, of the cul
tural work when w were in
"Culture Is never lest. Z am
glad we took the courses wo did.
I have often felt, however, - the
loss' of business training. Yens'
plants good. We have several
letters a day at the restaurant, I
will put a typewriter behind your
desk and you can write letters tot
me. As soon as yon , nave suffi
cient skill, a knowledge of book
keeping will certainly be to your
He took It for granted that she
was going to business school to
Increase her efficiency In her
present work. Betty did not
have the courage to tell him he4
object was to get Into more con-
genial work.
She had not realized until how
that she planned to get away
from him and avoid the, future
as his wife. Now she knew she
was deliberately planning to get
away from the proapect of mar
rying George. She felt ashamed
of herself.
She sat silent while George
went Into a long dissertation on
the subject of people failing to
make all possible preparations for
a business career and the handi
cap lack .of education was to peo
ple trying to make a living.
-You are right, Georj;..."
agreed Betty. "No matter v. hat
I do, a knowledge of stenograph v
typing and bookkeeping will ul
ways" be -to. my advantage, if
you approve, I wil look into th-;
matter of expense and hours ani
start in at once." i
"I approve thoroughly. Tins
is a fipe way to put in your in ure
time. If It Is necessary, you
can get away from your work a,
little, earlier.- I stanj ready tj
. A . .. .
ucip tu cucuurage jou in any
way at any time, Betty."
ou always
lv at an time, Betty."
flI know. George, vot
"We were reared side by side
We. went to school together,
Betty,"', he;, went on. "I have al
ways had a deep and lasting af
fection for you and "
"We had a lot of fun at school
didn't we. George," she InterruDt-
ed. "When we were kids we. took
ourselves and our studies
"We were right to do so!" re
plied George, diverted from his
sentimental speech. "Serious
work In school Is the proper
foundation for that serious thing
we call life. If we don't take
school work seriously we are not
likely to take life seriously. 'Life
Ureal, life is earnest,' as the poet
has so aptly put it."
"Well, I'm going to work ser
iously at business school. I'nt
glad you think as I do about it
Bat' we had better be going home.
Mrs. Hogan will think I have been
run away with!"
"I am glad you consulted me.
No one. has a greater interest in
your future than I. Betty. It is
my pleasure and duty to guide
and direct you. I am always
pleased to have you corns to me.
I .told you recently I am in loco
parentis to yoa. I am your fam
ily and yoa are my family. I
shall be glad to help you in any
laudable undertaking."
"All light, George!" sighed
Betty. "I have an Idea I can be
of soma service to you, also. I
wish you would try to learn to
laugh, George. I am not being
critical, but there must be some
funny things in the world: I
wish you would learn to see
"No doubt you are right."
George said, grimly. "But laugh
ter is for women and children.
Men have to carry on the busi
ness of the world and there Is
little to laugh at. I understand
what you mean, however. I sup
pose I would be a more popular,
restauraute'ir if I cultivated a,
smile. I shall endeavor to do so.
Thank you for the suggestion."
"George, you are funny!"
laughed Betty, as he started the
car to drive her home.
W.C.T.U. Members
Attend Meeting
Oi Turner Group
cial) Mr. and Mrs. Jay Cook and
daughter Gertrude, were present
at the dinner Friday evening giv
en by Mrs. Jay Denham for sev
eral friends.
Several members of the W. C.
T. U. here attended the epeclal
meeting held in Turner Thursday
afternoon and .evening, famish
ing some of the evening program.
- Mr. and Mrs. Stockman of Port
land 'were visiting at the Joseph
Morris-home Friday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis of Salem
spent Sundsy afternoon with Mr.
and Mrs. J. Cooke.
$1000 Worth of Auto
Accident and Pedestrian
Every time you step out of your home
or office you are Subjected to the haz
ards of the street traffic, skidding au
tomobiles, or a possible crash of your
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pared for that emergency with acci
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MAY BE TOO LATE! Use the ap
plication blank in today's paper. Send
in your application today, with a re
mittance of $ ! .00.
The North -American Accident Insurance
Company is back of this policy. Establish
ed for thirty-nine years.
THE NEW OREGON STATESMAN Date . ....... . 1929
Salem, Oregon.
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