The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 06, 1929, Page 3, Image 3

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    Tn New OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Wednesday Bforning, March 6, 1929
Audience Not Large at Af
fair Saturday; . Uany
j Misses in Cast
Only a small crowd attendedthe
Girl scout play given In the high
school auditorium Saturday eve
ning. The girls were under the
direction of Miss Louise Brooks
and Miss Fern Wadsworth, Girl
Scout leaders.
The play was on of life in an
American Girl Scout camp, with
various nationalities represented
in their national dances. Beautiful
costumes were one of the features
of the program. The cast Included
Ruth Kallak, Katberine Espy, Era
Hutchinson, Adeila Strouse, Mary
Myers, Thelma Anomby. Roma
Kallak, Haxel Freiburg, Esther
Erickson, Margaret Jackson, and
Ruth Briery, American Girl Scouts.
The other countries were repre
sented as follows: England, Urus-
la Moshberger; Ireland, Arllne
Kalian and VernafcCarty; Scot-
lana, isaroara Espy; waies, uor
othy Freeberg; Canada, Kathleen
Shorey and Mildred Fretwell;
Australia., Luella Gugel and Effa
Willis; France, Edna Strouse;
Spain, Neva Teater; Scandinavia,
June Mayes, Agnes Temple, and
Marjorie Faulconer; Italy, Mary
Smith; Switzerland. May and
Maria Breed; Greece, Helen
Hicks; Russia, Marie Strike and
Catherine Chase; Holland, Orrel
Tyson and Jean Freeberg; Hun
gary, Mary Jackson and Gwen
dolyn Strike.
Further features of the program
were piano selections by Alice
Shorey, and a reading by Ruth
net' OMtiisauneu " ' ' X SAIAH (II
CT5T -Wffiffl&ir G&J) Cmrits Hvarv Day ft
fw ' wL c& A iv000 7(luvl
(jLL0) ' aB tv S7? V-5APUBTY near (
v i 1 3 CHOKED WHEN jyfA, 'UT 1
, . r n t ii iii i Hi m 1 1 ej
I - T. Xn3tf- X r fv Ei2rr.Zf X-isJB teal
. A &&&EUis I old tome fossmsye lost his pet pjpk 1
FdR THE suppression op PiPpsmavi
stajlbt I Pounced on mim this MogM)N j
Imm 111 I III lllll I Mra- A- e- Harris. Mrs. John Dun-
KtltH CLUB WILL TxizTtzg.
nnnniiAr aimai m iif Miss Ida Leallr. Mrs. Willard
PDnnilPt tUI-lAI Dl AY RmD nd dfter Cleb. Mrs
Euoene Field BuiWlna is
Scene of Recital On
Night, March 1 1
The Silverton Woman's elab Is
assisting the Community orches
tra in presenting the first public
recital which will be held in the
Eugene Field building auditorium
on Monday, March 11. The or
cbestra is under the leadership of
Mr. Hal Campbell local musieian
Miss Helrte BtlVer, teacher in
the .Eugene Field building. Is re
ported ill at home, with the flu
Mrs. Alfred is substituting In her
Twenty-fire were present at a
lovely 1:30 guild luncheon held in
the Methodist parlors on Friday.
Spring flowers decorated the
tables where a corered dish lunch
'eon was served. Mr. Ed Adams
was chairman of the hostess com
The Rev. George Henricksen,
former pastor of the Trinity Lu
theran church, is suffering from
a stroke at his home in Seattle,
according to word received here
by friends. Little hope Is held for
his recovery.
Mr. A. Anderson, and Miss Hel
ms Anderson, and Mr. and Mrs.
Albert Larson of Portland spent
Sunday at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Ole Larson of east hill, in
honor of the birthday of Mr. Ole
(Special) Friends here were
er7 mnch surprised to hear the
news of tffe marriage, February
15 of Ferdinand Rue to Miss An
na Anderson. The ceremony took
place in Alhambra. Calif. Mrs.
Rue is a former Silverton girl
and "Mr. Rue has made his home
in South Bilrerton since he "waa
a Fmall boy. They will live in Los
Angeles where Mr. Rne is con
nected with a tile roofing manu
facturing plant.
Edzar Irish of Silverton was an
ever Sunday guest of Rob Riches.
Mary Beryl Ottoway of Silver
ton was a week end guest of Mil
dred Egan.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Karl
Haberly was the Bcene. Saturday
evening, of a very pleasant party
when the members of the Willard
Woman's club, their families and
a few additional guests met to
gether. Cards and dancing were
enjoyed and refreshments were
served at midnight.
Bob Coffey of Silverton was a
ruest of Roger Comstock Saturday.
piano fund.
Priscllla and Stanley Simkins,
children of Mr. and Mrs. E. J.
Simkins of Salem, spent Sunday
in Spring Valley visiting at the
home of their grandmother, Mrs.
Belle Simkins.
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Thompson
;and two children, Yvonne and Dar.
rell of Oregon City, Mr. and Mrs.
A. B. Davidson and son Beryl of
Wheatland and Newt Simkins,
were all Sunday guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Lee B. Versteeg.
Doris Windsor spent Saturday
night as the guest of Olive and
Ila Ann Stratton.
Fred Allison of McMinnville
was a Sunday dinner guest at the
Frank B. Windsor home.
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas McKen
zie and two small 6ons Jackie and
Lloyd of Hebo, Mr. and Mrs. Hen
ry Hains and little son Floyd and
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Woelke of
Salem, were Sunday dinner guests
at the parental home when, they
helped their father, R. Schubert,
celebrate his birthday.
Mrs. Fred:Stults. whose honvf
is near Mt. Hood, and who is
spending the winter months with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee
Versteeg, has been quite ill for
the past three weeks.
- Mr: andTHrs. Boyd Wilkinson or
Salem, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Mc-j
Kinney of Silverton and Mr. and
Mrs. W. R. Edwards and son Ken
neth were Sunday visitors at the
Fred McKlnney home.
(Special) Mrs. Donnel Crawford
Is enjoying a visit with her broth
er Arthur Zinser Who is en route
to southern Oregon after having
spent two years in the apple dis
tricts of central Washington. Mr.
Zinser was accompanied to the
home of his parents in Portland,
by another sister, Mrs. N. Pritch
ard, of Waitsburg. Wash.
Mrs. Elisabeth J. Pratt of Mc
Minnville ts visiting here this week
with her two nieces and nephew,
Mra. R. J. Hackett of Lincoln,
Mrs. John Childers and Frank
Windsor of Spring Valley.
The Spring Valley community
club presented their p!ay?"A Fam
ily Affair' at the Fairview school
last Saturday evening and received
111.80 as Its share of door re
ceipts which will be applied to the
Seek Gypsy Rule
The dramatic society of the Kei
zer Community club will present
"The Adventures of Grandpa," a
three-act play. In the M. W. A.
hall, Chemawa, Friday, March 16
at 8 p.m.
This play is different from
many others in that dancing and
music play as important parts as
the comedy and dramatic ele
ments. Each character is well suit
ed to the part played.
The cast is as follows: Monte
Ray has received word from his
grandfather, Otis Hammerhead,
that he is about to pay him a
flying visit. Since Monte has writ
ten his grandpa that he is mar
ried so as to get an increased al
lowance, he must produce a wife.
Much against the will of his friend
Tod Hunter, he "borrows" the
latter's wife. All goes well until
the police close in and quarantine
the house and then things are
Proceeds" go for benefit of the
school's cafeteria.
Mrs. A. E. Harris, Mrs. John Dun
lavy. Miss Edna Lesher, Miss Ma
rie Dunlavy, Mrs. C. A. Bailey,
Miss Ida Lesher, Mrs. Willard
Ramp and daughter Cleb, Mrs.
Sylvester Harris, Robert Bailey
and the hostess.
The next meeting of the club
will be held at the home of Mrs
John Dunlavy on March 141
methodist church
m mm
INDEPENDENCE, March 6. The Rev. G. O. Oliver.
vice-president of Willamette uni
versity, .occupied the Methodist
pulpit Sunday in the absence of
the pastor, the Rev. E. G. Ran
ton, who went to Buena Vista to
preach. Mr. Oliver delivered a
helpful message on Education and
directed it particularly to the
young people who had not decided
upon their life work. Just before
the sermon Miss Eva Bullls sang.
"My Task."
Tha Boosters club of the Meth
odist church Is planning to serve a
cafeteria dinner in the dining
room of tne cnurcn on tne
evening of St. Patrick's day.
March 13.
A babv born to Mr. and Mra.
Walter Johnson of, Valsetz died
and was brought to "Independence
Monday for burial in Odd Fellows
cemetery. -
Throurh the courtesy of the
Rosa Nelson radio shOD the child
ren in the trainlna school had the
privilege of "listening In'" on
President Hoover s inaugural ad
dress, as well as the inaugural
parade. :
-Mrs H. Grooms was taken to
the Independence hospital last
Friday and waa operated upon lor
gall stones. -
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Parker And
Mrs. Earl Race from Salem were
guests at Mrs. Bertha Ferguson's
home Saturday.
Tommy Pomeroy underwent an
operation for appendicitis" last
Friday in the general fiospitai in
; E-irly in 193a one these tw
wen, Eli Miller, of Stockton, CaL,
tP. and George Adams, of St.
Paul, Minn., below, probably will
become king of the gypsies in the
United States, succeeding Miller's
brother, John, who recently .died:
or one year fht gypey nation
will remain without a raler
BROOKS, Mar. S (Special)
Members of the Brooks commun
ity club were entertained at the
home of Mrs. B. F. Ramp Thurs
day afternoon. The afternoon was
spent quilting and in conversa
tion. Members are devoting much
of their time to final arrange
ments for the program and pie so
cial which they plan to hold on
March 15. The program will be
free and consist of numbers by a
brass quartet, Including saxo
phone, cornet, trombone and bass
horn, by the Hubbard commun
ity band; a pageant, "Cinderella"
in four acts by twenty small chil
dren? a one-act dialogue "Auction
Mad," and a two-act play "Awful
Boots.' Readings,-solos, and piano
and saxophone music will be pre
sented and at the conclusion of
the pre gram,.. the pies will be auc
tioned and coffee will be served
with the pie, free.
Refreshments were served by
Mra. Ramp assisted by Mrs. Syl
vester Harris and Mrs.' Willard
Ramp. Club members present were
Mrs. John Lesher, Mra. John Ray,
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Aspinwall
and daughters Bessie and Hattie,
and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil V. Ash
baugh and children Kraid, Vera
and Kreta Fae motored to New
berg recently and were dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Avery
Howard. Other dinner guests were
William Howard, Misses Fay, Fern
and Wilma Howard, Herald and
Willard Howard. Mr. and Mrs.
Avery Howard were former resi
dents of Brooks.
Mr. Elmer Wood and his small
daughter Arleta have been ill
with Influenza for the past week
but are reported better.
(Special) Mr. and Mrs. W. B.
Hrnwn n tortalnpri at dinner Tft-
jcently. The following guests were
present, air. ana Mrs. jhck tuny
of Eugene, Mr. John Ramage of
east of Woodburn, and Mr. and
Mrs. H. D. Brown.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Tedder. Mrs.
W. B. Brown, and Mrs. Sallna
Allen attended the funeral ser
vices of Mrs. Anton Woelke at the
Catholic church In Gervais. Fol
lowing the funeral, the group
went to the home of Mrs. Allen
In Gervais, where they were serv
ed dinner.
K- .: Sr
Circumnavigation of the globe, by airplane, in non-stop-light of
five days, is being planned by Major Art Goebel, of Los Angeles,
winner of the Dole flight to Hawaii, as he convalesces from a long
illneaa. His ship is being built at Wichita, Kas., and also seven re
fueling ships which will await him at strategic points en route and
nil his gas tanks in the air. The entire route, as he sketches it, will
cover 18,000 miles, most of it over the icy wastes of the Far North.
Above, his father is aiding him in adjusting a parachute before a
PIONEER. Mar. 5 (Special) ,
Mrs. Harvey Aker was taken to
the Willamette sanatorium Thurs
day for a major operation. She
had been suffering from appendi
citis. The last report Indicates
that Mrs. Aker is recovering nice
ly from the operation.
Little Rosalie Hoover, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Hoover,
has been 111 the past few days
with a bad cold. She is better now.
Rena Ruth Harper, baby daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Harper
has Just recovered from a case
of measles.
Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Ramp of
Brooks called at the home of Mr.
and Hri W. F. Barnett Sunday af
ternoon. Later Miss Elaine Chapin
and Kenneth Barnett called at the
Barnett borne, and the four young
people motored to the Paul Jones
farm to investigate the meteor
that was discovered last fall on
the Jones place by Sherman Rug-
gles. Kenneth Barnett, who Is a
student of mining engineering at
O. 8. C. was particularly interest
ed In the rock. He chipped off
some pieces of the meteor which
he Intends to analyze on his re
turn to school.
Surprise Party
Honors Birthday
of Mrs. Klenski
For Colds
WACONDA, Mar. 5 (Special)
The home of Mr. and Mra. John
Klenski waa the scene of a merry
surprise party recently, given In
honor of the birthday of Mrs.
Klenski. The honor guest was
presented with a large birthday
In the group were Mr. and Mrs.
Carter Keen and children, Mr.
and Mra. Amll Kramer. Mra. Al
Keen. Miss Hattie Skelton, Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur Goffln, Mr. and
Mrs. Aron Nusom, Mra. Jamea
Kelley. Walter Skelton, Mr. and
Mrs. Allyn Nusom and son Don
ald, Mr. and Mrs. Tom "Klenski.
Mr. and Mra. Ed Scharf. Carl
Shlvely, Walter Nusom, Bob Van.
derbeck, Dorothy Scharf, Freddie
8hively, Robert. Scharf, Margaret
Klenakl, Leo -Klenaki, Alphonso
Rubeiu, Lucille Klenakl, Joe and
Bylvester Klenski and Mr. and
Mra. Klenski.
Waconda Group
Is Entertained
At J. Kenski's
WACONDA, Mar. E (Special)
Mrs. John. Klenski entertained
the Waconda community club at
its regtllar meeting at her home
near town. After the regular bus
iness session Mrs. Isadore Loran
gave a reading entitled "A Faith
ful Wife." and Mrs. Richard Pat
terson also gave a reading, "The
Greatness of Love." The afternoon
was spent Jn sewing.
Refreshments were Berved by
the hostess asssited by Mrs. Fran
cis Nuson. Mrs. Tom KleHski and
Mrs. Henry Stafford. Those pres
ent were Mrs. Sll Wane. Mrs.
Charles Hall. Mrs. A. L. Collins,
Mrs. Richard Patterson Mrs. Aron
Nusom, Mrs. Tom Klenski, Mrs.
C. Russell, Mrs. Elmer Amos,
Mrs. Henry Stafford. Mrs. Robert
Cole, Mrs. George Lemery. Mrs.
Otto Runseli, Mrs. Ray Jonee, Mrs.
Pearl Patterson and Eon Charles,
Mrs. Allyn Nusom an'd son Don
ald, Mrs. Runcorn. Mrs. Francis
Nusom, Miss Mae Hall, Mrs. Wil
liam McGllchrisit, Rose Mary Nu
som, Marparet and Lucille Klen
ski. and the hostess.
Mrs. Charles Hall will entertain
the club at its next meeting, on
March 13.
tants of great cities.
In this connection It was re
marked that the United States,
which Initiated the anti-gas proto
col here and pleaded for Its adop-
A burlesque performance of the'
annual Freshman glee waa staged
by the four flasses at Willamette
university at the e ha pel hour
Tuesday. Juniors and sophomores,
who won first and second placee
In the contest, sang their songs
with gusto, but whereaa they had
been punctilious in their careful
marching Saturday night, they
carrU-d out their formations with
an ease unhampered by exactness.
Freshmen scrambled to the
platform aud made no pretense
of -having a formation. Their par
ody of their original song received
v'ut-rrtad eoramenf ation from
members of the student body. The
seniors marched Into the chapel
to the etrjjns of "Hallelujah," the
piece that had been their trlum- ;
phal march a year ago. This time, '
though. Instead of wearing the
garb of victory, the men had bath- ,
ing suits handing from their necks :
and towels on their arms.
Following the singing students
hastily made their way to the
banks of the mlllstream back of
the campus to await the senior
men's swimming paxty. Mill
stream bets on the glee were also '
paid at thla time.
tlon as a great humanitarian
measure, has not yet ratified the
Over the teacups this afternoon
members of the council privately
discussed many matters affecting
European collaboration, especially
the delicate problem of affording
protection to themany racial mi
norities. The minority question
will be debated In public session
of the council beginning Tuesday
GENEVA, Mar. 5. (A P)
The League of Nations has assur
ance that Germany, mighty In
chemistry, will ban the use of poi
son gas In wartime and that har
eastern neighbor, Poland, already
has done so.
The dual announcement at the
opening of the 54th session of the
council of the league was the out
standing topic of discussion in
Geneva Monday; as Indicating a
trend of the world away from
those forms of warfare which
chemists recently have declared
not only simply torture for sol
diers but suffering and decima
tion of innocent civilian inhabi-
All Other t
O Pieces Reduced
379 State Street Next to Postal Telegraph
jLbsb. t-aia, ii za-g.j'.i.'-iui ism lis .li , ., - sssgMBjassssssawsssssaBssssjCT
- . - - - - : .
'Yes, and put in plenty y
Wilkins! Fine people, and they
entertain well, but their knowledge
- of cigarettes is appalling. Fdrathxr
have a Chesterfield!"
How many people you know end their colds with Bayer Aspirin!
And how often you've heard of its prompt relief of sore throat or
tonsilitis. No wonder millions . take it for colds, neuralgia,
rheumatism ; and the aches and pains that go with them. The won
der is that anyone still worries through a winter without these
tablets ! They relieve quickly, yet have no effect whatever on the
heart. Friends have told you Bayer Aspirin is marvelous ; doctors
have declared it harmless. Every druggist has it, with proven direc
tions. Why not put fttQ the test? .
- T-". : aMa to ta tne muk tt Mane Maae&eteze
m r -tm m a. sa m
jtL man wants some TASTE in his tobacco.
And he wants it mild. That's just another
way of saying he'd rather have a
. mild enough for anybody
k Vfroa TbaAoco Ca