The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 06, 1929, Page 10, Image 10

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    Efcw L! Qgtrtk Waggly tTcn&i. CarcS 6, tZZ$
Usxican Uprising Has Effect
on Wall Street; j Sharp-
Break Seen
NEW YORK. March 5. (AP)
-High call money rates and In
creasing revolutionary disturb
ances In Mexico proved too great
an obstacle for speculators for the
advance In today's stock market.
and prices broke sharply- after a
mid-day flurry of buying" had car
ried a score of the coppers and
rails Into new high ground. ; Final
quotations disclosed a long list of
net declines ranging; from 1 to f
points In - the active Issues ' and
7 to 10 points in a tew -specialties.
A sprinkling of coppers, rails and
specialties retained part of Jtheir
early gains..
Ralls enjoyed a temporary flur
ry of strength In today's market
on bytng presumably Influenced
fcystne excellent characted of cur
rent earnings and traffic reports,
and possibly by hopes of an early
favorable decision by the U. S.
snpreme court In the St. Louis A
OTaHon valuation case. New peak
price for the year, or longer, were
, registered by Erie common. North
era Pacific. Missouri Pacific com
aaoa and preferred. Seaboard Air
Uas common and preferred, Baltl-
store ft Ohio and a few others,
t - Coppers Advance
i Coopers moved forward under
too leadership of Anaconda, which
advanced about 7 points to a new
nigh at 1694 and closed within
a point of the top. - Chile Jumped
7 points to a new high at 117 and
- Kennecott (new) attained a new
peak at 964 and then eased to
94. np 1 point net. American
Smelting, American Metals and
Howe Sound, all of which have
Uexican properties, closed 1 to
1 points lower.
High priced specialties were
among the hardest hit in the late
celling movement. Radio (old
ctoekl broke from an early high
of 39S to 381 and then snapped
'J act. to 388, off 6 points net, and
the new stock closed IV points
lower at 77.
Victor Stock Rises
Victor Talking Machine certifi
cate advanced nearly 4 points to
within a fraction of the year's
high n the announcement that
sufficient Victor stock had been
deposited to make the merger
with, radio effective. : Western
Union advanced 9 points to
within a fraction of the year's
alga but lost 2 points of Its
dams Express broke 10 points
ale. Johns Manvllle . and
Montgomery Ward were heavily
oold on the reported Illness of
Theodore F. Merseles, the former
closing points lower and the
latter 2. American A Foreign
Power, Commonwealth Power,
Cartlss Aero,. Dupont, Electric
Aato lile, National Cash Register
and Wright Aero sold down 3 to
nearly 9 points.
CAP) The senate party organiza
tion was set in shape today for the
pedal farm relief and tariff ses
sion and an unofficial republican
committee completed work along
; that line for the house.
The senate republicans chose
Janes E. Watson of Indiana as
their leader succeeding Vice-President
Curtis. The democrats re
elected Joe T. Robinson of Ark
ansas, candidate for vice-president
in the last election, to be the
minority leader.
The republicans also named the
veteran Wesley L. Jones of Wash
ington as assistant leader and
Simeon D. Fess of Ohio, as whip,
while the Democrats selected
Thomas J. Walsh as the assistant
salmorxty leader and Morris Shep-
pard of Texas, as the whip.
, Senator Black of Alabama was
cmooea secretary- of the .demo
cratic caucus and Senator Pittman
of Nevada as the democratic can
dldate for president pro tern. This
: latter nomination, however, was
. smrely honorary as the present or
ganization of the senate, includ
tag Senator Moses of New Hamp
shire as president pro tern, will
; eoauaae In the coming session.
In the house the republican
committee on committees reelecf-
. od Albert H. Vestal of Indiana, as
the whip. The republican major
; tty" before adjournment had re-
elected Nicholas Longworth of
Ohio as speaker and John Q. Til
con of Connecticut, as floor leader
bat left 'the selection of a whip to
tne committee on committees.
v The first candidate In the field
' for the race" for the republican
' primary nomination for, governor
next year, tossed his hat into the
ring V early- Tuesday when - the
fcaoea of . the 26 th legislature had
aau-ely ceased. The entrant Is J.' E
JJennett, "senator from Multnomah
rouaty and a member who re-
veivea muca puoiicny. irom nis
a n - . a. . m ' a
val clashes with , President Nor-
Bennett qualifies his announce-;-neat-by
auting.that It Is made
. barring unforseen contingencies.'
Ie declares that ' Oregon is en
, lUed to "nev deal in poliUcs
. ' ly candidacy carries " that ' prom
hevers.'.,v :: : - r'
- NEW YORK, Mar. 8 (AP)
Xiuisltion of 10$ theatres In
w York and. Ohio was announe
.1 today by Fox Theatres corpor-
. jrtf.7it', m i i i ii I J
Ir i i pi
rh-JJ 1- ($)
ir ' fi m
)LU ., f 1 '
, : m
Front parlor of the Coolldge homo in Northampton, Mass., where,"
Ifr. ad Mrs. Calvin Coolidge will spend their evenings after re
turning: to private life far from the magnificent reception rooms
pf the White House,- which they knew, for five and a half years..
Bees Important Factor In
Securing a Good Fruit Crop
Recent Studies in This Field; How Many Bees Are Ne
cessary; the fcueen Comes First; Handling of '
" Colonies Needs Expert Knowledge
John C. Burtner, of the de
partment of Industrial Journal-i
Ism of the Oregon State Agricul
tural college, furnishes the foH
lowing timely article for this an
nual bee Slogan nnmber of the
Statesman :
Each year sees new evidence
added to the already convincing
preof that bees constitute an im
portant factor in the securing of
a crop of fruit, says the Oregon
Experiment station. The most
recent work has been done by
Tufts and Phllps of California on
fh,r?lAa Anil UnTortn ' t ATa-bt
Jersey on
Some attention has been given
in these studies to determine the
importance of bumble bees and
short tongOed bees for pollina
tion. It has been shown that
with cherries, prunes, apples.
pears, etc.. which bloom rather
early In the spring, only the
honey bee is numerous enough to
be of value, but cranberries, on
the other hand,-blooming late In
the season as they do, seem to bl
well pollinated by native shoif
tongued bees and bumble bees.
The problem then becomes one
of having sufficient honey bees
present properly to cover the
bloom since the native bees and
other insects cannot be depended
How Many Bees?
Very frequently we are asked
how many colonies are necessary
for a given acreage in order' to
provide sufficient number of bees
for pollenizing an acre. It 4s
not the number of colonies which
count, but rather the number of
field bees which are available.
says the experiment station.
Therefore, it is not only a ques
tion of . having enough colonies,
but of having these colonies
strong In worker bees. Under
the poor management now pre
vailing, colonies will very In
strength from a few hundred
bees -up to sixty or more thous
and, a certain percent of which
must remain in the hive fo
household duties.
Tha problem, then, is to deter
mine what can be done to make
all available colonies strong, and
at the time the bees are needed
in the orchard.
About 15.000 is- the average
working strength of the normal
eolony In early February. To
bring this colony's strength up to
50,000 or more, six fundamental
conditions are necessary, namely:
good queen, sufficient stores.
ample brood rearing room, good
For light or heat and
. score and more of "
. household uses. - -
No sooL No charring. -The
kerosene with a -
clean, tweet odor.
It costs no more. Ask,
your dealer or grocer .
for ; the interesting" '
Burnhrtte booklet, " "
Refiner tt distributor of Associated
CaeoUne Associated Ethyl Gasoline
v Cyeol Motor Oil- and Creases
wintering, swarm control . and
disease' control.
First, The Queen
The most Important factor is
the queen. She is of fundament
al importance in building up the
colony. Requeenfng, therefore.
is done with good Italian stock
at least every other year. Having
secured good queens. It Is highly
important that they be provided
with ample brood rearing room
during the early spring.
The second condition neces
sary Is ample stores. Since the
queen tends to stop laying when
the stores drop to about 15
pounds, it Is a good practice to
see that a surplus beyond thl
amount is always present
With sufficient stores and oth
er favorable conditions, the col-)
ony will find the one-etory 10(
frame hive too small. It Is Im
portant to remember that the
workers , reared during the four
weeks preceding the fruit bloom
are the bees that will do the pol
lenizing. and for that reason, 11
Is extremely important to have
theb rood rearing unhampered by
lack of room. It is recommend
ed, therefore, that the colonies' be
kept In a two-story ten f rame;
hive the year around. ,
In addition to a force of at
least IS. 000 young workers be
sides the old 'bees, ample store!
of honey, sufficient protection!
against prevailing winds, excesl
slve moisture and low tempera
ture are necessary to build up
normally during the early spring.
Prevent Swanning
When colonies ' have come
through the winter In good condi
tion, and the weather has per
428 Court.
mitted them to. gather consider
able nectar from the maples, theyl
are very apt to . make -preparations
for swarming about the sec
ond .week of April, which. If; not
prevented, will. greatly lessen, the.
nnmber of field workers. It Is.
therefore, of extreme Importance
that, the eolony not only be built
up to the maximum strength, but
that it -be kept from dissipating
this strength. In swarming Just
before or at the start of Xralt
- Some of the Important factors
in swarm prevention are young
queens, not over two years oldf
a minimum of drone comb, re
sulting in a minimum of drones
in the hive; sufficient ventilations
a moderate amount of shade dur
ing the hottest part of the day;
sufficient brood rearing room
that is, two8tory, 10 frame hives.
Freedom from disease is the
last fundamental condition neces
sary for strong, colonies. Two
serious diseases of the . young
bees, or brood are known as Eur
opean foulbrood and American
foulbrood. it .Is absolutely
necessary to be ever on the guard
against both disease and to un
derstand their treatment. If
not kept free from these diseases,
the bees will soon succumb and
the hives will ' be nothing' but
sources of contamination to other
bees In the neighborhood, for
several miles about.
Location of the Bem
Another item of considerably
Importance Is the location of the
bees In the orchard. Recent
wok by Hudson of -New Jersey)
would Indicate that the most prac
tical method of locating colonie
In the orchard Is to place four to
vfle colonies every 100 or 2001
yards throughout the orchard. No
doubt the distances would vary
under different conditions, but
these results can probably be tak
en as fitting the average locality.
They are placed. If possible, so
that It will not be necessary to
drive or work horses directly In
front of hives. When it is neces
sary to work horses In front of
the hives, the work Is done at a
time when the bes are not flying.
It Is also an advantage to have
the prevailing wind blowing from
the orchard toward the bees. The
bees prefer to fly empty against
the wind and loaded owner's or
chard in preference to the neigh
bor's ft It Is possible to Influ-t
ence them at all.
In order that bees may take ad
vantage of every opportunity to
work on the fruit bloom during
unsettled weather. It would be
advisable" to have no shade over
them during the period of pollen
lsation other than the ordinary
double cover.
Handling the Be
The necessity of giving bees.
proper attention to get good re
sults and avoid loss through
swarming, etc, Is evident. When
kept for pollination only, bees do
not require a great deal of at
tention. Four visits each yeati
under normal conditions are usu
ally all that are required.
Owners not experienced In
managing bees properly often
find it more economical to turn
them over to a practical bee keep
er to care for, or to dispose of
the bees and pay a bee keeper to
move bees to the orchard during
the blooming period.' The usual
charge for the latter ranges from
IS to $5 a eolony, depending upon
the difficulty In moving the bees,
to and rrom. the orchard. When
beea are run on shares by an-
T'HAT, according to the cost chart is the
. saving Quality Paint makes for you every 5
years because it outlasts cheap paint 2V2 to 1
and at that, Quality Paint costs less than $4.00
more for painting an average house because it
covers moresquare yards per gallon; '..
gives low square yard cost; low live-year cost!
It armors your property with a moisture proof
film that keeps out weather and decay saves
repair bills prevents depreciation!
rBefore you. buy paint, see cost chart at this store.
' " I J - - .V J
1 f
Had this U. S. army blimp appeared over Mount Vernon In George
Washington's time it. might have given the nation's first president
quite a scare. As it is, the blimp is shown hovering very close to the
home of Washington. Mount Vernon, at Alexandria, Va during a
trial flight.
NEW YORK, -Mar. S (AP)
Narcotics worth $100,000,000 at
the prices addicts pay, were seized
today as they were being shipped
by express to distributors of the
underground drug trade in the
south and west.
Four men, one reputed to be a.
professional bodyguard to gang
sters, were arrested and held in
high ball and arrest of another
was postponed temporarily be
cause of his illness.
As in the case on other narco
tics seizures in the past, the name
of Arnold Drug syndicate, was
connected with today's activities.
The men arrested are Harry
Stern, Alus Marks, Irving Halper,
known as Little Itch; Benny
waucins. i
Stern, described as former body
guard for Kid Dropper and Big
and Little Augle, east-side gang-.
sters. was held In $25,000 bail
and the others for $15,000. Rene
Brown, also mentioned In the com
plaint, was not present at the ar
raignment and a warrant was
made out for him but held In
abeyance when his lawyer prom
ised to produce him as soon as
he was physically able to appear.
No date for hearing was set.
RENO.. Nev.. March 5. fAPl
Gertrude V. Crosby, filed suit
for divorce here today against
Percv L.-Crosby, comic strlD art-
1st aad art editor of Life.
other, the crop and increase are
usually divided equally between
the owner, and manager, in which
ease the owner furnishes all
necessary supers and other equip
ment. If the manager must sup
ply extra equipment, he received
a higher percent
Telephone 539
NEWPORT. R. M., March 5.-
(AP) A romance which had been
hailed as a real "love-match" was
definitely terminated iere today
with the granting of a divorce to
Muriel Vanderbilt Church from
her gridiron hero husband Fred
erlck Cameron Church. Jr.
Thin, pale people the despond
ent sort who never have an appe
tite, and complain of -headaches,
indigestion, dizziness, bllliousness,
usually have too much acid in
their stomach. And unless they
displace It, any food they eat turns
into sour bile and foul gases,
which poison their system.
Pape's Diapepsin dissolves that
poisonous acid, sweetens the stom
ach and digests your meals. Many
thousands of people have brought
back the appetite of their yofth
and gained weight simply by chey.
ing one ot the pleasant tablets of
Pape s Diapepsin after meals.
It does what it promises. That's
the reason 6 million packages are
used a year ask your nearest
druggist for it adv.
- rjm s'mmont -vr - i -
' .tri JT,- II I' nil IS1SSS1I IIIMSMSMT I
j,.m .v-.v . oaw .wee eim a jbt . v-v-1
Gool it with . ;
s y-.-""'' :yy:-y y iytyyy' yr"L :--.
Electric Refrigeration
in your home
Retiring President and Wife
Move Into Their Former
Modest Home
5. (AP) The thirtieth presi
dent of the United States and his
wife returned to Northampton to
day to become once again ''Mr.
and Mrs. Calvin'coolldge of North
Within a half hour of the time
they stepped from, their train at
Northampton station, they were in
their modest home on Massasbit
street, the house they occupied be
fore Mr. Coolldge became a figure
in public life.
After five years and seven
months in the presidency Mr. Coo-J
lidge nought complete and de
tached retirement and tcv that end
he followed ' the same taciturn
rmturin0... z special
chnwino ortiienew r :
UtAV 'Q ' ' -j0 ' ' i'i""'
The Beautyrest is by far the most popular
mattress made . and it should be, for
It is the result of year of scientific study.
It la entirely different from all other mat-
tresses. A centre layer that comes right to
the very edge is made up of hundreds of
mall, resilient wire "coils. These support
the body inducing complete muscular re
laxation ... which results in a child-like
restful sleep.
Top and bottom are then made up of layer
after layer of fine mattresslng ... and over
this magnificent, durable damask. Pastel
hades. All-over or medallion .
Sold on Easy
aim we gets
Manager J. W. Helwig of the Salem water
plant was asked at the Chamber of Commerce
luncheon Monday if anything could be done
to make the water cool in the summer time.
Tho Ancvci? id t
methoda which have characterised
him in most of, hta affair. , He
made t plain that he desired . no
publicity. He was a" private eltl
aeiracaln and wanted." as f ar , . aa
possible, to be left alone to attend
to hia private af rairs. ; i
: Frank W. Stearns of Boston
dose friend of Mr." Coolldge apent
several hours at the coouok-
home. There also was ; MJor
James C. Coupat who was r.
Coolidge's personal physlcian-aad
who danned to return to Wash
ington either tonlghtor. vfomor-
row morning. x . v . t
The former president and hie
wife decided to dine alone thie
evening. They had luncheon as
home, shortly after Mrs. Coolldge
returned from the Dickinson hoe-"
pltal to visit her mother; Mrs. Lo-'
mlra Goodhue. .. .
NEW YORK. Mar. 5-r(AP)
A new large grouping of American
aviation interests was disclosed
todav in the announcement of the
lormauon oi ius atuuvu m.
atlon, a holding company, with I
initial capital of $$5.000,000., IU
. A - . A - I . A A A A WKAF
enr HAiaji m ni tbi i aiiu.ww wsw
999. ,
- - -u - J t 1
or '"Die new