The New OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oreffoo. Tuesday Hernia?, llardi S, 1929 A: BIG DEPARTMENT: STORE J J V smzs ASYSSTunra Readier no tie, per lin- tss il Um '.insa essves) Claastfied asverUeisg. Pr ; 10c CUarified Advertising, Pr has. tlaves ; : -. 80s Ctewified ACveruelsg. -per Um 0 tim see rna aaeatk. dailv asd Snsdsr per Use. , , .11.09 BUSINESS OPP. MA NUFACTUIIKR ran yu use 30C horsepower I 1 have power ait ditch dug. 1 large old turban wheels steady flow water year round on pa fed high way 16 miles fror.i Salem. S ml. from R. Ideal for Furn. Mfg. Uxclslor mill or anything where power or water la needed. Alder, ash. Win. oak and fir accessible. Modern bouse nearby. TAYLOR Stayton. Oregop Hfvvwiv" 1- " ir 1 i",i,Trii,'Tr'V BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY HALF Interest In music store. Must be young man. Strictly college trade, ISOO students enrolled. Location IdeaL Best reasons for offering an In terest In said business. For durther In formation, address Box 114, Corvallis, Oregon. A GOOD, paying grocery business for sale $80 to $1000. Rent $36.$ la eluding neat living quarters. Must be sold. Owner leaving Salem. , Call Forkner, with MELVIN JOHNSON and DARK 20 V. 8. -Bank Bldg. Phone 17. FOR SALE Real Estate SUBURBAN HOMES 6 ROOM HOUSE West, Mint-modern 2H acres, fruit, wonderful view. Price SHOO 7 ROOMS south, modern except fur nace. 1 acre. a. bearing cherrlea View. $5000. 9500 cash. 6 ROOMS, south, strictly modern. 1 acre. 14 large bearing English wal nuts. Price $675. Terms. 7 ROOMS, Garden road, strictly mod em. 1 acre. Price $4500. Terms. ( ROOMS, north, semi-modern. $14 acres dark loam soil, fruit, nuts, shade. Price $6500. Terms. FULL DETAILS at our office. Some will take city property in- exchange. Many more to choose from. TRIANGLE REALTY COMPANT 421 Court Street Ground Floor "Headquarters for Homes" $1300 NEW 4 room house, fire place, bath, garage, pavement paid $100.00 down. 1 1S00. 4 ROOM house close In. A good buy at the price. $1000. NEW English type 4 room modern house. Fireplace, bath, hard ware floors in living room. $200, down. $4750. NEW 7 room modern house, living room, dining room, kitchen, breakfast nook and 4 bedrooms on cood terms. (750. NEW 7 room English type house with double aarage under con construction. 60x100 lot on corner E and Summer. Best location In Oaks CLa . w,aulditlon Terms KELVIN JOHNSON Of A. U DAKK $20 U. a Bank Bldg. Phone 417 GOOD house and two lots to trade for good car. Make your own terms Pick your lot we will build to suit you. WILLIAM E. MOSES 4S1 Court Street - Tel. 2$1$. DISTINCTIVE home, choice loca tion, paved street, view, terrace, rock ery, urns, shrubs, walks, drive, gar age, garden, berries and everything. Oak floors, fireplace, basement, built- in to spare. Build for home. Owner leaving. Phone 27 7 1 J. LABORING MAN'S CHANCE TO OWN BUS OWN HOME ! FOR $100. PAID DOWN BALANCE JUST LIKE RENT $100 DOWN buys a new 4 R. bunga low with hardwood floors, flrepiaoe. Price $2200. 4 R. cottage on S. 12th; $100 down price $1800 another one on Trade st. for $3200. Also a cosy 4 room bunga low on Myrtle ave. for $1600. Reduced from $2000 for a quick deal. Pay $100 down and move In your own Home. BEST BUYS IN HOMES at BECHTEL SEARS TUCKER $4 1 State Street Room 4 SUBSTANTIAL !, house, exceptional ereek location, low price. No trade, leaving soon. Address box $92, States man. FOR SALE BY OWNER 2 14 acres with 4 room house. 4 miles south, near highway. Some fruit trees and her rlea $1600.00 oaeu. Terms it desired. Phone 1S70M. ' A BEAUTIFUL new fully modern English type hones. This heme Is one that you will iiae wnen you see il Att ested in choice Met ton of Salem on stream. Will sacrifice or trade for Portland house. A business buldiag on State street. This is a genuine bargain for $4000.00. See It. c AHREI. 10 acres under nlow. A rood all around farm at a snap of $1500.00. WE write Fire, su ranee. Automobile In J.F.Ulrich Co. Realtors 12$ N. Com! Street Tel. 1354 STRICTLY modern bungalow, four rooms, paved street, east front good residence district. $1750. and we will take a good ear as payment. A good foar room plastered house, large lot. good view. $1600. Easy terms. THREE room house,, paved street, east front. $2500. for a larger Douse about same price. NEW strictly modern English type housn. on pavement, $5600. For a cheapt-r house. F. L. WOOD 341 State Street 3 ROOM house, woodshed, garage, work shop. On paved street. Trade for land. 20 ACRES, fine land, fair buildings. Trade for smaller tract close In. ft like rent. Price $1150. I ROOM house with 2 acres land, running water. 'At city limits. Easy f terms, price $2600. iJi-ALKK bargain, nearly au piow land. MUST BB SOLD. $60 an-acre. $2,000 wilt haadls. See E. B. ROBERTS with ANDERSON RUPERT. Realtors 169 S. High St, Phone 1444. GOOD 4 room house and garage In Newport. $1500 take Salem acreage. . 7 ROOM bungalow and garage, pav ed st. Sacrifice $3200; 200 down. ' ( A. RIVER bottom land; bidga fruit, quick sale. $1500. terms. SS A. FARM near Salem. T a. ber ries, cherries, bldgs., timber, springs. $6000 take residence. SEE our list before' buying. PERRINB A MARSTERS . 212 Gray Building SUMMER STREET LET us show you our Summer street listings. Priced from $6900 to $7000. we can piease you. SEE Mrs. EUis with LEO N. CHILDS CO- Realtor (20 State Street phone 178T, FOR SALS Attractive Falnnount Hill Home Built by owner ARTHUR RAHIf Phone 1937 or 433 syNass4Asssm)sssssAAsaMB40mssWvssMsMaaMaas WHAT? A nearly new plastered 4 R. bungalow, one block o echeol Must be sold $1(00.00. Call Forkner, with MELVIN JOHNSON DARK $3$ U. S. Bank Phone (37. GREATEST Trading orranixatlon on the Pacific Coast. We have over (000 fcro pert tea listed for exchange. Every Kind of property, every price, every lo cation. We can match your exchangs exactly. If you would like to trade josur property looey, ous in womlj, UK EARLS. Realtor FOR SALE Real Estate BARGAIN la a Winter street home. 4 rooms newly decorated, fine east front lot $1(0. $50 down; $3( per mo. to include Interest. 8KB us today. W. H. GRABENHOR3T CO. 1S4 a Liberty Street Pbons 1C. ROOM house, paved street. WK Terms. BUSINESS lot close br, N. front, $2500. Terms. BUSINESS corner ctose .In, has in come, $TOO0. Terms. FURNISHED and nniurnisneo houses for rent. GERTRUDE 3. M. PAGE 4 $4 Court Street K ACRE fruit tract, seod fire room house, sootl well and sbrinn. outbuild ings. $ ml. a of Salem. Phone 26F13. 2 LOTS with 3 room nouse. garage; woodshed, pavement. East front. J27f North Liberty. -, . . iniTC! T!F A rTT C CT T A (i F! 5 rooms, bath, toilet, electricity, fire place.. Adjoins inn. urounw iu wm. rtnon view. K. E (YRourke. 774 Hort street, (Portland, Oregon. - , : piT.rmnWTl for Htlum Have a modern borne with electric lights and Westlnghonse electric range, 3 acres, large' poultry house. Want Salem home or acreage. My California prop erty Is clear. See owner- J. A. WWITH 425 North High EXCHANGE Real Estate tt a rn T vwm nxMlern home In Portland for small acreage near Salem. Address box S3 3. statesman. A nlRKT) car and $200.00 Will make the first payment on A $2, inut xarm. A $2,000.00 poultry farm, or a $1,600.00 small city home. ASK BOHRNSTEDT at 147 N. Coral. Street Salem. Oregon SALE or trade for Salem home 25 acres buildings, crops, adjoining city. 710 North High. WANTED Southern Oregon prop erty for house and lot la Salem, 2719W. PLEASE submit houses to exchange for 15 acres, close in. Phone 2492M evenings, BEST TRADES IN CITY suburban, farm property. $4500. new double constructed bun galow. 5 room a Trade equity for Jots or a cheaoer house. CLOSE IN SUBURBAN HUHE $8500. BEAUTIFUL 1 a. tract. Modern bungalow, barn. Trade for good home in the city. BEAUTIFUL, 18 A. r'AKM 18750 Best of solL Bungalow $ R has electric lights, barn. poultry houses on paved highway 4 miles north of Salem take home in Salem as part oay WHAT HAVE YOU TO TRADE? FOR equity $3200 home FOR equity, $1800 home FOR equity $8750 farm, 25 A. FOR THE BEST TRADES SEE BECHTEL OR SEARS 341 State Street Room 4. ACREAGE SMALL FARM BARGAIN 21 K A. all In croo. on mkt. road 1 miles from small town. $ room nouse in gooa conamon electricity 1 a. logana. race izcoo. O. K. De WITT 1313 Edgewater Phone 1443 NO DOWN PAYMENT REQUIRED - I WILL take second mortgage -for my full equity in one acre traot with modern 5 room h oil so if sold wlthia 10 days. Price $5750, mortgage, $3200 SEE Mrs. Ellis with LEO N. CHILD 3 CO.. Realtors 320 State Street Phone 1T27. FOR SALE A real farm bargain. 125 acres Just outside small town, bot tom land, new bungalow and barn. $56 per acre. Easy terms. 40 ACRES river bottom land, part in hops, lots of timber on good road ; want an dffer. TEN acre tract three miles out. on paved highway, all under plow, good son, bungalow. $2($. A HOUSE and tot In Newport to ex change for acreage. F. U. WOOD 341 State Street ONE acre with ( rm. house, electri city, water system, fireplace, wired for electric range, fruit house, small barn, rabbit hutches , chicken house ana yard. $ bearing cherry trees, variety berries, grapes and family fruit. Good sou. $8000. WINNIE BETTTJCShN. Realtor 176 South High Street FOR SALE A good 16$ acre farm, bottom land, 11 miles out. $10,000. A 40 ACRE farm with 1$ acres of BEAVER DAM land, a snap at $7600. F. L. WOOD $41 State Street SPECIAL 123 ACRES, about 40 acres culti vated, balance pasture with some tim ber. House, barn and chicken house,. Would make a good stock or dairy farm. Has cow a horses and machine ry. AU goes for $7000. Will take some trade of small acreage or baiem property. WE have 12 acres close o Salem with new bldgs., has S acres of young walnuts and filberts. You can buy at a bargain for $2(50 with $200 cash. SEE Thomasoa with LEO N. CHXLDS CO.. Realtors 320 State Street Phone 1727 GARDEN TIME .WILL SOON BE HEsilEI LET US SHOW YOU OUR CHOICE SUBURBAN HOMES ACRES of rich productive land not far out with a now 4 room cottage, garage and woodshed, good drove well. Price $2300, cash $100. baL Ukt rent. You can move right In, ANOTHER ONE with rms. and nook, garage and woodshed, good drove weU, 2V6 acres of land. Will furnish purchaser with 20 choice fruit trees., Price $1900. Cash $100; balance like rent. For sale BY LEO N. CHILDS CO, Realtors' 320 State Street Phone 1727 -ACRE Small bouse $100 down Price $1(60. Close bus and school. south. BECKE HENDRICKS 189 North High Street Polly and Her Pals puTTyscrr perk, i wish My BAMILY W 60ITH. MygTUFF yf m Q9ULB STRUT ACREAGE ' RANCH FOR SALE SACRIFICE for cash at your price. No trades. Will sell all or any part. 160 acre Irrigated 10$ acres under cultivation. Mostly alfalfa;. six room bungalow. Now chicken bouse, shes st stern. One and three quarter miles from Redmond. .. v BIDS accepted to March 10. 112$. I reserve , the right to reject any or all bids. - - O ; A.. NEWSOME (Owner). Redmond Hotel. Redmond, Oregon FOR RENT MASQUERADE costumes and wlga 226$ N. tth. Phone 114 7 J. BOARD r ROOM $30.0$ per month. Phone $1J. - FOR RENT APARTMENT house at 230 N. ltth St., consisting of three furnished apart ments; gas range in every apartment. $35.0$, CALL or see W. Q. KRUEGER Realtor 147 N. Com'U. Phone 217. TOTJ can have a house built to suit small payment down, balance like rent. Restricted district. Phone 2492M, eve ning!!. - ' FOR RENT Houses and apta- fur nished and unfurnished $12.60 up to $36. SEE . - ' . - BECHTEL OK SEAKS " 341 State Street . Room 4. FOR RENT Houses FOR RENT $ room houee ' four blocks from capltol near school. Nice location. $30.00 . per month. 6-ROOM houM a Winter st. Some furniture. $20 per month. (-ROOM house on N. Liberty street. Close In. nice location. $20. 8-ROOM house on N. Commercial, partly furnished, $30.00. A. M. DALRYMPLB 443 State Street TeL 2660. S FURNISHED and some unfurnish ed housea Melvln Johnson. Phone $37. FOR RENT Houses GOOD 4 room house. 435 South 17th. $15.00 inotftfu . FOR RENT furnished bungalow. 4 rooms, bath, Ughts, garage. Paved street. Good location, rent $2S. SEE BECHTEL OR SEARS 341 State Street Room 4 7 ROOM house, partly modern. 805 south 18th. FOR RENT Two furnished houses. and several unfurnished. F. L. WOOD 141 State Street bath, a-anure. Phone 2631-J. 1710 Court street. $ ROOMED furnished house. Adults. No dogs. 351 N. Cottage street. Call at 337 N. cottage. 4 ROOM furnished bungalow. Ad ults. 415 . N. Cottage. Phone 1577R. FOR RENT 4 room house, also fur nlshsd house. Call 1(40 Stats street. FOR RENT Large house close In $5011 rooms. BECKE st HENDRICKS 189 North High Street FOR RENT Furnace fireplace $30. Garage. ( rooms -and glassed In sleeping porch. BECKB A HENDRICKS 1(9 North High Street AAAAMwMAaWVwVwWwV FOR RENT or for sale new 7 room house with acre of ground and fruit, two diocks irom dus ana school Call owner 1370R 1495 Marlon. FOR RENT furnished or unfurnish ed ( room Court-lidw. floors, fireplace. built-in attcnen. garaare ana launarv. Immediate posse salon. Phone 1(48 or ZS-M. FOR RENT Apartment FURNISHED apt. ((.00 and up. Call at 497 Union street. FURNISHED 3 room front act Light and cheery. Furnace heat. Close in. Reasonable. Phone 171 K. FOR RENT , TWO or three room furnished apart ment. 1(90 South Church St. Phone 3624W. FOR RENT Modern, unfurnished ciom in can't beset it lor price, fit 00. Phone, electric range, steam beat and hot water. Furnished. Phone 2166J. FURNISHED and unfurnished $ room apartments. Virginia Apart ments, sis n. uuerty. THREE rooms, neatly furnished, apartment, furnace beat, private bath. imirt BtrMt raone iost CONVENIENTLY located, strictly modern six room lower flat. 1361. MAAMAAMMrVwVwwWwVwwWMww FIRST FLOOR apt 1336 State St. LARGE apartment available after legislature, new ana strictly mod ern in every way. hdw. floors through out. Frtgidalre, hot water heat, sleep ing porch, garage, overstazxed fur nishings, $50. Near state house, Tel. 534 or' 1303 evenings. Ambassador Apts. S Room furnished 8 Room unfurnished. Radio and Refrigerator. Children Welcome (5$ N. Summer 1(71 BUNGALOW apt. Palmer Court E. E. Roberta 947 Mill, phone 284R. LIVE STOCK and POULTRY BABY CHICKS aet your chicks from a plant that specialises In expert poultry breeding work. Our winnings at poultry snows indicates the quaiiry of our stock and our ability to produce this quality for you. Secure tuU Infor mation from our new catalog. liemeav oer IS popular varieties. Lloyd A. Lee ustcnery a poultry Breeding rnrm. Route 6: box . 115. Salem. Oregon. BOSS! X TWECUJB'S ADMIT It T'KMtSKTr - l FOR SALE Used Can A New Slant on 1918-Essex Coach 1127-Esmx Sedan 1927-Esssx Coach 1927-PonUae DeLux Sedan 1927-Pontiae DsLux Coup 1927-Oakland Sedan 192(-Dodge Sedan 193(-Cbevrolet Sedan -1924-Hudson Coach 192-Type Esmxa 1927-Ford Coupe 1924-Rickenbasker Touring Many other good buys In our stock, some as low as $($. . TERMS State Motors, Inc '"'Hudson Esiex High Chemeketa Streets - LIVE STOCK and POULTRY nunnni'wWri - - - - - - niRTOM HATCHING at Sc per egg tm -1 sss lota. Etiwrl Mrvicet - Book - or ders early. Phone 13SFX. Lm"s Hatch ery. Salem, Oregon , , . : - trrr aT.wr frrfin next week, stock trailer and wagon. 1T10 Mission street Phone 2022M. niRRrra wanted Wallace Road, R. 1, Box 28. - FOR SALE Used Cart syuxruTj'xj'V'srii,arvsga,"rMii 8EK THE NEW OLDSMOBIL8 THE FINE CAR MADE FINER USED CAR BARGAINS -READ THESE OVER 192$ Oldsmoblle. 4 doer Sedan $1,000 192$ Oldsmoblle Coupe . $00 1926 Packard 4 . door Sedan $900 1127 Oldsmoblle DeLuxe Rdstr.$(00 192$ Whippet Roadster $460 193v"Bmck $ Glass In closure "Vloedater : : 1925 Buick 4 Door Sedan 1926 Oldsmobtle Coupe 1925 Overland Glass Inclosure, Touring $325 192( Ford Delivery (inclosed) -$300 -$300 Jewett Sedan 1925 Overland 2 door Sedan (276 Maxwell 4 door Sedan $2(6 FORDS: Sedans Touring C e u p e s All Prices. 10 Other Good Running Automobiles Priced from $50 to $200. CAPITOL MOTORS. Ina. 350 North High Street WHITE TRUCK and TRAILERS Gas Oil Grease Storage and Repairing ?ome In and -See the 1929 Oldsmobtle ou can buy a bigger car but not a better car, PETTYJOHNS BETTER VALUES AT LOWER PRICES 1929 License Included 1927 Chevrolet, new tires 1926 Studebaker Spe. Coach 1927 Nash Light Six Coupe 192$ Nash Spe. Six Coach 1926 Hupp . (" Touring 1926 Nash Spe. Coupe 192$ Buick Bid. Sedan 1924 Nash Bps. Coach 192( Hupp Sedan ... 1917 Nash Light Six Sedan 1928 Chrysler (2 Sedan I 450 (50 696 1046 (95 C95 (90 (96 (50 (26 (60 OTHER good values as low as $50. Look them over today. . F. W. Pettyjohn Co. 2(5 North Commercial 8t Salem, Ore. "After we sell we serve. Dozens of good cars Overhauled and Priced Low 1937 Chevrolet Coupe with rum ble seat $415 192$ Buick Coupe, excellent condition $526. 192$ MaxweU Rdster new sport paint $145. 192$ Dodge Bros. (-4 ton panel ..$460. 1926 Buick Master 8ix, T pass. Sedan $575 192$ Dodge Touring il8(. Also 3 Dodge Deliveries at 4126 FORDS FORDS FORDS 1924 Sedans $175. 192( Touring New PyroxgUn fin ish . $1(5. 1924 Touring, new PyroxgUn finish $ 96. 1928 Touring, extra good tlres$ ((. Ford truck, new rubber .. .... $116. Valley Motor Company USED CARS At Actual Wholesale Prices Late Models STATE MOTORS INO. Hudson-Essex Distributors High at Chemeketa st Phone 1(60. 1932 FORD COUPE tor sale. $4( 00 416 N. 21st -street McKay's for Used Cars with an O.K. that counts 1917 Pontlac noun $560.00 1934! Chevrolet Tourliur 240.00 1917 Chevrolet Coach . 426.00 485.00 160.00 1927 Chevrolet Coupe 192S Star Sport Touring L927 sora louring 336.00 430 N. Commercial Phone 1(03 Douglas McKay Chevrolet Co. 430 North Commercial TeL 1S83. WANTED Used Cars CASH paid tor Fordo KIker Auto. WANTED 192$ Ford Coach will give 1(36 Ford Tudor in fine shane and pay cash difference, this week oniy. A. Q. BENDER 1 3-4 mile east of Monitor. AH IXJKiMO, JE9SS0RXA si n .... -aaaj FOR SALE Used Cars Used Car Buying -$725.00 $(((.0$ $560.00 .... $516.00 $636.00 ftiss 1 (.00 f - , , - . susoa Coach -$336.09 $34$.$$ $245.(0 Wire Wheels Distributors Phone 100$. AUTOMOBILES RELINK your brakes to hold wet or dry. Savs 30 till Mar. 10. t'TTZUSKAUMSMKK W 1H auTUKta MERRILLS garage AumavUls. Ore. Gas, oils. Urea, accessories. First class mechanic All work guaranteed. Located in old Speer building. Service with a smile. MONEY TO LOAN tirTcrxrvoa iA- - au cent, Res. loans monthly payment and straight loans, lowest rates. Met Life Insurance Co, money for farm loans. HUDsUNS SAN FORD, Inc. Miller's Store Building. Phot 281$. SALARY and collateral loann. Re payable In weekly or monthly InstalL ments. GENERAL FINANCE COR PORATION, , Fb at Nad Bank. Tel 1200. Private Money to Loan ON FARMS ANt CITT REAL ES TATE, .LOWEST INTEREST RATES. am til x. funu FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDG. FARM LOANS Plasty oT mono to loaa on good farm security. City Loans Wi are loaning Prudential In surance company money tm city resi dences and business property at 6 S per cent plus a commission, Hawkins it Roberts. 206 Oregon Building. MONET LOANED ON AUTOS Contracts Refinanced . Arrange to reduce your payments; You keep the car. P. A. EllOCIk Cor. Liberty St and Ferry Phone 121 Salem. Ore. DO you need money to build or re finance your loan? . Payments (10 per month per .thousand includes low in terest We can lower your payments. WESTERN BOND A MORTGAGE CO. McKv a uarry (41 State st Phone 303 WE have private meney for real es tate loan a. Straight and installment loans on city property. Fvrm loans at 6 plua commission. ANDERSON A RUPERT Realtors 1(9 S. High St CITT AND FARM loans at lowest rates. Best terms obtainable. Our Insurance department offers you ex pert advice and service In all lines. HAWKINS ROBERTS (Inc.) TeL 1437 306 Oregon Bldg. CITT AND TRACT LOANS Reasonable Rates--No Delay STATE SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION 703-1 First National Bank Bldg. Phone 457 Halsm. Oregon FEDERAL FARM LOAN K. F. L. Wood. 841 8 tats Street WANTED Private monv for farm lu We have- several aoDlicatlona en hand Hawklus Roberts, Inc 103 Oregon luog. WANTED Salesmen WANTED Experienced auto sales man to sell popular prloed ( cylinder car In Baism and vicinity. Salary and commission. Address letters te box (((. Care of Statesman. Applications will be kept confidential. ATTRACTIVE PERMANENT POSITION IS open .te an Industrious present able salesman who is accustomed to s good Income. ExDerienoe not necessarr. Reler- enos required Call before 11 :30 a. m. 716 First National Bank BulMmg (ArajsMrsvssnssssAssssssSSsss WANTED In Salem territory. .A man to represent an old established concern. Hard work and long hours are required, but personal training: and help te given. Married man between the ages or IS and 4. preferred, sue cessful men make $800 and up per month. Reply connaenuai. box il. Statesman. WANTED Female Help EXPERIENCED clothing and shoe man, wanted. Address box 64s, care statesman. WANTED Female Help WANTED Lady to care for baby Call 350 South Cottage. , WANTED Situations PRACTICAL nursing or general cleaning. 34 u streets bone 79W. MISCELLANEOUS FURNITURE PACKING for ship ments. Giese-Powers Furniture Co. FOR SALE MISC. PIANO FOR SALE Will sacrifice my piano, for cash If taken by March lath, stay consider terms, write Box 433. Salem. Oregon. TELLOW Newton apples, good cooking grade special 76o box. NICE pack Jonnatnans 81.10 box. ROME Beauty, extra fancy. $1.40 a box. FRESH apple cider dally. PURITAN CIDER WORKS Phone 2374J West Salem Open Sundays MODERN Hot Point range reason, able. (45 "ET street i ITHE FUST r-tWiHrAi JDKi- 1 1NJ. AM' PLAVyA FBt HAKTDS t Or nMQCHLEr, AFTgg4rcDS FOR SALE iliac FURNITURS UPHOLSTERING end re pair lag. QUse Powers Furniture Store. WANTKI Used nlanoa. In change on Radios, phonographs, or fur niture, H, U stiff Furniture Com pany. FOR SALEM neareaeer servlee call 1(1. O. A. C BARRED Rook tt .eggs, 1( for 7(o, 23K South Cottage. Phone 3515-W. 1$ HEAD et horses and mules, har ness and wagons; reasonable prices and fair trial. Dom Sherlock, rear 181 South Church, corner ot Ferry. OOOD Monarch range. Inquire $(( North 80th street FOR SALE One ton ot loganberry wire la good condition. Price t coats per lb. John a Marshall, Route $, Box loss, uaroen jtoaa. saiem. WANTED MISC. CARD READINGS crystal g"'"g. CaU 2H67-M. -Mtlt-,Mt,''",t' VVsU'VrtuTlfl . CAPITOL BAROAIN and Junk house 106-146 Center. TeL S9L All klnda of Junk bought and sold; Rags, Sacks, Bocues, 0arrei cuaes, i-etts, wools, Root, Pitch, Peppernunt OIL all kinds of iron and metal a very thing from a neeoie to n tooomenve. LOSA AND FOUND LOST Tares receipt books and one route book by Statesman carrier. Re turn t Statesman office or phone (00. -----l.l iiiniir,M,.-.",, w M w II O J IJl LOST Police pun four eld leather collar, ohala snap. Answers to name Fox. R. B. HTERLT, $40 North Commercial. . FOR SALE Wood ''-"-" "- " iiar"uijinr juuuti , 1$ INCH old fit- n graveled road Call 11F4. wsAaMassnBnsAsskwSsnsvssSsssSasvMM'sS1t DRT FIR A OAK Wood Coal & Fuel Oil Call on us for prices. We give good measure, good quality .and good ser vice. Larmer Transfer & Storage Tel. (30 GOOD DRT WOOD oak and fir Phone 130FK. Robert Fromm. Kt 7. GUARANTEED DRT Wood coaL TeL 18. Salem Fusi Co.. 7(8 Trada GOOD WOOD at a reasonable price. Well seasoned second growth fir. Also well seasoned old nr slab ana in side wood PROMPT DELIVER! Phone 1(43 Fred E. Wells 2(0 South Church Street TH1 BEST wood tor ths money nl Tracy s suai zara. pnone . GOOD DRY wood for you D. A. Larmer. Tel l((f. VDB HAT.K Wood of all klnda k. D. Mayfleld. phone 73F3. It INCH wood CaU 91F33. GOOD COAL DRT WOOD PROMPT DELIVERIES HiLLMAN FUEL CO. TELEPHONE 1866 FOR DRT FIR WOOD t ft or sawed Call C D. Query. Phone 137F31. DRT 16 in, old fir 4 ft, fir, asb ana mapie. C U HARBAUGH (3$ Highland Avs Phone 1999 OOOD, DRT Second growth 4 ft ft. os per coro. oora lots, $t.T Phons 371 1W. SEASONED oak posts and 1$ in wood Phons $(F(. BTOTZOB OF lAUi OF OOVmUTMSsTT Oeaarsl Land Office Waekiactes. D. 0 Jaa. t$. 1(39 Natiee i hereby gives last ssajeet te th. eosUitioaa and limitatieas et 9h acU et Jua. 0, 191( ((( SUt. $1(). February 20, 1019 (40 Stet 1179). Jess 4, 180 (41 mat. 7 as;, sss sspsraasBisi raralatieaa ex asru 14. 13 tsu u. u, 37), the tiambar ea tae follewiag lassa in v. .ii w. k. c aaa is -as e'elsek A. st pablio ssetioa st Ue U sited States iaad eiuee st Kesessrg, Oregea, te the aigbest bi((er at aet leas taea tse appsaised vslss as skews by tsia sauce, aata ss se assise is tss as Dreval ei tka fl.eratarr st tks Isterier Ths eareaaja prise, with sa eaditieael si St saefiltk el ess ser east tsere- ot, beiaf eesualssiess allewsd. stsst bs aeoeaiteCi st its si sate, smbsv ss s. retarsea u sais u aet spprevee. etasr wiae sstsst will issss for th. thueer. whl.h ataat se reeaeved witaia tea years. Bids will be reeelvsd freaa sitisass of tse Usited Stotas. sssoeiatieas st rsek eiU tsss sad corporation! organ iie( sader the law ef tts UsUed States sr ssy Stats, territory sr dtsiriet thereof aaly. tTikA. .fktiliaatia f a analiflaa narehaa.r the timber ea aay legal subcivteioa win be offeree separately before betas la- elnsad la aav offer et a terser salt T. 1$ 8. R. 1 W.. See. $. lot 3 red fir 180 at. T. 10 8. K. 1 W.. nee. 6. Haw NW red fir 1070 M, 8WK NW!i red iai w J J . - an U wU 1SU red fir 1600 M. MW 8WU red fir 1600 M . T. IS B. aw S nee. IS. RW BE 14 vsllew fir TSO M. red fir 1430 M, aZ MW, yellow fir 1080 M. red fir 1140 m. lot renew rtr vss m. res xtr 3780 , T. 8. I W, Sss. 11. HWH NK14 yeUow fir $7$ M. hemleek 740 M. whits fir 200 M. lareh $0 M. T. tl A R. 4 , Sm. IT. HElt KW4 red fir 910 M. Bala llWa red Iir 919 at. Uk eeaso seder 204 M, aoae of the timber os taeas seetieas te be sold lor leas than 31.75 per M lor ths red asd yettew fir, $1.00 oer M for the red eedar. . waits fir, hemleek a ad lareh, a ad SO seats per at for tse laeeas eeaar. t, a b. it W.. See. 11. mmL Ma red fir $1$ M. red cedar 80 H, T. It 8. IL I W See. 0. lot 4 re fir $00 M. T. It & R S W See. 1. (MM 8Wm red .fir 50 M. See. , NWK SW4 red fir 730-M. BML BWK red Iir 300 M. SW SW!4 red fir U M 7. s n. it i w. see. it. 3W NX, yellow fir 7(0 M, red fir 50 M. dead yeTlew fir 100 M, HIH BM yellow fir 40 M, dead yellow fir TOO M. red eedar 10 M, aoae et the t baser ea these seetieas ess te be sold far toss taas 81.50 ear M for the red end ysUew fb?. and $1.00 per at for the deed ysUew fir and red eedar. T. I a. at s W See. . SWU KKA Deaglas fir $0 M, red ee 4ar 138 MT T. ft S. R. 7- See. 11. SK (w fed fir 1480 M. white fir mi m I GENERAL DIRECTORY AUCTIONEERS F.N.Woodry 1$ Yru, Salem's leading Auctioneer and Furniture Dealer Rssidsace and Store 1(10 N. Summer 8t M Phone (11 COL. A. L. STEVENSON auc tioneer. 2$ years experience In the Willamette valley, for dates or ar rangements see F. A. Doerfler, farm advisor. First National Bank. Salem. Phone or write. : A. L. Stevenson. Cor vallla. Oregon. H. F. Woodry and Son The AUCTIONEERS Who Sell . "Rite-Down-Town" " Phons 7( - 30 Tsars Experience 140 M. T. 8. R. 3 K. fee. SL MCU 8K red fir 500 If. white fir 40 at. JtWA Sin red fir 020 M. white fir 40 at, lWi red lit ir.o a, wsiie fir ISO It. aoae ef tte timber ea these actions te be sold tor lass thaa $1.7( per M for the red asd Douglsa fir. $1.85 per M fer Ue red cedar aad 75 eeaU per M for tks white fir. T. II L B. II W. See. 15. NX4 yellsw fir 3700 M, NWU MIU toIIsw fir 1800 M. SEtt MB yellow llr 800O M. 8W UK yellow fir stoo M. nee. st. a wis " Sallow fir 3150 M, white fir 600 M. WU 8W i yaliew fir 1350 St, white fir MS M. hemloek KO SC T. 91 S. R. 13 W nee. 1. MIU 81 red fir $30 M. white fix 30 M. KW4 eK4 red fir $50 M. Pert Orford eadsr 85 J, 814 red fir $30 U, white fir 107 M. Part Or ford eedar 330 M. red eedar 1$ M. BWsj ftg4 red fir 70 M. Pert Orford eedar 47$ M. seas of ths timber ea these see tioaa te be seM for. lee than $3.0 per M (sr the red sa yellow fir $1.00 per X fer the red eedar aed white ttr. $9.00 r M tor the Port Orford 4Var. aa4 1.(0 per M for the hemlock. T. $( S. . ( , See. (L MKK SB4 sagsr pin. (00 M. red fir 70 M. yellow pi a. (0 M. MW 81 lafar plae (00 It. red fir 300 M, yellow else (0 M, let ( eesar piss ((0 kt. ysUew plae 1(0 M, red fir 100 at, let T aagsr piss sov m, res m 180 M. Tallow dIb. 40 M. T. 39 8. R. 4 C, See. 1. Sift MKV, yellow ptos 160 kf. sagsr piss 100 34. NB4 H low pise 75 M. aagar plae 395 M, rod Mr 800 M, white fir (0 M. 8E4 8B4 rallow pise 160 M, aagar plae 170 kt, rod fir 37 M. white fir 75 kf. aoae ef th. timber ea those aaetloai te be told for leas thas $1.00 per M for ths red fir. 75 costs per M for the white fir. sad $2.(0 par X for the yellow aad sarar piae. T. $0 8. R. 9 W., See. . NEK NE white eedar 46 H. rd fir 860 kf. eeler sel.a 870. NW VX. white co dar 335 kf. ri fir 740 kf, cedar pole 310, BE)4 NE4 white cedar 1(0 M. red fir SO M. eedar poles su. laeense eeear 10 kt, BWL MEV6 red fir 685 kf. cedar poles 335. lac.n. cedar 15 U, NEH KWU red fir 000 M. yellow fir 47( M. NW HW red fir 880 at, eedar pei.t 2i0 laeaoi. e.dar 35 M. y.llow fir 660 M. HWV rod fir 1100 M. eedar poles 13. 8WK NWH rod fir 13(5 M. eedar poles 176. NEK B74 whits eedar 80S M, red fir 45S M, e.Oar polos sao, ine.aie eedar 35 M. MWIi BE white sedar 386 M, red fir SOS M, eedar peiai 330, iaceaae cedar 20 M, 8E 8E white eedar 135 kf. red fir 840 M. ce dar poles 80. 8W14 SEX white eedar 40 X. res nr sss m, eeear poia. iw. eanao coder IS at, hik nw res i 855 kt, coder polaa 180, iae.aa. cedar is kf, NWK 8WK white eedar 10 M, red Mr 1040 at. eMar poiea isu. et rad fir 800 kf. eeSer soles 180. laeeaa radar 10 M. SW 8WK white eedar 6 kf. red fir 836 at. cedar pelas loo. See. 5. 8EK 8EK white e.dar 180 kf. red ir 1850 M. red ewUr 30 kf. hemleek 80 kf. SWK 8EK whit. eur 825 kf. red cedar 60 X, yellow fir 870 kf. white fit 25 at. T. S B.. H. 1 X.. BCC. S9, BI SIU red fir 1400 U. aoae et the tlm bar ea these sections to be sold fer lea thas $1.50 per M fe? the red aad yellow fir, 50 coats par M for the red cedar, w;. ( k .1,--b - - J l.Mna (0.00 per M for the white eedar. and $1.00 each fer the eederpelee. T. 31 9. B. 3 W.. S.e. 17. NWK NEK red and Tallow fir 800 at. T. SB BV T W bM. 17, NWK HWK rd sad yaUew fir too If. T.Uaw nia. SO M. BWK 8WK rod and yellow fir S3( M, yellow pta. 100 M. aoae of the timber ea thess sse liees te bs sold for less teas $1.3$ per kf for the red aad y allow fir, asd $8.00 nr M fer the yellow plae. T. 4 8. R H.. Sea. 38. 81 K KWK yollew fli S00 M. red eedar 100 M, hemleek 10 X, T. ir B. k W.. Boo. 88. MVTK IWK md fir. (7 M, seae of U. Umber ea Mai. seetieas te be sent fer in tssn $1.35 per M fer the red fir, $3.00 per X for ths yellow fir, $1.(0 per X fer the red eedar, ssd 76 sssts per X fer th aemieea. x. n. . s w , see. s, awn 8WU red fir X. aoae ef the timber os this seetioa te be ssld fer less tkss (3.35 per X. WILLIlkf SPRT, Oomaaitaioeer. P.16 19 83 36;X.l-( 818 16-19 NOTICM OP APPOINTMBNT OF KXKCITTOR Notice is hereby that the undersigned hag been duly ap pointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon (or the Coun ty ot Marion as executor ot the estate of Sarah J. Swanaon, De ceased, and that be has duly Qual ified as such executor: all per sons having claims asainst the es tate or said decedent are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified, to me, at the office of Ronald C. Glover, my attorney, at SOS Oregon Building. Salem. Ore gon, within six months from the date of this notice, Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 6th day of March, 19S9. HENRY T. McCALL, Executor ot the last will and tes tament and estate of Sarah J. Swanson, Deceased. RONALD C. GLOVER, Attorney for Executor. Salem, Oregon. M-S-12-19-26-A2 Regular Meeting Of Club is Held GERVAIS. Mar. 4 tSseciall The Gerrals "S00" community club held Its regular semi-month ly meeting in th Masonic hall Tuesday evening. There were five tables In play. High scores were held by Mrs. Otto-Schwab and Prof. Carl Stewart, Refreshments were served by Mrs. O. J. Moisan and Mrs. T. A. Dltmar. By Cliff Sterrett GtT YOU A&OON&s Via BATTERY ELECTRICIAN R. D. I Barton National Batteries Starter and generator work. . 80. South High. 4 - J w Battery Service Station Automotive Electricians VIck Bros. . High St at Trade TeL .1241 ELECTRICIANS 23. L. WELCH KLBCTRICAL contractor- fixtures and supplies. Estimates furnished. 118 So. Cammarrlal at. Phau 2t(l-M. BICYCLE REPAIRING , LLOYD EL BJtMSDKX TSnluanKha. 'l Bteyoles an drepairtng. 3(7 Court. " : CARPENTER PARPCNI'in SUiIIAa Uw. mr. claity. Plans and specifications free with work. Reliable. Reasonable. Day or contract. TeL 373C CHIROPRACTORS DR. LLOTD L. HOCKETT. Phyater tnerapisi, $( N..(th SU Tel 1U9-W .Dr. O. L. SCOTT. PflC, Qilropracter. 86 ft. High. TsL b77Res. 3104-J. DRS. 8CHOFIXLD. Palmer Chlre- praetors. A-Ray and N. C M. New rs. j Brag. nana DOCTORS L. O. ALTMAN. M. D Momeooath. , i ic Phyaictan. nnone 147. 38 N. Lib. . ! arty St. - - . ! DOCTOR W. O. Morehouse, vstertav . arian. restdenoe 726 S. Cem'L Phone 161$. Offlos (29 8. Com! Phone 119$. ELECTRICIANS HAL1K ELECTRIC CO, Klectric contracting and repairs. i Elsctrlo flsturss and supplies. Electrio ranges and waahera Ph. 3 4(1 ft. Front FLORISTS FLOWERS FOR ALL oraaalona Olaan'a Court High SL. Tei. $01. CUT Flowers, weddlnar bououta . funeral wreaths, decorationa. C. F. Brslthaupt, florist. (13 State Street. TeL. 380. INSURANCE WU a priKirr A - V- w.. . j n. mm iu.1 air tual Insurance. (87 North 30. Sa.lm. Tel. 913-M. " WARREN F. POWERS Life and (leneral 1 Tel. H7. 319 U. 8. Bank Bldg. . ANDERSON A RUPERT Oenerai Insurance C9 B. High Tel. 1(44 BECKB A HENDRICKS 1(9 N. High TsL 1(1 VUCH U REIMANN Oenerai lnsursnce. Loana 219 N. High St. TeL $(( WILLAMETTE INSURANCE . AOENCr 316 Masonlo Bldg. ' TeL 983 LAUNDRIES THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY. THE WBIDSR LAUNDRY Telephone S( 343 8. High CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY "The Laundry Of Pure Materia Is" -Telephone it. i$(4 Broadway " MATTRESSES' MATTRE88E8 RENOVaTED Wir tK Capital City Bedding On, 803 North Capltet, Ciied for and delivered. AU work guaranteed. Tel. 1$. MUSIC STORES FOR RENT New nil lanoa. H. U Stiff Furniture Company. OSa a WILL PUnoa Pborie- grsnns. sewing machines, sheet must . ana piano sroaiee. irinainsaT nnone. graphs and sewing machines, 48$ State street, aism. NEWSPAPERS THE PORTLAND TELEGRAM I lem Agency. The Aoe. TsL 91. PAPER HANGING PHONE OLENN Adama tor hnuai decorating, paperhanging, n'g ote. neuaote werruaan. PAINT IN Q. tlnUng. naoerinn. TeL 102SM. PLUMBING PLUMBINO and ranairlne: nam. able prices, A. L. Oodfrsy, phone 46W. PLUMBINO and general repair ork. Oraber Bros- lt( 8a, Llfaartv. TeL ((. : PRINTING FOR STATIONERY, cards, naav. phleUL program a, books or any kind of printing, call at the Stalesoiaa Printing Departmentr 31s 8. Commer clal TeL 600. RADIO FOR everr Durpose. for "everr All standard sises of Radio ' SUIT ELECTRICAL SHOP, ((( m in. STOVES STOVES and stove repairing. Steves for sale, rebuilt and repaired. All kinds ot woven wire fence, fancy and plain, bop baskets and hoohnlogaa hooka. Salem Fence aad StoveWorka, 3(0 Court St. Back et Bustek's. TAILORS D. H. M OS HER Tailor for women, 474 Court St. TRANSFERS CAPITAL City Transfer Co. 38( , State St. TsL (It. DlatrlbuUng. for warding and storage our specialty. Oet our rate. '. :. -. , TRANSPORTATION Yelloway Pioneer. , System STAGES. Los Angeles, fit ; San Francisco, Sacramento, $ll.((; Seattle $4.(. Depot BUgh hotel phone 743. VIOLINS HANDMADE, old rare. H.M. Man dolins and stL guktars, all string and supplies, exchanges. Bring me your old wreck. Kspaira. Bcientma aojustmenu, 1940H South Commercial LODGE ROSTER ri-mtrsttnettiTA. 'irnynm Nn i r O. F. - Meets svery Wednesday even- -ing at 7 :30 o'clock ; third floor of I. O. O. F. Temple, eorner of Court -and High atreetSL . . r- . . - i ,4 M( a Liberty Tel. 2243 V