The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 05, 1929, Page 6, Image 6

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Golden Wedding Is
, Beautiful Event
"Mr- and Mrs. J. OUrer' celebrat
ed the fiftieth year of their mar
ried life by "open bouse" to their
friends from 2 until .' S o'clock
Monday afternoon and from 7 to
10 o'clock In the evening. The
dinner hoar : was celebrated with
an elaborate family dinner with
children and grandchildren as the
guests. : ? i ' , ' -
The dinner table was lovely in
, white and ' gold. Graceful jon
qnDa, acacia and greenery supple
mented the beauty of a splendid
wedding cake of white, decorated
with golden orange blossoms
which graced the long table.
Before the dinner party was
seated an Impressive wedding
ceremony was performed In which
. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver .renewed their
,vows of fifty years ago. Grouped
about the table were the honor
- guests end the daughters, , Mrs.
Lola Foreman, of Portland, Mrs.
Mignoa Lamkin and Mrs. Carolyn
Robinson of 8an Fernanda. Cali
fornia, and' son. Professor Alfred
Oliver of Oregon State college.
' Grandchildren, some of whom
were present, are Barbara. Vin
cent, Madeleine, and Maey Robin
son, Oliver Furzman, Robert
Lamkin. and one gresi-grandchlld,
Mary Ellen Fursmaa of Stockton,
Daring the afternoon and eve
ning receiving hoars the Oliver
home .received , some 1 00 guests
who came, many of themfrom
out of the county, to pay respects
to Hi. and Mrs.. Oil vex. The re
ceiving rooms were very lovely in
Jonquils, pdssy " willows, acacia,
and greenery, with tall ' yellow
tapers adding "to the grace and
beauty of the setting. Daring the
afternoon receiving hours: Mrs.
Lloyd Locke and Mrs. Arthur Oli
ver poured. In the'evenlng Mrs;
Alice FisherV Mrs. W. Carlton
Smith. Mrs. H- H. Crary,. and Dr.
Mary Purvine poured. '
Many beautiful presents were
presented, outstanding among
which was $100 in gold pieces. --
, . -
Mrs. A. L. Dark is
Founder's Day Hostess
The women of the Foreign Mis
sionary society of Jason Lee
church will be guests of Mrs. A.
L. ' Dark at her home, 975 E.,
street, at 2:30 o'clock Wednesday
afternoon. - ,
The main topic-of the program
witl be Founder's day. Several of
the women of the society will give
a demonstration of "A Founder's
Vision". - Mrs.- Sheldon Sackett
will sing. Mrs. Harry Gardner
will have charge of devotions and
Mrs. D. O. Lear will speak on
"Frienda. of Africa."
Hostesses for the afternoon who
.will aesistMrs. Dark are Mrs. C.
F. Hagerxnan and - Mrs. Herman
Clark: V
' '
It was remarked that daring
the- portion of the. ceremonies In
which the broadcaster described
the rain in Washington, the Sa
lem group were enjoying watch
- lng robins bathing in the creek.
Peter's Adventures
i long;.- " . - . ;
-4 '"Blub, prump!" gurgled the
.- I small frog, so surprised at his fa-
I "- ther's words that he. tumbled off a
v atone into: the 'water without
-meaning to at H. But ud he bob-
1 ,bed In half a second . and picked
X. out tor himself a. soft seat, upon
1 , -aUy-pad. '
as If it wonld be a bit of fan,, he
nighd."Wbo wants to lie buried
in slimy-mud for a whole winter?
Then "the small fror thought" of
something' and became his : Own
-eherful little self again.' ;
"Kerplump! . Kerpiamp! How
'lscd I am that grandfather woke
tM uo." shrilled-he: "I can't bear
.to -sleep another-wink until It
coms . time,; to go -'CoV" bed on the"
bottom ot tbe - poolt. But say. f a-
1 ther.-lf we re, burled how-sdo Jwe
breather V " V'V-.-: -"T
By this time the boy. had reach
ed the bank of the. pool and' was
near enough, to - catch the 4uazled
exirsa1oB on Pana BulltrOc'a face.
- That fat fellow opened his mouth
as wide s It would go, as If be
I was trying to suck la an answer
: from th al " , ; S
. "Well, now. it me think son,
I a'd. he. tapping what the : boy
- suppoeod -.waa-, his . forehead .with'
his foot.- arfd Peter nearly laughed
out loud to see him; the frog had
- almost tied himself into a knot to
: do it, "R aeems to me that I have
' MOi eottrse yon have. croaked
a boarse voice that the boy knew
at once belonged to. the grandfa-
ther of the frog family.-,--
"Tou wlU be saying next that
jeou have forgotten how we drink;
and 70a knew Just as well aa I do
that wo frogs take In the water
' . .. hroalL the pores la our bodies.
War ir we tried o swalktw the wa,
ter"-we. prpbably would ;choke to
v -A , : Hearftor- yourself .
- Xote4 -Evaagtlst and Specialist; on Bible Doctrine :
. : y . i - .of JUA 3iso. CaUfornU : . - -,
? ' ' ; ' Erery Nlirht 7 :4J(RIondaya Omitted) rSi
, , t. Begins TUESDAY: if ARCH 5th at the . "I
V '-'"rVaigcdlstit'rua "Gospel ' -r H
: j J J! . Corner a3th ani Ferry. Streets.1 : J .
A Rare Opportunity C
aOun ll. Doak.
PaufO. Campfiell
Appearing in Concert .
Coming to Salem -for the first
time next Saturday evening --is
Pan! O. Campbell dynamic must
cal director, late of Chicago and
Los Angeles, with his reorganised
Rose CltyTJhoral clabv
The chorus will repeatjthe sa
ered. cantata, V "Saul, . King- of
Israel," recently presented in one
of the largest halls . in Portland
with outstanding success. The
crowds, were enthusiastic in their
praise of the rendition and orches
tra accompaniment. - I
Edward Hoshof sky, basso, per
sonating King Saul, together with
other solos, duets, trios, and spe
cial girls;- women's and men's
choruses make up an evening of
inspirational music
Mb. Campbell is a dramatic
tenor and has studied under the
best., teachers in Europe and
America, Including ; Beaumont,
pupil - of r Madame , Marches! and
the elder . Lamperti of .Florence,
Italy.:.. .... - ;-
Tills appointment Is for eight
o'clock, Saturday evening, ; March
9, at the Salem armory, ' corner
Forty and Liberty streets.
Federated Club Report
Expresses Interest ,
The Federations of Rural Wom
en's clubs which met recently in
Rickreall indicates an interested
and - enthusiastic organisation. A
constitution was adopted and
pians were made for the next
meeting which is to take Dlace in
June and Is to be held In Dallas
at the -Invitation of the Dallas
Community club.
, The . clubs represented In thia
meeting were the -Rickreall La
dies' Aid. Oak Point Community
service:. club. Oak Dale Commnn
Ity club. Oak Grove Ladles' Aid.
Sweet Briar cluh- of - WaiiiiM
Koaa, Orchard Heiehta club
Brush College Helpers, Book and
Thimble cluh, Valley View clnb.
ana me Dallas Community cluh.
- a no-nosi dinner was served at
12 o'clock under the direction of
eacn club A much anoreclated
program was given upon wlAch
appeared Mild aand Frank Craw.
lord, Robert Farmer, . Mrs. A. E
Cttleyand Mrs. Ralph neck. -
Mrs. Sadie Orr Dunbarwa the
speaker of tire day and fold tha
attentive interest of the audience
wun ner discussion of "The Conn
ty Health Nurse."
ireeungs - were brouaht from
Michigan by Mrs. Carrie Williams
who is visiting Mrs. Corydoa
Blodgett, and Mrs.- Beattv and
Mrs. Looney brought special greet
ings irom Marion county.
"The Carnation club will meet at
the Fraternal Temple Thursday
aiternoon at 2 o'clock. Hostesses
lor Te afternoon are Mrs,"Clar
Parrish, and Mrs. Everett Ruth
erford. "600-Jfelll be the diversion
of the afternoon. Tea boor will
follow cards. "'
Mrs. MIlo R. Poole of 1724 Ne
braska avenue has as her' house
guest her niece, Mrs. Etta Wadell
of Kingfisher. Oklahoma. Mrs.
Wadell will remain here until
y -
death. We -use our mouths for
more. important , things beetles.
for instance. Turn, yum! That fel-4
low tasted good!" -r v
? The old frog had stuck out a
long; slimy tongue and Peter, with
ai very own eyee, harTrseen a wa-;
ter beetle apinning over the ton
oj the pool suddenly glued to tho
up . of grandfathers tongue and.
struggling.: drawn into the frog's
tUh-::iyp. I ;';-'.';;-V;:
19 the emptor was rnddn? a
queer noise r mat r sounded, very.
mach as If he, were
hla , lips over the , choice moreeL
Orandtather. however, continued
quite as tf nsihing had happened.
- TXnd as -for tow wa breathe, I
dare say w do It la the game man.
Bar through our bodies and if
that la not ae good a way as any I
should like- to have ajuyoae say so!
I would eattcB.the.4my feUow. with
Society Editor
Tuesday '
T. K. K. Bible class First
II. Ei church regular, busi
ness and social meeting with
Mr.' H. A. Pedersen 221
Breys avenue
Writer;s. section of Salem
Arts League with Mrs. F G
FrankUn, 1365 Marion street.
American War - Mothers
regular meeting at 2:2e
o'clock in the T. M. C A. ,
HospiUl Auxiliary at 1 ,
o'clock In chamber of eom-
-Drama League at 7:41
o'clock In the study room of
Vthe city librarr. .
"School of Methods. 2:30
o'clock. Masonic Temple,
Mrs. Carrie Jackson - in
charge, under aaspicea . of
Chad wick chapter.' .
Chadwlck chapter, regular
meeting. Mohl hall, t
o'clock. : " v."-,
- Auxiliary to Trl-County
Medic a I association, : r -
o'clock, dinner at Spa. . . - v
Institutioaj Department of
Salem Woman's club spon-
sors Snikpoh ' play, at Boys
Training school. . . " '
' ' " "Wedmestfaj "
-W. H. M. 8. First M. E..
church tea meeting In church
parlors. ,
Zena MTsrdonary society at
2:20 o'clock. :
Knights and' Ladles of
Maccabees regnlar meeOax at
8 o'clock Miller's hall.
First ) Congregational Mis
sionary society, Mrs." W. D.
Clarke. 725 K. Capitol,
o'clock. . ,
Jason Lee Mhskmary so
ciety. Mrs. A. -L. Dark, 275
E street, 2:30 o'clock.
Ladies' Soda elre'lv.
Knight Memorial ehnreh.
Miss Alice Rlggs. 2S1 S. ISLh
Thursday ,
' Carnation, club at 2 o'clock
In Fraternal Temple. .
; BeU Chi Mothers dub,
2:30 o'clock at the sorority
. house, ,1445. State street.
'. . Saturday
"King Saul" to be present
ed in the Armory.
Snikpoh Play to be
Presented Tuesday
"Sauce for the Gosling," the
one-act play put on by the Snik
poh club of the senior high school
will be again presented, this time
before the student body of the
Boys Training school. Tuesday
evening unaer the ausDices of the
institutions department of the Sa
lem Woman's club, of which Mrs.
David Bennett HiTl Is chairman.
Miss Cecil McKlrcher has di
rected the members of the cast,
Richard Baker. Evelyn Cammtngs,
blarney King, Helen Larson; Mar.
caret Wilson, Robert Ayer, and
Kaitn .Biaisyer. in the production
ot Ue play, which In Its appear.
ances.' before this time : has been
very successful ."-
Two other number, will appear
on the Tuesday ' night program
one "Tricks In Magic." by E. Cook
patton. and oeal solo numbera by
iawrence Alley. -' -.
Z "-
Camp Fire Members
Planning Banquet
- The Camp Fire .guardians, aa.
sistaat-guardians and- sponsors
will have a ft: 30 o'clock banouet
at the Spa Thursday evening.
Those in eharge of. the social ac
tivities for-the banquet are Mrs.
Floyd Hoekett. and Mrs. L. Stout.
MIm Mildred -Craae attardian
for the Monmouth Camp Fire,
will speak on Camp Fire .Work.
Following the bahauet'tise girls
of the Salem Camp Fire will esioy
a party In one of the social rooms
of the Youbk Men's Christian inm.
soclatloa buildinr. Miss Crane will
speak again to this group' assem
bled.' Miss Hazel Duncan .is chair
man of the entertainment commit.
-A-second . item of Interest con-'
corning : the Camp -Flre group" is
the recent meeting, ef the Otakuye
vroup. Mrs. L. Stout, guardian at
waicn time Marguerite ujarjc.was
takenm si: a tpejaberj. M tsj'xnark
was formerly of Portland. . . ;
Miss Grace Taylor, member of
the Marlon, eon nty health demon
stration, was the main speaker for
this- jneeting.. She - explained -tne
health chart and showed : the ad-;
vantages of keeping it. Several of
the Salem grtrup are wor'.lng for
national honors, by . kedplng the
health charts according to": Camp
Fixe regulations; - ; - . -
; - - O
Or. and Mrk-Pound 1
..Dr and Mrsv;BF; Pound en
tertained with two tables of bridge
following . the Marlon-Polk. Yam
hill dental society banquet at the
Elk's club Friday nighli si ;, s
- Guests tor the occastoa wers
Miss Grace Chandler, Mr. sad Mrs.
N. F.-Wkker. Miss Grace Chaad
ler and Dr. and ' Mrs. Kenneth
Waters. ? 5 i! rv-:'
'.Refreshment were served -At. a.
'ate-Hour. . . j '
Birthday Honored
With Dinner-
Mrs. R. Hotter assisted by
her daughter Macyle entertained
in- honor of Mr. Hunter's birthday
with a surprise dinner party fol
lowed by -500." '
Dinner was ' served at small
tables made Tery attractive with
rose tapers and rose colored hya
clntha. In the 500 games which
followed Cal Pattoa won high
score.'.' ' - -
Guesta bidden to celebrate this
event Included fire others who had
birthdays within a few days of
that, of Mr. Hunter. The guests
were the honor guest. R. C. Hunt
er, and Mr. and Mrs. P.. E. Fuller-
ton, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Goodwin,
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Llljeanlst, Mr
and Mrs. E. A. McElvain, Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Knowland, Dr. and
Mrs, Burton Meyers. Mr. and Mrs.
Cat Fatton, Mrs. Grace Johnson,
Mrs. Lillys Kappahaa. O. L. Price
and; Mrs. Hasiar and daughter,
Macyle. ' ;. J
University Cjuilr Will
Hear Mrs- Brotherton
An evssil ta which many buai
bbjs and srefeemtosal women of
Ealean have eaceriy looked forward
oeears this eremmg when, charter
members of the University Guild.
Salem chapter, meet, at the Mar
lon hotel tor Installation, ceremon
ies sad election of officers. The
time of the meeting is seven-thirty
O'clock. 1
Of special significance ' to all
members n the fact that Mrs.
Maud Liddy Brothertou will pre
side at the meeting. Mrs. Broth-
erten, because of her activitlw in
educational, Chautauqua,' and club
circles. Is. an exceptionally inter
eeting speaker. She Is now a res
ident of the northwest and hopes
to be able to make many future
visits to Salem.
The aim ot the University
Guild. Is to increase Guild mem
bers' enjoyment of all the culture
our present highly developed civ
lllzation affords; to enable its
members through chapter work in
self-expressionunder an accredit
ed program.' chairman to more
thoroughly develop aT ready j com
mand ot one's thoughts and the
ability to express one's thoughts
and ideas more fluently; to enable
Guild members to Work more con
fidently and intelligently for so
cial progress. The program chair
man, selected with care. Is always
an accredited Instructor.
Brush College Grange
Presents Program
-Brush College grange at its Fri
day night meeting enjoyed a 6:30
o'clock dinner serrad upder the
direction of Mrs, 8tina Schindler
and her asssitants, Mrs. Jennette
Imlah, Mrs. Zona Allen, Mrs.
Carne Chaffee, and Mrs. Yantis...
Special' guests wers George A.
Palm iter, state grange master,
R.-8. 8humway, Mr.-and Mrs. S. S.
Bailey, and Miss Ethel Fletcher.
During the dinner hour special
speeches were made by Mr. Sbum.
way, Mr,' Bailer. Mrs. Bailey and
Mies Fletcher.
During a short business meet
ing Mrs. Marie Flint McCall re
Ported concerning the lecturers'
school which she recently attend
ed at Oregon State college. This
was followed by a "program -lead
by a debate under the dlrectloa.of
"a cabinet form of government
others appearing on the erenina
program were Arnold Taylor, tw-
rence AHey, Miss Ruth Haselton,
Nadlne Lwefls. and Mrs. Tavlbr.
A short 'play was presented as the
concluding a umber of tho -pto
gram, this play was presented un
der th direction of Miss Reynolds
and Miss Seat eldt. The cast in
cluded Ellis Walling. Hilda Craw.:
ford, , Elaine Worthlngton. and
Stanley Nash.
Mrs. F;.GL Franklin .send-4 Mrs.
John Reed are to be hostesses for
the Writers section of the Salem
Arts League 1 tonfght at. the Frank
lin home, 12fS M-rion "street.
Judge and Mrs. George Ross-'
man wiu be, at-home te their
friends in their new home on
North. aCpltal this week.
enjoy ffiljisweetened,
tii3 and exercise
f-Feorts tmfrt W get oet sate p
wbes we asked him to ge s the
'- facta about eacrcase aa4 diet .
1 "ftiinmiSHi -Vr"
VnLlt tawa.fibtag---
; thing that gives people enjoyable
-ercue m tte opaA."
Exercise that b W
'"sM IwrnlsUfW i.
- aeora abandoned. Have as owtdoor
. h4)by that takes yvm uWoojb each
day, and ajvaa yow pT asseie.
tSyf UUi .that .kSj-T-ent
good for mt he aaiiTWcyment
leads to imptow the whole phjrsi
. olojry of the body.' r ; . '
. Doiaing - tU tlcl oT dlH,
Qua baelth authority fdrSogtr
. .im. tlia TtL-fe nf Machaca.' BIMrM
- &1tm nl (rait vitamin. Soxar okkI-'
y W tiv f rJkt- Aode and wilrea-tav
" frsiU paUUble. -At' least of
j: .constipation U.due to' a. lack, pi
roughage. Est s raw and a cooked
vegetable also la raw and a cooked
or canned fruit each day. Rotate
ro with inn nrim ir1 taste.
So we see that iuWwij !
tense 'are at" tW foundatjon of good
u Fat-healthful foods -daily.
; .sweetened for enioyment. MoU ,
foods ats naote delictom and not
ishiag with sagar. The Sugar I
Jnstimeu-drr" ''-.F'i;-
Patriotic Afternoon
Enjoyed ty Club
Mrs. A. R. Tartar, and Mrs. Earl
GUbert were Joint : hostesses for
the afternoon meeting of the
Englewood club which met at the
home of Mrs. Gilbert recently.
- Patriotic answers to roll call
brought out much Interest. This
topic was carried throughout the
afternoon with interest centered
In Lincoln. Washington, and our
newly inaugurated president. Her
bert Hoover. Mrs. J. J. Nunn gave
The Perfect Tribute written .in
honor of Lincoln.
Other numbers on the program
were two violin solos "Kadetina,
Raff, and "To a Wild Rose,- Mac
Dowell, played by Miss- Janet
Scott, accompanied by Miss Doris
Ross, and readings given by Wills
Ellis, one. "The Little Hatchet,"
and the' other The Ladies .Aid."
Mrs. Gilbert and Mrs. Tartar
served late in the afternoon as
sisted by Mrs. Hubbeil Young. -
Guests for the afternoon were
Mrs. F. LY Lllhurn, Mrs. Oscar
Powell. Mrs. C. M. Bell. Mrs. H. E.
Ling. Mrs. Hnbbell Tobng. Mrs.
Caldwell. Mrs. Ira Fltta, Mrs. E. E.
Bert Hulst, and Mrs. J. M. Devers.
Formal Banquet Given
By Dental Society
, A 0 cover bsnquet marked the
Marloa-Polk-YamhHl Pedtal as-
AoehUlan meeting at the Elk's club
Friday night at which time wires, i
dental assbtaata and risitbiic den-:
tlsts were otextained. Br. David i
Bennett RYU prsaided as master j
of cersmoniej. .
During the banq-oet hear speech.
es wers made ana a very lovery
adagio daaos number was preaest
ed by Mies Elisabeth Waters sad
George BirreL The evening closed
with .a local talent play presented
by me-sbera of the Salem associa
tion. This play entitled "The Suc
cessful Dentist, Included the fol
lowing cast: Dr. Ward Daria. Mrs.
Kenneth Waters. Dr. Kenneth
Waters: Dr. O. A. Olson. Dr. Fioyd
Utter. Dr. David B. HIU. and Dr.
Ralph Dlppel. Miss Leila Johnson
directed the play, which was en
thusiastically received.
Out-of-town sruesta Included Dr.
and Mrs. W. N. Plntler, Dr. and
Mrs. L If. Calhound, Dr. and Mrs.'
M. W. Rodgers, Dr. and Mrs. R.
W. Van Valin, Dr. Frank Lutt, Dr.
and frs. Mark Hayter. Dr. and
Mrs. Wlneheimer, and J. V. Rob
ertson. Junior Queen Esthers
Install Officers
Friday eVenlng the Junior
Queen Esthers of the Leslie M. E.
church met at the home of Mrs.
John Huston on' South Commer
cial street
A feature of the meeting was
the impressive Installation service
of officers, conducted by the ad
visor. Mfss Faith Priday.
Officers include: president. Ro
berta Johnson, vie e-presldent,
Florence Oliphant. recording sec
retary, Dorothy Judson: corresponding-
secretary. Edith Hazelton;
treasurer, Carol Johnson.
Inauguration Party
At C A Park Home
Among the many groups gath.
ered to listen-in to the Hoover In
augural ceremonies, one of the
"j: ' y : - , ? i v V
. k. rr?' ' ''- - 1
. - --v .
, - . - ' - -
Met and
By Lulu Hunt Peters MIX
Humor 9-
0ietand HealthT ard
Diet for CKUdrerx
The Alkaline-Ash Diet tn tugn
Blood Pressure
Tt THAT foods ahould a Pr-
W son. with high blood pres-
sure eat? J.
Sansam. of .Santa Barbara, has
been demonstrating that the non-
acid diet tnat
Is, one compos
ed .almost whol
ly ot foods that
leave an alka
line ash in the
body Is Tery
successful in
many obscure
. . . A . t h I f h
y blood pressors.
.The non-acia
foods are all
1 ' (except , ,.r j n
".,.. - "harb and sor-
UnotuxTftTftiJiJ rel ) . all the
fruits (except prunes, plums and
cranberries, . huts . (except pea
nuts, which have a slight . acid-
ash), milk and milk products. The
aeid-ash foods are all flours, cer
eals, eggs meats and fish. Sugar
is also aeid-form!hg when taken
In excess.
Naturally, the reduction of a
too high blood pressure will de
pend upon the removal of Its
cause. If it is caused by a chronic
toxemia (or poisoning) from ab
sorption from some source of in
fection, that will have .to be rem
edied. Overweight is not infre
quently combined with high blood
pressure, and reducing the weigh.
reduces the pressure, partly, no
doubt, because overweight is very
frequently acquired through over
eating of breads and pastries,
making an excessive acid-ash diet.
We have an article on Blood
Pressure, one on Balanced Diet,
and a pamphlet giving reducing
and gaining instructions.
- Knock-Knees
Is there anything to be done
for knock-knees? What is the
cause of them? M."
I presume you mean knock-
most delightful was that held at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. A.
Park, 1589 Chemekeia sbyet.
from 7:30 until the dose of the
ceremonies, the lad lea bringing'
their work and lunch.
Those enjoying the hospitality
were Mrs. Ida L. Nlles, Mrs. Hos
ford, Mrs. Clyde Johnson, Mrs.
W. W. Moore, Mrs. H- J. Clem
ents, Mrs. . I O. Clements, Mrs.
Flora Clark and daughter Nellie,
Miss Cecelia Watson, Misa Hen
rietta Clark, Misses Lillian snd
Pearl Apple'gate, and the host and
v The Ladies Social circle of the
Knight Memorial church will hold
their regular monthly business
meeting at the home ot the secre
tary. Miss-Alice Rlggs, 260 60
19 th street, Wednesday afternoon.
March f.
i. '"f
All Scid m Our Easy Payment Plan
' -- , ..... s - v ; - '. ..... , ... . I
knew tn an adult, M. There Is an
operation that can P"''
if they ars deforming-. Totrshc-uld
.n orthoDcdic surgeon tor this.
.. - .m frnMnt cause of
x.-. how less is rick
1- .viMhnui and the cause ox
rieketsis wrong diet and lack . of
sunshine and fresh air. tm
of special vitamin vitamin
1. k tnnAa. hmd! to be the great
eat factor in rickets. This vltsmin
MMtrf for the proper utilis
ation ot calcium and phosphorus
in the bones.
snntlrht and the ultra-violet
rays cause thls-Titamln to be de
veloped in the Dooy-aiseii. "
iirht and fresh air ahould be com
bined, of course, with the proper
diet. Cod liver oil is very high in
the vitamin P. Some podiatrists
give cod Urer oil as faithfully as
they do orsnge Juice to babies,
nursing or otherwise. "
If the knock-knees ; are In a
growing ehUd. they can - oe
straightened, out with proper ap
nliances and massage and exer
cises. For these you have to see
your orthopedic physician also.
: None of you ,. dietitians ever
consider that even in this day and
generation li b possible toiobtain
a cocktail or wlnel -I would, like
to know the number of calories in
an average cocktail of half orange
iniee and bait gin thereby being
iaDe to choose between food and
Yen know how easily pure alco
hol can be burned. by apply
ing a match. Just so easily it is
burned In the body. It Is almost
equal to pure fat In energy. value.
(Pure alcohol, 7 calories per
gram; pure iai, caionee - v
No one wants sneezers and rmifflera arotuid. So avoul dose contacts' while
you have a cold and for your own good take HILL'S CASCARA -QUININE
aa quickly as you can. HILL'S CASCARA - QUININE tablets break up a
cold in one day because they do the four necessary things in one (1) stop
the cold, (z) check the tever (3) open the bowels, (4) tone the system.
Tvrrkl mmilrpa wm-tmiA mnA Arimwm arll M
for you can't tell where a cold will lead.-HILL'S
combines the four necessary helps in one tablet. So
be sure ifs HILL'S you ask for and HILL'S you get.
Gettk&EDBOXAIl Dnigist
. v. ,
i t v'r. '-! .- ; -v- vf
''i . . ....
gram. A gram is approxrsutely
one-quarter teaspoonrul.)
: Alcohol, itself, is nof built into
fat,-but it Is absorbed so quickly
that it leaves the real food to be
deposited as fat, if there is any ex
cess. It must be remembered that
In more than very moderate quan
tities, alcohol acts as a drug, and
when taken In excess this action
may negative entirely its action as
a food, or even interfere with the
digestion and absorption ot other
foods. .
Orange Juice, 100 calories to the
S -ounce glass. Gln about 70 cal
ories to an ounce (3 dessert
spoons.) '
ttM Vt( ; Ir Pctm ,
glacBOM, nor gtv personal advlc
Yous quMtlooa, If, Pt snral InUr.
est. wuL be' anawarttd In th coL.
uinn. In turn. Requesta for articles
mart be. accompanied by a tuliy
setf-aderesMdCv stamped envlop
. and t cent in coin for act artlcie.
to eovar coat of print Inn mad hand.
- llna. For tb pamphlet on raduc-
, Ins and raining;, 10 cents In coin.
, with fully Mlf-addresaed. tampd
eaveiopa. must ba enclosed. Ad-
Ptera la car of this
. Adds Life to Tour Years
V'You know," says 'Arthur
O'Malley. Carson Hill, Calif., "I
would like, to broadcast this. I
suffered from; kidney and rheu
matic trouble until Foley Pills di
uretic relieved me entirely, and 1
want other sick -people, to know
about them. They added enjoy
ment to my life, and cut out the
pain and gloom." Take Foley
Pills, a reliable, valuable medi
cine,: constantly in use over 2f.
years. Try this for backache, rheu
matic pains and swellings, "tired-
out feeling, and disturbed tleep
For sale by Capital Drug. adv.
m .
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