The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 05, 1929, Page 4, Image 4

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    Salem, Oregon
Tuesday ,
Uarch 5, 12
' - . - . - ' ' -
Back to Northampton -
MOJ?INa& MBS. COOLIDGE are on their way to North
J axnpton, their day of power at an end. They go as Mr.
and Mrs. CooUdire. without the pomp and ceremony that of
late has attended them. They go to a modest home to a
simple American manner of living. As by the light of a ker
osene lamp Mr. Coolidge was inducted into the highest office
. in the land, in style equally
private life at Northampton.
The Coolidges go out of
feeling of the American people.
. ' well met Mr. Coolidge has been
- - U m
nemies are iew; ne leaves iew
Seldom have we had a president who did his job more
.; successfully. Of quite modest personal attainments Mr.
Coolidge lived within his intellectual means as truly as he
did within his financial means.
the head. He proved a man of cool judgment, of careful dis
cernment. He avoided rather than outrode trouble. No in
novator, conservative to a fault, 'his contribution to public
life was mainly of a negative.character. His vetoes are ms
principal bids to display of statesmanship, his rigid economy
m . m 3 2 .J a.
ms cniex Claim to successiui aarainisuauon.
! The Coolidge administration was so lacking in the the
atrical, and Coolidge himself so undramatic a personality,
that future historians mav not
was a oeriod of Dost-war reconstruction: and Mr. Coolidge
; has guided the government
readjustment with high skill
prove to be the great achievement of his administration is
the Kellogg treaty for the outlawry of war.
Mr. Hoover inherits a sound organization. He will not
be confronted with outrageous scandals as. was Coolidge
when he first became president. He will find, with the ex
cention of prohibition enforcement, a wholesome state of af
" fairs. This will give the new president a flying start toward
a successful administration. If he can supply the dynamic
which Mr. Coolidge lacked and can keep a working alliance
with congress and with public opinion, he can accomplish
much during his term in off ice.
r ' ; ' : - .
New York
riTHE Atlantic Monthly reprints the most interesting per-
JL sooal letters and diaries on occasion. This remark does
not apply to the recent Lincoln "Love Letters" which the At
lantic offered to an unreceotive and skeptical public The
j current issue has some charming letters from Ellen Randolph
Coolidge, favorite granddaughter of Thomas Jefferson, de-
rrlhimr her weddincr lournev
home in Boston.
In New York Mr. and Mrs.
Fayette who had arrived in America on his final visit. Her
description of the great New York of 1825 which had a pop
ulation of about 130,000 is worth reading:
"I have seen some of the sights of the place, walked on
the famous battery, I . and driven the length of the city
which is so immense in comparison with anything I ever saw,
of such magnitude and such population with such an appear
ance of life and activity that I can scarcely recover from jny
surprise. The streets iiterally swarm, the noise is incessant,
and overpowering, arid I car never look out of the windowj
without fancying there must be some extraordinary occasion!
for such rapid and hurried nxvements; such throngs of peo
ple; such ringing of bells and hurrying to and fro of men,
horses, carriages, eta, etc., but it is always the same."
One day they went by the recently invented steamboat
to Staten Island ; again she wrote : "This evening I am going
to see the ascent of an aeronaut in a balloon at Castle Gar
den." They finally reached Boston in the stage-coach.
What if dear Ellen could
trin todav from Monticello to
could almost repeat her language about New York, but what
a transformation in aeronautics and transportation she would
Jones Deserves Credit
JONES of Salem deserves credit for
TIT A. JONES of Salem deserves credit for having
V T courage to defy the legislature and obtain an injunction
to restrain the secretary of
paying out the $5 per diem the
selves. The skids were all greased for this salary grab act,
and Jones was the only one
thwart it. Now the question will go into the courts for set
tlement. It will be decided whether the. legislature can vio
late the terms of the constitution its members swear to up
1 hold and ket away with the
While the house passed the resolution on February 23
i the senate withheld action till Saturday afternoon apparent-
fimm fo5i- trior cnm'a aotirm
j for took place. The press reports state that the warrants were
I ready for delivery when the injunction was served which
! shows remarkable speed of the state executives in rushing a
j payroll through. Or were the
j ranee so the members could race in ana get tneir money ana
beat any process servers?
" ' Legislators serve for. a miserable pittance. The constl
i tution ought to be amended to provide more adequate com
1 pensation. However, the members took their jobs knowing
j what the pay was; they are poor sports to raise their own
I wages in defiance of the constitution.
1 Talk about reprisals on the grange is silly. Whether
i Jones acted as an individual or as) a grange off icer doesn't
j matter. He did what ought to have been done, and what he
4 :. -.: .
1 ; A Contemptible Fight
rwaa a contemptible fight which was made on C. L. Starr
in the senate Saturday night -which prevented his con
1 flrmation to a post on the newly created educational board
i of the state. Starr was named by the governor from among
i the regents of normal schools, having served as regent for
16 years under three governors. Because Starr is a personal
j friend of the governor and his political adviser Senator Klep
!.per led a bitter fight against him.
ik Starr was endorsed by senators from each of the three
counties where there are normal schools: Elliott of Polk,
1 Kiddle of Union, Dunn of Jackson county. Fortunately sen
's ators thought better after a Sunday's reflection and en
s dorsed Mr. Starr by avote of 25 to 8. -
( Governor Patterson was given a difficult Job with scant
, itime in which, to do it. There will be criticism for this se
lection or for that; but a fuller study will show that the
board is a well balanced organization. Before branding the
board or its members with, one label or another, it would be
much better to watch it in performance of its duties. We
have' faith to hope that tha
clities in a worthy manner.
Oregonians Occupy Strategic Positions
gtENATOR McNART becomes chsfrman of tha senaU com-
riakes the assignments of new
tions. HL$ selection was made by the republican caucus.
Wiis promotion places Senator McNary In ontf of tha most
ennortant posts in the senate organization.' '
This . appointment helps
fairs at Washington. Representative Hawley is chairman of
the ways and means committee, now engagea in woric on tne
tariff. He is also a member of tha hoose committee on com
mittees and chairman of the republican caucus. .
With Oregonians In these posts and with an ex-Oregon-Ian
in the White Houses the Interests of this state ought to
.be well regarded daring tha next two years.-'; ' (
unostentatious he goes back to
public life with the friendly
Without being a hale fellow
well iked and respected. His
a 1 a 1
animosities oenua mm.
He suffered no inflation of
rate it at its true value. It
through this critical period of
and success. That wnich may
in 1825
from Monticello to her new
Coolidge met Marquis de La
skip the century and make the
Boston via New York. She
state and
state treasurer from
e legislators voted for them
with courage and vigilance to
mifrhr rtA tnlron alien as nTT.ll AI-
warrants all prepared in 9AA
board will risa to Its responsi-;
members to committee posi
the position ; of Oregon la af
Editors Say:
It will cost something llfb $170,-
OM to Inaugurate Herbert Hoover
as president on March 4. Parades,
fireworks, grandstands and aerial
displays are expensive.
Yet the only ceremony that is
legally required la the actual tak
ing of the oath by the incoming
president. This, by itself, would
take only a minute or so and
would not cost a penny.
However, we have a love of cer
emony, it is impossible for us to
feel that any event is really im
portant unless it is dressed up.
When a peace treaty is signed the
signatures must be affixed with
flourishes. When a great new
building is to be built there must
be fuss and feathers in connec
tion with the cornerstone. And
when a new president Is sworn
in the thing must be made as im
pressive as possible.
Perhaps this is because the race
,1s secretly aware that it makes a
great many blunders. Any event
that can be made to look use a
fresh start of any kind is dressed
up accordingly. When we Inaugur
ate a president it is as if we were
telling ourselves: "Well, now
things are going to be different.
We'll begin things over again and
do better than we have In the
Lpast so we'd better have a par
ade, and few bands, and set off
some sky rockets." Klamath
March came la like a lamb and
when March does that, the proph
ets say. It goes out like a lion. Not
while the sunshine, is soft and
warm. Not while the lengthening
days remind one ; that winter is
gone and spring is here and sum
mer is ahead. Not while green
grass Is starting up everywhere
and the first trilllum has already
been found, shrubs are bedding.
What it March does go out like
a lion. Meanwhile we had yester-J
aay ana tne oay oeiore ana oom
of them were perfect days. We
shall have others like them be
tween mow and April 1, A man
from California stepped off the
Cascade Limited Friday, which
was the first day of March. He
took a surprised look around at
the sunny prospect, sniffed the
warm air and then peeled off his
overcoat, Why,"' he said, "I had
thought it was. winter here."
If March goes out like a lion we
shall already have had these lamb-
Uke Ides. II March goes out like
a -Uon we shall know that It is
only a bluff and that a few days
of storm at most are all we must
expect. Besides, March may not
go out like a Uon at alL . The
groundhog sign was completely
wrong this year.' . Likely enough
the March Uon prophets are equal
ly wide of exactness. Morning
Register, , ; "" .
The Burdlck "home rue buL
which would bare given Portland
the right to dictate what its tele
phone rates should be, met a de
served fat yesterday when ' the
$enate by a rote of 17 to 11, de
cided thai tha publie service com
mission, and not tha legislature
shall the utility rata making
body for Oregon, v- -Tha
Bardic nOl at best was
nothing mora than a gesture, and
one that would have proved . ex
ceedingly futile had it been pass
ed. Portland would have contin
ued its present telephone rate
schedule for rears "to come, In
spite of such a legislative edict,
tor the telephone company would
have carried the fight to tha high
est court In the . nationand
would have stood a good chanos
for Ylctory. '
- This, newspaper believes the
Oregon legislature's memorial to
eongress, asking a thorough fed-
Parting is Such Sweet Sorrow.
- AV.
Bits for Breakfast
'By R. J.
Wm even things up
As the legislature adjourns sine
die; an all talkie movie is an
nounced for Salem.
If the bulls have not already an
ticipated too much, the bears of
Wall street would better watch
their steps
For there will be a Hoover mar
ket in the United States, and it
will last for four full years, and
more than likely eight. It will be
a bull market, and that animal
will have his feet on the ground
N 1i
Backed by the plans and spe
cifications and constructive work
of the world's greatest engineer.
Mrs. Hoover wore a plum col.
ored gown for the inauguration.
That is appropriate, for a prune is
a plum with a college education,
and her distinguished husband got
his early training while employed
by men who gave the prune in
dustry of Oregon Its big pioneer
Salem boys are now at the head
of the government, of the ways
eral inqurly into the telephone
rate situation, was entirely justi
fied, in view of the present public
clamor. Congress should grant this
request and, if the telephone com
pany has nothing to tide, it should
be among the first to welcome
such a 'probe. Astoria Budget.
If Lindbergh's recent mishap
will' result in his spending more of
his time on terra firms and Jess
of it in the sir it ean be called a
lucky accident. It was lucky, any
way, as neither Llndy or his fl
aneee was seriously injured. With
more excitable aviator the re
suit might have been different
Lindbergh knows how to keep his
head, something that many other
men have not learned to do.
And the day following the aeel
dent (or mishap as the noted avi
ator calls it) he and Miss Morrow
are up in the air again. In accord
ance with army aviation rules, as
a means of - renewing confidence.
Similar rules for being up and st
it again are not followed in other
lines of human endeavor, and as
result -we have failures ana pe
titions in. bankruptcy, -Morning
MINNIE and Winnie, slept tn '
a shall,
Sleep, little ladles! And tbe
. slept well.
Pink was the shell within, tflvef X
without; - V q "
Sounds of the great seTwanderel
r about.
Sleep, little ladles! ' Waks act
soon! . ' .
Echo on echo dies to the moea,
Twe bright stars peeped Into the '
shell. .
What are they dreaming aft
Who can teUf
: ""v,.v .;-';-.":".
Started a green linnet eut ef the
croft; ' i
Wake, little ladles t The sun U
- aloft. - .
" AJtrtd Tennyo (ISOMUD
mnamB . .....
and means committee, which 1
the committee of committees, and
of the senate committees of trrl.
culture and forestry.
Besides this. Senator Stelwer
was a Salem district boy.
m S
The Dalles Chronicle expresses
its wrath, in a doubly column edit
orial in big type, at the American
preserves association, which is in
other words, the maraschino trnat.
because it presented to the ways
and means committee considering
the new tariff bill a brief full of
A brief asking for a lower tariff
on Royal Ann or Napoleon cher
ries, and a higher tariff, on the
manufacturers of cherries, like
those put up in the maraschino
The maraschino bunch claim in
their brief that we cannot rrow
enough Royal Ann cherries, and
mat we cannot crow a aualitv
good as they can get from. Italy
ana Spain.
s v s
Those are snrelr "whtmnmr."
The fact is that we rrow a rweet
cherry-too good for the maras-
cnina monopolists; too large. They
wane a small, runty cnerry, so
their drummers can tell soft drink
stand managers that they wlU go
further with one cherry to the
drink. They cannot make the coast
Royal Ann cherries go far enough
for their nnmosn in nnmhr nf
cherries to a pint or pound or gal
lon. As to the quantity, our Oregon
and California and Washington
Royal Ann cherry growers can tar
nish all the cherries that are now
coming from Italy and Spain in
limine. And they ean very soon In-
c:wie their tonnages indefinitely,
and would, with propert tariff
and would, with proper tariff
ance of living prices.
But the Bits man knows the
western members on the ways and
means committee sre fully inform
ed on all these points. They ean
spot the lies of the maraschino
bunch who are wholly selfish, and
worse. The maraschino bunch got
by in the present tariff law. when
it was being considered: but they.
are not uiy to put over their
eelfish schemes this time, ;
However, .. the paper at The
Dalles is right In saying every
sweet cherry grower of the Pad
tie coast ought to be on the job,
with all the influence he ean ex
ert, in favor of honesty and jus.
tlee in making np the schedules
now under: consideration. There
are eastern members on the com
mittees who ears nothing for the
western growers; they represent
only the manufacturers of their
Old. Oregon's
Yesterdays ,
Town Talks from Tbs States.'
Our Fathers Read '
The Marion County prohibition
ists held their convention at tht
W. C. T. tJ. hall In Salem and nom
inated a county ticket. Olirer
Jory is chairman; 8. L Frasier,
secretary; and W. XL Gardner,
treasurer, ox ine eeuniy group.
( '. ' " ""V :'uk :".
. Cooke Patton, accompanied
br . his brother. Hal. gave an in
teresting entertainment to the em
ployes and students of the stats
mute school, "
Rcott Bosortb. maaarer of the
Pacific Homestead, will leave for
week-'a trip to eastern Oregon.
I. R. Stinson left, for , Pendle-
READ THT8 FIRST? M ' - " .
Betty Brown finds dancer
attract to hr many men. n
tbera undesirable. Her old friendadrop
way. except faithful Gorr Harria
She is automobiling with Andy Adair.
ik. m nit m. rlrh family, mad
hae ea accident which end her aan
cinr career. George stands by her ana
int. Aamm not a VMS' come te the boe-
nit.f nm drM her a position la
the raetejirmnt be Own, where she
meets a saraeoa, who asreee to oper
ate and cure a um which seems t
tttHEN Betty recovered mnn
W the anesthetic on her see-
M A- VAnltal
her leg was In another and even
larger plaster cast. -She had
learned natirnce in lying in one
position when her leg was first
hurt, but the days and. nights in
the hospital dragged endlessly.
On the sixth day Doctor Xlark
came to remove the cast. He cnt
through the thick plaster, and
then almost torn away the cotton
and the bandage In his haste to
get at the incision. Turning to
the nurse he said: "Look at those
stitches! That's the best Job of
ins X ever did! I'm going to
darn my own socks! Young lady,
look at that leg! Ton proud of
Betty looked at the long cut on
her knee In horror. It was semi
circle at least six inches long on
the inside of her knee cap.
Oh, Doctor! Will It leave a
scar?" she asked, anxiously.
Sure it will, but not a bad
one. Just a white streak, wnat
do you think of my sewing?
Oh. it Is all right. I suppose.
Will my limp be cured?
Bet your life! You will be
dancing In a month, and playing
tennis in two of them."
Did yon know I u?ed to dance
for a living?" asked Betty.
"Ne, but I am glad to hear It.
As soon as we can we will begin
to exercise this knee. I will have
one of my nurses massage It for
you; then you can resume your
dancing practice to limber it no
again. But did you ever see such
rernlar stitches?"
"The stitches aTe wonderful!"
lauehed Betty. "But not so won
derful as the news that I can
dance again if I want to."
"How women do love to show
their legs!" scoffed the doctor.
"I love to dance!"
"That's whot I juet said!" pro
tested the doctor.
"But that isn't the reason I
like to dance.
"Oh. well, have it your way.
With skirts as short as they are
now I don't see why you bother
to dance."
"You are hopeless! When yon
eet an idea you hang on to it,
don't yon?"
"TJmhuh! We need a light
bondage on this now. but I nre
bate to cover up such a good-look-ng
- In a couple of days Doctor
Clark was back to remove the
stitches. That sounded ai though
it was going to be a terrible per
formance, and Betty was sur
prised because she wasn't hurt.
The doctor was'so absorbed In ad
miring his work that Betty, with
-Mfflcultv. induced him to tell her
the condition of her leg.
"Why. It's all right of course.
I knew It would be. You can go
home tomorrow if you like. Come
o mv offic three times a week
for the next month. We will bake
and massage this knee. Then roo
will be an right, but use it as
much as you can."
George Harris came for her the
following day and took her back
o Mrs. Hogan's. where she reted
for a week before going bacV to
her work as cashier at Oeorre'n
restaurant. The knee was ttiffer
than-before she went to the hos
oital, but she could see a "ally
Three times s week during the
lull hour In the restaurant, she
went to Doctor Clark's office.
For an hour the nurse baked
massaged and exercised hnr' leg
The nurse also gave her eareful
Instruction In walking and going
up and down stairs.
She became acquainted with
Doctor Clark's secretary, an effi
cient girl who made his engage
ments, kept his books, sent out
bis bins and generally looked out
for the big. careless fellow. She
was a graduate nurse who fc.rf
studied stenorranhv. Tfc nn...
told Betty Doctor Clark TeM Tnr
sixty dollars a week for very short
uuuri, v
.Betty regretted that, she had
neglected the business coarse
when she" was in hlrn
study literature and mere cultur
al BuujwM, one Wonderit If
could not yet take a bn.i
course and get Into some work of
vu caaracier. she felt George
had no thought f keeping her in
Hr. fter his futur
wile had a- inowlM, Mr v
She determined t ...
fitting herself for mere congenial
ten, where he will attend a district
convention of the Knights of Py-
wuicu ne is grand keeper
of records and seals.
Cold Epidemic is
hi Zena District
., ...
dcmla of serara MtMa ei. i.--
appeared in Zona during the last
two weeks, Families who have
famllV. Wen da TtnJmm m-A n
' -- . wwirv. M, UU UUBBa
ter. Hilda and Frank Crawford.
nwr a, uunt and daogh
tar. Helen.
A number of eMMr V.--.
absent from school recently,
- Mr. and Mrs. N. R. HoHand and
daughter Laverne HoJland.- at
tended an open meeting of the
L O. O. F. at Uonraonth Monday
LtKt H&tV
secretarial work. She was now
dally trying the sbhpler steps of
her dancing. Tne- doctor una uua
her it would be good exercise and
also she loved to dance, r
Mrs. Hosan had a phonograph.
Betty bought a few dance records
she particularly liked. Kvery night
she went through as much of her
her dance routines as her sun
knee would permit.
Mrs. Hogan's dining room floo
was covered with linoleum, jma it
was here Betty danced, as both
Mrs. Hogan and the little Hogantf
enjoyed watching her. She ar
ranged a simple routine for the
three children, and they all had
mneb fun when she taught them.
Her knee was slowly but surely
becoming more flexible as a r
nit; the Incision was now Just a
red streak down, her knee which
careelv showed through .her
One - evening, as the phono
graph shrilled out a Jasx dance.
Betty. In an abbreviated practice
costume, dancing, and tne wnoie
- m e M
group laughing, tney looaea utr
to see George Harris standing in
the dining room door.
George's face wore an angry
frown, evident to all. The little
group In the dining room paused.
The phonograph died out. a nedle
scratching the disk. When Betty
stepped over to stop this the ten
sion was broken.
"Oood evening, George,? : said
Betty. "I am taking the exer
cises as the doctor Instructed me
to. While I am at it, I am teach
ing the Hogan trio a dance.
Want to see them do ItT"
"I will hardly , have time."
George answered gravely. "I
only stopped for a moment."
"It will Uke no longer than,
that-" Betty did not wait for
him to reply, but wound, and
started the phonograph. The
three children began to dance.
The smallest one, eyes fixed on
the largest one's feet, presented
such comical spectacle that
George laughed In spite of him
self. "There!" eried Betty.
What do you think of my
"I win give the little one one
hundred per cent for effort;" an
swered George. "I would like a
tew words with yon, Betty, if you
will dress."
Looking st her costume, and
back st George, Betty saw disap
proval in his eyes. She went up
stairs as quickly as her - knee
. . . Xnd
$1000 Worth of Auto
Accident and Pedestrian
Eyery time you step out of your home
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tomobiles, or a possible crash of your
car which may disable you. Be pre- : ,:
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dent insurance.
MAY BE TOO LATE! Use the ap
plication blank in today's paper. Send
in your application today, with a re
mittance of $1.00. A
The North American Accident Insurance
Company ia back of
ed for thirty-nine years, 'py '":"c-
Salem, Oregon, :- -Oeatlemetii
' . - : - - -r :"
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TSBderstood that The New Oregon Statesman Is to be deliv
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carrier and I shall pay htm for the same at the regular. es
tablished rate of 50c per month.
I am not bow subscriber to The New Oregwi Statesman ( )
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I am enelealag a payment
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UcU Szhtcripticxs mzd be pad in Advance
would permit, and was soon back
in the room with her dress on.
"Let's go oPt on the veranda, she
"Betty, I am shocked, pained
and surprised to find you dap.
clng, began George, gravely.
"You know I thoroughly disap
prove, of it
'I didn't know you objected to
my dancing tor exercise, George.
The doctor told me it was good
for my, knee, and I have been do
ing it every evening. It isn't as
it r danced In public!"
a. ubb uv wjmuuu tu jgur
dancing for exercise. Bat if you
get at Jt again, privately, I feaf
yon wUl jwani to do it on the
- "George. I told you I would
never dance again publicly. When
I said It I did not think I would
ever be able to. Now that I can
dance again. I promise you never
to dance In public, jj that an
ydn want?"
"I hardly think it Is. I'm not)
afraid you won't keep your prom
ise, but If yon resume your danc
ing in private, I. will make you
unhappy because you can't dance
in public. ' Your happiness means
a lot to me, F'iUy."
It began to look as though fie
would propose again. As on the
other two occasions, Betty be
came panic stricken.
"George, I will do anything you
want me to." She spoke hur
riedly. "I will never dance an
other step as long as J live if that ;
is your wish, But you are wrong
In thinking that practice now for
the fun of dancing and the bene
fit of my knee, will - make me
went to dance in public I never
want to do that again, no matter
what comes."
"Ton are very sweet and kind!
I shall take you at your word."
He patted her hand as It lay In
his palm. "I'm like a bear, al
ways growling at roc I want
you to be happy. Dancing, has
caused you so, much trouble that
am afraid of It."
"George, you once told me that
if I danced I would have to pay
certainly I have paid over and
over and over again. . I don't
want to run up another debt of
the same kind!
"Veiry well. Betty," he smiled;
rising, "you have no folks now;
I am your folks. I want to be
your, folks always. I hope we
can compromise on' some of the
differences in our viewpoints."
He took. her hand again, shook it,
formally, and went away.
When Betty got to the restau
rant the next morning, a bill of
five hundred and fifty . dollars
from Doctor Clark awaited her.
She had less than sixty.
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Aoeident Inssnaaea ferlv U.
Accident Insurance Comnany