NEWS WHEN NEW! WEATHER"- f Unre:t!cd today; wl I h , probably occasional rales... Max. temperature MOaday ' 0; Mia. 41; River 14; Xo rate; .Wind north. of The Statesman is oat to obtain every bit of hwi .la tho city. If you hare a "Up" telephone OOO. ;f L-i hi fi I I i r LI : : &g - 1 Pmm CM. Ff. f!fi F CsUfl A JLJ Ttvm the FlU .State. ffitn, March. J I. 151. SEVENTY-EIGHTH YEAR, NO. 303 Salem, Oregon, Tuesday Morning Blarch 5, 1929 PRICE FIVE CENTS i r. y i i i i . a. , ii i t ii w 4 1 Bond Issue of $i500 Said Justified to Save Rental of Other Offices Council Chamber May be Moved to - Third Floor; Committer Considers Reconstruction of the city ball Interior so as to provide adequate space for city offices, . some of which are now located in rented quarters, arid In the Interests of general convenience for the city departments, was a project pro. posed at Monday night meeting of the city council. Alderman W. H. Dancy. who made the proposal, said It might necessitate a bond Issue of In the neighborhood of $15,000, but that the saving would Justify this move. The matter was referred to the building committee of the council. Changes proposed Involved the fitting bp of a new council cham ber of ' the ' third floor, which would i not Interfere .with the po lice and firemen's gymnasium as there is ample room for both. The present council room would be di vided up Into offices. Building Poorly Arranged, Disclosed Tf Taiuw 1furrd that the JLimUj hall is the most poorly ar ranged public building ne has ever observed. One of the Improve ments planned would be the group ing of the' fireman's quarters in stead of ' having them spread through the building as at present. Even before this rearrangement is decided upon, one city officer now occupying rented quarters will move Into the city hall. Thte Is the building inspector, who now has an office in the First National bank bunding. The council voted Monday night to assign him space in thk city engineer's office, on motion of Alderman Townsend. It was stated that his office was dif ficult for persons seeking building permits to find, and that theee persons freqently found the office locked, the inspector being away en inspection trips. In the city en gineer's of flee this difficulty win be overcome as someone, is always there. Mayor Llvesley said that when the Inspector took office, he inquired if there was any room in the eity hall and was told that there wae not. Gasoline Purchase Contract Approved The council also decided to go Into the gasoline business, but strictly for its own departments It adopted the recommendation of a special committee composed of Aldermen Patton, OUara and Rosebraugh. to enter Into a con tract with the Shell company for three years' supply of gasoline and to install a storage tank and pump near the city hall. The saving will amount to $1314.50 a year, the committee estimated. This proposal drew the opposi tion of Alderman Hawkins and Purrlne, who said they feared the Issuance of gasoline would be lax and enough more would be. used to eat up the theoretical saving. . Previously the council had vot ed to purchase a bookkeeping ma chine and system for $1805. which together with installation and in struction would practically use up the $2200 appropriated for the purpose. Patton had objected to this move, recommended by the ways and means . committee of which Hawkins is chairman.' Pat. ton charged that Hawkins' oppo sition to the gasoline purchase plan was caused by his opposition to the bookkeeping change. The council instructed City At- Ttorney Fred Williams to appeal Ssue case of Berger vs. city of Sa JS lem. which the plaintiff won In 4 circuit court. It involTad onlr In- f. directly the legality of the present j toning ordinance. The Salem Ad club was granted permi:son to close Court street downtown on the occasion of the annual spring opening, March 21, its request being to hold an auto ( show there. Associated Charities i were granted the use of Church street opposite the postoffice for carnival attractions, April 2f to ; May 1. The council accepted the bids of the American Rubber company and the Howard Cooper corpora tion for fire hose, and held up bids on other fire f igbtiog equipment. Postal Receipts, $19,471 or$3fi00 Above Year Ago Receipts of the Salem postoffice for the month of February. 1029, totalled $10,471.54. almost 13.000 more than , the corresponding month a year ago, with an ad ditlonal day1 i business dne. to leap year. Receipts a year "ago were li,81.1S. reports Post- ; master John ; Farrar. While the - legislative session accounts largely I for the Increase over sV-year ago. M r . Farrar believes . last month's figures would have been some larger t&aa la'-; February, 1028, even without the legislators' bus! jiess. New Filter io End . Water View of $250,000 Expenditure . Will be Made This Summer Says Helwick; Adequate Quan tity and Good Quality Held Assured . Expenditure of $250,000 in a new filtration plant to be placed in the Willamette riVer channel above the present in take, will be made this summer by the Oregon-Washington Water Service Co. With the installation of this addition to the present equipment, Salem will be assured of an adequate supply of water from the standpoint both of quality and quantity to last for the next These facta,- presented Monday by J. W. Helwick to the chamber: of commerce, were the highlights of an address la which the speak er outlined the history of the local community, sketched the develop ment of the present problems and presented their solution as llecid ed upon' by his company. Water to Come From - Main Channel i Installation of the new filter. Helwick said, would assure ade quate volume inasmuch as the in take would be sunk In the main channel of the river and would be attached to a sufficiently large pipe line and pump to bring all needed supply Into the city mains and into the South Salem reser voir which is to be enlarged as a part of the construction program of jhe company, Helwick pointed out that the unsatisfactory condition of the water supply last November and December was really fortunate for Salem citizens inasmuch as ' It brought to a head the need for Improvements to the water system ana caused nis company to ap prove them Immediately. Investigation by a test well in north Salem had revealed water at a depth of 00 feet but the bor ing was continued, Helwick said to the 242-foot level where -a strong layer of rock, was encoun lerea. xnis is to be bored in for 25 feet with the hope of striking a strong stream of underground supply. Nevertheless,- well water would only be considered as aa auxiliary to the city's supply from the river since the supply Is varla- oie. saw Helwick. HaJitlam Outlay Held Over S 1 ,000,000 Tests of. the San tiam river had showa It acceptable as, supply pf water for.; Salem, declared the speaker, who polated 'oat that a 1,000,000- expenditure would - be necessary to pipe water here and to this $200,000 would be added for a new filtration system. Moun tain water must be filtered as well as river water, said Helwick. In Mr. Helwick's address he outlined the development of the local water system. The first franchise was given in 1870 to J. M. Martin who the following year organized a water com Dan v. In 1881 this organization was nnr- chased by Cooper. Whealdon and Sr,t"R' Property antllf TharW'.'Soa ,aTreeet 1885 when R. S. Wallace pur-v. -J. chased a controlling Interest. Thin interest was retained by Mr. Wal lace and his son, Paul Wallace, up FBEE TEXT BOOKS TEH IN SENATE The senate by a vote of IS to 10 Monday defeated a house bill by Representative Anderson pro viding for the purchase of text books by , school boards. Under amendments proposed when the bill came up for final considera tion free text books could be pro vided only by a majority vote of the taxpayers of .a school district. Senator Joe Dunne said the bill had been properly .safeguarded. and had received the indorsement of virtually' all of the women's or ganizations in the stated ' Senator Eddy said It was time to put on the brakes. "While I recently condemned certain tim ber owners,", said Senator Eddy. I believe they should have a square deal. In case this bin pass es the educational theorist and faddist will see that it is put in full operation." Statistics were presented by Senator Moser to show that 42 out of 48 states now have free text .books. . -. y ' An extended: debate preceded the passage of a house bill by An derson and others relating to the Market road act. Senator Dunne who signed the minority report said the proposed law was satis factory with the exception that Multnomah county desired to. re strain SO per cent of its market road fund. Fourteen Killed By Poison Booze PEORIA, nu Mar. 4 (AP)- The fourteenth 1ctim of vpoison- ona, bootleg liquor distributed in Peoria over the week-end died to night, and - coroner's Inquest was held In abeyance to - await the death or recovery ; of ' others who imbibed the talned alcohol. - ? . Ben Teel. 00, of Varmont,: IlLr was tne latest to succumb. He was one of a group of stockmen who became 111 after a party at a hotel Thursday night. 'Problem Is ' Manager 20 years. to 1027 when the Oregon-Wash ington Water Co. purchased the plant for $900,000. In the present system there are 131 miles of cast or wrought iron mains. Water services now being used total 7323, aa average of one per day being installed in 1928. In use In the city are (051 meters and 227 fire'outlets. ine waier company ;usrrm ishing a new welded pipe Una to tbe present intake, said Helwick. This replaces the riveted line which formerly was utilized. Prior to the iron pipe line being In stalled to the inlet, a wooden line sufficed. . Salem s , dally water consump tion averages 6.000.000. gallons. this amount going aa high aa 8,- v uu.o oo during tot days. This total consumption is being in creased each year and the water company has been on a quiet sur vey xor additional water supply since July, said Helwick. onowrng the, address of the manager, numerous ques tions were asked him by chamber members. IE IS FLATLY REFUSED New rVoposal That Vote be Held Loses; Kubli is Held JSpltefuf I If the people of : thT state of Oregoa DO NOT waat an income ta. they. must, lavoke the referendum- on-the., measure passed by this session. This verdict Is final, and those who backed H. B. 60S, Introduced Monday afternoon by K. K. Kubli of Multnomah, are sure of it. Un less a special session of the legis lature la called, this body Is done with tampering with the income tax as outlined la H. B. 680, the Income tax measure. Knoll's bill would have pat the Income tax on the ballot for the next general election.-. lag this - measure was one of 'spite against tha grange for en- Joining the $S a day expense money the legislators voted on themselves was often charged, but as often . denied during the debate which ensued over the committee reports on the .MIL It was around theee reports that the real fight waged. The majority report argedthat the bills do not pass, while a minority report wanted it to have another chance. After a heated debate, daring which the old arguments heard when the income tax measure was passed were dragged out' again, the minority report was rejected and the majority report, indefin itely postponing the Kabll bill adopted. . 1 4 ; ,. ti.-:""- How Hoover V 'V 4 - Two radio engineers, George I 'V - Cv; 4 ' " : v ft ' ' , J- i . ' ' ? i J 5 . r HSR 4 Sh.4t i . ; ;j. m rront of the capttol at Waahineton for Hoover iaangaral ceremonie. . At rigbt la a broadcast Doom ia which Graham aleNamee. announcer, can view the front door of rival aad departure of the Hoovers, REVOLT an SPREADS OVER MEXICO. WORD Country Torn . by t Internal Strife as Military Chiefs Join Rebels Former President Calles De clared Reason for. Con-: perted Uprisings . "L Jly Associated, Frees The revolutionary movement In Mexico, which flared up with dra matic suddenness on Sunday, - bad developed Monday Into a struggle between the ; central government at Mexico Citv and a powerful group of military commanders cen tering chiefly in the states of Vera Crns and Sonora. ' i Revolutionary troops -left the city of Vera Cruz during the day and began moving northward in the direction of the Mexican cap- " Mapan mm nf tha mnimtiliuina territory their progress was ex pected to be slow. From the northernmost part of Mexico in the state of Sonora came a definite revolutionary statement that the aim of the movement was not against the central government as such, but was directed against the influence which former Presi dent Calles is charged with still wielding in the government. Demand Made That Callea Iave Country General Fansto Topete, gover nor of Sonora, and a close friend of the late President-Elect Obre gon sent a message to the associat ed Press In which he Bald that the revolutionaries had demanded that Calles leave the country and "de sist from the direction of its af fairs." "When Callea leaves Mexico and those In authority agree to consti tutional conduct of the govern ment, this revolution will die a natural death," he said. In Mexico City the government was preparing- energetically to combat the rebels, General Calles, himself noted as a military com. mander In former revolts, was jailed out of his retirement to take over the secretary of war port folio. . j President Portes Gil. elected as provisional president only a few months ago, declared that the gov ernment had tha situation In hand. (Turti to Pagw s. Column 4.) POMHEN'S E Firemen and policemen will have plenty of .exercise if they use all the funds raised by. the two dances Monday night. The biggest crowds that have been In either the Crystal Gardens or Castilllan hall sinee their openings turned out to support the campaign for funds to equip a gymnasium in the eity halL , . Approximately BOO couples were at the former and only slightly fewer at the other. Receipts were estimated at not less thaa 81000, ti per cent of which will go Into tbe gym fund as profit. The firemen and policemen quartets of Portland sang In the Intermissions at both dances. En cores were demanded until they had to be refused. - Prises were given on lucky ticket numbers. The dancers applauded lustily af ter each piece In ' appreciation of the orchestras the bandit and fire fighters had engaged.. Inauguration. Mi - 1 1 ;: 1 111;;!: McJLirath aad Albert Ii. Johnsou, at tha Coolidgcs aad members of both BIG SUCCESS y i - i - i r i vrinrOni-i.i, -( lmmt, l fl- in FLASHES HERMOSILLO, Sonora, Mex. Mar. 4. -(AP) Governor Fausto Tojfete, of Sonora. civil leader of the revolutionists In this state, late today Issued a manifesto address ed to governors' of Mexican states. military chiefs and the press, set tin forth the position of the rev- olutloaary forces. The document Itself carried more than 2000 sig natures, many of them ef men prominent in civil and military lire in Sonora. . MEXICO CITY, Mar. 4 (AP) Provisional President Emllio Portes; Gil,, after lay pent in , consolidating federal forces to crush the revolution, admitted tonight that a third state, Coahuila, had joined the opposition, . He , also declarfsd that the revolution headed by General Jesus Maria Agulrre in Vera Cms, General Francisco Manao la Sonora and General J. Goasalo Escobar in Coahuila wae the most unjustified of any revolt in Mexico in recent times. HOG ALES, Ariz.. Mar. 4. (AP) Catholic cathedrals of Son ora, Mexico, will be reopened to morrow for the first time since they were ordered closed In 1926. Bishop Juan Navarette. in charge of the diocese of Sonora, left No gales, Sonora, tonight for the In terior of the state to arrange for the resumption of services, mass (Turn to Page 2, Column 7.) BIDSJE CULLED Steps Taken to Carry Out Plan Started Last Year by City Council ' A call for bids on the traffic control system for Salem's down town streets, fori which an appro priation was Included in the city budget for this year, was author ised by the city council at Mon day night's meeting. The call will specify the Krause type of over. head signal lights. Although this step was authorised when the bul- get was adopted,, no mention of It had been made since the first of the year, until a story appeared In the Statesman' last week calling attention to the matter. The motion for calling bids was made by Alderman Dancy. When tbe Charch street bridge yru!ltL fill required there may be made iiy digging' out a ipace east of the bridge location in the present city auto camp property. this hole later to be converted into a swimming pool for use In con nection with the playground which may be established there, it was suggested also by Mr. Dancy. The original proposal, he stated, was made by Dr. H. H. Olinger. This Tmatter was referred to the bridge committee, - - - Hamilton Names Interim Groups Oi Legislature Interim (committees appointed Monday night by Speaker Hamll-I ton were as follows: To study text books and related problems: Representative Wea therspoon and James H. E. Scott. To investigate auto legislation: Representatives Wells, Henderson aad 8nell. r To study reorganisation prob lems: Representatives MacPher- soa. Cars. in ana Norton. - These committees will work with members appointed by tbe president of the senate, and will report back next session. Went on Air X . v 4 ' - - traffic conrntoi t h i -i ' iii i i i j j q ' i left, test a microphone Installed the White House aad announce ar outgoing and incoming cabinet CROWD VOICES Enthusiasm Runs High De spite : Drizzling Rain; Throngs See Parade Herbert Hoover Takes Place as Head of United States 'Government By JAMES L. WILLIAMS Associated Press Staff Writer WASHINGTON. Mar. 4. (AP) The American people today with solemn ceremony placed Herbert Hoover In the highest, office with in their ,giff-rrthat of President of the United States. With a pelting, stinging rain falling, he swore to uphold and defend the constitution of th United States, kissed a verse In the Bible and began the gravest duty ever demanded of him In his life of far-flung activity. And, turning to his inaugural address he made a pledge to enforce all laws. Including the prohibition amendment, to the full extent of his ability. Into office with this California engineer and orphaned Quaker went Charles Curtis whom fate had taken from an Indian reser vation and elevated to the vice- presidency. The two then rode down the historic route from the capitol to the White House, hare headed, raln-beatcn. but smiling their happiness over one of the most remarkable and enduring ovations given any president or vice president in recent' years. Thousands Wait Patiently In Bain For nearly four hours tne thous- (Tura to Page 2, Column 4.) ST, SENATERECONnS Vote of 25-3 Puts Regent on Joint Board After First Refusal C I. Starr " was confirmed member ef the board of higher educatloa by the sUte senate Monday afternoon after refusing to confirm his appointment Sat urday night. Senators Bennett, Klepper and Upton were the only votes cast against confirmation Saturday night 15 votes were cast against him. . . In the face of certain confirma tion by the senate. Klepper and Upton made their last ineffectual protest. - Senator Upton's only comment was his explanation of his vote. Private Conference Many Early today the governor began sending for senators. There were long distance conversations be tween Dr. Arnold Bennett Hall, president of the university, and anlverslty friends la the lobby. The doctor sent word that Starr's confirmation was advisable. The refusal to confirm Starr Saturday was not based on -a Question of fitness or Qualifica tion, for It was generally agreed that he hi better informed on the normal schools thaa any other man in the state. Long Relationship Shown Gov, Patterson sent a message to the senate In which he said he wished to lay certain facts before that body. 'The message recount ed that the governor had known Starr for 25 years first as a teacher in Polk county and later as county school superintendent, an office to which he was elected tor eight years. He was secretary of the single board of regents of normal schools. He has been ap pointed .. by three governors and the appointments confirmed by the senate, the last time at the opening of the present session. 8tarr has given freely of his time and accepts no reimbursement tor expenses. - Senator Staples moved that the senate confirm the appointment of Starr, and was seconded bv Eddy. ; ' . , " Hall Preparing For New Regime Says ; EUGENE, i Ore.; Mar. 4 ApV -"The university and myself are preparing to adjust, ourselves to the new regime with both determ ination and hope, and will do our very best to make it work to the best of advantage of higher educa tion In Oregon," said Dr. -Arnold Bennett Hail.-president, ' of the University of Oregon-when asked to comment on the final selection and confirmation of tha state board of higher education. "DROWNS IN CISTERN , ".. REDMOND, Ore..- March 4.- (AP) IA I v I n- Armstrong, twa.l died la a hospital here today three hours after he had plunged Into an opea cistern oa his par- ens fans. M B WIN New Hoover Regime Sees Real Issues " By W; B. RAGSDALK Associated Press Staff Writer WASHINGTON. Mar. 4 fAP President Hoover, ; the glamor and glory of inauguration past. looked ahead'tonight to tasks that have vexed two administrations and press heavily : upon his own for early execution. ; r Farm ' relief, tariff revision. more effective prohibition enforce ment, disposition of" Muscle Shoals ana railroad consolidation are foremost among the domestic prob lems that await solution. In the field of foreign affairs hhere are further naval limita tions, steps looking to American membership in tbe world court; the promotion generally of better relations with the Latin American republics and the Question .of American marine occupation of Nicaragua. Special Heselou - v Considers Problems Agriculture and tariff are to oc cupy the attention of a special ses sion of congress to be called for mid-April, but consideration of ther subjects In the domestic field will go over until the regular ses sion, except that the president will appoint a national commission to study prohibition and the process es of general law enforcement. None of the International ques tions Is pressing at -the moment and meantime there Is to be a re alignment of the diplomatic ser vice, customary with the chanees of administrations, but even that will await the arrival here of Hen ry L. stlmson. new secretary or etate who is on his way home from Manila. Mr. Hoover will take his place at the presidential desk in execu tive offices at 9 a.m., tomorrow and Immediately will plunge into a mass of work. One of his first .asks will be to transmit the names of his cabinet selections to the sen- nate which will convene at noon tomorrow to receive them. - Mellon and Davis Already Confirmed Whether the president win sub mit the names of Andrew W. Mel lon, as treasury secretary, and James J. Davis, as labor secretary, who are holdovers from the Cool id ge administration, still was un determined tonight, but with the probabilities that they would not be sent in with the other eight as they once have been confirmed. As he gathered his family about him at dinner this evening at the White House, -Mr. Hoover found himself at the end of the most eventful day of even his eventful career. It brought him the -plaudits of the multitude, the highest office within the gift of his coun trymen and imposed burdens which he shouldered In the full knowledge of the grinding weight. . 1 There was much gnashing ' of legislative teeth here Monday as the full Import of injunction pro ceedings begun Saturday: became impressed on the minds of Oregon lawmakers. If they realised, however, that the primary purpose of the Injunc tion suit Is merely to determine the legal status of the resolution by which they attempted to vote themselves five dollars per day extra' expense" money, and that they cannot be prevented from receiving the money If they are le gally entitled to it. the lawmakers gave no Indication of this realis ation. , ': Pressing legislation 'waited while soloas pondered . how they would cope with the situation. Bach member of the house con tributed five dollars toward a fund to be used In fighting for the mon ey that they consider rightfully theirs. A committee of five was appointed to represent the legisla ture in litigation. This committee consists of Angell," custodian of the funds, Lonergan, Peters, Briggs and Metsker. f . The senate assumed a watchful waiting attitude. There was no in dication that its members would refuse the five-dollars per day ap propriation In case the injunction suit were defeated, however. . - Earlier in the day 12 house members were appointed by Speak er Hamilton to formulate a' plan for resisting the suit, and report- j ed back findings and recommen dations of the afternoon session.! The members of the committee were Lonergan, ehalrman,' Angell, Bronaugh, Burdick, ' Bynon, Car-, kin," Haslett, Johnson of Union, LockwQOd, Norton and Winslow, A resolution, submitted by the committee and adopted without a dissenting vote, was based, on the assumption that, the Oregon state grange was behind the injunction suit, although W. A. Jones, mas ter of Pomona grange, appears in dividually as the plaintiff. .The resolution criticises the grange for not making known its contention on the five dollars a, day: appro priation, - before starting . suit. Those net financially interested In the outcome of the suit regarded this contention as naive In view of widespread criticism 'that had come from' many, sources against what was regarded by many as an obviously Illegal salary garb. ' TheT resolution also flays the grange for not starting the in- (Turn to Page 1 Column .) SOLONS PREPARE lu DEMAND XENES LEGISLATURE'S 35TH SESSION Constructive Accomplish ments Are Pointed Out by Speaker Hamilton .. -l L - ! Little of Importance Done by House; Corned Features Procedure Tfce tfth legislative session was officially brought to a close In tbe house shortly sfter 10 o'clock Monday night by the dean of the Marlon county delegation.! Reare- sentatlve Settlemier. Day. after day Mr. Settlemier has "moved we adjourn ' until 10 o'clock to 1 ESTO morrow," but Monday he left .. the final words following the word "adjourn." As usual the clock stonned t . the time named in the reaolatlnu to adjourn, but it was necessary to run over only a vefr few min utes. The house -adjourned t 10:20 p. m., 16 minutes after the senate adjourned. Constructive Work Of Session Reviewed This session of the Iectslatur has been flayed and laahort h. people all over Oregon, Just as have all sessions In the past, but when the smoke has cleared, and these people have had an oppor tunity to study what has been ' done here, this past 50 days will go down in history as among the most constructive ever spent in Salem by a legislature," declared Speaker Hamilton, Just before he struck the gavel for final adjourn ment. Speaker Hamilton pointed to the constructive work access, pllshed by this session, declaring that upon this foundation a sub stantial and highly beneficial pro gram could be rounded out by the next meeting two years hence. He spoke especially of the tsx pro gram as worked out upon the basis of the recommendations made by- the property tax relief commission. Thanks Members For Cooperation Members were thanked by the speaker for their cooperation ard assistance during the 50 days, and several members also spoke la ap preciation of services of others. John Carkin of Medford. under whose direction the tax program has been worked out, spoke brief ly, giving the credit for the ac complishments of the group ef whieh he was head to those asso ciated wltb him. The house had little to do ea this final day, and except for a slight flurry caused by introduc tion of H. B. (03, by Kubli, which would have placed the Income tax measure on the ballot, little warm debate was noted. ' This measure was indefinitely postponed. During the day the house kilted S. B. 219. which would hav m vamped the statutes relating u practice of medicine and surgery, first killed and then passed H. B. x, wnicn regulates certain rim. es of Insurance, sent a telegram of : congratulation to the new President ; Herbert Hoover aad" then spent the rest of the dav n. curring m amendments, and ta merry jests and fun. , During i the day several nut ' bills and i resolutions were Intro duced,; and the climax of these was reached Monday night when H. B. 1(5, the famous "secesawa 1st bill of Tillamook county, was orougai oat. it was .finally hu morously placed in several com mittees. . - . A feature of the eloalnV minutes was a ; V'Swede-i inn- sonatloa by Representative Chlnd-"v gren, who came decked out lnjbl ' the regalia to go with lila qualat: and very funny dialect, j Repre sentative Goldstein delivered East Side"; New York camoairn ' speech that was also enjoyed. Aer ; tne adjournment man members clung about the state- ; housed saying good by andarraag.; ing ? for meetings in the f ntnvs N' with new made; friends and old - acquaintances, t - v ' - Gandhi Arrested 'AiJridian Patriot S ReportllndieateB ' LONDON. Mar. 4 f APlThs Y Times-says that Mihatma Mohan das K. Gandhi had seen arrested ' in Calcutta.-'' i Gandhi long has been a leader r of the nationalist moement In In. i dia. He has advocated passive re- ' sistance by means of boycotts oa -English products 'and similar me thods to attala an ? independent ' government for India rather than the use ot force. On January 21 he aid that he hoped for Indian home rule within a-year. - ; r .-..v. ctor Olson Resigns Position : Leuls Olson. ' inspector in the Salem polite department of which he has been a member for a aum- , ber of years, turned la his resig nation to the city council Monday night. It was accepted. No ex-i r planatlon was made of his reslg- -nation, H " t ; , t. i . 1 1 - -1-. v::4:.