The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 03, 1929, Page 9, Image 9

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    The iVetg Oregon Statesman, Salem, On&m, Sunday Morning, March S, M9
Convention of Religious Edu
cators at iSpjfionT for
T MarclT8 and 9 ,
SILVERTON, Ore." march 1
The Thirtieth anno! Convention
of the Marlon 'CbCftf Sunday
school coancll of Religious Ed a ra
tion will meet at the Christian
rharch here Friday and Saturday,
March 8 and 9. The convention
slogan la "Building." The opening
region will be held Friday at 1:30
o'clock. The complete program for
the convention Is as follows:
Song service, Evelyn Emery
Devotional service. Rev. John I jellstlc
Frans. la-re Tuesday
Address, Z p.m.. Dr. T. H. Tem
ple of Salem.
Church School institute, 3 p.m
Theme: "Building a Lesson.'
Children's division, Mrs. Charles
Cady, chairman; Mm. M. Preston,
Rev. D. J. Gillanders.
Tonne neonle's division: Carl
MilUrd. chairman; Mrs. M. Small,
Mrs. W. Livingstone.
Adult Division: Charles Cady.
Church nabllcltv or advertlslnr nnaay evening will markMhe
received the Indorsement of the close ' of the revival ' meetings f
Methodist . Men's Council of the the First Christian church at High
First Methodist church at
recent meeting. Two large
lfler and t Center streets, reports the
ers used on billboards were ar- 'r,",r ine Howe. Rev
ranged for, and through the eour-K- B. Hunley of Walla Walla will
tesy of F. L. Waters, the Salem I bring both messarea today, sneak
?,PJKT2f!!-?.?J. "Let."? l o'clock in the morning
pace on the large Illuminated PB WresUln with . God- and at
billboards. i . 17:30 o'clock this evening on The
One Is placed on South Com- Greatest Sin in the World."
merclal street near the bridge and I Other meetings - Include the
represents a large church building I Bible school at 9:45 o'clock.
of the cathedral type with j open Christian Endeavor at 6:30 p. m..
loors, tnrougn wnicn tne light ra-j ana Wednesday evening prayer
meeting at 7:30 o'clock.
A. E. Stuernagcl of Sail IMe& f'1? "d "e people enter, In
Calif., who will ope. serieTS fS7nd.'s,
-ni .i, merce and Industry. Across the
d Full Gospel Tabmiacle ,C1 uLZT . , , XT corner-winter ana cnemeaeta
rnesd-y igbr "fht .f .T,DR "n-.T!l! InJ treU.- Rer. Norman K. Tully.
y scription Is "Out of the dusk D. D., pastor. -
comes the dawn and out of the -t. ...... vi . ....
WW Conduct
uaurcn comes uivnisaioin. es for ail ages. Morning worship
" H"V Am. A a I V . m b
j wucr poster ptacea oniii o cioci. sermon, - Accoraing
Bast State street nar 12th street to your Falthr Dr. Tully. Anthem.
and represents Christ pointing to "Sing Aloud Unto God," (Peace).
Dt.,.nfn ZJ l16 church, while across the topi Organ numbers, "Angel's Sere-
lKCVlVdlS pre the words. "Righteousness ex- nak" (Braga); "Berceuse
alteth a nation." At the bottom (Read):. "March In G" (Smart).
n finely colored wording Is the! The three Endeavor societies,
Invitation, "Come unto me and 1 1 Toung - People, Senior and Inter-
Rpv A V. SlnnifMU Can
j. "
DIero. evanreiisr. bible exDOsitor
chairman; Mrs. Merriman, Rev. and -nthor win Iwefn a aeri. of will give you rest." ; mediates, meet at 6:30
John Franz
evangelistic services at the Evan-
These pictures were two which I Evening worship 7:30 o'clock.
ur-tWrty p.m.. Registration geiistic Full Gospel tabernacle took Priies ln the contest put on Sermon by the pastor, "Seek and
assignment of delegates In COrner 13th and Ferry street, "on by the NatIonal Poster company Live," Amos 5:6. r There will be
inW jmis gu. iucj us nucij i a iB-fflionie preiuae oi organ mil
colored and suggestive and have sic by Prof Frank Churchill: the
l - i.i - j ... . . . . .
t),d o ta.a i u tuuimcrciiu oi uierus- Dunwwn win De: - jresiai rreiuae
from the Moody Bible Institute p- " " ivingi, ine swan
cnre ot violet croroot. Tuesday night. He will arrive In
ueiegaies nnng meir lUHcn ana ths cUy Mondayfrom Corvallls
eat in cnurcn Dasemeni
Evening Rerrlcra Given
- - uuui iuc nuuur oiuie iusi.iiui.ei. , , , . . i i
The Friday evening service will many years aKO and sUIi noid. an They simply place before the ub- (Saint-Saens), "Nobody Knows
bepin at 8 o'clock.
Song service, Evelyn Eme'i;
Devotional service. Rev. w. Llv
Ingston; Special music, choir of
Christian church: address of wel
corner' Rev. W. Livingstone; Re
pponse. Rev. J. T. Meyers
Reading, Juanita Rankin: 7:45
i.m.. address. Dr. W. T. MllHken. statea fcnd Canada
Special music, Dad's quartet; u i.
:30 p.m., addrek' Dr. Norma 'K. fc Mr- Stuernagel Is
rully of Salem. ' ' nor of extensive Chrli
Saturday Morning
Song service. 9:30. Sue Bonner,
Church school
Theme: "Building a Class.
Children's division. Mrs. H. F.
Shanks, chairman; H. Silver, Ev-
-flyn Emery.
Youns: people's division. Ivan
Hadley, chairman; Sue - Bonner.
Amanaa Hitzner.
Adult division. Fred Scott,
chairman: Rev. W. Livingstone,
Dr W. T. Milliken.
Snecial mufic. 10 a.m; Mrs.
Pane and Doris Smith.
Convention sermon. Dr. J. J.
ordinary certificate with the faJ e'.!?P?rU.nce of the chttrcb the Trouble I See" (Gillette)
I I IM frk A lira Aff A mh .! m. mm A I
nous Moody church ln Chicago. He '" I " .r T uu " Rro BPir"u1 JT
was. also at one tlme'associated make8 " appeal f0r ,ts BaInlten-
with Dwight L. Moody In his larg- r"5 . . J wvkt 8IBEET CHURCH OF
or vnr(Ii.t! lT ha 1 ue jioier wye securea Dy CHRIST
held evangelistic services and Bl- ReT ?!red.C: Ia3rlovr 'rom.Chlcago Court and 17th streets. B. F.
ble conferences in many of the l"c m c" " tVuu"" pnoemaaer, minister, 344 w. im
eadlng centers of the United " " auopieu y street. Biwe scnool 9:45 a. m.,
iuB'ieui v,uuucu giving manna j Mrs.- Frank Marshall, supt. Morn-
tn TT T. . Waters fnr hla f nnaf Inn 1 . . li. j
ChrrstTan Altera-" S.? Sti?! It Necessft lor. the Church."
mr. -ll. ).. Kn, ,i, r . " " I vuruuna i-aueiiur ana wamor
culated in this and other lands. " . ,, n j;,; 7..:: ... I mw:llI1Bs P- - oong service
v- . iu )icbiucui ana sermon at ilav v. m. HUDiect
n tkn If ' . n t 1 . J n 1 .... ...... . . '
Back to God
Other annonoemBts from the
church Include:
viuwrriAii bukkcxe I at 7:30 Thursday. Also - devo-
heia,cKSS TS Blb,e d
ehurea; comer of Cnemsketa and roan V
Liberty at U a. m. an4 t , tn T Scouta maet. Tuesday at
the same serviee being repcatad 7:30, Donald Donrls. leader. Play
in ine evening. ' . -, I pracuca ; weanesoay evening.
' Sunday school elaasM for mi nil. I raTtT Friday.
up to the age of 20 years are held
(McUiodUt Kptscopal)
South Commercial street
rivi v i i r "
I 'IE -t,V .lh T. T -rv I" OCIOCK.
ton mn-Hntarand rf,H.tay. irs. I eaiiesaaT eTeninr metiim
d.aV;; at Tr ;,,v" 7C. t o'clock and include testlmon- "4a vmme"11. l1
Magnes. ieaoini idita 13 .C?r r" D.&?iT4ilK
"Recruiting for Christ." Prayer jks on ChrlstUn Science, th. MrTlce, of thU churc " will
meeting Thursday evening at 7:30 A reading room for the public lead up toward Easter Moraine
o'clock. G., N.v Thornton leading, maintained at 406 Masonic worship at 11 a. m. Anthem by
I 5.. f'ours are irom n the choir. 'Lead Us Gently Home".
' flund'"hBrltB)J 9nmo bT the pastor,
and holidays. The Bible and all! "Fuiiv fnninnoi bs,..i..
I . . ... I -r's-''"- iiuiu svsi -
Hindrances to PrayerT. will be w1 unnsuan Science lltr vice at 7:30. Sermon. "What
the 11 o'clock sermon subject of eraiBr to"owd or Shall I Do With Jeausf"
O. K. Ersklne. pastor of the Che- P"11- I Sunday school at 9:45. Teach-
meketa street Evangelical church. I I 1 ers and officers meet at narson-
corner Chemeketa and North 17th I GLAD TIDINGS MISSION I age for devotional period at 9:46.
streets. The minister will -sneak I 43 Court street: C. 8. John-1 Three leagues at 6:30. Inter-
on "Streams from the Rock" at(nf pastor. . Services at 3 and I mediate, high school and older
7:30 o'clock tonight I P- m Rev. Herbert Buff man I roung folk. Junior church
Sunday school 10 a. m. O. R.I1" speak and sing afternoon and Maarue at 11 a. m. In Leslie Hall.
Strausbaugh. Supt. Christian En- evening.. Tuesday. Thursday and I Epworth League monthly not
deavor 6:30 o'eloek. leader, Ruth Saturday evenings, week-day ser-jlock dinner, business meeting and i 7:30
tsurcn. , Mia-week prayer service ! vices, j discussion hour Thursday cveninr
rnursaay evenKgHt 7:30 o'clock. i Dinner at 6 sharp.
EVANGELISTIC FULL GOSPEL Mid-week meeting for study
KNIGHT MEMORIAL . TABERNACLE "a prayer Thursday evening at
CONGREGATIONAL - I Thirteenth and Ferry streets. 7:30 led by L. C. McShane. Choir
nineteenth and Ferry streets, niocs: east and a blo-Jr south of ""earsai xnursaay at 8:30. .J
n m . ... " I . m . .... 1 !Ttll . n.s.a .
. oioTer, minister. Tne cUnrcli I oupremo uouti Duiiainr - Karle " Deicnrt airecior.
m I I w mm a I
senool meets at 10 a. aurC C I v- Jonnson, pastor. Evangelist.
"Two, Silent Preachers." : The
Llnfleld college male quartet wiri?
sing at thla : service, and com- "
munlon will be observed. "Block-
ades" will be the theme of the ad
dress in the evening and a splen
did Bible will be given away to J
the largest family In attendance'
for the past three Sundays. Spe-
clal music also at the evening
service. . - . -
The executive eooncll of the. I
Sunday school will meet in thi 1
church -office Monday night
Tuesday night at 6: It the men
of the chnrch will meet at a sup
per In 'the social room - of the .
church, followed by a council with
the pastor In preparation for the
coming meetings to be held at the :
church. The men will also meet
Friday evening at the same houRl'v
Wednesday Is "church night"
but no pot-luck supper will "be held
until after the meeUngs in
March. Prayer meeting at the
usual hour. 7:3p. Choir
hearsal Thursday eveninr
Harris. Supt. Morning service at Daniel Wllklna. th Welsh preach JPTRST METHODIST EPISCOPAL
II. sermon. "The President's er, wno for the oastnine tm layior- pastor. Margaret K
Oath of Office." Ladies trio will JD&3. been preaching in England. I Sutherland, director religious ed
sing "I Will Extol Thee."(Hine. Sonlfi 'America and the United t ucation.
-i The Christian Endeavor socle- States, will speak Sunday after-J Sermon topics at 1 1 a. m . "The
ties meet at 6:45 p. m. The eve-lnoon at 3 o'clock and azaln at Dynamic of Redemption." At 7:30
ning service at 7:30 Is ln charge th closing service Sunday night n- m.: "Neglecting God's Greatest
of the Senior C. E. Five minute &t 7:30. Evangelist Hamlin Wll- Gift-" Both sermons by the
aaaressesv.m be given by five son, tne saxophone artist and Da8lor- So, DT Wendell Robin-
members of the society speaking I singer, will play music of . the BOn .Jesus Miserere", Nevin
on What the Young People Bring I worth j while" sort ln each of Anthem, "Savior, Thy Dying
to tne unurca." Donald Bernard. ese meetings.
"The Christian and His Bible," Sunday school. 1:45 p. m., Roy
Vera McCune; "Christianity's An- C. Ferguson, superintendent.
peal to the Toung People," Don-
aid Allison;. "Prayer and the CHRISTIAN AND MISSIONARY
Christian Life," Lucile Harlan d; .ALLIANCE
unnsuan ixyaity" Roy Harland. o&6 r'erry street. Sunday
Paper Drive
Wednesday 7:30.
most of the month.
Church Union
Plans Contest
Fnr Attend anna The PW drt conducted ast prei.?Tn " o'clock this morning
r Or iZienuanCeWamv kv th iiite- am utU "Let We Forget" and at 7
Member groups of the Salem tne First Methodist church result-
Christian Young People's Union led In the gathering of six and a
NetS Aid $70 First Evangelical church, corner
moerty ana center streets win
will hold an attendance contest half tons, of books,' magazines and
for a one-month period. It was de- Ppers for the market. In response
Staub. pastor, of Sunnyslde Con- elded at the recent meeting of to the call made through the Aid
rreratianal church. - the Union. Details of the contest circles a supply came from all
Noon, luncheon served in tne nave not yet been worked out. IParis or tne city ana men assist ea
rharch basement by Loyal Bereans but the contest will be conducted ,n packing them into bundles. The
clasf, 40c 'per plate. on a per rentage basis. Edith drive" will net the Al about 370
Saturday Afternoon . I May Jen as is chairman for theiwnicn win oe appuea on tne
Song service 1:30, Sue Bonner, arrangements. church lot fund. Mrs. W. C. Young
Devotional service. Rev. Thorn. I The next meeting of the S. C. th president, had general charge
a llardv. Business meeting. Y. P. U. will be held Hester morn-1 of the work
Church School Institute. 1:30,1 Ing when the members will hold
Theme: "Building a Lire." tne annual sunrise worship with
Children's division. Mrs. 4. T. the Willamette Y. M. and Y. W.
Meyers, chairman; Alma Stauffer, on the state house steps.
Mrs. E. Comstock.
Cleave. Rev. Samuel Upton.
Adult divfeion. L. N. Benett.
I?' .nritni.v MEfl'S COUNCIL MEETS,
rhairman; Mrs. Clara Upton, Rev
J. T. Meyers.
Solo. Evelyn Emery.
Address. Rev. D. J. Howe. pas.
tor First Christian church. Salem.
Officers Given
will be held at Amity Wednesday.
Marcn zu. commencing with a
lunch at 6:30 o'clock. The com.
The official directory of the re- PJete program has not yet bten
ligious council Include Norman
The next meeting of tne Salem Bv Lulu Hunt Mm M.Dl
District Method'st Men's Council 7..aA
'Dietand HealtK ardi
Diet CKildrersi
it tsiNv nf slem. nrpsldefit. and
w , Petrnn .erretarv. of the IF WAR SHOULD COME AGAIN
c".. n,ni..nnn The enntv of- The next war, apparently, is
h Vrioif nresf. going to be a
I.IXID ai D , cu . . . 1 r - - - i -
At. i.on TtUv l..nresident: Pleasant affair
Eugene Silke. eecretary-txeasurer;
Mrs H. F. Shanks, superintendent Hilton Ira Jones, research
of chHdren's division; Mrs. Fern chemist, gave a.,llttle picture t?
Daugherty, superintendent of it-in a recent speech,
voung people s dlvisioir. The disT He told of a new gas cacodyl
trict prssidents are Charles Cady. Ifocyanide which is In the pos-
llayesvllle; L. N. Rennet, jeiier- i wia ui an mc ureai powers oi
son; Rev. John T. Meyers. North the world, and which Is so deadly
Marion county: Fred Scott, Reditnat jt makes ail other gasses pre
viously used ln warfare look mild
and harmless. It would destroj
a whole army as quickly as a man
snuffs out a candle. Furthermore
it would not. simply incnnaclate
its victims It would kill, out
right, everyone who whiffed It.
He Red-wee His Weight and
Increases Hbi Hair
I have your book. Diet and
Health, with Key to the Calories.
nice, civilised, and In about six weeks lost from
for everybody! 190 to-174-riS sounds. Mr wife
. ----- - , T
m ni thinks I should
Hills; Glen McClellan. santiam;
V. A. Kells. Salem; Carl Millard.
Ellrerton. - ;
Jason Lee Group
Entertains For
Basketball Boys
The Standard Bearers of Jason
Lee Memor'al church gave a line
party in honor of the basketball
hoys Tuesday at . the Elslnore
theatre. Afterwards the group'
wax entertained at the home of
Evelyn Cummings. The refresh
ments served were enjoyed by all
Those present were the Misses
Marion Drigg3. Leora Andrews,
Frances Graham. Dorothy-Smith
ilarel Pro, Dorothy Sawyer, Ce-
rile Steele, Virginia Lane. Carolyn
Hodhire; and Evelyn Cummings.
William Heseman. Bill Lewis. Bill
Marourdy, Edward Perrln. John
ny Ellis. Harold Ellis. Harvey
Pruitt. John Adelard. Hayes Beall
and Clair .Miller. j
Aid is Planning
Utensil Shower
A shower to secure utensils for
the church kitchen will be the
feature of the Wednesday after
noon meeting of the Ladies Aid
meeting of the Ford Memorial
community chureh in West Salem:
' Each woman will bring some klt-
enen need. The meeting
' gin at 3 o'clock. Members of the
Jason Lee church Aid will be pres-
ent tn riim nrnnlf.tlon .
; Missionary society.11
V -s -.i r .
Dr. J. E. Bates, district super
j Intendent of , the North Pacific
District of the Church of the Nas
arene, will preach: Thursday Ion
"Home Missions' at the Church of
. iuw niureac, one oiock soutn. OI
Center- otolith street anonnces
tne pastor, - I.' D. smith.; The
rneetlag win begin at '7:30
f A'rfoek-
5 iT
stop at 170
and I agree
with her. But
according f o
your . table, I I
should we lgh
around 154 ai
my height is 5
feet 8 inches
Of course, -1 If
the weight of
m y clothes
shoes, etc.. was
d e d u c ted.
.. .. .1 . . .1 . V. '
war, u comes again ana isi " rcftxxtu ies9 than 174
to be a wai of extermination, will probably 168 or less. . I
siever be Sought with shot and "What I want to' know is if.
shell," said Dr. Jones."r It cant when I reach 170 pounds dressed,
be. for It is much cheaper to de- I then eat 2,310 calories a day
tftroy life on the wholesale with (sedentary occupation, although I
this now gas. It may be nana- have to travel around and In-
factured at the rate of thousands! spect real estate), will. that nam-
ot tons a day and It costs much ber of calories maintain me kt
less than powder and cannon. Yet 170 pounds? As I figure it. ifji
It will destroy, more armies, more eat-not more' than 2310 calories
thoroughly; more effectively and a day I should not gain -any
more quickly."- - . thing. For years I weighed 132.
Nice picture, isn't It?,, But. Dr. but after. I married I went up to
Jones Isn't: through.- s - 193. Believe It or not. I ate far
He showed a new metal, twice more when I was 132 than I ate
as strong as steel.-but light as when I gained up to 193!
cor m weignt. An airplane, us- "Your advice about brnshlna
It makes rue puff to do it 200
I times wjthout stopping, but I do
It just the same. My left arm Is
sore right now. . MR. F."
: " J ' i "r" ' -Astoria Badget,'
Ing engines made of this, could the hair has helped mine greatly.
vnjr uuiuiu quantities OI tne
new.gas. Furthermore, the air
plane could be made of still an
other new material which is
practically invisible against ' a
iignt background, such as sky or I If vou ret down tn las or 17ft
clouds. And he asks us to lmag-i without clothes that would make
ine a nation, using such airplanes you about 10 pounds above t the
lu ions, ot Domos containing I average normal weight, Mr. F..
7 ew-gas on armies and cities, but it may be possible that your
v, 8 ingnirui pictures bones are heavy and you need the
"UKB uaT given to a con-1 extra 10. The number of calor-
fused naodern world, this one it lies that you will need to keep you
me riaiiuiiesi. -;. 1 normal, will have to be deter-
ocience is a Strang thing. It 1 mined frnm taut mv..i
Is only within the last few de.
cades that mnja has become fa mil-1 and If you find yon are gaining!
,aT with it; It already has worked then cut. down the number For a
immcie. ji oas wipea out space I man of. your height, yon should
and time, obliterated pestilences, j be , able to keep , your weight at
K..v.u iu- inner nanus loois witn i normal on imnM 2 tan ni nH
which we can literally remake the I but irvon,hT ten I
world within the next halt acen-Ion you, you will -ftnd you will
vu.7. uu we use u, not to build, nave to continue being carefnl of
I1. 1 ,Te M weapon with your diet,"-for, any excess weight
wuicb we can destroy ourse es seems to act as an Invitation to
of me muiion ! imore '-. ,-.
There nsd talking abont I " I mn 1 t 'ii . v-
- , - - miv KUU w
cviiaxa, militarism " or allied ivonr n nri. mmmtittm.
subjects; mankind almnlv runm I f Alt ftnnAf ftwiiM -
till -S lrt ,e ltB,f an- Bess you. know Ue exact Ingre-
til flPF . - I B taavMa . a - J . A . . .
t ftTn V r ' rep I aien ' BO foods and - have
"Uonof the last war, for Instance, j weighed them. For Instance, a
W.-ll?.rJ,b,7 dOT European dish that you count 1 6 0 calorie
today may be served the next day
In. slightly Urger qnantjty. or i
may be made a little richer.-How
ever, com tinr - the I approximate
o'clock tonight on "The Way
ways give a dish the-benefit ot a
high count when you are, not cer
tain, if you wish to lose and the
reverse if you want to gain.)
As far as your gaining when
you were eating less is concerned,
there are two points to be thought
of. Yon got married. Your
wife probably served you much
richer food than you were in the
habit of getting, and though you
ate more ln quantity before, you
had more calories laier for It Is
the quality as well as the quantity
of the food that determines their
number. There is another point
to be thought of: when you are
thin, you need more food than
when you are overweight, for
you radiate more heat not hav
ing the insulation of the excess
fat and your food is used up to
produce that heat. Then every
move you make probably has
more pep in it; this also uses up
more calories.,.
It is Interesting to know that
you got good results . with the
scalp exercises. I believe that
baldness and thinning hair can be
prevented if sufficient care is tak
en of the scalp and of the diet.
For those who are Interested, I
have a pamphlet containing In
structions on how to gain, and
lore; and an article on the' care
of the hair and scalp.
Editor's Jtotmx Dr. Pvters casual
dUgnoat, nor gfva personal advice.
Your quastlena, if of general Intar
est. wlU be answered In the col
umn, to turn. Requests for articles
must be accompanied by a fully
eetf-addresaed, stamoed eavelooe
and 1 cents tn coin for each article.
to cover cost .of printing and hand,
ling. For the pamphlet , on reduc
ing and gaining. 10 cents In coin,
with fully nelt-addreeeed. tamped
envelope, must be enclosed. Ad
dress lir. Peters, la care of thla
e e
Mrs. Olson Hostess
To Friday Bridge Glub
Love", Berwald.
Church school, 9:45 a. m
classes for all ages. H. F. Shanks,
University chapter topic, "True
and False Standards of Success".
Elma White, leader. First
The young people will be heard school begins promDtlv at 9 tz- church chapter topic. "Character-
iu iwo musical numters. "Uke a waiter w. wells, superintendent. lsl,cs 01 uoo1 citizen," leaders.
Mighty Army." a, two nart ladies' fPrrfachlnr service at n nvin.v Robert Holladav and Kenneth
cnorus, and a douhle mixed quar- Tne specla music will be a so-1 Jennings. Junior high chapter
tet singing 'I Will Bless the Lord" praho And alto duet. "The Beauti-1 nder the ! leadership of Dorothy
nil Nasarene." by Mr. and Mrs. Ty'or and Leslie Manker. Junior
J. O. Mlnton. "In Remembrance", church in the church annex at
subject of a short message, which H:00 -
will be followed by the monthly '
communion service. SOUTH SALEM FRIENDS
A young oeoaTefi mmtin, Corner South Commercial and
and all teachers and pupils are 1 6: 30. with Mrs, Robert Wagers Washington streets. Sunday ser-
scnool at 10:00 a.
rite P.. Elliott.
Center and Liberty streets. Sun
day; school. F. E. Nef. Supt.
School opens promptly on time
asked to be prompt. Morning wor- and Miss Elverta Mlnton leading v,ces: Sunday sch
ship 11 o'clock, pubject: "For The evening preaching service m- Mrs- Marguerl
Their Sakes." wll begin at 7:80. Special music snperintendent; 11
Evening service at 7:30 o'clock will be furnished by the young sn,D
"The Pilgrim's Goal," lllustrat- people's chorns. The subject of chni
00 a. m., wor-
Sermon. "The Christian
bject of chnrch; Its Mission."
ed by a Pathe picture featuring the evangelistic message will be
Rudolph Schitdkraut, Louise Dres- "Christ Seeking Sinners."
ser and other famous actors. This Inttercessory prayer meetinr
picture entitled "A Ship Cames Tuesday i night. The cottage
In," was produced by De Mllle prayer meetlnr of tho v t a
and Is one of the best human in-1 will meet with the regular prayer
lra lu"" on me screen. i meeting or tne church at Pritnm
Tuesday at 7:30 Young Peo- Wednesday nlKht nihi .n.
pie's Fortnightly elub. meeting, and prayer meeting on Friday
Wednesday afternoon Missionary, night. J. O. Mlnton. mninr
meeting at the home of Um w n 1
Clarke. 725 N. Canltol street! CENTER STREET METHODIST Earl Beckett assistant
Speaker, Rev.-Norisue. Thursday (EPISCOPAL) i tendent. Storehouse league 7:00
at 7:30 the fellowship of prayer. I Thirteenth and Center streets, p. mm.; Junior C. E., B:30; Sen-
cuuaay scnooi at 10:00 a. m. lor C. E.. 6:30 p. m
Preaching services at 11:00 a m I Rlhl rim i-d nw
and 8:00 p. in. Epworth League Prayer meeting Thursday 7:30 p
""rclD i . i o p. m. i'. a. seh- m
nert, pastor
6:30 p. m.. Christian Endeavor.
Topic. 'Recruiting for Christ."
7:30. evening worship.
'Thursday. 6:30 church night
supper followed by monthly meet
'rJf. .Charles C. Haworth, pastor.
Worship at 11 a. m. and 7:30
p. m. Bible school at 10 o'clock.
Jay Gardner, superintendent and
Corner of Haxel and Academy
street. Sunday school. 10 a. m:
Preaching. 11 a., m. and 7:30 p.
m. Miss Ruth Tibblts will speak
in the morning and C. D. Saucy In1
the evening. Prayer meeting
Thursday evening. 7:30.
Church street between Chemekl '
eta and Center. Rev. P. W. Erik- -
sen, pastor. ., :
"The Strong Man's House." the
pastor will discuss at 11 a. m.. .
and at 7:30 he will deliver the .
sermon on "The New and Better.
Way." The Luther League's de
votional meetings at 6:30. V
The Sunday school under the?
leadership of Max Gehlar meets
every 8unday at 9:45 with R. C.H
ArnV in f . . j..t. " -
- p. v A IUC DUU1L ill- f .
vision and Arnold Krueger. Y. P. ; I
group leader. The topic forU
these two divisions Sunday morn
ing Is: "What 6 the Church and
Who is a Member?" Visitors in-
ine Hunaay scnooi teacher's .
meet Tuesday evening. 7:30 at
the church social rooms. The. ; .
church council will meet Monday 1
evening at 7:30. The choir and
church chorus meet every Friday
evening at 7:15 for rehears?!.
Charles E. Ward, minister.
MiBieon between 12th and Uni
versity. Pastor: Rev. A. S. Hen
derson. Services 11 a. m. and
7:30 p. m. Sunday school 10 a. m.
Supt.. Mrs. Alice M. Henderson
Corner Marlon and Liberty.
Robert L. Payne, pastor. Fred
Broer Sunday school superinten
dent and director of music. Louise
Finley. organist.
Sunday school 9:45 with five
departments. Morning preaching'" "
service II o'clock. Rev. .T. - P. K
Tapscott, a former pastor, will "
preach. v
Three Baptist Toung People's'
Unions meetings at 6:30. Evening
preaching service 7:30. A very
special service by the Young Peo-' "
pie's Union and the choir.. Prayer '
meeting Thursday evening. 7:30.
Morning worship 11 o'clock
Corner of Market and North
iuuok peopie i meunes aunaay i " ou ine auarterivi Kermnn tnni "Por.n..iit.
evening at 6:30 p. m.. leader. Rev. meeting services at this church Church school at 9:45 a. m Miss
. U. roimg. subject: "Soul Win- tumences j-riday evening and Esther Erick-on. mm.rint-nrfnr
ning or Recruiting for Christ." will I continue over Sunday.- Rev. Evening services 6:30 o'clock
Regular Wednesday prayer meet- K- - Harrington, the district eld- Intermediate league will be led by
ing at 7 o'clock. er of the Salem district is In Thomas Alloort. The leazu
cnarge. 1 meets fn the rhnrch nriA" en.
CASTLE UNITED BRETHREN Services will be as follows: I lor lensnio will tta lart Dnocoll
Seventeenth and Nebraska ave- Sunday school at t:45 a. m. Gentry: topic. "Jesus' Attitude
nue. L. W. Biddle. pastor. Mis- eieast at 10:30 a. m. Preach- Toward the Military Method"
sionary Sunday will be observed B H:00 a. m., followed by Evening worship at 7-30 with the
today. Mrs. J. C. Hill will speak the Sacrament of the Dord's Sup- pastor In charre
on missions at the Sunday school. P. ! Woman's Foreign Mlsslon-
Rev. S. E. Long, superintendent. oang people's meeting at 6:30 ary society will meet at the church
morning worsnip. 11 o clock. " cuarge oi jsmory Goode narlor on Mondav even tne at
ner. w. jr. rontius oi Vancouver r -"- c"a oy me District I o'clock. MIb Kmhr nriBn
wiu preacn. special music. Tne "" ".' v. m. w. n. coffee, I will be the hostess. Atf Invitation
w. M. s. is especially invited tol'Dlw- . i, I to all th women nt thm oknh f
ims service, junior c. B. at f - : I extended to attend fhi. maAinv
at. x n . A . . . WlDfl t J , . . w . I
u o. in - oenior i:. jk. at n:3ii- u.uiuAii uihmij.mtt Tne,ii. t - a
m. Miss Marie Waldorf is I :. :West Salem, corner Girth and o'clock the ; "3nnnr rrnnn ni
M.!- . . . TkirI T 1 n . I " "
leaner, juib is issi mgni oi me n reei, pastor. I meet for the evening of
uumesi. jtuvening .worsnip . at l ouuuay scnooi at 10:00 Und o-oo tmi
Cottage and Chemeketa streets.
Rev. Martin F. Ferrey. minister.
Church school at 10:00 a.m.. de
votional services at 11 a. m. Sub
ject of the sermon, "The Conflict'
of the Gods." Mrs. M. Ferrey will
sing, "Let Not Your Hearts Be
Troubled," by Scott. Mrs, W. A.
Denton at the organ.
Meets Sunday at 1160 Broad
way from 2:30 to 4:30 p. m. far
Bible study. Funeral services in
Salem and vicinity, conducted
without charge.
for Christ
for work, on Wednesday. Mid
week prayer service and Bible
study, using John. 9th chapter, on
Thursday at 7i30 p. m. "The
Church ln Englewood" will hold
pre-Easter evangelistic, services.
tiruixauon. m in sheer , aelf-de.
fense. we must find some other
method - Of - settling Onr IrnnHl..
War Is altogether too dangerous.
Mrs. O. A. Olson was hostess
at a one o'clock bridge, luncheon
Friday afternoon to the members
of Ihe .Friday afternoon bridge
club and a few additional guests
at her. home on Falrmount hill
Pink carnations in the dining
room and cyclamen arranged with
daffodils In the drawing room
made the affair, a pretty one.
Additional guests included
Mrs. M. C. Petteys, Mrs. Glenn
C. Nlles, and Mrs. Bert Flack. The
club members who were present
Included Mrs. U. Scott Page, Mrs
Elmer Dane. Mrs. P. .E. Fuller-
ton, Mrs. E. A. Kurts, Mrs. Clara
Mrs. David Wright, Mrs. Walter
Pennington, and the hostess, Mrs.
O.-A. Olson. .... r-v.'
. Mrs. Elmer Dane won the high
score honors of the afternoon.
Rainbow Girls Initiate
Group New Members .
The Order of the Rainbow
Girls. Chadwlck Chapter Assem
bly No. 3. met last night at - the.
Masonic Temple for,, the Initia
tion of new members and the reg
ular business meeting. At ' the
business meeting plans were dis
cussed for a ) darce which the
chapter plaps to cive in the near
future, is? 'ci : x?i r: .
. ' Among the . glrlsinltlatedwere7
Among the girls Initiated were
Esther GIbbard, Margaret Wilson,
Margaret Savage. Elizabeth Ann
8mlth.x Dorothea Corey, . Dolly
Morgan; Roberta Mills, M Ira Belt
and Elizabeth BonelL
The r regular meeting of the
KalghU and Ladles of the Macca
bees wJll meet Wednesday eve-
Mar af t o'clock In Miller's; hall.
social hour will follow the busl-
7:30, sermon topic. "Witnessing I a- m- Lester DeLapp, superinten- nine it tiv h i-.v
tn ni.ri.t t r.Ai . u I dent Ma,k1. -. . . I ... : . . "
nU,uiy, ix. vu a. service win be neid wits Mr nh-
m. intermediate League. 6:30 In charge. The topic will be
ft WM WS m MAT 1 T e.A mt I . '
vT : wngni. teaaer. -The Crisis of a Supreme Test'
Attitude Toward Saturdty the Pioneer club, the
noa. - evening Friendly Indians will meet at
wursmp, p. m., sermon sub- o'clock for recreational period at
iTo. jrr , ' I Y- M- C. A. The story hour
,mwuu w. sing. evening, i will be held from 2 to 4 o'clock
ofwf i,.Mr ,ady' Mitchell with Miss Andrea Ipsen and Mrs.
-"V v,rraajr win sing. uentry in charge. This story
'I'll A Cm m jMmm . I .
7, "u ' etiiuwi -Doara win nour is for the children from 3 to
u ,Bni ai P- m- 9 years of age. The Pioneer
u xuy ; bcobu wm meet Tues- club will hold its business session
ua, L p. m l tne church In the evening from
u iryaraiuon tor Kaster. 7 to 9 o'clock
cnoir practice will be held Wed
nesday evening, March 6.
The church school board of the
First M thodist church will hold
its monthly business meeting
Monday evening to complete the
plans for the Easter services. H
F. Shanks, superintendent will
preside. The Business Men'r
Bible class will also hold a social
meeting' In the church parlors
Monday evening. A. K. Lausch,
the president, will have charre of
the business meeting when plans
will be made to enlarge the mem
bership and attendance of the
class. .
The Standard . Bearer society of
the First Methodist 'church will
hold Its regular monthly business
and study session at the home of
Mrs. C, . H. MaxwelL 1910 North
Capitol Wednesday evening3fary
Trindle. president of . the society,
will have charge of the business
meeting: v Mrs. E." E. Bergman is
leader for this group.';"
Church and Chemeketa streets.
Rev. H. Duncan Chambers, rector.
Third Sunday in Lent The
Holy Eucharist will be celebrated
at 7:30 this morning In thechapr
el. The church school meets at
9:45, .in the , parish- honse. - A
second celebration of the Euchar
ist at 11 a. nc in the church.' Th
reetor wll -preach on the subject
of "Zeal'?. . - - f . ..-. , - i-
The members of - the choir are
requested: to come prepared to go
to the penitentiary to ?ng for 'the
inmates. . Ky
Corner - Capitol and - Marion
streets, W. G. Llenkaemper, pas
tor. Sunday school at 9:45, F.
E. Kruse. superintendent. English
services at 1 0 : 3 Or-aubject, "The
German services at. 11:15. Sub-
ie:t . "Wko Shall ' Stand . In His
Holy; : Place?". A . Lenten -ser-
State and 18th street. Rer. A
The Ladies Aid ! will meet on
Tuesday afternoon at two o'clock
In the home of Mtss Andrea : Ip
sen, 145 North 17th street.
L. Heine,. pastor. German service CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE
" ",t nr. ana isngiisn service I One block south of Center on
at 11 a. m. Sunday school at 9:40 19th. L. D. Smith, pastor, phone
. ii . mariaa jsatierman, super- z40, 1249 , South Commercial
5 . Sunday school in the momlnr.
Choir practice Tuesday eveninr 9:45. Frank Litwlller In charge
at 7:30.. German lenten service The children's hoir will slnr
Wednesday evening at 7:48. Sat- Morning worship at 11:00.-sniV
j icnuu scnooi ai.s a. m. ject "C&ristian Perfection", Mrs.
1 Hattie Litwlller and MissvThea
ST. JOHN'S LITHERAN Sampson will sing a duet. Young
4 Mm. 4Q . V. Vk a .
- Z ' aUiT , -eopie s. meeting in the evening
North 16th and A streets, one at g;2ft -r Th -e...
block north Old Peoples home. H. 1 president. In cbar nil..- W,nI
w. urwsa. pastor,. -.:.r.- Ida Olson, leader. r -
Sunday school at 9:00: Ena-lish The tonlor V. T a mt- .t
service, 9:45; German at 11:00. 6:30, Mrs. I D. SmlthJ. anner-
Bibie study 6:30; visor, in charge. Kvenlne- .v.n-
M id-week Lenten service Wed-lrelistic arir at t,....
nesdair evening 7:30. EnglUh. singing and special masl'c Frank
Thursday evening at 7:30. Choir I Litwlller. end Vr Rtiia nnn
rehearsal next Thursday evening 1 will slag a duet, "I'm Going High
after service.!, Atvt Some". nav: .i id4 ' -:
Ladies' i Aid " meets Thursdavl
afternoon; March 14. at t o'clock 1 the.meeKaA from Oia i a -
at the home of Mrs. Herman. Per-1 Man ThlnVeth. in ni:meA
sey, Mrs. George peper. hostess. lis He." Friday eveninr nraver
meetlnr and RIM atndv A h.
Tlfinw icm -mm .1 w
iiuna rvinier ma werrerson:
riarry k. . Gardner, pastor. Ser-
mon topic at lLa. m.. Law Abld-
Grand Theater building, comer
Ing but not Law Bound"; and at Court and High streets, W Earl
7:30 p. m.iiTFor God's Sake." ; j Cochran. ,pastor. Bible school at
- ""' er-i i : i a. mm, w T, Jenk super
n In sw : wa M n ae - w ita mm 4I . a m aSa. a .
mim uifruon ox aira.
Sheldon Sackett, Missionary lea.
son, 9:45, superintendent, H. B.
Carpenter. . ; . ' ' t -
Epworth i League Young Peo
ple, high schooL had junior high,
at : 3 0-- Good singing, able lead
era and a . live topic. ,AdIt f Or
am at the Tame hour.
mtenaentr graded classes - for
everyone, ' prexehlng services at
10: 50 "a.- ra. and 7:30 p, tel Sen-
ruvoi Ol IIU1 1 --.". .-,
This Sunday evening at " Fra-
ternal Temple between Liberty VVC-
and High streets. r In the absence 't
of tha ravnU, w..nw lr. I jji.
Robinson of Portland will deliver V
the lecture topic, "Life and Teach "
Ings of Jesus"; with special music
D7 Anna I .eo xnvner. iiiinn nr. -r .
Or of Portland. : . . -
v A circle will be held from- 6 to '
i nrmrir- urwioa t -7. an
sages. ''" t-''-' -vfwW'
Are ifqu
1 '
Baby has little upsets at ilntou, v .
All mn r. o.nnt ik.M " , .
uuw 7 vu w yieyueu,.,
nurse would do what ' most phy- i.
sicians Would tell you to-do i 'X V'
give n few drops of plain Castorla.'
No sooner: ' done than Baby 'is ef -soothed;
relief Is just a matter of ,
taoments. Yet you have-eased your-Vi
child .without use, of' a - single- t
doubtful drug; castoria is vegrt.-
etable. So it is safe to use as often..
as an infant "has any little pain .
you cannot pat away. And it's al-.
ways" ready for the crueler pangs
of colle,- or constipatioa, or diar.' m-" -
rhea; effective, too, for older chiL"
, . r. . "a 7?,B p' sen dreiu; Twewty.flro million bottlrs
il'a In5"n't IV Wnght last year. -
t S!30 n.tni Topic of-enSorj '
group, a "Reerultffag 'f or ' Christ." j
leader, Edith May- Jenks. Inter
mediate. topic.: -j TWho Is ; Jeans
C . ) If ip)IMI
jesa . mretlng.
-. ., . . j-. j,. .