The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 02, 1929, Page 7, Image 7

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5 X ' Xw hf GIRL six months ago but now ,,: '3 V l i 'vCfcr s.
W. -AV.. V.. -AC, 'A .-.-. Jf-.... X 1 II
X? L rapher, Miss Loretta Mary A ; y - 1''
f r uenry, aDove, oi Kensseiaer, x , i V l-l-
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Malcolm Pope, 18, seen
riding his "bucking bron
co," the Sea Horse, in a
-water rodeo off Winter
Haven, Fla. Taking off
from a platform", Pope
shoots over the waves at
this height.
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HERE'S ONE WAR Germany won. Johnny Risko, Cleveland, O, heavyweight, goes sprawl
ing into the ropes from a short right and left hook to the chin delivered in Madison Square
Garden, New York, by Max Schmeling, German heavyweight and the fight is over. Photo
shows Referee Arthur Donovan ordering Schmeling to his corner in the ninth round after
awarding the tiff to the Teuton over the recumbent Cleveland baker boy.
GIRL six months ago but now
an Albany, N. Y., 'stenog
rapher, Miss Loretta Mary
Henry, above, of Rensselaer,
says she plans to sue a New
York taxi firm for $100,000
for injuries suffered in a crash
last June while on the way to
a rehearsal.
MUSIC FROM ACROSS THE SEA now tickles the ear drums
of American radio listeners. Dr. Alfred N. Goldsmith, radio cor
poration vice president, and O. B. Hanson, broadcast company
manager, are shown above at New Yorkthrowing a switch which
made available for listeners throughout the United States a musi
cal broadcast by a British radio concern at London.
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LINE to land this giant den
izen of the deep. The two
men shown with this huge
toothless shark caught the
.1,700-pound fish off Glou
cester, Mass. It measures
15 feet
CORNELIUS VANDERBILT, scion of a famous family
and one-time cub reporter and newspaper magnate, now
turns author. Here he sy in his New York quarters grind
ing out a story which he says will tell all about the
divorce mOL
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X3sr I I J ? I V (r-""Wi - fs rr fTi 1 i how to take hurdles at aa J- T
X ' ! : ! t A 3t v Aii 1 f X f( annual duldren's horseshow . " X,
- f ik j A F ''C: "t? 'fe at Pasadena, CaL
v -T 1 SEVEN-YEAR-OLD Fran- M-S'' X ' ' --X ' f
X I Mrs. Clarence J. Grant, of I lSr: - : '
CZr?r Riverside. N. J., who said she j ' T,tX .
1 X. ' 1 would take court action against I r''i'V V W
- ,' Frances' teacher, in a school I i, X 11 ' ' X, - " J
there, on a charge of sealing I . ,v - I I S . - ( - -,V 1
the little girl's mouth at school Ur--. - i FIVE POTENTIAL CANDI- J A - I
in wis manner, ine teacner j , iO-aI DATES for the presidency of I I , - . 1
has resigned. ' 1 Vf Mexico are mapped while attend- I ,:r I
i J ing an annual assembly at Mex- I 1
-HJ divorcemilL j I "7Xw 1 ico City of the National Peasants I I
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FECT, so Leonard Redman,
34, of Los Angeles, CaL, jhas
been sentenced to 4fr days in
jail for shooting his slingshot
at Mrs. Lulu Peele, above, as
she passed his auto. The inb
ber bana weapon struct net on
the hip, Mrs. Peele told a
' s.
DATES for the presidency of
Mexico are snapped while attend
ing an annual assembly at Mex
ico City of the National Peasants
league and the Mexican Commu
nist party. Left to right, they y TWO KISSLES3 BABIES of Newark, N. pose with their
are Ursulo Galvan, Luis Monzon new warning bibs given them by Dr Charles V. Craster, Newark
and J., Guadalupe Rodriguez, health officer, in a campaign to protect infants from ' ores
Front rowPedroiRodriguex and affectionate adults. , The bibs bear the legend: 1 don't wani
Diego Rivera. S Rodrigue von. to be sick Do not kiis me." '
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OOOHl LOOK AT PEGGY about to take a ride in New York In her brand new $21,000
. foreign-built car. It's an elegant affair even for .such a front-page celebrity as Peggy Joyce.
- Copyright, 1929, by Central Press Association, Inc. ,
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CLAD AS A CONVICT in protest against , new school
regulations to prevent cheating, Albert Goldstein, Uni
versity of Cincinnati, 0 senior, attends classes in this
TRYING TO AGREE on a verdict in the trial of Richard (Dick) Gallogly, "thrill" murder de-y
fendant, these Atlanta, Ga., jurors are snapped taking time out for lunch. Judge- Virlyn Mioro7
declared the case a mistrial. "
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