The New Oregon Statesman, Salem, Oregon, Saturday Morning, Match 2, 1929 I Local News Briefs wfe- To Vfeft Market Twa . Salem etudKDpn-Stuart Burke, sopho more Is commerce and Albert Matiels, Junior la comments arc majorl&g U marketing at Oregou State college. Their elaaa is plan nine a field trip to Portland this week-end to see the processes of marks till Tbe class will visit Swift and aoaipaay. Portland Veg etable OH Mill company, Pacific Fruit aa4 rodnce company, 8per ts Tloft company and Oceanic TrhValsV Tax fKMNNBto IUdr Siate mant lor pro pert owners hare been prepared and are now ready to V sent out. "according to an nouncement made here Friday by Oscar ?tower, county sheriff. "We do not send tbe statements out un til tbey nak for tbetn or Indicate to wbo-u" they want them sent.' Bower tinted. There are about 14.000 statements In our bands risbt no?' Tbo ,tr8t sU months Installment will be due Hay . Large Crowd at Conference About 15 persons attended we 3ecoud Quarterly conference held at the Leslie Memorial church Thursday night. This waai one of the biggest crowds ever to have attended a similar meeting at the church. Dr. T. H. Temple, district uperiiitendent, was the principal .,-.jkcr. Following the potluck s ipii und business meeting, a. -x-ial hour was enjoyed. Imnwsteaders Allowed A small quantity of logged off land in wsjtrr. Oregon is to ba thrown u;en to homesteaders June 7, ac-c-ording to word . received ' at the Marioc county clerk's office her i Friday. Certain preferenois are to 1- accorded men who served in th- United States forces during tl: - World War. Tu Observe Activity Work TN- third grade and primary teael.trr in the Salem schools have t;ten extended an invitation to ob.-fci-ve the activity work beinjr carried on in the Washington jsrade -ihool next Monday eve ning, when Mrs. Rose Gibson will explaii. the methods she used and vsult obtained. t-ranklin Freed Floyd Frank JlocaJ youth who was arrested . nary 1$ on a charge involving larceny of an auto, was released on his own recognizance Friday b order of Justice of the Peac.' Small. He has been kept in thr county jail here since the time of !:i arrest. To Portland Today A. C. li-ilii nstrdi. local realtor, and Tru man v'uiuniings who recently join ed t( office as insurance sales man, will spend Saturday i n ; i .i .i. Mr. Bohrnstedt made a trip to Albany and Tan giH. ,.fj Friday. Ileturn to Creswell M rs. Lulu i nt. who has been visiting at tbe home i.i Air. and Mrs. A. C. Bohrn-t-tedt riuee early in the week, left Frida morning for her home in crvfi:. Mrs. Kent attended the im-etiup of the state tuberculosis assoiii! ion the fore part of th'i ve-k. I'uUuation Gets insignt cl-v-r leading for "Ad-Craft Nv.-." official publication of the Advertising club of Salem, was drawn this week by Renne, local arti.-t. acd hereafter each issue c.rt.f publication will carry this ,r.. Interest in the local ad- iwa .aut w3 givniHg - llix-on- Have Guwt A guest ov- r tfc- week-end with Mr. and Mrs. iius Hixson is the former's mother. Mrs. Augusta Hixson of t7vtlarid. She came to Salem Fri day. Today she will visit for a time in Stayton with her daughter, iiTs. i lay Eggleston. ' Trio Released -Flora Raymond. K. E. Morgan and Robert Meek, arrested Wednesday on charges of disorderly conduct, were releas ed on condition that they leave Sal-rii. 'Thursday after the po!ic- had conferred with the district at toi r.e Deim nf rations S c h e d tiled- Two demonstrations are scheduled foi Uoib' Grocery next week. A sperial showing will he made of the u-inz products while Purity Ma ii.i.aij-e. a special brand sold onl hy ihe Purity stores, will also on display. To Teach at Cieelan Mrs. Elsie Can.ei,::- of Salem, route three l.a btn engaged as substitute tea. her the rural school at (.elaij. tuning the illness of J 1 ...... I w r" rAVufar ;.fr Mrs. Carpenter will be- ! er emporary duties Monday. VNr-'l'ng Charged P. H. Black r.field w cai arric officers Wednesday II i j r a chance of speeding. He l h. $10 bail. : iJ Dai!- Kveept Monday by eiittman fjublistriiux Co. :i: S. Commercial 84. Vrmbtr of tha AS.SOCIATED PRESS Tbe Aso-iated Pratt is c.elas'-slf ri;i'''d to the nw for pablicatioa of i atpatrh.s eraditsd to it or i t otha-rwia credited ia this papar i d .ao to tha local mvi Babusaaa business orrrccs Punfu Caat RaprekODtatlTas : 4rt!ur V. St j pea. lat, Sacarlty Bldt- I'ons-d; teaaroa Bldg. 8aa frai !: VII UoaUra Pacilie Bldf, TKLEPHONE 500 r All lrpartiuaata la-icreaT i the Post Of Hca ia Balaam, Orafoa, at iwoaJ elaaa asaxtar. JtZntSCSITTIOS UTU Hcriptlaa Rata, ta Advaaea AT Oregon ; Uatlf aao Soaday, i i. .0 rBi; IJIi. tl.ti: S Ma. -I Zrmt 00- KUaahara SO 'e-il i Jl. or $Vi.0A for .1 yoar ia $ Bib Oarrlar a moala; M OO a yaar. , Mam bar Teachwa Dallctta Oat The first Issue of the Bulletin of the Salem Teachers' association under the new editorship of one of Mrs. Grace Hockett's senior ttnllah sections of tbe hlfh school was distributed to the schools Friday. The bulletin announces the next council meeting to be held at Par rlah at 4 o'clock Tuesday, March S, as well as contains news of can eral interest among the seaoels. The issue eonjains seven pases, the nteet pretentious yet publish ed by the association. Tha mimeo graphing is done by commercial students of the high school. Omrch Cpstfareaw Today The Castle United Bretherm church, 17 th streat and Nebraska avenue, will hold Its second quarterly con ference Saturday evening. March 1. at 7: SO o'clock. Rev; V. W. Pon Uns of Vancouver, conference su perintendent; will preside. - Super intendent Pontins will, a.lso preach at the Castle church Sunday morn ing. Spend Week-End In Portland Miss Janice Fawk and Miss Viola Keller, employes at the state house, will leave this afternoon for Portland. They will return to their home at 1133 Cnemeketa street Sunday evening. Here From tieelan J. J. Spro gis of Geelan, where he. is a mem ber of the school board, was a business caller at the office of the county school superintendent Fri day. Mail Out Outlines Outlines for the course of study for the last quarter of the school year were prepared Friday at the coun ty superintendent's office for mail ing to the various county schools. Stanfield in City "-Robert Stan field, former United-States senator from Oregon, was in Salem on un official business Friday. He vis ited the senate during the prog ress of the debate on the Burdick bill. Typewriter. .Stolen- Two type writers have been stolen from the Collegian orfice at Willamette university, according to a report made to the police. Bail Forfeited Chester II. Berg of Woodburn route 2 forfeited $10 bail in municipal court Friday when he failed to appear to an swer a charge of speeding. Visiting in Portland Mrs. Jose phine Applegate is spending some time in Portland, visiting at the home of her niece, Mrs. Josephine Walker. Visiting in Albany Mrs. Floyd Hilliker, student at the Capital Business college, is spending the week end at her home in Albany. Walker Visits C. F, Walker of Springfield was a visitor in Salem Friday and attended the Lions club luncheon. He is a member of Afthe Springfield Lions club. Bank Official Returns' S. B. Elliott, vice president of the Salem Bank of Commerce, returned Thursday after spending two weeks in southern California. Jail Not Crowded Population of the Marion county jail was down to 18 late Friday, it was indicated at the office of the county sheriff. Find -It Meire Police & Firemen's Benefit Dance Monday nite, March 4th. Furniture I'pholste And repairing Clese.Powers Furniture Co. Dollar Dlnn Every night 6:10 to at th Marlon hotel. Eat at 0'lary's Where good food is served. Old- Tint Dance Crystal Garden every Wed. and Sat. night. Thomas Bros. Band Mrilowmoon Every Wed. and Saturday. Elk Dance with Mills Orrheet Sat., March 2, SIks Club. Big Dance at Haxel Greei Sat. night. Good music, good crowd. Don't Put This Off "Why put off till next fall some thing which could be started now? The work of the Capital Business college is so arranged that one may begin at any- time for a" full course or special studies. Those who start now will be ready for office positions six months ahead of students entering in Oc tober. Think this over. Enroll for the beginning class in shorthand Monday. Portland Police and Firemen's Quartette at both daneee. Music Starts at 9 p. m. Admission $1.00 per couple. Forced to Vacate Entire stock must be sold. Sale starts Monday, Match 4th. Nel son's Jewelers, 480 'state street, next to Oregon theatre. Your Choice of Two Daacee Modern dance Crystal Gardens. Thomas Bros, and Royal Knights orchestras, - , Attention. Golfers Salem Golf Club invites your patronage. Old Time Donee Caatilllas Hall Mathls old time orchestra. Fostoria Glassware Is Always Acceptable. Large selection ta our giftry. Pemerey Keen. II ON BILLS 21 Measures Win Approval of Patterson During Friday Session - Governor Patterson Friday sign ed the following bills: H. B.-. by Carkln Relating to deposits over seven years old. H. B. 71. by Car kin To Amend section 9033. Oregon laws, relat ing to aliens. j - H. B. TS. by Carkin To amend section 100T1. Oregon laws, relat ing to widow's election. 'H. B. 1. by Carkin Amend ing sections 4961 and 4CI. Ore gon laws, relating to the state board of education. H. B. 170. by James H. K. 8cott To amend section 2528, Oregon laws; as amended by chapter 198. general laws of Osegon. 1931. providing for notice from landlord to tenant to. terminate occupancy of premises. H. B. 281. by Wlnslow To amend section 44. Oregon laws, relating to place where certain ac tions may be brought and may be maintained. Delinquency Tax Provided H. B. 306, by Collier and Chln nock Providing for the issuance of certificates of delinquency for taxes levied by irrigation ana drainage districts, etc., and pro viding for foreclosure of same. H. B. 3 21. by Malarkey Relat ing to the election of justices of the supreme court of Oregon. H. B 350. by Briggs To repeal section 5001. Oregon laws, as amended, relating to teachers' training schools. H. B. 372. by Childs To amend section 4955. Oreeon lawa, rela tive to special certificates. H. B. 3 95. by Henderson To amend section 1241. Oregon laws, relating to rejectio nof approval of claims against an estate by an administrator or executor. H. B. 405. bv Chinnock To amend section 5723. Oregon laws. as amended, relating to applica tions to appropriate water. Justice Courts Changed H. B. 498, by Chinnock To amend section 5767. Oregon laws, civins: justice courts concurrent iurisdictlon with circuit courts in trial of misdemeanors under the water code. H. B. 504. by committee on re peal of laws To repeal section 3381, Oregon laws, relating to the election of certain county officers. H. B. 505, by committee on re i nf lawa To repeal section 5518. Oregon laws, relating to levy of library tax by counties. H. B. 506. by committee on re peal ot laws To amend section 3 255. Oregon laws, relating to preparing and recording of semi annual reports of county sheriffs, treasurers and county courts. S. B. 123. by Joe E. Dunne To repeal section 7. chapter 371, gen eral laws of Oregon. 1921. relat ing to Drintiner and distribution of lists of motor vehicle registrations. S. B. 124. by Joe E. Dunne iq amend rection 10. chapter 371. general laws of Oregon. 1921. re lating to temporary permits to operate motor vehicles. S. B. 126. by Joe E. Dunne--To amend section 26. chapter 371. lating to collection of fee pre general laws of Oregon. 1921. re scribed by the motor vehicle reg istration law. S. B. 203. by Jones and Fisher To amend section 119. chapter 105. general laws of Oregon. 1921. relating to fishing in Yaquina bay. Teachers Gather At Woodburn to Hold Institute The second local Institute for Marion county teachers will be held at the Woodburn high scnool today. Mrs. Mary !. Fulkereon, cnuntv superintendent, and Wil liam W. Fox, rural school super visor and county club leader, will be in attendance from Salem. Th forenoon session will begin at 10 o'clock and will be devoted to departmental discussion. The rountv nrinciDals' association will also hold a business meeting dur ing the morning hours, with L. N. Bennett of Jefferson in the chair. A general assembly will be hW in the afternoon, with Principal E. A. Miller of the Grant school in Salem and T. A. Raffety. chief of the Oregon motor traffic divi sion, delivering the main address es. ' v: Tri-County Meet Of Doctors Set For Tuesday Eve The Polk-Yamhill-Marion medi cat socla society will hold Its reg ular monthly meeting at the Gray Belle Tuesday, March 5. at 7 o'clock. Dr. Franklin J. Johnson of Portland will give the principal talk on "Lowering the Death Rate in Prostatectomy," discussion for which will be opened by Dr. F. K. Power of Salem. Dr. V. H. Thomp son of Salem will present two In teresting pathological specimens. February Sales Hold Up In Good Shape is Report "Business for February was bet ter than we surmised and up to tbe standard of last year. com mented a local merchant Friday In refuting tbe claim that -there had been a Mump locally in ealee." "What we all forget." said this citizen who refused to have his name Quoted. "Is the fact that the present never looks as good as the past or the future. In general. business has been quite good here and we look for a decided Im provement now that spring Is com lag ; BYRD ESTATE IS $120,664 Bonds From Alt Parts of World in Doctor's Possession $1,000JS FAVORED SIZE Bonds from virtually every sec tion of the globe are Included in the estate ot the late Dr. W. H. Byrd - of Salem, it was disclosed In the report of Inventory and ap praisement filed la probate here Friday. The total estate Is esti mated at 8130.f84.a7 by William 8. Walton. J. C. Perry and Ed ward Rosteln. appraisers. Real, property amounts to $81,708 and stocks and bonds 889491.88,: miscellaneous resources comp lin ing the remainder. The following bonds were list ed as part of the estate. Republic of Peru, kingdom of Italy, kingdom of Belgium. Salem Elks lodge, government of Argen tina, government ot Austria, city of Marshfleld, J. TL. Linn, com monwealth of Australia. Oriental development company. Northern Ohio traction and light company. city of Twin Falls, Idaho, state of San Paulo, Brazil, . city of Union. Oregon, Stave Falls lum ber company, limited, republic of Finland, city, of Seaside .water bond, republic of Uruguay, city of Bend, city of Hubbard. United light and power company. Mor row county, Oregon, republic of Colombia, republic of Bolivia, rural high school district N6. 1, Franklin county," Idaho. CHEMEKETANS WILL TO An intereeting local hike has been planned for the Salem Che meketan society, this Sunday when the group will visit the Chemawa Indian school and the state school for the deaf. Miss Grace Gunn, member of the faculty at Chema wa. will direct the hike. The group will leave the Hollywood theatre on North Capital street promptly at 10 o'clock. Miss Gunn will be assisted by two members of the Boy Scout troop at the Indian school. The Chemeketana and their friends will arrive at the Indian school about noon, under the sche dule, and will have lunch at the Wigwam, the tea room on the school errounds. Following lunch, a concert will be given by one of the school's musical organizations and then the hikers will make a tour to inspect the school, fol lowing which the group will hike back through Painter's woods to the school for the deaf, arriving at about 4:30 o'clock. Superin tendent J. Lyman Steed of the deaf school will direct a demon stration of the work there. Hikers will reach town again at 6 o'clock. Xo registration is required for this hike. STATE eiE W01 DESCRIBED BY CHIEF HUBBARD, March 1. F. C. Stellmacher of the Oregon State Game commission, accompanied by Ben Claggett, deputy game war den, gave a lecture Thursday eve ning in the Hubbard city hall on the work of the State Game com mission. .Mr. Stellmacher illus trated the lecture with motion pic tures of wild life in Oregon. He illustrated the work done by the trapper of predatory animals, the propagation ot game birds and fish. The commission operates three game farms and this year liberated over 21,000 Chinese pheasants, Hungarian partridges and wild turkeys. The commission also liberated within the state of Oregon 22,000.000 fish, five to eiht inches in length. Among other films was one by Professor Finley, the Oregon na turalist, showing bird life In Ore gon. Mr. steumacner maae a strong plea for obedience to game laws that the game supply might not fail and that there might be plenty of good out of door sport for all. All this work. Mr. Stell macher assured, is done without using a cent of tax money, the en terprise being supported by license fees. Mildred Smith to Speak on How to Conserve Sight Miss Mildred Smith, field rep resentative of the National So ciety for the Prevention of Blind ness. will be in Salem next Tues day and In the afternoon will ad dress Miss Carlotta Crowley's class in Health Education which meets at 4 o'clock at the senior high school building. Teachers ot the first and second grades will also attend the lecture, which will be on "Conservation of Sight.' Mips Smitn has heen attending the annual meeting oi the Oregon Or ganization for Public Health nurs ing. English Classes Being Tested On Penmanship Value .' '-'"' : " r English classes at Parrlsh Jun ior high school are conducting an experiment to determine If. possi ble whether or not a student needs five days ot penmanship a week In one class, peamanship is being taught but two days a week with remaining periods spent In study of English and history .topics. Whether or not this precede re will raise the English and history grades and at the same time per mit students to , make as rauer progress as otherwise In writla Is still problematical. IF Janan Hokllnsr Included Kimberly Independent school district of Klamath county. Ore eon. Lanwal valley high school district. Idaho, East Fork Irriga tion district. Oregon, Mount Scott memetarr cornoratlon. Portland. Mhool district No.. 5. Lane coun tr. Oreron. hlxh school district No. 3. Payette county. Idaho, Ne vada-California electric corpora. tlon, state of New South Wales. rannbUe of Chile. United States ot Braail, republic of Haiti. Sin clair nine line eomnany. city of Jacksonville, Oregon, state ot Washington for Clarke county road. Kingdom of Denmark, pro vince of Unner Austria, city of Newport, Oregon, Joint scnool dis trict No. 142 for Marlon and Clackamas counties. Willamette Iron and steel works, city of For est Grove, Market street railway comnanr. cltr of Minot. s. D. state of Oregon Panama building Realtr Associates of Portland city of Enterprise, Oregon, city of Yokohama, Japan. " The Oreeon Panama building bond was the only one listed as without value. In' most cases there was onlv one bond of a given kind in the estate, the customary denomina tion being $1000. BILL PASSES HOUSE The University of Oregon moth ers may get their Infirmary for their sons and daughters, for H. B. 274, appropriating $50,000 to match a sum to be raised for this purpose, has easy going in the house Friday. Passage of the bill came some what as a surprise, not because anyone had any Idea it might not get enough votes, but because it took a lot of real hard work to get it out of the ways and means committee. This was finally ac complished by getting the neces sary ten names on a favorable report, and it was then placed on the calendar Friday. The bill had ample supporters in the house, and only two mem bers, Johnson of Benton and Weatherspoon had anything to say against it. These two, and four others, LaFoIlett, Wilkes. Egbert and Stewart were the only ones to cast negative votes. Best Pupils at Hazel Green Are Given Rewards HAZEL GREEN. March 1. The pupils ranking first for the fifth month are: fifth grade, Emi Yada and June Dunigan; sixth grade. Earl Johnson; seventh grade, Tatsuro Yada; eighth grade, Violet Van Cleave and Glen Looney. An interesting contest was be gun first of the month, the points being counted on attendance, de portment, attitude toward school. neatness. The captains are Dor othy Montandon and Glen Looney. B. C. Zelinskl and children Quinten and Helen, Mis Carolyn Williamson and brother, Victor and Waldo Gilbert and James A.- Looney are suffering from influ enza. Rev. Miss Leila Luckey and nephew motored to Philomath Wednesday. Mrs. Looney and sod Guy Allen returned with them. Mrs. Looney was called to Philo math by the illness of her son. Hazel Green will play Central Howell baseball team on Howell field Friday afternoon. House Deserted As Phone Debate Comes To Its End The house of representatives was sadly deserted between 2 and 3:30 p m. A large number of the members were in the senate cham ber listening to the debate on the BurdiCk home rule measure. The senate chamber was packed to its full capacity. The door keeper was competed to lock the doors to the crowd. The measure lost and many of the house members came back somewhat sadder than he fore. CLOUGHHi .Huston v Glili lndoot Burial IJTO T. WGDON, Mgr. 550.000 II OisUncticvt sV' A cfUneral -TVK zTlrn pA ! -JO oieum? NEW BANK CODE READY FDA PEN More Barriers Placed On Operation of Banks; Vote Unanimous Oregon's new banking code now awaits the signature of the gover nor for it to take Its place In the statute books. The measure, was Introduced In the senate by the committee on banking and passed by the upper house last week. Not a dissenting vote was raised against It In tha house Friday. The new code provides that-in-corporatlon Is not necessary be fore application is made for a charter; it prevents sale of stock before the charter is granted. It further insures the safety ot the depositor by providing that a 20 per cent surplus fund must be ac cumulated at (he time capital is subscribed and that the capital must be paid in full; It provides a definite method for reducing the amount of real estate held by a bank; It provides definite regu lation as to the time when divi dends may be declared. Many New Phases In It also redefines the extent of loan to conform with the national bank cods and allows for the mak ing of larger loans where they are amply secured; it provides for the segregation of trust funds in banks; it provides that at least ti $10,000 bond must be established on deputies of state bank examin ers; it provides for a definite man ner for sale of stock in case of non-payment of assessment; It provides also additional machine ry for liquidation of assets in case of bank failure and a definite pro cedure for disposal of unclaimed valuables in case of liquidation. Another feature i3 that is spe cifically designates by legal des cription, or by streets and num bers in the cities and towns, the places where banks are to be. lo cated. ITS POLICE IBIim ThP "S" club of the Salem high school has apparently solved the greatest difficulty confronting the student assemblies, principal J C Nelson said Friday following the second assembly In which the club members have functioned as custodians of law and order. Sev pral weeks aeo after repeated ef forts to bring assembly confusion and noise to a minimum. Mr. .Nel son asserted that henceforih few er student meetings could be held Memhera nf the "S" club the bie bovs who represent the school in athletic competition got their heads toeether and decided it wasn't fewer meetiugs that were needed, but plenty discipline. They gained the principal's con sent to "Dolice" -the assemblies and now any time the students come together the VW ooys may be seen stationed about the audi torium. And it worjta. Louise Voget is Camp fire Leader HUBBARD. March 1. Camp Adahi Camp Fire GIrJs of Hub bard held election of officers at a reeular meetine Thursday eve ning. Officers named were: Pres ident, Miss Louise Voget; rice president. Miss Leafy Reed; sec retary. Miss Anna Knight; treas urer. Miss Aeatha Voget and press correspondent. Miss Gungadene Bidgood. rOR ntTOlUf ATIOIt ABOUT LOCAL OR KAST-IIU RAILROAD TRIPS PHONE 727 Oregon Electric Willamette Valley Line IssbT PILESCURED Wltbaat spa ration er last at ttma. DR. UARSHALL tn Oiwa . Finest Toric reading lenses fit ted to your eyes at the above figure. We also insure your glasses against breakage the only firm In Salem extending this splendid FREE Service. Exam ination, too. THOMPSON-GLCTSCH OPTICAL CO. 110 X. Commercial St. "At the Sign of the Spex" Saturday Shrub Specials , Save money at Our Saturday Specials Hydrangea arborescens, ink Tartarian Honeysuckle bush. Virginia creeper vines 50c sizes 8 for fl.OO. Madame Butterfly two year rose bushes SOc size at a for T5c Mt. Ash trees (beautiful berry bearing trees) 4 to feet site at 76c y. Campbell Early grape vines 3 for SOc . ; We have a fall , line I of fruit, at sd shade treea, ornament al shrubs and rpeee. . Pe&rcy Bros. Nuriery 940 X. liberty, mfmr Court PROVES $4,95 Freshman Glee Tonight is r Gala Affair; Traditional Rivalry Is At High Pitch The Willamette university gym nasium ran a close second to the capitol building Friday in compe titlon for honors as the busiest building in Salem for freshmen were at work throughout the day preparing for the annual fresh man glee which will be staged to night beginning at 8 o'clock. Each class spent two. hours in practic ing marching on and off the plat form .and in singing; Intensive practice will continue today. 4-H Leaders to Gather in Woodburn and Salem March 11 to 16 The first Marlon county schools for leaders of 4-H boys' and girls'4 pKchools club work will be held at Salerrrtgiye a reading. Following this In and Woodburn March 11 to 16, In elusive. William W. -Fox, county club leader, announced Friday, The Salem session will, be held in the public library auditorium andman song Mlss Edith Findley will t T1T IV.. . 1. V. 1 ...111 1. . 1 at Woodburn the school will be held at the high school. The schools will be divided Into two sections, one for the leaders of local boys' and girls' club projects attendance of which will be lim- ited to club leaders and the club presiaeni. in instances wnere tne leader cannot, attend, one other officer will be permitted to attend. The second section .will be de voted to cooking classes and Will be open to the public. Mrs. L. ill. Humphreys of the Crown mjlls will have charge of this section. Sewing classes will also be taught and will be in charge of Miss Hel en Cowgill, assistant state club leader. Mr. Fox says that the same type of work will be done in both schools. Heretofore it has been the policy rfor instructors to come to each county and meet with the In dividual clubs, however the new policy will he productive of great er and more far reaching results, Mr. Fox believes. Fourteen divorce cases were heard and 11 decrees granted by Circuit Judge McMahan here Fri day. The divorce decrees were: Betty G. Badger vs. Malcolm S. i Badger; Ruth M. vs. Percy L. Johnson; Marie Hotz vs. Benjamin M. Hotz; Alvah vs. Helen E. Van Cleave; Katie vs. John Cafferty; Paulina vs. August Schukey; Eth el E. vs. Alfred J. Hobble; Carl Cooper vs. Hazel Cooper; Esther i E. Demarest vs. Lloyd C. Demarv'! est; Gussie Stelnbock vs. Albert ! M. Steinbock. i Chiasms Jius Hra m4 f-UJaia mmm i aa Ma boma. aaalad RJbbaa. Takaaaatl CniTcattsTf t L4M OR v tf aa ui ruuh tottfi 111! Iml i Said, il Kati la. Bw-lfawl ' sau if jaufisuis aTZJLrvau ui We Want JUNK Bars PiMr Metal Sacks. A Iron, Bottles, Hides, Pelts. Wool, and anything which you have to sell. Three Tracks at your Service Capital Bargain & Junk Co. H. ST EI X BOCK, Owner 145 Center Phone 398 By the bridge 'ouise Rice, world famous graphologist an positively reed your talents, virtue nd faults in the drawings, words am hat nets that you scribble when "lc thought'. Send your" scribbling or signstv aa rata. Fatlnn taa ptctura rftaa ika ad. cat fraai a bos af Mikado pawn!., a i ceata. Aartt sss Loniaa Rica, cara of H PENCIL CO. NEW YORK ' 11 IKS GIVEN bv judge mm itLLvXScribhlinpS Calvary Baptist Church (Grand Theater Bldg., eoTi Court and High) ; ' Bible school :4S. W. T; Jenks. Supt.!, B. T.s C:ia j 1,0:50 A. M. TWO SILENT PREACHERS. Special Music by the LINFIELD COLLEGE QUARTETTE j 7:30 P.JK. BLOCKADES." A Bible to be given away at this service to the . LARGEST FAMILY W. KAWi COCHRAN; Pastor - A line of students and towns people wishing to obtain seserved seat tickets formed shortly after noon Friday, and before 5 o'clock every seat in the auditorium had been taken. This is a record time for house-filrlng for the song con test. In other years It has been possible to reserve Beats on the morning of the glee, but there will be no vacancies to be filled this morning. Persons holding re served tickets hare been advised to be in the gymnasium before 8 o'clock, as no seats will be held after 8:15, and If any are vacant they will be given to anyone wait ing for them. Seniors in Robes Tonight At 8 o'clock the senior class, robed in -caps and gowns for the first time, will march Jn from an anteroom ' and take their seats. Welcome to students and visitors will then be extended by Charles Campbell, president of the fresh man class. After a violin solo by Miss Fay Irvine the seniors will mount the platform and sing their song, "A Vision of Old." Imme diately following will be the Jun ior song.; "Challenge to Loyalty." Miss Rosalind Van Winkle will play "Polonaise," by MacDowell. andMisB, Helen Peniberton will terinission the sophomores will sing- "Alma Mater of the West." and the freshmen will give "The Ship Lausanne.' After the fresh- play a marimba solo. Matthew's in Honor Roll As soon as the freshmen have J finished their song the votes of tne judge will be collected and counted in the anteroom. The jcounting will be witnessed by the four ciass rresidents. While the counting Is going on students will try to relieve their tension by singing campus songs. Finally Professor James T. Matthews will mount the platform and students will move up to the very edges of their chairs to hear the report of the judges. The winning class will repeat its song and be photographed, and Freshman glee will be over, except for brief class parties. Following their party, men of the freshman class will return to the gymnasium and begin the work of removing decorations, tearing up the stage and returning the chairs. MIDI SAYS We have a 1023 Overland Coupe, well eqnippHl, has 11KSO license and in fine condition for !p4..00. "The House That Service Built" LOOK, LOOK LOOK Our Candy Speeial for this week end Chocolate Nut Fudge 22c a lb. 2 lbs. for 40c Only at Schaefer's Drug Store 11W X. Commercial St. Phone 107 The Original Candy BpeVlal Store Penslar Agency DON'T . Waste Your JUNK We will be glad to go to your place and pay the full value. We want SACKS Bass, Paper, Metal, Etc Salem Junk Go. SSO X. Commercial St. Phone 402 Saffron Kline "; - .-us 'i.