The New Oregon Statesman, Salem, Oregon, Saturday Morning, March t , 1919 ; 1- it NOW AT OLD 1 1 Add Colors from j J ack Frosts Palette -1 " " " : r : J urn TRADE in YOUR RADIO for Pi 4 that nimble imp never? painted autumn leaves with J more charming colors than those Tised by the makers of these New Blabon linoleums colors that will add a delightful har mony to some room whose fur nishings you want to improve. BLABQNS Urxizari mimm MiuiiuiiHiiiitiiMHMrtMnfliuMiiuuuiiuHiiaauuautumimiuitimiMMtiuififmnMBniurrrI DRUG SPECIALS -Friday and Saturday $1.26 Guaranteed Alarm Clocks in colors ;.. r 75c value Montags Stationery, large envelopes their newest 10c Wash Clothes i 3 for ; 50c Odor-nox Disinfectant, odorless, ; non-poisonous deodorizer : .... 50c Day Dream Face Powder, 50c Day Dream Tooth Paste, both for .1 ...- lpint , Olive Oil 15c Linen Envelopes 2 for .". . - I ft-:-'- 89c 49c 25c 39c 50c 69c 16c MARKET DRUG STORE C L. Wellman, Registered Pharmacist Phone 474 if you can't come. in .The Market prt0ffljfQHK'Yffftf BILTWELL UPHOLSTERED FURNITURE New -the pillow arm davenport -'distinctive ! An unusually large and deep-seated BUtwtll dav enport, the distinguish ing feature of which is the loose pillow arm, filled with finest Kapok. The gracefully curving ser pentine front and the hand-carved Queen Anne legs of solid mahogany - add to Its richness and charm. Your choice of many fine coverings. I 'I II- - i, :. w. w fl The suite davenport and chair covered in finest mohair -with reversible cushions unusually low priced at -. $289 and Market Furniture Co. Witb tbc Gsrootcst oS AU (S)eb tifine New Heralding A New Era in Feature Produc tions from the World's Greatest Studios Starting with THE A heart wringing story of the show world as it really is with a great cast of well known stars including Joe E. Brown, Gertrude Olmstead, Leroy Ma son, Gertrude Astor, Daphne Pollard, others. 6t?caf cr Gtagc Showc Every Wednesday Matinees, 25c Evening, 60c mm R. O. A. Photophone ranks as the gTeatst of all sound equip ment today and we take pride and pleasure lm announc ing that no time, money or ef fort has been spared In the In stallation of Photophone In the Elslnore theatre to furnish our patrons with what we sincerely believe to be the greatest and finest tone quality in sound musical and talking pictures of all time. Prices WEEK DATS SUNDAYS Mat. S3c Eve. 50c Hat. 50c Ere. 50c CONTINUOUS 9 UNTIL 11 REASONABLY PRICED SHOES . WW - m i : I III I I S9 Plain Black Patent Slipper $1.65 Solid Leather Ox ford, tan 40 AC or black.. p7) SEE OUR LINE OF ARCH SUP PORT SHOES FOR LADIES 331 STATE ST. 0 Hi (So , HWOTAILLEB AT THE ELCIINOQE .THEATRE; nathHiffh . I . 'Thing Electridd" ; Telephone 2112 on anj RCA RADIOL A or KOLSTER RADIO stock in our Kolsteri from $140.00 to $300.00 Radiolas from $95.00 to $375.00 All sets are the latest 1 929 models and are fully guaranteed Special! Saturday Only Single Plate Table Stoves, regularly sold for $1,50 Special for Saturday Only Regular $3.95 Guaranteed Portable Electric Heaters, selling Saturday only at rmrn - mm 337 Court St. Phone 488 FRUITNUT TREES GET OUR PRICES BEFORE PLACING YOUR ORDERS For a Few Days Only Genuine. Black1 Mazzard Cherry H Seedlings, First Class Stock at a Very Low Price. wu Cherry City Nursery - Office and Sales Yard Opposite Vick Bros. Garage 4 1 1 . .