10 VThc "New Oregon Statesman. Salem. , Oregon, Saturday Morning; March 2, 19t9 HOFER OFFICES MOWED TO CITY Publishers Combine Work In Portland; Col. Hofer Also to Leave 4 This week marked the close of the publishing activities in Salem of E. Hofer Sons. Colonel Hofer on Thursday officially closing the local offices of the publishing firm maintained for the last 16 years since the establishment of v the Manufacturer, and with which Is affiliated a national Industrial news bureau, .1 Hereafter -all the actirities of the firm will be concentrated in the Terminal Sales building in ' Portland, the San Francisco and Salem offices ha ring been com bined in that city. I ' 1 : To lire at Dnnthorpe - Dunthorpe. a suburban section sear Oswego, has been chosen for '. . V. V .K.. Unfa. famlllia &. M. Hofer and X. F. Hofer. sons : mt Col. Hofer baring already re. snored there while Colons! and , Mrs. Hofer expect to make their home near their sons. . ' For 23 years prior to the setab Ushment of the Manufacturer, Hofer Bros, owned and published the Capital Journal. Col. Hofer was actlre in other business enter I prises as well as In politics. For years CoL Hofer has been a pa tron of the fine arts and at one i time published the Lariat, a mag azine for western writers. . The Hofer family has been en gaged in the publishing business for the last 54 years, the father ' A. F. Hofer, owning and publish, lug the McGregor News at Mc Gregor, Iowa, for If years. Col. Hofer was associated with his fa ther In the business and subse quently published the German Re public for two years at Des ' Moines, Iowa. " FIRE DEPARTMENTS JOINED F0H OIL INDEPENDENCE, March 1. (Special) The Independence and Monmouth fire departments drill. ed at Corvallls Tuesday erenlng. Fire Chief George H. Wood and assistant George Cooper attended the meeting and "reported a fine time. The Boosters club was enter tained Wednesday erenlng in the home of Mrs. Charles Smiley, as. stated byMrs. Carrie Smiley. . Mrs. E. G. Danton drove with friends to Rlckreall to rislt Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fogg, Wednes day afternoon. A rery inspiring sermon was heard in the Methodist cnurcn Sanday erenlng. Rev. Duncan who is heading the Willamette univers ltyendowmen fund campaign gare the message. Fill HELD FOR WOODBURN. Ore., Mar. 1. . (Special) Funeral serrices for Mrs. B. F. Hall, who died at her home on Young street Tuesday rtternoon, were held from the M. E. church with Rer. C. L. Dark of Odell officiating. Pallbearers were Willard Cole, Victor Ballan type. Hartley Bonney, Franklin Tyler, Oakley Strahg. and Charles Tyler. Special music was glren by a quartet composed of Mrs. Pauline Rain, Mrs. A. J. Neufelt, 8. E. Brune and James Liresay. Mrs. Hall was born on the Bon ney donation land claim east of Woodburn, August 25, 18S3. For 2 S years she has been a resident! f Woodburn, and had also lived at Newport and in Polk county. She is surrlred by her husband, i and two , daughters, .Mrs. Elsie Strang of Alsea, and Mrs. C. E. Tyler of Elliott Prairie, and three sisters, Mrs. Carrie' Toung, Mrs. K.K. Hall, and Miss Ina Bonney, all of woodburn. dewing Club is Entertained at 1 Soehren Home DALLAS, March 1. (Special) The Thursday sewing club met . at the 'home of Mrs. W. L. So ehren on Main street this week. The afternoon was spent in, sew- - tag, af-r which a delightful lunch eon was served. Present were Mrs.-G. L. Haw kins, Mrs, Riley Craver, Mrs. Os car, Hay tor; Mrs. M. V. Fuller, Mrs. EL A. Hamilton, Mrs. Harry Woods, Mrs. R. L. Chapman, Mrs. . L. E.- Vlers, Mrs.. J.. C. Uglow, Mrs. Willis Slmonton, Mrs. Jack : ARgood, Mrs. O. E. WUliams, . Mrs. L T, Yoakum and Mrs: N. C Brown. ; i Minister" Is Play Given At Marion Hall MARION. March 1. (Special) The New Minister", was a play given at the W O. W, hall Wed- nesday .evening, February 1 27. It i waa sponsored by the Young Peo ple's league of Salem. There were several violin solos and a drama, oweemeanq or j esieraay." s - mOGS FOR ' SCIEXCB - ; ' OREGON STATE COLLEGE. March 1 . A shipment of : live "frogl received by the xoology. de partment Is being kept in the large aeqaariuxn in the soology labor atory. The shipment toUled 72 irhea sent from Chicago bat two. inahle to stand the long journey, "vers dsad when the container was opened, - WOODBURN 11 THE OLD HO?iTE TOVN fyti qsV : "" V ""V .3 I SCOTCHMAN )&t?Ts , rt, II I rTr- . " ' lmA book out; m 'iiwr FIVE MIWITTES ' mV I vl T " S ) MARY MR I.AWff L fVp- VTIri )S -TES-r fPE -?C AT -THE ' I vN. - the towns best amateur magician. J je&m jmKimM9 iiBUM. jmkam 5ta.y-fce CHICKEN "CLINIC" - a SILVERTON. March I. (Spe cial) Dr. E. L. Grubb of Omaho will give an educational demon. stratlon and lecture on thediag noses and prerention of diseases of fowls Monday night, March 4 at 800 o'clock in the high school assembly room. This clinic, which Is free. Is sponsored by the Smith-Hughes department of agriculture, and George Steelhammer, . druggist. and is held as the final meeting of the winter night session on poultry raising which has - con. rened in Sllverton during the win ter month! Prof. Warren E. Crab- tree has been local Instructor. People interested In the course, are aeked to bring In speclments of sick or unthrifty poultry, for post mortem examination. Miss Mamie Holmen. formerly of Sllverton, but now of Corrallls, is spending a few days visiting old friends here. Miss Holmen has been attending O. S. C. but at pres ent Is recuperating from an attack of the flu. Miss Holmen spent Wedneadav night with Miss Clara karson, of East Sllverton. . Wednesday night, the members of the Triple Link club gave a 6:30 dinner In the Odd Fellows club rooms to the members and their families. This dinner is an annual event of the club, and was very well attended. The erenlng was spent at cards. Entertainment was furnished by radio. SILVERTON. March 1. (Spe cial) At an annual meeting of the board of the Marlon county health association held in 8alem Tuesday, i Robert Goets of Silver- ton was elected vice president. At this meeting, reports on work in Sllverton were given by Mrs. John Ballantyne, Mrs. A. B. Jans and Mr. Goetx. On Wednesday, six children were taken to Salem by -the dem onstration nurse. . Miss LiRlche, and Mrs. Charles Reynolds, to at tend the denUl clinic there. Rev. Hardle of the , Methodist church returned to Sllverton Fri day, having completed five weeks' work on the Willamette Univers ity campaign. Losers in Zena Contest Decide To Fete Winners ZENA, March 1. (Special) Members of the Zena Missionary society who are on the losing side of the attendance contest, held a meeting at the home of Mrs. Jesse Walling Tuesday evening.-The ob ject Of the meeting wa to decide what form of entertainment to of fer the winning eide, of which Mrs. W. W. Henry is leader, Mrs. J. Fred Purrine is leader of the losing side. 'It was decided to en tertain the' winners at the next meeting of the society, Wednes day, March 6. Rev. Poling at Conference Held r At Clear Lake CLEAR LAKE. March 1 The last quarterly conference of the year for the ' Evangelical church for this field was held at the Clear I Lake church , Friday . eve ning.. February 22.. Rev. C. C. Poling presided. Rev. Poling gave a very Inspirational address prior to the business session. The finan cial report -was -read by the stew ard. r - - . - J. C, McFarlane was elected delegate to the Oregon annual conference. . . ' COMES TDSILVER SIIMON Ml IS ON BOARD OE HEALTH Woodburn Plans For March Visit Of Deputy Matron WOODBURN, March 1. (Spe cial) Plans for the official visit March 11 of Mrs. Carrie Jackson of Bend, grand conductor and dep. ity for the worthy grand matron, were made at the regular meeting of Evergreen chapter. No. 41. or der of Eastern Star In the Mason ic temple Monday evening. Com mittees were appointed and a ban quet Is being planned for the event. - After the business meeting the members were entertained by a one-act play, "He Said and She Said,", directed by Mrs. Ray O Wolf. The following were In the cast: Mrs. Enid Haldeman, Mrs. L..- R- Tweed ie: Fells Haldeman. her husband, Jesse Flkan; Mrs. Packard, Mrs. Opal Massey; Dea na Chesboro, Miss Elfa Lytle.. CLEJH LIKE CLASS HAS BUSINESS MEET CLEAR LAKE, March 1. The Clear Lake Evangelical junior en deavors held their monthly busi ness meeting and social at the home of their superintendent. Miss Marie Harold. The evening was enjoyed playing games. Cake, sandwiches and coffee were served by the social committee. Present were Nellie Clement, Pearl Jones, Mina May Beckner, Evelyn Beckner. Ada Mar Smith. Loretta Smith, Evelyn Cain, Or ell Smith, Edith Foren, Thelma Lambert, Lunella Chapin, Shirley Dickie. Rex DutorL Robert Clem- tto, Donald Clement, Roy 8ehlag, Alfred Schlag. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Smith and small daughter Estelline, arrived at their home Sanday evening. They made a three weeks' trip through California and Arizona, Their return home was hastened because Estelline waa suffering from a gathering In her ear. Past Matrons? Xlui) Has Meet 1. Program Given DALLAS. March l.-(Speclal) The Past Matrons club of the Eastern Star was entertained at the Masonic hall Friday afternoon by Mrs. B. A: Hamilton. Misses Diana and Clotilda Trimble of Vancouver, Wash., were guests and both entertained with a num. her of readings.' Light refreshments were served by the hostess assisted by Mrs. U. S. Longhary and Mrs. J. M. Camp bell. Members present were Mrs, H. G. Black, Mrs. Ross Ellis, Mrs. George Kurre. Mrs. Mark Hayter, Mrs. Campbell, Mrs. C. E. 8taats. Mrs. U. 8. Longhary. Mrs. Maurice Dalton, Mrs. G. L. Hawkins, Mrs. O. E. Williams, and the hostess. Lincoln County ; Prisoner Taken : To Polk's Jail . DALLAS, March 1 (Special) Deputy Sheriffs Royal Plank, and Pearl . McBee of Lincoln 7 county were In Dallas Tuesday. . . f They, brought with them Perl Ray, who; is charged with moon, shining and placed him .In the Polk county, jail for safe, keeping until the . Lincoln county grand jury. meets. . - -. c TO HELP IN BIG AFFAIR : ? Carl Walker of Salem, senior in mechanical engineering at the state college, has been appointed on the program committee for the military tallMay 12. The affair; one of the most brjlltant of the college season Is sponsored by the local chapter of ' Scabbard .and Blades, national honorary fratern. Ity in military science and tactics. I OF KITTY' GIH AT JEFFERSON JEFFERSON, March 1. (Spe cial) The play "The Arrival of Kitty" given by the Jefferson high school students Wednesday eve nlng, was a decided success. The Masonic hall was filled to capac Ity with eager listeners to the actors, who played their parts well. The high school orchestra under the leadership of Mrs. Van Winkle rendered several selec tions. Home made candy was also on sale from which a neat sum was realised. ' McKee Bros, are building an additio nto the west end of the terminal, which will be used for an oil room. S. R. Taudy is having a cement walk built in front of his resi dence. Mrs. Emma Curry moved her household goods to Dallas bytruck Thursday, where she will reside with her-son and his family. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hoyt mo tored fo Albany Wednesday eve ning .to attend the "Style show." Mrs. A. J. Shumaker and Mrs. George Lynes were the- guests of their mother Mrs. Sarah Reeves, Wednesday. SILVERTON, March 1. (Spe cial) The Imanuel Lutheran leasrue featnred a basket social and program in the church par. lots Wednesday night. The pro gram included a greeting by Jose phine Brekke, a trio number by Agnes Nelson. Cora Selberson and Ardls Aarhus, readings by Mrs. C. J. Towe and Albert Funrue, and a solo by Elmer Johnson. Mr. Otto Dahl auctioned the baskets. which, with the candy and lunch sale, netted over $41, Mrs. Maelntosh. sister of Mrs. Ed Smith, and a former Sllverton resident la -visiting at the Smith home this week. LUTHERAN CONCLAVE Sunday afternoon, March 3, the second annual Joint meeting of Lutheran ' students attending the three major educational Institu tions of Oregon, will be held at College Garden. Corrallls. Strong delegations of students are expect, ed from Eugene and Monmouth, and many young people of neigh. boring Lutheran congregations will be present, .V-'v. :' w NETTED ON SALE IfJ CHURCH SATURDAY SMg(gffE,S f Your -I " .rrk Special Heavy Mineral Oil 1 Quart A D 3 Shaving Cream' 90c .value ThreerFlowers Face, Powder 1 60c bottle of extract free.L. .1 case Mumm's extra dry " Shaker and six glasses ..;Vl Combination . - Hot Water Bottle Hot Water , 'Bottlet ' ; -. Genuine Imported r - Carlova Bay r Rum," Reg." v 'For full information V V ; : $30,000.00 s Corner Court and Liberty ' ' NORTH 8ANTIAM, March 1. (Special) The young people's class of the North Santiam Sunday school organized Sunday .with a membership of ten. Harold Wit. craft was elected president, George Miller vice-president. Opal Trip secretary and Mabel Chastain treasurer. Mrs, McLaughlin was chosen teacher of this class of young people. Mrs. Emma Kellis of Salem vis. lted Friday and Saturday at the home of her brother I. R. Ham mer, Mrs. Arehart and children Ma rie, Doris and Laflona, visited re. cently at the home of her sister, Mrs. Ltnderman of Stayton. Mr. and Mrs. I. R. Hammer went' to Portland 8unday to visit Mr. and Mrs. Arden Hammer and other relatives there. Mrs. L. H. Davis and daughters Retha, Eva and Mrs. -Maud Ken dall vtelted friends in Salem re cently. Winifred Davis went to Salem Saturday to take up house work In the home of Mrs. Charles Rob erts. Frank WUcraft left Saturday for Heppner where ho expects to work in a hotel. Claud Arehart and son Mark of Portland were week-end visitors at the home of Mr. Arehart's par. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Arehart. Retha Davis and Elton Bond visited at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Guenkel and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Reeves of Mehama, Sat- uraay. OF REASON FOR PARTY ZENA, March 1. (Special) An interesting affair of February 22 was the party given by Mrs. C. F. Merrick in honor of the fifth birthday of her son, Chester Mer rick. Games suitable for the small guests were seated at a large ta ble which was centered by a birth. day cake on which five tiny yellow candles were burning. The color scheme of yellow was carried out in baskets- filled with candy for favors and yellow tapers in crys tal holders flanked the birthday cake. Master Chester receive a many lovely gifts. Guests for the affair were the guest of honor,5 Chester Merrick, Joe Shepard, Merrilyn Boyd. Genevieve Butelle, Norman Merrick, Robert Madsen, Naomi Merrick, Dale Worthington, Richard Madaen and Dorothy Wil son. Additional guests, were Mrs. Alvrn Madsen, Mrs. George Boyd, Mrs. Ivan Merrick, Mrs. Seymour Wilson, Miss Dorothy Shepard. Mrs. J. Fred Purvine, Mrs. Jesse Walling, Mrs. Jesse Worthington and the hostess. DR. RILL'S SHOWS RICKEY, March 1. A large and appreciative audience was present at the picture Ehow given by Dr. David Hill of Salem at he school house recently. After the show. Dr. Robert Morris of Salem, secretary of Marion County Feder ation of Community Clubs gave a very interesting talk on commun ity clubs. Sandwiches, cake ami coffee was served by the iaaies. Tne coffee was furnished by Reid and Murdock wholesale company, which has recently taken over the West Salem cannery. Fight by Radio Party Feature At Hubbard Home HUBBARD, March 1 Mr. and Mrs. "Bud" Thompson informally entertained with a radio , party at their country home, east of Hub bard, Wednesday . evening. The feature of the radio entertain ment was the Sharkey and Strib- llng tight. Luncheon , was served by the hostess. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Wal do Brown and children. Betty. Boyd and Wallace, John Stauf f er, Mrs. Amanda Dimlck .and children Ralph, Johnny and Har dy and Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Bra den. -- - and Lotion 50c. concerning Eastman's In prizes see Druggist. Telephone .7 BIRTHDAY N MUCH TE -:75c j; v . Furnace i vv Sl' 1 IH i : . . Good wpkhs'S-, I OC. : Quick Senaco Mt lf 1 :.39c - ' , : JL - '. - . x - ' ' I NOTICE OF INTENTION TO IM PROVE - KEARNEY - STREET FROM THE EAST LINE OF COMMERCIAL ' STREET TO - THH vWEST LINE OF LIBER TY STREET.' , , Notice Is hereby given that the Common CouncH of tha City of Salem, Oregon, deems it neces sary and expedient and hereby de clares its purpose and Intention to Improve Kearney 8treet from the east line of Commercial Street to the west line of Liberty Street, at the expense of the abut ting and adjacent property, ex cept the street and alley intersec tions, the expense of which will be assumed by the City of Salem, Oregon, by bringing said portion of said street to the established grade, constructing Portland ce ment concrete curbs, and paring said portion of said street with a six-inch Portland cement concrete pavement thirty feet in width, in accordance with the plans and specifications therefor which were adopted by the Common Council, on February 18, 1929, now on file-In the office of the City Recorder, and which are hereby referred .to and .made a part hereof. The Common Council hereby declares its purpose and intention to make the above described im provement by and through , the Street Improvement Department ofasthe City of Salem, Oregon. 'By order of the Common Coun cil the 18th day of February, 1929. M. POULSEN, City Recorder. Date of first publication Febru ary 27, 1929. Date of final publication March 10. 1929. Dally to M-10 NOTICE OF INTENTION TO IM PROVE KAY STREET FROM THE EAST LINE OF SEVEN. TEENTH STREET TO THE WEST LINE OF NINETEENTH STREET Notice is hereby given that the Common council ! of the City of 3alem, Oregon, deems It necessary and expedient and hereby de clares Its purpose and intention to Improve Kay Street from the east line of Seventeenth Street to the west line of Nineteenth Street, at the expense of the abutting and adjacent property, except the street and alley intersections, the expense of which will be assumed by the City of Salem, Oregon, by bringing said portion of said street to the establsihed grade, contract ing Portland cement concrete curbs, and paving said portion of said street with a six-inch Port land cement concrete pavement thirty feet In width, in accordance with the plans and specifications therefor which were adopted by the Common Council, on Febru ary 18, 1929, now on file In the office of the City Recorder, and which are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. The Common Council hereby declares its purpose and Intention to make the above described im provement by and through the Street Improvement Department of the City of Salem. Oregon. sy order of the Common Coun cil February 18, 1929. M. POULSEN. City Recorder. Date of first publication Febru ary Z7, 1929. Date of final nublicatlon March 10. 1929. Dly to M10 NOTICE OF INTENTION TO IM- rtwvMSi WALLER STREET FROM THE EAST LINE OF SOUTH TWELFTH STREET TO THE WEST LINE OF SOUTHERN PACIFIC COM- 1 J i Delivered by ' f I I ! one of our ' ,-. I I . - Trucks ; : . jpKs-ao 1 1 Fnr ' M'-?Si:. if piwa nifiirr nv.tr AT- , Natlfl 1 herabr sriven that the Commdn . Council of . the City of Salem, Oregon, deems it necessary and expedient and hereby declares Iti nnrnoM mA Intention - to Im prove Waller Street from the east line ef South Twelfth Street to the west line ef Southern Padfic famnuiT'i Rlrht of War. at the expense of the abutting and adja cent property, except tne sireei and allv Intersections, the ex pense of which will be assumed h the Citv of Balenv Oregon by bringing said portion 01 said street to the established grade, con- atrnctlnr Portlsnd cement con crete curbs, and paving said por tion of said street with a six-Inch Portland cement concrete pave ment, thirty feet In width, in ac cordance with the plans and spec ifications therefor which were adonted br the Common Council, on February 18, 1929, now on file In the office of the City Recoraer, and which are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. The Common Cpuncil hereby declares Its purpose and Intention to make the above described im provement fby and through the Street' Improvement Department of the City of Salem. Oregon. By order of the common coun cil February 18. 1929. M. POULSEN. City Recorder. Date of first publication Feb ruary 24. 1929. t Date of final publication Marcn 8, 1929. .Dly to M8 NOTICE OF INTENTION TO IM PROVE WILBUR STREET FROM THE EAST LINE OF SUMMER STREET TO THE WEST LINE OF BERRY STREET. Ladd & Bush Trust Co. eseiMsesBBSMeMeiiMeiiHHesBSSSSHSnMBSSssseaMeseBBeHseieHHHBaHK 1 Notice la hereby given that the Common Council of the ; City of Salem. Oregon, deems It necessary , and expedient and hereby declares ita nn noM ' and ' intention " to Im prove Wilbur Street from the east line of Summer Street to the west line of Berry Street at tha ex pense of the abutting 4 1 ac cent property, except the street and alley, intersections, the; ex pense of which will be assmmea by the City of Baiem. Oregon, oy bringing' said portion of r said atrt t the established grade. .constructing Portland cement con crete curbs, and paring said por, tlon of said street with a slx-?nch Portland cement concrete pave ment, thirty feet In Width, U ac cordance - with the plans 'and . specifications therefor which were adopted by the common coanai ah V.hrair 11 112B- BAi on file In tne office of the City (Re corder, and which are hereby re ferred to and made a part hereof. The Common' Council hereby declares its purpose and intention to. make the above described Im provement by and through I the Street Improvement Denartaent of the City of Salem. Oregon. By order of . the common coun cil the 18th day of February, 1929. ' li M. POULSEN. City Recorder. Date of first publication Febru ary 24, 1929. ! Date of final publication Marcn 8, 1929 c 1 Dly to.;M8 GARAGEMAN BUNDED HILLSBORO. Ore., Mar. $ (AP) Wilbert Fahnow, garage- man, suffered severe bums today when an acetylene gas tank, ex ploded. Fahnow probably will be blind, physicians said. H Future 17HY not have W vour mind at! ease about your; fam-i .1 -.... il ny s ruiure jsuppui li whether you live or not? You can create aj trust fund with us! that will protect them through the years, educate the children, give the n ess and the girls at dowry on their wed- ding day. Let Our Trust Of- ficer Explain. i For Theii 1 1