The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 01, 1929, Page 6, Image 6

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    1 1 ,
i -
I ' , " Pure - -r ' -c..- -..-: -
Elaborate a ns
The Woman's - Alliance ;:of the
Unitarian choVcb .wIU present an
elaborate an& beautifully planned
benefit bridge-tea at the Elks'club
atnrtay afternoon. The Inspire
tlon for the benefit. U the Salem
general hospital such being the
ease, anyone attending the bridge-,
tea, will be doing a good turn to
himself for the hospital its the
nablle'a benefit, -and what doee It
rood. da rrfbd to th tmhlle.
- The tea is to be especially preC
tr. The dining room of,the Elk's
club win be darkened, candies in
pastel shades will tire out their
oft T complimentary light, and
Coring, flowers will complete . the
entlciax atmespbere of a well ap
pointed room. To add to the at
tractiveness well selected - music
will iba presented all during- tea The American Legion quar
tet. Mrs. Mildred Wyatt, Mrs. Ber
nice j Bowe. Mrs. Marie Rbblnson.
and 1 MiaT Xfrace Zosel. will sing.
accompanied by-Lucfle Cummlnjrs
Th5 quartet-appears under the
direction of Miss Lena Belle'Tar
Utar.'TTierewfJkalso be a stringed
ffenartet which will appe&r-.dartng
'fthe 'afternoon' ; ' . .: ,-
' Approximately 9L tables-have
been reserved 2 for bridge,''. Many
'. clubs are reserving groups
blt3.i It is hoped that the original
plan of 100 tables maybe carried
mw before -Saturday .-.Additional
tables which , have been reserved
since the last report are -Mrs. Ed
,wardv Bostein. Mrs. . SalJy Dyer,
Mm. E. : M.1 Page, Mrs., , Herbert
1 Stiff. Mrs. VE. Kuha Mi JP:
'W. Geiser, .Mrs." E.YC: Goodwin,
' Mrs. J. F. Heathfleld, Mrar- Roma
: Hunter. Mrs. Blanche Jones. Mrs.
-'I.; O. Smith: Mrs. FranlrTtoton.
Mrs: J. JL- Jeldlrks. ' Mrau'B. H."
Kollenborn. Mrs. G.- LVForre;
Mr-Frank 'Myers, Mrs.' Amelia
: Riley, Mrs.. J. H. Hathaway.' Mrs,
T, A. RaffelyjMro. A.-lWallace,
. MmJ Fred Stensloff. Mra7vW...H.
; Dancy; Mrs. "Frank": Derbin. J-6r.,
Ulu . rhrltt . flrr . Mm: - F. T-
.Cheshire. and fW ' Vlleur Gale
: club." - ' -
- The plans orthe Alliance hare
been entered into with sest from
the J townsfolk, whichvact has
added one great factor toward
success of ' the affair. -The funds
receired from the benefit will be
turned o-rer to-thd hospital : fund
to be used either for furnishing a.
room or for other equipment need.
ed uet as badly.
Mrs. Darby Sponsors
Friday Night Program
U'-r---The regular Friday night pro-
i grams at the M. C. A. are get-
S' ting, to be an institution for Sa-
p lem r people. Its regularity... and
I consistent qualities of high stand
ing make it worthy of a regular
(place on the week's program of
."things to attend. ;
H Tonight Mrs. Bertha Junk Dar
by! will sponsor the following In
teresting program at 8 o'clock in
the Y, M. C. A. social rooms, 685
Court street.
Daet, "Soldiers' March from
- : Faust . . .' Gounod
Wilson Siegmund and Mrs. Darby
A Little Menagerie" by three
little girls ,
, (al Mr. Weatherman, The Circus
Parade Alice Barkus
(b) The Giraffe The Elephants.
......... Jeanette Maxwell
(c) The Monkeys The Lion
! The Kangaroo. .Margaret Sleg-
Soag. VIn the Time of Roses"..
Mrs. Maxwell accompanied by
' Jeannette Maxwell
Piano solo, "The Holy City" ... .
(Piano arr.) Adams
. Wilson : Siegmund
"March T&mborine" Smith
: -The Rosary" Nerln
Marjory Walling
, Song. "Would God I Were a Ten
- der Apple Blossom" and "When
: Lore is Kind" '
. Mrs. Fisher accompanied by
.. Mr. Fisher
Piano solo, "Fantasia-. Op. 17
Maestoso . .-. ... . . ; Schumann
-'s-- Irma Keefer "
Spirituals, "ET'ry Time I Feel De
Spirit' . . . . Burleigh
" "Peter Go Ring Dem Bells'
i ;i. ...... . Burleigh
Mrs. Maxwell -
Piano solos, "Mystic Procession"
1 . OUI
' " ' '-Sareaada I An hade Mexlcslna) : .
,ej" ' e e tfOPTl0y
: " v Irma Keefer
( ; Soag,. 5Perf ect Day ..... -Bond
i -v-r-: Mrs. Fisner. : , '
r ,.. ,.-,14' . r-
: Prof. A. L, Peck of the Oregon
State college will speak to mem.
bera of the Garden club "Monday
e-reaiac at the commercial club
roems on the subject of "Small
Gardens. Prof.' Peek la head of
the- department of landscape gar
dening in the state college.
' y '
lOLrns ItTDoAK,
r-1" Tepntatien .-for distinetioa Jn
Locjen. LlbBx )nchoosing her
: It fccfihedo aelect what'ahe lores, hot. In. the art of dressing Ioto x
Mer type. - Only few. can wear., the bouffant .type jlroclc with the -
stralght-around waist and' hemline. More personal and beautiful..!
the robe de style - whh irregularity at these two Important points of
the silhotieUe.- AboTe alt" a dance" dress should be so 'designed as
Ho beAeatjtlfuliij inotloni ; --':rJ . .
:v-,.Frtday: j. ,
"Roeamunde" .will ; be pre
sented by ; adranced " chorus
and orchestra at Sv H.: S. -
West Side Ladies - Aid so
. ciety Jason Lee M. EL church
with' Mrs R. Erlckson. 1515
North Liberty. - J ' r V "
Nebraeka clnb p o 1 1 n c k
sapper. '' ' . . ;f
Salem Heights ' Woman's
club 2 oclock. ' -
Chmeketa 'chapter. D. A.
R4 with- MrsTE. M. Hoffnell, I
1449 Couc street. -
Auxiliary to Sons of Veter-'
ans, sewing club, Mrs. Louis
King, a CapltoL .' .
Enrlewood Community club
Mrs. Earl Gilbert, 1320 Mar-
ket street. 2 :J0 o'clock.
Brush college "- grange,
Brush , Collegewbool .house.
6: 20; dinner, program.
Informal, tea, Lausanne
Hall, A. A. TJ. W. Faculty
W'omen, and Trustees wives
lurked to meet Dean Adams.
Hal Hibbard , auxiliary, af
ternoon .meeting, armory.'
r ; Thimble Club No. 4, Neigh
bors of Woodcraft, 2:30.
Fraternal Temple, for instal
lation of officers.
Benefit bridge. Elks club
Silver tea for hospital fund
dining room of Elk's club.
Regular Elks' dance in
Temple ballroom.
Woman's Relief Corps, Mil
ler's hall, 2 o'clock.
W; C. T. U. cooked food
sale, 10 o'clock Bishop build
ing, opposite Stiff Furniture
store. - .
Fortnightly Club is
Birthday Party Host
The Fortnightly club of the
First Congregational church gave
a farewell and birthday party
honoring Gilbert Happe who will
leave March 4 for San Diego
where he will become a member
of the American navy. ,
AH the guests were dressed as
children and the results were
highly satisfactory for the enjoy
ment of the evening. .Refresh
ments were served late la the eve
ning. A large birthday cake with
candles was the piece de resist
ance for this part of the evening.
. Those present .were the- honor
guest, Gilbert Happe, the Rev. and
and Mrs. ' Charles Ward, Mrs.
Mark McCaUlster. Mary - Lalond,
Irma Babcock, Doris "McCaUlster,
Verna Mapee, Marlon Slewert,
Doris Van Pelt, Bernice Nelson,
Aadrey AJIea, Beryl Newton, Al
len. Tweed, Marjoiie Tweed,. Mar
Jorie Drorbaugh and . Bill ' Me
Clary, Floyd Albln, Harry Skelton.
Edgar Tweed, Earl Potter and
Lortng Grler.
Stopped in a Day!
Don't let a cold hang on to make yoa
miserable and to invite grippe) or flu.
Stflp it in a day by taking the tdiinf
that is specifically for a coU--HIXX'S
cold in twenty4onr hours because It
does the four things reqniredi
L Ecaks up tLs Cell ' -2.
Chcda th Ferer
3L OpcCT the Bovfeb . ' :
4, Tond tte Sjstczi 1
Only HILL'S gYres yon this fonr
in-one effect. That's why HILL'S
la the stand-by of millions. Play
safe, At the first afgn of cold
go get package of HILL'S
Society Editor
clethet begias' with youth, declares V"
frock -ior the prom dancethe girl
Royal 'Neighbors Have
Social Afternoon "
Mrs.' Mary Ackerman entertain
ed the -Royal Neighbors sewing
club at her home on West Meyers
street Tuesday afternoon.
-Mrs. Sarah Peterson, Mrs. Lila
Van Orsdal, Mrs. Mildred Fulton,
and Mrs. Josephine Quamme as
sisted ' Mrs,'-Ackerman at the tea
hour. vv -, '
The Salem - Heights' - Woman's
elub will meet-this -afternoon at
o'clock at the clubhouse. Mrs.
Alice Dodd-will speak on "Art in
the Home" which forms the topic
tor discussion for the afternoon.
Mrs. Haxel Van Eaton is .the
leader for the afternoon. HoaU
esses are Mrs. Nellie Baldwin. Mrs.
Falk and Mrs. Alice Edmundsbn.
Schubert's Pastoral Operetta in Two Acts.
S. H. S. Auditorium, Friday, March 1
Reserred Seats 50c; General Admission 35c
That's why it pays to pay cash at Irish's. We have the
lowest operatinfieosts of any chain in this part of the
country and we pass this saving on to you.
Look We will sell strictly fresh medium hn
size yggs Saturday for doz. LtOC
Or 2 dozen for 45c. Get your eggs now
Otter Shrimp
2 cans ...j
Irish' Economy
Coffee, 3 lbs
Mrs. Stewart's
Bluing, bottle :
Cane, and Maple Syrup in 5
Pkg. Aunt Jamma Hot Cake
Tan Caaap'f Hominy OfJ
9 cans . . ... . .. itUC
Peter Pan
in tbo cap
Coffee, Quality
4Sc US 8 lbs.
TOaiainette String ' OK
Beaaa,9caas ...... nWC
Coast Tana. ;
... x v. ..v-j .
TTax Panes? -8
rolls ......
Irish Sings
L Be Presented
tonight f
"Rosam undo,, a pastoral- oper
etta in two acts, music by Trans
Schabert. which is to be present-
fed in the high school auditorium
tonight -at :1 o'clock, promises
to, be; one Of the outstanding .mu
sical attractions presented, in Sa
lem. for some time. X chorus. Of
40 youthful Voices, supported by
a splendidly trained young orches
tra will be in Itself a thrill to see
and hear. "Add to that the beauty
of Schubert's lovely "Rosamunde"
and. lha program Is complete;
"vTho following Seast will present
hi: Frederick. Prtnee of Candlai
Homer Smith; -Fulgentiua, King
of . Cyprus, Kenneth: Abbottv A1-
baam, . Lord of Cyprua, Rlchasd
Smith; Benedicts Lord of Cyprus,
Frits Ammann: Leonardo, Lord of
Cyprus, . joe King:". Philemon,
shepherd. William MosherY Phil
ander. snepbenif: Gwln Bar ham f.
Rosamnnde. ,.' ahepaerdess, : Joan
Evans; - He r m i a- a, vFulgentius
daughter; H"opev Raymond t AJa,
foster-mother 1 of Ilpeamuade, Lu
cira Downing: f Biacis, 'shepherd
ess, Elisabeth jClement;. guards for
FUlgepjtlus. Harry . stettua and
WittfainfDePejriif Vt.. -v
Members-6f the .shepherd "and
don Ben. MAr1orleBrantr Mar-
ths; Xlhtse.GladyS .Edgar, Anthel
EUstrohv Jeaete Fukuda, Francis
Gamble DorialOardaer Mildred
Gardner, ;Lucile Hixsod, : Jt.tb:
Howey Gwendolyn Hubbard, - Roja
ert icFarland, Mary Mprlen Jean
Peterson,. Helen' Ralph,. Frances
Reid. - Bernice Rickman, Sylvia
Sawyer, Clara Scbermacber, Gert
rude , Thornton, Roberta Varley,
Glenn Wilbur, Eleanor Wright.
Ballet: Elisabeth Waters, Phyl
lis . Day,; Grace Day. Virginia
Bright. Isobel George, ' Fae Drls
coll. ,WiIda Fleener. . .-
iTompter, Lois w UKes; ac
companist, Doris Ross. ,
Girl Reserve Groups
Are Making Plans
y City Girl Reserves are becoming
uuereiea in -me ouiaoors wun
Kthe first fleeting' glimpse of springW
days. . .
The Girl .Reserves of the Gar.
field 6th grade held a meeting at
t'e Y. M. C. A.. social rooms Thurs
day afternoon la which plans were
aid for a picnic to be enjoyed In
the Bush Pasture park. They also
made further plans-for summer
activties, Miss Wbise, the director,'
and some 20 girls entered into
these plans.
During the same time the Leslie
Girl Reserves were meeting at the
Leslie school. Previous - to toe
meeting, questions had been writ-J
Pink Salmon,
tall Jean ........
Upton's Tea .
1 lb. pkg. . ...
KeDogg's All;
Bran, large pkg.
COiiradelirs ;
Chocolate, lb. tins
lb. tins ;
Flour 8c with syrup
Bacon Bar for
pedal 10c lb.
KOI Ran, 80a. ..... .81.40
Esx Producer, 100s. . 2.78
Lay lloro Egg aush
100a C.63
Daisy Batloa, 100s... 2.44
CXbrnax Daisy, 80s. . .. 1.7P
.Chick Scratch .... ... fX85
THsconsia Maah, 100s 4.00
Use Hodgea Brewster Chick:
Feeds aad yonH atwaysTget'
results. ? . J. :
Gash Store
ten' out by the girl, and handed
to Miss Bertha Magneas. who was
to speak to them on the subject of
China,- At the meeting Mies- Msg
nass, who has spent 'several years
la the public achoola-of China, an.
swered these questions and dis
enssed the letter characters of
Chlnesecwriting..;; t r-'":
Miss Olaon, leader of the Par
rlsh junior high school reserve,
ipoke In-the place of Miaa Badley.
the Leslie leader, concerning the
significance of the Girl Reserve
ring and how to win one.
Plans were . laid for the hikh
which had been scheduled to take
place March 2, but which win ntw
take place March 9 at which time
the leader. Miss- WhiU. and- the
Girl s Reserve, of Parrlah: will, ao.
company Ul Leslie group
MrsL: Derma Cbtfey became the
fbride -of Norman ' Whittag at -the
same trf her parauU Mr., and Mrs,
M Ht Ylesko, Sot Liberty street
Thursday night. The wedding was
simple with, only soma 4 0 close
relatives and friends' presebt to
bIitim.. tha iBinraaafre. eeremonv J
read bt the Rr. D.rJ.-Howe, or
the First Christian church of Sa
lem. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Viesko
attended the bride and" groom.
Tho'ceremonywaapeTformed be
fore a dlsUnctlrely loreiy oower,
of palms and acacia, : -
-Following the ceremony a to-
ception" was given for Mr. ana
Mrs. Whiting. MrtEdwitt, Viesko,
Mrs. J. S.- Porer; and'Mra.XArthur
Jepsen aaalstedl JL.lfvViosko
during the" reef ptton, .
-WMrv dnCiMr tiyhUing will be
at home, after JUrch t At the For
est rtJttents:J Portlahd," .Mr.
Wbitfasrv ts, bttneeted wtthy tho
flrmf Cook ihdiLybris
Mml Sarah' Eatoa v ThuSsdar af--
ternoon. A veryt-dellghtf uQy social
time was apent. with- refreshments
served at--a : late hour. at. which
time Mrs.1 Eaton, was assslted by
Mrs. Mary -Prica and Mrs. lows
Loveland.; .. 'r '' ., "
Ouests for the 'afternoon were
Mrs.- Louis Loveland. -Mre. Myrtle
Nation, Mrs. Louis King, Mrs.
Gertrude. London, Miss Katherlne
London. Mrs; Minnie Grimm, Mrs.
Hohanne Woodward, and Mrs.
Mary Price. The next meeting will'
De wun Mrs. wooawara ai ner
home on Falrmount avenue. . '.-'
.. - i - .'
.Mrs. G.'E. Andrew of Salem and
WJ F. .Crandall, local bridge con:
tractor were married recently, ac
cording to an announcement ust
made public, and will be at home
to their friends at 1509 North
Fifth street after March -4, News
of their marriage comes as a com
nlAt itnrnrtae to
their friends
i?rbi WMm Qtfc' otih yfwv
SpWtualUC'rcTiwast 'fuiWt :.of
Sweet, Briar;; Club
L- :r
- :
' One of the most Interesting elub
meetings of the week was that of
the. Sweet Briar club when It met
with Mrs. Karl Kugel as hostess
at her. lovely country homo on
Wallace road: Wednesday rafter
noon.-?,. .'t .:v-"'."
It'was guest day with, the dob.
Some forty women elub members
and meats, gathered to enjoy the
afternoon's program In which Mrs.
Noble and William McGUchrlst.
Sr., divided honors. Each have had
much foreign, travel' and 'made
that the topio of tbeir remarks.
Tea" was served at' a late hour.
The tea room wag rery- effective
lift deep purple hot house plants
and rreenenr with green candied
to carry out the -final note of col0rx
.mm. ' . e.a m - mSf
nrs. aioee -s.aams vssisiea sw
Kagel atfC Mrs.M.' q Petteys
. All members of the, club - were
present anl each brought a- gueaU,
mC:mX). Instituted
Is Successful ; " ?
The W. Cv JP- U. county insUtnte
lY- . , !
We show them, in
These three stocking shades are fav
ored by fashion above all others
. Midi, Allure, Matchwood. . .
Midi is a vibrant beige, with glints of
Mauve. Allure a springtime sunburn
shade. Matchwood a sophisticated,
elusive evening shade.
" i '
These are the shades that" well dressed
women will wear! all during1 the sprmg
and summer. ; And you can buy them
now, wear them now, while they are ;
newest and smartest ! - '
Reasonably priced at
$2.00 the pair
Box of 3 pair $5.S0
m ... .
Ithis week, VlsUoro were P'fttt
from Woodhurn, lurnw
nearby unions. The devptlons were
led by Mrs. NeUIe Gunning .cojn
ty evangelistic director, Mrs.--Ada
jolty, suu WiC TvU. preeiA
talked on organisation wof-J?.
The county" executlre commit
tee went into session for buJs
traroacUon. They reported that
th conntr W. C. T. TJ. convention
will be held in Woodburn on April
24 for an importint meeting.-Committees
for the, day .were appoint
ed. Chairmen for each are. mem
bership, Mrs. O.'A.vCondlt; cour
tesies. Mra. Mary. Charlton rpubll
catlon. Mrs. J. J. Ifunn ; publicity.
The 'state president Ada
oily. wiU bo the Speaker; of the
iy Mrs. ? Sarah XUi rerr county
president, will hare ebarge.
tviun 4h execUve jneeting
Mrs Mary Charlton gare?Vbhor4t,
talk during which she hTylcom,
- h Pleasant View anion
for the excellent worm
and Mrs. Helen Prescatt taJk.ed ls
m rr able manner on
cotiC oitnatlonTbo forenoon 4Pro-1
gram rwseloMffwitta
dinner ervedt 11 pek..-.
Outstaadinc sraiBw,a
-nmrram wu. a . second
talk by Mrs. Jolly and m ,r
lecture by T, AIUKet ww
the tato traffic departnjatiMrfc
Charles Maxwell aabg The Voice
useiectic.or-iYicxiari. oun-
d6pffori9prmg .includes . St
featuring tJie aWorrunal inner
signed 'rmbl 'gpLye thalarge
woman tHe fastiioriable silhou
165 N. Liberty St.
! -
CharleseBsenden. ' As an encore
Mrs. Maxwell sang "Parry j; Me
Back to Old Virginia., -
It was announced at this-time
by Mrs. Reed that a cooked food
sale t. will -be . sponsored ' in the
Bishop bildlng beginning at 10
o'clock SatuTday. -
I Mrs. Carolyn Robinson and Mrs.
Mlgnon Lambkin of San Fernna.
do, Calif., will arrive in Salem
today'' to be jthe gnests of their
parenU. Mr. andXMrs. J. Oliver.
They motored to Salem to be here
for the golden wedding of their
parents .which will- be celebrated
with "open, house" at the Oliver
home between the hours or 2 and
5 o'clock is .the -' afternoon and
front' 7 to""li o'clock in the eve.
nlng,;,,M'on;7Marcb'-4iy; - .
meetwgsWill Be
duarterly. meeting services, wifl
begtnat the Free Methodist church
this) Friday, night ' and wui con.
tinuo through. Sunday. W. N. Cof
fae, pastor, reports. US. I. Harring
ton, district elder of the church.
wiU.-have'Oarge-of, the services,
which are open to the public. The
hurch Is located at the corner of
Market and North Winter streets.
Special attention given
r to fittings'
- 'M
523 Ccsrierdi)
Gcttlis REDBOXAUDrastfcia