37- 10 The New Oregon Statesman, Salem, Oregon Friday Morning. March 1, 1929 Linn High .Mfusss Enter . . ., i to ?I VkKi. 11 It ' ' ' ' ' rr r !-'' ' . x.. . . OREGON CITY, c Will Play Deciding Game But Cannot Agree on Place to Hold It OREGON CITY. Feb. 28 (Spe - etal) After West Linn high chool. logical basketball cham pion of Clackamas county, had de clined to have anything to do with the proposed district tournament to select the entry of district 7 in the state hoop tourney at Salem, rtrprnn C!tv and Molalla hlsh schools derided to hold a playoff . . ma- At , fame to determine wnicn 01 me 1 two should aspire to the honor. After this was agreed upon. - Oregon City and Molalla aisputea I nbout the place for holding the : pame; eacn rerusea id piy ; the other's floor, and they would i nnf m.Mt UVf r.lnn' terms on : the proposition of holding it at t West Ltnn. So far this problem ; lias not been ironea out. in tr. fniime of the meeting 'Superintendent Kirk of Oregon ; City. a. member, of the district I board, said that "everytnlng pos sible shbnld be done to keep Sa lem high out of the state tourna- jment.", j The West Linn athletle author! ties refused to enter into any sucn scheme, contending that Sa lem -was entitled to the honor. West Linn has defeated Oregon City' and Molalla; West Linn on the other hand lost one game to Woodburn high; Woodburn lost one game to Silverton, and Silver ton was beaten by Parrish Junior high of Salem. SlUGFEST SUITED HI SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. it. AP) Dynamite, in the form of left and right hand punches, will be traded here tomorrow night be tween a couple of good traders Eddie Roberts of Tacoma and Pete Meyers of San Francisco. Roberts is a slugger of the first ranks, while Meyers has nothing to be ashamed of in the same line. The pair will meet in ten rounds er less at a weight of 156 pounds. Meyers, who has recently left the welterweight class for the mid dleweight division, .showed that he is a comer by knocking out Sammy Baker a few weeks ago. Taking off weight to make the welter limit has been his trouble "and his handlers are certain he will perform better in the heavier listing. LA GRANDE. Feb. 28. (AP) Eight basketball teams started play at Union today or the dte tsict championship of Union, Wal lowa. Grant, Baker, Malheur and Harney counties. The winner will enter the Sa lem tournament in March. The double elimination schedule calls for fourteen, and possibly fifteen iranies. La Grande, Wallowa, Enter prise. Mt. Vernon, Baker, Union, Haines and Ontario high schools are entered. Big Sister A HEAVY RAISED Tf WATER OF THE RIVER AND "THE HOUSEBOAT CARGO OF HUMAN) FREIGHT tLA5W5H0kj AWAY UPON ITS T0 . i-t Goofey Movies GOO P EV AOVl ES SXZ7.MS -rue final EPisoOe. AT FRISCO TONIGHT DISTRICT CHAMPS' . HUE BEING HO m m VOL p 1mB- ITS A QOLO WALCSUX TTH-r BOT WS HAWEWT WHY f AM ' TH &2BS A. VOT 1 AAOCB rPni ( TMC TO OlG THBM Tj U&rlJ j JAP DEFEATS m y. '---: 4 &7" ,,V- 4 , 2 ' ' ' v ' ; - - .s - l Klnrey Matsuyama, Japanese i cue ace, whose spectacular play la the workj'a 18 billiard championship tourney at New York haa brought him victory, over several M&tanyam is the smallest man by standing; but four feet 11 Inches Plans Complete for Junior,. Class Play; "Robin Hood? Monmouth Saturday Night MONMOUTH. Feb. 28. The Junior class play, Robin Hood, will be presented fn the Monmouth normal auditorium Saturday eve ning. Marcn z. Some new stage lighting has been secured and many other details have been worked out to assure the success of the production. The rnnt mM tor the entire cast are unusually Dautirul and effective, and Robin will wear the original costume worn by Douglas Fairbanks when the story was filmed.' , The plot of the story, as it is presented by Owen Davis, modern playright: sir Richard of the Lea nledres his nersonal bond nA hi daughter Lady Marian as hostage to the High Sheriff of Nottinr- ham in order that he might go over seas In quest of King Rich ard the Lionheart. After his de parture, his wicked net) hew. Rnv of Glsbourne and scheming Lady Jane Marian s aunt, plot to secure all of Sir Richard's lands and marry the beautiful Ladv Marian Lto Guy. The sheriff, a vain and cuwuruiy man, conspires witn them. Bold Attempt Falls Fearina- treachery. Ladv Marian flees fn Franpo In An ittant in j intercept her father, before he sans, sue is caught by the sher iff's men, but is saved by Robfn Hood the bold putlaw'of Sherwood Forest, who promises Lady Mar Ian his aid and protection.: She returns to Nottingham for eix months, at her father's bidding. When the scheming annt and sheriff plan to wed her to Guy, Marian signals to Robin by tying her handkerchief to a window casement. Robin comes at her bidding and carries her away to Sherwood while the wedding guests await the ceremony. The sheriff's men slay the out laws mercilessly over a siege of two months. Marian Is captured, ?y M HE TWO CA ICES' OF CE CARRYlfOG KATE AMD gfeUT COCOWTWE ClVEfV GULF STPEAM 1 AND MEUTEO..- CnrW, MM. ky iil T BEtrH AND DONMIE ARE ) ON "faAf HOOSEBOKf ALL I RIGHT; AND K5 OOR JOB 1 TO PlND'EM. USE'LLNEEP I as? ba-T JS? WORLD STARS V '" .'- t I ' 3f of the world's best billiard artists. far In the first rank of rue stars, and weighing only 92 pounds. and Robin fights with Guy. Word is spread that Robin is slain. As me disneartened outlaws are sur rendering, Guy enters. Marian is forced, unwillingly, to go to him. He removes his helmet and to the amazement of all he is Robin Hood! MONMOUTH. Feb. 28. The Wolves basketball team returned from their weekend encounter with Ashland Normal at Ashland Thursday and Friday nights, with one victory and the first defeat they have sustained all season. The Thursday night game was won by a score of 36 to 33. Splen did team work and foul shooting characterized this ' battle. Speed and close checking resulted in a rather high number of fouls. Schrunk showed special ability in close, shots. In the second game the Wolves lost with a score of 40to 29. The first half ended with the Wolves in the lead 23 to 20 and they were one point ahead "seven minutes be fore the close of the game. Dur ing this time the Ashland boys got in a succession of long shots plac ing the score in their favor. The Wolves have played 13 games this season and have lost only the one at Ashland. This makes them Valley conference champions. Twenty-one telegrams were re ceived by the team from students, faculty, townspeople and organiza tions of Monmouth and Coach Wolfe expressed his appreciation of the backing given them. MARTIN! SHE RlOe-i THE WATER OVCK AND YOOR5 TO OSE FOGL THE A3K1K3 NORMAL LOSES ONE 01E TO on -rrr uuckv foc or we stCock I am v know the season fob hum-tikjs ? aqe vovj morx YAjot at Auu 1 . (THAT UJAfiAJl STREAM oO tME WOOtO I GOUO dOAUQUS" TEETH OXJSES TOMCiPRCXW, . I SECT' iJ I lJHAT IS THAT HAVE MBV6P.yeOTTBN Out OPj VSO tJv" SCTT TO GET BWSY V- ' . Av?" TX FEUU OVW " TH ICC AUVF OSSS-YveZTT V., AT: ' r---t -aT? 'J COMT BE SlLl KATIE. .CVOO KKJOU3 WHAT .THIIOKIMS OR AN MOOQ UATEC wo PIWO THEM Beaver Holdout - Practices With Rest of Squad During Training , ANAHEIM, Cal., Feb. 28. (AP) "Cowboy", Ed Tomlin pitcher, the Portland club's lone holdout, rode in)o the Beavers' spring training camp today, had a long talk with the bosses, did not sign a 1929 contract', but worked out. President Tom Turner of the club said that Tomlln had aBked for an increase in salary, and was told there was "nothing doing." Turner said that the terms offered Tomlin were the highest the club would go. and that if the pitcher refused to sign, "why, all right." Tomlin, after the conference with Turner, donned a monkey suit and worked out with the re mainder of the Beavers. His ar rival left bnt one player absent, Max HlU'o, inflelder obtained from the Pittsburgh Nationals has sign ed his contract, but his where abouts are a mystery to club offi cials. Word was received about a week ago from Hillis in Cam bridge, Mass., that he was en route fo the coast. No word since has been received. Roy Rake, young left bander from Portland, Ore., received re lease today. T Fresno college, which won the basketball championship In the western conference, will not oe able to schedule a series of games with Willamette-university, North west, conference champion, ac cording to word received by Coach .in ,, -r -a TrnUw.M. Da. spec n.eene 01 niiuuuciKgiuoi season games are not permitted at the California institution. Earlv this week a nroposal had been made that the championship of the smaller colleges on the coast be decided by a series of games between Willamette and Fresno college. Barbuti is Fired By Race Moguls NEW YORK. Feb. 28. (AP) Ray Barbuti, Olympic 400-metre champion, was suspended in definitely today by the registra tion committee of the Metropoli tan association of the Amateur Athletic union. The action was taken as a result of published statements, credited to Barbuti, criticising the A. A. U. and its policies. Malone to Fight . Heeney Tonight BOSTON, Feb. 28. (AP) Installed as a 10 to 8 favorite in the betting Jimmy Malone, Boston heavyweight today ended his training for what he considers the most important bout of his erratic career, the ten round clash with Tom Heeney of New Zealand to morrow night in the Boston garden. If El WILL NOT PLAY BEAHCATS WrsRN&V, I EXPECT THYU- f2i .s ii, of too, jed. A ee pRtr-rVsDT& f X Xn MOtO aODCV 1 SEE 60ME REALCOO fgg tSOOO BYE. ..Vfc , si-rrr v . y an l8ET.;..X JUST PUT. fly INTElOE-S'.T'Me- 7 WTTuB $Qyo HOTi.WWtfr i CVAKT WGCeEMW JAlUf VOHAT X (M-JsTT TO I CO VPO t?1 SAyj-f-V - t-AMO j jmirmas kzrzi'j ljc s j John Conway Toole Veteran Ball Headf Dies at -Age of 59 NEW YORK, Feb. (AP) John Conway Toole, for nearly 20 years a lead ing figure In the legal side of baseball and for the past eight years president of the International 'league, "died today of Inflnensa after an Illness of only ten days. He was 5 years old. His widow survives. V 2 The Salem Sanitary Dairy bowl ilng team broke two Business Men's league records Thursday night, setting a mark of 835 for team game and 2337 for team series. The Sanitary daily bdwl ers won two out of three games from Montgomery Ward. Roth's Grocery won - two out of three from Stiff Furniture. Scores were: Stiff Furniture Anderson 130 108 12? 105 Morrii 187 184 148 444 Busirk 163 . 186 120 419 Dnmler 184 135 137 406 Dorid 146 179 185 809 ToUb -709 722 712 2143 Both Grocery ' C. Roth Ill 185 146 392 Suins 132 112 128 872 E. Hemenwsy .... 159 157 130 452 LottU 164 101 155 480 E. Roth .' 146 J31 161 438 Total 712 636 726 074 Montgomery Ward Hendershot 169 188 144 491 8chi 117 158 136 411 Johnston 161 190 143 494 Starr 148 126 135 409 Donaldson 141 164 130 485 Totals 726 826 688 2240 Sanitary Dairy Ostrim .. ...174 184 148 506 Davidsoa .. Curt is Martin Mananj' Totals ...157 ....161 174 ....179 146 1S2 485 150 430 141 488 154 477 129 168 144 :835 771 781 2887 Helen Wills to Invade Europe For Net Games SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 28. (AP) Helen Wills, champion, and Edith Cross, third in the na tional ranking of women tennis players, have accepted invitations from the U. S. Lawn Tennis asso ciation to play team matches In Berlin and France. They will also play in the French championship In May and the Wembleden all English championships on June 24. 3 Season's Initial - Casualty Occurs MOHTEREY, Cal., Feb. 28. (AP) The first serious casualty of the training season occurred today in fielding practice when outfielders Ernie Kelly and Alvln McCoy collided. Kelly was badly spiked, five stitches being taken, and the club doctor said he would be on crutches for a week. ELECTRIC SIGN CHANGED HUBBARD, Feb. 29. (Special) The Hubbard electric sign has been moved from its former posi tion near Garland's barbeque and placed above the Hubbard Mineral 'Springs sign and new lights put in. IT BOWLERS BREAK ooPooSo Stribiing to Get $63,549.31 For His Part in Fistic Encounter By EDWARD J. XEIlV Associated Pres Sport Writer MIAMI BEACH. F!a.. I Feb. 28. (AP) The fistic cavalcade is moving northward again after its successful splurge in the j southern ; sunshine, with spoils beyond the fondest expectations for all the principals involved. Of Wie total gate receipts of $405,940 garnered from Jack Sharkey's conquest of Young Strib iing in the pine octagon in Fla mingo park, the Madison Square Garden corporation had a net profit of about $50,000. The Bos ton tar carried away a check , for $100,000. Jack Den.psey, the pro moter, was approximately $25,000 richer and the loser, Stribiing, had $63,549.31 worth of balm for his minor hurts. It was the Georgian's biggest purse. Even the American Legion post here netted $9,000 for its part in making the battle a success. HOSTESS FOR GIRL SILVERTON, Feb. 28. One of the most charming dinner parties of the season was an event of Sat urday night, when Mrs. E. A. Booth entertained at the home on East Main street, in honor of her daughter, Kathleen, on her 21st birthday. The affair was in the form of a radio party, in which the honor guest was doubly honored by hav ing a song "To a Wild Rose" dedicated to her over radio sta tion KOIN, from the Heathman hotel. Covers were laid for eight at a beautifully appointed table and included Miss Dorothy Thomsen of Monmouth, Miss Simms of Sa lem, Miss Ruth Nixon and the honor guest; William Dunn, Jerry Gunther, Dr. McKain and F. Booth. Several hourB of bridge followed the 6:30 o'clock dinner. Miss Booth is teaching in Lentz school near Portland and was at home from Friday until Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Don Watrous of Forest Grove spent Tuesday in Silverton in interests of the Wat rous Shoe Company of which C. W. Thompson is now manager. Mr. and Mrs. Edson Comstock of Waldo1 Hills district had as their dinner guests recently, Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester and daughters, Shirley and Miriam. Brooks Students Put oil Program BROOKS, Feb. 28. Special) Brooke public school grade stu dents Joined for a Lincoln-Washington program at the Brooks, school house Friday morning. The program was directed by Principal Wayne Harding and the assistant teachers. Misses Letta Wallace and Doris Wood. Mr. and Mrs. John Dunlavy en tertained at dinner Saturday eve ning. Covers were placed for Miss Letta Wallace, Mrs. C. D. Naylor, Miss Marie Dunlavy, John pun. lavy Jr. and Mrs. S. Calnan and the hosts. By Les Forgrave Mr By Neher Mi MOTHER - Hunters Out To Kill Wild Police Dogs LA GRANDE. Feb. 8. (AP) A report was received here to day that a band of wild . police dogs had been partly broken up after harrasslng a herd of deer near Ladd canyon on the edge of the Blue mountains, a tew miles from La Grande. Hunters have killed three of the dogs. The ani mals are said to use the same me thods as coyotes in hunting, and to have killed two deer recently. One dog is said to have been killed hy a cornered deer. -. The band of ten dogs is believed to have started from a litter of puppies someone turned loose last year. S!x of -them are still at large and a party of hunters is after them. 30 HK JO TO SALEM MEETR SILVERfON, Feb! 28. (Spe cial) About thirty members of Triphena Rebekah rlodge of Sil verton. attended the regular lodge meeting and initiation in Salem. Monday night, at which time, Lou isa Pirozza, president of the Re bekah assembly of Oregon, paid her annual official visit to Salem lodge. Miss Minnie Masher, who has been substituting in the Farm Home school near Corvallls since the beginning of the term semes ter, has returned to Silverton and is the guest of Miss Ina Harold. Miss Dorothy Thomsen, who is a studant at Oregon State Normal school spent the week-end in Sil verton at the home of her father, and on Saturday night, attended the birthday party of Miss Kath leen Booth. Mrs. Ed Adame has been 111 at her home on Adams avenue, since last Thursday. Later reports state that she is Improving. The Ladies guild of the Meth odist church has laid plans for a luncheon at the church parlors on Friday at 1:30. It will be a cover ed dish luncheon and the public is invited. Monmouth P. T. To Hold Meeting On Next Tuesday MONMOUTH, Feb. 28. The Monmouth Parent Teacher asso ciation will hold the regular monthly meeting next Tuesday evening, March 6 in the training school auditorium at 7:30. The program which is arranged around a civic theme will include several Interesting numbers. Ray W. Gill of Portland, is to be the princi pal -apeaker, and Mrs. J. S. Lan ders, president of the civic club, will preface his talk with some introductory remarks. Another in teresting event will be theannual celebration of the original foun- ers' day of the P. T. A. in which past presidents of the local asso ciation will assist. The Independence P. T. A. is Invited to attend this meeting and all other friends of the associa tion are welcome. Complete minor details of the program have not been worked out, but an enjoy able" evenhig in planned by th various committees. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO IM PROVE THE ALLEY IN EDES ADDITION FROM THE EAST LINE OF FOURTEENTH STREET TO THE WEST LINE OF FIFTEENTH STREET IK EXTENDED. NotiCe is hereby given that the Common Couifcil of the City of Salem, Oregon, deems it necessary and expedient and hereby declares its purpose and intention to im prove the ALLEY IN EDES AD DITION, from the east line ol Fourteenth Street to the west. Hn of Fifteenth Street if extended at the expense of the abutting an adjacent property, except th' street and alley intersections, ih expense of which will be assume! by the City of Salem, Oregon, by bringing said portion of said alley to the established grade, and pav ing said portion of said alley with a' six-inch Portland cement con crete pavement,' fifteen feet in width, ; in accordance with the plans and 'specifications therefor which were adopted by the Com mon Council, on February 18, 1929, now on file in the office of the City Recorder, and which are hereby referred, to and : made a part hereof. The Common Council herefcy declares its purpose and intention to make the above described Im provement., by and through the Street Improvement, Department of t,he City of Salem.. Oregon. By order of the Common Coun cil February 18.. 1929. M. POULSEN, City Recorder." Date of first-publication" Febru-i ary 221919. . ' Data of final publication March! f. 1929." ; Dally to M- NOTICK OF INTENTION TO IM j. PROVE THE WEST ALLEY IN ; BLOCK 4 OF OAKS ADDITION .FROM -"JS4 STREET . TO ' BEL. , MOST, STREET.. . -. ': r ,' Notice It hereby riven that ths Commoa Council of. the. City of Baiem, Oregon, deems it neces sary land axsedlent - and ' herhv declares its purpose and Intention to improve the WEST ALLEY TJ? BLOCK 4 OF OAKS "ADDITION from ? "E- -r 8treet ' toT Belmont Street, at the expense of the abut Unf and adjacent property, except the street: and alley Intersection. me, expense Ol Which Will be aa. snmed by the City of Salem, rifa. con, by brinrint Mid portion, of aald alley to the established rade and paving said portion ct iaJd wit - ment concrete pavement the Jon , width of the alley, to-wft: V, Ten . feet. In accordance with the plans : and specifications -therefor which ., were adopted by the Common v Council on February 18, 129. now on fi!e in. the office oT the i City Recorder and which are nere- . by referred to and made a pai t hereof." 1 " . The Common Council hereby de- clares its purpose and intention to , maka thn ahnve described lm-im ii .it. aiT.nin poniiuu iv- provement by and through the , Street improvement weyariiuw of the City of Salem, Oregon, v By order of the Common Coun cil February 18, 1929. M. POULSEN. City Recorder, Date of first publication Febru- ary 22, 1929. Date of final publlc.ition Marcn 6. 1929. Daily to M- NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT .' NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVBJN, that the undersigned. Executor of ihe Estate e-f Edith E. Jenas, az j ceased, has filed his Final Ac count with the County .Court of Marlon countv. and by aa Order bearing date February 13th, 1929. the said County Court has nxea the time for hearing said Final ; Account for March lGth. 1929. at the hour of ten (10:00) o'clock a. m. In the' County Court rooms in Salem, Marion County. Oregon." All persons having ohjections in tiniA Account are reauired to - appear and present- them .on or .: before said date. WALTER T, JENKS, Executor of the Estate of Edith E. Jenks. Deceased. William H. . Trindle, 314 U. S. National Bank. Salem. Oregon, ' Attornev for Executor. Date of First Publication, Febru- arv 14. 1929. Date of Last Publication March 14,itf29. F-14-21-U-M-7-14 'TICK OF ArvniTVi:VT OV ADMINISTRATRIX Notice is -ereby given that th ndersigued b8 D'n duT aIh minted by the County Ccurt ol i:e State of Oregon for the Cou v t viarion Administratrix of K.itii f HNirr A. Keene, D4 eased, and that she has dolyj vualifled as euch AdaalalstratHa;! U persons having claims agalnstj a iii r.t hM dvceJent aral htby notified to pressnt fha ame. duly verified. o me, at ina yfrics ot Ronald C Glover, my Attorney, 208- Oregon Building. Satsm, Marion County, Oregon, within six months from the data cf this notice. Dated at 6alem. Oregon, thlft lath day of February. 1929. E VALINE B. XBBNB. Administratrix of the Estate ot Henry A. Keeae, tieceasea. RONALD C. GLOVER. m Attorney for Administratrix.! Salem. Oregon. 1 F11-22-M1-8-151 New First KalionaJ Bajik Building Directory - BASEMEJfT De Luxe Stilntns Parlr Experts for Ldiea and Gntleme TURKISH BATHS, MASS AO Office Telephone 2214 Residence Telephone ill FOURTH FLOOR Dr. O'Neill A Burdetle. vptetnetrlMs Phone 25 4Ul-4O2-403-404-40i EiUHTK FLOOR Dr. C. Ward Davis General Denttstrr Tel. tl( 'Evenlns by appointment Room SOI TENTH FLOOR Dr. W. A. JoUn. eon. Dentist feiophon 12S6 . lOol REAL ESTATE DIRECTORY i iNDERSON ft RUPERT. RaUor Tel. 1(4 !C9 & Hlsh W. A. BOND, lit N. Phone 274 Com'l Su 1 N. High , . TeL Kt JOSEPH BARBER REALTT Cft r0 Grey Bid. . . Fnone 7 A. C BOHRN &TEJDT Commercial ... .Tel 577 t7 if. LEO N. CU1LD3 120 State SU , CO, Realtors TeL 172T 250. N. Church Tel. 2 lit . 1. LINCOLN ELLIS Phone IStS-j; 2235 a Church St.. ' a M. EARLK ICS a Liberty -St. - TeL.tJlJ HOMER -D FOSTER- REALTY Ca 170 H State St. ---,f::.,Tel. .144. . W." H. QRABEMIOUST a nft . U4. a. Liberty St. . . ... TeL lis ' ME LVfN JOHVriM I2S U. a Bank ld. ,v. -1. m MILLS IliU. Statefit. , TeL Iff 48 1 Court ,8fcvv,.. TeL- 2811 .OEKTUUDK J. 1C PAQB ' 4t4 Court ' .- --, Tel. 1281 ... t . PEH.RINH MARSTKRS 211,212. Gray Bid. ., :- . Tel. .SOT . RICH LTREISCANN. Realtor 11.N. Ula-h bt. ., ,T9l SIS - 8ALEM REALTT CO. - ; 4C2 State' 8U Room. 7. . Tet 1SS4 BOCOLOrSKT SON j- " 284-4 First Nat.. Bk. Bids, vt Tel. 7i 4 . SQUARE DEAL REALTT CQ. ' U. a NafL Bank Bide : . Tel' 179 . . r "" " J." r. 'ULRICH ' Commercial , . , .. ; V TRXANQLJB REALTT CO. fX i.t -vvwi Ob - . ... . IH. 31 4kMWMMMMMMMVB " ' .I -.'" u. a re alt r ca 411 State 8C , TeL 2444 r., u wood i t at 1 r 1 44t Bute SC TeL 794