The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 24, 1929, Page 6, Image 6

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a rr
Formal Dinner
Honors Lodge
" Oiiicers
T ITR3. J. B. PROTZMAN, royal
I wl matron of Hanna Rose Court
order of the Amaranth, en
tertained with a C:20 o'clock for
mal dinner at the Protzman home
on Court" street Thursday: eve
ning honoring the officers et the
order. " - - -' -
Combination Colonial lace and
score- cards- bearing' th official
title of each gueet, marked places
tor twenty. Four red tapers In
crystal holder ntllnlng a square
centered ' with a crystal bowl
filled with red carnations and
trailing fern made up the center
piece. : -
Dvrlng the' dinner hour short
speech, mselcal numbers ' and
toast swere given. High score was
awarded Mrs. I. L. Darby and L.
, P. Campbell.
Mrs. Protzman was assisted by
Mrs; I. W. Follls, Mrs. W. P. El
lis and Mrs. O. R. Lester, beauti
ful " In Colonial costume, served
v the table.
;. '
fkJV.iC T. U. Observes"
" Frances Willard Day
The! 47th anniversary, of the
SaleJsr W. C. T. U. was celebrated
Jointly with "Frances E. Willard
Da v"S Tuesday afternoon at the
Union, hall. Mrs. J. J. Nunn and
Mrs.yMary Charlton arranged the
Mrp. Norman K. Tully had
Charge of the devotions and took
as .the subiect of her talk, the
hymn. "America the Beautiful.
speaking of the sentiments and
thoughts of the writer, which ap
ply to dally life.
Mrs. J. J. Nunn explained the.
meaning of Frances E. Willard
Day and told of the different de-
nrtriMnts through wnicn tne
money received by collections on
this day, was used.
The V. W. C. A. girls quartet
which includes Muriel White,
Doris Clark, Elolse White and
Florence Tower, with Rosalind
VanWinkle at the piano, sang;
) "Follow the: Gleam." They re-
j spoaded to tbe encore with Sun
t light Is Gleaming." Miss Ruth
' Howe sang 1 u wme lu 1 ucc
;' accompanied by Miss Helen Ralph
' at the -piano. V " 1 - -i
Mrs. Alice Dodd spoke of Fran
I : res B. Willard, mentioning the
great, good done through ner sac
rifice : of personal interest in re
fusing an offer of the presidency
of sjt i exclusive girls school In
-" New-fork City to accept the-pres-idenay
of the Chicago branch of
the W. C. T. U. Through Miss
Wlllard's work the organization
of new unions followed throughi
out the United States. Mrs. Dodd
also jspok of the many changes
: from' womenL suffrage. "
Reminiscences were given by
several of the jWer members pres-
ent;4! Amopg them were . Mrs. E
Mace-V. member of the Salem
Union for 40 years and Mrs. E.
M. Law, who Joined the temper
ance work 60 years ago, has been
40 years with the Salem union.
H. CBateman spoke, concerning
his mother who was national
president of the Sabbath observ
ance ; department and a crusader.
Mrs. Ct P. Bishop In early Me
. Joined the Good Templars and
later the W. C. T. C. Mrs. Charl
ton . spoke reminiscently of tbe
time '.when Mrs. Bishop, In the
' earlier days, so frequently helped
-by entertaining speakers and ria
Mirm to the union. Mr. and Mrs.
E. M Law also helped in the en
. terta lament of visitors.
Mrs. Sara Oliver announced that
. .Anntr Institute of tne w.
" T U. win be held on Wednesday
Vhrunrr 27. In the W. C. T. U
ball. All Interested people are in-
; vlted to attend whether, memoers
Three new members were taken
In at -this meeting and others ex
pressed a desire to join in tne near
i-1 I . i :
Fifty-Fifty M500M Club
Guests at Swift Home
"Mr and Mrs. L. E. Swift enter-
talned the members of the Fifty-
Fifty fSOO" card club at a dinner
and Aii few hours of cards In their
home i on North Capitol street
Thnradav evening. m t
The; high score winners of the
: events! g were Mrs. R. A. Erlxsoa,
Mr. E B. Tayior, Mrs. i. w. juu
Rnis and Mr. F. Smith.
Tbe. group Included Mr. and
1 Mr. R. A. Erlxson. Mr. and Mrs.
-u k: J. -Nlxson. Mr. and Mrs. Alva
:: Pnttar. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Du-
Bots. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Barsneas.
Mr. and Mrs. K. . iayior, xr,
LtiA Mrs. F. Smith. Mrs. Inez Hoi
brook; Harold Nlxson, Ellis Swift
and the hosts, Mr. ana xnrs
The club will meet at the conn-
- trv home of Mr. and Mrs. Alva
Potter next Thursday.
Birthday Dinner Will
Honor Mr. Millard
F.. TB Millard will be honored
; with a birthday dinner In eelebra
Uon of his birthday anniversary
at the Millard home this .after
noon. 1
The dinner guests will include
. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Klbbe of
- Corvallla, Miss Margreta Millard
of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. James
Pays, of Sheridan. Mr. and Mrs.
Harold. Miller of Salem, and" Mrs.
' Mary) Millard of Sheridan. -
; Tuesday night, the Business and
"Professional Women's club will
r meet tor Its regular monthly dln-
?er at the Gray Belle. .Hostesses
Or - this evening will ' be Mrs.
' Presnell, Mrs, E. Howard, and Dr;
jf anay urowiu Miss Frances Vlr-
, glnlet Helton will speak on "Mac-
uoweii aud.JHs M.uslc,'.' MJss EUs
; 'Irtth LevywlU present some yio--In
numbers. ' . " "
the Social
J .... l!
' a - - - s v ; 1 ; $ v !? , s - xs
t v '-i-T - - 1 r ;r r jr
f r ; X
Miss Margaret Kennedy
Miss Margaret Kennedy
MacDowell Club
THE February program to be presented by the MacDowell
club Monday night in the studio of Prof. T. S. Roberts
is to be one of outstanding merit. Miss Margaret Kennedy,
dramatic soprano, who for the past year has filled concert
engagements with delighted audiences up and down the coast:
is to be the guest soloist and
Portland s best known musicians and actively Interested; In
the Portland Symphony' orchestra is to be her accompanist.'
-'. Miss Kennedy is a western artist, even to her training
t 1 1 1 xl.' ! 4.1 J rf"l 1? ' 1 - -r ' . a
wnicn nas oeen taiteii iu jruruauu turn in vuuorma. ju&si
year she was sent as . Oregon s
delegate to the National Fed
eration of Musicians in Chi
cago. In addition to her many
other musical interests! Miss
Kennedy is soloist at the First
Presbyterian church In Portland.
The program which Miss Ken
nedy and Mrs. Thomas will offer
Monday evening makes anticipa
tion run high in music lovers for
with Miss Kennedy's large, rich,
dramatic 'voice, ner youth and ex
ceptionally happy personality the
evening promises to be a treat.
The program to be given Is as
Per Pieta" ......... Stradella
Oeh Yienl, non tardar" .Mozart
"Snow Flakes" ........ CImara
"Die Stadt" e Trunk
MIt Elnem gemalten," Beethoven
Was I Not a
Blade" . . . ... Tschalkowskl
Pace. Pace Mlo Dlo" . . . Verdi
("La Forza del Destlno")
"The Sea" ......... MacDowell
"Night In the
Woods" ....... Marlon Bauer
"I Heard a Cry" t Fisher
"Cradle Song" MacFadyen
Stresa" .... Wlnjtler Watts
The Roberts Entertain
At Anniversary Dinner
Professor and -Mrs. T. S. Rob
erts entertained Thursday at a SI
cover dinner according to- their
charming annual: custom of cele
brating Professor Roberts, birth
day anniversary, using; the holiday
motif. After th dinner the eve
nlng was spent enjoying musle in
the studio and inplaylng fMW.,
The guest "group. Included Mr.
and Mrs. Ralph Kletzlng, Mr. and
Mrs. I. M. Doughton, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Hudklns, Mr. ' and Mrs.
Robert Craig. Mr. and Mrs. Ar
thur Keene, Mr. and Mrs. R. D.
Barton. Miss Alice- Kellogg, Mr.
and Mrs. Malcolm Ramp and Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Wels of Portland.
High score honors of the eve
ning were awarded to Mrs. Bar
ton and Mr. Kletzlng.
Washington C R. Club
Initiates New Members
The Washington Girl Reserve
club met at the Y. W. C. A. early
in the week for the Initiation of
eight girls. Miss Florence Power
and Miss Fisher, advisors tor the
group, "directed the Initiation ser
vice, and. serred refreshments lat
er la the afternoon. . : t t
- ThVrriis who were Initiated In
clnde Barbara Crttes, Vivian. Noth,
Elotsejcniott, Eunice Hanks Vir
ginia Coates, Kathleen Rock?' Vir
ginia. Scott, and-Betty Dotson'
1 - '' 11
The officers of the club rroUb
are: Betty. Dotson, president! Eu
nice Hanks, secretary and Kath
leen ' Rock, treasurer; -
The West Side Ladles' . Aid so
ciety of the Jason Lee Nethodiet
church will be the guests of Mrs.
Richard' Krlckson for a social af
ternoon this Friday la. her .home
t 1515JlortltLlberty: itreet, "Bach
member is asked to bring a guest.
Mrs. Warren Thomas, 006 of
. Monday - V
j. Chapter A. B. of P. E.
with Mrs. W. E, Kirk.
Mrs. Peroxzl official rlslt
to Salem Rebekah Lodge,'
No. l.
Sons of "Union . Veterans
and Auxiliary observe Wash
ington's Birthday, social
meeting 7 :S0, Woman's club
house. Royal Neighbors Sewing
club, Mrs. Mary Ackerman,
191 West Meyers street, af
ternoon meeting.
Standard Bearers First M.
E. church at 7: SO with Mrs.
E. T, Barnes 325 N. Capitol.
B. P. ft W., : 3 0 - o'clock
dinner at Gray Belle.
Pythian Sisters chicken pie
supper . 6:30 o'clock. Old
fashioned dance follows.
- W. C. T. U. Institute for
Unions of Marion county, W.
C. T. U. hall S. Commercial
street, 10 o'clock,- potluck
; Heritage banquet W. F.
M 8? 'Jason Lee :30 o'clock.
For reservations call 14 9 8 J.
Thnrsdax .
Salem Writers' club -reception
for legislators in Ei
slnote foyer.
Town, and Gown club at
2:30 o'clock in Lausanne
hall.'vS('. '. ( ;
Thnrsdar Bridie club with
.Jltrs. Henry Meyers.
j Ever-Ready Birthday club
with. Urt: J. ShlppAJSO Sag-
. "Rosamunde" will be pre
sented by advanced chorus
and orchestra at S. H. S.
: West Side Ladies Aid so
ciety Jason Lee M. E. church
with Mrs." R. Erlckson, 1615
North Liberty.
. Nebraska club potluek
i Saturday
Benefit bridge,. Elks club
ballroom. -
Silver tea for hospital fond
dining room of Elk's club,
Mrs. Franklin Tipton
Bridge Hostess-
Mrs. T. Franklin Tipton enter
tained is honor of Mr. Tipton's
birthday Thursday evening at the
Tipton home on N. Cottage street
; Carers were .laid for fifteen at
an,' attractively appointed ; table.
A large .birthday cake --with red
eandles graoed he -center of the
table ; George Washington favors
were.HseeU., . , - -
- Followlnl tbe dinner bridge was
la .. play. Combined hlgb score
went ' to Mr. and Mrs George B.
Henderson' .' .-".
Those present 'were"" the honor
guest, T. Franklin Tipton; Mrr and
Mrs. M. B. Wagstaff, Mr. and Mrs.
F, B. Rice, "Mr", and Mrs. Lester
Jones, Mr. and Mrs. John JJlor
its, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert J. Wal
rath," Mr, and Mrs. George B.
Henderseenr Mrsr -Tioton -and
Elaine Jeanne Tipton .
World and
Phone 500
A busy, well halancftd calendar, of clubs, society
and music has filled the past week. An outstand
ing action . was the establishing of an auxiliary
. to the Salem General Hospital with some S5 pom
inent Salem women as charter members and Mrs.
W. H. Dancy as president.: A. second occasion of
. prominence was the scholarship tea given by the
D. A- R- with Mrs. J. Lyman Steed as hostess at
the school for th0 deaf. Other outstanding events
of proininence and beauty were the IfilitaTy; ball (
in honor erf Governor and Mrs. L t Patterson,
and Adjacent General and Mrs. George A. White
in McMinnville ; the bridge affairs at. the W. L.
Phillips home with the W; M. Hamiltons as joint
hosts the Curtis Cross' anniFersary dinner and
many other dinner parties, club meetings; and
many other dinner parties, club meetings; and
reception, Mrs. W. M. Burghart's private recital
and the Churchill studio recital. Outstanding
events of the coming week will be the MacDowell,
club program for which Miss Margaret Kennedy
is guest soloist ; "Kosamunde " to be "presented by
the advanced chorus and orchestra of the high
school; arid the elaborate bridge tea being spon
sored by the Unitarian Women's Alliance at the
Elk's club. j
G. R. Committee
Makes Plans
For Girls
Miss Mabel' Robertson, dean of
women at the-Salem high school.
spoke to the members of the city
Girl Reserve committee at the
luncheon and business of the com
mittee at the Y. W. C. A. Satur
day noon. Miss Robertson dis
cussed the various problems of
the high school girls from the
Girl Reserve angle,; 6aylng, "It's
the mothers I'm gunning for. We
are building for the future."
Miss Robertson held in her dis
cussion that every? girl is the .pro?
duct of her environment, especial
ly that of the home, end that 4f
there are undesirable conditions
in the future It will be because
the problems of today have not
been met as they should. Cong
cernlng her own specific problems
Miss Robertson said, "For every
girl who needs a reprimand, there
arV usually two mothers who are
realty to blame." . y 1 ; i
It t was particularly:: interesting
to note the sort of- apine back
grounds from which tho girls who
constitute the 'probtema"r come.
It has been Miss Robertson's ex
perience that the girls who xome
from -normal homes -do Jiot, as a
rule require special attention, and!
that a large per cent of the girls
who do present problems come
from broken -horaes-those in
which there is but one) parent.
.The thing that tends to make
a dean's work most "discouraging,
according to 'MISS Robertson, lies
in the fact that immediate re
sults are not, often dlscernable
and that frequently mothers call
on her to undo In fifteen minutes
what Is really, the result of fifteen
years of mlstrainlng. A number
of concrete examples were brought
to the attention of the committee
as a basis for dlscusslpa. The
concensus of opinion of the com
mittee was that every girl should
be given the opportunity of Inter
esting and whclesome clubwork
with other girls that they might
derive a' common ideal of social
dealings and personal standards
that they could carry throughout
Mrs.1 Erie - Butler advised the
committee that what is now the
dining room at the Y. W. C. A.
will" soon be transformed into a
clubroom for the various groups
of girls who would enjoy It, The
transformation will be accom
plished with gay curtains, a case
of girls' books and various other
things of . the sort that will make
the room attractive to girls.
TUmiA TODD, who i$
soon to be seen in the three
nullion dollar movie pro
duction ?HeW$ Angehrje
thown here in an afternoon
and dinner costume of
beige Spanish Lace
Hiss Todd is one of the
four motion picture stars
appearing in the cerrent is
sze cf Fashion Uevss thcp
ing ct the Elnnore theatre
llcxh'& fy spszicnng the
thoittng, end the dreii'zs
worn by the stars are also
CTt display in their win
: dotVS.'--
floeisty Editor
jkeger - Schrieber
1 Is Saturday
Miss Mildred Jaeger, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Jaeger of
Salem, was married at high noon
Saturday to Ernst Schreiber, son
of .Mr. and Mrs. George Schreiber
of Santa Monica, California, and
cousin of Col. E. Hofer of Salem.
Miss Jaeger Is welL known in
Salem musical circles having been
a student of Prof. Paul Petri of
Oregon State college, organist at
th4 First Church of Christ, Scien
tist, for three years and teacher
of 'music in Salem. She attended
the American Conservatory of
Music in Chicago.
Mr. Schreiber is a graduate of
the University of California and is
now an engineer for the Pacific
Telephone and Telegraph company
in Los Angeles. The young peo
ple will make their home in Lbs
Mr. and Mrs. Dencer
Entertain San Souci
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar t)encer en
tertained the members of. the San
Souci club In their home Friday
with an evening of bridge. -
Special guests for the. evening
Included Mr. and Mrs. I. E.
Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. M. Dennis,
and MIbs Wllda Lethrop.
Among the club members .who
were present were Mr. and Mrs.
Iran Martin, Mr. .and Mrs.. Paul
Flcke, Mr. and Mrs, Alfred Propp,
Mr. and Mrs. .William E. Moses,
Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Case, Mr. and
Mrs. Floyd Slegmund and the host
and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. Dencer.
The high score prizes were won
by Mrs. Thomas and Floyd Siea-
mund, Mrs. Propp and I. E. Thom
as won the second awards.
Legislators' Reception
Thursday Evening
The Salem Arts League will be
joint hosts with Mr. Guthrie to the
members of the legislature in the
foyer of -the Elslnore theatre
Thursday evening, February 28 at
8 o'clock. There will be art talks
on the theatre pictures during the
evening for the pleasure of the
Mrs. W. E. Kirk will entertain
Chapter -A B and O of P. E. O.
sisterhood -at a Joint meeting in
her home on State street Monday
afternoon.' 4 -
..if i U f; ,.7J .
I ' ' ' i " '
' t , ' , W 4
?f Varied Club Activities J
I - V
C -V
Lay ftkf Svi V,-el
Mrs. J. Lyman Steed
Woman s Club Presents
Annual Guest-Day
THE annual guest-day observed by the Salem Woman's
club Saturday afternoon at the clubhouse, was an out
standing event of the week's social activities. Mrs. Homer
Goulet chairman of the social activities of the afternoon,
assisted by her committee, Mrs. Lewis Griffith, Mrs. Edgar
Hartley, Mrs. Alton Hurley, Mrs. Walter Page, Mrs. George
J. Pearce, Mrs. E. A. Pierce, Mrs. E. C. Richards, Mrs. Homer
Smith, Mrs. B. N. Speer, Mrs. Claude Steusloff , Mrs. William
Walton, and Mrs. George A. White, transformed the club
house into an elaborate reception room and tea room. Palms,
yellow acacia and blue hya
cinths - were artistically ar
ranged about the long club
room and the tea room. The
tea table was graced with a
beautiful, heavily embroidered
white cloth, two candalabra wun
blue candles,, and a floral center
piece of red, white and blue spring
flowers. Mrs. I. L. Patterson ana
Mrs. T. A. Llvesley presided at
the tea stable. A unique part of
the tea was the "gingerbread
cakes" served in honor of Martha
Washington. .. .
; A rery delightful program of
music and a one-act play was
presented to the members and
their guests. Mrs. Gordon He
Gilchrist accompanied by Miss
Marguerite Blumenberg sang as
her first group of songs "Sing
Sweet Btrd, and "Four Leaf
Clover," and ; as a second group
following the one-act play, "Schu
bert's Serenade," and "At Dawn
ing." . Wendell Robinson accom
panied by Miss Grace Henderson
sang two groups of songs the first
Bird Bone at Even,'' and "O
That We Two Were Maying," and
the second following the play,
"Brown Bird Singing," and 'l
Hear a Thrush at Eren." r I
"Sauce for the Gosling," a one
act play presented under the direc
tion of Miss Cecil McKercher by
the Snikpoh high school dramatic;
society was well received.
At tbe business meeting the
club went on record as sponsor-
The Most Garef uly
Selected Assortment
of Rugs in Town
not the largest assortment possibly, but
rugs that have been painstakingly chosen be 1
cause 5f their beauty and durability rugs -that
will lay a worthy foundation for attrac
tive and livable
.... Ilinmp.FiisiJl
.467 Court Btreei,
t 1 i
ing "music week." . Mrs. Walter
Denton will have charge of the
club plans. Mrs. C. K. Spauldlng
reported on the weekly hospital
auxiUary. Mrs, Seymour Jones
and - Mrs. Edwin Nlsson gave re
ports off the books which are
forming part of the interesting
book reviews over KOAC.
Student Recital Given
At Churchill Studio
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Churchill
presented a group of their inter
mediate and beginning students in
music in a recital at their resi
dence studio recently.
Those taking part in the pro
gram were Hazel Collier, Billy
Foster, Florence Foster, Cornelia
Hulst, Janette Hulst, Francis Gus
tafson. Bob Hulst, Louis Norton,
Catherine Banta, Marguerite Gil
bert, Jane Clearwater and Gatha
Bressler. The program was made
up of boIos and duets. Little Miss
Janette Hulst sang a solo and ac
companied her own song.
Miss Dorothy Travis assisted
Mrs. Churchill In serving late In
the evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wels, for
mer Salem folk who are now re
siding In Portland, were the
house guests of Professor .and
Mrs. T. S. Roberts in their home
on North Summer street the lat-
ter part of the week, .
rooms. You'll like the recent
Telephone 1142
;'' - . . -, ..." . - I - -' -- I
Miss Blumenberg
Plays Unusual
menberg was presented' in
recital by Mrs. W. H. Burghardt
at jhe Burghardt residence on
Union street Friday erening. Some,
fifty friends of Mrs. Burghardt
and Miss Blumenberg -were guests
for this evening of unusual pleas
ure. ... ;iX , - - . - -
Miss Blumenberg although Tery
youthful-played with a surprising:
maturity ef understanding and
depth. Her program was lassi-.
cat and distinctly that of an artist
showing an unexpected versatility ;
from the powerful majesty of
Polonaise No.-2, Liszt, to the But
terfly Etude, Chopin, with Its
wraith-tike delicacy, which she
played at the close of her program
after insistent and enthusiastic
"The entire program Included
Partita No. 1 . . . . . . . .... Bach
Prelude Allemande Courante
. Sarabande Menuet I
Menuet II -Glgue
s - H
Sontata D Minor Opus 31, No. 3
Largo and Allegro Adagio
Two Etudes in A Flat. Chopin
Opus 25 No. 1
Opus 10 No 10
La .plus que lente. .Debussy
Bird Song ...... .Palmgren
Polonaise No. 2 Liszt
Following . thlf recital was an
informal reception with Mrs. F. D.
Thielson and Mrs. Clifford Browu
pouring. Mrs. John Roberts, Miss
Mable Robertson, and Mrs. Wil
liam Walton assisted Mrs. Burg
hardt about the rooms. 1
Wedding Here Friday
Clara Graham Bush became the
bride of Earl Thomas Parkinson
at a quiet ceremony in the home
of the groom's mother. Mm. Allle
Parkinson, 1541 Trade street at
4 o'clock Friday afternoon, Feb
ruary 22. The Rev. Fred E. Tay
lor of the First Methodist church
officiated at the ceremony. -
The couple were attended by the
brother and sister-in-law of the
bride, Mr.-and "Mrs; H. H. Graham
of The Dalles, Oregon".
The uride 'wfian attired; in a
gown ofiBefge georgette crepe and
carried?7 Snerm" bouquet of pink
rosebuds atidnfreezla.! Her matron
of honor, Mrs. Graham, wore a :
dress of brown crepe de chine
trimmed with velvet and carried
a bouquet 'of pinlf carnations.
Sprltfg flowers, palms, ferns.
and parrfywillowtf were arranged -artistically
about' the rooms.
Following' the '-ceremony a wed
ding supper ' was' served. The
guests included Mrs. J. LaFIemme
of Portland, mother of the bride.
Mr. and Mrs. w. H. Fisher, Mr.
and-Mrs. Aas 1 Fisher and their
daughter Jane of Salem, and Mrs.
After a wedding trip in Califor
nia, Mr. and Mrs. Parkinson will -be
at home after 1 April to their '
friends at 1270 East 21st street
; i
Mrs. Paul Bales entertained at
a birthday dinner recently In hon
or of her grandfather, George T.
Mason. Four generations were'
represented in the presence of
Mr. Mason, Mrs. Tyler N. Morley,"
his daughter, Mrs. Paul Baley, his '
grandaughter, and David Bales,
his great-grandson,
his great-grandson. The guests
included Mr. Mason, Bert Gibbons,
Mr. and Mrs. Tyler H. Morley,
Mrs. N. O. Bales, Miss Yvonne Au
franc, and David Bales.
Teacher and ' Soloist. Cello,
banjo, j ainddlln, - guitar, Ha
waiian I Instruments. Special
winter term rates to students,
i. Nelson Bldg., Thurs. ft Fri.
- Phone S40 -Director
Salem Ladies
' Harmony Trio
- . t r - 1- -
-i lit if 1 ' rr