The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 19, 1929, Page 2, Image 2

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    The Net OsECON STATESMAN, Salem. ; Oregon, Tttesday Morning. February 19, 1929
-J '.: ': '-.-fv , . '
r- .; .... .. . , . . ,. - 4 " j
BY 19-11 VOTE
Upton Leads Fight for "Wide
Open Spaces", Moser Is
Strongest Advocate
Members . of the Multnomah
eoonty delegation came la for -a
coring fa the senate Monday . In
- connection with a bill Introduced
by Senators Moner. Corbett. and
Eddy proTtdlnr that card table
ball not be allowed In pool ana
billiard halls.
' " Senator Upton, led (he Rght for
' - th minority renort which was
' adopted by a Tote of 19 to 11.
"This bill would- work all rlht
In Portland." said Senator. Upton.
. but It place lnthe wM
open spaces-of eastern Oregon, u
. AvMa. h card tables shall not
be allowed In billiard .and pool
rooms, but exempts from ooera
tion of the act the Young Men's
Christian association, fraternal or
ganizations and . numerous duos.
I cannot see any difference in a
person playing cards in a pool and
Millard hall than in a place con
ffned exclusively to eard tabler.
J-:' Thfr bill is unfair, discriminates
ralnst a large number of person?
-and should te defeated."
Portland Ordinance Plans
Senator Mo?er declared that th
. ritr of Portland already was ooer
- atlnr under an ordinance which
prohibits card tables in pool and
i billiard halls, and that the law
" had proved very successful.
- . -The purpose of this bill." said
' lfoser. "is to do away with gam
! bl!n." Senator Moser said the bill
bad received the Indorsement of
wouens organizations.
' v "TMs'bill is the kingpin of con
structive foolishness." interposed
1 Senator Strayer. "It it is a good
thing for Portland let them keep
t It. but don't try to poke it down
n- throats. I represent the great
mast of citizens known as pinochle
ptavers and rubbernecks.; I am
against this bill tor the reason
that it would harass the pinochle
plaver. This bill will not remedy
anything. There are not enough
policemen In the United States to
prevent the boys from doing the
things you are complaining
i about" .
) " WASHINGTON, Feb. 18. '
I (AP)' The supreme eour,t today
! gave the government an unob
tructed course for it to determine
whether the Standard Oil conV
pany of California holds !a valW
O title to valuable oil lands in Kerr
county. Calif., embraced! withir
' the Elk Hilla Naval Oil reserve.
The final obstacle in the gov:
mmenfs pathway was removed
ioday by the court's refusal to re
consider its recent decision which
held that the secretary of! the in
tarior could conduct an inquiry tr
determine whether the land in
" question was known to be minora
at the time it was surveyed.
An attempt by the present ad
ministration to examine the title
was nrevented by the courts of thf
District of Columbia which held
that 'Albert B. Fall, while secre
tary of the Interior, had closed the
matter hv awarding the land to
the Standard Oil company
. The supreme court, however
found that Fall's action was not
final. It declared he had failed to
co nroDerlr into the Question ol
facts ajftd It opened the way foi
th Interior department to proceed
J with ita axamiaalloa.
,,i ;The court by it, ruling today
. -flhally Osed the matter In iU
resent. stage by' refusing1 to re-
1 bear, the case. t-Should it develop
. t haC the -land was known . to be
mineral when surveyed; the gov
erhment will claim It, contending
i that U never lawfully passed to
California aa school lands and
that its sale by California to the
Standard Oil company did not
give that company title to It. The
government hopes that it will be
enabled to add the land to its
Elk HHU mral nit romn V
The Salem Rabbit, and Small
Ftock association will hold a table
show at the chamber of commerce
Tuesday evening, February 19. at
2 o'clock. A fee of 26 cents will
be charged for each, entry..: AH
breeds are. admitted. i
Judge Hal Osborne of Portland
will place the awards.- Best buck
and best doe will receive a prize
of 21.. In the . afternoon! Judge
Osborne will register animals at
the home of John Wyatt en route
4 ' near the .road to the Feeble
Minded school at the top of the
There are more than 100 rabbit
breeders In the Salem district. A
good, sised attendance Is expected
, at the show. V " Y 7-t. ..; .Vj ,
Portable Talkies
Coming toOregon
, ' --$Jf;i;
Next Friday at the Oregon Les
Baylor, of two-reel comedy fame,
Fritsl Fern of Earl Carroll's Van
ltlse, Brennaa and Raymond, ran;
deviUe headllners. Jimmy Sanders,
the ertglnal -Rube,- Judy Klg. ef
the Cosaedie Franeals, Paris, and
Rondell and Flynn, will be featnr
d In A Night In Parts. These
singing and Ulktag motion pic
tures, are being brought to Salem
by the Paratone Talking Pictures
eorporatlea, i
' . Things Unique About Present '--V
Session of Legislature! j i j .''.:
1. No member of the house or senate has as yet appeared
at a regular session in knickers. ..' v i j j j
2. : The gag rule to date has caved 2 mia a tea of time in ,
the aenata and .1005 minutes in the nooaa.. .... i i Li :
. 3. Representative Robison of ClaUop has recited 785 Unea
of poetry, has composed and recited 74 lines, and has yet to
recite 11, 28S lines dnring debates yet to come.;
- - 4. Rumor that members of the flak "and game lobby will
prerent derby, hats to all legislators Toting for their measures
'has been officially denied by all member of the stite fish and
game commission. , l"
,5. Rumor that Representative Lonergan of Multnomah baa
planned to promoU a prize flsht between Senators 5 Dunne and
Klepper, to be fteld after the session In tha auditorium In Port
land, has not as yet been denied by Mr. Lonergan. j "
. Statistics below are quoted as authentic: h
1. Percentage of senators who rido up n the ele-
vator Vj
Percentage of senators who. walk up the-. stairs. .00.92
Percentage who wait for the elevator and then
walk up the atalra . ... . i . . . .. 9.
Percentage of representatives who ride np on the ,
elevator ..t ;.... .01
Percentage of representatives who walk np the -
stairs .....;; 99.09
We're Here to Help Says
Mrs. Myra Shank; Varied ;
Jobs Performed Each Year
"We are not at all 'hard;bolled'
you see we are here to help
neople who are in trouble," said
Mrs. Myra L. Shank. Salem police
matron in addressing the .-young
people s Christian Endeavor so
ciety of - the First Presbyterian
church Sunday evening.
. Mrs. Shank declared that work
which In most cities Is carried on
by several women; is in Salem, at
tempted ' by one. The duties of
the Salem police-matron are those
of Jail matron, dance hall Inspec
tor, and curfew officer, in addl-
ion to cooperation furnished aim
ilar officers in other cities, work-
ng with .the travelers'-aid. char,
ty organizations, and the county
juvenile officer. '
"The moral conditions in Salem
seem to us to have Improved some
during the last three years: there
is less drinking, especially among
the young people; but conditions
are by no means perfect, although
we wish they were.. The creation
3f the office of dean of women
at the high school has proved a
great aid to our department.
Home Held to Blame
"I believe." said Mrs. Shank,
'that the lax moral conditions in
Salem are due to the homgs of the
young people. Not Juft poor
homes, send us cases; numerous
boys and girls from homes with
plenty of money to do with and
educated parents are brought be
fore us. The nation, state, coun
ty, and -city have laws whtch are
enforced why shouldn't the
home have, laws and demand their
oDeatencer : v
"However, there are homes, to-
Elaborate preparations are un
ier -way at the Elslnore theatre.
The stage is being polished, ropes
oou-5 scannea. ucreens are
toing over the f ootlighU, and
there Is a general scouting around
own looking for special antLelip
powders for the stage.
All of the goings-on are for the
benefit of thirty beetles and the
?ast of Fanchon and Marco's Idea.
"Rolling On" which presents an
entirely new show on roller skate
at the Elslnore theatre Wednes
Special Mats Laid
Special mats are to be laid for
he acrobatic performers who leap
everal feet In the air during the
our or their spectacular gyra
Ion. Such well known names as
Tohn Dove, the whirling duo. Max
lae Evelyn will be seen In "Roll
ing On" which is conceeded to be
Fanchon and Marco's greatest idea
on the circuit this season. -
The screen attraction announc
ed In connection with the stage
hpw is 'primarily a story-of tro
ic love, titled "Tropic Madness,"
which stars Leatrlce Joy. Albert
Valentino, brother of the sheik,
will support Miss Joy.
On and after Feb. 1 7
Beginning Feb. 17 jSilver Gray stage v ' "
servke will be co-ordinated with that
of the Red Tops both lines leaving
and arriving at ; ; I J! f V"
And for your further convenience, tickets j of the
- OreaTon Stag-es, Inc may now be used on ' the .
Silver Grays and vice .versa. ;: .. For example you
can go to Jrortiand on one una, return on the otner.
y usinjBT the aame ticket . Also Southern Pacific Tall; '
ticketa may be used on. the stages of "these com
panies. ----. . ;
Throujrh, Silver Gray stage tonr.lTJincIsca win; ':
1 call at S, P. city. tlckeVof fke, 184 N. JJberty St, ;
. V Phone or cell us t en'? '- -time
for cH travel frJcrzictich
City Ticket Office
Passenger Depot-
day whfch by their very restric
tions are harming their young
people. We are living In an "air
plane age . and ! there are many
parents who should put their hors
es and buggies in the stable."
Wide Variety 'Handled
In summing up the moral con
ditiona In Salem,; Mrs. -Shank gaveJ
statistics concerning the work of
her. office during 1928: 20 delin
quent cases were handled, aa well
as 19. Jail cases; 9 8 investigations,
680 office consultations, 20 par.
enta called to office, 71 public
dances inspected, two Insane cas
es, 17 runaways returned. There
were numerous health cases hand
led. - U-:i "
Mrs.- Shank spoke to the Chris
tian Endeavor group as a part of
the program of a meeting on
Moral Conditions in Salem," the
first meeting of the "Know Tour
Community" series being spon
sored by that society. Next Sun
day evening Captain Earl Wil
liams of the Salvation Army will
speak on "Poverty Conditions in
Salem." " ; j
Only six new blUs found their
way into hte hopper Monday.- and
since this the grist for the week
end. It Is now hoped by the legis
lators that few more will be forth
coming. With but a week of reg
ular session to ga, all members
feel that there is plenty on hand
now with ivbich to cope. ;
None of the measures coming
in were of outstanding Import.
ance. , Representative Malarkey's
H. B.. 430, providing for branches
by state banks, was substituted by
H. B. 628, which makes some al
terations In the 'original measure,
Another fish bill. H. B. 622. alms
to close to commercial fishing all
streams flowing Into the Pacific
ocean south of the Coqulll river.
Dewey Hamm is
New Manager oi
Corvallis . Store
Dewey Hamm. for the past two
and one-half years a member of
the - sales staff of the - Buster
Brown Shoe Store here, removed
to Corvallis Over the week-end
and took over the managership of
the store there Monday. Mr.
Hamm came to the Buster Brown
store from Miller's In McMInn-
Vllle. h ' : V - '.:
George L. Arbuckle, manager of
the Buster Brown store, praised
Mr. Hamm's work, when he made
the announcement of his promo
tion Monday. . The Buster Brown
stores are five In number includ
ing locations i at Klamath Falls.
Eugene. Corvallis. Pendleton and
Salem. . : . - .-, .
t ... -i-
184 N. liberty Tel.' SO
12th and Oak Tel. 41 f
SO or 41,
1 V-
Advance is Resumed Timid
ly as Conditions Appear -
liTore Favorable
NEW YORK, FeV It (AP) -The
stock market resumed Its ad.
vance rather timidly, today, after
ast week's retreat forced by tight,
entng ' credit rates and ' the atti
tude of the federal reserve board
toward executive absorption of
crdlt In speculation.- ,
I The market iho wed extreme
nervousness dnring most of the
session, and business was in re
duced volume, total sales approx
imately but 2,476.660 shares. Call
money renewed at 8 per eent, but
went down to 7 late In the day la
contrast to Friday's dosing rate
or 10. This stimulated consider
able short covering and scores of
Issues closed, to 14 points high
er. . ' ;:. v.. . . ,-; ' vs v. .
An encouraging development
was the - American - acceptance
council's report that - total out
standing acceptances decreased
but 15,214,617 in January, a
month In which a seasonal drop Is
to be expected, and In which the
total fell off about 122,000.000 In
1928. The negligible decrease In
the face of the . withdrawing of
federal reserve support from the
acceptance market and rising
1 As an example of the erratic
fluctuations of the day, radio
ranged from 29 to 247. and
closed at 848, up 8 points. Utili
ties and coppers led the day's ad.
vance; Amerlcanand foreign pow.J
er awnpea mors than 14 points
to a' new high and American Pow
er and Light and American Water
Works moved up six to four points.
Andes Copper mounted Vk points
to a new high at 60 hi while Chile,
Greene Cananea and Kennecott
sold 4 to 6 points higher.
Ralls were generally 'firm. 'At
chison. Delaware and Hudson, and
New York Central advancing about
3 to 4 points. Chrysler and Pack
ard made extreme gains of about
3 and 4 points. U. S. Steel, and
Bethlehem sold ap about 2 points
each. General Electric. General
Cable A, Johns Mansrllle. Good.
year, International Harvester, In
ternational Telephone, and Com
mercial Solvents made extreme
gains of 4 to 8 points.
40 Masons Attend
Mill City Meeting
More than 40 members of Pad
no ixage no. 60, A. F. 4k A. M..
went to Mill City Monday evening
as part of an interchange of meet,
lngs. William Pettyjohn. .W.- M..
and his assistant officers C6nf er
red the master degree on a "Mill
City candidate; The Mill City
lodge members will visit the local
group In the near future. .-
The House
TOfiAY and
" n ..
, Leatrlce Joy in
Special Bargain
First Photos of Wrecked Train
-' ' i -
" .-5:-
r c v. -
'Here are the first photos to
clal of Provisional President EmIUo Fortes Oil, of Mexico, at Jomonrort, in tne state oi uuanajuaio,
ISO miles from Mexico City. Photos, top and below, are views of the wrecked ; train.' Inset, some of
the members of the presidential party Who were aboard the special, gathered about the wreckage. Arrow
points to GIL The attempt on the
of clemency to Leon Toral, executed for the slaying of President-elect
Riding roughshod over vigor-
... - a a,
ous opposition, ti. 0. 2 vi, ui
noted kindergarten measure, pass
ed lh the house Monday by a vote
of S3 to 26. This bill provides
that school districts may. by vote
of the electors, establish kinder
garten In their schools.
A spirited debate, but one in
which opponents and proponents
left I out personalities, arose over
the bill. Most of the thunder on
this measure waa spent some time
ago i when committee reports first
came in. so the day was rather
Speaking for the bill were Rep
resentatives Lee, Haziett, uooison.
Setters and Lonergan. Opposing it
were McCready, chairman of the
Adiicatfnn committee. P otte r
Metsger. and Weatherspoon. 4
of Hits I
TropIc 5IaanessM."
Bargain Matinee SM5
' enw a.
' ' " "'' '
" t
7-.w '.y.i.:HP.v'"':
- t;
arrive la the United States of the
life of the provisional president is
4 Groceries Will
Join Here in New
Northwest Merger
Creation of the new MacMarr
chain of grocery stores from a
group of seven units now existing,
will effect at least four Salem
firms, including the Piggly Wig-
gly store on North Commercial
street two 20th Century storeaOOO.000
-let modern science help
you in combating scale
and other orchard pests
,Itg time to guard your trees against the deadly
orchard pests that choke their growth and cut your
profits. Read this story of Avon Spray Emulsion, the
finer oil spray refined and marketed by Associated
Oil Company as an important part of its huge business.
Youll find Aron Spray Emulsion a complete clean
up spray. It has the proper viscosity, which means
that it has complete covering qualities, body enough
to do a thorough job, yet is light enough not to harm
the tree. . -1 . - j.'.;-
It la a smooth, creamy 85 petroleum oil pasts'
which breaks quickly and mixes readily with water.
And it will not blacken your trees. This finer spray
not only .smothers scale, but kills the eggs of Aphis
and Brown Mite. - jh j .
c (Avon Spray Emulsion, by removing pests and keep
ing your orchard clean, adds health to your trees. It
is a plant stimulant; you'll find it helps to bring out
a strong, invigorated bloom and spring growth, j
These are strong claims, backed by exhaustive tests.
Get our valuable folder "Avon
Spray Emulsion for Fancy Fruit
and More of It." It contains much'
helpful information, including
Variouawaya of usingATonwith
Dordeanx mixture and the like
to secura better spread on trees.
-: listen in on your local radio
' station for timely hints
ing pronicmti .
-V if-'''!'
dynamiting of the presidential epe-
believed a reprisal tor uu i reiusai
on Commercial street and
Thrift store on Chemeketa
Commercial streets.
The stores will retain their t
present locations, according to
advice received here, and the per
sonnel will) remain unchanged but
uniform painting of fronts and
probably uniformity in names will;
prevail. The new MacMarr stores
will embrace 1000 retail stores In
the northwest with a tgtal annual;
gross business in excess of $75,-'
nnn nnn ; I i
nekt - fa
ydur-o o
on spray
Miltj Miller is
Petitioner For'
Champoeg Work
The senate .ways and 1 means
xmmittee Saturday listened to aa
ppeal by Milton A. Miller of Port
land, ; for an appropriation of
U 00.0 00 with which to construct
memorial building at Champoeg
ark. He also urged a smaller ap.
iropriatloa with which to pur
chase land adjoining the park.
.The appropriation of 1100,000
ty the state would be contingent
fgton the federal government mak
ng . a similar appropriation. It
'es said that the bUl carrying the
.poroprtation for the memorial
tutldlng baa reeelred the Indorse,
tient of Tirtually all of the mili
ary organisations In Oregon.
4rr .
! TONvr
l5 3&&tML2w -I
ianxgosa7' Street 'Sala Fraaeke
J ' 4.