The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 19, 1929, Page 1, Image 1

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. --(.'.--
Increasing clovdlitesa . o
,'dayr' with, probable rains; .
8oMa wM. Mui tempera
- tnre Monday 4; j Mln. 27;
. Hirer 1, Rain' Sunday .07. ..
; Tear. New Oregon, States
man shonM arrive wa later
the 9:80 A. IL If jam fail
-to receive: yow' copy "phone
. AO0, are Wm send., jrom .
paper promptly. , ?.
-J -J
1! I I I 11 -i 1-1 m I.I M -TritSviT i-r x I- l-f rl I I L2 II Jl I If i II 11 IT I I I 1 1
'No Favor Saayi Us: Iio Fear Shdl Auje" Eg fcVftt
Salem; Oregon; Tittiay Jlfornfn February 19, 1929
- -r ! z : : mmmmmmmmmmmmtmamillm,mmmmmmmmmm ,
Missouri Lame Duck Twitted
by Caraway for Dry
Stand at; Houston
Crowds Gather to Hear De
bate on prohibition Be
tween Leaders
a'- " ... '.' '
. Two . master of oratory Jlin
Rved of .Missouri and, William E;
Borah of- Idaho--took opposite
sides in. thef senate today And for
three and a half i hours . spoke to
a tensely listening chamber on
the problems of prohibition.
Reed denounced the law In a
continuation of the speech he be-
an on : Saturday, l Borah made a
thundering appeal for law en
forcement. Neither was Inter
fupted and tbe promise of thrust
and counterthrust which had
filled the galleries faded as the
Hissourian wanted orer to tne
seat of the senator from Idaho
mt the end of the discussion and
warmly grasped his hand.
. need Degan nis speeca waj uj
again describing the law as a
"hideous crime." After two hours
he took his seat and Borah
claimed the floor. Reed was on
his feet again' when the Idahoan
had concluded but Senator Hef
lln. of"Alabaina was ahead of him.
Whatever Reed had intended to
V-ay went unsaid.
Bocah Regrets Passing
Of Reed From Spotlight
The silver-haired Mlssourian re
tires from the senate on March 4
by his own dictate, and, as If to
express an eulogy on behalf of
the senate, Senator Borah at the
outset of his remarks expressed
regret at the passing of the man
"whose industry, courage and
genius have placed him along
among the foremost men in his
Sitting as usual beside Senator
Sheppard, of Texas, the, father of
the 18 th amendment. Senator
Reed, his face flushed, listened to
his colleague on the. republican
side of the aisle and when lie was
unable to get In a reply he
walked over to shake hands with
Borah at the finish.
Argument Remains 0
Purely Impersonal Basis
There was nothing personal In
their discussion. Reed in his
measured words pleaded for state
control a the answer to law viola
tion, and as a means of ridding
America of its "snoopers and spies,
Its -sneaks and criminals, who
tisvA hvA emnlnved with our
money to haunt our doors." ??'
Borah, In thundering tones, his
hair disneveiea as ne snooa ou
head and pounded home his points
pleaded , for observation of the
Prohibition Is not a problem of
ten days or "of ten years, he said.
Fists Fly, as0unne
And':'Klepjper Mix
joe" Resents Remarks of Milt ancl Smacks
Klepper Soundly, on Nose Whereupon
Defendant Pummels "Joe in Eye -'
They Pack The Galleries
' i
A fistic encounter: between Senators Joe Dunne and Klep
per, growing; out of reconsideration : of jsalary increases for
state industrial accident commissioners, enlivened the sen
ate session' today and reversed the first! vote on the salary aw ; Disregarded
The direct cause of the short and jsnappy fight was laid to
Kleppers aspersion on. the character of a widow for which
Land Settlement Commis- Herbert Hoover Speeds Up
sion Branded as "Ideal- Coast Toward Capital,
Istic" by Committee Vacation Ended
Claim; Throngs Turn Out to Greet
Property Sold by Special Train; Arrival
L Dunne demanded an apology.
Just outside' the senate chamber,-
Dunne, and. Klepper . . .met.
Dunne managed to smack soundly
Klepper across the nose and Klep
per . retaliated'- by " discoloring
Dunne's left cheek and 'eye. . The
scrap turned the senate chamber
into turmoil with President Nor
blad severely condemns the ac
tion. Representative Lonergan.
chairman of the Portland boxin?
commission, rushed over from the
house and endeavored to sign up
Dunne and Klepper for a 10
round bout.
Arbitrator Gets ,
Punch For Trouble
Tom B. Collins, representing
the Union Pacific, stepped In be-
twean the two legislators and re
ceived a punch from Klepper on
his arm. i
Senator Upton moved that the
senate be cleaned out. The em
broilment between the senators
was disgraceful, said he, and tho3i
engaged should be brought into
the senate on charges of contempt
Senators should, he declared hav?
more respect for their positions
and he moved that, the president
direct the sergeant at arms o
clear out the disturbance and have
the turmoil cease.
I second the motion," Klep
per, breathing heavily, entering
at the moment.
These people are our constit
uents. shouted Senator Bennett.
Sit down and shut up," thunT
Board of Control
4 '
Slated Today
iwns LOOMS
-'. U ! :
t i
Gentlemen's Agreement
Verge of Being Broken,
: ; l Portlanders Say .
(Turn to Fage 10, Column- 1.)
(Turn to Page 18, Column 5.)
to be coin
Braiding the Oregon state land 1 . HOOVER TRAIN ENROUTE
settlement commission as : an TO WASHINGTON. Peh- 18. I
"Idealistic dream,, the Jolut: ways (AP) The ; familiar click of
and means committee Monday wheels against rails sounded In
night recommended -that the entire the ears of President-elect Hoover
scheme be tossed overboard. ! once more ' today' as ' his special
in i. . . - am I a a & - m. . ' M At
1 ne luocommuiee yuuiuiou iu irun oore mm irom aia tkuqu
Investigate ths project reported home at Miami Beach hack to the
that the experiment had been a l national capital for his Inaugura-
l failure, was not consistent -with Ition . two weeks hence.
nn good business, and if continued Having traveled more than 10,-
would result in neavier iinauciaiivvv miies oy train, ouai ana mu-1
loss to the state. 1 Itomobile since his nomination last
The law was not com oiled with, June. Mr. Hoover probably was
1 1 v. . .nwmuu. rmnn-riaA and m nn-1 mai In r hia last lonrnerr for
PORTLAND. Feb. 18 (AP) -w Mrxmii in mt manner leonnle of months. is I
j. r. jsaunaers, freight trarricj commigsion deemed advisable. I certain he will make many trips
r " wsinero racuic Tbe commission was criticized fori while he is chier executive, Doin
company, ofQclally announced lu aDDarent disregard for, the over the United States and even
here today that the Southern Pa- Il , : into nearby countries, as he de-
clfic would appear before the, In-1 i;..i,i, ilrai to visit theVest Indies and
terstaw commerce . commission, and I mlM modei Urmi In which a Mexico
nrnrsar - rna riaaa aiAvtitaM w a .
nviuiciu au- i.A.i m m r a r A A Invatt.llimwfli V lsW lYATtl
lill la I KB I inn.OUU USB UTOaa aaa V w - -
On a nf these farms is located I Paaalns; ThroTagh
near Independence, another atl Aitnougn it naa Deen repeaiea
nAh,.rr nH thm third at Prlne-lly announced before Mr. Hoover
Sale of Property
Urged by Committee
'uti V. -
' -.,' f 1
.-..-Xs-:- I
i x-x: -.'' i
r v s-"
? A s 1
if - -v s ?
I . : i
, '
, t , A.
'i'f ' " -
4 Iw x
i V
,i i.sSiT'
" . . -I -
j,, r
jit -s.r
. -j- it.
Council Takes Action; Report
is Adopted, Commit- "
tee Appointed v
River Source Better Than
Wells, City Health Offi
xcer Contends
protest; the! Great Northern tail
road's Tequest for permission to
hi!d an 80-mile line south of
Klamath Falls, Ore., Into northern
The protest. Saunders said, will
be based on grounds that tbe ter
rltory Is new adequately served.
The Southern Pacific's main line
roes south from Klamath Falls to
left Miami at 10: SO a. m.. that his
I train would make none other than
loneratinx-.stons enroute to Wash-
The ways and means committee I . n .
hoi" ..v i
I A x - . mi a J 11. I
eastern coasi oi r loriaa in iae
recommended that the farms
Weed, thence down the Sacra- turned over to the state board of hope of at leMt catchlng a KUmpaB
men to vaiiey. By September. Saun. coniroi, wiu i..uu. of the next chief executive:
d era said, the Klamath Vnl1-Al mey snouia oe sum uiu mo unnrir. i..nnnn fi
ceipis useu co- ciear luo "" in order to maintain its almost
turas cutoff will have been com
In connection with Saunders
announcement, the Morning Ore-
gonian tomorrow will say that
prominent railroad men In Port.
land see the possibilities that the
mysterious' - Columbia 4asln.
Further Difficulties Now Seen
Between Church and State
in Mexico
18.-CAP)r Alma Rubens, film
actress. -who has been suffering
from a nervous condition and ex
eessive use of. narcotics, was re
turned to a -private sanitarium
late todaf. She was taken from
her home, to which she returned
yesterday , from the Hollywood
hospital, to a sanitarium where
she previously had spent consid
erable time regaining her health.
. Miss Rubens underwent a slight
' operation - In the hospital last
week, following which her condi
tion was reported as critical. The
nature of the operation was not
made public, hut It was admitted
that she was being treated for ad
diction to narcotics. She was re
ported as being considerably re
covered when released from the
hospital yesterday, but it was
stated tonight that her. home was
not found o be the proper place
for continuation of treatments.
Investigations are being made
into . alleged- illegal practice of
prescribing narcotics to Miss Ru
bens, by a Beverly Hills physician,
Dr. Lu Jesse Citron.
Close on the heels of a state
ment today by Bishop Miguel De
La Mora that Roman Catholic
clergy- have had nothing, to do
with recent disturbances, the at
lorney general's office tonight de
clared that In accordance with the
Instructions of the president, it
would proceed to nationalize the
properties of all persons convicted
of rendering aid to insurgents.
The statement of the bishop,
which was made in the name of
"the' Episcopal sub-committee,'.'
representing the 'Catholic church
authorities in Mexico, maintained
that the clergy had not adopted
supersive attitude. Had not par
ticipated in the recent -disturb
ancea and had nothing to do with
rebellion. He admitted that
few, perhaps four or five priests
might have participated in the in
surrection on their own initiative
but It was not with the sanction
nor at the behest -of the church
He said that the church con
demns attempts at violence such
as the recent dynamitnig of . the
presidential train as not conform
Ing with Christian morals. -
Doney Back From
Los Angeles Trip
President Doney of Willamette
university returned Monday morn
Ing from a ten-day trip to Cali
fornia, where , he presented the
university's endowment campaign
to aiiunnl and other friends of the
institution.' -
While Dr. Doney was In - Los
Angeles a Willamette Alumni as
sociation of Southern California
was organized. Judge Yankwlch
was made president and Mrs. Alt a
Martin, secretary, . The new or
ganization will have headquarters
in Los Angeles. There were 16
in the group making- the club. Vj
Pat Crowe Famed Htijdup
Artist, Declares Hes Not
as Reports State
NEW YORK. Feb. 18 (AP)
Pat Crowe, alleged highwayman,
kidnaper and bank robber, ap
peared at police headquarters
shortly before midnight; tonight
and requested that a report that
he had commltteed suicide in Buf
falo, N. Y today be corrected to
prevent anxiety on the part of his
on and daughter In Chicago.
Crowe's Identity was verified In
the bureau of criminal identifica
tion by a picture sent hers from
i Chicago in 1888 when he was ar.
' rested there for robbery. He had a
tnoustacne at the time the picture
was taken, and although he has
non now, he was readily recognls.
d in spita of the thirty years that
standing obligations. The ; report I v-ovir, c,hia .
of the subcommittee was Bignea cU1 train went through most of
oy senaior oirayer ana the places at high speed with
tauves weainerspoon anu v-uuw. . wnutle screechlna its warnine. At
The committee reported ouiiotBar towns the crowd assem-
wunoui roBimenuuou a ibieo at the stations were more
tlon introduced by senator or-ifortMnatfl-
Yakimal and tidewatqr railroad bett authorizing the appointment oonfewnM Held
north fijom the Columbia river to of a legislative committee to lQ-with Party Leadetr
xaaima is peine constructed by vesticate the working oi ine state A fAW whft W--A wt
the Southern Pacific to strengthen AOmnenBation act. I P,im Raiah it.nni ia1 a fink viaw
their holdings on the Pacific coast. Consideration of an approprla-of the nreldent-lect aa hm stood
The Oregpnian sees a "break" Ition of fSO.000 for an infirmary I
iu ."vj i e vux.oiuvu o icrcuivu i T-r i nt An-w in ufKMf knl bHr Mil.
oeiween me row iransconuneniai --. - .,,-. rm irrnH nnrb
sneral consul . of the republican
ational committee; who is spend-
the winter at Palm Beach. .
Melbourne, the train slowed
down sufficiently for several hun-l get at least a glimpse of
the next , president who smiled
I broadly when the mayor strug
gled to hold un a huae stuffed
of Senate Bill 1531 tarpon, a species that Mr. Hoover I
failed to land . on nls excursions I
to the Gulf stream and, the Flor-I
railroads serying-the Pacific north
west, and f Quotes from what It
termn suhsjtantlal sources' that)
the Great Northern, has everything j
framed for launching a fast train
to Chicago? that even advertising
copy, announcing the fast train
has been written.
"Extra sensitive" Is the way the
Oregonlan sums up the entire rail
situation In the Pacific northwest.
- ' , At
Held Last Barrier ; to
$500,000 Structure
Ida Keys.
4T.rktV whet sn tw XmotkA m ai
;..'. aaa -yax t t Wa, ww aast j vu uiinaU V UVI
Duomy iw i."" " I coming here," the mayor said.
Mr. Hoover's train is due in I
Washington at 4:30 p. m., tomor-
of the legislature, the state board
of control will have plans, com
nleted for the new 8500,000 state
office building ana once mese are
approved, bids will be asked for
the construction of the newistruc-
Appointive; Officials Not to ture. Actual construction should
Lobby in Their Interest. be under way by May with com
in a
Says Governor
State officials holding appoint-1
Women Job ceekers outnumber-
pletionof the building' expected
late this year.
This information was obtained
ment under the governor have Monday ai ine siave m
been ordered: to refrain from lob-Ian authoritative source . , !
wi . i-. u.i.i.tu. Liinna HMn as run
SMtlSrl This de- Any opposition to this action fd calls for help better thanfour
X A -1 I will nrnhih T h tVADt aWaV II I M BOS UUI1IIK JttUUBIT, 5UUWH a
tree waa uauucu uuu iuugjt . - v -rrr r K
, w ti lsnnt a hill No. 152 is enacted Into report on the Y. W. C. A. em-
i.w Thia measnre Drovides that Ployment bureau Just prepared by
i.i ' v i. ,.! f iho. .tatA indnstrlal acci- Mrs. Eric Butler, new assistant I
tM. iinrin ihMinn in nnn.MBt commission-shall be declared I secretary at the Y. W. C. A. Dur-
tion with th iwnmmniat'on a tmst and their further retluc- Ing the month. 251 application
that tis ;iTnmUfifnn Kara rsTrmltf cA h. Hrmii!v nnnosed although for Jobs were received, with but
to M-antfi franchise to stares andianedal o revision of the measure I 0 calls for help. Fifty-six appll-
trarkn nn highways - I . to fnrth that the act shall not be I can is were piacea.
T-v- n.i..iA... . m v. tiAA -I Moat of the women and srirls
Corey has aroused such resent-1 ooo expenditure already providedlwho sought Jobs were desperate-Experts in Marketing and in
' . 1 " . I a - t Aw a 9 a Ml JtW w
ment among legislators-that there for br the legislature of 18?7 r m neeu oi-wora, wim many oi Advertising ai Bins' UluD
is a possibility of the Bailey bill J5O0,00O Structure Planned mem onenng 10 laae any aina oi
to replace the commission with a I The sUte board of control has work mat presented ltseir. wniie
department public works being already expended several thOus- numoer oi marrtea women ww practical phases of business,
passed. ; it ; : and dollars for plans for a new included In the applicants, the ma- ,rVftt1n -H ,ArtUlnin w
It was agreed among the three building but these were held up Jowy were giris irom is u au 7 "7 "7 1. .
omni!Kibnirii CnrnT Rn and ttt? w lltltl,n ThM nlans I rears Of age. OHCUBsea wnigni oj men eijeu-
Bortzmyeri that they would takelwin now he considerably revised. The report shows further that enced In both fields at a business
no part In the. deliberations of the The structure now contemplated 8.181 vssiters were received dor- menB forum to be held In the
legisiamre, oui wouiu appear De-jwm cott about 8500,000. the re- 'a - -lk. .lnh .... ronm besrinnins:
a .te k. UtAA. : a,1m .a. . . aa I f mm f-1ksi w Asf . a vaatm - tklnttl v
vited to aive infonrfatlon. This """I- l:'-?, ?Z JclMae met there reruUrly: 1- promptly at 8:30 o'clock with
"w : ;. 1 iBNi to w a baa aaaaaa - w vw aw 1 , .
agreement Is said to have, been tha -- subsidiary office- building I 1 telephone calls were received; idinner.
disregarded by Corey. He par-erecte1 for the atate last summer,! 884 business girls ate lunch Following the meal. William
ticipated tin a debate with Repro- when and lf tha Btate desires to in the Y. W. lobby. Paulus,. president of the Salem ad
,UI, ,..VWn u. purchase the building. ?j , j
wlf. l1 law committee over ; tTne location on which the new IKfvnhnnin'Q Lien
Weatherspoon's bill to-repeal the nnrt hniwin- ra-UeCi7aiilC S XrJCfi
1, 1 1 1 1 in 1
mis .1'? !
'7 k '
l 3--"vw, -, ; - i v"i iv
t - vt 1 C . -i-s ; " j ,, I
r ' - - ' - ir , --
Svvvv .-. '- li f .... -a s
; vws iv- if i' .'" '1 ' 3
When Senator "Jim" Reed locked forensic horns Monday with Senator
William Borah, the senate was crrwded to the limit while for four
tense hours, the debate on prohibition jaroused the attention of the
Action by the. city council look-. 7
ipg toward solution. of. Salem's
water supply problem, announced .
many weeks a go -as imminent, was
started at Monday night's meeting
when a report prepared by Dr.
Vernon A. Douglas, city health of
ficer, containing, specific recom
mendations, was adopted, and a'.
committee . was appointed by '
Mayor Livesley to Investigate the. , -prospects
for early improvement !
of the water. ( '
Members of the committee are
Alderman Thompson, Patton and -Vandevort.
. 1 -
Dr. Douglas recommendatloDa
1. Abandon the present source
of supply, take tbe water freaa ' -the
river farther up stream, and
erect a modern filtration 'plant -
2. Chlorinate all water in addi
tion to filtration.
3. Rebuild the Fairmount hill
reservoir so as to prevent seepage
and drafnsge of water Into It.
4. Inspect the system to see If
any private systems are connected
with It. Cltai the mains and ar
range for regular flushing.
Tack of Control
Held Bad Fentnre i
Supplsmentlng the written re
port, Dr. Douglas Said the worst
feature of the present system Is '
that it is net amenable to proper
control; a filtration plant and a
new intake location would provide
this lack, he said. While the
water company la now Installing
now p!pe line across the slough. '
'his will not solve this angle of -the
problem, the city physician
.aid. ;
Alderman Patton moved that
'.he report be received and that -the
council Insist upon the carry. '
ng out of Its recommendations.
The motion carried unanimously.
Alderman Purvine asked why
no committee had! yet been an
pointed to investigate this matter,
to which Mayor' Iivesley . replied
that there had. been for a long 1
lime a large committee which hid
lone nothing, in addition to the
jitizecs. committee of 25 wkifh
iccomplished Just as much several
vears ago. Later In the meetfaav
Uowever, he appointed the eesa- '
mittee of three. '
-:tys River Water j
ot Like City's !
.Alderman Vandevort declared
.hat the water in the river did
jot have the time disagrees
(Turn to Pag 10 j, Column S.)
This . Evening
certificate of convenience and aee-.' hT" That waveriy " f v A t jf i
-ft :taa5SffiRs Asked Against
iSS riSF. sjts
tee to make a ; favorable report.
He ! was criticized ' by ; committee-1
men and others.
When f the -i special : telephone
committee authorized by the 182?
session filed Its report, Corey pre
pared a reply which got no further!
have elapsed since the picture was
taken. -- "r '
Crowe told police that he had
no idea-of the identity of the man
whose body, pierced by a pistol
bullet, was found In the rear of
the United States customs office
in Buffalo today.
Colorful History
BUFFALO," NT Y., Feb. 18 (A
Pi A man. Identified by noli
today as Pat Crowe, notorious ban-
Jli m a a -
01 zv years ago, and kidnapper
of Edward A. Cudahy. Jr.r son of
the millionaire Omaha meat pack
er, shot himself, through the head
Turn, to-: Para 10, c!wnn i.f'
than the , governor's office.
Portland Puts:
' Over Another
Drive For Selfl
. PORTLAND ' Feb. 18 fAP)-
Arguments : In i favor : of Goyern-
ment Island as the . site for the
new Pacific . coast navy dirigible
base will be presented to Repre
sentative Korrell In Washington
for transmission to congress. This
was decided . at a meeting today
of -representatives of cities offer
ing sites for the proposed base.
Alleged "Neatest : j
lien" Halleoing j
OnLercency Charge
. Adolph Tolght, who Wns!
arrested Saturday aa Salem's
"meanest man.- was given'
a bearlns; before Jnstlce of
the Peaoe Small Monday n
the charge of appropriating;
to his' own nse a 910 pay
ment on washing machine.
His landlady had given bhnf
. the . money, to - pay local )
firm, ne cord Ing to the 1
charge. Voight's i . bail - was
f ixnl at S2SO by Justice of j
the Peace Small, and tailing
to t pay It Yoight was lodged j
in JaiL The formal charge
Is signed by Mrs. M. J. Warn-
hoult, private proserator.
club : will introduce Frank Jen'
kins, of Eugene and Earl Bunting
of Portland. ' The former will
talk on "Making Advertising Pay"
otillai Qnntbir! nVi1a will ha
nubbam bpringsr1 .
Salt to establish a mechanic's Tne saiem Aaventsing ciud is
Hen was filed 4n ? circuit court working wun tne universiir 01
here Monday by Allen j Jones uregon .extension oepartmenc . in
against " the Hubbard . mineral sponsoring the event. The forum
springs and others. The plaintiff i will an academic, tbeore-
llsts labor at 21077.70. atfd ma-iucai anauy aeciarea wmiam
Iterlals at 8435.25. making a total! Paulas, ad club president In mak
lof 31.612.95 In which the defend. ling a statement about the. forum
ant has become Indebted to him. today. Rather It will be a vitally
From 'thls he subtrscts 2211.25, interesting, practical talk by'bus
ot which $100 Is for cash received, lness leaders on subjects which
150.71 for board for hia mem and (every merchant will be Interested
180.50 for materials. . in. -
The ad dab has set 100 as ItaJ
attendance : goal for.the . evening.
X I Tickets for the dinner can be ob-
w I fmm .Tirnilam . Pintni at
City's Building
Inspector Here bisVop-T
William Lalng. elected recently I Lv JTJDGB KA0J
by the city council as building h WASHINGTON, Feb. 18. :
Inspector for the : city under ; the AP) The nomination of Repre-
I provisions of the building code or-lsentatlve Finis J. Garrett of Ten-
Idinances, took the oath of office nessee. to be a Judge of the Unit-
I Monday and began his work. He led States court of customs appeals
was introduced at' the council 1 was eon nrmed today by the sen
meeting Monday night. - . (ate.
Metal Taken Out
Of Lad's Throat by
Skilled Operation
Death for the two-year old sen
of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Kleen
of Pratum was narrowly avoided
Monday afternoon when a piece
of metal the size of the nickle was
removed from jhe lad's esophagus
where the metal had lodged when
the boy swallowed it in play;
Apparatus : In the office of Drs.
Garnjobst and 'Fortner enabled
the physicians to operated through
a tube Inserted In the eaophagu
which- permitted the' removal of
the metaL - . : v. -. :
The", accident occurred early
Monday afternoon while the little
bo y was playing with a toy;
MILWAUKE E, VTtal' Feb. II. ,
(AP) ' Milwin-'
kee after u mysterious absence e' -ten
years,, to -find - his" tfife. who
had given hini.;np' for deau hap-"".
plly married to. another, Charles
Wagner has bertyme a. modem'
Enoch Arden. ;t?t1." .
Suffering from'a disease w bleb
he feels soon will J bring death. :
Wagner has refused to disturb tha
domestic .happiness of his former .
wife and their children, who knew
another man as their father.
Broken at 35. Wagner has applied
for admittance to a sanitorittsav
there to spend his last days.
After an unexplained absence ef
ten years, Wagner i recently re- -turned
and went . to ! the home ef
a sister, Mrs, Paul : H. Klesling.
Like Tennyson's s Enoch, he
learned of his wife's new love sad
decided not to disturb her happi
ness and that of his two sons, who
were small 'children when. he de
serted them. , They now knew
Bart - Schwamb, a'- ' prosperous
grocer, as their father and, accord
ing to tbe mother, expressed ne
desire to 'see -him when told ef
his presence in Milwaukee.-
-i ... . .. i ' , .
for Willamette
Field to Raise $100
The? Salexa Intensive campaign
for completing the Willamette unU
vlrslty endowment contract begins
this. morning. For the. past two
weeks Paul - B. Wallace has been
organising a corps of ' solicitors
and ether workers, and nubllcitv
work has been carried en throagh-
out the tttrrzy&iS, o-U ' -i
OVer 40 business and profession
al men volunteered to work as so
licitors In the Salem campaign.
and It i is- expected ' that the city
will be covered la very few days.
No date has as yet been set for
the close of the Salem' campaign,
f Portland Campaign On
Simultaneously with the Salem
campaign Is an Intensive campaign
being carried on In Portland.. The
Portland campaign Is expected to
continue until ; the latter part et
next week... " . ;';. v;'.v.
W. 8. Levens. speaking ae "m
minute manT Sunday morning at ,
the First Methodist ehttrch declar
ed that. the Willamette university '
endowment was one ! of the ' beat
Investments ' Salem ' people could
make. !-'Ms--;:v-Vi fii-.'V'v-.;:
The annual Interest on the en. :
dowment pledgea made In the fee.
mer campaign ' brings a- sum ef
money here eauivalent to what v
would be paid in wages to "fac
tory employing 20 men the .year ;
around. Certainly the chamber ef
commerce, the service clubs ana
all of us would work; for such-a
factory, and the university is al
ready here bringing us these bene. . :
fits. Mr. Lavsns concluded. ;