Automotive Information me rarm ana titid u "i --.. a-r .... - ! t - 1 11 -aeejeaawammneaemesssBemnee! .... .. !." . . - .. . 1 - j . - , " 1 ' - 1 ' . .. - 1 .---r-vv,.- - - ! . i i , i ' The Neto Oregon Statesman; Salem, Oregon, Sunday Morning, February 17,1929 ' H n l !. r -ii 1 . . 1 1 i AEIIY OPENS ID YEARS AEfl Harry Scott Begins Selling Harley-Davidson Here Alone, 7 on Force Ten years ago Harry Scott op ened a Harley-Davidson sales room, running the business and doing a little shop ' work alone. Monday he will celebrate the tenth anniversary of the opening with a force of seven In the Harley Davidson agency. Scott has the largest branch in Oregon dealing exclusively in Har leys and the most complete shop for the servicing of the machines. The shop foreman at Scott's was factory in Milwaukee, Wise. The new 45 twin, .reported a the most popular of the line, will be shown at the agency Monday A special exhibit of the package truck Will also be presented to show the latest trend in light, fast delivery. Ninety different line? of business are now represented by the ustrs of the Harley light deliveries. A four-tube muffler without a cut-out is the latest improvement to the machines. Complete elec trical controls on the handlebars facilitate light control while the built-in ammeter shows at all times the output of the generator A handy regulator has been put on the generator to make 'adjust ments easy. Other features of the New Har leys are iroiii ahu roar uiea air cleaner, cushion forks, wate; and weather-proof Ignition, cush Ion seat post, Alemlte lubrication balloon tires. f PRODUCTION SHOWS PRDSPHHTY Eleven thousand Oldsmobile will be built during the month o! February to fill the' prodaetloi Bchedule, factory officials at th Oldsmobile factories In Lansine Mich, report. This will' he by fa ho lniM FuSmirr- nrnrtiictiO' tn the history of this veteran au tomoblle company. This record schedule follow the production cf 6,500 Oldsmc biles during January, which estab lished a record for the first mont: of the year. The production war 400 per cent greatsr than that o January last year when the nev Oldsmobile was first introduced. These increased scheduler the still larger ones which hav been set up for ihe aprlng month are based upon surveys madt throughout the country feyOidR mobile offlcials.( These have; showj two things, that business in gen eral in all sections is healty am prosperous, and that the motor ing public, is favorably Incline toward Oldsmobile. This manifestation of a etroni buying impulse has. been country wide and, therefore, Is taken as., strong Indication of the genera prosperous condition of the entlr country. ! Other facta whieh poin to 1929 being a banner year to. business is the general confidence displayed by business men, low stocks of merchandise and ampl. money for legitimate cxpanslor purposes. , Essex Power Increased l . f .: -: :' v: .;..-. t.--.- ?'jfM - . ii s4sA7?? pit - K&tS'' II " I si'rJW -' : '- ' LA tijfc ' r-fes m n r la the new Essex, the development of trie power plant Into an engine . delivering 70 miles an hour "maximum and 60 miles an hour all day long haa led, among other features, to tha adoption of new main and connecting rod bearings on which patent applications are pending. UnOLg Q Vacation Gains Much Charm From Early Planning; By-Roads Along IT lliri. Coast Highway Lure Tourists! Suggestion is made by the Pa ?ific highway association that sys- '.ematlc planning of vacation? ihould begin now. Anticipation of pleasures to coma is a large part if their enjoyment, especially In reparlng for outing trips. This principle of 'preparedness' is em- ihaslzed by the association with .he invitation to vacation planners o avail themselves of the advan age of first-hand Information on ouring conditions offered gratui tously through its office, 525 Market street, San Francisco. Every Pacific coast region it covered impartially by the Pacific lighway association In giving out 'ata to the traveling public. Map tnd descriptive literature are dis ributed to acquaint the people of tach state and the provinces of Janata with the recreational and ightseetng attractions of these In- erlated commonwealths. ' Prospective visltorst to the ev rgreen playground are pouring ver road map3 and studying fold- rs. descriptive of the northwest. ust as the people of that region PRODUCT OMH 17,600 IlETOI COSTS BUT LITRE Motorists whose driving seldom exceeds a week-end trip to Bas Lake or down to Seaview cottage, will be Interested In tho expense rport of a grand circuit tour ol the United States, from tho Pa cific to the Atlantic, and from Canada to Mexico, Just completed by Thomas F. Jones of San Francisco- t In a -Graham-Paige sedan, Mr. Jones- and ' his family traveled 17,6X6 miles on S39 gallons of gasoline, costing $198.52. Oil and grease camo to 554.75. The total outlay for ordinary maintenance work was $"21. and for repairing ouuetures. 14.50. , i S IS HOBOED OF TOLEDO. O.. Production of the ew line of Whippet and Willys Knight cars is rapidly being step ped up to plant capacity of 2.900 cars a day to meet the Influx of orders that immediately followed the Initial showing . of the new line, officials of the Willys-Overland company stated here today. Thursday's production of 1,67 J cars was the largest daily otrtpu' since the new models went lntt production. . Present Indications are tha January sales may double those of the previous "highest January In the company's history and ev ery effort ia. being made to refceh capacity production as epeedily at possible to keep pace with Incom ing orders. , ' f ,. The reception of the new ears at the New York auemobile show resulted In. new high sales record for show week, according to, pom-' pany officials. CHECK SHACKLES OFTEN Too tight spring, shackles are as ureiess as too loose ones.- They should be tightened a little often enough that they fit snugly but do not bind. Looseness puts extra train on the, springs and allows xtta rattling. to be thsf only car In Its price class equipped with a harmonic balancer -ft device , attached . to the end of the crankshaft which assures uniform, vibrationless per torn4nce mt trery speed range." Graham-P aige Sets Unique Time Record On Climb In a recent hill-cllmbing com petition in Victoria. Australia, a Craham-Pafge, winner of two events, aroused as much interest through the consistency of Its per formance as it did through its vic tories.' Both climbs, over a 1600 yard course, were made l exactly the same time to the fifth of -a second, the Graham-Paige being clocked as 1 minute 69 4-5 . sec onds for each of Its runs. ' - The test was held under tha auspices of the Royal Automobile club on Zlg-Zag bill, at Lilydale, the climb consisting of a series of hair-pin turns on a - difficult grade. The Graham-Paige ' won the trade stock standard event la Its class, and afterward won ' the event open to all cars. . 4 Carloads of -V New Chevrolets . Arrive. Friday s pi mini mini ii i,' ' - X. Four carload, of Chevrolet cars with all models of the new six In cluded , excepting tho cabriolet, were received la Salem Friday hy Douglas McKay, local dealer.: The cars hare been unloaded and are to be delivered this week. Orders now are well beyond the 100 mark for the new car, said McKay, Sat urday and deliveries art being made much mora rapidly than In previous months althourh - aalas are still ahead f production. have been 'reading up' on the mid winter delights of the southland. Folders and maps, distributed gratis by the Pacific Highway as sociation, enable them to plan their outing tours more intelli gently. Californlans Pralso Northland Thousands of Californlans re turned from their vacation t'oure in the great northwest with glow ing tales of detours . which they made from the main Pacific high way, in Washington. They arc now telling anyone who will lis ten to their vacation adventuree to go and do likewise 'see the Olympic peninsula.' Seme turned northwesterly from Chehalis down its river course which widens into Gray's Harbor opposite the cities of Aberdeen and Hoquiam. Others divided at Olympla, the state-capital, with the same objective to the west ward. Two rival lakes led to fur ther diversion ' of traffic. A littlr less than 40 miles noth of Gray'? Harbor, Lake Quinnault was one magnet to motorists; the other. Lake Crescent, pulled to the north of tlje Intervening Olympics. The latter Is re ache Tl by following the Olympic highway northerly along the shores of Hood canal, Puget Sound and the Straits of Juan dt Fuca past Port Angeles to a poln' due north of Mt. Olympus. Pathflndlng fans found varlec delights In following the course of wilderness streams, teeming with trout and salmon. Vast for ests, jagged peaks, enameled with glaciers, heighten the charm ol the heart of the Olympic penin sula, a 3,000,000 acre playground of varied delights. Reports received at the head quarters of the Pacific highway association tell of continued suc cess In taking striped bass, from the waters of California's Inland sea between it's tributary rivers tf Napa and the San Joaquin and Sacramento. Just 50 years ago the first of this species were planted In Carquinez straits. Now thej are legion, and as lusty fighter are offering; splendid sport ic fishermen who motor . over or around these Inland waterways.' TRACTOR - fllL-YEAR WORKER ill HI By O. B.-TJcll The tractor Is a reliable farm hand for the entire year, a 52 week worker, who will be on the Job day and night If necessary, and asks no feed except when It work. If you are the owner of a tractor and are not getting a full 52 week work, you should check up. on this farm hand right away and fin dout why. If you are in tending to purchase a tractor, bear in mind that you are not buying or engaging a farm hand to work Just occasionally or when the weather is good. The average farm tractor lasts about so many years regardless of the number of hours it Is used each, year, i consequently every hour added to the ordinary aver age of use helps to cut. down the cost of - the tractor by Increasing its life earnings. ' The tractor does not ask for pasture, nor expensive barn It fears no cold nor heat it buckles down to hard work and never quits 'til the Job is done. There are tractors made now that are bigger than the weather be cause they are built to work re gardless of the snow, ice, mud or dust The "Caterpillar" has been built particularly to overcome all these weather handicaps, and Is steady, reliable 52 week farm hand. Commercial Cars To Be Exhibited Soon in Mid-West A national commercial vehicle show will be held in the middle west late in 1929, preliminary details of which were announced today by the motor truck com mlttee of the National Automo bile chamber of commerce, which is sponsoring the event. The exhibition will include all, types of trucks, 'buses, taxicabs, delivery wagons, and special ap paratus vehicles. A national motor transports- tion convention will be held at the same time for the benefit of users, and Including various groups which are especially inter ested in commercial - transports- On Auto Row By P. PRESOOTT ' Loder brothers, tho latest addi tion to Salem'a antomoblla raw. wish to ' than the local residents for the reception received since opening their sales room on Cen ter street, Tho brothers hare sold three new Graham-Paiges and two of the 1928 models, besides sev eral nsed, cars. The new DeSoto building on Marlon street will be given the first touches of interior finishing this week when plasterers will get to work. The concrete floor will also be started this week. Work cn the walls and roof is completed with the exception of finishing the front. - All employees of the Valley Mo tor company were recently shown a film of service methods pro duced in the Ford laboratories. The local company has received national recognition for their ser vice floor and seem to be out to put Salem on the country's auto map with a larger star. A. G. Randall of Woodburn has rejoined the force of the F. W. Pettyjohn company as repersenta tlve in that town. Another recent addition to the staff of the Nash agency is R. G. Stillman with th: rating of a salesman. Biddy Bishop joined the cara van Of Oldsmobile dealers and dis tributors that passed through cere baturday on its way to San tion: A. J. Brosseau la vice pres ident of the commercial vehicle division, of the automobile cham ber. The following have been in vited to serve as the advisory committee on the show: Paul W. Seller, General Motors truck; Martin L. Pulcher, Federal; Wal ter C. White, White; Howard E. Sneathen, Dodge Bros.; W. S. McAfee, International Harvester. REMOVES LIGHT RIMS Friction tape wrapped around the rim of the headlight and given a quick pull will usually remove the lens without any danger of breaking the glass and without scarring the rim. A little grease will make the job easier the next time. Francisco for a preview of the new Viking eight, a production of General Motors In the Oldsmobile plant. . Approximately 50 . men were la the party which will re turn lata this week. . . After doing special ' work in Hudson-Essex shops in Los Angel es, L. E. Kelthley returned Friday to the service force of the State Motors, local dealers of those lines.' Keithley is recognized as one of the best mechanics In-Oregon for. Hudson products. Harold Millard has also joined the State Motors and has the duties of used car manager Henry Finley doubled up his time taking a vacation at Newport during the clear weather and mak ing several Reo sales in the coast town. The temperature was ap preciably higher though hot quite warm enough v for surf bathing, Finley reports.. " A mark for the-local dealers to shoot at during the auto show at the next stale fair was made by a Chicago firm during the recent show there. Blfd-Sykes company of the Windy City sold 202 new' Graham-Paige cars to retail trade between January 26 and Febru ary 2. ' :;v I Salem is making a try at such records with allowance for tho alleged winter slump If tho unr loading of more than 10 carloads ; of autos this week is any indica tion. Some of the dealers bring shipments continuously over the highway from Portland' adding still more to the new car sales here. 4 kKr-4;i Virm I 1 i.7.' wont "KV W'. . . r t3n it V . WT V IF WiTIRE$t .V- TT-ntiS .r- G7&0 . Hours o2 Service Each Year Utt Pays Knowing tires as We do, we know that KELLYS will give our customers complete satisfaction. Try one -you'll buy the rest of the set without urging. "Jim- "Biir The Station with a Clock Phone 44 Fitzgerald-Sherwin Motor Co. Chemeketa and Kaerty. Streets rignre Lke a Financier . - I ' 1028 Chrysler 72 . Roadster .......... .$1250 1929 Chrysler 08 " .-' : " Roadster '.'. iwZLl.f473 1027 Chrysler 70 -.,...;'-'"' j . " Sedan i . . . 1029 Chrysler 70 Sedan i .. . . ; .8305 - ' - " ' . ,'. Fitzscrald-Shcririn Motor Co. ' . ' Chemeketa and liberty , , Telephone 1183 OTAI1TO r.2n., ETefo. SO OA. r.i. : FDEE Cpcc3ol To boys and girls a fine pencil . Viil ' be giren absolately free to every girl or boy attending oar sale dtrrins the(openhrjr day. The month of February marks the anniversary for the completion of oar tenth year in the Cycle Bosiitess in this location -in Salem. We have enjoyed a very fine business during the past ten years and . .. jL.e uuuaands of friends and customers, who will be glad to n celebrating our tenth anniversary. During the past three months we have completely remodeled and re-" furnished our entire store, staking it possible for us to give even much better service than we have in the past, and we are now proud to say that we can offer to the people of Salem the To show our appreciation for the fine business that we have enjoyed during the past 10 years we are going to offer our friends bur " , Never before such a saier never before such low prices -only a ew items listed here, but you will find our en tire stocks of Bicycles, Tires, Used Motorcycles, Children's Wheel Goods and Accessories reduced from 10 Ileavy Rubber Pedals $1.50 value C33 -jjjp. wmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Scott's Heavy Service Bicycle Regular $50.00 wheel Velocipedes , : All sizes and . models 2,6 00 "DevU Dog" Bulb Horns for bicycle 9BG Repair Dept We pride ourselves on matn mhntmg the most complete and efficient repair shop In tho state wo have two fac tory trained mechanics and are of ferine special prices on motor repair Jobs for the next 80 days. ITe are not permitted to offer discounts on motorcycle and bicycle replacement 4 parts, or . new motorcycles. , ' 32-in. Genuine ; Horsehide Coats .fm"hpskin collars While they last : liav Bee Spotlights Clincher; Casings : Fine "Heavy Stud" clincher Bicycle Casings OEQS on. U. S. Cbato Tread Kcycle Enamel - Bicycle Tire Foor iUteeTBt hta QS.95 : 35?. ?ns , -ScootersV! - 3IQ-QOSu: 12-in wheel, ball bearings . ' . Large rubber tires ,; Helmets Retails $5.00 ; . :. . c " 7 , .Good leather, full lined s . special . . , , rmrm 03.00 yv53 Bicycle Tires v Bicycles ; Fisk Premier a good 1 Boys and girls models standard - make tire $26.00 value ; Special v ; . Anniversary Special ' - Cti.Q; on. .- - ao.go V:.r 147 So. Commercial St. ""Pearson's" Wheel Horns A real noise maker Retails $1.25 Grips ; Rubber handlebar grips : 40c value ' - h Skates : -; ' - ..,: ';."- 'pair. . Finest " quality ' ball ' beaing I -. 4t : Skates i .;. -; . pair . ' i The Cycle Man 1 "e . . , T . Harley-Davidson Service 71 rx fcTTJ cm . . . . Telephone C3 REBUILT KOTTCtCYCLB &cr $40.oo UpTER? ti TRADE ACCEPTED Attention Out Board , ' Motor Owners TTe are In a position to five yon expert repair service on any make of Out Board motors-let mm hare your motor troubles. - We guarantee sat isfaction. '