The New Oregon Statesman. Salem. Oregon, Thursday Morning; February 14,1929 Battle m Lively ii eo it ox rr Wins Dec OveF T rioal RrkTr'c T?ocinK - JL, MiXslVrJL ; 111 T Experienced Portlander . i -wT X - iL - 11 I the boxing frame sawed all lentrth. Youner Sam Lancford r. ii ma.KK unnm ia rer nil to beat Teddy Fox at the armory Wednesday night. f. But with Fox's unusual reach added to his other fight- " M1 WOp ItlVtUVIV SyWVS UUAVIIVIAJ CSU MgA ness, he's going to be mighty hard for any fighter to stop from now on if he stays in condition. Any doubts that'Salem fans may have still entertained aa to Teddy's ability to carry Sa lem's fistic banner, were dispelled when be earned a decisive draw over the tough little negro ea- t nesday night. Langford knows more about fighting than Fox has yet learned, and he may be faster, although anybody who says so will me;t with a storm of protest from local Tans; but to get within range. Langford had to put himself at a disadvantage, and In the middle 'rounds Fox made the most of this and pounded the dusky Port lander had in the midsection. " Huge Crowd Pleased The fight was lightning fast .from the start, and a fitting cli max to the best card offered here, in a long time, attended by a rec-j ord crowd. The first round was even. Fox bad a little the best of the second, iho third and fourth were even inl then Fox took two more Langford hit a fast pace to take the seventh, smothering Fox with gloves. The last three rounds were fast and furious, with Fox in each case offering the greater amount of punishment. Spud Murphy an1 Jack Peter son, both terrific fighters ordin arily, clubbed each other's stocky bodies with short jous irom . .w hammer "arms but their styles of fighting were too similar to make the scrap as Interesting as the fans had hoped It wouia De. Referee Loutltt called It a draw although the fans thought Peter .nn hauld have had a decision on the basis of the punishment he handed the Hubbard battler in the last two rounds. Little Fellows Draw SI Flookj of Mill City and JackleWattenberger of Independ ence also fought a draw, but Wat tenberger's partisans were signifi cantly Joyous in their acceptance of the verdict. Klook was consid erably more aggressive. More gloves flew per second In the Young Ambrose-Andy Woods bout than had ever been In a Sa lem ring before,, especially in the first round. .Ambrose was notice ably stronger and won a decision, although Woods gained an ova tion for his gameness against odds. Johnny Brans won a close de cision over Jack Maynard in the first preliminary, largely on ag gressiveness. All the fans were rooting for "Johnny" and ninnit v " hoth acranners being named John and their hair being almost exactly the same shade. Alas! Smelt Not To Be Protected A desperate attempt to save the lowly smelt from ultimate extinc tion was made In the house Wed nesday by Representative Roblson of Clatsop, In H. B. 12 9, but In spite of all the touching oratory of th egentleman from the coast county, the measure lost. The measure would prohibit taking smelt except by gill and dip. net, and the sponsor declared It was aimed at unfair commercial methods and at persons who. now vantnnlv catch smelt and waste them. Big Sister SOME SOM LurfH -tine. MONEV HE. has found, he offers to "treat his friend Sooty WHO UPON) "5EONXS TUB MONEV PERSUACeS DOtVXVHE TtD USE tffO JOttSI THE PiRAnecReu 4K)OtOfJ AS Vh sharks Gopley Movies aOOPY MOVIES Mil A - iSIZZLING o . ire Sfc pact pogo. V U .. ... H I I I U-.r-, .- V " - -- -;. 1 , '"" B5-'- I . " Kin w it r iwb r-wr i 1 i u b ii.iv. iii w j i I w ww.r. r - s I vii, III v w - 1 m ZmOam ' I . - ' . I AXs V VTJL.y V - : J 1L A 1 fighters' arms off to a uniform would have had a croofl chance aruunn. iue iiuwcrs inai uf in nu is B Only three days remain in which bowlers in the Statesman derby may complete their nine games for the first round, and there are still a number who have failed to do so. The Winter Gar den management is urging the en trants to finish up by Saturday so as to avoid being dropped from the tournament. In Club league play Wednesday night, Western Auto won two games out of three from Nelson Druggists, and the Lions took three straight from Associated Oil. Scores were: XJans 165 156 116 200 214 Hudkin Haac Swope .... Grota Fitiftrald TotaU 171 178 153 159 123 165 140 104 180 101 651 79 759 2589 AaMCiated Oil ' 140 133 212 170 154 185 158 163 .159 138 Davldaon Swift .... Wickert Lyons ... Ul! 140 172 154 148 164- Totals .828 768 778 2384 Waatarn Anto Brown -174 176 aarr 147 162 185 178 160 164 178 Natbman 148 157 Martin 142 179 Halloa ... 143 189 Totals .754 868 849 2466 Ntlaon Drnggita Mannis 153 174 Vail 160 180 168 148 178 118 148 495 488 439 898 646 Gahlldorf - 108 188 Rekholm C..126 164 XaUoa a. 165 213 Totala 721 879 '60 2366 Road Program In County To Wait The Marlon county court is car rying out a policy of watchful waiting these days so far as the county road program for the next fire years is concerned. "We won't formulate any plans until the leg islature Is over," said Counts Judge Siegmund Wednesday. "Wc want to see whether we will have any money left for the road con structlon by the time the legisla ture adjourns." Labor Paper Ends Publication Here Publication of the Salem Wage Earner, official organ of organ ized labor in Salem, was ordered suspended Tuesday by the council of the Salem Trades and Labor organization. 4lLck of financial support necessary for continuing the organization was given as the reason for the suspension. James Preble, local newspaperman, has been editor of the paper. FOR DERBY GAMES JWA I ' - OUCV, HE UKy.....DOVOU ) HO.HO " I Ofl MAVBS THE CCEATUCe 'rOUUU 85 mM VOEPT IV SUEEP-?-?, . SET AWAY FPOM HE8E )VHC?. HO! L . II ill r--.-fc- fc..- . ..... tiie. X - I VV iT . . - - ; i ; ; : : . . : l ; : . . SORDS POINTS . . . . . By Jack Sords ,. ' . . - He Wasn't Good Enough for the Ryder Cup Team- i ' : : : . ' r " - . ' i rrjiiiilLi,iiiii in i- i ii i iii i i i TAEWASAEOF J vJMfi If, - -WJ MAICING A GREAT RECORD I M h 17 XS S . ii-i - . i .i-., . j iiu i sls rrz ....... . w ILD BILL MELHORN, who wasn't good enough to be picked for the Ryder cup team that sails for England in April, continues to dazzle the golf world with his sensational play In the winter tournaments. Bill re cently added his third successive major tournament victory by win ning the south central open at Hot Springs, Ark. He had pre viously captured the Texas open L UNO EXPERTS .Business men of Salem, at a dinner to be held at the Elk's ;lub at 6:16 o'clock Tuesday eve ning, will hear Frank Jenkins, publisher of the Eugene Morning Register, In a discussion of the important subject, "Making Ad vertising Pay," and Earl Bunting, marketing counselor of Portland, speak of the subject of "Market ing." This is in connection with Che statewide business service being sponsored by the Oregon State Ed itorial association, in co-operation with the extension division of the University of Oregon. The Salem advertising club i sponsoring the meeting in Salem. Round-table discussions ef this type have been held in other cities of the state, and have proved un qualifiedly successful. SB MM HEAR Ws St L.I. vAsajt coisipeReo good eMoocrt FOfTHe. ' R-VDER. COP TCAM with a record card of 277 for that eight-year-old event, and the El Paso open with a record of 271 for competitive golf. Melhorn Is now looking forward to the La Gorce tournament at Miami Beach, March 18 23, and the annual north and bou'.h cham pionship at Plnehurst, March 26 27, the two remaining important oattles of the winter season, jiut no matter what luck he may meot Contract Signed By Silverton Lad With Frisco Club MARSHFIELD, Feb. ' 18. (AP) Gilbert Moslert 28 formerly of Silverton, said a player in the Willamette Valley baseball league, has signed for tryouta with the Ban Francisco Seals. lie will leave here Friday. Mosier pitched for Marshfield in the Coos Connty league last fear. Jenkins Held Authority Mr. Jenkins' talks at these meetings have been well received, and he is regarded as a leading authority in Oregon on the sub ject of advertising problems. Mr. Jenkins, is a successful publisher. has made a close study of all phas es of advertising. Mr. Jenkins U head of the firm which recently purchased the Roseburg News-Review. Mr. Bunting has directed plfe with in those classics, he will still lead the winter campaigners. Hi.? record aready surpasses fhat of MacDonald Smith, who headed the list of winter golfers lat year. BUI is powerfully built, with broad shoulders, and is capable of outdriving most players. When his long tee shots are going right, he is a hard man to beat, for his short feranie and putting are always dependable. 42 Students Now Are Enrolled in Kimball School Classes at the Kimball School of Theology will resume their regular schedule this morning after .a two-day interruption. Members of the faculty and stu dent pastors have been attending the pastors' conference held at Albany the first part of the week. Two new registrations Wednes day brought the total for this se mester to 42. This figure in cludes all full-time Kimball stu dents and all part-time registra tions of students takinv regular work in Willamette university. lomenal marketing successes in the Northwest -and on the coast. He Is an acknowledged expert. nd is expected to bring worth while merchandising and market ing ideas at the Tuesday dinner. FIGHT OFFICIAL Third Man in Ring With Sharkey and Stribiing is Vexing Problem MIAMI BEACH. Pla.. Feb. 13 (AP) The question of the third man in the ring when Jack Shar key, the Boston gob, and Voung Stribiing. pride of Georgia, mix it here Feb. 27, probably will be de cided Friday. i an was tne gist 01 an an - ence between Jack Dempsey, the promoter representing the Madi son Square Garden corporation, "Pa" Stribiing. who manages his son, Johnny Buckley, Sharkey's manager, and members Ql Miami Beach American Legion post's ath letic committee, sponsors .of the bout. Names of the possible referees acceptable to both fighters will be discussed at the Friday confer ence which Dempsey will not at tend, and if one is not agreed up on, the promoter will then name, the man to referee the bout. While the conference regarding a referee was in -session, civic of ficials and the chamber of com merce representative; of the great Miami area were in executive ses sion planning to care for the 25, 000 or more visitors expected to attend the fight. Many are expected to remain aboard pullmans but plans are be ing made to list every available room for the hundreds who will want such accommodation. Man. agers or apartment buildings. rooming houses and owners of pri vate homes are being canvassed to arrange for the influx. Sharkey stepped up his road work today to four and one-half miles around the Miami Kennel club's track instead of-lhree miles taken heretofore and went through other routine workouts. Stribiing cut his road work down but added to his other rou tine In preparation for the biggest fight of his career. The Georgian said he believed too much road work would cut his weight too sharply. STOCK MARKET I I NEW YORK. Feb. 13. (A" The stock market was pusV:: about in confusing fashion by fr quent shifts of speculative s?nl! merit today. The market displayed consider able buoyancy at times, but heavy selling In the last few minutes o' trading left prices highly irresj ular. - -Trade and business news kaf favorable. Iron age said produc tion is. sustained, following Jnu ary records in both pig iron ano steel output, and prices of rolled steel are gaining in strength. American and foreign power and American railway expres? mounted about 11 and 6 points tc new tops, and retained most oi their gains. Johns Manville moved up 8 points and reached 11, radio mounted 8 points and fell back 10, Wright aero jumped 11 point and closed practically unchanged U. S. steel sold up to 180, and closed at 175 3-4, off about i point. Motors were mostly heavy Chrysler losing nearly 3 points American tobacco B, Canadian Pa cific, General Eoectric, Goodyear, and Pere Marquette were among issues losing 3 to 5 points. By Les Forgrave 1 m ST T ? CCJARDThc 0005 PiNP H(OE.TlS IN TUE. T&EXSURS. CHEST . TOMOR.R.A U&U- NrttAt"e THIS MAM "( rJTO OUR SECROTS i sis n fill 1 By Neher HOWJ C00UL0 YOU LIKE' TO BE ISi BEAT'S SHPes ? MAV?e THEV rjwtpown! WIN A PRIZE SCEKoARO foc eoo pey vov;ie5.. rVAAlt vtuU . GOOPeVAOyiESi IU CAPS Ot h2d .v Ted Thye is Better Than Kotsonaros PORTLAND, Ore.. Feb. 13. ( AP) Ted Thye, Portland light heavyweight wrestler, defeated George Kotsonaros. Los Angela matman, two out of three falls to night in one of the fastest matches ever seen here. Thye took the first fall in one minute, 30 seconds with a wrist lock. The second went to Kotson aros in 13 minutes. 30 seconds with a series of headlocks. Thye cinched the match by taking the ithird fall In four minutes, 30 sec- i nd Jth crofigbodv hold Thye weighed 179; Kotsonaros, 186. - ' NIMIILLE TE1 NOT TO PLAY SALEM McMlnnvllle high school Wed nesday refused the proposition of the Salem high school to send Its first basketball team there for a game at any date the Yamhill county school named, it was learned here following a visit of Barney Cameron, student body president, and Joe King, athletic manager, to tbt school. Cameron and King vioited the McMinnville. school in an attempt Co bring about amicable relation between the two bodies following the ill feeling directed at the local high school for sending its second ceam to play McMinnville last tveejk end. Refusal of the propo sition, presented by Salem was made by the McMinnville princi pal on the ground that such a fame would create ill feeling be .ween the schools. The Salem stu dents had planned to appear be !ore the McMinnville students to explain the situation and suggest .he additional game but their r -;uest to do so was refused. Dallas Hoopers Drop Slow Game To W. U. Reserves DALLAS, Feb. 13 (Special) The Willamette reserves defeated Dallas high school 33 to 18 In a iow basketball game here to night. Faber, Bearcat forward, waa "nih point man of the game with lo points Summary: Dallas Willamette llglow (1) F (15) Fab.'r Brown (4) F (2) Harmon Webb (4) C (12) Carpenter LeFors(5) O (4) Balderee Lklever G Marsters Griffin (4) S Mosiier S Gerlinger 8 Vaughn S Referee, Glenn Gregg of Salem. The state supreme court today affirmed Judge George Rossraan ;n the personal damage action fil ad by Lillian Stamoe against the Portland Electric Power company. The lower court for Multnomah county returned' a Judgment for the plaintiff, whereupon the de fendant corporation appealed. Thp opinion was written by Justice Belt. Other opinions handed down by the state supreme court today fol low: State of Oregon ex rel Maude E. Hambrecht vs. John P. Ham- brecht, appeallant; appeal fnrtn Multnomah county; defendant committed to jail for contempt of court for failure to pay ali mony. Opinion by Justice Bean. fudge Rossman affirmed. City of Marshfield vs. United States Fidelity & Guaranty com pany, appellant; appeal from Coos county; action to recover on bond for material furnished. Opinion by Justice Belt. Judge Rossman af firmed. P. P. Cave vs. Brown & McCabe. stevedores, appellant; appeal from Multnomah county; action for damages for personal injuries. Opinion by Justice McBride. Judge Rossman affirmed. Margaret Fitchard, vs. estate of H. H. Hirschberg deceased, ap pellant; on petition for rehear ing; appeal from Multnomah coun ty. Opinion by Justice Bean. Judge Robert G. Morrow affirmed. : Southeast Portland Lumber company, appellant, vs. W. M. Jleacock; appeal from Multnomah county; action to recover value of merchandise. Opinion by Justice Rossman. Judge T. E. J. Duffy affirmed. i Ruth Black was admitted to the bar on certificate from Illinois. Ousting of Voter From Lobby Aim I O f Resolutions l Senators Joe Dnnne and Hall have introduced a resolution di recting the secretary df state to cancel space allotted "the Oregon Voter and Its publisher In the state capitol building, i The resolution was said to hare been Inspired by. a recent investi gation by. the federal trade com mission, which., showed : that ear tain individuals and publications had been paid large ' amounts of money for propat&nda. ' i ' C. C. Chapman, publisher of the Toter, has an information service which be sends dally throughout ths state. In a statement Wednes day he denied having any lobby connections,, - - ' . , KIWFFIli Bi' SUPREME COURT SALE! VOLLEY TEAM WINNER Portland Y. M. C. A. Players Vanquished in Grueling Final Game , The Salem Y. M. C. A.-first vol. Jeyball team defeated the Port land Y. first team on the local floor Wednesday night three games out of five in a hotly con tested match, the deciding game a heart breaker. Members of the Salem team were Acton, captain; Hllborn. Gregg. Wright. Hill and Barrick. Salem's second team lost to the Portland Y. second team, three games out of four. Members of the local team were Lee, captain: Trlndle, Trachsel, Marsters, Pape. Gleason, Ward and Ritchie. T PORTLAND. Ore.. Feb. 13 (Special) Two .nlght.s of grat nilllng Is predicted for the P Ific coast amateur boxing chani llonships to be held in Portland, onday and Tuesday nights, Fr uary 25 and 26, undr auspices if the Multnomah athletic Huh. The tournament will bo staged in he Portland Armory where ',tt people may be seated. Entries from the Los Angeles, Hollywood, San Diego. Olympic. Athens and Multnomah atliUtl. lubs, have been received and to iether with the large group uf mxers from Oregon state collf.. Uate College of Washington, ersity of Oregon and Tniversity ' Washington, together with un attached boxers from all over the aciflc coast the total number of itrles is expected to reach the aury mark Bouts start at S lock each night. . WDM PITCC CflD I UIILHHL IIIILU I Ull BFI1Y FRinflY Funeral services for Mrs. Alice Heaty, who died early Tuesday '.ght at the family home at ' 20 V.-rth Commercial street at the e of 52 years, will be held Ht :. i RIgdon mortuary chapel Frl ; iy afternoon at 3 o'clock, under vasplces of the Rebekali assembly. Interment will be In the I. O. O. F. cemetery. Mrs. Beaty was a member of a .Marlon county pioneer family and had been a resident of Salem for nany years. She had been -In ill iealth for nearly three years, but paralytic stroke suffered Sunday vas dl-rectly responsible for hr Wth. Mrs. Beaty was born near Vheatland Ferry. In Polk county, he daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- 'iam Fowler. Her mother, Mrs. .oulsa Jane Hesse Fowler, died t Wheatland last January. Resides her husband. V. C. Bea. v. Mrs. Beaty is survived by four liildren: Mrs. Sibble Chrlstensen if Portland. Mrs. Lillie Halnowskl f Salem and Joe and Carl at 'iime. Her father, William FnwW sf Wheatland also survives. f do he following brothers and sisters: rohn H. Fowler, G. Ralph Fowler nd Clyde Fowler, all of Wheat nd; Mrs. Amanda Elliott of Sa eni. Mrs. Jennie Comer of Netv- -erg, Mrs. Sibble Tandy and Mrs. lose Rogers of Portland; fins Fowler of Jefferson, Mrs. Georgia Tones of Beaver, and Mrs. Norma nittner of Salem. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF KXECUTOR Notice is hereby given that the ndersigned has been duly ap olnted hy the County Court of he State of Oregon for the Coun y of Marion, as executor of the ast will and testament and estate if I. N. Cook, deceased, and that e has duly qualified as such ex cutor; all persons having claims igalnst the estate of said decedent ire hereby notified to present the ;ame. duly verified, to me, at the office of Ronald C. Glover, my at- orney, 203 Oregon Building, Ralem. Marion County, Oregon. within six months from the date af this notice. Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 17th day of January, 1929. T. M. COUK, Executor of tle last will and tes tament and estate of I. N. Cook, deceased. RONALD C. GLOVER, Attorney for executor. Salem, Oregon. J17-24-I1-F; 14 NOTICE OP FINAL ACCOUNT Notice is hereby given, that the undersigned. Executor of the F- tate of Edith E. Jenks, Deceased. has filed his Final Account with the County Court of Marlon Coun ty, and by an Order bearing dale Feb. 13th. 1929, the aid County Court has fixed the time for hear ing, said Final AccountTlor March 15th, 1929. at the hour ol ten (10:00) -o'clock A. M. In tna Connty Court" rooms in Salem. Marlon County. Oregon. All persons having objections ' said Account are required to ap pear and present them on or be fore said date. . WALTER T. JENKS. Executor, of the Estate of Edith E. Jenks,5 Deceased. ' WILLIAM H. TRINDLE. 314 V. 8. National Bank. Salem, Oregon. Attorney for Executor. Date of First Publication. ruary 14, 1939. Date ofLast Publication, .uarm 14, 1929. - F-14-21-28M7-M 6 BEING 1 MRS