The New Oregon Statesman. Salem. Oregon, Wednesday Morning, February 1 '?, 1929 r Society Saenr, Girls Will r Attend Portland ' f JConierence - - j The State Girt Reserre confer ence to be held In Portland tMi '.week-end Is .arousing considerable interest among the Salem Girl Be. 'serves, .- Friday : afternoon Mrs. George Mooreaead ami ... t; ... Swope will-ceo' "vv" . lcm girls to the conference. Includ ing Ellene Moore, irtia Mibc&vk, Harriet Pointer. "Virginia Wasaam, -Terresa Ulrtfh.HHei r. . Hazel McElroy, and OU?e Opper. j'; The program for the conference will center about the top'c of Pa cific Relations and International Relations. It will be inrodueed Friday a the Centenary W!ibur church. A supper for the confer ence group will follow in the church parlors. Saturday morning the Tier. Clay Palmer of Eugene will speak on the subject of "The Rim cf the Pacific." Thfa will be followed by en open forum meetlnr. la the af ternoon tha girls wilt be enter tained with a swim at the city T. C. A. and in the evening at the Court of lGrlhood banquet. Mrs. Robert Sandall and M!ss Gay Lawsoa of Seattle will both speak. - Marcia Seber and Ef fie McGuIre, two national secretaries of the T. W. C. A., will be preeent for the conference. The closing worshln will be held Sunday trroreiag at Reed college. . The girls will present an attrac tive picture, surely, for every girl Is expected to wear he Ctrl Re serve uniform of white Inlddy and skirt with blue tie throughout the conference. ' 1 Airplane Meeting Interesting'To Mothers The Airplane meeting of the Llneoln. McKinley and Lerlle Pr- nt-Tes.cher's association xor tne mothers at the Leslie school proved to be a very unique and profitable occasion for the large -onn who attended yesterday afternoon. Mrs. Floyd Utter, vice nresldent of the association pre- e!ded. - . The speakers of the afternoon carried out the airplane motu m their addressee as follows: wing-' It Mrs LeMofne Clark: Fuel. Mrs. H. R. White: SUck. Miss Dwothy Taylor; Cab'n. Mrs. R. L. Wright; Tall Sp!n. Mlse Merl Dim irk; and the Spark Plug3 who were. Mrs. J. A. Krebs. press and publicity; Mrs. Walter B. Mtnier; Mr. R. A. McCully. foclal stand rds; Mrs. Casey F. Martin, home education; Mrs. Alfred Schramm, social standards; Mrs. B. F. Pound, legislation; Mrs. J. S. Mur-ay; safety education; Mrs. Knight Pearcy. pre-school circles. Tuesday Club Guests At Bridge Luncheon Mrs. A. J. Rahn entertained the members of the Tuesday club with a charming bridge luncheon in tier home on Fairmount hill Tues day afternoon. " The special guests for the aft ernoon Included Mrs. Hollls 'Hunt ington. Mrs. Curtis Cross, and Mrs. Lawrence Woodworth. Mrs. Huntington won the award for high score of the afternoon. The Zena ; Missionary society will meet with Mrs, S. H. Barker this afternoon at her suburban home. Mrs. Roy Barker and Mrs. Charles McCarter will serve as" the. assistant hostesses for the af ternoon and Mrs. J. Fred Purvine and Mrs. Seymour Wilson are ar ranging the program. : The Women's home Missionary society of Jason Leecnurch will meet at the home of Mrs. W. W. Chadwick. 1390 N. Winter street this afternoon. Mrs. Harry Gard aer will have charge of the devo tions and Mrs. C. T. Foll&n.will lead with the lesson study. The W.jH. M. S. of the Leslie Method'flt church will meet this afternoon at 2 o'clock at the home cf Mrs. E. T. Barkus. HOLLYWOOD REFLECTS SPRING FASHION TRENDS FROM Stylista la Pari are all agog over rood reflect these trends in the gowns wornvby the beauties ef tho screen. Pictured here are a few of the c known young women. Left, Lorayne Duval wears an exquisite evening gown with-tight bodice of gold sequins and bouffant skirt oftulle I .'nfSesi Margaret Livingston, second to left, shows the effectiveness ef a gown of black cire lace-4ace Is one ef the most- popular frock I medivms tU year-f orm fitting, with inserts of laee and short train.- The sleeves are lonf. 4 la the center Laura LaPlante shows an adorable frock of band embroidered French batiste- with plaited ruf3es ef: net. f It is worn over a silk crepe slip of shell pink. The atfine star.poees. Ytecondirom rigtt 4n 'a sports costona eonaUtlatf of black circular. skirt with gTay knitted. overbloose. HarraretIivingfton, right,- wears . Jm beautiful evening gown of black chiffon velvet with a drapedeircular eltte - -.-- v-, - News and iOltve M, Doak, BABIES THRIVE ..isJjJ J-f tit f ' j, .y: These seven husky youngsters comprise the nursery -of the wom en's reformatory at Marysville. O. Their mothers are serving sentences of from a month or two to a lifetime in duration. When s child is two years of age and its mother is not eligible for parole at that time, it is put into a home, by the state, if no relatives claim it. Inset, Baby Mazure, who jtme to Marysville when it was but two weeks old from Lorain, O., with its mother, who was convicted for the third violation of the prohibition act. Mrs. Louisa Mitten dorf, superintendent, looks after the youngsters' welfare. The Aliens Returning rTo Home in Paris Mr. and Mrs. Jay Allen an their small son will soon leave fo San Francisco en route to Nsv York where they plan to sail foi their home in Paris some tinu during the latter part of thi lonth. Mr. Allen Is a member o the Chicago Tribune foreign new service at Paris. Mrs. Allan has been one of th onoet interesting and much-fetet visitors of the season during be. tay in the west with her par nts, the A.'E. Austin's of Wood ourn. Ladies of the Social circle o ' the Knight Memorial church wil Jieet for an all day meeting ant Jewing at the church today. , uncheon will be served at 12: It n the church dining room. Tlu luncheon will ba followed by s ibort program of Interest. The committee In charge of the lunch eon Is Mrs. Nina Melntyre. Mrs E. B. Daugberty, Mrs. Maude Poln er, Mrs. B. E. Adams, and. Mrs. V. S. Richie. For reservation hone to either Mrs. Pointer o: Mrs. Daugherty. i , Some 40 couples of the Willam ette Country club met Saturday for dinner and cards at the club house on the Wallace Road. Din ner was served in the beautiful long dining room of the clubhous utd cards were enjoyed following ha dinner in the attractively ap pointed social room on the second floor! Little David Smith. Jr., who re cently delif&ted radio audience In broadcasting with an "Our Gang" program, will again be fea tured as a violinist in a Valentine radio program from KXL at Port land Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Frits Slade are re ceiving . the congratulations of '.heir friends on the birth of r :on whom they have named Rod orlck Livingston who arrived Feb uary 9, a little too late to hel; 7oIln and Freddj. his twin broth : rs. celebrate their ninth birth Jay. . the showings of the great designers Club Society Editor i IN REFORMATORY :. - .!:-. vi I1 t'i Bridge Tea Entertains Group at Elk's Club Mrs. J. C. Perry and Mrs.Elme )aue entertained at an attractiv i ridge tea Thursday afternoon a' -e Elk's temple for a large grout if their friends. Attractive arrangements of pus ywlllows, tulips and Valentine iecorations made the 17 table, harming with color. Honors for high scores of the fternoon were awarded to Mrs Valter Spaulding and Mrs. Clif srd Daue. The Pringle Girl Reserves met Ionday afternoon in the home of !r. and Mr. H. C. Stapleton for he initiation of two new mem bers Lucile Compton and Ruth jtapleton. After the initiation the after loon was spent in games and at racitve refreshments were served .o the group which includes the dvlsor. Miss, Burendt and the members, Violet Lydegras. Ima Toney, Pearl Flesch, Vivian Van Tydegras, Jlella Standlfer and Mae and Myrtle Pearsiall. Members of the Prlngle-Pleas- aht Point Social club were enter tained last Thursday at luncheon In the home of Mrs. J. W. Key at 1940 Center street. Valentine novelties were arranged about the rooms and luncheon table. After the business meeting a clever comedy was given, followed by the exchange of Valentines and a Val entine contest for which Mrs. Rue raeger was awarded first prize. Special feuests were Mrs. 8. D. Em ery. W. II. Propst, J. W. Keyes. E. Clarke, and Clifford Jones. Included In the club group were Miss Margaret Jones, Mrs. L. W. Potter. ' Mrs. Margaret Sealey. Mrs. E. S. Coates. Mrs. George Grabenhorst, Mrs. Charles Graben horst. Mrs. J- N. Robertson, Mrs. John Yates, Mrs. Homer Harrison. Mrs. Olive Shaffer, Mrs. Rue Draeger, Mrs. V. E. Meeks. Mrs. O. T. Sealey, Mrs. George Adams, Mrs. W. - H. Propst, Mrs. Solon Shlnkle and . Corkle. .Mrs. E. Clarke, Mrs: Frank Clarke, Mrs. Harry Wechter, Mrs. J. M. Co burn, Mrs. W. M. Coburn, Mrs. Clifford - Jones and the hostess. Mrs. J. W." Keyes. ill and the style tendencies for the spring aid summer season, Holly Affa irs V ' Social Calendar Wednesday - W. F. M. S. of Firat Metho dist church. In church parlors at 2:30 o'clock. Daughters of the Nile card party and dance In the Ma sonic -.Teran'e. - - -... -. " . : Ladies Sewing circle, all day. Knight Memorial church: Luncheon reservations phone Mrs. Pointer, Mrs. Daugherty. Drama league, 8 o'clock, li brary auditorium. Ladles Aid of Christ- Lu theran church, church parlors 2 o'clock. , Auxiliary to Veteran of Foxeign Wars, 2:30. Mrs. H. M. Sims. ; - Woman's Home Missionary society Jason Lee church . 2:30 o'clock. Mrs. W.' W. Lutheia i L.ndles Guild of American Lutheran church at 2:30 o'clock In social room of the church. '1 Woman's Alliance! of Uni tarian church benefit bridge tn home of Mrs. Roy Burton at 2 o'clock.. Sweet- Briar club meets with Mrs. C. C. Chaffee at 2 o'clock. - St. Monica's Altar society with Mrs. F. X. Albrlch, 640 Marlon. Zena Missionary meeting with Mrs. S. H. Barker. Leslie M. E. church W. H. M. S. with Mrs. E. T. Barkus at Ji o'clock. Thursday Thursday club tea for wives of legislators at home of Mrs. C. P. Bfchor. Brush College Helpers, with Mrs. V. L. Gibson. United Artisans Capital As sembly Valentine party at Fraternal temple. Friday . Epworth League First M. E. party in church parlors. Canton No. 11, Ladles aux iliary to Patriarc Militant benefit card party, L O, O. F. hall, 8 o'clock. Woman's Council of churches observe World Day of Prayer with all day meet ing First M. E. church. Hannah Rose Court No. 6, Order of Amaranth kid party with L. P. Campbell's on North 16th. Saturday . Sedgwick post and Wom an's Relief corps 3 o'clock, colonial tea. McCornack hall. National B. P. and W. Week Plans Made Mrs. C. T. Pomeroy, chairman of the committee for the National Business Women's week which 1 elebrated from March 10 to March 16 announces that her ommlttee will Include the fol lowing: Irene Harrington, Susan varty, Donna Aline, Dr. Mary Pur vine, Blanche Isherwood. Olive Dahl, and Dr. Est'ella Ford War ner. The committee met last Sunday evening at the home of Mrs. Var ty and will meet again Thursday evening with Dr. Purvine. Friends and neighbors gathered . n nonor of the birthday anniver ary of Mrs. Fabry in the country tome of Mr. and Mrs. John Fabry. 5r. The evening was spent with -Ards, music and conversation. At . late hour refreshments were erved. The guests Included Mr. ;nd Mrs. H. C. Stapleton. Mr. and Mrs. o. T. Sealey. Mr. and Mrs Robert Wallace and sons, Mr. and Mrs. George Adams, Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Allm. Mr. and Mrs. John Van Lydagraph, Mr. and Mrs. A Jelderks and children,. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gurgurlch, Mr. and Mrs. "J. Bonney, Mr. and Mrs. L. F Toney, Mr. and Mrs. J. Saudlfer, Mr, and Mrs. J. M. Coburn. Mr. md Mrs. John Fabry Jr., and laughter, Mr. and Mrs. E.- Clarke. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Graben- lorsU and , sons. Mr. and Mrs. George Wilson and daughter, Mr. ind Mrs. E. Conklin and children. Mr. and Mrs. Albert HUfiker and hildren, Henry Rabry, . Toney Tonlents of Seattle, Ruth Staple- on, Roy and Joe Sealey, Jack and Irene Allm, Frank, Albert and Ed ward Gurgurlch, Ima Toney, Joe a Sandifer Anthony and Warren .Vunn and the honor . guests, Mr. and Mrs. John Fabry, Sr. . -.- PARIS OPENINGS " latest gowna worn by these welt Movie Fashioni .... - . f . . . ' nTi: feV ; y.ikf v s ,;v1 V 1 V 1 : -it V if ;'V - I i :'y' '' 1 The latest in spring coats b worn by Josephine Dunn, of the screen. It is a caped model of Lido blue with long haired blue fox trimming on collar and cuffs. A small, close fitting hat of darker blue matches the blue pumps worn with this coat. Benefit Bridge Given by Auxiliary Ladles of the Auxiliary to Pat March Militant will entertain with a benefit bridge at the I. O. O. F. hall Thursday evening. Val entine decorations will make the "iall a gay place to enjoy the bridge and "500" which will be n play during the evening. Prizes will be offered for high score. De- Iclous refreshments hare been Planned. Those In charge of the arrange ments are Mrs. L. M. Weber, Mrs William Yarnell. Carl Engstrom, loe Madison and Martin Holmes. Miss Margaret Brown and Miss Frances Martin entertained at a large bridge affair for the young er set In the L. D. Brown home on South High street Saturday after toon. Honors for high scores were von by Miss Lois Wilkes and Miss Trances Laws. Hannah Rosa Court No. 6, Or- Jer of the Amaranth, will give e Kid party Friday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Camp bell on N. 16th street. All guests. which, are to be only members of the order, are to come dressed in tid costumes and eacn bring a xm!c Valentine. The United Artisans Capital Assembly axe to celebrate St. Val entlne's day with a comic Valen tine party Thursday night at Fra ternal temple. This party Is Just for members of the order. Each cuest Is to come dressed as a com ic Valentine and la to bring s comic Valentine with him. Each lady Is to bring lunch for two. Much fun Is anticipated at this affair. . Mrs. Lewis" Griffith spent Tues day in Portland. SOC Birthday Party for Mrs. John Giesy 6- A group of friends of Mrs. John Giesy celebrated her birthday at her home Monday afternoon. A large birthday cake was brought as a surprise and was duly cut by the honored one. A delightful so cial afternoon was enjoyed. Those present, were Mrs. A. T. King, Mrs. Mellissa Persons, Mrs. t Richard Van Pelt, Mrs. R. G. Hen derson. Mrs. Sarah Hulton, and Mrs. William Yarnell. - Canton No. 11 and the Ladles Auxiliary Patriarch Militant will hold a card party in the I. O. O. F. hall Thursday evening at 8:00 o'clock. The public Is invited p attend. ' Mr.'and Mrs. A. W. Buell enter tained a grout of friends at their home oh North Cottage at a Val entine bridge party Saturday eve ning. Awards for the high scores of the evening were won by Mrs. Gaston Curtis, Malcolm McDonald, and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bowes. Miss Ann Reed Burns and Miss Virginia "Cross entertained a group of the. younger set at a pretty Val entine dance Saturday evening at the Burns' home on Lincoln hill. Each 'guest was presented with snap light favors. .. Mr. and Mrs". C. E. Spence and their daughter,. Miss Wilms Spence visited ' Salem k Tuesday.':; Miss Spence attended Willamette untw versity last semester, where she-is a . member of the Beta Chi soror. The members 6f th-Women's Aillnce will be entertained at a o'clock luncheon in the church parlors Friday 'afternoon. "Birds in the Garden" will be the topic of the afternoon's program tor which "Mrs. r. H. : Van Trump" la the committee chairman. ;jrtT..' - . The.- Phllathean : Bible class of tbe First Evangelical church will held "a business meeting at 2 o'clock In ' tlie chVrcB th e a f ier noon. - " r"- Daughters iol Nile Entertain At - Dance The : Salem ; Daughters of the Nile' will entertain the McMinn vllle chapter tonight with cards and dancing at the Masonic Tem pleFifteen visiting couples are expected to attend. The decorations will be In keep ing with the spirit of St. Valen tine. The hostesses for the affair include Mrs. Paul H. Hauser, Mrs. S. B. Langhlln. Mrs. Charles Pratt, Mrs. F. E. Hallk. Mrs. O. A. Olson, Mrs. A. C. Hoff. Mrs, Bert Flack and Mrs. Albert Smith. Mrs. W. J. Liljequiat will enter, tain at a dinner for a number of the McMinnvile guests at the Lil- jequist home on South Winter street preceeding the Daughters of the Nile dance. Red carnations will center the attractively appointed table where will be laid for Dr. and Mrs. H. L. Toney, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Spence, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ba ker, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Rossl Mr. and Mrs. Kelton Perry, allof 1 McMlnnville: and the hosts, Mr. and Mrs. Liljequist. Mrs. L. R. Prescott Hostess for Mizpahs The Mlzpah Sunday school clasr of the First Baptist church met in the home of Mrs. L. R. Prescott for a social afternoon and ' busi ness meeting. Valentine decora tions and refreshments.were very pretty and dainty. The assistant hostesses for the afternoon were Mrs. F. H. Clarre. Mrs. E. FIdde. Mrs. J. M. Cross and Mrs. Latham. Mrs. Mark Skiff led the devotions. The following officers were elected at the business meeting: Mrs. A. J. Ayres, president; Mrs. Faxon, vice-president; Mrs. L Edgar, treasurer; and Mrs. T. W. Davles, press-correspondent. The group Included the special guests, Mrs. G. H. Taylor, Mis: Edna Prescott, Mrs. Mary E. White and Mrs. II. O. Rhoadet and the class members, Mrs. C. E Darling, Mrs. M. 8ummers, Mrs. E. R. Edwards, Mrs. F. M. Hoyt, Mrs. J. M. Cross. Mrs. W. L. Meeker, Mrs. H. McLaren, Mrs P. G. Blessing, Mrs. C. A. Mc Adams, Mrs. R. L. Payne, Mrs. E. Fiddel, Mrs. A. J. Mathls, Mrs. M. Elchert, Mrs. M. Jenston, Mrs. F. H. Claire. Mrs. B. G. Wayman and Mrs. W. D. Greig. The 3-act play "The Dutch De tective," which the young people of the Knight Memorial church had planned to present Friday night has been indefinitely post poned and In its. place the young people will give a program of vo cal talent to which the public is cordially Invited. E F Persons passing theWillamett university campus near the hour of 1 o'clock in the afternoon on chool days for the next three weeks may suspect that Orpheur himself, if no lesser musical spir it, has taken up his abode In one of the university halls. The ma son Is that all four classes of th' university have "begun regulai practice on their songs for the an nual Freshman glee, to "be held March 2. "In accordance with the custom of the past, Charles Campbell president of the freshman clas? issued the formal challenge of th freshman class to their upperclas; schoolmates in the .chapel Tues 1ay. The challenge was 'accepted with enthusiasm by Donald Grant William Mum ford, and Paul Ack- erman, presidents of the senior junior and sophomore classes. Salem students have had ; prominent, place in composition o' he songs to be presented thi: year. The words of the senior sonr were written by Lela Bell San ders, and the music by Doris Phe nicie, assisted by Dorothy Ferrier The music- for the sophomore sonr was composed by Grace Hender son, who wrote tbe music for bet class song last year. The musk for the freshman long was written by Edith Flndley. Tell the sweet story on Valentine Day with a heart box Flu Time Be Careful! Eat plenty of laxative food. Fischer's TOASTED Wheat .contains all the .wheat ber ry' wonderful flavor easy4 to prepare : a per-fectvib-eakfast food;Icooks in three to five minutes. : ;4 -All Grocers Fischer Flouring Mills . : - j - ' r , , Oregon Silyfrton- II WEST Sraa By I ulu Hunt Peters MIX flutfior Dietand HeaUhdDicb&r ChildrtjrN. fe la Day-Tight Compartments I -np re outdoor life; I'll break my-', Life TjAPPY New Year, Dear Fol I I lowers: Have you ever read the booklet, -A Way of Ufe," by the great physician. Sir Wil liam OslerT- It Is an address de livered to Yale students In 1913, and be cause it has been so helpfal to me. I want you to get It and read it. To day I will give you some ex cerpts from it. Sir William begins with a quotation from r each day needs, tutu hwrPereasjt that Bhait thou isk. Each day will set Its proper .ask Then he rives a slmole nhllos- 1 Iphy by which he lived. "Now the way of life that each is a habit to be acquired by ong and steady repetition. It is he practice of living for the day jnly and for the day's work. Life n day-tight compartments." He tells how he was influenced jy Carljie's motto, "Our main 'justness is not to see wnat, lies iimly at a distance, but to do what lies clearly at hand," "Undress , your soul at night," 31r William says, not by self-ex- imlnatlon, but by shedding your tally sins, whether of omission or ommlssion, as you do your gar nents, and you will wake a free nan with a new life. Do not look iack except on rare occasions for tock-taklng, for worrying over he errqrs of the past paralyzes he efforts of today, and the worm egret will canker the very heart of life. He also advises to shut off the uture as tightly as the past, for he "load of tomorrow, added to hat of yesterday, carried today, nakes the strongest falter." But In order to successfully use his day-tight compartment phi-, osopby. Sir William points out .hat each day must be lived earn- stly, Intently, and to do that we must have health, so the physical ind mental habits which slowly lestroy, must be subjugated Insomnia Is - most frequently aused by reviewing the day and worrying over tomorrow. When t find these keening me awake. hlnk of Osier's advice and say to myself, "I cannot do or undo any more today. This compartment is closed. Tomorrow begins an other fresh day." I find it helps me greatly, After New Year's day we plan to begin anew. "I'll begin to re duce; I'll arrange my work to get Clarion Yearbook To Be Published Contract for printing of the Clarion, yearbook of the Salem high school, has been let Edith May Jenks, editor, announced Monday. The annual will be ready for distribution May 10, earlier than in several years. It will con tain 144 pages, fewer than usual. but more color will be employed o that cost production will be the ame as in recent years. Just 735 oples will be printed. Work on he book Is progressing satisfact orily. Miss Jenks reports. GOULD NOT DO HER WORK Strengthened by LycCa E. Pink- ham a Vegetable Compound Berlin. N". H. "I took Lvdia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound when I was in a fam- 1 was run-down and falling away every day. Mr food wouldn't di gest and I could not do my work. I had to have a hired cirl all the I Time. I took sev eral medicines be fore I tried yours but none would help me. A friend told me about the Yea-etable Comnound and told me to try it as it would help me a lot. Your medicines have done me a lot of good and I cannot praise them enough. I will answer any letters that ask me what Lydia E. Pinkham's medicines nave done for me." Mas. Wnxia Audio, 627 Burgess St, Berlin, N. H. I VL ft 1 ..y- A:yj V "-:-- 4 5T? :W ' - f :: S .... I .- . t ' 1 " -. sr jelf of that habit; 111 study certain amount each day; I'l : . I'll . . After. New Year'a. day." :n a way we ; live in year-tight .'ompartments. Hereafter let us think of each day as a new year; and live;. In' day-tight compart ments. As Sir William points out. .we cannot live fully and Intently un-- less we have health. I am endea- j voring to teach you especially the : .mportance of.attaining and main- J talning Hormal Weight in order to ' live a healthy.1 happy life. Nor- 1 mal weight in " most Instances means right habits for health in ill ways diet, exercise, work, re creation, rest- and mental control. Are you going to start to reduce tomorrow? : AU .right, I'll help you for a few -days. If you can : arrange to do so, It is best to starw J on a three-day, or at least one- day, liquid or semi-liquid diet of not more than 800 calories if yov are talL and 600 If you are short. This really shrinks your stomach so that It does not, demand so much, and it clears your tissues of excess-waste, and you will lose from five to ten pounds or even more. This inspires yon to con tinue. Make up your - calories from the following any combina tion and at the times you like: Buttermilk and dates make n pleasant combination, I think. (Buttermilk, 80 C. to the 8 -ounce glass; 4 dates, 100 C.) Skim milk. 80 C. to the 8-ounce glass; whole milk, 160 C. to the glass. Orang es, apples, bananas, l good-sized. 100 C. each. Orange juice. 100 C. to the 8-ounce glass. Clear vegetable' or meat consomme, S ounces, Z5 c; one ordinary craeK- er, 25 C. Bditor't Sett : Dr. Peters cannot dlarnose, nor civ praonal advlc Tour quetlona. If of general Inter eat. wil be answered In th col umn. In turn. Requeet for articles tnuat be accompanied by a fully ctf -addressed. tamped enrelope and 1 cents In coin for each article, to oover cost of printing- and handling-. For the pamphlet on reduc ing; and gaining-, 10 cent In coin, with fully self-addressed, stamped -s. envelope, must oe encioseo. Ad dress Dr. Peters, In care ef this paper. ets Style This lovely New York girl, now appearing in George hue s ta- mous "Sqandals," has pieniy oi personality. Not only has sae won Broaa ay s aamiruuuu u V. ... 9 A; T-Mst' ) s luiV-er1 "set the style" for Fifth Avenue by the way she dresses her hair, V "Girls la my position muse ar everything to keep, their appear- ; ance pleasing, I says aiiss aian- ners. "But I leaa sucn a buj " i that I can only use the simplest methods. I know I have discov ered the easiest way of doing my hair. It's so popular now here In New York. It keeps my hair so easily manageable that I can dress It any way I want ana ll siays in place wonderfully. -A-U do . is put a little Dandenne on; my brush every time I use It." My" hair was dull and wiry before I; started using Danderlne. , Now" it's so bright and sparkling and' so soft and. fluffy that every one ; compliments me. Danderlne soothes my scalp and keeps away ail traces of dandruff. It keeps - my hair and scalp so clean, I don't need to shampoo hall as often as I used to. Danderlne quickly removes that oily film from the hair; brings out Its natural color; makes n fairly sparkle. It keeps your hair soft and easily manageable while ' you're letting it grow to the new length. It helps stop dandruff- It la delightfully fragranced; Isn't oily; doesn't show. All drug stores have the generous 35c bofpl ties, i Over five million used a' I year. Adv. ; ." J 1. -r