New First -Rational Bank Building Directory T -D Lux SMntng Parlr Expert tor Ladles and QentWzne TURKISH BATHS. MASSAGE Offlc Telephone 2114 Residence Telephone 2222 i FOURTH FLOOR r O'Neill A Rurdatta tntnmalriaii hone" 626 : I 401-4O2-l01-404-40l EIGHTH FLOOR Dr. C. Ward Davis General Dentlatrr m eie . Tiirai oj appointment Room tea TENTH FLOOR Dr. W. A. Johnson, Dentist Telephone IX Si - - - 11001 J O i REAL ESTATE DIRECTORY J ANDERSON A RUPERT. Realtors 1 h. nun Tel., 1444 W. A. BOND, lit N. Coml St. Phon 3974 BECKS A HENDRICKS 189 N. High j Tel. 141 JOSEPH BARBKlt RKALTT Ca too Orey Bids. " Pbon TM - A. C: BOHRNSTEDT 14T N. CwmtiMrclal . Tal (77 LEO N. CHLUUS CO, Realtor 120 State St. Tel. Ml F. DELANO 230 N: Church , Tel. 2214 J. LINCOLN ELLIS t2S S. Church 8U Pbon 124W S. MEARLE 166 a Liberty ST. TaL; 2242 HOSIER D. FOSTER REALTY CO. 170 State St. Tel 242 . W. H. GRABENHORST CO. Tlf S. Liberty St. Tel tl UELVIN JOHNSON 220 U. a Bank Bld. TaL 4SJ W. O. MILLS IUH Stat SC TcL 174 W. E. 2X9SES 451 Court St. Tet 2212 GERTRUDE J. U. PAGE 41 Court Tel. 128! 1 PERRINB A MAR3TER3 111-211 Gray Bids. TaL 207 RICH L REIMANN. Realtor 21 N. Hlit bt. TaL S4i SALEM REALTY CO. 462 State SC Room 7. TeL 1004 SOCOLOFSKY A SON 104-6 First Nat. Bk. Bids- TeL 974 SQUARE DEAL REALTY CO. U. & Nat'L Bank Bids. Tel 474 J. F. ULRICH 122 N. Commercial TeL 1264 TRIANGLE REALTY CO; 421 'Court St. "TeL 651 S U. a REALTY CO. 442 Stat St. TeL 2664 "F, U WOOD 441 Stat St., TL 74 Celery j Hearts, dot. beaches California, erst . Splnasb, Cslit. lb. f4ask -1.7 .00 -10 Bsaaaa 02 v . .04 .04 H .OS .02 J.5 1.00 04 At tieldea DclWWaa Daalsa. lb. i... , Habbara. lb. Marbleaead Carrots, local, ssek, lb. California, erat Cue umbers, bet aease. des. Parsnips Katabsca Caaliflewer. Calif, erat 1 Beached veffetah!, per es. aaael Carrots - -dOC- JO Bla ( Pstatoas IcsL Barbaaks Ysb. Osms Va. KUmath Fall -Sweet Pott - 1.10 J.10 -1J4 00 J4 40 t.7 J.S0.2 rile. It Peppers. Plorlds, free, lb. Tomato. JLSKisaa rag. Lrfxal at tthesse Oaloas Ko. l'a 1.6.00 .00 ..4.00 No. 3's Bailiac Ueal , ,. - Lottne. Cellf. Imparl! Valley, erst 1.1 J Bhabarb. Wsh, erate .00O.l (ReUll aavutktas) Calf meat 22 lbs. ' , , . Dairr feed, tea ' Ul 42.04) aeratca. tea ... , . 0.0O Cera, wkota, tea Creaked sad gTonad kilt raa. tea Eraa. tea Ira mask - ..i ,., . With milk .44.72 ..40.7 4.00 -24.00 -60.00 .66.00 Bxrs - I (Bapteg Priee) Standards 20 10 Modi a ma Vefstsble sad PraiU (Baying Price) ftstce. ewt. - 2.00 4Ve bests, do, baaehes .00 STuraips. ejrt. 1.40 Putupkla, ewt. .8.28 .1.15 ' ben sea, ewt. U aboard saaash. ewt, Oifioas. lb 41.25 .0844 Parsalps. lb. -l.i.08 Kew wmu. do. baach-O0 "i.00 Oabbag. ewt. i ...8.00 Skditbas. das. baaohea Apple, fee aad filled PoBltrr (Baying Price) Heavies Mediant Lights Springers, large .150.10 22 tags -It JOT tors, eld Bsttexfat (Wkelesala) Osrtens ... Prints Batterfat Priate Cf-rtoa . Orala (Bffylng prictf Wheat, westera red, bat .L0C -1.07 50 Boll wait ; eu, gray ba, hit, ka. .61 Barley, tea idTaaxeeiT .2840 (Baying Priot 0owa -06 0.06 Steers, tab VeaL a7 . Sails, soad - Ueary Sews , fprlsg Iambs Wetkara .11 -07 m 42.00 -1? -070.07 .is .060.0$ -. tep Drssad ICsats (Bayiag Prtee) 14 It POSTXJLsi) o POBTLAKD. Or, fab, ll-(AP) Sard white $1.41: soft white $l lt; waatera white $l.ltj Imadl wiatar IL14; . sat- Batter 7 ' (RetaU) i '-.i .58 . . Issaed Daily Except Moaday by " 6tatcf man Pablisbtng Co. 21 So. Commercial St, . , Member f the --; , . ASSOCIATED PRESS : - ! , The Associated Press to exdss'vely ratKlod te the ase for pnslieatiee ( ill aewe OVapevchee credited te it or at (Umwim credited tm this mm tad ' ale te the lees! news pabbssed tereia, - , . susznss orrxezs -. Pseltis Coast - Biyn mUti ve :-- Arthur W. Strpe,' 1b Security ld(u Portland: tkmi Bldg., 8 rreeeUee; til westera Pacirie Rldf.. iae Angsts. , TELEPHONE ? r 500 Ik All Depart) sat I . " Cut and at ths Past Office ia Balaam. , Oregesv as second ataaa martar. SVXSCXTPTXOV BATS -".', Mail sbscripttoa Bate, ta Advsac WUhia Oregoa; DeHy and Oeasy. 1 Ma. 40 seats; 8 Ma. fl.ti; 4 Ma. 2.5i . 1 year 4.00. XlshrSQ l4nt- par Mo. or $5.00 lor i year la tdvaaee. . ', , By Ctty Carrier 0 cent a month ; $4.50 yaar la tdvsaee. . CZJLSSZZXBD ADTSXTZSZirO Reading notice, per ! liae.. t5e J liaa minim ant eaarra) Olaaaifiad Ad-rartialaf. pat liaa UlaaaifUd Advertising, per liaa ' times ; -,' . ,, Clauifiad Adxartiainf,, per liaa times , . i..: 10 so 0e One month, daily end Sunday per una fl.OO COHTBAOT OIASSOTED (0 moatbt contract) i line daily miniiaam per moaia, 4c . a line. -..- (10 redaction It aiinimum ( 10 lines daily.) BUSINESS OPP. BakBesaMwveeVsaaaaebaA MANUFACTURER can you use 20t horse porer I I have power sit ditch dug, 2 large old turban wheel steady flow water year round on pa red high way 16 miles from Balem, 2 ml.- from R R Ideal for Furn. Mfg. Exqlalor mill or anything where power or witer a neoded. Aldr. asn, Daira. oaay ana fir accessible. A tod em bouse nearby. TAYLOR Stay ton. Oregon , BUSINESS corner located close In, $7000. Will give good terras. N. FRONT lot. splendidly located for apt. house. Terma " 'A BUSINESS corner, absolutely a safe buy, location good for any kind of business, good building. $17,000. GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE i 484 Court Street i. n i n ri "i i'i i i. 1 i " " - ... rjn w . . knfMinv amA BnftrttnAitti In arocMff amall . . . 1 . , . . 1 AAA XT.. Inmim. ft S 00. Terms or will consider property in or near ui Aneies,"x. x nwi, 241 State street. aorthera spring $1.10; westera . ret, $1.1$, .. OaU, . - 3a lb. vblte. dt.oo; barley. No. 2 4U lb. B. W., $S7.50; corn. no. a eastara yeuow, aaipmcai $40.00; millran, standard $31.00. tOVEaTOOK POATLaXD. Ore.. Fob. 11. (AP) Cattle and eaWea opening alow; receipts cattle 107O,,calTes lou. Staors- (lioo izoo is.) gooa siu.outs $11.25: " Do. (050-1100 lbs.). good 10.T52$11.50; Do. (800 snd up), med ium $10.00 $10.73; Do. common $8.60 $10. , Heifers (850 lbs. down) good $102$10.S0: Do. common $8$10. Cows good 8.75 $8.50; Do. common to medium $7.$8.75; Do. dow cutter 45(3 $7. Balls (yearling excluded), good beefs $7.50 $8.50; . Do. cotter to med ium $6.75$7JO; calvst (500 lbs. iowa). medium to choice $0.50(9 $12: Do. ealla to common $8 Q $9.50: sealers milk-fad. goad to choice $18$14.50; Do. medium $11.50018-00; Do. cull to commoa $8.60 $11.50.- Hogs opening fairty acttTe; raeaipts, 2140. v Heary weight (250-850 lbs.) madlom to choice $8.75 (3 $0 75 ; madhua weight (200-250 lbs.), medium t choice $0.76 id 8 10.50: lirtt wairht . (100-200 Iba). S $10.75; light weight (180-200 lbs.), medians to ehelee $10.75$U.OO; Ugbt $.75Q$10.75. Packing sews, reagh aad smeotb $8.85 $0.00. SUaghtar pigs (0O-180 lbs.), medraas ta atee St $10.25. Peadar aad stoeker pigs (70 110 lbs.), medium te choice $9,503 $10.25. (Soft or oily hogs and roasting pte excluded . la soots qaetatieas). Sheep aad lambs steady; receipts 1005. Lsmbs (84 lbs. dowa). aood t choice $140$1U Do. . (93 lbs. dowa). atediaa $IJ$14; Do. (all weighu). caU te comma - $11 et $12; yearling wether (150 lb, dowa). mediant t choice $100 (120-150 lbs.) mediam te choice $4.60 0$T: Dr. (all weights), call te common $SO?4..0. PS0DT70E PORT LAS D. Ore, Feb. II. (AP) Milk rsw milk (4 per can.). $2.65 ewt. Delioared Pertlaad. less t par cent. Bat Urftt, statioa 47e; track 48; CeliTsrad at Pertlaad 60 0 61c. Poaltry ( Bay iag prices) -AKre hasry baas, ever 4 lb., 35e; mediant hess. IM te Ahk lbs., lie: neat, aaaer in lbs, 18e; sprtags. 24c; daeks. Psklar. lft c; same kigfeer: ceiora aness. lsto 20a: tarkeys. Ko. 1 heaa. lOQllt; toms. 88084; aapoas, 88066c . - Pets tea Per awt gams, N. 1 crC. $1.4001.50; faacy geaaa. $L4O01O. . SIT . PORTLaSb." Ore, rb. 11. (AP) ttay baying prices: Easter uragoa tim othy. $11.50022: D valley. $17017.50; alfalfa, $tl60088; lTr. $17017 50; aat bay. $16018.50; straw. $8.00 tea; salliag prices 4)3 tea mora. , , - ' , . , narmw i POBTLAKD. Ore.. -Pek. 11. AP Dairy Kxchsnge, net price: butler: ex- trse 47 H; steadsrd, 4Vh: prha firsts tt; zirst . Eggs: sstras SO ; iirats so: mecium extras -S : madium firsts IS. snow roTsriBg, aa wheat raJaee at Jtet terdaav jumped 6 te 7e. Lhicsaa : elostac aoeatioa aa wheat were firm, 6-Oe to la aat higher. Cera flaished at 1-4 decline te 8-8 draace and oats 1-4 dawn to a ahed ap. - OHZOAOO OIATW CHICAGO. Feb. ll.r (AP) Oreo damage threatening Furopa , aa well as tarn ceoasry, wita waaat teosuas ia North America decreasta rapidly, teaded today te carry wheat prise, apgrad. Ber lin reported tessperataree f 5 bealw aara, wkeat la estera - Oarmaay aad ia . Po land waa said te a auaas . aaff lalaat Polly and Her Pals II Member " JL . , . - l 1 1 i H. n - I BUSINESS OPP. NIFTT LJTTIJB Btoctofl- Qy. rlftat In heart at Salam. dolaf nod baslBesa, at practically Invoice. Rent L3J. Loos' tcaae. snap (or nsnt party. srcaUsata. - -. .. ... ,. . , -DEULNO ; -'- ' 10 N. Cborclr ' Pboa tsa FOR SALE Iteal EsUti" t ACRE fruit tract, sood (tra room bouar. son! wall and i-rtnm. autbr.lld. las n & of Saiem., Fbotn IIF1. r---KOR 8ALK - Attractre -Falraioauit Km Boom, , BulH ljr owner , ARTHUR RAHM ' ' Mian HIT or 421 - Bf OWNER leaving town 2 room houa. caraa on back term east front lot. fruit, nut traea. Ideal location to build 'paving paid. Call after 4 p. sn. VlU N. ttl Stroat i FITLLT modem 0 . room bungalow pad ik acre- of land. A fin suburban horn. Price 470. Easy Urmi . SC ACRES dairy ranch. ; A choto place with, all modern Improwneota. Stocked and aqulpped at $16,000. Very aay terms or will trad for income property. . XJITW Indllll trat houa In North Salem at $4000. Sa this tin Dome Kaay payment ana terma. ;, -. , AiDinv MiilniHMili mwA laa. Tlaat location In Salem. A paying propoal- uon. " WE WRITE Insurance. Fir. Auto. Accident, Life. See us about your in surance. IF TOU hav anything to trade, tell oa about IL .. . s . k JoRUlrichCo. - Realtors ' 121 N. Com'L St. TeL 1234 aaaa1aaa4WaaaawjtMa NEW MODERN room bungalow $2000 clear for acreage. 24 a. t Aiw near town ail in cuiu, good bldgs.. 6 -A. fruit, snap. $4000, ood terms. IS A. CHOICE filbert, walnut or cherry land near Salem ; prunes, now $2500. Terms. 46 A. RIVER-BOTTOM farm. bids-, timber, water, crops, sacrifice $4S0V. Terms. FOR RENT 3 small farms. Best bungalow buy in Salem. PEKKIMS JUAKSTKKS 212 Gray Building T AVT IN CALIFORNIA meeUni people who are interested In Buying or trading for Willamette Valley farms and suburban tracts. . If you want to sell or trad come In and Hat your property -witn us. tsaca Thursday 15th. A. U. UUIliilS Sl tlJi Realtor Loans Insurance 147 No. Com'L St.. Salem. Oregon aaa1aeaaaaftaaeaaaaa OWNER lea ring offere thi prac-1 tlcally new, very distinctive. Dungatow, noma tor aai at is bo bo. uomnwreuiL " 5 R1L NEW HOUSE, and breakfast rm.. furnace. large corner lot. six. v. Cash $200 and terms like rent. I Rif STRICTLY MODERN home north, living rm. J6 Dy ju witn lira payment. place, $5700, will take auto as down WINNIE PETTYJOHN. Realtor . 176 South High Street 2 ROOM house 60x135 lot In North Salem for $1400. subject to pavement. Will trade for larger house up to 13. 600. A ?"" C inAm Vtstii 4aa In 4Prarw1 rsTie uw-1 r s wn a-av--w w',- f, dltion on North Liberty street or large lot for $1800.00, subject to pavement. Amall navment down for riant oartr. f ROOM oottag on North Bummer street on lot 46x180 for $8200.00 $260.- 00 down will handle. S ROOM English type, modern house N. K. Salem on frOxlgl lot for $3800.00. Will take a good car up to $400.00 as first payment. " 4 ROOM modern house with nook on North 20th st. for $3800. Terma NEW . ENGLISH tvD 4 room house, modern In' every way : In North Salem at $4100.00 $600.00" down.- MODERN 6 room house on iNortn 5th st. for $4200. Terms. A QOOU 7 room nouse, ciose in on N. Winter for $4.00.00. Will trade for farm up to $4000.00 $1000.00 1st payment. ncsw jsngiian type room nouae, modern In every way on N. Summer st. for ' $6000.00 $1000.00 1st : pay. ment. - - 5 ROOM modern house with two lanre lot near Hollywood for $2100.00 $64000 down payment." . . ' MELV1N JOHNSON or A. U UAHK 220 U. 8. Bank Building Phon 427 WHY PAY MORE FOR LOTS? 276 to $275 for 50x185 N. 17th st. addition lots. Restriction. (North 17JNVESTIOATE all surrounding lot buys and then come In. i BECKE A. HENDRICKS ' . .189 North High Street BARGAIN Non-resident aaygto sea nER $ room cottage In East Salam, good plumbing, basement, furnace, some choice fruit A nut trees, street paved and walks In. two lots. Price oniyrtt00 with terms. LEO J. CHILD3 CO.. Realtors L!$ Stat 8trt Phon 1727 ' TOUR own special plans of either wood or stucco finish, restricted resi dential district. All fine new homes on wonderful tots. Reasonable price lit N. ltth Phone 24I2M SEE THESE AND MAKE US AN . X (JFFER . 7 ROOMS aad bath, oa 8. Commer cial street, east Front, good condition, asy walking distance to paper milL. $ ROOMS. 'bath and sleeping porch, fliwntac. full basement, furnace. Gar age, on paaement, close in. .SOCOLOFSKY A SON First National Bank Building ; A GOOD BUT A GOOD aad wall built house 7 room newly painted and remodeled, located on North ltth has two beau tiful lota, with bearing fruit and nut tree, barrlea, grape, woodshed gar age, good plumbing, paving paid $600 down will handle deaf). Price cut to $1000. Owned by a widow and a non- resioent. iiurry ana bus BECHTEL OR SEARS 141 Stat Btrt Room 4 OWNER HAS MOVED-; w TO THE farm. WN1 sell his nosy 6 room bungalow, two lots that cost him 81 600. last year. Wilt sell now for $860$. Only $500 -own : balance like rent, immediate pnesession. SHE 'BECHTEL OR SEARS til Stat Street ',- Room 4 lJDtFr-A HUrsTDPfl SJK1C& FOR SALE Real Estate nitEtTesTTraalBt omnlxatlofv on tha Paclflo Coast. W bav over 2000 properties lUted for xchang. Every kind af nrooartv. tverr nrtc. very lo 2aUoo. W can match poor xenaag exactly. If you would ilk to trad your property - tooay.v cna ia 10017. B. 2C EAKLE. .lteaitor 16$ a Ubwrtr TeL 2142 WANTTJ) Real Estat e 6jXassetJsBba1lx4 WE HAVE a client who want good 4 or K room niaaterad boas in south- . Salem. SIS a caah : balanca 12..- $0 per no., Including Interest. SEE TJT VDTCV-!S0 . " Realtor . 147 J. Com'L - . Phone ill EXCHANGE Ileal Eatat, ACREAOE FOR FURNISHED HOME WANT t to 6 room house furnished orafarred. Hav 4 acrea-oa Tamer rd. cJoaa- in to trad. Win pay cash differ ence or aasum. CaU III bfor ten or clock monunga. FOR SALE 40 acre bottom land oa highway 2 mlloa from 'town. It acrea under cultivation, good buildings, good fencea Oa - easy . teams, might consider town property on trad. In formation oa place, writ Box 250. To ledo, Or. - r .-. TO TRADE House and lot for Minn Iowa or southern Ore., grazing land, mono nn-w. TO EXCHANGE . lTROOM aoartment house with two apartments of 2 rooms aad two apart- mt,ta 01 x rooms, nasoatnana touet, for each anaAment. full baaement and furnace. Price $6600. Will trad for small acreage eloae In, or a smaller house as part payment. WE HAVE a $ room modern house. price $3500, to exchange for a new house. win pay casn ourerence 01 $1000. SEE Thbmason with LEO N. CHILD3 CO- Realtors 120 State Street Phone 1727 BEST TRADES TV 4TT"f'w mthiirhan fo w-rvi nmnap. ties SEE BECHTEL OR SEARS. 155 A. FARM $15,000 for city 30 A. $4000 for Woodburn property. 7 A. $11,000. for California. 114 A. TWO sets bldgs. for Port land. 100 A. all equipped. $13,000. 122 A. FINE farm, mod . bldgs. $24.400 a real farm. so A. ssovv. ror smaller place. 72 A. FARM $5500. 10 miles Salem trade for good- home. 44 A. RICH, black loam soil, fair if A wm BaBif4aa 4na Ua lorn IPiisrnna 9fr. - sjwy iui aa-aaaaf mub)-. 110 aa v r erty. Prlc $8000. MN suourDan nome, electric ngnts, bath, 10 acres good land trade for house Price $8500. For Best Trades In Property SEE BECHTEL OR SEARS 241 State Street Room 4 TRADE Stock ranch. 1600 acres. $16,000. What have you? F. L. WOOD, 341 State street. FURNISHED residence In one of the best residential districts of Port land. Value $9,000. Will exchange for acreage of equal value near Salem box bis. M statesman. 10 ACRES. atDle orchard (8pltx enbergs) full bearing TO TRADE for house In town, ssoov. 320 ACRE stock ranch with house, barn, water, etc.. Laa county trade for car or smaller place near Salem. WILLIAM E. MOSES. Real Estate 451 Court Street Tel. 2818 1 , ACREAGE kBae1eaXnaee SHEEP OR CATTLE MEN TAH.C. WUXIVJIU 480 ACRES. 21 miles Salem on good Jt .1 m 41. ra htvhw.v nil fenced, woven wires, 100 acres good . . r l v .... ln Tarm lana. Ov scrra nrra uviivi a 1115- iy waierexi, enougn wwi w uwio nwui ay tor it. msumaiea.ia.wuw rarut, iir .ullAInariL not isolated. Price 125 Der acre, caah-, no trade. - 290 K. Church Phon 2$30 fsS9Blsa 17 ACRES 6 mile from Salem: 12 acres In cultivation ; lots of fruit ; run ning water ; good trainer zor ramiiy use. Perfect place for poultry, etc. Price now 11750. Call at 442 State St. Tel 2680 for particulars. $5 ACRES 8 mites from saiem ; near school; good road; good soil and fine location ; part in cuiuvauon , boric Hmher: Ila-htJv roll In. This' Will make a splendid little dairy farm and is cheap at $5000.- CaU at 442 State St. or phone 2660. A. M. Dalrymple. trnwwT.T. PnilP.IH ACREAGE II AA Mr acra. 150 down. E. B. Fletcher. Oervaia. -.- ' lAHJK. uairus : A Chance to get your Suburban Home. 9 ACRES of rich, xtroductlv lead. not far out with new 4 room bouse, garage and woodshed. Fin well of water. Price -auw, can iav. uai. like rent. Yon can move right In. FOR SALE By LEO N. CHILDS CO.. Realtors . 220 State Street Phone 1727 Saae4axsawabaw KUlM. FARU BARGAIN ""Sift A. all in crop, on mkt. road fit miles from small town, t room houa In good condition electricity 1 a. logans. Price $J$00. 121$ Edgewater - Phono 1441 TIMBER TIMBER 140 A. NOT far from Salem must b sold to close aa tat. Prlc a 166 dot acra. Would b a good buy at $100 par acre. Estimated ten thousand cords of wood, hks - - . BECHTEL OR SEARS $41 Stat Street Room 4 W-WAAAAAWArWWWWWAA GET THIS NOW $ ACRES on paved highway. 2 mile from -city limit. Deep, dark loam aoiL Good $ room horn with electricity, water system, bath and fireplace. Oarage, barn and poultry houa. Fruit, walnut snd ahad tree race 94 oss. Term, .w in vxenang ior modern Salem horn or Income prop erty, bkooo to S1B0V, THIANUIjIS KJKALI X UJ. 421 Court Street Ground Floor, FOR RENT 20 ACRES FOR RENT 4 ROOM HOUSE, barn 7 mile E. n Stlverton road, Inqulr 276 S. High streaL Mathla MASQUERADE costume and wlga 2280- N. ttn. Pttoa 1947J. FOR RENT Houses, apt., furnish ed and unfurnished. $12 up to $65. BECHTEL SEARS 141 State Street . Room 4 L ALV5HS tdSfTA fl a 4 aaw I i I l l I 11 a av mi ii fa i FOR RENT HOUSES FOB RENT furnished ar nnfurniah- ed $ room Caort-kdw. fioora fireplace. hum-hv kltehan. araraa- and laundry. Immediate possssaioo. Flion 1442 or 4XS-H. FOR RENT J rurntsnad and sacae anfurnlahad bouacsv . Mai rut Jgimaem. Phon 447. . 4 ROOM fum! bouse, with tu ag pbon 1190J, $ ROOM HOUSE 4 ttdrooma aad garag. Cioa la. Newly decorated. FURNISHED S room nous. Flrav pteca) and garage. . Caa't beat It for $ . . . . ROOM HOUSE S bedrooms. Bath and garage. Newly decorated. only $10.00. v . . ; . . , , NEW t ' room bungalow. Bath and garag for $17.68. , : BEE STEONXR . - ' 176 Stat Street FIVE ROOM. modrn hoOs. hard wood floors, flroplaca, furnaoc, garage. 165 uwea street. FOR RENT or for sale new - 7 room bouse wlttr acre of around and fruit. Two block from bus aad school. Call owner 1270R 1486 Marion. ONE-HALF modem house. - furn ton ed or unfamlatied. 1480 a Church. FOR RENT Furnished six room house, IS blocks out. F. L. WOOD, 141 State street. . ' FOR RENT Furnished, neat, new strictly modern bungalow , $36. Dsla- no, 2 N. Church. Phoa 2810. . tOlC UrJNT Apartments Ambassador Apts. fRoom furnished. , Room unfurnlaiiad. Children Weicom 660 N. Svinxaar 1171 FOR R E NT House s aad apart- menta. V. L. Wood, $41 State. Pbon 794,. . FURNISHED and ' unfurnished t room apartment. Virginia A part mints, 879 N. Liberty. FOR R12NT furnished and unfur nished 1 room Court-hdw. floor, fire place, tutlt-4n sxitcnen. garage ana laundry. Immediate possession. Phone 1S4X or SZ4-K. FOR RENT three room apartment. 750 N. Front. Well furnished, gaa, elec tric lights. Inquire Oregon Cleaners A Dyers, 190 a Commercial street. BUNGALOW apt ia Palmer Court. SEE E. E. ROBERTS, with ANDERSON A RUPERT. Realtors 169 a High Street Phone 1644 ,wr eel ave.. tel. 1939 IVliTT.r. fnnildi&l or., rtmon , . 11-h. water, garage. 1411 N. Church. FURNISHED APT. or room, heat, light, phone, bath. 1424 Ferry street FOR RENT Modern apt. In Hol lywood. $26.00. Phone 9S1M. NICELY FURNISHED apartment for rent. Heat and water furnished. 920 Mill. " 4 ROOM sunny apartment 210 N. 14th street, 5 ROOM furnished apartment. 754 North High. FOR RENT ROOMS ONE double, furnace heated, fur nished room, with private bath. 1599 State -street. iei. zuiov.. WARM ROOMS 247 No. Churrh. LIVE STOCK and 1'OULTKi r-TTSTOM. HATCHING at'3c ner aa In 1000 lota Exnert service. Book or aartv Phnna 1SSP? l'a Ifnlnh. ery, Salem, Oregon. BABY CHICKS Get your chicks from a plant that specialises In expert poultry breeding work. Our winnings st poultry shows indicate the qualify of our stock and our ability to produce this quality zor you. Becur run infor mation from our 'new catalog. I U mem ber 1 3 popular varletiea Lloyd A. Lee Hatchery A Poultry Breeding Farm. Rout f.. box lis. eaiom. Oregon. WILL BUY. sell or exchange horsas. mules, harness and wagona Dom Sherlock, rear 238 S. Church. WANTED Party to raise turkeys on share I am loaning Implements too. ramfshed for raising food. Must have family or sufficient help and be fi nancially able to handle at least from 60 to 100 turkey hens. UHA8. F. SIMON Phon S9F14 R. 8 Box 140, Satem TU RK ET8 Mammoth brons breed ing stock, tb Simon extra heavy lay ing strain, xv or tne Dronae asau tie for sal or to let out on shares to responsible people .In lots to suit. Hatch lag eggs and doy old pullets. CHAS. F. SIMON Phone S9F14 R. $ 3ox 140. Salam FOR SALE Used Cars OLD9MOBILK THE FINE OAR MADS FINER - OFFERS ltlt ; ; u License Free , . with vry car purchas lt$ or ovr. . - Read These - Packard 4 Door Sedan $ Oldamobll 2 Door fMdan Oldsmobll DeLux Sedan 676 SS0 460 469 460 Mudaon uoacn Dodge Leather Sedan Bulck Glass Inc. Rdstr. Bulck 4 lxor 416 $1$ $00 27$ Overland Glass Inc. Tour. Oldsmobll 4 Pas. Coup Overland ? Door Sedan. Oldsmobll Roadster Late Ford Coup Late - Ford Sedan 276 245 171 Late Ford Touring 12$ Jewett Glass Inc. Tour. 165 StudebaKer Touring Oldsmobll Touring 160 12S 10 utnor cars Both opon aad closed models - 1 Prices from ISO to $100 : Capitol Motors, Inc BIDDY BISHOP OLD8MORILB " THE FINE (1AR OF LOW PRICE Open Kvenlnga Also Sundays OAT" ar) ShOl5T, Ur4K ,t" I II-- BV ' FOR SALE Used Cars '; aw USED CARS 'At Actual Whoteaate Prices Lai Modls STATE MOTORS INC Hud son- k aaa r Distributors . - High at Cbamekets fit. Pbome 1000. 192T BUICK SEDAN, four-doors. Hsaslmf - shocks, excellent oondicton. rtcd ta sail to prtvat paruaa xor 1900. direct froan owner. If you ' a barfain I2t. fitau call 1I66J or Inquire at Bex ytj-Xi'V.o-M-.!.-.-.--! ,- " ' T ' VSI-11) airj&JI. tStS VnrA Irark extra transralaalow. 90 rubber, car 220. Otto J. wusM uaraga. 112$ 72 - Chrysler Roadater Bk new. Pay only balance oa contract. FITZQBBal.rVBHItRWrN MOTOR OO. 1 niai I aal UHameluts v iAAA)eAAArAr)ArWWrW SPECL1L! TODAY ONLY, laav . Patu (V f Ai mi laa Perfect eoadltloa ttirougbout $114.90 under Portland prtc. - Call Ktrk Wrl6t,.ll$,..-,,--:- McKay's ForAJsed Cars counts 1817 Pontine Coupe ,55 f! If zi lMdge Tvuiuf . . 1426 Ford Sedan Ruxtell axle 260.00 1916 Chvretet Coup 140J0 192S ChevTOtet Coach . ttO.OO 1914 Ford Coup .. iat.00 420 N. Commercial Phon 1801 ; Douglas McKay Chevrolet Co. We Save You Hundreds of Dollars on These Standard Make, Guaranteed Automobiles WE WILL SAVE YOU 1600 on a nearly nw Bulck coupe- SEE it. We will save you $600 on a .Bulck sedan. ' HERE are some 2 yearNMd cars, an 6 cylinder: Nash Special Coach, $600 Hupmoblie coupe sou Pontine Sedan 500 Chevrolet Coach 365 ALSO we have a 1922 Bulck Se dan with a new paint job for $2,5.00. FORDS 1926 Coupe 826S 1924 Tudor Sedan $17 1921 Tourings $55 to 75 1910 Touring, good shape 4a WE have several Dodges and a Gardner at a low price. Valley M.otor Co. Center and Chersnketa Telephone 1995 PETTYJOHNS B1ETTER VALUES AT LOWER PRICES 11929 License Included 1927 Pontine, Landau Sedan Model, splendid tires, original finish In fine shape, upholstery fin ...$ 69i 1927 Chevrolot Coach, a real buy, car In excellent condition, be sure to see this splendid value $ 425 1936 Studebaker Special Six Coach new tires, car in fine condition. lias LT-.d the best of care $ 650 1927 Nash Littht Six Coupe . $ 595 1928 Naah Special Six Coach ....8104& 1926 Olds De Luxe Coupe 495 191$ Naah Special Six Coupe. .. It IS Hudd Touring "3" fine hap . .$ 695 1926 Bulck Standard Sedan ....$ 890 1916 Naah Special Six Coach ... 695 1926 Hupp 6 Sedan ...$ 850 OTHER GOOD VALUES in used cars from $50 up. Real bargains that you will appreciate If you see them. F. W. Pettyjohn Co. 165 North Commercial St. Salem, Ore. "After we sail w serve." WANTED Used Cars CASH paid for Fords Biker Auto. MONEY TO LOAN )AA)WMAAAAJAWWAMAAMJWM BUSINESS property loaas 114 per cant. Res. loaas monthly paymeat and straight loan, lowest rate. Met. Life Insurance uo., money tor larm loans. HUDKINS A SAN FORD. Inc, Miller's Store Building, r hoi it sxis. Private Money to Loan ON FARMS AKt CTTY REAL ES TATE, LOWEST, INTEREST BATxCa ucnr ivrunu FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDG. - DO swa need money to build or re finance your loaal Payment 110 par month per thousand includes low la. tareaL Wa can lower rour payments. WESTERN BOND A MORTGAGE CO. McKv a Giifry 141 Stat St. . Phon lot eAWAWWAAAAMAWAAA FARM LOANS TloatP of monS to loan on good lana security. City Loans W4 ar loaning prudential In surance company money' on city resi dences and business property at SM per cent, plus a commissi oo. Hawkins at xtooerva. ave uiua shumud . MONEY LOANED OK AUTOS 1 Contracts Re financed Arrange to reduow your paynwnta, You keep the car. P. A. ElKEIk . f3or. Liberty St. aad Psrnt Phon 121 Balem. Ore. WWMWWAAAAAAAAeAAAAJMW ' WE havo private money for real Straignt ana insiaumsnt loans oa dry property. JVm loans at 6 plus commission. . . ANDERSON A RUPERT Realtor v?:! -v:: ltt & High S ua.- . 14 Hi " f u; ',;fer j ; iJt 12 .... MONEY TO LOAN SALARY aad coOataral loaaav Re pay a bl In weekly ar monthly tnatalU menta uraKiuii nNanus vuh PO RATION. Fit at Natl Bavc Tal 110. . - CTTT AND TRACT LOANS - Reasonable Rate--No Delay -STATS SAVINGS AND LOAN - ASSOCIATION t02- Flrat National Bank Bide. Phone 4S7 . . Waiem. Oragoa WAJED Private" awjtwv for farm leans. Wa hav a varal v a Dpllcatlons on hand. Hawkins A -Rotena. -Incv 2S fregoa XMOdU . , : ' P. H. BE 2IP U. S-.Bat k Bldg. Raaldenc and loana. sot ar llll-W. CITY AND FARM loan at low rata. Best terms cbtainabaa. - Our tnau ranee department offer yea pert edvloe and sarvic In all Una. - HAWKINS A ROBERTS (Inc.) TeL 1417. - tOS Oragoa BldgJ FEDERAL PA KM LOAN L. F. U Wood. 241 Stat wreet. WANTED aiaJs Help WANTED Cabinet makers. : Apply at Cosmopolitan Store, v i - WAlOElITUAT10NS UN IVBRSITY r FRESHMAN BOY wishes 9oom In quiet horn ta return for servlcea. Phona 649. j - FOR SALE 0I1SC. FTTRSirrURE UPHOLSTERING and repairing. Ole so-Power Furaltur btara. WANTED Used pianos, in x- cbai&i on Radios. phooograLiha or fur. aiture. H. L, Stiff fe'urnuuew Com- FOR SALEM Scarenger service call 167. ALFALFA HAY L. Town send 19 miles north of Salem on Wheatland road. WAAAAAAAiAAAJWAAAAiW FOR SALE OR TRADE on prop erty or car. Safety Thrift Certificate Bond with American jridemy invest ment company. 406 Silver St.. Silver ton, Oregon. - BALED STRAW for sale 44 50 at ranch- K. J. MUKTANUU.N, 39F14. WHITE enameled Monarch ran re Alaska. 75 lb., refrigerator, oak din ing set. beds, dresses, rockers. 549 N. Cottage." FOR SALE Boston Bull Terriers. One nice male left. Priced to sell. Phone 111FZ. WANTiiD MISC. CARD RIMD1NG. crystal aazlna. Call 2857-M. iJ'iii ri fu uxfrxrjxnrunrk-fkJ-r CAPITOL BARGAIN and lunk house 105-146 Center. TeL 398. All Kinds of Junk bought and sold; Rags, Sacks, Bouies, xtarreia, nides, feu, wools. Furs, Tallow. Cascara Bark. ' Grape Root. Pitch. Peppermint Oil, all kinds of iron and metal everything from a needle to a locomotive. WTOUYrrent ca'btnor garage house. 170 S. Liberty. Phone 1SB or ZBOVV. MISCELLANEOUS FUBJJITURE 1 PAcklNG" for shln- menta Glese-Powers furniture Co. PERSONAL WOULD YOU MARRY alrl 18. 825.- 000. will Inherit 450.000 : Widow 40. $78,000? Photos-descriptions free. Club. Mrs. Warn. 8177 W. 4th sL, Los AnimlM Cit 1 1 f r,rr la . .-- - - , -, -i-,r"V-i(-LrLrirxnjjO-fXJ MARRY IF LONELY Join "The Successful Correspondence Cluh." Re liable; descriptions free. ".Box 654, t4AI14-,IIU, UIWL. 6.000 LADIES DESIRE MARRIAGK ages 17 to 70. nave means from one dollar to ons hundred and fifty thousand. Thousands married. Why not you?T7 Information (plain .sealed en velope.) ORANGE B. CIRCLE. Mld dletown. Indiana. LOST AND FOUND LOST Brtndle bull terrier tmn. fe male, 4 month old ha on whit eye. Followed some boy from til works Sunday Notify Frank Neer, 917 or ISO l. LOST At the Elslnore Sat., rmrnle and white scarf: Finder please leave at Kennsll-Euis studio. FOR SALE Wood GOOD. DRY Second -Towth. t 2S "Is! tl9 1st In tS &A lAaak 1st t it. A A v w a T w. w. vernaa a w gaa aT.' W. Call ttltW GREEN MAPLE and ash. 4 ft It oa a cord. It In., big fir delivered at $7.- wv a corn. xei. ztsvj. - '- - -' -- -- - -i-i-i-i--nwvnj GOOD wood at reasonable nrleea at Tracy's Fuel yard. Phon 2986 yard at iz Aiogwair ou. west sal em. GOOD DRY JVOOD oak and ftr. Phon- 1I0F16. Robert Fromm. Rt. f. sswashassavaas DRY 1$ In. old fir 4 ft., fir. ash and mapl. ' . - C U HARBAUGH tit Highland Av Phon 1419 flUARANTKKD .DRY Wniwlwn. I TaL II. Salam Fuel Co.. 761 Trada DRY FIR A OAK ' Wood m Coal & Fuel Oil , Call on us for orlcea. We aire cool measure, good quality and good, ser vice. Larmer Transfer & Storage TL 610 ' GOOD WOOD at a reasonable nrlce. Well seasoned second growth fir. Also well seasoned old fir - slab and In side wood. - ' PROMPT LlhUVEKI . Phon 1141 Fred E. Wells 280 soutn unurcn street OOOD DRY wood for you D. A Larmer. Ti 1899, weMweAMwWMewwjee FOR SALE Wood of all kinds. at. xaayiwa. pnon izr i. FOR DRY FIR WOOD 4 rt. or awed Call C. D. Qury., Phon By Cliff Sterrett nr. w BUr?si iTi FOR SALE Wood uvyu uial URi WOOD i PROMPT DELIVERIES p Mil l U1V LITf 1 r-u-v t l TKI.KPHnVH IHt ; 1(1 WYATT KENNEY FUEL : CO.' IStOCeater. TL 116t-ML . I GENERAL DIRECTORY AUCTIONEERS ' F.N. Woodry - oO It Yra Salem's leading Auctioneer -. and Furniture Dealer . , - ' Residence and Store 1610 N. Summer 8t. Phone Sllr T f?OL A " T. $2 -aT1 aT .e w...,-.' .7 T " ineuee tm. in -Hlllamtt valley for date, or ar-n rangemeat see V. A. Doerfter. farm. , advTjmr. First NaUonal fcanClera:' Jlh"n 0r.wrlt. A, U Stevenson. Cor-uii t vallls, Oregon. mlf - - H, F. Woodry and Son"" ;The AUCTIONEERS Who Sell 1 Phon. 76 - 20 Year Experience BATTERY ELECTRICIAN, R. D. Ra.rtan KYmxg Tl. Starter and generator work, to South High. .i Battery AT '' A m a . . service station v Automotive Electil.-ans Vlck Bros? High St. at Trad Tel. 1141 BICYCLE REPAIRING IAJTT V da lattz-. a. s.L f Bicycles an drepairlng. 387 Court. 1 f DR. LLOYD L. HOCKETT. Physio-1"- V44TZI sa,0IIT. r $4Sf. 6th SL. Tel 1259-W 'i. IR RTlPRiK 1kf..l.- : -- """wii, nwier" Slug 309-11 Oregoa ..i t. w VT. f' -"pracior, 7,- 256 N. High. Tsl. J. Rea 2104-J. . " & mttiwr iiirta.- DOCTORS m f I. (i A I Tvr i xr w . L . ... bv.T7-i 7 . - neopatn- erty St. " f ELECTRICIANS "ALin. KLECTRIC CO. Ljectrjc contracting and repairs. I Klectr c fixtures and aupulifcsl Electric ranges and wT-,. ' pii " 441 f7 tvb;m FLORISTS I'TfWlPa cyu ... . OlsenV cSIrt AHlA'at.. TeL 80l! " ' (M.fT rr,Taat-i a. . f"nfl wreaths, decora "on C P Tel ill sis etiaie Street. ' " -' 3n INSURANCE VM A I'KPhv TZl .T.M tual lnaun7 iiV V-.'.A t"'wJ if"- Tel. .912-M. ' -" oaiem. - ' i . WARREN F. POWERS Tel 607 ,al-0n"i lnsuranc ti,t '! U. S. Bank Bldg. . iM ANDERSON A RUPERT , . ,unr1 Insurance 169 S. Hlgltr. TL 1444 I us vBE.CK "EN1R1CKS ...j 189 N. High TeL ltl K RICH L. REIMANN I.,. . . . General Insurance. Leans !19 N. High St. TsL 846 " WILLAMETTE INSURANCE T, ... ; , AGENCY . ('' 15Masonlc Bldg. Tel. lit'1-'' LAUNDRIES THE NEW SALKM LAUNDRY . TeIephon 25 262 8. Ilteh, ' PlPTTit. r.t- v . . . . n L . . .. j .LVndr Put Material- fi . Telephone 14 lt44 broadwii , MATTRESSES - rr . .iK"a ailu dt tn OapltoL Called for and delivered. All ? work guaranteed. Tel. 1. l-a MUSIC STORES SUff kMrnitur Companiyr,W"- ,n- GEO. C. WILL Pianos, Phona- ewlng machines, ahaat muatert studla. Rapalrtng phono-O. grapba sewl and. Pteno - studla. Repairing phono treetL 8alem. , , B1USIC TEACHERS amnamM niun . .. vh .T. v r rut sui' TOft - Wat I Ilk. 13.... I . a . , Oott", Phon tl6t-. - PAPER HANGING phonk nr.irvtvj id.m. w M . .miasma 4VI - iivuaxf decorating, paperhanglng. Uatlag. eta. ivmiawf rTVrainadl, " . PLUMBING PLTTkCBINrl aiut m.M.. ' abl prloea. A. L. Godfrey, phoa 496 W; PLUMBINO and nunl Work. Orabar Broa.- 146 Bo. iJixm! Tel. 160. - . w PRINTING FOR STATIONERT. nnl. nam-- Phlata. programs, books or aay kind, of printing, call at ; th StaUsnian Printing Department. 11$ a Coirunarj clal Tl. too. RADIO All standard sise of Radio TubsaU 8t Tel 41 1 atiUP, 884 Cau4E STOVES ' STOVES and wovn repairing. StovM for . sal, rebuilt aad repaired. All kind of woven wtr fenoe, fancy and plain, hop basket and hooka, logaa hooka, 6aiem Fenc and Stovs Work. 260 Court St. Back of Biilck's. .TAILORS D. H. MOSHER Tailor for men aad women. 4? court Bt- TRANSFERS ; J v , . j CAPITAL City Transfer Co. 11 Stat St.- TeL tit. 'Distributing, for warding aad storags oar specialty. 01 our raraa': - - J VIOLINS r HANDMADE, old rare, H. M. Maai ooiins aaa au. guitars, eu strings anc suppltea change. Bring m your olJ wreck. Repair, gcintino adjustment -- PUl;tUAlX - : 111$ W South Conuaarclal i LODGE ROSTIiR CHKMEKETA LODGE NO. 1.. X. CX a. jr. afeets every weanesaay even jr veo f Lti urt and Ins? at T :it o ctoca; tnira iioor ex . O. F Tempi. eomr of. Court Hign street. s4 - V A - .11 M if . .?i.i ?ii 3 -' ( e !.H Ml t I