ID XX SSllYS t. '.V . TAefe ElnoTomght -UcreThan Half Million Spent St: In Last Half of 1928; Road Costs Large;;. , . f. J Marlon county spent $52M29.- 1 during tea six montns prioa eadla December 31' of last year, aeeordlnff to the official report is- ned It on day from the . county clerk's office. ! Of this amount sill tit 8S went for roads and lila-hwara. Of the various depart ments of eounty actlTity the sher iffs office cost most, with the county assessor's - office second. -MrnrM bainr S8S04.20' and S5.- f 21.0S Costs of operating ;ther departments were: . .i--: i . - ronntv clerV'a office t4423.06 recorder's office $2255.33. treas urer's ofncel84T.40. surveyors 1 eftfe $101 Ml. county court and - commissioners S433C.5S, - school npertntsndent's office f080.0. ear sf Door S13.942.51, opera- turn at county -fail S363C.50. iUT- afle .cocrtJ. $819.68, district -at torney 31005.57. gopher and moie 4 bounty s 33 zz. 89, aaverusing n and care of teeble-mindea i&sz The counfV health officer was naid -1724.70 or 341.50 less than the county fruit inspector, during the six months period. The report Issued Monday also .gives statistics from the county treasurer's ' office which . Include all money taken in and paid out for dtlw, school districts and road districts. These show a hal anee of $1,301,185.43 on. hand Jul yl. 19ZS. Since that time ii,- Itl lit 11 . In Wn rtipvmA. brlnglns the total up to ,12,42 msDurcemenis nave amounted to f 1,388,574.47. lear Ins; a balance of 31,041.279.10.; 7 LIE BILLS DROP INTO HOUSE HOPPER House bills are still dropping in with regularity, and Monday saw reran more measures put before the house, l making- the total to data 474.! This last allotment in cluded a school bill introduced by Speaker Hamilton which would make the district the agency for school books. A bill authorising portrait of ex-Governor Walter M. Pierce is also included. The bills follow: 4 H. B. 438, by Brlggs-Relating to right to mortgage to protect his Ilea. : H" '.. 4' H. B. ,4 6 9, by Briggs--Provld-lag for investment of ; surplus GLEECLUu EODS COOCERTTOUH .- X J ' " r' - - i. - - ' . w ,4. Lots Hunt and Dorothy Adams in a scene from the play "Autumn i Fire." by T C Murray. funds of school districts and mu nicipalities. H .B. 47Q. by Briggs Correct ing; defects in section 10223. Ore gon Laws, as amended by laws of 1923, chapter 125, and section 1 0272. section 10373, Oregon Laws. - H. B. 471. by Robison To amend section 273 8 .Oregon Laws, relating to moneys deposited In national banks by the state treas urer. ' ' ' . ; H. B. 472. by Collier and Nor on Amending section 4586, Ore. gon laws, as , last amended oy chapter 11, General Laws of 1927, relating to road districts. fciiini iVir1 itiinini. iiwi,iMiiiiiifiMhMftiti.fa,Biiiiifi(ffnim.,WMi H. B. 473. by Hamilton Pro Tlding that all text books used 1a grade and -high schools be pur chased and distributed by the ra rious school districts. H. B. 474. by Henderson Ap- nrooriatlnr 3800 for portrait" of ex-Gorernor Walter M. Pierce by Sidney BelL JTlowers on hats, shoulders. waists and in erery conceirable place will be worn this spring: nticomauyer increase Tre ! Scion to Come Up ifi Senate 26th Annual Jaunt of Singers : At Willamette Proves" - -."Very Successful Th men'' lee elnb of Wlllam- tte uhlTerslty returned to Salem late Saturday - night after com pleting a two weeks' concert tour through southern ' Oregon ? and northern California. , Paul Oed des, manager of the club, declared that the trip had been most suc cessful. and that all towns gaT them' a good reception. -This was the twentY-flfth annual tour of the nnlTerslty singers. . - ni trin -was made . nracticauy without mishap, except that Wal ter Kaufman, president ; or ine club. ' and - Lester , Hallsted con tracted cases of the mumps early in the tour, "and were " unable' to make the full circuit. , M floAAtiu' rndrtmA an eene- MallT vAful MMittinn at Klamath Valla ' Klwanla club members met the club as. It came Jn to the city and ' had the singers as - their guests at the weekly luncheon. In the afternoon the high school stu dents., escorted x them ; orer the whole of - the ; new high schoor building:.:- Marshfield; also. gaTe the f trarelers j an , enthusiastic greeting and a good audience. niia vMtnd the rarsltT Quar tet will make a trtp glTlng con certs at VancouTer, ? Mill ; Plain, A washonral. Washing ton, and at Cascade Locks. A con cert by the whole ciud wiu on rlTen - In Portland some time the latter part of this month. ' Election Path js Smoothed in Race For Higher Court Members of tho supreme court will not hare to run against their associates on the supreme nencn In primary and general elections If H. -B 321, passed by the Oregon house of represenfatlTes Monday. lummat law.''' 'V -- .Thi measnre. ! introduced by DAnrA.onttiva Malarker. nroTides that supreme court Judges shall be . . . JK desienfttea oy numDcr wuc ih.41aa sta a Ha lArtMl. all C&U1 I J UDVIWVS SU v --w v.v , dldates including the Incumbent, If be Is seeaing re-ejecwon, bum file for a particular Judgeship corresponding to one of these numbers. The bill proposing to Increase the aal arias of iaembers of the in dustrial accldaat oom mission from $1800 : to 14800 a year,, which passed the house so serenely last week, dne - to treat a storm when It comes up on final reading in the senate, according to indica tions appearing Monday. - tom the . standpoint of state flannces, there is no objection to the increase, since it would come from fees paid by contributors to the fund.; The . protest . will .be based, upo nother considerations, and will be headed by Senator Joe to S e e Legislature - Fifty to 30 boys and girls from Astoria will Tlslt the legislature today under , the ' leadership of F. F. Foster of the Astoria Y. M. C. A. and members of the Kiwanis club In that. city. . Senator Nor blad will guide the party through the capitol building, telling of the workings of the two houses and the committees. . Luncheon will be serred for. the group at the Y. M. C. A. at 12 o'clock. - - Dunne, who has on numerous oc casions shown himself to be an Independent thinker' on gorern- mentai matters. ,. -:, . ' - Rebuke o f Comnalsslon, Plan 'Objections to be rotced by Sen-i ator Dunne will be based on the contention that the present Indus trial accident commission has not been fair in Its administration of the accident fund and of the cases I which hare come before It, He intends' to embody in his opposi tion to this Increase, a rebuke to the commission." v Widows of men killed in Indus trial accidents, families of men permanently Injured 'or incapael ta'ed for Work for long periods Of tlinp, hare been left In want and prlratlon because of the commls Mon's failure to aire Just reUef, 3en.t-r Dunne will contend. - He further declares that the numerous letters from employers urging passage of this bill to In crease salaries of the commission members, were solicited by the commission and did not come rol untarily. Senator Dunne Is of the personal opinion that the members of - the commission are not men who could command salaries of the amount asked, in private bus. iness, and his entire argument will be based on a conviction that they are not entitled to the Increase on tha basia of erricea rendered to the employers and employees af fcted br the-workman's compen sation JwtCiirwl;-;.;: .. -I.-MOism Made ta House, Too, That Senator Dunne la not alone In this Tlew was demonstrated in the house last week In discus sion of another bill affecting the accident commission, the one pro posing to make certain records of the commission public. At - that time " Representative , Henderson described the commission as "ar bitrary, intolerant, dictatorial and discourteous." . : " ; The indication T wero . Monday that the : salary increase bill will probably be passed In the senate, but not -without bitter opposition. Way Stop This Prescription Relieves Almost Instantly Coughing Is usually due to caus es Which patent. medicines and cough syrups do hot reach. How ever, Thoxlne, a famous doctor's prescription relieves coughing with the very first-swallow. It' works on an entire!-; different the ory, has a double action, relieves the irritation and goes direct toj the Internal cause. Unlike most cough medicines. Thoxlne contains no chloroform. dope, or other harmful drugs. Safe for ; the' whole family. Also excel lent for 'sore throat. Quick relief guaranteed or your money back. 35c, 60c, and 3100. Sold by Perry's Drug. Store.- adv. Fighter Docs Net ; " . Succumb to Cold! Army j men learn to take care of iaeuiselve aaU ihey doa't pam. : per cold like many civilians. They knock them out between morning and night; with a compound thai comes in Dlain, pleasant-tasting tablets. No trouble to carry, and o easy to take; but amazingly efficient,' as youH find out! Pape's Cold Compound works so quickly, you'll think it luck the first time. And stops grippe or "flu" if you give it time and take several tablets. Pape's way of stopping colds Is worth remem bering, so remember - the name; 35c at druggists they all have It. iaM59 i -1, (phone They are your neighbor, and their iaSkJ to 'V'" I ' "j!rT :A SMALL -one prerost resident to oyery 13 telephones, or in all 2i53 Oregon p5ple-are in -tho ranks 'of the telephono-company, enjafd in vieTvingyott.." ' " - ' i'. r. rt-i ;S That you may better understand what then tele phone people are doing:, we cordially Mto you to -visit any of our central offices. :-'iA:3-'i'y'h..:--- t, ine swttcnooaras, witn ujor nun w wuwsi u . : : fascinate you. You will be surprised to find that the v. . - 2 X-'-i vi i familiar telephone on your desk, which ia one of ti;., X X ::") X- ItOfiOO in ' the Oregon exchange; ampunts tor fct 15 Vtf&row per ce ol the total lepment needed w XX 'k -;. cany your oice orer the.sate.c?:4.v "-, 'f v'i ;.f : XXXtX5X: "- i i ' X' ''x:'X2'i 4'XX' . ane xirax wxvgop wtquwiw m 'Portland In 18TS with 12 subscribers, just two year I --' ' -f2.ter.tht invention of the ttlerAone itotJI lffi&&'joj "women have t"oniy used XXX - ' r tslephjme f ro'm thi besinnins but luvf helped de-; Tmlop the very art of telephonyi J. H. Thatcher of this 7;0x - ccsipany bas been hero continuously since the adrent .- - f-'--'cf the telephone. Patrick Bacon, now Portland tnan- ter, began as a Doy operator more usaa yc .Snow- IT COSTS NO MORE - Per Job To Use Good Paint than it does cheap Paint I$-In-a-Class-By-Itself Branded 100 Pure ' Formula On The Can Sold subject to a chemical analysis, with no adul terations and no substitutions. Know -Your-Paint and specify Monarch 100 Pure Paint and Mar gin's 100 Pure Varnishes. They are the best money can bay. Their use on your home will in sure satisfaction and save you worry as well as dollars. Call on us to solve your paint problems. Doiightori & Sherwin - Hardware : 286 North Commercial Telephone 639 V Valentine Greeting Cards suitable for all Novelties for the kiddies and grown-ups too. Seals, cut . outs and crepe paper to give your party the Valentine spirit COMMERICAL BOOK STORE s .. A. A. Gueffroy 163 N. Commercial St. Telephone 64 ".. -Here's A I : SayingrOn ' i . ' . ; Your ; Spring Suit ! tp I of $10 to $22. Bat IU for Coughing Um,,'dU,n5r- i i A . ivyy j i Jit r i v r Mil .f m - t IMl AMI .. V Till I i . CKZxWA H - Exta Pants FREE! . .-?' , .. .,1 ; with every ; tailored suit ' from our new Spring line. Here are fine tailored clothes at a very low cost - j ' . " ".', . Your, choice of hundreds - of patterns; 'your choice, of style, and with our- guarantee that the suit - v wiU fit to the last detail. '--.. $45 to $75 Tallored-to-order Extra - rants Free Emmies -. 4 -: Tailor Furnisher . Clotbler 426 State St? 12-PVmnt Plan - W T WcrtSit:::rJ r Train 16 will leave at 6:01 a. m. Instead of 6:26 p. xn. Train 32 will leave at 1:49 p. m. instead of 4 :30 p. m. X 6 :25 a. ini, 2 :25, 6 :20, 8 :47 p. xn. 1 ' $-3 . 1 V' riAA tairahona senrico recu!res the mutual co- ; cperation' of the public and the' telephone compry?;,S-r ':-X-'''Pty a visit to any central officeit la an intereiting-J;:; t27TJidivid;sia .'cbme.p, ... -f ';; ,-.--.v. ju'i;-"r' v'j1:''-4.-"""" XrXt'Xi' !--' -:. ii; i:)v ;i':.---& j k-vr;,. .:. U-AiiWr4: , XX'. : a x :':''. fc: t x . X ZXanager -Xr ' rj ' ' ; ' (: ; '-yvyX--i y z:' X.:Xy-.'. :". '.-.''. s The Paotic TraicrHONic and Teleoeapm Company "Train 15 will leave at 7:46 p.xn. instead of 7:34 p. m. Train 13 will leave 12:27 aan. instead of 11:27 p.m. 0 12:08y9:63, 10:25 a; rn.; 10:40 pi in. - - - ' TI3V TICIIET - :rorvottrsTtatcrcoanrcniMTiekata - J-'. :X Places, !.. assy now ba ssd a stags of the r. Beotbcra Pacific lfoor Traasport Co. tW Silver - k v Oravs-ror vie versa.' Also Soothem Pacifie rail X tickets mv b ased on staces of thesa ( Taks advantaga of this aew coordinated senrica for : ' your trips In Oregoa. Yoa can go by train and . - .. rnws dj uw in ura nap nun w vr wwh , , jX ' - -t - : -s;--- ' Phone 80 or 41 Tr Off ice 185 X. High Q 'J '; fr TJUCNE CXAHA KEBR wffl se this WesUna hooss Kaaas aC tha Capital Jswrnal Caaalag Schsal This Week. x x WlllslEr.iroQPNESS PLUS THE; NEWEST, COOKING CONVENIENCE 1'- V.M'; Richly flavored meats, succulent vegetables, puddings thai melt in your mouth are just as typical of the modern "Flavor Zone" cook- ing as they were of the old Dutch oven. For the "Flavor Zone'9 oven , first browns the food to perfection then cooks it to wonderful ten derness And it does both of these are clearing tip .after lunchyou can put your entire dinner in this oven. - Make two: simple adjust ments, . close ; the "oven door, ' and : . you . can stay out of .the kitchen : till afternoon if you want to. At the proper momenta the cur rent comes on automatically and Imrtrns the food. Then it is auto- cutomtZiccny without any watch- , matdcally turned off. and cooking ! ing or tending on your part. 4 continues on stored heat until In" the morning, or :whea you . i everything is done to a turn. THE ELECTRIC ClANCS Vtm TOE AUTCr.2ATrCfEIAVCTsZOWEwOVrfJ . - 237 No. LIBERTY 8T. - SALEM; GJXEl Vti'pJSXi t.- - ' i! V ? r ... t . ,1 Xtt: : ';:".-' XX' : ''