The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 10, 1929, Page 7, Image 7

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    The Nir Oregon Statesman. Salens Oregon' Sundau Morning, February 10,1929
.J-. tat.
Woman's Council of Church
es Sponsors Sessions at
First M. E. Friday !
The World Day of Prayer "will
be obserTftd in Salem Friday, Feb
ruary IB,' under; auspices of the
Woman's Council of the Churches,
of Salem. Meetings will be held
at the First Methodist church, cor
ner State and Church streets, both
morning - and . - afternoon. -. The
morning session will begin at 10
o'clock and the afternoon at 1:39
o'clock. - -';"f ' L'
The- complete program for the
event Is announced as follows. :C J
' . -- Morning Session iJ
Hymn Na, 831. .'r'?"'
Address and -Player', -The'
Spirit of -Missions and 'Service,"
Mrs. Angela Jackson.
Solo "Oh Master Let Mo Walk
With Thee," Mrs. Catherine Mld
dleton. ' ' , : '
Address and Prayer "The
Spirit of Unity and Prayer." Mrs.
C. F. Breithaupt. ; r
: Solo "Just For Today,
Jennie Uttley
' Report Rev. Y. orlsue. .
Solo Rev. H. C. Stover. . .!
Business lunch Quartet will
Afternoon Session
Hymn, No. 639. :
Address and Prayer "The
; Deepening of Our , Experience of
God.".; Mrs. C. C. Poling.
' Solo "Hare Thine Own Way,
Lord." Mrs, Julia Harms.
Inspirational 'address Dr. N.
K. Tully. . : ! "
Solo Maklo Xoriaue. .
Closing Prayer and Benediction
The Rev. C. E. Ward.
By Lulu Hunt Peters MIX
flutfior oDiccand Health ndDieb or ChHdrr
y AM a farm housewife of 40
I years, and am Just recover
ing from an attack of what
we call "dropped alltch in the
back- The lame back came on
gradually, and .then culminated
in the 'drop
ped Ktitch. and
I waa not able
to move,'-, ex
cept with the
s Y I greatest care.
J I The pain was
I Intense. I was
-. - r
. t
ij n jug wnik
y for the -nut-A
cles of ' the
wearing ; f e w
clothes, v ind
may h a v
futu nutTPertsju caught . a- chill.
"I haVe two dead teeth, the
nerves having been destroyed
about 18 years ago. They are
decayed a little at the edge of the
gum, but there are no external
abscesses. Do yon think I ought
to have them out? MRS. P."
Just what causes, a "stitch in
the back cannot always b de
termined. There is undoubtedly
a weakness of the ligaments, and
come sudden, unusual movement
will cause a strain. It is -possible
for an infection such , as
from infected teeth to lower the
resistance there so that the strain
Is more easily contracted, so it I
were you I would certainly- have
riy teeth attended to, Mrs; P.
One of the effective means of
preventing lumbago is; systematic
exercises of the trunk 'muscles so
that they are strengthened, then
any unusual movement won't
ttraln thest. ' ;
Our article on the Atonic Ab
dominal Well gives you these ex
ercises. The first thing to do after lunv7
bago manifests itself is to be
strapped so as to immobilize the
muscles and stop the pain. This
strapping can be done by anothef
member of the family, if you can
not go to your physician.
"Get a spool of adhesive tape
(two or three inches wide), cut
off three or four length long
enough to pass from the front of
one Wp to the front of the other,
across the back. . While stand
ing, have them applied one at a
time, tightly, and overlapping.
On top of the straps you can
apply hot ' water:bags or electric
heat, and massage can be given
through them.
..-,; - -v
Mrs. B. Agar, psyllium seeds
or bran, which may . have to be
added to give bulk to the diet to
prevent ordinary constipation, do
not act as physics do. There is no
Irritating principle iin them.
They simply net mechanically by
giving the Intestines something ti
catch hold of, we might say. , :
Flu Time
Be Careful!
Eat plenty of laxative food.5
Fischer's TOASTED Wheat
contains all the whea t ..ber
ry -i- wonderful .; flavor, r-r
easy to prepare - &: per
fect breakfast : Jood, i cooks
in three to five minutes. .
. All Grocers. -
Fischer Floixrinff
Mius -
Brotherhood .
Meeting Set
. " For Tuesday
: The monthly meeting and sap
per" of the Jason Lee Brotherhood
will be held at the church parlors
Tuesday: 'erening, beginning at
6:30. A good program is assured,
report" those in charge, - 3 ;1 ;
The intermediate league of the
church is planning to hold a party
In the east basement Friday-night
beginning at 7:30 - o'clock, w The
basketball, game; between-the Ja
son Lee and Calvary Baptist
teasvs will also be a Friday night
nt : The-game will be played
at the Y.H.C. A. beginning at
8:30 o'clock.
Regular : mid-week prayer, serv
ices of ; the church will be held
Thursday night at 7:30 and 9:30
o'clock. '
Young People's
: Dinner Success
The , young people- of Leslie
Memorial church held an-enjoyable
pot-luck dinner Thursday
evening In the social rooms of the
church. After the dinner a dis-
icusslon group on "Friendship"
was led by the pastor, S. Darlow
Johnson. I Business meetings of
the Asbury league. Miss Marion
Shaw, president, and of the Les-J
lie league, Miss Ellen Jean Moody,
president, were held. These young
people meet every Thursday eve
ning at 7:30 o'clock for a dis
cussion group, and on the first
Thursday of the month for a din
ner and business meeting.
The young people are planning
a Sunday evening eervice Febru
ary 1 7 . at 7 o'clock. Dean Roy
Hewitt of Willamette University
is to be the speaker. The. pifblle
is invited to attend the meeting
If the diet, has one and one-
half to two pounds of fruits a-nd
vegetables', day (not conntinJ
fruit juices).' there should : be
enough bulk .for this purpose..
However, sometimes there doea
not seem to be. and these other
agencies' have to be -added' fct
awhile, anyway. '
These measures are only 'for
the ordinary constipation. There
Is type known sb spastic con
stipation, in which fibre and cel
lulose of the foods have to be
strained out. until the intestines
get over their irritating spastic
condition. All this is covered in
our article on constipation, which
you may have by observing col
umn rules.
5. Exercises are needed . -t
tone up the muscles and all the
organs, and they do use up some
of the food, butt one would havi
to exercise a tremendous amount
to reduce without dieting. The
hand rollers do give some good
exercises at ,tne same time yoa
are getting massage, ko I recom
mend them. -
:See ansewer to Mrs. P., above.
" Editor's Note : Dr. Peters cannot
diagnose, nor gtv personal ad vie
Tour questions, if of general Inter,
eat. will be answered In th coi'
limn.' In turn. Requests for articles
muct be accompanied by a fully
clf-addreaaed, stamped envelop
ml a ronti In ml fnr Mrh article.
ling. For the pamphlet on reduc
ing and gaining, 10 ennts in coin.
with fully aelf-addresseri. stamped
envelope, muat be encioaed. Ad
drcsa Lr. Peters, in care of tola
When our
Children Ciy
; for It r
- Here's miti au : cwwitort for
erylng, reJful, feverish' babies or
children that you don't need to
urge or command . them to take.
They love the . delicious taste of
Fletcher's Castoria. ; Your doctor
will tell you It's absolutely safe, so
you cait give !it as freely and as
often aa needed to keep your chil
dren happy and well. -A few drops
la all it. takes to quiet fretful, fev
erish; collcky'bables; relieve their
biliousness, ga on stomach, con
stipation, etc.; soothe them ;,to
leep in a.. Jiffv.' Forlike disor
ders In older children, yon simply
use a little larger dose of the same
reliable Fletcher's Cast oris, f Don't
nsa. grown-folka' medicine; with
babiea or children, specialists say.
Ninety per cent.,of .thenr jreeom-
mend Fleteher'a;- Castoria; - and
thirty years of steadily increasing
popularity; j proves they're right
To "protect yon -from imitations.
the -Fletcher' signature is on every
bottle of ; genuine Fletcher's Cas
.'..wxo' m
, A pastor's institute for minis
ter's of the Portland Area of the
Methodist; .Episcopal church will
be held in Albany February 1 1
13. President; Cause of Kimball
School of Theology report that
the student body of the school
would attend as many of the ses
sions of: the institute as possible.
The -purpose of the gathering
is to discuss pressing present-day
problems ofthe church with ref
erences to its local work and tq
its work in the. world t large.
The meetings will be , conducted
on the institute plan . of discus
sion . and class room lectures.
Evening meetings will be attend
ed by the entire body; of dele
gates, v
- Addresses will be on topics' inch-ding:
"The Town and Country
Church", "Evangelism -for 1 To-!
day", "Stewardship," ''Mission
ary Education and World Ser
viced I Bishop Titus Lowe wlir,
be presenrand will participate in
all the meetings. Other speakers
include the Rev. George B. Dean.
who will -direct discussion of.
evangelism; the Rev. M. A. Daw
ber. 'who will direct rural work;
the Rev. Luther E. Lovejoy, sec
retary! of the department of stew
Contest Begun
At U. B. Church
A society contest between- the
Hustlers -and the Rustlers opens
at the Castle United Brethern
church -ccbool this Sunday and
will continue for a month, at the
end of which time the losers will
banquet the . winners.? The church
school Is also planning Jrf banquet
and program for Tuesday, Feb
ruary 19.
The Woman's Missionary socie
ty of the church will meet at the
church Tuesday afternoon at 2: SO
o'clock for the annual thank of
fering event. Mrs. Hannah Tarnell
will lead. The Ladies Aid will
meet Wednesday and at 7:30
o'clock Thursday the mid-week
prayer service - wH be held.
Business Girls
a Class To Meet
- The Business Girl's Bible class
bf the First Methodist church will
gather for ft Washington birthday
party Tuesday evening at the
home of Miss Elsie Miller, 1180
N. Winter street. Aiiss Elizabeth
Stockhausen, president of the elass
will preside at the business ses
sion. Prof. A. A. Vasakas of Wil-
Uamette University is the teacher
of this class. .
h s.irr air-
M -' W 1 S V- SB! - "
$ my
8 Tubes, including rectifier.
New. Type Electro-Dynamic
Speaker. - - . . -
Push -Pull Amplification.
Tgo Aerial Needed '
All - Electric; entirely dry.
Exquisite Console Models.
o5iie. In Mesir It Ho
Leslie League V1
Plansrto Give -I:
Valentine Party
The- Leslie League" of the Les
lie Memorial church . wilt have a
Valentine party In the chrh''j50
clal roqms Wednesday revtng;
The room will 7 be appropriately
decorated- for the occasion,, -and
a program of games and fun , is
being prepared. . " ,.-'
Other week-dayT events for. the
various- church groups are an
nounced a follows: . .-2
; Mid-week services -Thursday
evening older folks'- to meet in
church auditorium and ... young
folks discussion 'and fellowship
group in Leslie hall.' -A number
of new members have joined the
choir and good progress is being
made on the Easter Cantata. The
eholr will have an extra practice
on Easter music. Monday evening
at 7:30 o'clock, at the parsonage.
The regular rehearsal, under the
direction of J. William Belcher of
Portland, will be held Thursday
evening at 8:30 o'clock. -
W.F.M. Society
Plans Tea Event
The W. P. M. society of tln
First Methodist church will meet
in the church parlors for a tea
meeting Wednesdayafternoon. In
the absence of Mrs. M. C. Find
ley the president, Mrs. J. R. Trln
dle, vice president will preside.
Mrs? R. L. Farmer is chairman of
the tea committee and Mrs. J. H.
Baker and Mrs. F. C. DeLong will
be the hostesses. There will be
special music by- Miss Josephine
Albert and Miss Marye Fletcher.
Mrs, F. Blatchford will lead the
devotions and Mrs. J. M. Cansd
will present the chapter from the
study book on Africa.
rotrL,ucK umner
To Be Wednesday
Members and 'friends of the
First Congregational church wilt
gather at the church for a "pot
luck" supper and program Wed
nesday evening, beginning at 6: IK
o'clock.- Judge George Rossman
will review Dick Sheppard's book,
"The Impatience of a Parson"
and two of the young people who
attended the Young People's In
stitute held recently at. Forest
Grove will give reports,
Mrs. Ellen Hiday will lead the
prayer service at the First United
Brethren church Wednesday eve
ning, beginning at 7 o'clock. The
W. M. A, of the church will meet
at 1:30 o'clock Thursday in the
prayer meeting room.
x no jruuuu ncuuuuyuc - xiucl
Radio, famous everywhere fcr vast dis
tance range, split-hair selectivity and ,
superb tohe-r NOW greater than ever!
Greater power, greater . response, even
sharper tuning. And, in exquisite furni
ture at surprising low prices- v
Eleclro-IDynamic Speaker "
At last, a Dynamic Speaker that gives
you music as it really is high notes as well as
the pleasing low. No unnatural rumbling; no
blurred tones. Speech clear mud distinct. Ancf
tremendous volume without distortion. Startlinxly
troetolifel : - I1)J T ,
Free Home Demonstration'
EAS Y TJEU.T1S, Zr IVm Decide to JXuy
.- mr w '. !--.. r i Trwr r jvtj w m . 1 m m m m its m m fw nj r. s ; .1 i 1
Discussion ' subjects and lead
ers for the various meeting of the
Salem Christian Young' People's
Union are announced as follows
for this Sunday evening:
: Presbyterian church ''Learn
ing Like Jesus". - leader. Mary
Hershberger. First Methodist -College
chapter, rOught"; leader,
Arthur Holienburg; high school
league. "Finding ' Our :W7
Through, leaders, Barbara Ames
and Ida McNeil. Knights Memor
ial Congregational leader, Hel
en -Webster. Leslie Memorial
Methodist "Finding Our Way
Through", leader. Faith. Priday.
First United' Bretheren "Ser
vice"; leader, Thelma Davis. v f
Evangelical--" Jesas Teaches
Us to Serve." Ford Memorial
Marie - Faberon, leader. "Finding
Our Way Through". Mill Street
Methodist "Finding Our Way
Through," leader. Esther Erick
son. Castle United Bretheren
"Jesus Teaches Us To Serve"
leader,- Miss Myrtle- Bailey. Jason
Lee MethodistCollege League,
"Finding Our Way Through",
leader, Mary Ribble; High School
League, "Finding : Our -Way,
Through," '- leader, Harriet Arn
old. First Christian High School
C. E. " Jesus Teaches Ut To
Serve." leader, Anna " Mae Als-
man; College C. E., ' Jesus Teach
es Us To Serve," leader, Rosa
lund Hull, First Baptist church
"Alms", leader,, Harvey Slmm,
Dorcas Society
Plans Meeting
- The Dorcas society of the Christ
Lutheran church will meet in the
church parlors Wednesday after
ndoa at 2 o'clock for Its regular
monthly ineetingr Mrs. F. J.
Busch, Mrs. Christ Frahm and
Mrs. Lena Hocket will be
German Lenten services of the
church will be held Wednesday
evening, 'beginning at 7;45
o'clock, announces the pastor, the
Rev. A. L. Heine. , .
Mrs? James Miller will have
charge of the Wednesday evening
prayer meeting at the Church of
the Nasarent. The meeting will
be a special event and will begin
at 7:30 o'clock. The young peo
ple of the church will hold their
weekly prayer meeting Friday
night, with Miss Thea S. Somp
son, president, leading the dis
cussion. Revivals in Progress
W. L. Stallones, evangelist from
Arkansas, is conducting a series
of revival meetings at the Em
manuei .Full Gospel Mission, 420
State street. J. M. Smith, acting
pastor of the Mission, is directing
the campaign.
AN exquisite Louis
JyLxVl cabinet of thor
oughly high-grade con
struction and elegant
finish. Walnut panels
carefully selected for
beauty of grain arid ex
pertly matched. Contains
the 8-tube(includlng rec
tifier) Philcp Receiver;
power supply; built-in
aerial and New Type
Also other hand
some furniture models
come in and see them.
Evangelists meeting at the Ford
Memorial community church in
West Salem -begin thls 'Sunday
with the M. A. Groves in charge
and will continue until February
24. Meetings will be held each
night at 7:30 o'clock, except Sat
urdays.. The Rev.Joel-R. Benton
will assist ; the pastor w4th the
meetings and the Rev. E. G. Ran-
ton of Independence will ; have
charge of the music " . - x
Both local and visiting . talent
will contribute to special musical
program each evening, among the
visitors to be the . Independence
male quartet: Mr. Benton has held
several successful pastorates in
Oregon and came' here recently
from a charge at Sand Point, Ida
ho. - - -:
Subjects for the first week of
the campaign are announced by
Mr.' Benton as follows: '
Sunday, February 10 Morning,
"There is a Way;" evening, "In
a Far Country." Monday, "Differ
ent"; Tuesday. "West Salem's
Biggest Liar"; Wednesday. "Pil
ate's -Wash Bowl": Thursday.
"Selling Out"; Friday, "Asham
ed"; Sunday, -February 17, morn
ing "Weighed." evening. "Finish
ed Sin."
immanuel Biblical
A. L. Rltts, who has been con
ducting a series of Bible lectures
t the Immanuel Baptist church
the past week, will continue the
meetings each, evening this week.
Bible Class to Meet
The Woman's Bible class of the
First Methodist church will hold
Its regular monthly meeting Tues
day afternoon at the home of Mrs
L. D. Waterman, ? 1307 Hinest.
Mrs. J. 8. Green will give the de
votional talk and Mesdames H
M. Durkheimer, F. A. Legge, A.
M. Lausch and H. H. Vandervort
will act as hostesses.
Wednesday evening meetings of
First Church of Christ, Scientist
which is a .branch of The Mother
Church, The- First Church of
Christ, Scientist, in Boston. Mass..
and which Is located" cor'
ner of Chemeketa and Liberty
Ureets, are held at 8 o'clock and
Include testimonies Of healing
through Christian Science.
The Young Married Peopled
club of the Knight Memorial Con
gregational church will hold ite
monthly meeting Wednesday Feb
ruary -13.
At 10 O'clock on the
morning of Tuesday-
every J. C Breier Store'
will be ready to offer
its generous contribution of "good
win" merchandise specials which
may well be called
Dividends of Appreciation
for you ail are invited to celebrate
and share theyital savings provided
by our . -; ; v.v-
- A
' Closed
-v;To CJowiplete
' For this Erent
Off icial Board
Meets Wednesday
-The official board of the First
Methodist church will hold Its reg
ular monthly business session In
the church Wednesday. Chairman
B. E. Sisson presiding.
Following the basketball games
by the church school league at
the Y. M. C.A. on Friday evening
the. First Church chapter of .the
Epworth League will entertain at
a "Heart" party. Miss Roxanna
ZieUe, the fourth vice-president,
and her committee will have
charge of the evening's entertain
ment. - r - - ".- '
"Chutch-nite" will be held at
the Calvary Baptist church Wed
nesday evening, beginning . with
the: pot-luck supper at 6US
o'clock,. "The Airplane View of
the Old Testament" at 6:45; and
the regular prayer 'and fellowship
meeting at 7:30.- Orchestra re
hearsal will be Tuesday evening
and choir practice Thursday eve
ning at 7:30. Board of trustees
will meet at -the church office
Monday evening at 7:30 o'clock.
The artificial corsage which la
worn with the evening dress has
moved from the shoulder to the
of men
combination of strength, energy and brains sel
dom "tastes" failure. Come in NOW. Talk to
one of our optometrists. He. will tell you tha
truth about your eyes.
Jewelers and
test of values at their peak.
Mrs. E. D. Cannady of Portland' -will
speak at the Mill street Meth- ,
odist church Wednesday evening.,
jthe meeting being open to the ;
I public. Mrs. Cannady, a negress Z'
trained in the mission schools of (,
the Methodist church who"later-.
took a college degree and went -into
law work that she might bet
ter serve her people, is described
as a charming speaker. Her Dies- - ;
sage will be challenging, says ,
Patrik Dahlin. pastor of . the ' '
church. Mrs. Cannady Is coming
to Salem to speak at the Wesley an ;
meeting at Willamette University s'
and the chapel service there.' . f
Other meetings of the week at
the Mill street church are an-,
nbuhced as follows:
Monday evening the Young Peo- -pie
will meet for the ueual social,
Tuesday evening the Intermed
iate department is planning a Val-
entlne party at the church from
7 to 9 p. m.
is the reason thousands
are not on '.'speaking
with success today. A
& Keene
AU lUadx
Lewd to'Brelera
Ask t See
Oar Croadslda
. I-.: ,
: ; , IK. THE WEST
It a c ir (d)!n m
. " ; f' ....
X t