Clu llifrvities the airs in OGl lews oi anea Mothers? Meeting Unique P. T. A. Affair A N 'ALTOGETHER unique and 4 splendid affair Is being plan 7 ned by the P. T.'A. association of the Lincoln. MeKlnl7, and Italia schools to. take, place Wed nesday afternoon at the Leslie Junior high school. The program will begin at S:SO o'clock. The theme of tha afternoon will be an "Airplane." JUra. Flavd L Utter, acting president oC the or ganization will serve as pilot. The - rartona parts of the airplane will appear represented . as follows: -: Engine vibrations. Leslie HI or eheatra; Wings. Mrs. La Molne Clarkr Fuel. Mrs. H. R. White: Stick. Miss Dorothy Taylor; Cabin, Mrs.'RL. Wright; Tall spin. Miss Merl'.DImlck: Spark plugs, Mrs. J. A. Kiebs. Mrs.. Walter B. Min ler. Mrs. IL A. McCally, Mrs. Car ey r P. Martin, Mrs. Alfred Schramm, Mrs. B. F. Pound, Mrs. J. S, Murray, Mrs. 1 Knight Pearcy, . Two model planes made by chil 4 dren of the schools will be on dis play during the" afternoon. A feature of unusual note Is that members of the Girl" Reserves oT the schools will serve as play- - room directors and carekeepers of any small children whose mothers want to-be present. The playroom will be one of the rooms in the Leslie school. invitation is extended to every mother who has a child tn school "in any. one -bf the three schools, to be a gsest at thiar "Mothers' Meet ing." Some 400 guests are expect ed. I ? s Carnation i Club Meets At Fraternal Temple! Members of the Carnation club met at: the Fraternal Pemple Thursday as the guests of Mrs. M. H. Vlesko and Mrs. Perry Wright. "500" was the diversion for. the afternoon with high score going to Mrs. Eva Traver, state organiser and special ' guest for the afternoon. Mrs. F. A. Smith and Mrs. N. the dub at this meeting. Special guests for the afternoon O. Bates were made members of were Mrs. Era Traver, Mrs. Kirt patrlck, Mrs. French. ; Mrs. ' M. Woiz.:Mrs. George Patterson, Mrs. II. Brlares. Miss Kb sem ere. Mrs. Johason, Mi's. Marjr Gustafsoa, and Miss Gnsiafson. , ; Members present ; were Mrs. Mr Anderson, Mrs. Arthur Gardner, Mrs. IL Parrlsh, Mrs. Zell, Mrs. White, Mrs. Albright, Mrs. Kertson, Mrs. Earl Chapel, Mrs. O'Nell. Mrs. Tyler Morley, Mrs. Sylvia Rlchter, Mrs. Everett Rutherford, Mrs. M. H. YSesko, Mrs. Perry Wright. Mrs,. George Schultx, and ::, Mrs. Mae' Lewis. : ... e e - .)-.; Benefit Bridge Plans le For Wednesday ' Members of the Woman's- Al llancejf the Unitarian church wlH entertain with, a benefit bridge at the 'home of Mrs. Roy Burton, Wednesday. Playing will com- rneace at two o'clock. - ' 'Hostesses tor the afternoon will be Mrs. F. O. Breekenridge and Mrs. Roy Burton. Those desiring reservations telephone 104 4 J. -h- '?:-- Mr.! and Mrs. C. P. Bishop en tertained Friday evening at din ner -for Senator and Mrs.! L. L. fann' of Pendleton and Mrs. Mll ored Tlsher of llood River. i 1- Jn. TTEAR-NO-HARM looked much sH ashamed and a . Httle . b 1 1 frlarhtened. His mother hd never "before scolded him so sound ly before in all his young lire. "Don't do that. Mother, cried he. "I promise aerer to talk so train. I shouldn't mind father beatlasr me tery much, hut couldn't stand my brothers i and sisters laughing at me. I really had no Idea how you felt, I was only thinking of you and mnd be caase I thought father let you do all the work while he had an tne fun."- - "Which is an as It should be. my son," declared . Mother i Grouse, "and when you meet a little lady Partridge who win set up house keeping with you; you win under stand matters better, in we mean time don't trouble your head any . a .;: . . " ' more idoui iu- i- . am very happy, for no Grouse has a handsomer husband or a finer family than L But to change the subject. AIl this talk stanea I believe, f bout something nun Avsr-Fa3t said.' . ' ; ' ' The boy la right, my dear lit- tl Run-Away-Fast. There "are eood and bad folks In erery race those who sre . naughty because flher do' not understand things, and those who are suna necause they do, and those who are hateful and wicked ; lust because ; they want to be. So. as our new Two- Le friend says, it U not fair to iudzi all Humans alike. He, X am sure, is good; and true, and we can trust htm, and that 1 enougn for us. ; .. "But we must haTS sense and not think Just because we know and lore him that we dare feelieye in the kindness of all tha Two- Legs. He himself hat told QS to tide the moment we see on com- tn. Are we rolns to do as ne says. chUdren?" - "Quit, quit, cult: yes, yes. yes,' jnswereJ the i llttla . Grouse in thorns, and both Peter and the mother bird smiled with-.reliefs - For. a moment everything . was ulet. Mother ; Grouse looked 'roudly down upon her obedient .Us brood and the boy watched Peter's Adventures I X- v.. T Miss Caroyl Braden Willamette Observe Op Custom rUHE charminj? custom of annual Ooen House was observed X by Willamette University tneir cnapter nouses. The Delta Phi sororitr 'entertalnlnc. from 7:10 until mo oVlwk was decorated. -in: keeping with Margaret Bolt greeted the guests introduced them to the receiving liae, which .included Dorothy Ferrier, Mrs. John Reed e, who is the house Melton. Dean and Mrs. Roy Hewitt, The serving table In the dining fashioned bouquet between.' red Heise,-poured during, the early part bertson and Benlah Welch the latter.-; .- ' .. Assisting with the serving were Mary Hershbergerv Mildred Cook. Joyce Kidder,. Margaret Pro. Hel ene Price, Florence Emmons, An na Lanke Yvonne Cornell. Mary Allen, Panllne Flndley, and Betty Lewis. Dainty Joan itewcomoe ais trlbnted farors. -. " Daring the hour Lena Medler played ' number of piano solos. Marjorie Miller and Lillian Scott sang, and Ira Clare Lore played a number of violin selections. The Beta CM sorority, enter talned from 8 until 9 o'clock, was decorated with spring -flowers. Grace White greeted the guests at SMITH VIMCENT and well behaved these shy brown folks were, when aTirdllng wh had cheeped before suddenly pok ed out his head from beneath hi mother's wing and chirped . from beneath his mother's wing and chirped in a distressed way. I want a drink. I want a drink; Oh, mother "you dont know how HAM. TIL 7MXffMSMVK thirsty I am!" At hlrworcls al the children cried: . - : - , : "So am L and I and I," and one little fellow 'added in a squeak? tolce." . . - - .Oooh, I could drink . mor'n r hundred acorns full I" - Mothet Grouse laughed. - Let one of my babies wish foi a thing and every ,. one of hli brothers and sisters are certain tc want It," said she to the boy, then turning to her brood, t Well, run along, all of you. and find-some daw; It Is not yet tc lata In tha day that there will not be a, drop hero and there to re fresh you.": .. . - - m - Nezti "Drinking Down tha Dew Is m i 7 t r v j S "4 Sorof ities en sororities Saturday evening at the old-fashioned valentine motif. at the door and "Elixabeth Atkinson chaperone. Miss Frances Virginia and Beatrice Hartung. room was centered with an old tapers. Doris Phenicle and Helen of the hour, and Beuneva Cul the door, and Elma White intro duced them to the recelrlng.llne which Included Beatrice Lockhart, Mrs. Alice II. Doddwho is house chaperone. Dean and Mrs. F. M. Erlckson, and Professor and Mrs. EL C. Richards. . The serving table was centered with an attractive arrangement of daffodils and acacia ' between two seven-point candelabra which held yellow tapers. Mrs. A. C. Eof f and - Miss Leila' Johnson poured during the hour. Assisting with the serving were Beryl Hale, Doris Steele, Marga ret Moorehouse. Frances Smullln, Helen Pyhus. and Helen Cochran. Charming Sybil Spears distributed the favors. During the hour Rosalind Van Winkle, Evelyn High, and Mar garet Ghormley played piano num bers and Fay Irvine played yIo- nn numbers, accompanied by Hel en McPherson. The Alpha Phi Alpha sorority, entertaining from 8:3ft until 9: to o'clock, was decorated In the house colors of lavendar and yellow. ueone tuouuer greeted the smests at the door and Anna Mary Me Klnley introduced them to the re- ceviing line which Included Mary Clanfield, Mrs. O. P. Hoff. who Is the house chaperone. President and Mrs. Carl Gregg Doner. Dr. land Mrs. George Alden, and Dr. ana urs. K. . Gatke. The serving table tn the dlnlna room was a tractive with a center piece of lavendar primroses and yellow daffodils between Iaven- ir . wiero in sirer noiders. Mrs. J. H. Lauterman and Mrs. Alice Fisher poured during the hour. Assisting with the serving were Helen Kafoury. Sarah Poor, Dor othy Taylor, and Dorothr Gladys Miller distributed the far Lucille Cummlngs and Eliza uem usaen gare a number of Tocai soios and Marraret WrnV and Bessie Weaver played several piano numbers - '.. : ; Attractive Dinner i Party Recent Event Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Pierce en tertained with dinner and bridge at their home on North Summer street . on evening of last week. Covers for 12 were laid at a beau tlfully appoints table. Following the dinner bridge was in play at three tables. Guests for this affair were Mr. and Mrs. Dan Fry, Jr.. Mr. and Mrs. Frits Slsde, Mr. and Airs. D. A. Young, Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Malson, and Mr. and Mrs. - Karl Becks. (Vc; Mrs. Harry Kroner and Mrs. Reed Carter were hostesses at a Valentine bridge luncheon Wed nesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Kroner. Covers were laid -y House for II. . ' - . Phone 500 OLIVE "V-fimr&VB)im ssyasfsssi Jfnat'ftm f Miss Gertrude Winslow VALENTINES The spirit of St; Valentine's day is the svirit of youth, therefore in compliment .to s&jielightful a' saint three busy Salem mauls are presented who will continue to contribute to Gertrude Winslow recently unusual character before a for the occasion at-the home of Mrs. William BurghardL Miss Caroyl Braden was charming young Jiostes for two evenings of bridgehe guest lists for which included a goodly number of future society matrons. And finally Miss Evelyne Ross will entertain Wednesday in honor of the good saint himself whose birthday is commemorated February H, and in celebration of her own birthday which falls on Feb ruary 13. 4 Monday L'Heur Gale luncheon at Elk's club. - P. M. club breakfast at Elk's club , Chapter A B of P. E. O. with Mrs. Marie Ranch at 7:45 o'clock. Court apart stents. Tuesday . Junior Guild meets with Mrs. George A. White 2:30 o'clock. " , -.i Mizpah class of First 'Bap tist church at 2 o'clock with Mrs. L. G, Prescott, 1785 N. CapltoL. . Evening benefit bridge at St.' Paul's parish hall. Minnesota duh annual meeting and basket dinner at :to o'clock First Presbyter ian church. y fit Paul's Junior Guild with .Mrs. George A. White, afternoon meeting. Chadwlck chapter O. E. S. social afternoon club" card party at Masonic Temple. Sons of Union Veterans and Auxiliary, Woman's club house, T:S0 o'clock. Wedaeeday W. F. M. fl. of First Metho dist church in church parlors at- 2:80 o'clock. Dauarhters of the Nile card party and dance In the Ma sonic Temple. , " -i Barbara Frietchle tea . at Woman's clubhouse tor ; the women of all patriotic orders. f Mothers' meeting at 8:30 o'clock In Leslie Jr. high. . Lutheran Ladles Guild of American Lutheran church at 2:30 o'efbek. Thursday .- -. . Thursday club tea for wives of legislators at liome of Mrs. Russell Catlln. ; U -i Woman'a Alliance of TJnl- tarlan church benefit bridge in home of Mrs. Roy Burton. at 2 o'clock. " m - ., Friday : Woman's O o u n e 1 1 ot churches observe World Day of Prayer with all day meet- ing First M. E. church. e. . r Mr. and - Mrs. Donald Madison entertained at : bridge In their apartment at tha. Glendora Fri day erenlng for Mrs .Henry JL Kuck and Mrs. Herbert Egbert f The' Dalles. Mrs. and Mrs. EacJ Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Know tandV Mr. and 'Mrs. Bailie Barage, andMr. and Mrs. Merle Smith. v Violets and heather ; were ar ranged prettily about the rooms. ) High score honors were award ed to Mrs. Fisher and Mr. Smith., Society Editor have cleverly contributed and immediate society events. Miss irtayed a solo "piano recital-of small group especially invited ." r' South Salem People Give Original Party Mr. and Mrs. Earl Prultt enter. talned a large , group ot their neighbors at a house worming in their newlyremodelled home in southeast Salem Heights Wednes day; evening. i , The evening was spent in games, music, and reading. Among those who contributed to the en tertainment of the evening were Mrs. Peter Cooper at the piano ac companying Mr. Cooper's violin solo, later Joined by William Ball with his guitar and Elvin Prultt with his banjo. Mr. Skelton and Mr. Prultt both gave a number ot readings and , solos. Miss Neva Sfcolshelse aid Mrs. B. F. HeOcel also sang solos. Miss Marjorie Prultt played a piano solo.' Nov elty harmonica numbers were given by Glendon Van Duka and Virgil Clemens, the latter accom panied by Miss Prultt. and a gui tar number by Mr. Ball. An in strumental group of piano, saza phone, .and banjo played by Mrs. Prultt, Harvey, . and Elvln was espeehdly well received.. - After the entire- group had euag gospel songs, led by Mrs. Helkel and Mr. Prultt, refreshments were served In a charming, informal fashloh. - - The guests for the evening In cluded Mr. and Mrs. Earnest Infer, Mrs. Elvis La Duke and Glendon, Marie ' and Roy Rottweiler, Mr. and Mrs. William Ball and their f amilyfc Mr. and Mrs. Peter Coop er, Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Stolzheise and Neva,' Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Bressler and their family, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Clemens and their family, Mr. and Mrs. Myron Von Eaton, and Eileen, " Mrs. - C. M. Landaker. Ttuth " Speaker, Mrs. Hattie Sawyer,' Mrs. Helen Wedd and Kenneth, Mr; Skelton and Katherine, and Mrs,-B, F. Helker of Dallas. Si Paul Benefit Card Party Tuesday Night I The teachers of the St. Paul's Sunday school will give a benefit bridge party in : the- "parish haU Tuesdayjevenlng.'" -' 4 -; Reservations for the bridge may be made by calling any one of the following Malm! Victor, Edith Bragg. Jennie .; Thompson., and Jennie Lansing. .:-'v."a ; Mr. and Mrs. Ttalph Cooley en-' tertalned at Valentine v dinner for -1 In : their - home . on. North Summer street Saturday evennig. , Dinner wan - followed wHh bridge as. he diversion ot the evening. -! DOAK r yeSaisjs1ssBes.e(s. A, 4 liMhni mil triii v Vi Miss,Evelyne Ross Professor Peck Speaks Before Women's , Club SPEAKING before the Salem Woman's club Saturday af ternoon Prof. A. L. Peck of Oregon State college expressed some opinions which were valuable to his interested listeners, ne pointed out that there are "two things to be considered in regard to a graden one Is the arrangement and the other is tne norucuuurai factor.' ' Of these two he emphasized the fact that arrangement was by far the most important in matter of serious consideration. "Gardens," said Prof. Peck, are outdoor living rooms. He warned that: choosing the border and general arrangement of this "outdoor" Urine orom was as Important as choosing the waupaper for the home living room. but. he the advantage In view of the fact . i . -..WTi1. ft-" I 11 1 11 lifc . -M. Prof. Peck pointed out the fact that rock gardens were lntrlgue- ing to work with but that there was grave danger in them being orerdone and that if they did not possess logical landscape effects they were a flat failure. Old fashlonea nowers wen lauded by Prof. Peck and rfeeom mndMt k ; a highly satisfactory flower to place In any garden. He gave a bit of something to specu late upon when he fugrested that gardens changed with the develop ment of the owners taste, me lec 1ot t dosed with the informal twentv-minute discussion between club members and the speaker Ann eernlne gardening in general At the business meeting Miss Gertrude Savage was voted in as aw member and Mrs. E. C, Cross gave a report concerning the work that had been done oy a nmmlttee at large concerning tne formation of .a hospital auxiliary fnnrtinn tn connection with tne Salem General hospital. Mrs. Cross pointed out the fact that nearly all cities the else of Salem have such an auxiliary. A meeting 10 perfect these plans will be held February 1 'at two o'clock at the Chamber of Commerce rooms. ' The American Home pianwus committee is planning a benefit in the near future to supplement the work that the county federa tion Is doinc for tfce benefit of the Farm Home Children, which Is a major project or the Federa tion, Mrs. Martin Ferry accompanied by Mrs. Monroe Gilbert delighted her audience with two vocal num bers. uxiliarv Plans Made A committee composed of Mrs. E. C. Cross, chairman.. ' Mrs. Charles Spauldlng, and Mrs. C. S. Hamilton have , been appointed as a committee at large to work out plans for an auxiliary to the Sa lem General hospital. The auxIL larr will be composed of Salem women without regard to club or church affiliations and Is for the direct promotion of andmld to the Salem General hospital. -. It Is reported that . nearly all cities the else of Salem have such auxiliaries. -February II a mass nwtetinr of all Salem women lor. terested In the hospital Is called at the chamber of commerce at which time plans will be furtherJ developed for the r perrecuon .; or this auxiliary. ,: . . - ... ' . The Mlrpah Sunday school class bt the First Baptist church will meet with Mrs. L. O. Prescott, 1785 Nortlj Capitol street Tues day afternoon at t o'clock. There will be an election of officers. 4 '" v ."WSv 'fJ n't 4 - mi W wri-y--:'-"?-'v added, "the garden living room has that seasonal changes make all the r Bridge Luncheon Honors Salem Guest An attractive affair ot the week was the bridge party at whfch Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Cronemiller -wer hosts Friday evening In ' their home on South Winter street. ; The Valentine motif was used throughout Red carnations and terns were arranged about the living room and dining room where six tables of 'bridge were in play during the evening. . Prizes for high score honors were, woqr by Mrs. Leland Smith, and Ster ling Smith. Miss Bertha Orford assisted the hostess in serving a late supper. The ruest trrouo included Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Neer, Hr, and Mrs. O. F. Chambers, Miss Dorothea 8teusloff. Mr, and Mrs. Leland Smith. Mr. - and Mrs. Robert 8 bins, Mr. . and Mrs. Sterling; Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Mc- feUy. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Pro- bert, Mr ..and Mrs. Karl Pease, Mr. and - Mrs. : Edgar Pierce, Mr. and Mrs. Roy McGee, Miss Bertha Orford. r Mrs. -Nelson Cranford, and Mr. and Mss. Cronemiller. Dinner Bridge For Tano Qub Saturday The Tano club was entertained at the home .of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Uljequlst Saturday, - A seven o'clock dinner was served wim covers laid for members or tne club and for additional guests. . Following the dinner bridge oc cupied the evening. Mr. and Mrs. r. A. Conrtemanche of McMinn- vllle. and Mr. and Mrs. Harley O. White were special guests for the evening. - --; - . - l; ' Sigma Kappa Alu Guest of MnImlah' Members of the Salem chapter of Sigma KaKppa Alumnal were guests of t Mrs. - Lawrence Imlah at her: home on North . Summer street one evening of the past week. : Bridge and a late supper spent a most enjoyable evening for s guests and " hostess. High score for cards went to Mrs. L. L. Jensen. - W V: A. special guest for the occasion was Miss Vera Slkes of Corvallis. Alumnus of tha Salem chapter present were Mrs. Roy Jaeobsen, Mrs. Lb L. Jensen, Mrs. Evan Stewart, Mrs. Reed Rowlandr Mrs. Marjorie DeWitt, - Miss Getrtrde Barkley, Miss Jessie Gibson, Miss Bernlce Klrkwood. and t Mrs. LawTence Imlah. ,; .1 . v 7 Social J Forecasts Of Approaching Events THIBeek is to be one round of events for old and young alike, for clubs, society, and lodges. If Dame Rumor has any thing like a correct interpreta tion of the "future plans. Monday afternoon the L'Heur Gale and the P. M. clubs are each plannin .bridge affairs. The once-a-month meeting of the formal, Monday -Night dancin club will gather at Castiman hall for 1U usual , delightful evening with good music and much merri ment. The young folk olan tn make merry with sereral of bridge at the G. L. Xewton home. . I The Daughters of the Nile ari planning a dance and brldee fr. visiting McMinnvOle DauKhter and several dinner parties wi i preface this affair of .Tuesday night, j Mrs. J. C. Perry and Mrs Elmer Daue are planning an Elk's cub party for that dav and there Is Barbara FrietchfA T..r,t No. 2 which Is giving a delightful formal tea at tha Itouse in the afternoon The rest of the week only grows more, exeitinjr. The Thnr,i club will entertain with one of tW most elaborate teas of the soa soh 'at the home of Mrs. C. r. Bishop, a beautiful dance is plan ned for out-of-town. Miss Wini fred Byrd plays. In Corvallis Feb ruary J4, a brilliant and outstand ing event of the week, more young folk bridge parties are scheduled, and still more dances; and these are only tho beginning'. It will be a wery feminine world who win greet the coming of Lent and quiet for a brief sis weeks. ; Mrs. Marie Flint McCall will leave for Corvallis Monday where she will remain for Monday, the state Grange lecturers school is in progress at the Oregon state college. Mr. James P. Farmer1 national lecturer will be present as will John Bradford, national Playground and game -specialist. Much of interest is expected from this meeting. The" Woman's Foreign Mission ary society of the First Methodist church will meet in the church parlors Wednesday afternoon at :30 o'clock. -The hostesses for the afternoon are Mrs. J. H. Bak er and Mrs. F. C. DeLong. Mrs. J. R. Trlndle will be the presiding officer of the afternoon. Mrs. Benjamin Blatchford will be in charge of the devotions and Mrs. J." M. Cause will lead Jn the mission study lesson for the af ternoon. Special, musical numbers will be given by Miss Josephine Al bert who will sing a group of wius ena miss .Mayre Fletche who will, play a number of violin solos. Mrs. R. L. Farmer will act as the chairman for the tea hour, assisted by Mrs. E. T. BarnesJ Mrs. Jacob Rise, and Mrs. W. T. Rlgdon. 'Rosamunde" Will Be Presented By Chorus The advanced chorn c1ak of the Salem high school will pre sent --.Rosamunde" hv Frans Schubert for their anual oner- atic performance Friday eve ning, March -1. The beautiful Rosamunde". thouich simnlified and adapted to high school use, Is very similar to the original opera and the, music includes many of Schubert's most famous songs, j The following cast has been chosen: Frederick, Prince of Candla, . Homer Smith, Jr. y Ful gentlus. King of Cyprus, Kenneth Aoooti: Aioanaa, Lord of Cyp rus, Rlchard Smart: Benedict. Lord of Cyprus, Frits Amman n; Leonardo, Lord of Cyprus, Joe King; Philemon, shepherd, Wil liam Mosher; Philander, shep herd, Glvln Barbara. Mr. and Mrs. William Ross en. tertalned the Luck "500" club In heir home Tuesday evennig. High score of the evening was won by Jo Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sheldon will entertain the club at its next meet ing, V. .. e Members of the D. E. club met Wednesday evening for their reg ular, business meeting in McCor. cack'halL Bridge was the diver. si on of the evening. Mrs. W. S. Quackenbush'. who Is planning to . leave soon to make her home in Tillamook, was pre sented with a lovely token from the club members. " IDA MAY MATHEWS Teacher ' and , Soloist. Cello, banjo,' mandolin, guitar, Ha waiian instruments. Special winter term, rates to students. Nelson Bldg., Thurs. A Frl. ' Phone- S40 ; : Director Ealem Ladles' ; ' 1 ' Haymony Trio ITCHING ECZEMA We I honestly believe CHAXOLENB the cranberry cream. : will . heal any case of ecxema or other skin trouble. Come tn and let us tell you about it. Use one Jar, and if fyou are dissatisfied, your money will be refunded. Price 11. 6 v I PEIUirS DKUQ STORE 115 8. Comaierclal 1 ed all, thinking how lnterestingDrops. . - v u