The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 10, 1929, Page 3, Image 3

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    mm r st - . v . fc - v. mm . n . - , rv ri - f i . mm m mw mw - J . - as - mmr m ij . aw i 7 sm r . . s ti
. Protection For Wool Growers
Not Needed, Uanufac
, - fe turers Declare"
Appeals of wool growers for i
nlrher tariff on tnelr raw prod
net ran up" against stiff opposi
tion from clotninr manniaetur
ers at the third day's hearing on
wool duties todar t before the
house ways and means commit
tee. . - -
Appearing for S Tnanufaetur
ra emnlovlne- 59.800 neonle. Wll
Ham Goldman, of New York, op
posed the. grower's proposal to
increase the present rateor a
tUVO mm- jpvsoaa a"
tent of wool in the grease to be
tween . St and 40 cents on the
ground that It would place an
unnecessary additional burden on
consumers' clothing i costs. There
already were 9200,009 a year on
account of tne tanrt, ne saia
Want It Left As Is
- He preferred to hate the entlra
n ool schedule left as It is, but
said If the committee saw m to
raise the - rates the manufactur
ers of clothing should have a high
er differential between the cloth
and finished garment' duties. A
differential of 10 nsr cent was
proposed yesterday by the woolen
worsted and yarn manufacturers
who also supported the growers'
plea for higher raw duties.-
Goldman contended the wool
trowftri had f'trown prosperous
under the existing tariff Uad, thaV
while tney naa, mcreasea tneir
production In the six years of It
operation by ii per ceat, con
sumption of raw wool, bad declined
22 per cent on account of high
prices. He modified this later by
saying the decreased consump
tion partly, was due to change in
clothing fashions.
Salts Now Wearlxwiger
Another factor in smaller con
sumption ot raw wool, he, said
was the increased popularity of
the two-pants' suit which enable J
the average man to beat the rls
ing costs of clothing at retail.
These suits, he added, double the
lif e of the rdinaryjuit.
Goldman ' cited, unemployment
In the clothing industry and said
any increase in rates would only
enchance this situation. He as
serted the existing -duty of 31
cents a pyramided to S3 cents a
before It reached the con
sumer, which was equal to H-BOJ
on a suit of clothes and 7.&o on
an overcoat. . ,
Maintenance of existing rates
en woolen- fell hat' bodies a suit
of clothes and f 7.6 J on an over
coat. - ,:z h -hY? '
Maintenance of existing rate"
on woolen felt hat bodies was ad
vocated by Louis M. Coon. New
York, on behalf of the American
association of felt and straw goods
importers. Representative of 12
domestic manufacturers appealed
for raises In these duties yester
day. ' -
(Special) The Mother's club
met at the home of Mrs. EP
Mills Friday for its regular
monthly session. A epeclal meet
ing will be held at- the ssme plac
Friday; February 15. to finish
the quilt on which the members
have 1 been working. A -box so
cial will be held Friday, February
22, at which the-ntlt will be sold.
The money received for the quilt
and other proceeds of the social
are to be used in pavln? off the
debt on the play hed at the
school. - - '
Harry Beardsley has been mak
ing improvements on his farm re
cently. He has had several men
blasting" stumps and grubbing. L.
S. Glrardln has been helping , him
with the stnmppuller.
Mr. and, Mrs. L.. B. Hafterso
were calling in this vicinity "Wed
nesday. - :
H. - C Todd. teacher of the
Pleasant Point school, is III with
pneumonia in the- Salem hospital.
Harry Beardsley .was taken to
Salem Friday, seriously ill.
Mrs. C. C. Mitchell is In Salem
taking care of the Lanctrie fam
ily, several of whom have been
HI. . . :-2x-...
Mrs. O. H. Rosenbaum is. re-t
ported ill.
The Glrlsf Sewing club -met
with its leader, Mrs. E. P. Mills,
last week and started' its work,
but held no meeting this week on
account of the. suspension 'of
school work in the absence of the
teacher who is Ul. s ; :
Miss Helen Kohl was called
home-from Corvallls to the bed
side - ot her father. Frank Kohl.
He is now reported to be much
Improved. - ' .
Rebekah Lodge ;y '
i r Plans Contest
-! SILVERTON, Feb. .(Spe
cial) At the regular meeting; ot
the -Triphena i Rebekah ' lodge
Thursday night, plans were form
ed to stage a contest among the
- lodge members," to stimulate more
interest in meetings, n ,-Two cap-
tamc to bead the two teams are
Mrs. Frances Glhrke and Mrs.
Pearl, Aflen. Attendance land dues
in advance are -both -given points
as well as perfection , In some of
the secret work of the lodge. Fol
( lowing the regular, meeting, cards
-were .enjoyed by the members. A
pot luck lunch was served.-' "
Epwortb Leagued
; Is Entertained
Colyer Home
BROOKS,. Feb., (Special-
Mr.- and Mrs. John Colyer enter
tained the. Brooks Community Ep
worth league at their home on
Monday evening. . Miss-Constance
Buchanan, president, conducted
the business session after which
music and games were enjoyed.
: Those present - were; Miss Con
stance Buchanan. Miss Xela : As-
plnwaU. Miss Mare Dunlavy, Miss
Viola Colyer, Miss Beulab fipln
wall, . Miss Victoria Colyer. Miss
Elizabeth Dishen, Miss Retta Col
yer. Mies Lena Rlrsl. Miss Fran
cU Colyef. Miss Addle Colyer and
Miss Pearl Colyer; Rev. D. George
Cole, Grant- Buchanan,' -Georgia
Harru, Qonavan Buchanan, John
Dunlavy Jr., Peter Dishen, Frank
Riggl, Charles : 8nowley, Frank
Dishen, John Colyer Jr Mrs. John
Dunlavy, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Har
ris and the hosts,. Mr. and Mrs.
John Colyer. v t
Jim Ferrel Is critically ill at
the home of his brother,-George
Ferrel, north of Brooks. .
Ransom Trammell and bis eight
year old daughter, who have been
111 with influenza and pneumonia
are getting better slowly. Dewey
Lowery has also been : quite ill.
Mr. and Mrs Trammell and fam
ily came here recently from Okla
homa. ' .
Mrs. A. E. Harris was a recent
gueet at the home of Mrs. Joe
LaFollett. :, ; !i r ;
Special evangelistic meetings
will be. held at the Brooks Com
munity Methodist church begin
ning Tuesday. February 19 . to
March 3, every evening ' except
Saturday. Evangelist Harry G.
Crouse, B. A., of Portland, will be
one of the chief speakers. -
( Special T--A son was born to
Mr. and Mrs. Marinus Schaap at
the Silverton hospital last Sunday
Several from here attended tho
I. O. O. F. and Rebekah visita
tion at- Silverton Saturday eve
ning Among them were W. .H.
Stevens, Everett Milne, Mr. and
Mrs, J. S. Coomler, Mr. and Mrs.
Archie Wierner, Kenneth JSoomler
and 8. C. Rlckard.
In spite of the snow and ex-
tremely cold aveather. incubator
are being set and others made
chicks hatching. ' '
Prominent among the poultry
men and women of this locality
are K. D. Coomler, 8. C. Rlckard,
Mr. and Hrs. Tom Bump. Mrs.
A-T. CHne, Mrs. Amy Beer. . anI
Vic VanBracklln.
G. J. Darkens "has been con
fined to .the Silverton hospital
for more than a week.
The home economics club and'
husbands - of members were in
vited to meet with Mr. and Mrs.
Royce Allen of North Winter
street Salem last Thursday. The
men' visited the legislature and,
the women- talked business and
grange affairs. A delicious din
ner was served at one o'clock.
Those from here who droves In
for the day included Mr. and Mrs.
E. G. Wlesner, Mr. and Mrs. M.
A, Dunn, Mr. and Mrs. J. S.
Coomler, Mr. and Mrs. Ernesf
Wlesner. Amy Beer. Daisy Bump,.
DIademma Cline. ' Cardlne Aspin-
wall and W. H. Stevens.
Bojes to Attend
Family Reunion
HUBBARD.- Feb. (Special)
Mr. and ' Mrs. Orlie Boje-and
children. Marie and Gorden. left
Friday afternoon for Be Lake,
Ore., to be present at a family
reunion at the home, of ; Mrs.
Boje's parents Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Wagoner. Mrs. Boje's sister, Mrs,
Carl Hoffman of Eugene, whose
birthday will be celebrated on this
occasion, and a brother, Charles
Wagoner, an employe of the Moun
tain, State Power company of Al-
bany, expect to be present. r:
' Keeks The Oldest Horse
: DES MOINE8 (AP) Iowa's
department of agriculture rwants
to find the oldest horse In the
state. Last year & 30-year-old
stallion was discovered. - "
GJouoh-Huflfton G
' ftOi flry J
X .btat oj
mHAT the United States and
JL Great Britain were not
plunged Into war by the dispute
over the boundary lines, is due ;
; quite lartrely to - the efforts of
Calhoun' and Buchanan. -
, These ? jrentlemen, together
' with Clay and ; Webster, -when
occupying the
-of State, h
continue the v
Slraits of Fuca.
f ; ' V J
iVHWTwr line.
- - t (
( Special ) '.The ; Independence
training school ' girls played ' a
game of basketball with Mon
mouth -grade school , Wednesday.
The score, was '14 to In favor
of Independence,": The boys- - of
the training school ' played Vthe
student teachers. - The . teachers
won the game 14 to 1. . - " j; ' .
Andy Wilson, 8S years .of age
and a G. A. R. . member. Is 'ser
iously ,111 at his home in North
Independence. His children
have been called home.
Independence Is taking heart
as far as her future is concerned.
The new J. C Penny store, and
the 20th Century have been oper
ating for some time and a new
office building has been erected
and now the possibility, of a new
library ; is . In evidence. IThe new
building is to cost $5000 and tho
equipment $1000. Plans are be
ing made so It may soon be built.
Frank Fiieson, who' has been
manager of the Associated store,
will move to Salem la a few days
where he will take up a different
line of work for Ue same asso
ciation. Elmer Frye will then
take over the management of the
store. - s -: -
; ;A car driven by. Lyle - Webb
ran Into the S. P. electric train at
a crossing south of Independence
last Friday afternoon. The car
was completely demolished and
Webb barely escaped being kUled.
At least; $300 damage was done
to the train. ,
i vThe Rev. A. B. VanZante occu
pied the pulpit of the- Presbyter-
Ian church : Sunday and : has :. be
come the" regular pastor oft ttat
cbnrch. He will move his house
hold effects from Portland soon.
His family consists of a wife and
two children, a son, Ellsworth,
who Is a student at O. 8. C, and
a. daughter. Jean, who is a grad
uate of University of Washington
and now assists Dr. DeBusk in the
research department-of the Port
land ' public schools.
Mission Society
Members Guests
Of Mrs. Hardie
SILVERTON, Feb. 9. (Spe
cial) Mrs. Thomas Hardie was
hostess at the parsonage on
Thursday afternoon to the Ladled
Methodist Missionary ' society.
Nineteen members and eight vis
itors' were present. An interesting
talk was given by Mrs. Luce, na
tional, field . secretary of , the
Methodist Home Missionary so
ciety. Following the meeting Mrs.
Hardie was assisted by Mesdames
Ed Adams and F. A. Moore in
serving lovely refreshments. Mrs.
Luce, while In this vicinity, is the
house guest of Mrs. Cans of Sa
lem. .
: Mrs. H. 8. Butler was hostess
on Friday evening at a 500 party.
Four tables were in play during
the evening. Following play which
was progressive, delightful re
freshments were served.
: In honor of Mrs. Pearl Harvey
who is leaving soon for Marsh
field, Mrs. Clay Allen entertained
at her home on Friday afternoon.
FoUowtng a social hour delightful
refreshments were served. Among
those ', present were Mesdames
Floyd Allen, J. H. Riches. J.
Glhrke, Miles Ottaway, Burns
Renwlck, Lerfald, the honor
guest. ; ... ''"'
- PORTLAND, Ore., Feb. 9
(AP)- A "department of Justice1
agent was en route to Ohlloquln,
Ore.,, tonight to Investigate" the
murder of Whitey Ward. 35, lum
berjack, found dead in his cabin;
there Thursday. Perry John, 26.
an Indian, was being sought for
. War Veterans In Business
years ago: the - Minnesota Ameri
can Legion auxiliary- established
a workphip so a few disabled war
veterans jnight make paper popples.-
Now the shop does an an
nual business of $21,000, making
toys and gifts as well as popples.
S&ltm and the
post of Secretary
adbeen willing to
line of ; 49 ; to the
! There weer'se-
! - ' 1L ' -1-t '.'
; :; V;
Group. Meets: At
cial) Members of the Past Ma
trons'; society of the y Eastern
Star, met . at ' the -home of Mrs.
Gny Aupperle.; - Th ursday after
noon. Thoe present were -Mesdames
W. H. ; Sherman, F. 5 E.
WaU. D, H. Looney. C. ill Smith.
G. C. Mason. Lee " Farlow. R. C
Thomas, Charles McKee. H. D.
Mars. Earl Lynes.' G. M. Aupperle,
Henry, Shields and Earl Phelps..
Qntte a crowd , from Jefferson
accompanied the basketball teams
to - Shed d Wednesday night, when
the Jefferson boys won by a score
or 29 to. s. while the girls' team
lost by a score o( 18 to 29. ' ;
; Miss Gouldlng - of - the county
health demonstration at Salem is
giving a series ofteetures en hy
giene, at the Jefferson school.. The
first lecture was " held Tuesday
for the girls of ' the high ' school
and eighth grade. . There wUl be
meetings each week,' and I differ
ent lecture In hygiene will be giv
en, at each meeting. 1
Roy Chain who has' been ill
with bronchial pneumonia, la re
covering slowly.
HUBBARD. Feb. 9.-(SpecTal )
General Rusk Relief corps No.
39; of Hubbard met Friday after
noon at the I. O. O. F. hall, The
attendance was good and an In
teresting! meeting was, enjoyed. ,
A new member, Mrs. Neva Mc-
Kenzle was initiated and installa
tion of officers, with Mrs. Susie
Ott as installing officer, was held
for the new president. Mrs. Edna
Mack, and for Mrs. Meta Friend
and Mrs. Anna Stauffer, color
bearers. These officers could not
be, present at the public Installa
tion which was held January 26.
, The new president appointed
the following- committees: relief
committee, Anna Stauffer, Eliza
beth Grimm and Ava Malone; ex
ecutive committee, Susie Ott, Ella
Stauffer and Cora Smith; auditing
committee, Sadie ScholL Nettie
Sails and Maud Bidgood.
In memory of Nettie J. Unger
man, past department president
who died . at . her home in Mc
Mlnnville, January 19, The char
ter of the corps was draped and
will remain thus for 30 days.
As the next meeting will be
on Washington's birthday, ar
rangements were made for a pa
triotic program.
Mrs. Harvey is
Honor Guest at
Thursday Party
r-. SILVERTON, Feb. 9 (Spe
cial) Mrs! Mike Dolan enter
tatned a group of friends at her
home on. Thursday afternoon in
honor of Mrs. Pearl Harvey who
is leaving soon for Marshfield'
Following a social hour, lovely
refreshments were served. Among
those present were Mesdames Al
bert Webb. WUl Eagan, Maud
Gordon, Mary Andrews, Chas.
Amos, I. L. Stewart and the honor
On Wednesday, afternoon, thr
Loyal vBerlan class of the Chris
tian church ' presented Mrs. Har
vey with a lovely-handkerchief
showwr at the home of Mrs. L. L.
Mrs. Harvey Is leaving very
soon to spend the spring months
with her son. Owen, in Marsh-
field. Late in May, she plans to
le&T& there for th east, and will
be accompanied by her daughte.
Miss Mildred Harvey of Portland.
They will visit in Iowa and
North Dakota before going to An
derson, Missouri, where Mrs.
Harrey will be with her -parents.
Miss Mildred will return to the
coast -after a few weeks' visit in
the east. i : v :
II y.m kST Epilacf T. Fit. IklllM llokaaM
r OomrUlo ma natta kaw fcad ailta
todar Wlt&aut ItIL Attaeki Manne-
orar atrkt is sub cataa. MO MA ROOT.
Wis o hararui np. Satiifactkia ar
money sack. -
Dr. V. H. Simpson .
1S55 Wd4Ui. Bt Cleveland, O.
. Helpful
OUR lady , attendant is -one
of our most Valued assist
tants, as she attends to many
little details that require the
feminine touch.
It Is our aim to make our
service utterly complete.
J&hiincKVettneral Sendee.
ro tfiuKE Activities
- JEFFERSON, Feb. "9 -Spe
cial ) The Cub Scouts held their,
regular; meeting Saturday alter
noon, wbUe the Boy Scouts held
their - meeting i in the ' evening.
Next Wednesday ' the -Boy Scouts
will meet the MeMinnville boys at
Jefferson school-gymnasium ' fof
a basketball game..- On February
IS ' the- -executive for Marion
county will meet with the scouts
and. exemplify the work. When
tho charter will be given to the
local organization. " This meeting
will be held In the Methodist
churehr -w,
Howard Hampton has recovered
sufficiently from- his goitre oper
ation to be brought home : from
the 8alem hospital Tuesday.
Mrs. Dora . Brownlee and son,
Harold, of Castle Rock, Wash.,
were renewing acquaintance in
town "Monday. The Brownlees
were former residents of this vi
cinity,. Mr. Brownlee being an
employee of the Jefferson ' Mill
company for years.
SILVERTON, Feb. 9. (Spe
ual) Mr. and Mrs. Allen Porter
moved this week from south" Third
rtreet into the house Just vacated
jy Mr. .and Mrs. Seweil Shepherd
m Oak street. The Shepherds
iave Just purchased a new four
-oo'nv home of Oscar Storaslj on
last H11L -
To break a COld harmlesslv and
tablet. And for hndarh Tf
too, in cases of neuralgia, neuritis, even rheumatism and lumbago I
And there's no after effect: doctors cive Asnirin tn rKMmi
often infants. Whenever there's
genuine Bayer Asinrin has Bayer on the box and on every tablet.
All druggists, with proven directions.
Pbysidans prescribe Bayer Aspirin;
it does NOT affect the Leart
ispbla Is lbs trad swrk ot Kjar UasoUctura f iioBoscatickJdcatar af SalierUeMld
The Day of Linolexim
UrinxRoom - '
ywu una Jiaom
pattern ta oor stocks
Ideal for each of
Good Program is
Given By Pringle
PRINGLE. Feb." 9. (Special)
Friday . evening the -? Pringle
community club held Its : regular
semi-monthly meeting at , the
schoolhouse with Rex Jones, pre
siding. After a short business rou
tine the program given by the la
dies' division followed. The pro
gram opened with a play, "Buying
the Community .coffee pot;" song
by the ' Girlfe' Reserve; sketch,
"Taking the Census;. s6ng by
Mrs. E. Conklin and small son
Howard; monologue, "The Cheer
ful Hostess," : piano solo by Mrs.
J. M. Coburn; dialogue, "The
Crystal Gazer," recitation by lit
tle Mary Alice Jones; instrumen
tal duet by Gladys and Helen Hll
fiker; sketch.. "Bound for De
troit;? monologue, "How to Man
age a Husband;" and closing sons
"Let Me Call you Sweetheart."
The program committee In
charge included Mrs. George Ad
ams chairman and Mrs. Charles
Grabenhorst. -Mrs. Frank Clarke
and Mrs. A. Jelderks.
Mrs. Charles Grabenhorst ' anl
Mr. E. Clarke will have chargs ot
the- entertainment for the social
evening Friday, February 22.
Triple Link Club
Meets Wednesday
SILVERTON. Feb.. 9( Spe
cial) -The Triple Link club will
be entertained by Mrs. : Ruth
Kottek next Wednesday after
noon. Mrs. Fred Baker will as
sist the hostess in entertaining.
; - v
in a hurrv trv a Raver Acnirin
arti'nn nf Aanirin is wn) IffirZrn-
tain. think of Asoirin. The
Interior decorators are using these new
Blabon Linoleums for some of the most
artistic homes. Youll understand and ap
prove of their judgment when you see,
BlABOrS Onolemii "
iay swrj t J IVM1JL,
nwMilTniFcB" (H(n
i.. i . i i ii 1 1 1 1 1
- r
m aw v i . -
v a. i
Elect Officers
SILVERTON, Feb. , 9. (Spe
cial) Fourteen were present at
the fir at regular meeting of ! the
Izaak Walton, lesgue Wednesday
night, held lp the social club
rooms. . The following officer;
were elected: president. Dr. P. A
Loar; secretary.- Cal . Sohlador;
chairman of the membership com
mittee. F. B. Patty; publicity com
mittee, Roy Davenport.
Salem Andrew
C. S. B. of Cleveland,
'Member of the Board of ID I
.Lectureship of The
Mother , Church, The
First Church of Christ,
Scientist of Boston
in the
Monday Noon
11th 1929
The public is cordially
invited to attend
- Our .
.- Color thar's the first
reqnisito of tiao linol
.I etsa yoa place la tho
ansroom. . , ,
Kitchen - ; J"
Blfbon Linoleums
" bar been used ia
kitchens for years-
;'i-r XIabon has puMSeerVd
la harktsomo designs
'v for this room. :
Christ Sciehtitt -
, . Salem, Oregon
Free Lecture i
IP'onmmipD Ci
. v V V : , T
Will continue a few
days longer on ac
count of the cold
weather of last
If you do not.need
two pair hring a
friend and split ii
the bill.
Shoe Store
Originators of the
famou8 2forl
A Shoe Sale
They say a carpenter's . known
by his chips-Bwift.
L l-
-V -