The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 10, 1929, Page 2, Image 2

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    .The New QgEGON .STATESMAN, Salem.' Oregon. Sunday Morning. February 10 1929
i ' -
. . ,
4 :
Governor's Economy Pro-
: gram Threatened by
Measures in Sight r
- ' Governor t Patterson's .economy
program for the 19 legislature
notwithstanding, a flock of sal
ary increase bills have found their
way into the hopper, and -others1.
probably -wtlr follow before- the
end of the session.- -..
! The' latest salary oltf in
troduced was that of he public
service , commissioners who ' are
asking an increase from $4000 to
$S0 a year. This bill was in
troduced In t he ffcoase yeaterday.
It was said that 'several other df
flcjals have felt the urge for !n-
- creased . salaries, and are prepay
tug bills which would boost their
compensation in amounts rang
ing from f 30.0 to $1800, a year
? " ' The first ' salary . Increase bill
Introduced at -the, current session.
would advance the compensation
of the members of the-, state in
dusrrlal accident commission from
3600 to$480Q a year. Thl
bill was sq. framed that the in-
creased salary would be paid ou
of the funds of the industrial ac-
" eldest commission, and would
sot be an added burden on the
. ' v Employers Contribute
A large number of employer-
who contribute to the Indutria",
accident fund were said to favo-
the passage of thls.blll. .The bil'
has passed the houscr and -will
- coml up for thlrdead'lpg in the
senate next week.
' ' While ' Governor Patterson ha
refused Q Intimate anyj action he
will take-in connection, with ; the
salary Increase 'lllls." friends, o'
. the administration salcl that the?
. erobablv would1 -fall-tender the
veto ax.. The governor vetoed
large number of salary Increase
bills at the 1927 session. Some
of these bills have been, passed
over the governor's veto at this
' session of the. legislature, while in
other cases the veto of the execu
tive was sustained
Included among the salary bill?
that have found their way intc
... the hopper during the present leg
Jslative session were the follow
ing: : .
S. B. 36, by -Multnomah county
delegation Increasing salaries
f constables in districts having
more than 100.600 population
H. B. 149. by Bell and Howard
Providing for a salary 'Increase
for certain officers of Lane
county. --i 1
H. B. 163. by Egbert Increas
ing salaries of certain officials
of Wasco county.
H. B. 166 by; Egbert To In
crease mileage compensation of
Wasco county commissioners.
. H. B. 295, by : Johnson Pro
Tiding Increased salaries for offi
cials of Benton, county.
s" H. B. 304. by Weatherspoon
Relative to increase In salary of
secretary of state board of horti-j
culture, .v ? --..m .
- H. B. ; SJS, by'' Multnomah
county delegation Providing for
an additional district judge and
salary increase". '
.H. B. 363. by Umatilla county
delegation Relating to the sal
aries of - county officers of .Uma
tilla county. .
H. B. 365. by Multnomah coun
ty delegation Increasing salary
of the clerk of the district court
la Multnomah county.
'-, M. B. 383, by Johnson: Fixing
- salary of Justice of the peace of
Benton county.
-! H. B. 436. by Briggs Increas
ing salary of Jackson county
- H. B. 367. by Chlnnock Fix
ing salary of justice of the peace
i f Grants Pass district.
B. 424. by Burdlck Increas
ing salary of state labor-commissioner.
H. B; 443. by McCready In
creasing salary of state superin
tendent of public instruction
from 34000 vto $5000.
S. B. 57, by Eddy and ethers
Increasing salaries of county sur
veyors and their assistants. ; '
S. B. 16, by ; Billing sley In
creasing salaries of certain Mal
heur county officials.
Emmons Opening
Law Office Here
, Is Former Iowan
O. Wt Emmons, attorney, has
opened offices in Salem In the
Oregon building. ; ; .-f s
- Mr. Emmons': family has been
v living In the city since 1925. re
: moving here from Carroll county.
Iowa, but business there kept Mr,
Emmons In the east for the great-
- cr part of the years since 1925.
Conclusion of his business ; af
fairs in Iowa.where for 20 years
he practiced law, made it possible
for Mr. Emmons to' come to' Sa
i lem this winter to make his per
manent home here. V '
He ia to be assisted In his of
lice work by his . daughter, Miss
Genevieve Emmons, who Is a sten
jo graph er of experience.- -
Yputhfitl SemtM
To Speak Monday
" ' ' Senator Fred Kiddle chairman
. of - the senate committee which?
; made a special study f automo-v-
' bile licenses will discuss the gen-
V . ral subject of - proposals along.
this lias facing the legislature, In
. a talk at'.therSalem chamber of
commerce luncheon Monday noon
f Senator Kiddle, who - represent
- .Union, f, Morrow ;: and Umatlll
counties, is the youngest member
ot the upper house. He; was state
? - commander of the Americaa. Le
gion Ia1l23. .
A JMH to authorise Incorpora
tion of th Klamath trlbo of In
dlans in Oregon was : introduced
today by 8enator MeNarr, : -
I Mystery Star
Laora IjaPlaate, : starred -- in
"The Last Warning, ' opentns
tnree-day engagement today on
Capital theatre screen.'
More than. 250 Willamette un
Iverslty students .and professors
were nesent at the "On, to Vic
tory ' dinner given i In "honor of
Coach Keene and the university
basketball squad at the Presby
tertan church- Wednesday night
The dinner was sponsored by the
Blue Key service fraternity in
conjunction, with the student body
pep staff. The walls of the. din
ing room were decorated i with
athl etlc trophies, and a basket
ball was used as centerpiece lor
each t able. Members of . the
iquad and coaching staff and oth
er guests of honor and special
tables set on the rostrum.
Students marched into the. din
ing room singing Willamette
spngs, and continued singing durL
ing the serving. - Following the
dinner. Dean Roy. R. Hewitt act
ed as toastmaster. Ivan : White,
president of the Blue Key trater.
nlty Introduced individual mem
hers of the team. .
Coach Roy Keene responded to
the toast, "The Team. telling
the students that they would have
a real part in tne victories iney
hope for In the coming contests.
Other toasts were responded to by
William C. Phillips and president
Doney. Following the program
of speeches yell "kings Winslow
and Schdmp led in yells, and song
queen Frances MCGllvra directed
more songs. . i .
The fraternities and sororities
sent their respective cooks, and
waiters to prepare the meal, and
did not serve dinner In their own
houses. Many students declared
the dinner . one of the most suc
cessful rallies ever staged. ,
Oregon Scteeh to
Hdld Picture of
Carnival Action
A circus riot, precipitated by
the carnival workers' distress call
of "Hey Rube," provides much of
the exciting action , in the new
Fr B. O. production; "Hey Rube,"
which Is at the Oregon theatre
today and Monday, featuring
Gertrude Olmstead and Hugh
Trevor. "
According to ' those familiar
Ith the life of the "big top"
workers. ' there Is nothing more
thrilling than a carnival riot. The
distress signal is the call of "Hey
Rube," from which the picture
gets its name.
Once the cry la given, every
able bodied man on the circus
payroll responds with whatever
weapon he can lay his bands on
ind to distinguish the circus bat
tlers from the mob in general,
handkerchiefs are tied aroundjthe
neck, cowboy fashion.
"Hey Rube," contains many
thrills and plenty of stirring ac
tion-filled moments, it is said. -
Court Docket For
February i Session
The.4 complete u circuit', court
docket tor its February -term war
announced . Saturday ; as follows:
Monday. February. 11 at 10 a.
m:r Sheridan, ts. WUHg. .. , -
Wednesday, at 1 p. m., Weddle
et us vs. Parrlsh.
Thursday at 9 a. m.. Adjust
ment Bureau ra. Barber. - .
Thursday at' 3 a.: n Louis
Husser vs. McKtnney. . k.
Friday at 9 a. m., Ray, Smith
vs. McKinney. - '. ' '
Friday at 9 -a. m., Anna Hus
ser vs. McKinney. i:
Saturday at 9 a. m., Geelan vs.
Eldriedge. ; - --u- ...J'..,
Tuesday, February 19. Vt r 9 ' a,
ml. Walling vs. Van Pelt. - ..
: Wednesday, at 1 p, m., William
son vs. Lock wood. - s j
Thursda.yat . 1 p. m., -Henderson
vs.' 8chulaa:. ii i;i t:.5
Saturday at. 9 a. m.. Hart man
vs. ; Lima - Flounag . vMills : com
pany; i r ,.'-.
Monday, February 25, at 10 a
m., BUur,vs, State Industrial Ac
cident x Commission. ... ; ,
President DoneyM
President. Carl 41 0." Doney "of
Willamette university left " Salens
Saturday-urght for Los Angeles
aad other'. California points. ; Dr.
Doney stated ' that the trip " was
being made in the interests of the
university's endowment 1 i - campaign.-
There were ' Willamette
alumni groups in several of the
southern California cities, but the
order and time of meeting, them
had not been fully arranged.; Al
though he set no date tor his re
turn to Salem,"1 it was 'understood
thai To woiiU irrir titfaiu Vh.
ruary 23, the closing date of theli
present drive. ' v v "
".-' ' - ' , ! -
m mils
"The! Last Warning' - taystery
special starring.' Laura La Plante,
will open today at Bligh's .Cap
itol theatre. It Is hailed as an
unusual and spectacular , produc
tion. ' - '
From the very acquisition of
ttfe story through every phsSe o,
the work of production ; Carl
Laemmle's ' orders that - this ' be i
made , lnto a special were adhered
to on a grand scale. y "
Remembering what -a - tremen
dous success Paul Lenl had mad
In directing Laura LaPlante 4
"The Cat and the Canary", Laem
mle decided to give the director
star combination a chance to out
do their, spectacular work in this
other mystery story. He put every
facility of Universal studio , at
their command and gave them a
free rein. The "result la that
critics the world overr" acclaim
ing "The Last "Warning" more
terrifying j and mysterious than
anything ever seen before . on the
seTeen. '',. " y . 1 ' '
The -supporting cast of "The
Last Warning" las : unusual
strength. It contains artists 'oJ
suchprominence that "many . of)
them could carry a picture . on
thelf own shoulders. - v . . ;
On the -roster of this prodno
tlon appear the names of Miss La
Plante, , John Botes, Montagu
Love. Jtoy D'Arcy, Bert Roach,
fMargaret Livingston. Maek SwaUv
Burr Mcintosh,' Carrie Daumery,
George Summervllle, Torben Mey
er, D'Arcy Corrlgan. Bud Phelps,
Charles K. French, Tom McG ulre,
FredTKelsey,. Tom 'O'Brien, and
Harry Northrup. Carl Laemmle,
Jr supervised the production.
Four VI taphone vaudeville acts
headed by Chic Sale- in Ifls laugh
riot, "Marching On" will complete
the bill . at the Capitol today,
Monday .and .'Pa'esday.
Two stars, each in a different
realm of the entertainment world,
are featured In Fancbon & Mar
co's "Hollywood Scandals Idea,
which comes to the Elslnore the
atre today.
They are Mildred Harris, blonde
beauty of the stage and screen,
ind Gerald Griffin, lnternatlon-
Uly famous tenor. Mildred Har
ris, one of the ex-Mrs. Charlie
Chaplins. has been featured and
starred in many motion picture
productions, and has also been
presented in notable stage produc
tions during the past two years.
Griffin comes to the west coast
after having recently completed
a tour of the World , during which
his golden voice won acclaim
wherever he sang.
In tho ' production, which fea
tures .Miss Harris and. Griffin,
Fanchon & Marco present a large
rast of cinema beauties and talent.
including Seymour -ft Corn; Cob,
Carol ft June, Roy Bradley and
others.-:-', .tj:.?;' .- . :x
A carefully . selected screen at
traction-has aviso been booked for
this engagement, which should
omplete one of the finest bills
aeen at the popular play house In
iome time.
Dog Actors Play
Well in Feature
If dogs could talk. Director
Clarence Brown would be their
greatestt hero.
During the filming of "The
Trail of '03", Metro-Goldwyn-
Mayers northern film epic, now
being shewn at the Elslnore the
atre, with sound synchronization.
Brown rescued more than '600
dogs from the munldnal pounds
of half a dosen big western cities
snd made film actors out of them.
He superintended the burins: of
500 more who appear In the lav
ish scenes with thousands of hu
man' beings. . He saw that every
dog "was carefully provided for
during the making of the picture
ana wnen his mm was completed
B.ueu twni uvoh tor every one
of; his canine actors.
"The Trail of .'9S" la ha tw
the Robert W. Service atow f
the "Klondike, gold rush and the
leading roles are played by Ra'lpk
Forbes, -Dolores Del Rio, Harry
Carey, Karl Dane, Tally Marshall,
George Cooper and more than 40
other famous' screen actors.
-' , "with
Mack Bennett Comedy " "- - : v 'V-... ,. ;
His Lucky iglit,' ; IATI?fEE V.r; 25c
, 1" MGHT i:,;... S3c
Fox ft ewe. - Cartoon . T
mmMmammmmmmmmlm9mmmmmaamam mmm asaaSj saaaeaan aaMaaaa "
Bttr Brown stndla aandna' to at
tract man and succeeds But Whan
both her oarania dl. Andy Adair. Kar-
iry Ford : aad Doo Alter " disappear.
wme aors Harris, bar stow, stodgy
next-door netxhbov. stands br. Aa&lnat
0or' wishes aba determine on a
dancing- career. Her first experience U
with a manaaer who supplies talent for
local entertainment, who Insults her.
Sbe thea acts the oromlse of a uoaltloa
ia a local me rtny picture house.
T. - . W ' ' i r -
THE Orpheum was a moving
picture theater of. the higher
type, giving .four de luxe;
shows a day. The theatrical per
formance was a prologue for the
moving picture ' which followed.
Rehearsals for the following
week's show, began on the Thurs
day previous. ; - - - ' ' . ,
Betty ' reported ; promptly -.on
Thursday. The next week's picture
was to be patriotic la - character,
so the stage band vas costumed
as sailors end the s tigs' arranged
as the deck, of a battleship. ,
; Betty's part required her, to
wear a sport dress. She and nine
other girls "came up the .' gang
plank as visitors to the ship, form
ing e background for dancers also
costumed as sailers. The dance
numbers were arranged, to" carry
out the hornpipe motif. t
In the finale Betty and three
girls of her general height and
build posed, as armyr navy, marine
corps and air, service, Betty rep2
resenting the air service. The cos
tumes were as scanty as possible,
end Betty looked at her aghast.
She went through the rehearsal
intelligently, . however, - and was
pleased when the stage manager,
after two explanations, paid" to
her: "Brown, there seems to be
something above your eyebjrows
besides hair. You've got the idea;
take charge of this tableau. Ton
three do what she says!" s
Betty took her three girls out
of the way of the sweating, swear
ing stage manager, and pdsod
them behind a drop which was to
rise at the right moment to show
the tableau to ..the audience. Th
curtain rose, and the stage man
agar-exclaimed: "Thank Tieaven,
that's all right!". -f -
- The curtain went down And the
girls in the tableau broke their
positions. As It rose again, the
stage manager yelled: "Don't bt
so darned modest!. There might
be an encore, you know! Hold till
I tell you to break!" .
He paid no more1 attention to
them. Betty sat on a broken chair
to watch the dancers. Over and
over again he-put them through
the routines. One particularly
awkward girl was told: "You
won't do. Beat itl'! J3he left .the
stage in tears. Betty'sjeet did the
steps as she sat on her chair.. They
seemed easy. 13he left the theatre
happy in the consciousness--that
she -could hold this position for a
week at least, and believing she
(could make herself valuable and
be continued. : -r " ! .f
At home that night she amused
herself trying to combine the steps
All-Talking Film
Gives Bancroft
New OpDorjtUhity
"The Wolf - Wall Street.
starring George Bancroft, will be
presented at BUgh's Capitol the
atre next Wednesday for a four
day run as an all-talking motion
This announcement Is notewor
thy due to the fact that it will
mark the flf st time local audi.
ences will be able to hear as well
as see Bancroft in action in a dra
matlc story so full of tense drama
that It may be classed as one of
the season's t most outstanding
productions. .
The star is fortunate to hare
an exceptional east of supporting
players m this picture: There are
Bedanova, a product of the Mos
cow Art theatre r Paul Lukas,
called the i "Barrymore of Hun
gary," who speaks flawless Eng.
llsh; Nancy Carroll, from musical
cofedy: Arthur Rankin, nephew
of jthe famous trio of Barrymores;
Brandon Hurst . and Crauford
Kent.;',; '- vJ r- f ...
'Getting Up Nights
mi w wa ft vaaaetw. , urtT t
Up Nights, Backache, Burning or
Itching , Sensation, leg4 or groin
pains make you feel old, ' tired,
pepiess, and worn - out why not
make ; the Cystex 43 Hour Test?
Don't give up. :Get Cystex today
at any drug store. Put it to ft 48
hour test. Money back if you don't
soon feel like new, full of pep,
sleep well, with bains alleviated.
Try Cystex today. Only . 6 Ocupe-'
of the sailors' hornpipe with some
pane oi ser acrooaue aancsv sue
worked out a short routine which
pleased' her, -::r"
Friday morning was dress re
hearsal. The stage manager, pro
gram in hand allowed time for the
visiting singer and two dancers
who - were featured . in the pro
gram.- The time of the picture, plus
the-stage show, left five precious
minutes unoccupied. He tore his
hair, begging the girls to do a
song to fill In. but he stopped each
before they were .well started.
"For heaven's - sake, can none
of you do ahythingT'-,he demand -
Betty looked at her
"Let me try!" begged Betty.
"Try what?" He scowled.
"Play that sailor's hornpipe
again, slower!" she directed. She
had on her aviator's . costume.
When the piano started she came
on the stage In a series of slow
cartwheels. In the center sbe did
the hornpipe - steps. Interspersed
with back-overs and front-overs,
remembering this man's admoni
tion to do them smoothly and to
keep, her feet separated.
"You'll have to change costunM
for that.'? he said, hurriedly.
"Give that costume to the girl In
the, sailor clothes and you take
hers. There Is no time for you to
make a . change. Rearrange your
picture accordingly. That dance
It Leaves .
It's "
Don't miss it I
" i l ' Y . i -
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v ' S
"y. 's-ss I
: ::: ::-, I
- - ...
at the
Organ -
. Prices ;
Matinee 35c
Evening SOc
Next Tuesday, Feb. 12th
Ci r One Night Only Curtain 8:15 P. M.
The! Brilliant Irish' Drama -
, r " Presented by; v
Moroni Olsen Players ;
Cen tevLo wer - ITloor and Mezzanine . . $ i .0 '
.Firsriseven and last five-rows. Lower Floor 1.50 -
FirsV50s;31 Balcony. 1.00 -
Kext-gvrows Balcony,-.. .TS -
Last T rows. Balcony, . : . 4 iV; ? . , . .,r. ; .. . . .6 .
: . .
C Sponsored by-Saierh "Lions arid' luwanis Clubs
isn't much., but it will pass. All
set now! ' Go through the whole
thing again and get rid of those
frozen' faces. rThis is a party, you
know, not a funeral at sea!
When Betty le the theater her
first reaction w.4!ot deep disap
pointment that the stage manager
had not expressed appreciation of
her willingness to supply the miss
ing number on the program.
Her second . thought was that,
after all, she was a dancer. Be
cause she ; was tall she was pro
hibited from being in the chorus.
composed of the "pony" type of
girl.: Why, she was doing a solo
costirme aghast.
dance in the. show! She was sud
denly elated, and forgot complete
ly that the stage manager ha
said no words of appreciation.
Then she recalled that in addltloa
to the" dance he had nut her lc
charge of the tableau. She fell
that she was progressing. And she
might get an encore for her dance
number! She hurried home hap
pily, to originate a routine for thlc
possible encore.
The first show In which Bettj
worked was at three o'clock or
Sunday, .it went remarkably well.
Betty was delighted at -the bril
liant costumes of the two vlsltlag
dancers. It was an adagio team
and the girl was so pretty and sc
graceful that Betty admired hei
. '-.'.with , -Dolores
Del Rio, Ralph
Forbes,: Harry Carey, Karl
Dane thousands of others
The colorful Klondike
during the Gold Bush
days of 'OS.
You will thrill at the
many big .dramatic
; moments!
td9 by Caatn! Prvls
Her own number immediately
preceded theirs. The audience was
generous, and applauded her vig
orously. Breathless and excited
she stood in the wings ready for
her encore, but the adagio team.
which was to follow, crowded past
her, effectually blocking her off.
She said": ..
"Excuse me. please," laying Jier
hand, rather hastily on the arm
of that pretty girl.
"Take your hand off me!"
snapped that individual, with a
look of hatred.
The music of the adagio num
ber started, but the aedlenca was
in a Jovial mood, and 'would not
have it. They drowned It with
their applause. The stage manager
rushing to the entrance, gave
Betty a push and said:
"Get out there and take "a
bow." .
The man of the adagio team
moved a step and made it impos
sible for her to get on. The stage
manager pulled him roughly to One
side and, waving his hand at the
orchestra leader, the music chang
ed to the hornpipe. Betty did her
encore, and again received hearty
applause. ' - " r
She left the stage angry, deter
mined to say something to the
two dancers, "but found them in
the midst of an altercation with
the stage manager.
"Tou .try to crab another act on
this stage and I wikfll yours!-1
am sick of you cheap hoofers try
ing to steal the stage and the spot
light and everything else. Wh3n
you work on this stage you are
working under me, and don't you
forget It! Now get out there and
do your stuff and remember, I am
running this stage!" . 3
,fI won't go on!" cried the girl,
stamping her foot. j
The stage manager . waved his
Imperious hand and the music of
the adagio number started.
"Out there ; -with ryou or get
blacklisted on this circuit, you
little hell cat!" His finger pointed
to the stage and the girl danced
smilingly out in front of the au
dience. "You are so goodl" said Betty.
"Good, the devil!" I'm, trying to
give a show! Don't bother met"
Betty was elated as she received
the congratulations of the local
talent, the girls from the chorus
ind the three in her" picture
crowding around her, one ex
claiming: "Raspberry!" to the ad
agio team, which was then off the
Her dance was a success all that
lay. She had an encore each time
she danced. It was a happy girl
who took off her make-up after
the last show end started out the
alley entrance. '
"Beautiful lady, may I have the
Pleasure?" asfted a voice at her
)lbow. She looked around to see
the smiling face of 'Andy Adair
looking down into hers.
"Why. hello, Andy! Where did
fou come. from?"
"I was out front and saw you
dance In the next to the last show.
I stayed thro'ugh to watch you
again. You had 'em sitting up and
taking notice!"
He took Betty in his car, turn
'ng toward the river drive. Betty
lid not' protest, late as it was, be
cause she knew she could not
sleep for Excitement.
When he parked by the river,
ihe chattered for an hour, telling
him about her new position. When
ihe told him how the visiting dan
gers had treated her, he offered
to get his "gang" and come to
fJhe show the next night and hiss
.hem. but Betty laughingly declln
d the offer.
"Oee, you looked good i tonight!
The lees you have on, the prettier
ou are!" he announced. -
"I suppose that is Intended as a
compliment, but I don't care for it,
ome way
"For the love of Mike. Betty, be
easonable!" herotested. "If you
ltd not" have a pretty body they
riMUiW iim rrea' inu ri., Sat
V -7 at n
would not let you dance in public
Beauty ts beaaty. whether Is U a
rose, a landscape or that most
beautiful of all things, a woman."-
"Let's talk .of something -else,?
suggested Betty. . ,
Before the car moved away he
reached over and kissed her. and
she did not resist. She -liked Andr
better than anyone she knew, and
was glad to have him back In her
life, .-4--
mm. i
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In "Marching On
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