The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 10, 1929, Page 16, Image 16

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    Orr-ca, ZIcrrJr.7, Fclrvary 10, 1$Z5.
i -
ilfflE IB
: ;Gving Llquortb Minor Al
leged of Witness in Re-
I - vcent Jackson Case;
- The career of Pete De Ouire.
bo iru l lUr witness in the
recent case State vs. Johnson, but
-was was accused by the prosecu
tion of changing his story with
th result that Johnson : was ac-
r emitted of his moonahlnlng charge.
. will face trial on. his own account
at the next term of .court.' The
- grand jury returned an indictment
i against him ' Saturday for,; con
' tributlnr to the, delinquency of a
' minor. More specifically, . the
charge states that De Guire gave
' a gallon, of jnoonshlne to Lester
Wampole, a minor. It is under-
; stood that certain evidence given
ay De Guire at the time of John
son's trial will - be used against
kbsv He Is quoted as baring said
that young Wampole discovered
tb sua that was then In question
i. aad that he gave Wampole a gal
; toa . of Manor and "told - him to
keep quiet. "
Seven other Indictments were
retained by the grand jury Sat
artsy, as follows:
John Buechler, charged with
oa-sapport,of his wife.
John H. - Chiles, charged with
mon-support of his six-year-old
, Harry " &. - WllliamB, charged
hwith forgery of . a 1 2 4 check. , I
- , Joseph Lorraine and E. F. Tar
breach, charged with burglary in
- railroad roundhouse at Silver-
i . torn January 1. Tber are said
to hare taken some 200 pounds of
;'- scran .brass.'.:: :;; -4 .;.
i - Thomas ' E. Thompson, trick
parachute jumper during the state
fair, here last fall, charged .with
forgery ,ef a. 120 check.
Alfred Enes, charged v'th
: grand larceny In connection with
an auto theft. January .
James B. Whatley, charged with
forgery of a 11.50 check.
y Not ; true bills were returned
against June Drake of Silverton,
i iarolTed In a photographers al
1 tercation taere some time ago and
' accused of defacing a ; building.
i and Henry Esau, accused of burg
lary not In a dwelling. The ten-
. tatlve - charge against Esau - had
? IarolTed theft of candy, tobacco
and cigareta from a. room at the
Senator . hotel January I.
Offer of SlCOOavafd in :J
Two Lives Taken
In Accidents of
Week, is Report
There were two fatalities in
Oregon due -to industrial ' acci
dents during the week ending
February T, according to a re
port prepared by the state indus
trial accident commission.
' The rictims were Hans HJor
.ten, Portland, carpenter, and Hen
. ry - rHoldea, Florence, ; logger.
There wera a total of 187 acci
dents reported to the commit! Ion
daring the weekvjffc.vy,.....
: kohn IL Uonley Walln' Wall
minister, who : will condact. spe
cial aerrlces. starting' today at th
First CauutLSAchnrch. ; - i" :
Special Services
Christian Church
Isattle Against Evolution
Mr. Vnd "Mrs. Johnl B. Hunley
of Walla Walla. Wash., will open
a series of special services at the
First Christian church. High and
Center streets, this morning, an
nounces the pastor, the Rev. D. J.
Howe. - : - . ,
MnHunley is pastor ' of the
large Central Christian church of
Walla Walla and .before going
there several years ago was pas
tor iif Richmond, Vs., and Kan
sas Cily, Mo.. , He Isone of the
Outstanding preachers of the west.;
Mrs. Haniey .win jeaa tne cnoir
and be soloist. She is a gifted
singer and possesses a contralto
voice of rare sweetness. H she
stndled - two years in the Royal
Academy of Music in London and
one year In Paris. , f
The - First " Christian , church
feels - most fortunate in securing
for .these -'special services these
most capable ; leaders," says Dr.H
Howe, and is inviting the public
to come and enjoy and be profiaed
both by sermon and music. :-
Services will be held every night
except Saturday, at 7:30 o clock.
Dry Rot is Found
In Capitol; Quick
Repair Requested
There is dry rot in the state
capitoll y ' -;";
Backed by the report of the
state board of architects, Secre-
ary of 8tate - Hal E. Hos will
take this declaration before the
ways" and means committee this
week with a request: for an ap
propriation of 6 000 to cover the
cost : of certain : emergency " re
pairs to the capltol building.
The report showa-that dry rot
has developed in parts - of the
structure and that immediate -cor
rection ia necessary. . -;jL
Staff Writer: for Central Preea
' and The Statesman :
GHICAGO, Feb. .- If yoa be
lieve you are descended from
r m tung uo oi ape ua cue
to prove It In other words' if you
are a subscriber to the evolution
ary theory and have the where
withal , In evidence to back your
belief! 1,000 in real - money
awaits you here. : - -
J It has been posted In a Chicago
bank by the Rev. Paul Rader, call
ed "America's happiest Christian
and militant leader of the relig
lous faction now. edging up their
war dubs for a mass, attack upon
the evolutionary: dugouts' In this
country..- .' --.-- , " ; ; -
J Rader' says that evolution is
nothing more than the salad dress
ing ofvBcience and has been mixed
to suit the taste of Jaded Intellects
that no longer can stomach the
good, and solid food vJTor thought
and inspiration contained -in the
Bible, which Rader says is Infalll
ble In every word it utters. - -.
, Will Believe Proof .
: To anyone able to prove other
wise, that . Is, produce one "scientifically-proven
fact, that in . any
way disapproves ' a single state
ment in the Bible, Rader will hand
over the $1,000 and, what Is more,
succumb to the evolutionary belief
himself. - , . -'
--He made this challenge, as the
first barrage let loose' prior to a
foregathering of anti-evolutionary
foes in Indianapolis Feb. 3 to 10.
At this meetingbeing held under
auspices of , The . Defenders , of
.The Christian i Faith, - fundamen
tal adherents and Biblical literal-
Ista from all parts of-the country
will get together to plan ways and
to ts cr;ixe3 aa$ nxiforra lejis
I&tlca rittemei aiirr the Tencts-
al li til now firious- Ecopea
ncr.lrry trial at Dayton, sought to
curb the teaching of evolution In
the public grade and high schools.
Radar informed. vv T . T"
VfBIMo Infallible -"-"
-This is a move of aelf-preser-vatloa
that ha been forced upon
us," he says. rSome folks probably
think wa are a lo ot long-haired
fanatic aad we're nor. . Tnn M.
see. We're Just out to protect our
own interests. We claim . that the
Eible is infallible and anyhow, no
on yet has been able to disprove
It, On the other hand,' evolution
Is Just a theory and fast-dying at
that. Even, the one ttaunehest ad
herents of evolution, now -admit, it
to be an hypothesis atbeet. It is
absoultely unconftrmedTand a sugar-coated
guees - smoothed over
with x. ? lot oTi' neo-intellectual
words like .'Pithecanthropus, the
'Cro-Magnon ' Man: and ' a - lot of
other laboratory hocuspocus, that
mean nothing to the man trying to
earn a living t and Jive happily In
the hope' and happiness ' found In
the Bible which Revolution would
undermine.'":.' i
The Bible" Is accurate even' to
details. For example. It predicted
the automobile, the radio and the
vacuum tubet Long before Harvey,
who Is credited , with discovering
the circulation of the blood, the
Bible said centuries before Christ:
'All life to In the blood.
most recent -theory which show
a direct relationship between gra
vity and electricity through the
laws which govern falling objects
and -the Inertia given to moving
bodies, has foundation in Job 21:7 f
which says;, 'God stretched out the- -north
star over the empty place ; j
"Men today are Just commen-"
cinjg to find out about this law and ,
force of God which keeps the earth ;
and all the planets moving regu-
!'And, too. Professor Einstein's flarly In their orbits, yet the Bible ;
spoke of it thoussads of years be
fore Newton ; or ; Einstein.
means for putting the skids under
every metaphorical monkey, that
has dared show its head Inside the
school rooms of America, n
Bands of Bible minute men are
aft 83
The basis of treating' sickness
has not changed since Dr. Cald
well left Medical College in 1875,
nor since he placed on the market
the laxative description he had
used in his practice, known ; to
druggists Nand - the ..public since
I89X, as Dr. Caldwell's Syrup
Pepsin.-.-x ..; J '
Then, the-treatment of consti
pation, biliousness, . headaches.
mental , depression, ' indigestion.
sour stomach and other ; indispo
sitions that result from constipa
tion was "entirely by means of
simple vegetable laxatives, herbs
and roots..- These are - still - the
basis of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pep
sin, which is a combination of
tenna and .other mild laxative
herbs, with pepsin. .
Sr. Caldwell did not anorove-of
drastic-, physics and purges.. He
did not believe they - were' good
for human beings to put into their
system. If grown people want to
us them no one an deny them
the privilege, but they should ner
ar be given to children. X':
The simpler the remedy for con
stipation, the safer for, the child
and for you, : and the better for
the general health of all. And as
yoa can get results in a mild and
afe war by. using Dr. Caldwell's
3yrup Pepsin, why take chances
i A v '- -
withu strong Idrttgit rSAli iairug
stores .have the genero&s bottles
Many is the family today -that
makes It a rule always to have a
bottle of this -perfect ' preparation
in the house. Keep it handy and
observe these .three" simple rules
of health: keep the head cool, the
feet warm," and the bowels cpen.
Why not try Dr. Caldwell's Syr
up Pepsin today!
m Ti'aX-J XXr- X'X-: ' - '-; - - :X
cleaning service, you
are invited to call . .
" 1 , ' . x .' X " jj "' ' '
' v i. - ; - '
. -
' 1x
T20X7 ;
--Vi r ' '-,J "V
feiTTe 'Are Sclents Newest Leu
l))fA x 5 ? SVA U ' : I
-of fer remarkable values in every department, affording
you unparalleled savings during this nation-wide event.
Giir Windows
v Here are bolts. and bolts of Spring's colorful new silks . . . lustrous
silk crepes, rich and soft In quality ... sheer silk georgette in clear,
; lovely colors . : . gay prints in flower and geometrical designs. We J
list these fabrics as being outstanding in smartness, quality and value.
You maj have twice as tetany frocks if you buy now at these tremen
dous savings. '
i Grepe
to...-: VL.lVYd.
Satin crepe, Bhimmering and:
luxurious. Suitable for eve
ning and daytime frocks. An
outstanding bargain! 39 inch
es wide. , ,
all silk
Flat Crepe
all silk
Flat Grepe
to .L.
An unusually fine and heavy
quality ; -.- in a lovely range
of colors. Suitable for tailored
or the. more formal daytime
frocks. Forty inches wide. -
The ever-popular .fabric , . .
so practical and so much in
vogue. An exceptional value.
All colors. Forty inches wide.
all silk
Canton Grepe
' Values
to - api .p:i yd.
Heavy luxurious Canton that
used In one color or a com-"
bination of colors makes' the
most fashionable of S p r i n g
ensembles. -X Equally '.'popular
for dresses. A variet y- of
: striking deep-toned shades and
lighter, tints. Forty inches
, v - - Silk and Cotton
Colorful. small designs clever large patterns;
all unusual and beautiful ' AQg '
ASpecial value - .: : L"-"'' - ffeC -
4 ' f -v-
- t V . I :
rr- r Washable material of ravon and cotton.' Gav floral desiurns with
; ' : -. rich background of tan; dark blue or black. A truly n
- remarkable bargain; Our sale price is "y aleC
.Quality; most stores cannot':' -duplicate.
A-very service- -7
awe material tor- draptes, -klmonas,
'pUJows or-linings. , '
36-la. width. ; Aft l . f
OrQy f UUC Yd. -1
. 1
A black all-silk satin of ex
tra heavy "quality; Splendid
for dress material -drapes
beautifully. 39-In. Q
width. Only, yd. DI eW
i C J i J i
j. ...... . y. ' ; . ' .
PHONE 1753
27S N. Liberty Street
Phcno 1435
Salem, Oregon
I x !h
y..j ':!-Mhi