The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 10, 1929, Page 10, Image 10

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    T)w New Oregon Statesman. Salem. 6rerm. Sunday Morning. FebVvary 10, J9t9
racture -of the Model 'A car part.
Another task Involved the train
ing of . thousands upon thousands
of new workers, an enormous un
dertaklns In itself.' And - It Is
one that still goes on vas addi
tional hundreds of workers are
Being hired to bring factory pro
duction, np tothe six day basfs.
Today : with . the first.'.- million
Model A engines
already built
merely a. campaign promlae.-
New Chevrolet Six Popular At San Francisco Aiito Show
production Is proceeding at the
Pathflnder. ,
rate of 7,000 unitsper day
- animr
F Dingbat Didn't you say your
dog's bark Is worse than his bltel
f Goofy Yes. :i" . , j -; jr
, Di ngbat Then . for good neea .
Aggie You , swore, before we
were married, that never again
would you gaze upon another wo
sake don't let him bark! He's Just
Seiberiing Develops Closer
man. - . . -
Reggie Of course, that was
bitten me. Pathfinder, r v .
- Molecular Affinity In
New Tire Material ; -
1 . . V ..iyx .y. .. .. ;. :- y. v. .v..::i... ::: ,0.-..Vv...7,,:
- -The latest prod net of i robber
. research the Selterllng .t special
service lire- ban ?!a!ird over, the
- line to first place in the favor of
. A.'
. local tire "users, according lo-Wal
ter Zosel. of Zcsel's Tire Shop
local distributors of Seiberiing
tires. TI12 new glaat of the road
- with a tread design . 35 per cent
deeper tnl 10 per' cent wider
than previous Seibarllng tires
u --jiM
' will shod : the best : and : most
powerful cars developed, for 1929
.The story : behind the remark
' able success of the Seiberiing spe
cial serrice tire, It Is revealed to
day,' marks a, great forward step
, "in the production of rubber tires
la the United States. ;
- Tire life Ixnger-
The last' decade "has seen some
-astoundlnr developments in tire
construction," Mr. - Zosel - said
"Onlv a few years ago, motorists
, were delighted to get five or six
-tnousandmlles were from their
tires. But now if the rubber
"doesn't last twice that long, at
least, there's something wrong
The confidence of manufacturers
in; their products is exemplified
; by the; Seiberiing " tire protection
plan, which gives the motorist a
" full year's protection against any
tire damage caused by accident or
road hazard. ?
. " "And now, after freeing the
motorist from tire worry, the
Seiberiing company comes along
with , a new compound that in
creases the life of the tire by at
least 3S ner sent. During the
process- of vulcanization, this
compound causes a much closer
affinity between the rubber mole-
, eules hence the name 'af finite .
, The result is a tighter, stronger
and - toucher tread virtually a
-wear-proof tire."
' The new product was put
- - tbrouch exhaustive tests before
- being made a part of the new
. Seiberlinr special service tire,
Mr. Zosel explained. An abra
. slon test, in which the af finltq
tread and the old tread were held
-under equal- tension against a
" friction - wheef. showed that the
new tread stock wore down 35
per cent les rapidly than the
best stock heretofore known.
Careful Test Made 1
"One of the most interesting of
the testa,"" Mr. Zosel continued,
"was a 10,000 mile road tert
made with a composite tire half
"af finite and the other half the
old type of tread. Examination
after the test showed that the old
stock was worn nearly smooth,
while " the affinite half still
showed a heavy margin of Its non
skid surface. ;
"With the new Seiberiing tread
design, which, because of its
greater depth and width gives 40
tire accident from .any one of the
per cent greater traction, the in
creased efficiency of the " new
tire is brought well over 37 per
cent. ; '
The Hew 6eiberllng special ser
vice tire, " like all other Seiber.
ling tires, is sold under he Sei-
.lerllng tire protection plan, Mr.
Zosel added. Under the- Seiber
iing - tire protection plan, any
Seiberiing user Is entitled to free
repair for a full year, for every
- 6,000 Seiberiing dealers through
out the country. When a tire is
injured beyond repair, a new one
Is provided by- any Seiberiing
dealer at one-twelfth the origin
al cost if the accident occurs dur
ing the first month;, .at. two-
twelfths the original cost if it oc
curs during the second month
"1 Sv
w The Chevrolet exhibit ef new six cylinder models for 1929 has
been thronged with visitor and the. center of Interest at all of the
major Automobile Shows throughout the country Vlewe of the exhibit
at the, San Francisco Show are shown above. Upper .left general view
of the Civle Auditorium which shows the elaborate decorations and
the stage which was erected for Creators' band which furnished the
music. Right, the Chevrolet Six convertible cabriolet. LoweMeft, the
'Chevrolet Six phaetoY-lvV;. V''.r 'V--"' r- ''
Automatic Reverse Brake
Used 25 Years Ago
Bj- William E. IWrhtoUl
Associated Press Automobile
. Editor
DETROIT, (AP) The auto
matic reverse brake, now bidding
to a place as standard equipment
on automobiles, was used s cruder
form upon expensive cars of 2i
years ago.
The forerunner of the 1929 au
tomatic reverse brake was a sprag.
which was raised and - lowered
manuaUy by a cable. It contributed
to the safety of the automobile
and passengers and was of mater,
la! assistance In starting grades,
because it eliminated the necessity
of simultaneous release of brakes
and engagement of clutch. "
Starting a car on an upgrade
for years has depended upon the
skill of the driver, and' motorists
a level cities and , country ' have ,
Iglren little thought to the prob-
em. It Is the driver In hilly coun
try who has sought an . aid to
Uarting on an upgradeas well as
something to keep him from slip
ping should his engine stall.
Engineers have been work Ing
upon a means tof preventing re
versed rolling automatically Jor
more than two y.ears. The men
who have perfected the new auto
matic reverse brake say that they
found a-marked Improvement In
dsjvlng comfort even while driv
ing in level cities with the new
device,."-'. ' .. -
Drivers alwars have taken it for
granted that ft Is necessary to
restrain the car from rolling back
ward when stopping In traffic on
slight grades, at street i intersec
tions. The new 'device. Its design.
2fs say, prevents the car from roll
ing backward and saves manipula
tion of. the clutch or brake. .-,
Practical tests of the latest Im
proved automobile reverse brake
Seven and Half Years Used
to Reach Mark With "T" -7,000
Made Daily '
- DETROIT Production of the
new Ford reached the first mll
lion , this afternoon when Model
A engine No 1, 000,000 came off
the, assembly line in the Motors
Building at tRe R-ouge plant-of
the Ford Motor company. . The
occasion was marked by the gath
ering of officials of the company
who have been active in the pro
duction of the new car since its
inception. -
show, .according to the engineers'
reports.: that it is durable and ef
fective. Engineering analysis
shows that the parts have ample
strength to 'hold the car from
backward motion on the steepest
grade where the wheels will not
slip; and dynamometer tests show
that the horsepower loss caused
by the drag of. the device la. nor.
mal forward running ta belbout
.2 horsepower at 2,000 resolu
tions per minute.
On October 20, 1927 Henry
Ford stamped the figure -1 on the
first Model s A motor, to be as
sembled, and building of the new
engine was ' under way.. It . was
slow' aCfirst, but Ford so-ordina-tlon
of Tmen, materials and ma
chinery soon sent the output to
higher levels, until It has reached
the total of a 'million new automotive-power
units, a remarkable
achievement fdr the ' industry. :
- IS Mosttbs Bequdred
' - The history of the Ford Motor
company presents a striking con
trast between this production rec
qrd and that when ,the old Model
r was introduced. f It required
seven years and two months to
produce the first' million Ford T
motors, while the first million
mark was obtained. From then
on production greir rapidly, until
In 1927 when the fifteenth mil
lionth car was built.' the company
bad facilities for producing two
million Model T cars and trucks
a year. Then came the decision
to build a new car. Manufacture
of the Model T, except for service
psrts, ceased. The new Model A
car -was developed.
It was necessary . te change
over all the plants to meet' the
building requirements of the new
car. New machinery had to be
installed. Other machinery was
specially designed, developed and
built, and old machines- re
modelled, ' all to meet, the closer
limit and higher - precision den
Cater pillar y ITesa -
Loggers & Contractors Machinery Co.
Portland, Oregon Salem, Oregon
"Announcement tolj the new
Goodyear Pathflnder'lre Is of in
terest and Importance to large
numbers of motorists In this city.
said Frank Doollttls, manager of
the local Goodyear service station
. "The Goodyear Pathfinder Is
built by the world's largest tire
manufacturer and has gained an
: enviable- reputation for ; quality,'
he said. "It Is4 the eqasl, and . in
many cases the superior, of the
highest quality and highest, price
tire built by smaller tire manufac
turers; in fact. It Is the outstand
ing tire In Its price class." he said.
"The Goodyear company na for
many years been building ' st tire
to fill the demand .of automobile
owners irho tor various reasons
do not 'want to Invest In the best
standard tire on the market such
as we believe the ? All-Weather
tread to, be but who want, tire
equipment that will give them the
most service for a moderate In
vestment. ; o - ;: -f-r"' "i'xty
"Whenever possible, the quality
of this tire has been improved and
Goodyear engineers conducted
r ; a ny tests and experiments be
fore determining upon the chan
ges which have been Incorporated
In the new Pathfinder. L 7. -
"It Is a standard Goodyear pro
duct, stamped as 'such .and carry-
j las Its own Identification mark.
! "Rugged , and attractive ln ;ap
r earanees, y. this ; newly-designed
tire- gives real' value In maximum
ef wear and traction. . The hew
Pathfinder Is v mads in rail the
j popular balloon and '. high , pres--et
ssi m-tf 'l
MaDttn)Fifln)irati (KfflDDfg ffdMr.
111 1 1 11 1 ill if mm m m mmwm
-Already tit response to the public's demand, pro
duction of the Greater Hudson tus been increased.'
snd then increased again by far the largest sched-
'nlc' Hudson 'ever found nessa.;:-X.--.::---j
In their own words, by their marked and recorded
ballots, motorists by tens of thousands are telling us
the Greater Hudson is truly the greatest of all time.'
X VodngJn every Hudson salesroom in the country,
. these enthusiastic multitudes have piled up the most
convincing endorsement in Hudson history. Per
v ; baps even more important, they have bought these
beautiful new Hudsons in such numbers 5 i:
'i that we must "make thousands more of
k them to insure prompt delivery.' v . -x
world'slargestocylindcr ownership is incorporated
in the 64 improvements of the Greater Hudson.
As co-authors of these creations the 1,000,000
Super-Six owners are naturally first to want to see,
, inspect and drive them. It is particularly intcrect
- inz to observe their special satisfaction in ' the
numerous body improvements. In comment, these ;
important-developments in -body design and ap-i.
pointment, fully-equal the mori dramatic. qualities i
of; the more than 80-mile-an-hour performance.
" They definitely set Hudson apart'from like-priced
ca rs, just , as H udson performance stands alone -
.; among all cars .1' :t: . iirC - 'I
Come,' see snd drive the Greater Hudson'. We be- r
7 Gere one ride will make it the car of your choice. :
.Every 'experience and suggestion of the
Hmr i Rjnfi pngrmm 9lit
at factory
Coach, $1095 1 Standard Sedan, $11 7S
Coupe, $1195 Roadster, $1250f 5-Paafc
Phaeton, $1350 Town Sedan, $1375) Con
vertible Coupe, $ 1 4 50 Landan Sedan, $ 1 500
v; ... ; . Victoria $1500. v ' - -'
LongwldbMM- u:-.ry
5-IW Club Sedan, $1850 7-PassV Sda,
. .. $2000 7-Pass, IJnwwslne, $210a
!' -.
Across from City HaU, High and Chemeketa
Telephone 1C90
II - ' Sf
fflai 1
are more
under wjf
mctci'lne- r
mm -
If any "Western Auto" Battery
develops trouble due to defects
materials or workmanship,
within the guarantee , period we
:w01( repair. or replace k on a
service basts.
This tiarantee is backed up by
every one of our more than 150
conveniently located stores
throughout the West, and by our
well-known CUSTOMER IS
-Thia SERVICE ia
FREE Installation
FREE Service -
t our more than 160 stores.
FREE Loan Battery
If needed dur in aruaraatee
verlod. ' -.wtt-..'.
We$temAuto'' Service
'A feature , that : saves ' you
money. Service -connections art
maintained in all cities where 6e
have stores, so that goods pur
chased from us may be properly
and promptly installed ct a very
low fiat - rale ... in many ' in
stances 7. ; free of all cost! j .
Case and Cell Wall (1
and 2) are moulded in
one piece, of extra qual
ity hard rubber . . Plates
(3) have much in
creased capacity be
cause they are extra
thick and -inch higher
than usual, while our
.. . . new- Oxide Combina
tion gives 20 to 30 MORE POWER . . . Sepa
rators (4) are of hicrh crade snpn?niTxr a
cedar remforced with perforated rubber Veneer,
---o . W & , pcrxect insulation . .
t??!!0,99' and bottom (5 and 6). are
nTfl117 d6 Md of Biie for eaSer cur
rent flow ... . Cell Connector, (7) are solidly fastened
and carry current with least resistance.
Better All-Arouncl Perfonriance
wifhin6 features, together
SJ f V ?d anahip.v: expert supervision! and
SffivSJ8 a.nd nsPetctins, Western Giait Superpower
SSl"es v y longer life and EXTRA POWER
which means instant starting; hotter, fatspari&
'ShsSflvf8 omhustl0 -with less carbon, and faster
charging by your geperator. ;
Low Prices Because of
i Our Huge Volume ,
Our tremendous sales volume
i . . our economical , 1 50 store"
distribution, snd our One Low
Profit" selling policy, make lit
potable for Western Auto" ko
offer you these Tugged 2Vt year
Guaranteed Western G i a n t
Super-Power Batteries for less
than you'd . pay elsewhere for
die ordinary standard kind.
OnrTrade-In Allowance
Oers AWn Greater Smvtng
Your "old battery m just as
good as cash, in part payment
on a new fuDy guaranteed
-Western Auto" Battery at
any of our more dian 150
conveniently located stores. -
" Sat- .
9 f.I.
i J Deduct Trade-In f
Allowance from These
j Low Prices :Sz
H WMUrn ClinL A...
e-IS Wsstern Giant. ' Guar-
H 12-7 (12-volt) Wnttrn Gisnt.
uwsrantses zn j
ant. ' Guar
rn Giant.
4. yesrs. f.... O I UiUU
Here ibsn igO S&aa ti tbsVTcst
Salem Store 201vN. CoxnX
Telephone 7SS
- ...
at New Low PdVm
St on-P'ca rubber case
Sivlnr satisfactory sarvice and
SAARAmW a - . . . .
w iwuiy uMtuamiMia or
BDOtOfiata thratu-KAM .. Trr.
Our - Two year - Guarantee - Is
E. bJL oup famous "ISO
nolicy. and our Trada-Iq Allow
Prices even lower! ,
Guaranteed 2 Yean
6-1 1 SmcI.1 "T! m a
w ww v
e-11 StaaUrJ . 7.9S
-IS Sfcial t. ....... 7.95
6-13 StamJarJ . . . . i-.i ' .a
5- 18 Spssialr ... . ; . . . . 1(US
6- 11 Suadara . , 1 lS
6-17 SUndmrd . . i . . 1345
?Vi ? V i f ,ss
12.7 Staaard 1 1.43
tft- f
. i