SATISFACTION , WEATHER ' - i - '. Fair today r slowly rMag tesapentare;rar fable winds. :Iax. temperature Saturday . 8S; rata. 18. River SJS; bo . rala. Xortbwiud. . ? We gurutM satisfactory .carrier . delivery r for tbr State ma a. if yom haTe u y trouble about "your copy, 0 phone 500. : f v 4 f-k t . , rJC. ff-I ; Cl-nt Jl J nn r&ft state. V::.- iw i uvui u uujr ui ,iiu i car tfiicu ; i uc maiv - March as. 1851. Salem; OrimaC Sunday Morning, February 10; PRICE FIVE CENTS o&irer. Takes Pleasant Cruise Along Southern Coast in Friend's Boat H HTI H I. FIGHT DEEP CBJEL IIIU I UII1U I IUII I ; Disagreement of (GO; Years Standing Brought to final Close Monday Detailed : Announcement: o Terms Will Be Made Be- fore Parliament ROME; Feb. 9. (AP) A sue cession r of ' developments today brought nearer to the formal .con summation Monday; the settlement of the Roman question. The pope - today ' with the assistance of his negotiators corrected final proofs of the texts of the treaty and its accompanying concordat. The Italian government notified all Italian ambassadors and mln lsters abroad of the agreement and of , the forthcoming signing. This was - the first official more made by that government" in con nection, with the question, Car- dlnal Gasparri, papal secretary of state, although : snf f ittog from a severe cold,- reeetred I the diplo mats accredited to the holy see this morning and heard their con gratulations before retiring to his room. - - - Pope Visited By King Gustav of Sweden King Gustav of Sweden visited the dodo today and congratulated 5rnr-dnring the 15 minute chat on the reconciliation with Italy. He was the first crowned head of Europe to do this. French Am bassador Defontenay was the first diplomat accredited to the Vati can to present congratulations to the pope, which he did this after noon. ; It' was learned today that the Vatican and the Italian govern ment have agreed not to publish the texts of the agreements until they have been presented to the Italian parliamnt, which meets in April following upon the general election In March.) In the mean, time only a summary will be pub lished, giving a mere skeleton out line wblch will probably be less comprehensive than the : summar ization already , carried-by .lbs SEATTLE. Feb. 9 (AP) Aer cused of embezzling- $28,000 from his clients, A. V. Williams, real estate operator, was charged with grand larceny and released tonight under $1600, baCU v The charges-accuse him specif ically of embezzling $1400 belong ing to Rasmus Jensen which WiT liatas received in rent from'a hotel owned -by Jensen but failed to turn over t othe hotel man. " : This, Deputy Prosecutor R. M. ' Burgunder said. Is Tint one of for ty similar claims filed with Wil ham'li. Marks, receiver for the bankrupt corporation, A. V. Wil liams Investment-! company, of which the accused was treasurer. .The, firm went into the hands of the receiver several weeks ago: Burgunder declared Williams collected $23,147 In rents which he failed to -turn over to his li them for taxes , whicb-he Votlte PtOlll CODS Williams' attorney, H. 8. Frye, said that his' client had commit ted no crime, that all money re ceived was paid oat and that the firm failed because, it bad. insuf ficient Income. Friends?; Meeting For Quarter Will : Convene inSalem The quarterly meeting of the Friends of the Salem district. com-J prising Salem, ; Rosedale, -Marion and Scotts Mills churches, will be held at the Highland Friends church here next Friday, Saturday and Sunday. William Allen, pastor of the Scotts Mills church, is su perintendent r the quarterly meetings..---: v Sessions will open Friday af ternoon at 2 13 0 o'clock with the quarterly meeting on Ministry and Oversight. The Foreign Mission board will meet fox, a program at 7:30 o'clock that eveningV 'Ar rangements . are belng made to have Earl Dean, a Friend who re cently returned from two terms of service in Africa under auspices cf the Presbyterian church, to ad dress the .evening meeting.- Saturday, .morning the "group will meet: for worship,, luncheon will be served in the church base ment at noon and in the after, noon, beginning at 1:$0 o'clock, the quarterly Vusines session will .be.lheld, - :- Sunday aTternoon the Christian Endeavor groups' will bold special : services,-;; marking the .quarterly meeting .rally. -j ,fCv;v; In addition to I members from thte d lstrlct. Friends are expected to attend from Portland and New. berg. President-elect To Attend ; Birthday dinner with J -Thomas Edison r - HIAMI BEACH. FlaV Feb. 9. (AP) President-elect Hoover was cruising' leisurely ; tonight around the southern end of Flor Ida on the house-boat "Saunterer! completely ouf of communication with land.. He is en route to Fort Myers, on the west coastt where on Monday he, will attend the birthday anniversary of Thomas A. EdUon fhventor T and patri- Wlthhlmi were Mrs. Hoover. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar rRlcard, of New-York- City, and Jeremiah Mllbank, eastfrn treasurer of the republican national : - committee and owner of the "Saunterer:" The "party left Belle Isle in auto mobiles and drove 80 mile southward to a point north of Lonjc; Key. where the house-boat awaited 'them. Saunterer To Dock Some Time Monday In mid-afternoon the craft put off westward, ; picking Its way through the numerous keys which dot the waters between the Atlan tic and the "Bayi of r Florida. The route lay across that bay and then up the coast tohe mouth of the Colooskatchee river tend : thence to Tory Myers, where the Saunt erer will dock Monday? A While there was soma talk of Mr. andlMrs. Hoover- landing down river so that Mr. Edison and his friends. Henry Ford and Har vey S. Firestone, could greet then at the city limits and ride with them 'to the Edison estate. It was stated here as the president-elect departed that the Saunterer" would dock at the wharf on the Edison place and the greeting between the inventor and the next president take place there E Grist of Bills Tossed Into Hopper as Legislature Half Completed CAPITOL, Olympia. Feb. t - work for the first half of the ses- (AP) - Legislators - ended , their slon today ' by. Introduction . of a flock of bills touching on subjects runnings the scale from dog li censes , to matters -affecting the supreme. court. Two - proposals making Impor tant changes In laws regarding the supreme court were introduced., A resolution . proposing a - constitu tionals amendment creating an In. feTjpedJate court of. appeals .was offered jby- the chairman of the house judiciary committee. Ap peals from superior courts in civil suits, involving less - than $5000 and criminal cases not carrying the death penalty would go to the intermediate courts. The legisla ture would divide the state Into districts, providing such a court for each district. ":,N . J - The other measures would pro. vide for four commissioners to be named by the supreme court ' to aid it In: disposing of cases. Both court measures v embody- recom mendations of the judicial coun cil and are designed to relieve the supreme court of a mass of minor Cases. '. r -i;-.-- -f Make75Arrestsl Fines Are $6725 Stafe prohibition bf fleers partic ipated in 75 arrests during; the month of January, according to a report filed in the governor's of fice Saturday. - - . . ; Fines imposed , in the cases ag gregated $6725; with1 jail sentenc es totalling 1191 days. The offic ers destroyed 3891 gallons of mash and seized $80, gallons of liquor.Twelve stills were taken in raids. Four cars were confiscated and are being held pending sale. ons MHCUIMfimH 0TIITT VVHtJnillDIUU QIHIL 010 I ov UDreg BraviBly, Facing Squad of -SlRiflemeii Whout Quiver By CLARENCE BTJBOSE -AaeoHateoTPrees Correspondent MEXICO Cm,: Feb. . (AP) The pistol -shoU that killed General Alvaro Obregon last July had their last echo today with the execution by a tiring . squad of Jose de. la j Toral,, the president elect's -assassin. y :- ' ' The young slayer, who through out had maintained that he felt his act was for the good of Mex ico, went to his death calmly and bravely, facing tho tiring squad quietly and ; dropping swiftly , be fore a rapid hail of shots. : vi-'--; Slaying 'Postponed';-"?- fi The execution had been set for noon, but it; was put over until 12 : 0 pr m.r A few minutes be fore that hour Torsi was taken o v small patio and. Instructed how to act before the firing squad. He listened calmly to the instructions In . the presence only; of : photo graphers and newspapermen. Only Short 'Sfir.rTjf' Is On Schedule ' ' - The luncheon tp celebrate the zna anniversary of the birth of MTr - Edison was set for 1 n. m and Mr. and Mrs. Hoover planned to board the "Saunterer". again about z. o clock and : start south ward for Ponce de - Leon bay. where the-: president-elect was to spend a couple of days fishing for tarpon, the largest of. the Florida game fish. : ' . Landing early Thursday at Mar co of Naples. Mr. and Mrs, Hoo ver will motor back to their pre- inaugural home on Belle Isle so the 5 president-elect can clean up any work that has accumulated In his absence and - be .ready early Friday for his two days Inspection of the Okeechobee lake flood dis trict in company with" Governor Doyle E. Carlton 4 and other offi cials of Florida. - ' ' office euiLDine Bm to Designate Accident Commission Fund as Trust Is Supported " All parties to the recent un pleasantness "concerning the state office building i and the borrow ing of funds fronr-lhe industrial accident commission to finance its construction, are expected to be satisfied when a new bill is In troduced in tne senate mis wees designating the accident commis sion fund as-af -trust ftfnd" - This blU was brought to Salem last; week by Frank Ransom and James . Wilson, representing eer tain contributors to the fund. It contains a saving clause to the effect that its provisions will In no ; way affect the borrowing of $500,000 for office building structlon. and under this consld eration State -Treasurer T... B Kay has agreed to ' lend his sup port to Its passage, j At, the same time Mr. Kay if still confident that the safety of th accldlnt commission fund has never been and is not now In any danger. He agreed to support the bill In-order to satisfy contribu tors who may be troubled by the agitation' which was aroused, as to the safety of the fund in an ef fort to repeal the office building law. " The: proposed bill, drafted by Mr. Wilson, sets out thatthe stab has made no contribution to the accident fund since 1923. that the suggestion that it could be drawn upon by 5 the state has caused ap prehension among employers and employes, causing threats of with drawal from the compensation act. .. "- ' .... I It sets out the "any uncertainty as to the security and protection of the fund or doubts as to the rights of the . state,. . militates against the fullest acceptance and proper1 ' administration" of the law and the commission. The principal provision is as follows) i "The i state . of .; Oregon . does hereby declare that' the industrial accident fund created i by.. tV workmen's compensation act bg and the same is a trust fund for the uses declared In said act and no other, and that, -the; contribu tions to said fund., heretofore made by the state of Oregon have become an integral part of. said fund . and either expended or al located to the se grated ' accident fund; and that the state of Ore gon does hereby declare that " it has nonproprietary interest in- It to vreelaim the same or any. part thereof for its own use. and does hereby t waive j any such right of reclamation If any It ever had, to said tnndj'i h-:ir:-.'--:i : .'The state board of control has not yet taken any. steps to have the plans for the new office build ing completed, but expects to do so within r a few rweeks The plans were being prepared, prior to the filing of the first suit at tacking, the legality of the office building ; law.- by , Knighton and Howell, Portland architects. and - even smiled . a Uttle ; aa ' the men told him how to die. v Then he was led to a jstone wall in a large courtyard of the federal penitentiary , and was placed .be fore a portion scarred by the bul lets of many: ottrer executions, v At 1 2 : J 5 p. yn.' (1:35- eastern standard time), the - fatal shots rang out and Toral slumped down. His body twitched and Captain Rod digues Rablela, in charge of the squad, fired the coup de grace, using a - pistol once presented to him by General Obregon, Torsi's victim, f;:-xi f f S-i ' , ' Just '! as .Xh 'Vifles ot thTflr(n g squad cracked, . Toral f tried to shoult : ST- ? w-trs"'' Cry-Is'.. Cut Short ) i ' .That was as far as he got He RlinIDIIQ IC rrinrn IIUIII UU IU L1IULU Murderer Dies (Turn U Pas ft, 0tuma . S.) Army Engineer Investigating Cost of Mobile Dredge . , - Recently Asked ; ..... Senator McNary Sends En couraging Report; Haw-' : ley Backs Proposal . r Encouraging progress In the ef fort to obtain a mobile dredge on the Willamette river between Sa lem and Oregon City to: keep the channel open for year around nav igation. Is - shown In "recent com. munlcations received by the Salem chamber of commerce from Sena, tor Charles L. : McNary and Con. greesman W. C'Hawley. . The chamber, of commerce has ust received from the senator a telegram reporting that he obtain, ed the following statement; from General Deakyne, acting chief of I engineers: - .. I v - "Havine ; further - reference. . to your' request that, a dredge be built for work on the WiQamette river 'above Portland.' permit me to advise yon that the department Is giving careful consideration to - (Turn to. Page 5. Coltfmn S.) eES IS PHEFIIBlUe - FOR LENGTHY FIGHT Rumor Says1 Attempt Made y Against Life of Star Wit itess For State - - LOS ANGELES, Feb. 9. ( AP) Asa Reyes, former district at torney, garbed In jail dungarees, today faced his prospective sen- con-Uence on-one to 14 years for al leged bribery with defiance. -"The trial was only the first round," he said. "I didn't want sympathy. I want justice.' I am going to fight, this case to (he end.'f . " 1 , - - - The alleged recipient of up wards of $175,000 In cash and gifts was visited-br hU wife and daughterwjvfter- - be ' ha break fasted on hash, -prunes and cof fee. Mrs. Keyes and her daugh ters appeared hysterical when they left the cell. - E. H. Rosenberg, co-defendant. who had collapsed when the guilty verdict "was read last night, had recovered his poise today. Many an Innocent : man has been in-jail before," he said, "and I guess I can stand It a day or two.' Ben Getsoff, the tailor and al leged 'fixer, appeared very III in tne jail ; hospital ward. I m , a sick man," he repeated over and over as he lay. shivering on the hospital cot. - . - v . " Attorneys for the men Indicat ed that - they will . ask the ; court, when the three are ap for sen tence Monday, for several days' time in. which to prepare their arguments for a new triaL Mean while the district, attorney's office was Investigating .what - was said to have been an apparent attempt on the life of Jacob Berman, the state's star, witness in the alleged bribery 'case, last night. 5 P EUGENE. Ore4 b. 9 (AP) Robert W. Kelly, Hollywood, Cal., sophomore at the University of Oregon, was fatally Injured and Sherman -Ixckwood, San Fran cisco, , tennis sUr, - was seriously injured here today when the au tomobile in which ' they were rid ing crashed Into a" fire struck.-; Kelly died Ibtu hospital tonight. He suffered a -fractured skull and internal injuries. Lockwood will survive, ' physicians ; believe, - L The - accident " occurred when Loekwood - drove j Kelly to his stalled . automobile with . a gallon of gasoline? The fire truck, an swering an alarm at the home of Mayor Wilder, was speeding down th . thoroughfare with .sirens screaming. Lockwood drove his ear broadside Into the truck; ' - . Inmates Would Be Under state Body Bills are being prepared which. if approved, will place the Inmates of the state training school for boys ; and the , state ' industrial schooL for girls under the . state board of i hygiene. ; These s bills werer recommended by the super intendents of .the institutions, in mates: of r the- state " penitentiary and " the iwo sUte- hospitals al ready ; .are - : merthe hygiene board.-.-; - .r- 74 ;,v- . pounciAX forger tAL,LAS. Jex,. Feb. -(AP) Een C. .Richard," Jr Dallas' pol itician, .was found guilty, of lor gery by n Jury here tonight en sentenced - to - three, years In th. STUDEflTS FATAL S MASHU penitentiary. " I J -Z A : 2-.rJr VIVWAV .'2'-,- ' .11 'Jwi -liW ffrf&Zy r V & MiFwM 0tW BBPIIES - FDH DUCKS. GEESE Washington, FeW (AP) Without a dissenting ballot,: the house today passed a -senate bin to fix a ten year program for the establishment of refuges to care for the country's migratory game birds. The vote was 21 9 to 0. The measure, designed to carry out the-' terms, of the migratory bird treaty with Canada, would create bird' sanctuaries in accord ance - with - plans worked out by a commission' provided for under the bill. The measure goes back to the senate for" consideration of changes made by the house. Thereywas no opposition to tne bill during debate 4n the house and when he question of a vote on passage is reached there was a de mand for a record ballot to dem onstrate the unanimity of the house in favor of the proposal. Several members clamored . 'for recognition to request a roil call. but the speaker declined to hear them. SOU 5bRATISLAVA. Csechoslovakla, Feb. " 9 (AP)--Sharving ; wolves today fell upon the village school master of Bayda. near here, and a parish priest, and inflicted serious injuries. The wolves were driven of f by peasants armed with guns and pi tchf orks. ;. The victims f were unconscious when rescued. CONSTANTINOPLE, Feb. t (AP)A. furious : bllxsard and packs of wolves have caused, ter. ror In Broussau. Three Gasman tourists exploring the outskirts of the city- near ' the green; moscuq were '; reported to l have been de voured by wolves The billiard destroyed - many houses In Moudania. Here the cold is the most. Intense In 25 years. The upper Golden Horn and the Bay of Bosphorus are frozen.,' , Veteran Clerk of - Senate Lauded Upon Anniversary 7! tndation of John Hunt; chief clerk of the seoate. was contained In a communication . prepared hy Fred-Drager, chief clerk of the honse. .on the' occasion 7 of Mr. TT..t. lAtk Vt V Am w .ii nlrnr.l T-r The communication .'was read in the senate and resulted In a round of cheers." - -: :.-7" JJr.JHtfnt has been employed.on the senate desk since "1$ 07 and has been In attendance at 11s sessions of the legislature. He first served as assistant chief clerk, but was nromoted to chief clerk In 1 1 9. J r. Hunt lives at Wood bam where he Is prominent In . civil and com. mercisl affairs. He has served as mayor of Woodburn and prseldent of the -chamber of commerce. WOLVES TERRORIS OE Oregon Medical School Is Given Sum of $400,000 $300,000 to be Spent on Bundino.With Remainder For Equipment PORTLAND, Ore.. Feb. t. (AP) A gift of $400,000, to be used by the University of Oregon medical school for a clinic, which will also be used to continue the work of the Portland free dlspen sary, was announced tonight-by the general education board of the Rockefeller Foundation - of New York, in a telegram sent to Dr. Richard B. Dlllehunt, dean of me meaicai scnooi nere, oy w. w. Brierly, secretary of the founda tion board. The funds become available im mediately, and the gift Is made without conditions of any kind, it was announced. No money must be raised to "match" tho gift. ( . Request for the donation . was made .more than a year ago by Dr. Arnold -Bennett Hall, presi dent of the. University. of Oregon, and the board ' of regents, upon recommendation of Dr. DlUehunt Immediately . after ' the request was made, a detailed study of the medical school and Its affiliated institutions, the Multnomah .coun ty hospital. Doernbacher Memor ial hospital for children, and . the Portland free dispensary was made by Dr. Norbert A. Lambert; secre- i tary of the Foundation at New York, upon the basis ; or bis study .the full request was granted. The new building will be erect ed upon the campus 'of the medi cal school here The structure It self will cost about $300,000 and the other $100,0 0q will he used to purchase". equipment , , , f TYPHOON RELIEF TOTED 1 t MANILA. Feb. (APIBe fore adjourning at midnight the Philippine legislature appropriat ed one million pesos: ($500,000) for typnooa reuet. : v Mercury arid Opinions at ;-; Y ariance in Estimate of . -7 Deee of Arctic Warmth Just why the 'official . govern ment thermometer maintained at Salem ' by the Weather. bureau should register a-.' minimum tem perature of 1$ ' degrees early Sat urday morning when other- ther mometers registered from eight to 11. degrees higher is question rv"T - T" k r"r" ' day. Portland,: notoriously colder than Salem during the winter sea son, doe presumably to the east west sweep of the wind up " and down the Columbia" gorge, had a minimum . temperature of 10 de grees above zero, according to the government 'report given out there. The minimum here should reason ably v have been, above C 20 -t the same time, it was declared by mnay, and this was' the tempera- LIONS AT STAYTDB HFCEIVF fiHARTEH Lr-0v V.; , A STAYTON,- Feb.,? (Special) The Stayton. Lions elub was pre: sented its charter formally tonight at a banquet attended by 150 per sons Including representatives of all Lions clubs in the Willamette valley. The presentation address was delivered by, Carl O, Lrosan. a director of Lions ' International, of Seattle. Acceptance was by Dr H. A. Beauchamp, president of the newly organized club.. An address of welcome was de livered by Mayorr George Keech. and the response was - by C. A Swone. secretary of the Salem club. The invocation was led by the Rev. W. Wright. A violin duet was offered by Mrs. W. M. Swift and Mrs. H. E. Whirry with Mr Whirry at the piano, and a vocal duet by-Mrs. J. W. Mayo and Mrs G. F. Korinek, accompanied by Mrs. H. A. Beauchamp.. . Representatives of other Stay- ton-organizations were "W. A- Weddle of the chamber of com merce, Mrs. C. A. Brewer of the Woman's Community club, H. R. Rauscher of the ' American 'Le gion. . The " woman's club served the banquet, which was followed by"dandng.v .;-' y ' ::-::: Postal Receipts " Ovet$lpQ0 Daily Records-Reveal More than $1000 a day, includ ing holidays and Sundays, has been received ' at the Salem post office since January 1, ' 122$, Postmaster John Farraf announ ced JSaturday. This amonut repre sents a- blgb mark ' In postoruce reints. Total reeelnts for the year of is 28 were slightly more than-$225,000. . ' "Of course we" can hardly ex pect, this figure to continue," de clared Farrar. -.....:'.-- " ture'recorded on 'at least two Sa lem' thermometers. ' One of these is attached to the Marlon hotel building In such alnanner that it can be read from the hotel lobby by. looking out through the win dow. The other is a recording In strument attached to the east side of : the Hartman Jewelry sore at State and Llbery streets. -v:p:V. ; It was noted by a reporter, last month on the advent of . warm south-wind that : brought a re spite lp . the cold snap, that - the red line of Hartman's thermom eter ',. showed a steady rise' during the evening., and passed the 32 mark: at abont 11 o'clock. At 1 1 o'clock the fine drifts of snotf that had collected on the pavement in Salem began to melt. Since scien (Turn to Pass 5. Column 1.) B0THS Two Important Memorials , and Senate Vetoed Bill to Get Attention ' Bill on Election of Supreme Court Justices Made Spe cial Business 1 Senate and house will be con-' fronted with crowded calendar when, they resume Monday, after the week end recess. The house calendar especially la heavy for 1 ; the reason that it contains a ape -cial order of business, two In-. portent memorials and a senate , vetoed bill. j 1- ' Probably the most ImporUnt senate bill to be considered ; on thlnkreadlng in the upper house Monday is one introduced by Senator. J. O. Bailey providing . that maritime workers, may come under the workmens' compensa tion act. At a public hearing held . recently the statement was made . that these workers are paying as much as 15 per cent for protect tlon under the 'federal law. It was thought that they might re- . ceive the same protection under -the. compensation act at a lesser rate. In case the bill Is approved It will be necessary for the Indus trial accident commission to work -out a schedule of rates applying - . to these workers. Authorizes Fire Hazard Districts Another bill up for third read ing in the senate Monday was in- - ' troduced by the forestry commit, tee and authorizes the establish ment or tire hazard districts. The bill provides that these districts -may be found at special elections called upon petition of more than 50 per cent of the land owners in the proposed district. There also is up for considera tion a senate bill Introduced by " ' the livestock committee, author- king state traffice officers to as sist in running down thieves of livestock In Eastern and Central . Oregon. Eight house bills also , are on. the senate calendar for third reading Monday. ' l A bill vetoed by Governor Pat terson at the 1027 legislative ees slon will come' up for third read ing in the house. This bill pro . vides for an Increase in the sal- -aries of certald.Lake county effl.;", clals. It was passed over t be veto of Governor Patterson In the -senate. The .bill originally ws introduced in the senate by Sena- tor Upton and Representatives -Collier, BuTdlck and Hamilton. -Joint Memorials : v i , To Be Considered : I -Another senate bill on third - reaamg in the house provides that all. funds collected by Malt nomah county officials turned over to the county treas urer daily. Tax moneys collect ed by- the sheriff are exempted from the bill. This bill' wss in troduced by the Multnomah coun ty delegation, and was declared to be in the interest of good bust- ness. -- : . ' '' - . ' A" bill by Representative Ma- Turn to .fas V Column 4. V REPEAL BILLS SET FffilE Governor - Patterson - Saturday' signed, the following bills which were approved- by- both the ' hotrse and senate: V EXECUTIVE H. B. 25. by Carkin et alR- - pealing section of Oregon laws re- latlng to appropriation for; Indus trial school purposes. " H. B. C3. by Carkin et al Re pealing section of Oregon laws re- , latlng to armories. " H. B7 100, by Carkin et al Re- . pealing section of Oregon laws le 1 sting to Oregon buildnig at Cat. if ornla exposition. H. B. 130, by Carkin et al Re- . pealing sections of Oregon laws relating to estimates for schoelaJ . H. B. 133, by Carkin et al Re pealingsectlon of Oregon laws re lating to compulsory school at-., tendance ' , - - : H. B. 140, by Haxlett Helatlnr. . to liens on crops. i ' Y'-'; ';-';' .-.., IT. B. 218, by Collier et al Re lating - to levying of assessments , by Irrigation districts. . , - H. B. 221. by Chinnock Te re lieve Irrigation districts Jta certain eases from the obligation to repay to the state on district bonds. H. B. 222, by Chinnock Pro ridlnsrfor the organization of tiri-"". . Ration district boards and outlin ing their duties. -; Z H. B.- 24$, by Lonergan Tp . amend section 1, chapter 241, gen. . era! laws of Oregon for 1927, and declaring an emergency. H. B." 244, by Lonergan Pro viding that railroads shall keep pass lists open tSf public service commission Inspection. "-' ': . Bu B. 282, by .Lee Relating to the return of a writ of attachment 1 1 matters of garnishees by sheriff. - S. B. 24, by Kuck Relatin to meeting placse f of military organ, izations. - - . .' , 8. B. 44,- by committee on edu cation Relating to standardiaa tlon of colleges, . universities and J normal schools. - v ; . - -0 V r ' .1 ;