BBIinnSOCIElY PLATSFOR AFFAIR WOODBURN, JFeb. 8. (SxV cUD Thrift and Budgets" .was' the subject of talk tjr Miss Grae: Johnson, head of the household administration department of the Oregon .State college, at the meet ing, of the Wood barn Woman's club in the library Wednesday af ternoon. Mrs. Ivan C. Been pre sided. - 4- Flans for the George Washing ton tea . to be held at the library February 22 for the benefit of the library fund were made and the following committees were ap pointed : reception, Mrs. E. Austin; Mrs. iTan C. Been. Mrs. Eugene Moshberger; decorations, Mrs. J. J. Hall,: Mr E. N. Hall, Mrs.-Hiram Overton, Mrs. A. H. Deanr noatera. MJ-Kmll-r Hfnd- man, Mrs. Pauline Bain. - Mies Gladya.; Adams; refreshments, Mn A vt . . XT . f r . Geer, Mrs. A. C. Nelson; candy, Mrs. Rae T. Gibbons, Mrs; Elburn T. Sims, Mrs. Herman Bontrtrcer; tables. Mrs. H. L. Gill, Mies Mary5; Scollard, Mrs. W, D. Stmraon, ; Mrs. Eugene Courtney, Mrs. E. J. Allen, and Mrs. Henry Layman. It was announced that the pro ceeds of the : benefit play given some time ago were $35.63 and receipts of the food sale, guest day and donations for the scholarship fund were 114.16. -f Hostesses for the afternoon were "Mrs. W. D. Simmons, Mrs. S. A. Liresley, Mrs. M. I Hendricks, Mrs. A. -H. Dean, and Mrs. Carrie Young. " . t ' - ---;-.- U CONTEST OF INDKPENCeNCE, Feb. .8. (Special) The Boosters'.elub of the Methodist church met at the trome of Mrs. William Campbell Wednesday evening. Tbis meeting marked the close of a contest be tween the "Busy Bees" and the "Owls" to see which side could raise the most money. Each member was given a dime when t ' - 'began three months ago and each one was sup posed to increase her dime a? much aa possible by selling horn? made candy, helping the rest of her group to serve dinners to the public, or in whatever way slu chose. The penalty for the loosinr side Is to give a dinner to the win ners. About 28 women present at Mrs. Campbell's home Wednesda; night and the result of the con test rwas read by the secretary Mrs. j Cora Berry. The Owls, had Increased their dimes till they had $41.62 and the Busy. Bees $76.30 The Owls will serve the Busy Bees next' Wednesday evening in the social room of the church. Pro ceeds from the contest will be used ' to repair the kitchen in tha church and will be applied on the parsonage debt. Mrs. Grooms was visited Mon- day and Tuesday by her brother, who is a coast guard at Florence, and her nelce Mrs. Torguson, anc her son, Jimmle. from Glenada. Ore. J. W. Johnson, anotner trom er of Mrs. Grooms visited in 'In dependence Tuesday. The well known Davis famil will give a musical program ir the grade school auditorium Feb ruary 14 under the auspices o the M. E. church. E. G: Ranton left home Thur sday morning to attend the Meth odist Men'a council in Portland He will return Saturday.. Membership Drive Of Legion' Post's Auxiliary T o pi c SILVERTON, Feb. 8. (Spe cial At the regular meeting of the Delbert ; Reeves post.- Ameri can Legion .auxiliary, this week reports were made concerning the membership drive which is being conducted. Mrs. Clara Baltimore and Mrs. A. P. Solle are captain of the group organised. Four cr dits will be given for each new member j three for a reinstated member, two for a renewal and one for attendance at the regular meetings. The next social' night will be held on February 18. All eligible members will be invited to attend. A benefit card party will be giv en by the Auxiliary some time in March, the proceeds of which shall be used for the library fund. Haysville House Burned to Ground - -. . In Thursday Fire HAYESVILL.E; Feb. .(Spe cial) A one and one-half story farm house in Hayesville on Pa cific highway near Jamea Kaphan's country residence waf barned to the ground Thursday afternoon at S o'clock.. .. V The Salem fire department made a gpectaclar run to the fire bnt was anable to save the house because of patent shingles which . also - prevented spread to- other! adjacent property., Much of the furnishings of the home were saved by passing motoristC; jTh property is part ly covered by taenrance. The fire was caused by an overheated fine. -f:-.- fi:.: -i, '' i .. 'n::T Art Critic Bnt the meadow on your picture hasn't i the' flight green.-,'jt(i-'i--"t-l f . v-'V-h- --v gchram! the Artist And are yon sure that a meadow has the right greeat w right green! The Pathfinder. - CHURCH CLUB FB StIV SLOWS FARM : : Aipiiiivii -iri a THE OLD HOME TQWM P"' nffjC77Tm T S&yZ? 1 1 tQ YOUfe DUTY. 3: , ISRrC? . marshal xfA' e- i -i i i ii 1 1. AW VI IT Al LtW ZENA. Feb. 7. (Special) Farm work in Zena and vicinity since the snow storm broke, haa been confined to cleaning and re pairing machinery and repairing buildings and fence. Farmers re port -usually early gardening ir under way in February, but noth ing can be done in the planting until the snow is gone. Early po tatoes and early vegetables not 3asily killed by frost will be plant-. :d as soon as the ground can oe jrorked weather conditions are still disagreeable but the market oads and highway are dry and free of ice and snow for the first lme In almost a month. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hansen and son Raymond of Broadmead and Mr. and Mrs. Walter B. Hunt and children, Helen and Kenneth, wer recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. 3. Worthington of Bena. The Hen sen family moved to" Broadmead from Zena last month. Mrs. J. Stone arid infant, son iave returned to Portland aftef being guests - for tworweeks at the home of her brother-in-law ani sister. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph H Scott of Zena. Lincoln Kinsfolk Attend Services Held in Portland LINCOLN, Feb. 1. (Special! -Mrs. George Boyd accompanied her aunt. -Mrs. Harry Walling o? Salem, and her uncle, Wilbur Dove of Liberty, when they went to Portland Monday to attend the funeral of their grand aunt. Mrs. Launnie Hockett. Others who at tended from Salem were: Mrs. F. W. Drager and sob Glen Drager Mrs. A. Kellis. Mr. and Mrs. Em erson Hammer and Louis White. Marlon Alsman was a visitor this week at the home of Hugh Cask of Marion. He reports that Mr. Cook, who is bedfast" with a severe attack of rheuma tism. Is slightly improving. - . ' . , v Woodburn Beats Polk Debaters WOODBURN, Feb. 8. (Spe cial) Woodburn's debaters, Mat thew Mochel and Kenneth Gilland erB, won a 3 to ; 0 decision " over the Independence debating team it Independence Wednesday eve ning. The victory gives Woodburn severr points In the county, stand ing. - . : - Papier Sale At School Success Proceeds -from the sale of 13 tons of waste paper assembled by pupils, of .the Englewood school will be used-for the purchase of needed equipment , at the school. Miss Lyle Murray, principal, an nounces as she exhibits. proudly the talking machine that repre sents the first expenditure!" The school last week engaged in a pa. per drive and assembled the 13 tons of paper, which was sold at $10 a ton. - ,, , .-:'' Old Injury ;Costs Lad Thumb J dints HUBBARD,: Feb. 7. ( Special ) Charles Knight, son of Mr; and Mra. : George Knight of , Hubbard bad two joints of his large finger on his right hand removed Thurs day, Dr. f Fqrtner:: of Salem per lorming tne operation, Charles, who is nine years old, -inured his finger several years agor bnt re cently, the bone at the end of the ringer began to decay, making amputation necessary. MARSHAL OTHY WAt-KE ICG CRBAM CAN THAT MYSTCRiOli sbf OISAPPEARE.O FROM THE L.ODCG SUPPER. "THS OTHeR NKSHT THH CAM WATS EMPTY Taao u ) yrrMc cjjuieaAt. pnma ZSStS Old Leader of Marines to Quit Post Soon, He Avers WASHINGTON. Feb. 8 (AP) Major-General John A. Lejeone. who often has been side by side with American - Marines at the time new pages of history were being written on the battle front,! is to retire as commandant of the! "soldiers of the seas." He announced today that on March 5, when his present term as commandant will expire, he proposed ' to . relinquish his post and resume the duties of an offi cer with troops, probably as the commander of "Marine corps' ac tivities in the Paeiflc coast area. The general said that although many of his friends had offered to Interest themselves in securing his reappointment as command ant, that he had served eight years in that office and "would retire voluntarily and cheerfully.4" ' He has until January, 1931, to serve before retirement from the corps for age. Horn On Successor He declined to comment upon the appointment of his successor. Secretary Wilbur Immediately expressed regret at the termina tion of General Lejeune's service as commandant, and said he owed him a "personal obligation for his excellent advice and fine coopera tion In matters pertaining to the Marine corps.'' The secretary added that under Lejeune the morale of the corps had Improved greatly and that the conduct of the Marines in Nicaragua and China had been especially fine. During Lejeune's 39 years of LEAVE Mil EASTER ROME, Feb. (AP) Conclu sion of an agreement between the Holy See and Italy, settling the question raised by the fall of the papal states and providing. In de tail for the future relations be. tween church and state, was for mally announced by Cardinal .Gas. parr I, papal secretary of state, to lay to the Vatican diplomatis body. " ; - j. The Cardinal and Premier Mus. Yolinl will sign the agreement and concordant on Sunday -afternoon at thb Lateran palace. Simultan eously the pope will distribute to the cardinals the printed text of the documents. These will be pub lished on Monday in the Italian press.: - -' ir Some persons believe that Pope Plus XI will leave the Vatican un. der the freedom of the new order for the first time at Easter. There Is speculation as to whether he will choose tp celebrate - mass at the church of St. John In Lateran, In keeping with old papal tradi tions, pr at the church - of St. Charles where as a newly ordained priest he said his first mas fifty years ago. : y ,. . .r . ' - Further Inquiry: Into uLove Giff Slated Thursday - LOS ANGELES. Feb. 8 (AP) Inquiry into the gift of $2600 "love offering" check by; Almee Semple McPherson to Superior Judge Carlos Hardy: will be re sumed here next Thursday by the state legislative committee, it waa announced, today. .,- - Kenneth Ormiston former Ang elus temple radio operator, .who waa charged with occupying a cot tage at Carmel, Calif., with Mrs. McPherson two years ago during the time she-was claimed to have been held by kidnapers. will tes tify. Another witness will be Ber nice Morris, - former 'aecretary to Russell McKlnley,- blind ? Long Beach attorney; who had claimed to have information about the al leged kidnaper. - ' - . POM Stanley FOUND "7HB i service the general has carved out a record paralleled by few offi cers in either the army or navy He served with especial distinc tion with the expeditionary forces in France where, after prelimin ary service with the 35th regiment in 19 IS. he succeeded to the com mand of the 2d division. He led this division in three of the big engagements of the World war and later participated in the occu pation of the Rhine. Division Record Brilliant The. second division under Gen eral Lejeune had- a large share in the St. Mlhiel offensive in Sep tember, 1918. It took 3,800 pri soners and a vast quantity of ca-n non and military 'supplies. Later this division, operating with the fourth French army, crushed the famous Hindenburg line at Blanc Mont Ridge which had been con sidered "impregnable, and forced the enemy to retire 12 miles to the Aisne river. The general was decorated with the French Croix de Guerre for the military pre cision with which this drive was carried out. Lejeune again broke through the Hindenburg line in November when his troops were picked to lead the allied drive in the Meuse Argonne sector. The second di vision swept over the crumbling German defenses and took seven fortified towns and many prison ers. This action waB Braised by military authorities as one of the most brilliant victories of the war. General Lejeune was appointed commandan tof the Marin ecorps In 1920 and reappointed In 1926. TWO STAGE LIS U BIG MERGER PORTLAND, Ore., , Feb. 8. (AP) Options on two stage .lines eontrol of which would give -the Columbia Gorge Motor Coach sys tem a direct line between. Port land i and Salt Lake City, we're announced today by W. T. Craw- Cord, president of the Columbia Gorge system, who said that the deals involved a consideration of approximately $160,000. The two lines which the Co lumbia Gorge expects to purchase within the next two weeks are the Blue Mountain Transportation system; ( operating between Pen dleton and Twin Falls, Ida., and the Beehive stages, running be tween Twin Falls and Salt Lake City. The through line will be operated under the name of the Columbia Gorge system. Each of the two lines on which options are held are said to be worth $76,000. - Increase in the capital stock of the Columbia Gorge from $200,- uuo to $600,000 is planned by the corporation, Mr. Crawford stated, and $100,000 worth of equipment haa been ordered to take care of the expanded service -to Salt Lake, where, the line will connect with . other routes to the east and south. ' Hubbard Grocery Manager Advances u HUBBARD. Feb. 7. f Special J. Hicks, ; who during the laBt year! and a half-has been mana ger of the 20th Century store In Hubbard, moves tfi Molalla Satur day, to take charge of the 20th Centory' store at that place: E. E. Garrison of oPrtland takes the position vacated by Hicks and. with his wife. Is moving to Hab- bard Monday. Mr.- and Mrs. Gar rison -have two daughters ' who are' employed In Portland office' and will not come to Hubbard a present,' , " - -, UlE SUCCEEDS TO LEJEUHE'S POST WASHINGTON, Feb. 8. (AP) Major-General Wendell C. Nev ille, commander of the Marine corps base at, Quantlco. waa nominated-today by President Coolldge to succeed Major-General, John A. Lejune, as ' commandant of the marine corps. : , The senate--must confirm the nomination before Neville e a n take over the office which will be come vacant March 6 when, Gen eral Lejune's term expires. - .General Neville served with dis tinction in the American expedi tionary force in France during the World war. He commanded the 6th regiment of marines in th? Verdun and Chateau Thierry sec tors, and the the fourth marine brigade In the subsequent opera tions about Solssons, the Marbach sector, St. MJhiel, the Campagne and the Meuse-Argonne. After the armistice he participated in- the march to the Rhine by the army of occupation and aided in taking over the Goblenx bridgehead. For this service he was awarded both the army and navy distin guished service medals, received the Croix de Guerre with- four palms and two stars and was dec orated with the French Legion of honor. After returning from France the general became assistant to the commandant of marine corps, re maining In Washington until Aug ust 1923, when he was assigned '.o command the department of the Pacific at San Francisco. In May, 1927, be was appointed command er of the marine base at Quantlco-. n ACCEPTS LIST OF MEASURES The following bills were-approv ed by Governor Patterson Friday: H. B. 14. by Carkin. et al Re pealing sections 1021 to 1023, In clusive, relating to district attor neys. H. B. 31, by Carkin et al Re pealing sections 3231 to 3234, in clusive, relating to county seats. H. B. 74. by Carkin et al Re pealing section 10, 182 relating to liens. H. B. 78. by Carkin et al Re pealing section 2519 relating to justice courts. H. B. 85, by Carkin et al-Re- Dealincr section 3268 relating to dlspoF,lon of census money. H. B: 111, by Carkin et al Re oealing chapter 163 relating to aliens. H. B. 118, by Carkin et al Re Dealing chapter 163 relating to aliens. ' H. B. 148, by Settlemeier Re latlne to livestock running at large in parts of Marlon county. S. B. 3, by Eddy Relative to operation of highway improvement district. S. B. t, by Eddy Relating to highway Improvement districts and limiting powers of taxation thereon. 8. B. 16, by Multnomah county delegation Relating to teachers' retirment fund association. S. B 21." by Norblad Provid ing for election to submit to voters question of abolishing parkJoards and transferring duties to city government. 8. B. $6, by Hall jet all Auth orizing eounty courts to contract and provide public ferries and pro viding for expenditure of money from county road fund. Merry Party for Young Folk Held At Brush College BRUSH COLLEGE. Feb. 7 Special) The home of Mrs John Schindler was the scene of a merry Dirtnoay party aionaay when Mrs. Schindler and - her daughter, Mrs: Victor Olsen, gave an affair in honor of Junior 01- sen's third birthday aniversary. The small guests played games and their mothers spent a pleas ant social afternoon. Fred Ol sen helped serve refreshments. Children present were Nancy Lou Wallace, Maxlne Olsen, Dor een Smith. Howard Smith, Myrtle Mier, f Gertrude Mier, Juanita Johnson, Garlan Wallace, Evelyn Grltten, Dorothy Elizabeth Bauf fleur. Mothers present were Mrs. Paul Wallace, Mrs. Clifford. Smith.1 Mrs. F. Woelk, Mrs. Or- Tille Grltten, Mrs. Albert Bour- fleur, Mrs. William Bouffleur, Mrs. L. Himmel, Mrs. Fred Olsen, Mrs. A. D. Olsen, Mrs. George Mier, Mrs. Bruce Wallace and the hostesses. Highway Project Brings Roseburg Mayor to Gallery Mayor E. V. Hoover of Rose burg was here Friday in the in terest of a proposed memorial urging congress to join In an ap propriation i of $ 3 0 0,0 0 0 r for 'the establishment and completion of the North : Umpqua highway project. . - :.,::-:tA,r ;.:-s4 - . Tbia proposed - highway, would intersect the Pacific highway near Roseburg,, tap -the Diamond Lake district and, continue to a point near Bandon, ' where it would In tersect the Roosevelt ; military highway. It also would hare a con nection with The Dalles-California highway. Mayor Hoover explained that the : : proposed ' road would thorten materially the distance be tween Portland and Coos 1 " Bay 'bints, and develop Diamond Lake vhich la one of the scenic resorts !n Oregon, - ; -H. I. .1 II. . I . CHURCHES . : .. . N : ... v . . , , . -J-ZB8T PRESBYTERIAN Corner of Winter anil Chemeketa streets, the JUr. Norma K. Tally J. D, pastor.. Oeereh aehool :S0 a. m. H E. Rarrvlt. 8npt. Claaffa for all a. Horn inc vorahip 11 o'eiock. Dr. Walter L. Van Noy. field rmrwntHT of Board f Chriatiaa Edaration. wilt brin( too Beaaaca. O. E. aocietiaa aarot at 6:30 p. aa. Junior choir rehearaa! 5:45 p. m. KrraiBf worship 7:30 orlofk. Tbia tSun dajrTenins tn sen tor fhoir will gW a aerrd concert. William Wrlaat, aMrrc- ter: Prof. Frank E. Chnrrfaill. orcaniat; Chart NaTornik, violialat; and Mra. D. J. Bowc, gneat aoloitt. TXKST rjKITBD BXSTHKEN afiaaion ootwoen lSth and Uniroraity. Paator. A. 8. JHetidersoa. Rca. 1155 Mia kn. Phone 1903 W. Service 11 I. n. and 30-p. m. SnndaT arhoot 10 a. m. 8u- periBtendent, Mrs. Alice If. Henderson. Tonng people a meetings. o:S0 p. aa. Leader, Mist Thelma Darie. Toplp, "8er rice." Speeial mnsie and other lnterest- ug featarea. XMMAKTTBIi BAPTIST Corner Haael and . Academy. Sunday school 10 a. m. Preaching services II a. m. and S and T:80 p. m. A. I- Ritta. who has a-iTen saeh enjoyable tn inspirational Bible lectaret the past week U preach both afternoon and eveninc. The evening lectures will continue through the week. Aa urgent invitation is extended to attend rnese lectures. HUT OEBMAM .BAPTIST North Cottage and D streets. O. W. Rutsch, minirtsr; O. Brhnnke, Asst. min ister. Sanday school '9 ;45 a. m. Sam gchirman, Supt. Service 11 a. m. Topic A rabla Prepared." This being the fifth sermon on Twenty-third Psalm. Kvening topie, "In the School of Christ." Wo men's Miasionary aoeisty 3:80 p. m. Reg ular mldt-week prayer carries "St 8 p. m. Wednesday. Weekly Bible school at 10 m. Saturday. All services In Ger man. A fine gpint and gooo singing. Everyone cordially invited to all meetings. CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH State and Eighteenth street, the Rev. A. L. Heine, pastor. German serTicea at 9:45. English services at 11 and Sun day school at 9:40. Miss Martha Batter man, Supt. Luther league at 7:30 with Miss Gertrude Oehler and Carl Hoffman, leaders. Saturday religious school at 9 THB AMERICAN LUTHERAN Church street between Chemeketa and Center streets. Rev. P. W. Ericksen, pas tor. Overeominc in the Race of Life." eubjeeffor the sermon at 11 a. m. by the pastor. At 7:80 the last of the ser es of pictures Throuah the Bible In Pictures ' before 'Easter. The church school meets at 9:45. Max Geblhar. Bupt. with graded werlc from the primary de part men t with Mrs. C. M. Byrd in charge, to the adult department with R. 0. Arp ke. Instructor. Friday evening the Sun day school will have an open house for tne ennren and fnenov. it is an evening of surprises. Lnther leagues meet Sun day evening at 6:30, Orvin Potter senior eaaer tor tne -evening. Harok, reters leader of the Intermediate group. The church chorus will sing at the evening ervice and special music by the choir. HIGHLAND FRIENDS Sunday school 10 a. m. Meetinc for worship 11 a. m. Subject, "The Goals of Christ. Evening services, junior C. E.. 5:80; senior C. E., 6:80; worship. 7:30: subject, "Escape to the Mountain." Prayer meeting Thursday 7:30 p. m. Sa lem quarterly meeting of Friends held here February 15 and IS. LESLIE MEMORIAL CHURCH (Methodist Episcopal) South Commercial and Mvers streets. 8. Darlow Johnson, pastor, 848 K. Myers street, phone 2704. Morning worship 11 a. m. Anthem "Crossing the Bsr ' (Athford). Special intermediate league service In which the Intermediate will ake part and the pastor will speak on 'Growing Up Right." Hsddv evening Hour at 7:80. Sermon by the pastor, "Lincoln, the Christian." Sunday acltoo it 9:45 a. m. Department and classes (or an ages. The whole family ia In vited. Three leagues at 0:30. Inter mediate (junior high). Asbury (high school), and aalie (older Toum folk). Junior ehorch league In charge of Ormal irioa at li a. aa. JASON LEB METHODIST . EPISCOPAL s North Winter at Jefferson, nsstor Harry I. Gardner. Res. 8fl0 Jefferson Phone 3284 W. Services 11 a. ml and SO n. m. flermon tODiea "Lincoln. Our Ideal American.' ' Dr. Lovefov of Cbirara wlU apeak. At 2:80 the annual 'All Saetai Serrlea of-Prayer of the V. H. M. so ciety. Sandfey school 9:45. Supt.. H. B. Carpenter. Tonng -people's meetings, In termediate, senior and young people's, leagnaa and open forum meeting at fi:30. Vital fh ernes considered in each meeting. INTERNATIONAL BIBLB STUDENTS ASSOCIATION Meats Sunday at 1160 Broadway from 2:80 to 4:80 p.. n. for Bible atudy. Fu neral services in Salem and vicinity, con ducted without charge. FIRST EVANGELICAL Corner Liberty and Center. A. P. Lav- tan, pastor. Bible school at 9:46. L. L. Thornton, Supt. Classes for all ages. At 11 o'eiock the Woman a Misaionarr society will have charge of the service. is being sneir annual day of prayer for s missions. The "pastor will deliver a short address on ths subject of "Praver." Christian Endeavor .at 6:80. Topie. "Jesus Teaches Us to Serve." Worship at 7 '80. Subject. "The Lnre of the World." Come and worship with us on the Lord's day, we belisvs in ths old fashioned gospel. ' The only kind of valvathm that hok!s out in ths kind that s worked out. CHRISTIAN MISSIONARY AXLIANCE 655 Ferry street. 8undy sehool begins promptly at 9:45: Walter W. Wells. Supt. There are special features every 8unday beside a thorough study of God's word, i Thia Sunday ecltool 'la growing in interest. Come and see. Morning err ice at 11 o'clock. Mrs. Louise Sees will sing "Living For Jesus," accom panied by Miss Roth Bees at ths piano. The subject of the morning message will be "Holy Living." At the close of the service, a group of new members will be received into the church. Young Feo- le a meeting at 6:30, Miesr Elvina Oraw eader. The young peoola'a services are also growing in Interest. Tonne- men and women of Salem, who are not iden tified with soma ether organization, are invito to attend the. meetings. Eve ning preaching at 7:80. The young peo ple will sing "A Eeaeoa of RighteoUs- aess," in chorus. This will be followed by-a evangelistic message by the t tor. A cordial welcome given to visitors ana strangers, j. v. Mint on, pastor. Res. 1340 N. Cottage street. Phone 1876W. Big Mail Cargo Awaits Airplanp Journey North , - V-.-v-f'",' - WASHINGTON. Feh. 8 f AP) A cargo , of 100,000 pieces of mail awaits Colonel Lindbergh to transport ,- hack to the United States on his .return flight from Panama. . , -. ?-M : v. ' Denying reports from. Panama that mall would not he carried on tha return flight. Assistant Post master Oenefal Glover announced lata today that the colonel would "fly the mail', again and , would make his trip on Sunday.-At: the same time the postal authorities disclosed the amount of - mall awaiting his flight at the Cristobal postof flea. ?v v . -. r , gniciiE lM'a4 PauaiaaajBaa taii(Ol a anew- awaalias tin aaatad arttk laaVV It - . CHE Mr. ft EVA SI BEET . EVANGELICAL CHURCH Corner of Chemeketa and S. 17th. Pas tor. G. E. Trskine. Res. 2fi8 N. ITth St. Phone 1008W. Services, 11 a. m. and 7:80 p. ai. Sermon topics: Morning. "The Milleaial Reign of Jesus Christ J Eve ning. "Christ, the True Manna.'f tin a day eefcool 10 a. aa. 8npt. O. D.l 6traa baungh. Christian Endeavor. S:80. Mid' week prayer aervice Thursday evening at J: SO. . ': . . ! CENTEX STREET METHODIST EPISCOPAI. .Thirteenth and Center streets, P. J. Sehnert, pastor. Sanday school at 10 a. aa. Martin Sehreiber. ' Supt. ,Preaeh- lag cernrea at 11 a. m. and at 7:45 S. am. J he lora s sapper win pm ceie ratod at- the morning hoar of worship. You are invited to attend these services. ST. rrOL'8 CHURCH (Episcopal) Chrnch street at Chemeketa. Rev. H. Duncan Chambers, rector.- Qninquaga slma Sanday. Xext Sunday before Laat. The services will be at the neoal boors. Holy Eucharist at 7:30 a. m. in the cha pel. Morning prayer with sermon and music at 11 a. aa. Tne ehitreh, school meets at 9:45 a. m. in the parish house. At the 11 o'eiock service the rector will reaen on tne subject of !sn ana bo aviourisra." - The Ash Wednesday aer- vires- will be Holy Kocharist at 7 a. m. This hour, haa been selected for the con venience of those who csnnet come at a later hour. At 9:30 a. m.. another cele bration and at 7; 45 p. m. the Litany and aa address. Al! these services are in the chapel. UNITARIAN CHURCH Cottage and Chemeketa streets, the Rev. Martin F. Farrey. minioter. Church school at 10 a. m. Graded instruction. Devotional services at 11 a. m. Subject of the sermon. "Rasputin the; Holy Devil aiM the Fall of Rusnia."' Mrs. Martin Kerrey will aing "The INinety- firat Psalm" by MarDermid. Mrs. W. A, Denton at the organ. COURT STREET CHURCH OF CHRIST Court and Seventeenth. B. F. Shoe maker, minister. 844 N. 18th St. Bible school, Mrs. Frank Marshall. Bupt., 9:46 3. m. You are invited if not in aome other schooL Morning worship 11 a. m. Sub ject of sermon, "The Growth of the Kingdom." Christian Endeavor and Jun ior meetings 6-30 p. m. Song service and urnon. 7:80 p. m. Subject far discus sion will be "Why Multitudes Are Not Saved." EMMANUEL FULL GOSPEL MISSION 420 State street. Revival meetings be ginning reoruary IO to continue every night except Monday. Bro. W. L. Stal lones, tha Arkansas evangelist, will pave charge of the meetings. Come out and hear a man with a message. All welcome. Acting pastor, J. M. Smith. -680 8. 12th street. THE FIRST 8PIRITUAX Will hold services at Fraternal Tem ple Sunday evening at 7:30 o clock. The Rev. Luella M. La Valley Of Portland will deliver an address on "Marriage and the Key ot Success Throufh Divine Law Messages." KNIGHT MEMORIAL CONGREGATIONAL Nineteenth anC Kerry streets. H. Cj, Stover, minister. The church school meets at 10 a. m. C. C. Harris, Supt. In the morning service at 11 o'clock there will be an illustrated sermon to Boy Scouts on "Building a Life." The pastor will be asited by Troup 2 of Salem Boy Scouts. A whistling duet by Mrs. Anna Stanley and Myra Gleasen. Christian Endeavor at 6:45 p. ni. Eve ning service at 7:30. Sermon on "Re pentance." The choir sings "Seek Ye the Lord" (Roberta).-' CHURCH OF THE NAZARENB One block south of Center m Nine teenth. L. D. Smith, pastor. Res. 1249 S. Commercial. Phone 2940. Sunday school in the morning 9:45, "The Sunday School With a Heart." A live happy children's choir will sing. Classes for all ages. Frank I.itwiller, Supt. Morn ing worship 11. Sermon subject, "Spir itual Desires." Mark 11:24. Rev. Miss Louise Pinnell will sing a solo. Young people s meeting B:JU p. ra. Miss 1 hes S. Sampson, president, ia charge. Mrs. L. D. Smith will lead the meeting. Spe cial singing. Evening Evangelistic ser- .ice i .v. otnguig who a nappy swing, Joyful praise meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Clyle Hotter will sing, a duet. Sermon subject. "The Door of Craca." FORD MEMORIAL COMMUNITY West Salem. Corner Girth and Third. M. A. Groves, pastor. Res., 976 Edge water St. Phone 1841R. Services: Sun' day school 10 a. m. Classes for all ages, Morning worship 11 o clock. This is the first service of the revival, campaign, which will continue through tlsbruary 24 The Rev. J. R. Benton will preach. Sub ject "There ia Way." Mr. Raymond will sing Face to Face. Junior league 11 I. n. Marie Bobern. Bant. In termed! ate league 6:80 p, m. Mrs. Ralph Benton bupt. Senior league 6 :SU p. an. ve ning worship 7:80. 1. R. Benton will preach. Subject: "In a Far Country.' Mrs. Ralph Sebera will sing. MILL STREET METHODIST EPISCOPAL Fifteenth and Mill streets. Patrik N. Dahlia, pastor, 1995 Trade street. Morn ing worship 11 o'clock. Sermon topic, "The Test of Achievement." Church school 9:45 a. m. Miss dither Fricksoa, Supt. Miss Sves Okerberg, ' Supt. of the Elementary Dept. Evening services 6:30 as. Intermediate lea cue will .meet in the church parlor. Miss Marjorie Hast ings will be the leader. Mias Esther Enrkson ia the adviser. Senior league will discuss tha topic. "Finding Our Way Through." This is tha last of the aeriea on ths race problem which the league has been studying, .evening services at 7:80 p. m. Tne pastor In charge. CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH Grand Theater Bldg.. corner Court , and High atreeta. V. Earl Cochran, psator. Bible school at 9:45. Classes for all agea. W. T. Jenka, Supt. 'reaching service ot 10:50 a. m. and 7:30 p. av Inter mediate and senior B. W. P. U. at 6:30 p. m. Subject of the morning sefTflon, at-as ivi1 a) m im ( aa ssauf OiUiu jiiuy Eternal." , Special music at both ser vices. GLAD TIDINGS MISSION 843 H Court street. C. S. Johnson, pas tor. Res. 481 Union. Asst. pastor, Mrs. 0. S. Johnson. Services snd $ p. m. Herbert Rnf.'um, noted author and cons- poser will aing and speak. Sunday school 2 o'clock. Supt. The Bnffum meetings are expected to continue next week. Look for xuilher notice. . TOST CHRISTIAN CHURCH High lit Center atreeta. D. J. -Howe. pastor. Res. 765 N. Cottage street. Mr. snd Mrs Clayton E. Jackson, assiataata. Res. 947 N. ?th. Bible school 9U5 a. aa. Morning worship 11 o'clock. Special u sie, anthem. 'Therefore, My - Heart ia Glad" (Stalls) soprano solo, Mrs. & W. SUrr. Sermon, "The, Kind si Reyiral ths Church - Keods," pastor. Christ ia a Endeavor.- 4:80 p. aa. Eveniag eerrtce, 7 :0 o'eiock. Special musio. soU. "Ths Lesjiae Rice, world fammMcrapho1cwt, potiTdyaMiyourt)mtrlrts Tkl faults in the drawinj-, and -bat Dots that yl acribUe wh-a nst tUaOtJUChtf.' . ''y.:".-.,r"- - . Send yourMaritb8aawwor tnn cut froi i a bos mf 1 kmd wmdta. mat cssta. Addrsss Lamkat fck,esw JaCLfi PENCa CO. VS9 XSUC Cffl uvntiiii wnnm; iwi uowe, er mon, "The Miniatry of Reconciliation,"' Jaetor. Onr revival meetings begin Sun ay, February 10. with John B. Hun lev, pastor, of the Central church of Walia WjUta, Waah a the evan relist. il rs. Hnnley will be aoloiat and aong leader. Sixteenth and A streets, (block north Old People's borne). U. W. Gross, pas tor. Kngliih service at 0:45, German 11. ifoly rommnnion will be eelab rated. Eng lish preparatory 9:15. Xo Sunday school, tible atucy 6:80. The Rev. Paul Greta of Woaatchee. Wart, will deliver the sermon. nasi church or ohrist. Thia church, which ia a branch of The Mother ehareh,. The first Chmreh of. Christ. Scieatiti, la Boston, Mass., holds .errice Sunday morning at 14 'clock and Sunday rcBing at i. Sunday school classes for pnpila np to the ago of 3d. yea re aro mm at :4o an ll a etoca. A reading rooat for tb amblie ia main tained at 40 Masonle Teasple. The houra are froaa 11 to 5:30 exoept San days and holidays. The Bible anil all authorised Christian. Science kteratnro may be read, borrowed or purchased'. The publie is Invited to attend our services nd use the Reading Room. rRES METHODIST -At the corner of Market and X. Win ter streets. Sunday school at 9:45 a. as. Preaching at 11 a- m. an 7:80 p. n. Tonng people's meeting at 6:B0 p. as. Prayer meeting. Thursday svening i al 7:30 p. as. W. N. Coffeet. pastor. CASTLB UNITED BRETHREN A place to worship and place to ' work. Xorth 17th and Nebraska. L.v NV. Biddle. pastor. Sunday school 10 a." tt. Lesson, " l fte V sy to f orgiveness." f. E. Long, Supt. Morning worship 10 o'clock. Sermon, "The Life and Walk of Faith." Special musle. Junior C. E. 2:80 p. m. Service at T. B. hospital at 8:15 p. n. Senior 0. E- 6:30 p. at. Topic, "Jesus Teaching Q to Serve." Mia Myrtle Bailey, leader. A society contest begins this Sundsy between the ttusttert and Rustlers. Evening worship 7:80 p. an. Sermon subject "Accept able ervics." , ' FIRST CONOREOATIONAL Center and Liberty streets. Sunday school, F. E. Neer, Supt. Morning ser vice. 11, "Practical Religion of Lincoln." 7:80, "Greatness Through Service." with a moving picture of the life of Lincoln. Wednesday at 6:15 church night supper and program. Judge Rwssnian will re view Dick Eheppard'a book. 'The Ini- . patience of a Parson." All members and friends of the church invited. Charles F Ward, minister. - FIRST BAPTIST ll Comer of Marion and Liberty streets.. Robert L. Payne, .pastor. Fred Rroef. ' Sunday school Supt. snd director of ma- - im. Louise Finfcley, orgsnist. Sundsy school 9:45 with classea ia five depart ments. Morning preaching service 11 o'clock. Sermon topie "The Good Shep herd" snd sermonetts for children. Three Baptist Young People s Union meeting st 6:80 p. m. Evening preach inr aervice 7:80 o'clock Sermon topic. Overcoming Hindrances. Baptismal service at the evening hour. Special gos pel musle at both services. Prayer meet ing Thursday evening 7;SO. FIRST METHODIST EPISCOPAL . Comer State and Church. Pastor. F. 0L Taylor. Res. 636 State. Phone, 974. Di rector religions education, Margaret X; numeriana. rnone, b.j. services, ii a. m. and 7:80 p. m. Sermon topics. Rev. Luther E. Loveiov D. D.. secretary of the department of Stewardship win give the addre.s of the morning. "Tha Church at Her World Task" illustrated with, stereaptlcon slides. Special music. anthem, "Saviour, Thr? Dying Love (Eerwsld.) Solo. Miss Francis Mctiil. vra. "Praise snd Give Thanks" (Adeirt. Church school 9:45 a. m. Class for all ages. H. F. Shanks, superintendent. Ep worth league. University chapter. Leader," Arthur Hollenberg. Topic. r "Oaght.'' First Church chapter "Tha ,Tschins f Jesus and ths Prophets on Race Rela tions." theaters, Blanche Rases and Margaret -Bean. Junior High chapter,' "The Beginning of Methodist." Junior, church will join with the adult congress-, tion to hear Dr. Lovejoy. " ' First Church of Christ Scientist Salem, Oregon Announces Free Lecture on By Salem Andrew Hart C. S. B. of Cleveland, - Ohio Member of the Board of Lectureship of The -Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, of Boston Massachusetts ' in the ,,';. CAPITOL THEATRE Monday Noon : 12:10 February: 11th 19295 4 -- TTie public la cordially invited to attend Christian Science