The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 09, 1929, Page 1, Image 1

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, Slowly, rising teniperaturea
today. Gentle variable wind.
r Max. temperature Friday 37,
uIbV 18; river 4.4; i north
winds, mo rain.
1 "W0 nirutw eatlftzaetm-r :
carrier - delivery for the
Statesman. If yow have any
trouble about you copy,
phone BOO.-''. .
S. P.l S
Move for Exclusive Truck
and Stage Franchise on
Roads Scented
State Grange and Other Or
ganizations Rally to
Combat Two Bills
a lobby. composed of members of
eight organizations attached to-
day to the two measures lnyo
vlHnv tnr th miKllo aerTl fa Mim.
f mission to Issue a certlifcate of ( scale. Exemptions would be! ure, "the citizenry of the state de
necessity and conrenience to mo-($1600 for those unmarried 12500. mands a program of progress by
tor carriers.
- Forces mobilized agalmt the
measures include the state grange,
order of railway conductors, state
council of fishermen, brotherhood
of locomotive firemen and engin
eers, farmers union, brotherhood
of railroad trainmen and the state
federation of labor. It Is contend
ed that such a "franchise" would
grant 'complete monoply of trans
portation on Oregon highways.
The Southern 1 Pacific has ac
quired stages In western Oregon
(Turn to Paga I Column 1)
iroung Wife of Noted Airplane
Manufacturer Drops Down
15 Sftories
NEW YORK,: Feb. 8-(AP)
Mrs. Viola Fokker. wife of An-1
thony H. O. Fokker, airplane
manufacturer and designer, com
mitted suicide tonight by Jump
ing IS stories from the bedroom
window- of .their Riverside Drive
apartment. She was 2 years
old. . -
Mrs. Fokker suffered a : ner
vous disorder two months and
for a time was In a Boston hos
pital. She .was removed - a few
days ago to the Presbyterian bos
' ital here and had , been '4. dis
charged from there ;
Fokker told police he returned
home tonight after a day of fly
ing, and, being tired and, sleepy,
decided to take a nap before din
ner, v. His wife, he said, was al
ready resting. She was in 1 a
highly nervous condition, he told
police and complained: "You are
always sleepy, why don't y o u
talk to me once : in a while and
pay some-attention to me?"
He attempted to quiet her, he
said and then fell asleep. -,
Mrs. Fokker called , the maid
and ordered Mr. Fokker'g dinner
and a glass of water for herself.
When the maid returned .with
the water Mrs. Fokker was gone
The maid wakened Folcker k ho
noticed the window, was open and
looking down he saw fcls wife'
body lying: In the driveway 15
stories below.
i BE
Jockeying over the activities of
the state highway - commission
which has been going on in the
state senate ever since the legis
lative session opened, with mil
lions of dollars In proposed bond
Issues and the continuation of
commission's policies at stake. Is
expected to come to a head In a
public hearing called for next
Wednesday night by the roads and
highways committee of the senate.
- At this hearing, all bills and
resolutions which have to do with
Instructions to the highways com.
mission will be considered,' with
an inevitable clash in sight be
tween the proponents of the Nor-blad-Upton
resolution directing
the commission to sell $10,000
000 worth of bonds and the Hall
resolutions! limit on the one hand,
and the Corbett resolution request
ing the commission to Issue no
bonds whatever and to delay fur.
th at- nrk nn thM flnnaavalt CCimut
highway until roads of greater
portance are completed.
Schulmerich Seeks Unified '
Board of Control For All
Higher Education Schools
A second measure aimed at .
!"r ""ff Z Js".I J:?; J
college football came in the leg.
lrlatare, as well as other phases
.of the contest between the two
sUte supported schools for expan-
lon at the taxpayers expense, was
introduced In the senate Friday
by Senator Schulmerich of Wash
lngton ' county close on the heels
of the one Introduced ' Thursday
by Senator Bell of Lane county
Creation of a state - board of . f
Higher education to hay charge f
NO. 272'
Unheralded, New Tax Bill
Slips Into House Hopper; '
Property Offset Omitted
Liberal Exemption Offered
In Proposal bjr Hall and :-
J. E. Norton
lOMINO In unheralded and unr!
V; suns; among the grist of the
legislative mill, ; an - income
tax measure "that has 'all the fea
tures of . theCarkin personal In
come tax and excise tax proposals.
appeared in the house Friday. The
bill Is extremely simple, since It
vviyvni m u o.u yci suiiai muu . ernmeniai iuncijons ana ' general
corporate : Incomes and - has no 'finances the same: forward-loo k.
property .offset. It bears the'ing thought and study which has
jines Senator Charles Hall and
Representative J., B. . Norton, j-
J "The bill has liberal exemptions'
c niMiiirai inI tiaa. m mitnatai
for those married, $400. for each
dependent, and 12500 for business
Rates are one percent " up to
11,000, two per cent from $1,000
to $3,000, three per -cent from
'or tne nrst time in many
years real tie vote was recorded
on a roll call ballot In the house
Friday: Representative McCready
of Lane offered a minority report
tn H. B. 201. the famour kinder
marten bill, and .moved that his
report be adopted in place of the
majority report. Tho vote was 28
to 28 when the "noes" and "ayea'
were counted. A motion Imme
diately following put In the fa
vorable report and 'made the bill
eligible for final action Monday
Speaker Hamilton, "delivering
his usual week-end speech, told
the house Friday in no uncertain
terras that he was not pleased at
adjourning with so much work
on hand, and declared that next
week long day sessions, night ses
sions and a session - on Saturday
could be expected. He also urged
that committees get busier and
report . bills out faster.
Lynn S. McCready, active young
representative- from Lane county,
grasped the speaker's gavel for
short . time Friday and 'presided
over the house while Senator
Hamilton delivered his views on
one of the bills u? for considera
Uon. r McCready conducted the
work In a business-like manner
The possibility of congress being
asked to withdraw from active
service the new giant airplane
carriers Lexington and . Sara
toga because of their costly ope M
atlon was mentioned in the house
today shortly before the ' $374.
000,000 annual naval supply bill
was passed and sent to the senate
Representative French, repub
liean, Idaho, chairman Of the ap-
Drooriatlon sub-committee . on
naval finances said the ships, the
newest additions to Uncle Sam's
fighting forces; were proving i.
pensive to operate and that tf e
appropriation committee -- was
considering the ' advisability of
taking them, from active commis
sion with the fleet. . He indicated
this might be done as soon as the
huge vessels, each of 38,000 tons
displacement, could be replaced
by carriers less expensive to op
Except for . these ships, the
navy has -but 1 one -; carrier the
Langley, an old .converted col
lier. In addition an aircraft car
rler of 13,800 tons would "be pro
vided under the naval construc
tion program approved this week
by congress and sent to the presi
dent for consideration.
- French did not amplify his re
marks which were .made during
the discussion of an amendment
to provide $700,000 to enlarge
drydock facilities at the navy
yard, Puget Sound, Washington.
to accommodate ' the Lexington
lm-flnd Saratoga, the longest ships in
the navy.
of all - the higher tnstltutlons of
learning In the tUte and abolUL
ment ot ooards.ot regenU of
these schools, Is proposed in
Sntor Schulmerlch's bill.
Senator Bell's measure pro-
posea to reach the same general
result by actual consolidation of
the university ; and state . college.
It ' Is significant as to thm raut
faith of both legislators in intro-
fludng these bills, that neither, so
the records show, has ever
13.009 to $5,000, and four per
cent over 15,000 annually. .
' Introduction of the bill Is re
garded, by some as merely a meas-
ure to .. confuse toe ; real Issue,
I Which Is felt ta be th Parkin nro-
gram, others believe the bill Is
in to eerve as a substitute In case
the other plans fall.
'The preamble '-declares that
Oregon Is not bankrupt nor on
jthe verge of financial despair, but
on the contrary la waitlnr for an
J application to her general gov-
been glren to Indlrldual acUrlUes
j of state government
Industrial Accident i commission
mi. v '
deTelopment not stagnation: by
The reason previous Income tax
measures - hare met defeat, eon.
tlnues the preamble. Is because
extreme provisions were Involved.
Brief Bits of News and Be
lief Gathered Here and
There in Legislative Halls.'
as much committee and floor ex
perience during his two terms
have given him a sound training
in these fundamentals.
Three game districts In Grant
county are provided in two bills
introduced by Representative
Ford. They would be known as
the Murderer Creek, Deer Creek,
ana cougar Creek reserves, and
hunters would be barred from
these regions.
Tho house to date has passed
149 bills, of which 44 went
through the hopper during the
week Just passed. A total of 407
have been introduced, and while
many of these have gone the "In
definite postponement route" a
great deal of work yet remains.
Two budding newspaner work
ers, both students at the TJnlvar.
alty of Oregon, paid a visit to the
press table of the house Friday.
(Tiirn to Paga s cutamil 3
Huge Appropriation Bill Ap
proved by Senate After
Passing House
-The war department aDoroDrla-
tlon bill providing, nearly a half
billion dollars for the mllltarv
functions of the government, flood
control In the Mississippi valley.
and California rivers and harbors
development and ' Inland 'water
ways projects was passed today by
tne senate.
.The measure would apnronriate
150,000,000 to carry on existing
river -and harbors projects; $10,
000,000 for the Inland waterways
corporation during the next three
years, and $3,654,000 for improve.
ment of roads damaged in Louis
iana, Arkansas. Mississippi and
Mississippi and . Missouri, during
the Mississippi flood of 1927.
For carrying out the Mississippi
river control act during the next
fiscal year. $30,800,000 would be
provided as well as $1,000,000 for
the continuation of the flood con
trol work on the 8acrsmento river
In California. v ,
Alt house provisions were ap.
proved unchanged.
An unsuccessful attempt was
made by Senator King, democrat.
Utah, to order the bill back to
committee without Instructions to
eliminate funds for the Sacra men
to and southern road project.
Another amendment by Senator
Reed democrat, Missouri provid
ing for a payment of $142,500 to
John j W. Stockett, draftsman in
the war department for. royalties
on the use by the army of a breech
loading mechanism on guns per
fected by him, was adopted.
All amendments adopted by the
senate during consideration of the
measure were retained. The meas
ure goes back to the house for
action on senate additions.
Golden Caravan -
Due to Appear
In Salem Today
Today's the day whenAlaska
cornea to - Salem I The much her
alded appearance of. the Caravan
of Gold is announced to make its
naugural bow in front of the EI-
slnore theatre at noon prior to its
tour of the city. ' -:l:-0: Zy-'t
Should one be fortunate enouxh
to receive a theatre pass, be may
use same during any showing of
Metro-Gold vyn-Mayer'r - Klondike
classic, TThe TraU of 'IS! which
opened Friday at the Klslnore the?
atre to capacity houses. This pic
ture is m dramatic spectacle of the
memorable gold : rush days . and
pleturixea most vividly the exper
iences which beset ihe prospector
ot that period. '.' I" -
llo Favor Sways Us; Uo Fear
Salem; Oregon, Saturday
Legal Separation of Married
Persons Allowed in Fu
ture, Is Word
Only State Courts Will Take
- Jurisdiction; Pact
Signed Monday
ROME, Feb. 8 (AP) Mar-
Tim r A liai in imnii tna mttttr
ty of conciliation between the vat
lean and Italy, signature of which
was put over today from Sunday
to Monday morning. AH questions
concerning the matrimonial ' tie
are established by the concordat
as the exclusive competence of the
ecclesiastical authorities.
Cardinal GasparrI, papal secre
tary of state andtPremier Musso
lini, for their principals, on Mon
day will affix their signatures to
the document which ends a sixty
year break in relations. Postpone,
ment of the ceremony was made
for fear that a dangerously large
concourse of people would result
if the ceremony was carried out In
conjunction with signing of a te
deum for the anniversary of the
pope's .coronation in the church of
St. John Lateran on Sunday.
Among the additional disclos
ures of he scope of the treaty
made today was that the enlarged
been added to the territories of
domains of Castel Gandolfo have
the pope; i
The original draft of the mar
riage clauses in the concordant
said 'that legal separation would
"be tolerated." Later the pope
agreed to modify this to "Consen.
tita," which means allowed. Such
Bepartion, however, can be grant
ed only by state courts.
7 In
By The Assoctoted Ptcm
The senate passed the war
.department suDnly.bllL '.
The navy department appro
priation bill was approved by
the house.
, The. cruiser construction bill
was received by President Cool
ldge. The house ways and means
committee concluded Its hear
ing on wool tariff rates.
message of
widow of
Dnby. .
Coolldge sent a
sympathy to the
former Secretary
Resolutions were introduced
tlon about the federal reserve
board's warning on speculative
The appeal of Harry F. Sin
clalr on the jury shadowing
charge was taken under con
sideration by the district court
of appeals.
Fannie Br ice is
Wed to Famous
Writer of Song
Fannie Brice, singer, was married
today to William Rosenberg, who
writes songs "Under the name -of
Billy Rose. Mayor Walker off!
elated, reading, the brief civil
ceremony and a translation of the
Jewish 'marriage text.-"
The mayor kissed the bride
and remarked with a smile that
it didn't hurt a bit.-" The groom
suggested that be give the mayor
one dollar of the marriage fee as
down payment and the other later
"if it's a success." ,7 i
' -v PORTLAND, Ore Feb. 8
(AP) Portland , celebrated Its
seventy-fifth birthday today. On
February 1. 1861 the Territorial
legislature's bill was signed nd
a charter was granted the city.
Airplcne Used to :
J Distribute Grain .'
- To Starving Birds
w . . ' ' iv " ' , -
P) A maswmade bira saved
theaajMta ; of 1U . starving
feathered- c e a temporal lea
pear hero today wbea Dr. XL
ILSmlth, IlUlsboro, Ore.
viator, f piloted grain
spowtlng airplane ever two
nlle area.
An especially onstmcted
koee was affixed to the fus
elage and aearlyr 1,000
pounds of wheat was spray
ed tbrowgia sv spouts to the
now-blanketed ground ' be.
low. Wbeat was obtained by
the state. game eomniseiom
from a : warehouse recently
trained down.: -: ?.
SkaUAae' ISSf.&SnlSt
Morning, February 9,1929
Of '29 fnaugural
Plans Being Formulated
Rapidly For Elaborate
Ceremony March 4
with scarcely more - than a
score of days left In which to
complete their task, the Inaugur
al committee today was busy in
formulating the detailed program
for the festivities before and on
Inauguration .day.
In the war department also
preparations were going forward
for - the aerial" review, in which
the famous "army plane' Question
Mark, and the navy's largest air
ship, the Los Angeles," will be in
the air flotilla to fly above the
president's reviewing stand on In
auguration day. .
Brig. Gen. Benjamin D. ,Foul
ois, assistant chief of the army
air corps,! will be marshal of the
air contingent, with Comm. C. E.
Rosendahl, of the navy, com
mander of the Lakehurst naval
air station, In charge of the light
er-than-air division.
The uuestion Mark, it was
said, probably will lead a forma
Uon Mt airplanes from Boiling
Field here. Lanarlev Field. Va..
and' Mitchell Field, N. Y. The
Los Angeles will lead a group of
army blimps from Langley field
The Inaugural committee an
nounced that It will participate
In the ceremonies by presenting
medals to the president and vice
president. The group, headed by
Cel. U. S. Grant, 3rd, chairman
of the committee, and grandson
of the former president, will make
the presentation at the White
House to Mr. Hoover and Mr.
Curtis, following the administra
tion of their oaths of offices and
the president's address at the
capltol. The committee ' will
escort them back from the capitol
to the executive mansion.
These medallions, which will
cost $250 each, vwill be gold and
will beat thet portrait of the exe
cutives' in relief. Replicas of
them will be cast In bronze by the
United. States mint, and will be
sold at $1.60 each. These, and
souvenir programs, the commit
tee said, will be the only memen
toes offered for sale.
In an effort to Insure harmony
(Turn to Page I Column S)
- - - - - - -
3nb-Zero Temperatures Pre
vail in Many Parts of
Pacific Northwest
PORTLAND, Ore., Feb. 8.
(AP) Sub-zero temperatures pre
vailed - throughout - the Pacific
northwest tonight and no relief
was seen In the United States
weather bureau s forecast of a
further drop of the mercury.
Ochoeo station, in eastern Ore
gon, with 40 degrees below zero,
was the coldest spot In the. north
west. While the Rocky mountain sec
tion reported slowly rising tem
perature after frigid period, south.
ern Washington, eastern Oregon
and the coast section of the state
were preparing tonight to colder
Idaho Falls.-Idaho, reported 34
degrees below zero, Lewiston. 15
below, while Pendleton. Ore., and
Walla Walla, Washington report
ed 11 and 10 degrees below, re
spectively. The coldest spot In
Klickitat county. Washington, was
Centervllle where the mercury
tumbled to 33 degrees below with
10 inches of snow on the ground.
A rescue party saved a Chllo-
quin. Ore:, man from freezing to
death when, they found him with
both feet frozen near Crater Lake.
While all main. highways were
open, motorists were warned tnat
chains were necessary because of
Ice-coated pavement. Snow at Big
Lake, on the Santiam Pass, is re
norted to be 12 feet deep with a
high wind, scattering it over the
Anonymous Man
To Give Evidence
SPENCER. Iowa .Feb. .-
(AP) Mra.,'A.'C. Meyer received
letter here today postmarked
Sioux City. Iowa, declaring the
Aerial Review to ISlFliS BIHTJ Great Fight IKE WffltM
Be Great Feature AMMICT Ullinil ri..r lTWin DADTnirrio
writer; who signed himself "JaJ tension. United States depart
.v m . t. a .a nm OAiTTmant of commerce: Hoover , land
cob." knew - her son, Harry Bel-
haver to be innocent of slaying a
girl In- Ilew Jersey. Belhaver gave
himself p to Seattle, Wn., police
Monday.-The letter said that "If
worst cornea to worst I will prove
that Selhaver ieJnnoeontcM
Recalled by Vote
RIVERSIDE. Calif. . Feb. 8.
(AP) Mayor .Charles Dlghton.
storm center for some months of
political warring was, recalled by
the voters today Isr'a sepclal re
call election. Dlghton recently was
acquitted In two trials on charges
of misconduct In office and crim
inally, libelling 4he city in a pub
lished attack upon the city audit
ors office, , . ' . -
Several Parade in Bombay
Ends With Serious Fight
ing;'400 Wounded
Agreement For Truce Made
by Leaders Has Little
Effect on People
BOMBAY. India. Feb. 8 (AP)
A peace parade of Mohammed
ans. Pathans and Hindus tonight
broke up Into mobs of fighting
men and the sixth successive day
ended in carnage. Although the
new casualty list is not yet com
plete the death toll stands above
60 with more than 400 wounded
The nroeession was the outcome
of an agreement among leaders or
all sects to end the bloody con
flicts which began over rumors
that Pathans had used Hinau
children as sacrifices. The peace
loving elements of both races had
halted the announcement ot the
armistice, and Joined shoulder to
shoulder in a march through the
Parade Passes Over
Hindu's Dead Body
Then In the Mandanpura quar
ter the head of the procession
stumbled over the dead body of
a Hindu, slashed by -knives and
lying In the street. In the excite
ment ot this discovery, trouble
flared up without warning in all
parts of the city which had seen
the disturbances previously. Hin
dus and Moslems who had been
fraternizing freely In each other's
quarters suddenly found them
selves Isolated In hostile territory
and fought their way out to avoid
The military, reinforced by ar
moured cars, moved continually
between the fighting throngs and
several times fired on the mob,
once with a machine gun. Cas
ualizes, mostly cases of stabbing.
streamed into the hospitals which
quickly filled. In some quarters
mobs looted shops and houses.
The new outbreak was blamed
on sturdy Hindu peasants whom
Hindu shop keepers had brought
in from the country to protect
them against Moslem attacks. It
appeared that these "protectors,"
disappointed by finding a truce
had been made, flatly-declined- to
accept It.
Mobs still were rioting at mid
night although the city as a whole
was quieter.
Portland Youths
Given Sentences
In State Prison
Pleading guilty to a charge of
attempting robbery, four Portland
youths, involved In the attempt to
loot the Harvey Gibson store at
Barton, Ore., January 27, today
were sentenced toSbne year each
In the state prison.
The youths sentenced were:
Sam Scharz, M. Nelson, George
Garver, all 17, and Bird Barr, 18.
Five attorneys pleaded with the
circuit Judge for 'paroles, bdt
their pleas were denied.
Edwin Denby Dies
Of Heart Trouble
DETROIT, Feb. 8. (AP) The
corageos heart that carried Edwin
Denby with head unbowed through
the Teapot Dome scandal failed
him today and brought sudden
death in his sleep to the former
secretary of the navy at his home
In the Whlttief apartments here.
He was found dead in bedby his
wife, Mrs. Marian Thurber Denby.
when she awoke. Mr. Denby would
have been 59 years old on Febru
ary 18. r -
Hoover's Son i&
On Way to Visit
. RICHMOND, Va., -Feb. 8
(AP) Herbert Hooevr. Jr.. son
of the president-elect, was flying
south tonight to Miami. Fla., to
vdsit his parents. -Accompanied
by Captain Edward ; M. Haight.
superintendent of the airways ex
ment of commerce. Hoover , land
ed I here late today - after a brief
hop from Boiling Field, Wash.,
and took Off at once for Greens
boro, N. C.; ,-;;,,;;:v i '
AnothexjGas War y
PORTLAND, Ore.." Fe. -S(A
P) Rumblings of another "gaso
line war.were heartf tn Portland
tonight when members tt ; tKe
newly organized 'retail gasoline
dealers ; protective association
charged major oil companies were
attempting "to freeze out the in
dependent operators- The asso
ciation was formed during a price-
smashing f war .: here i about two
----- I
5e .'. ijfiJj
President Calvin Coolldge, at
the ebb of - his administration ' Is
waging what newspapers here and
abroad say is the greatest fight of
bia career to prevent the Imme
diate construction of all the cruis
ers provided in the naval bill.
Known as a staunch republican
regular the president in this bat
tle finds himself opposing repub
lican leaders, but with progres
sives and majiy democrats on bis
side. And there are rumors that
the Coolldge secretary of state.
Frank B. Kellogg, will be awarded
the Nobel peace prize because of
the pact declaring against war, re
cently signed, and for the ratifica
tion of which the senate teniporar-
iyl put aside the so-called "big
navy bin. The presideiet is re
ported threatening to veto the
cruiser bilL
8. (AP) Utah's milk wapon
horses fear the arm of the law'and
her bob cats know where to go for
a bob.
A horse started to run away
light and continued on its wild
here today. At the first street in
tersection it found a green traffic
course. ; The next snowed a rea
light. It stopped and was captured
by a' policeman.
A bob cat from the mountains
near Proro went to town last night
and headed for a barber shop.
Finding no one there he proceed
ed to wreck the place. His arrest
was not so easy but was accom
plished by police after a 20 minute
chase, with the cat a dead pris
oner. Cabinet Formof ,
, Government Put
Up To This State
. A cabinet form of government
for Oregon Is-provided in a joint
resolution introduced in the sen
ate Friday by the Joint committee
on administration and re-organization.
, ,
: Te resolution bears the signs
tures of Senators Jones, - Miller.
Hall. Schulmerich and Joe Dunne
and Representatives MacPherson.
Metsker, Andrews, Johnson of
Benton, Howaid, LaFpllett. Scott
of Morrow and Umatilla and
Yates. - . " " : ,r. - -:
The - resolution provides ' for
nine departments of tste govern
ment, exclusive of the executive
department, secretary of state and
treasurer. " .
Reynolds Introduces Bill
To Construct Grandstand
At Fairgrounds in Salem
Appropriation of 1100,000 for
instruction of a fireproof com
Ined - grandstand, educational
building -and indpstrial building
at the state' fairgrounds, contin
gent upon the addition of f 80,000
supplied by citizens of Salem or
Other private parties and the
whole to be, repaid out : ot state '
fair receipts, is proposed in a bili
Introduced In the senate, Friday!
by Senator Lloyd Reynolds of,
Marlon county.
The '- private contributors.
bill states, shall receive warrants
guaranteeing the repayment with
Interest not to exceed . per cent:
and the state appropriation shall
be -repaid as rapidly as possible,
but !' within i ten year .period. . :..
Acquisition et Multnomah coun-
Found Guilty of Conspiring
to Accept Bribes and
Thwart Justice
Veteran District Attorney of
Los' Angeles County
. Proved Crook
Former District Attorney Aae
Keyes and two co-defendants to
night were found "guilty aa
charged," In their trial for con
spiracy to accept bribes to thwart
Justice, by a superior court Jury
which deliberated on its verdkt
leas than two hours. The co-defendants
were Ben Getzotf. al
leged "fixer" in the bribery con
spiracy, and Ed Rosenberg, al
leged giver of bribes to obtain lax
prosecution when he was a de
fendant In the Julian Petroleum
corporation stock over issue fraud
Keyes. who for 26' years had"
been connected with the district'
attorney's office, and who for six
ye&r had been the county prose-
(Turn to Page S Column 1) i -
toroSes to
mce' fug squad
Slayer of Obrcjon Spends
Night Praying in Cell;
Appeal Denied
MEXICO CITY,' Feb. 8. (AP)
Jose Dd Leon Toral tonight
spent the last hours of his life in
prayef in the death cell of the
penitentiary on the outskirts of
the capital. At noon tomorrow he
will face a firing squad in fulfill
ment of the death sentence im- '
posed for assassinating President
elect Alraro Obregon on July 17.
President Emlllo Portes Gil te""".
day denied Tils appeal for erecu
tive clemency, which was his sole
remaining hope. Relatives were
permitted to pay final visits to'
him today. As soon a Governor "
Jose Manuel Pulg-CasaWrane ef
the federal district received the
final papers from the San Angel
court where Toral was', tried - he
notified the director of the pent- '
tentlary to carry out the sentence
at noon tomorrow. : '
Toral, posing as a cartoonist .
last July approached the one
armed warrior-president aa he sat
at a banuet table and shot six bul
lets from a revolver into bis boar.
General Obregon died a few min
utes arterward.
Tomorrow Toral will face the
bullets of justice in one of the
court yards of the oenltentlar
called "Patio Alvaro Obreron" In
honor of the man he killed.- '
The prisoner made two final re
quests this afternoon. One;waa
that he be shaved before his ex. "
cutlon so that he might face the
firing squad with a clean face. -k
The other was that he might visit "
briefly under guard his modest
home to kiss his wife -and twe
children, the youngest boy only)
Salary. Increase ;
Bills Flouted in :
Face of Governor
J. -- . x ; .-, ;- e ,--'"
Salary increase bills, which will "
come flaunting up to the governor
daring him to veto them, still con- .
tlnue to pour Into the house. Fri
day came H. B. 463. providing for.
an increase in pay for public ser-t
vice commission members. -
Most of the salary Increase bills -provide
for this increase to come
from elsewhere than funds raised'
by state property tax, but they are .
expected to have a hard time to "
get that final signature at that. .
The jpubllc service commissioners
would be adraneed 12,000 each
and the secretary 81,000; the mo-
ney to be paid out of the public ,
service commission fund, from the
motor transport fund. , . ,V
ty of the fairgrounds at Greshrm
la authorised in a bill introduced
in the senate by the Multnomah
Joint delegation. The grounds, .
owned by the Multnomah county .
fair ; association, ; and ..the equ ljr-,
ment was - estimated as, .worth
8150.000. ; f :
The senate passed a bill by Sen- ,
ator. Norblad authorizing ' an ap-r
propriatlon of f X 0 0 0 I for a fed
eral surrey of the line between
the states ; of Washington and
theOregon.-' A aimilar appropriatlesv
wiUi be authorized by the Waah
lngton legislature.'' Senator Stray
er said the appropriation was ne
cessary in order to establish le
rights of the two states. . - j '
A Jaw. compelling chauffeurs ,
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